Pepper Dragon's Tongue (Hot): description, photos and reviews, how to grow a bitter indoor variety at home on the balcony, planting and care, pungency on a scale

Description and characteristics of the variety

Hot Pepper Dragon's Tongue created.
In 2000, the variety was included in the State Register with approval in all regions. It is usually grown in open ground or temporary shelters, and in the coldest areas - in a greenhouse. Landing at home on the balcony is also possible. The bush is medium-sized and powerful, quite tall - from 60 cm to a meter. When grown on a balcony, it is tied up and shaped. Early ripening - from 97 to 110 days after germination to technical ripeness. It takes about 2 more weeks until the biological one, but the fruits can be ripened indoors.

Fruit properties:

  • small sizes - 14-18 g, according to other sources - up to 20-25 g;
  • length 10-12 cm, peppers are elongated, thin, trunk-shaped;
  • very thin walls - about 1 mm;
  • inside there are 2 seed nests;
  • the aroma is pronounced and strong, peppery;
  • the taste is moderately spicy.

According to the Scoville scale, the pungency of the fruit reaches 500-2500 SHU.

The fruits are sometimes eaten fresh, but due to their dryish, thin wall, it is preferable to add them to dishes and preserves as spices, or dry and grind them to make paprika.

The best varieties of hot peppers

Let's move on directly to the varieties of hot peppers. Everything described below can be grown in open ground without fear of being left without a harvest. We make our choice based on the popularity of the variety and its suitability to our conditions.

Aurora 81

This variety is mid-season; the fruits look elongated in the shape of a trunk. The height of the bush reaches one meter. Ripening from the moment the first shoots appear will be approximately 145 days. The pepper stores well and has a low degree of pungency, which is quite suitable for pickled salads and fresh consumption.

Astrakhansky 147

It is one of the most sought after on the market today. It's all about its plasticity and stability. It is ideal for growing outdoors. Of course, it will be most comfortable in the southern regions, but summer residents also successfully grow it in the middle zone. The ripening period reaches 122 days, the plant is of medium size, gives a good harvest of very hot peppers.

Ram's horn (yellow)

It is a type of semi-hot pepper and is most often used for preservation. In private large greenhouses it is often planted for commercial sale. The fruiting process in open ground increases to 145-150 days. Medium-sized fruits on low compact bushes.

Hungarian yellow

One of the most popular peppers in the world is considered medium in severity. This variety looks very beautiful in the garden beds. Resistant to blossom end rot and some diseases. Other varieties of Hungarian pepper are much more bitter. You will have to wait 125 days until technical maturity, although this is a short period for pepper crops. The plant is very compact, low, the use of trellises for garter and base is not necessary.


It takes a long time to ripen (150 days), but is very beautiful, bears fruit for a long time and well. The shape of the pepper is unusual, extremely rare - turban-shaped (see photo). Planting conditions are standard, resistance to some diseases is available. The pulp is medium spicy. The bush is tall, the base for growing is trellises. They can decorate the table and marinate.

Magic bouquet

So named because of the bouquet arrangement of the fruits. It ripens quite quickly (112 days), which makes it possible to grow it in the middle zone in open ground. It belongs to the semi-hot peppers and has a thin wall. The fruits themselves are very small, so a yield of 1 kilogram per square meter is considered significant.


Another hybrid of semi-hot peppers. Medium-sized fruits on low compact bushes. Belongs to early ripening varieties, fruiting occurs in 112-115 days. Well suited for fresh consumption as it is juicy and has a thick wall; bears fruit abundantly and for a long time. It looks beautiful and has no defects.


From plants of this hybrid you can harvest up to 5.9 kilograms (per 1 square meter) of harvest. The pepper wall is very thick, the flesh is juicy and moderately bitter. The plant can tolerate slight aridity of the region, but is extremely demanding of sunlight. Don’t forget about this; the seedlings will have to be additionally illuminated.


The hybrid is widely known among gardeners and is valued for its rich harvest and resistance to arid climates. It is worth paying attention to the height of the plant (over one meter), which will require you to create a base for the garter. The fruits ripen quickly (102 days), have a green or red color, and an elongated shape.

Variety "Burning Nose"

It’s worth trying to grow this hybrid, which is one of the most popular today. Peppers ripen early, after a maximum of 112 days, the walls are thick, juicy, and the flesh is piquant. The sowing scheme is standard, the yield is high. Can be dried, pickled and eaten fresh.


Interesting trapezoidal peppers are sure to attract attention. Outwardly, they bear little resemblance to the spicy varieties, but their taste is quite piquant. It ripens relatively early, in 110 days. The harvest is very rich; from three to four bushes you can harvest from 5 to 8 kilograms.


Already from the name it becomes clear that its pulp is very bitter. The ripening process is not early, but not late either (115 days), during which time beautiful green or red pepper fruits are formed on medium-sized bushes. The variety really needs light, but tolerates drought patiently. Of course, we should not forget that the culture as a whole loves to be watered with warm water, and the soil should always be loose and fertilized.

Variety "Impala"

This is a fairly stable hybrid, which is distinguished by large, long fruits of good quality. Another feature: early ripening, which is limited to 65 days. Excellent taste, resistance to heat and tobacco mosaic virus - all this includes Impala among the best varieties of hot peppers.

Cayenne bitter

The variety itself is one of the most popular in the world. It is grown even in the north in greenhouses, as it is considered the most popular spice. When they talk about “Chili” pepper, they mean the “Cayenne” pepper variety. It has a bright piquant aroma and strong pungency. The fruits are long, large, and ripen quite early (112 days).


The fruits of "Caprice" look like berries; it is an unusually beautiful variety. It is resistant to the tobacco mosaic virus, ripens well in open ground, and despite the fact that the fruits are very small, the bush bears fruit for a long time, giving a large harvest.

Chinese fire

The hybrid is truly hot, which is why it is included in the best varieties of hot pepper. The ripening period does not exceed 115 days, and disease resistance makes the variety universal. Pepper loves lighting and sun and tolerates heat well.

Variety "Wit"

Quite popular throughout the country, as well as in Ukraine and Moldova. Peppers ripen in 95 days, which is a big plus. The peppers are small in size, the yield is very large, and the flesh is juicy and piquant. The seed sowing scheme is standard.

Mother-in-law's tongue

One of the most popular peppers, it is resistant to drought, which is important for the southern regions of Russia. Growing conditions are standard, ripens after 100 days. The medium-sized fruits themselves have green and red skin colors.


This hybrid is famous for the fact that the plants are short in stature, the fruits are a beautiful bright scarlet color, and the pepper pulp is spicy. It is undoubtedly included in the list of “The best varieties of bitter pepper in Russia”, since it is quite resistant to our conditions. The period from the first shoots to technical ripening is 100 days.


Another extremely popular pepper. He is not afraid of most viruses (TMV), nor standard diseases. Pepper ripens in 120 days, produces a high yield, up to 1.5 kilograms per square meter, and withstands temperatures dropping to critical levels. This is why many gardeners love it and plant it annually in open ground on the sunny side of the site.


Let's return again to varieties known throughout the world. Today their seeds are successfully sold in our stores for summer residents. The Habanero variety is distinguished by the unsurpassed beauty of its fruits and the pungency of its pepper pulp. In Latin America, not a single major feast is complete without it, but to grow it here, you will have to additionally highlight the seedlings. Pepper tolerates heat well, but cannot bear fruit without sunlight. Fruit ripening is 110 days.

The video below shows how Habanero grows in Mexico:


One of the champions in terms of hotness of the pulp is, undoubtedly, the famous Jalapeño pepper. He is also known all over the world. It is demanding of sunlight and resistant to heat. Medium sized bush, requires pruning. Fruiting of this variety occurs after 110 days.

As for pruning hot pepper varieties and the features of bush formation, detailed information is in the video below:

Seed selection

To get a good harvest, first of all, you should be very careful when choosing seeds, especially considering the fact that there are a huge number of them. Hot peppers can be grown equally successfully in open ground, in greenhouses and greenhouses, as well as on the balcony.

What should not be forgotten for seeds of different varieties:

  • Climatic conditions affect the heat of the fruit: if they grow in a dry and cool climate, the heat will not be as strong compared to peppers grown in more humid and hot conditions.
  • It is recommended to germinate the seeds on wet wipes in advance; without this step, the time for the first shoots to appear may take from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • When planting, it is imperative to maintain the correct distance between plants, since the lack of sunlight will negatively affect the future harvest.
  • For cultivation in open ground, it is better to choose seed material of early ripeness in order to have time to harvest before the first frost.
  • For foreign selection, there is an SHU indicator or Scoville measure of acuteness. This indicator will tell you how sharp the pods will be.
  • Rare varieties can be found in specialized stores or from connoisseurs and collectors.

Germinating hot pepper seeds

Growing and care

Water peppers after sunset to protect against sunburn. The water is left in the sun or heated to +22-24 degrees. They apply it at the root. Frequency depends on weather conditions, usually 1-2 times a week.

Formation in the ground is not required.

Three fertilizers are applied:

  1. At the seedling stage or 2-3 weeks after transplantation, use nitrogen fertilizer, or organic fertilizer.
  2. During the flowering period - a mineral complex, for example, “Kemira”.
  3. During fruiting, repeat feeding with a mineral complex with potassium and phosphorus.

Caring for bell pepper seedlings

Containers with seedlings are ventilated twice a day. No condensation should form on the film or glass.

The seedlings are watered with water at room temperature. The first three days the soil is moistened with a spray bottle, then you can use a watering can.

It is advisable to keep containers at a temperature of about 25°C until seedlings emerge. For the first week after germination, seedlings are kept at +20–22°C during the day and +14–16°C at night. Then the air temperature can rise to +27°C.

The soil surface is regularly loosened. A dense crust should not form on it, preventing the flow of oxygen.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are drooping, trunk-shaped, smooth, glossy, green in technical ripeness, red in biological ripeness, 10-12 cm long, weighing 14-18 grams. The fruits have a pleasant specific pungent aroma and a pungency of 7 points. This pepper is used to make paprika, as a spice for sauces, various pastes, for pickling and canning, in the medical and alcoholic beverage industries.

Advantages of the variety : original shape of the fruit, strong peppery aroma and pungency.

The Dragon's Tongue hot pepper variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, homesteads and small farms for cultivation in open ground and under film covers.

If you have grown Dragon's Tongue hot pepper, please write whether you liked it or not. What was the yield under your climatic conditions? If possible, attach a photo of your peppers to the comment. Thank you!

Queen of Spades

The decorative variety Queen of Spades has an attractive appearance : small glossy fruits of red, yellow and purple colors stick out on the bush in all directions.
The bushes are compact, the height does not exceed 40 cm. The leaves are dark green and small. The length of the pepper is 10 cm, weight is about 12 g. In winter, the Queen of Spades is grown indoors . The variety is mid-season, 100-115 days pass from germination to technical maturity. In summer, the plant is planted in greenhouses or open ground.

Peppers have a rich aroma and taste and are used to make powder and universal seasonings.

Dragon tongue

Hot peppers ripen in 100-110 days from the moment the first shoots appear . The plant is immune to diseases and pests; about 90 fruits ripen on one bush at the same time. In the south, peppers are planted in open beds, in the north - in greenhouses and greenhouses. The fruits are deep red, glossy, elongated. The length of the pepper is 12 cm, weight is about 18 g. The bushes are powerful and spreading, reaching a height of 70 cm. The leaves are green, medium in size.

Interesting! The Dragon's Tongue variety is used to make paprika, spices and seasonings. The fruits have a strong pungent aroma and taste. Spices are actively used in Georgian, Korean, and Chinese cuisine.

Pros and cons of the variety

High yield, very large number of fruits from 1 bushDo not plant near beds with sweet peppers. When cross-pollinated, sweet fruits can become hot and all seeds from such plants will produce sharp pods
Good transportability and keeping qualityRequires garter to trellis or stakes
High resistance to diseases and pestsYou need to sow in advance, as it takes a lot of time for seeds to germinate and form ovaries.
Valuable taste qualities
Agricultural technology is not difficult
Wide geography of cultivation
Grows without pinching or pinching
One feeding per season is enough
Seeds retain the genetic properties of the parent plant

Indian summer

Indian summer
In summer, the plant is grown on a balcony or loggia, in winter - on a windowsill . The variety is unpretentious in care, but requires regular watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

The bushes are leafy, 30-40 cm high. The ripening period is about 4 months, the fruits are small, spherical. The peel is glossy, smooth, red. The mass of the pepper is 5 g, the wall thickness is 1 mm.

The fruits have a pungent taste and aroma and are universal in use.

Hungarian yellow

This is a large early variety of hot pepper. The bush is low-growing, compact, closed with large leaves. Requires formation and fixation to support. For planting, seedlings should be used at the age of 60-70 days. It is planted in loose fertile soil according to a 40x50 cm pattern. A maximum of 3-4 plants should be placed per 1 m2. Productivity is about 7 kg/1 m2.

The fruit is cone-shaped, elongated, sunny in color. Used in home cooking and for pickling. Average weight – 60 g. The surface of the skin is smooth and glossy, the wall thickness is 4 mm. The taste is moderately hot.

Tips for growing the Ram's Horn variety

Beds for peppers should be prepared in advance - in the fall. Choose sunny places. When shaded, the ripening of the pods is delayed and the yield is reduced. Under hot pepper, add a double dose of humus, at least 12 kg per 1 m2. This will eliminate the need for additional fertilizing, the plants will begin to branch earlier, which means the harvest will be higher. Fresh manure should not be given to peppers; it will cause burns to young absorbent roots.

For the Ram's Horn variety, tub culture is acceptable, when the bushes are planted in containers or mobile modular beds. At the end of the season they are brought indoors or into a greenhouse. In this way, the productive period is extended and all ovaries have the opportunity to ripen.

When to sow seedlings

To get red hot peppers in open ground in July, seedlings must be sown earlier than sweet pepper seeds. So, for the Moscow region this is the first ten days of February. In a heated greenhouse, Ram's Horn pepper can be sown as early as the end of January and planted in early March. For tub culture, you can sow at any time.

How many days do the seeds take to germinate?

Ram's Horn pepper is characterized by a long germination period. For seed germination it takes 15-18 days at a temperature of 24-28o C. To speed up germination, the seeds are heated in a thermos with a small amount of water at a temperature of 38-40o C for 24 hours. They are then germinated in a damp cloth until white seedlings appear. As soon as the seedlings appear, they are provided with maximum illumination at a temperature of 18-22o C.

When and at what distance to plant in the ground

In closed ground, seedlings are planted in mid-April, and in beds - a month later, around mid-May. The distance between bushes in a greenhouse or greenhouse is smaller than in open ground.

Planting pattern:

  • greenhouse, greenhouse – 30 x 40 cm;
  • open ground – 45 x 50 cm.

After rooting in the greenhouse, the peppers are tied with twine to a trellis at the base of the bole, then twisted several times around the central shoot. Stakes 80-100 cm high are installed in the garden bed and a garter is attached to them in the middle third of the bush using a soft rope.

Ripening period

In a greenhouse, red pods can be collected in June until the plant stops developing as a result of aging and the cessation of the growing season. If planted early in greenhouses, harvest in early July. If the seedlings were planted in May, then red peppers appear in late July - early August.


Ram's Horn pepper tolerates waterlogging well and is moderately resistant to drought. But if you compare hot pepper plants with sweet peppers, they need less moisture. So, breaks between waterings in summer can be 6-7 days. It is advisable to cover the soil under the bushes with mulch made from straw or mown grass. It should not be loosened; the surface roots may be damaged.

Since hot peppers should be placed far from the Bulgarian variety, they are often planted behind the vegetable garden where watering is rare. In this case, it is recommended to introduce hydrogel into the planting hole. This will make it possible to water once every 8-10 days without compromising the quality of the fruits and plant growth.

What and when to feed

One feeding at the end of July with a complex of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20 g per 1 m2, will help maintain the quality of the upper ovaries at a high level and allow all the peppers to ripen. No other fertilizing is required.

Should I dive?

The seedlings must be placed in a separate container no later than the third true leaf develops. The plants will receive more light, the fruits will develop larger with a thicker wall. It is not necessary to form a Ram's Horn bush. If the bushes have grown too large and are shading each other, you can thin them out slightly by cutting off the internal shoots or those that grow too low.

Diseases and pests

Lamb's horn pepper is very resistant to diseases and pests. But in humid years with cool summers, 1-2 sprayings with HOM or Topaz against late blight and powdery mildew may be necessary. Before collecting, you can spray with Alirin B.

On young leaves there are aphids and spider mites. To protect against sucking insects, immediately after planting the bushes are treated with Fitoverm.


Mid-season appearance. It matures to technical maturity in 120 days, to biological maturity in 140. The bush is low (can reach 60 cm), compact, pyramidal in shape with medium-sized, slightly wrinkled leaves. High immunity to verticillium and bacteriosis is noted.

The seeds are used to grow seedlings. It should be borne in mind that Ogonyok is a very heat-loving crop. Therefore, hot peppers are planted in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed. To do this, you need to choose a well-lit area with fertile soil. Watering is done moderately.

The fruit is formed cone-shaped, narrow, elongated, cherry color in the phase of biological maturity. Weight is about 20 g, individual specimens can reach 35 g. The skin is glossy, the wall thickness is 1.5 mm. Productivity is 4 kg/1m2.

Summer resident's tricks: How to collect more peppers

Ogonek has a bright aroma and pungent taste. It is used in canning and pickling, as well as in cooking to add piquancy to dishes.

Characteristics of the variety

ViewHot pepper (Capsicum annuum subsp.longum)
VarietyRam's horn “Baranij Rog”
Description of fruitsThe elongated pods are first directed upward, and as the mass increases, they droop. The top can be straight or curved. The pod is straight or slightly curved. The peduncle is thick, straight or curved.
Fruit weight20-30 g.
Colorwhen fully ripe, bright red, shiny, smooth, with corrugated wrinkles at the base;
at technical maturity white-green.
Formelongated trunk-shaped.
Sizefruit length 20-25 cm;
diameter 4.0-4.5 cm

wall thickness 1.5-3.0 mm.

Tasteburning, very sharp.
Productivityaverage 1.0 kg per bush;
maximum 1.5 kg per bush.
Maturation speedthe first fruits are ready for harvest 130-135 days after planting (4.5 months); duration of collection before the onset of frost.
Height and shape of the bushA compact bush with an average height of 60 cm, in a greenhouse it reaches 1.3-1.4 m. A garter on a trellis or stakes is required.
Pollination typeSelf-pollinating - flowers are bisexual,
the presence of insects has a beneficial effect on pollination and fruit set
Type of ovary formation2-3 buds are formed in each internode, of which 1-2 flowers form in the ovary.
Keeping qualityStored in the refrigerator for at least 1 month in ventilated plastic containers, at room temperature - 1 week.
Resistance to adverse conditions:
- diseases

- pests

- drought

- waterlogging

— fusarium, anthracnose, late blight, viruses – high;

- to damage by aphids, cutworm caterpillars and spider mites - high;

- average;

- high.

Should I dive?picking is necessary.
Year of inclusion in the register2012
OriginatorsLLC "Agrofirm Poisk" 140153, Moscow region, Ramensky district, Vereya village, building 501, Federal State Budgetary Institution 'Vegetable Growing Research Institute' 140153, Moscow region, Ramensky district, Vereya village, building 500.

Mother-in-law's tongue

Mid-early plant. The bush is low (reaches 50 cm). The crown is spreading, elongated cone-shaped, with small leaves. There is no need to create a culture. This is one of the best drought-resistant varieties. Mother-in-law's tongue does not need to be watered often, but it is better to plant it in a well-lit area.

Hot pepper seeds are sown to obtain seedlings, which are transplanted into the ground at 60 days of age. Loamy, breathable soils are preferred for this crop. The planting pattern is 60x30 cm. Plant yield is 3 kg/1m2.

The fruit is large, trunk-shaped, drooping, elongated, slightly curved. Its length is 10-12 cm, and its weight is 40-45 g. The skin is glossy, bright scarlet in color, and moderately wrinkled. Wall thickness – 2 mm. The taste is extremely pungent with a strong peppery aroma. Mother-in-law's tongue is used to prepare winter preparations and is used as a spice in home cooking.

Hot pepper Mother-in-law's tongue

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Agricultural technology

Before sowing, the seeds are treated in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then washed with clean water. Picking is carried out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves. For feeding, a complex water-soluble mineral fertilizer suitable for vegetable plants is used. Seedlings of “Mother-in-law’s tongue” pepper are planted in the ground at the age of 60 days. Planting pattern – 30x30 cm. Watering should be done after sunset with warm water. Fertilizing is carried out throughout the entire growing season.


Growing and care

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Growing seedlings

Soil for sowing

The soil for sowing peppers should be moist and breathable, fertile and loose. Pepper loves good soil moisture and is very sensitive to overheating and drying out.

Sowing seeds

Seeds must be disinfected and soaked before planting. They can be disinfected in 1% potassium permanganate (dipped into the solution for 20-30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water), hydrogen peroxide, aloe or solutions of biological products. After disinfection, to increase germination, the seeds can be soaked in water or some kind of stimulant. Sow the seeds in pre-prepared containers to a depth of 1 cm. Pepper seedlings sprout on days 5-15 at a temperature of 25°-28°C. Dry seeds take longer to germinate. At temperatures below 15°C, the seeds will not germinate at all.


Pepper is a light-loving plant; pepper seedlings require additional lighting.


2-3 weeks before planting, the seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, veranda, and the windows are opened slightly (without drafts) so that the seedlings get used to the low temperature. During hardening, monitor the weather conditions; you must not allow the pepper seedlings to be exposed to frost or low temperatures - for pepper this is below +13°C.

Good predecessors:

Beans Zucchini Cabbage Onion Carrots Cucumber Patisson Pumpkin Beans Siderates

Predecessors are bad:

Eggplant Potatoes Pepper Tomato Physalis

Planting scheme

Peppers are planted according to a 40x40 cm pattern. The planting depth is the height of the pot. Overgrown seedlings are planted obliquely, but the stem is not planted deep, because pepper does not form additional roots well.

Watering and humidity

Pepper loves good soil moisture and is very sensitive to overheating and drying out.

Agricultural technology

Planting seedlings (features)

When stable warm weather sets in (night temperatures do not fall below 10°C, and daytime temperatures are 15-17°C). You can start planting seedlings in the greenhouse. Humus is added at the rate of 8-10 kg per square meter, superphosphate and potassium sulfate at 30-40 g. per 1 square meter (fertilizers can be applied immediately before planting, 1 teaspoon in each hole).

Plant care and formation

The stem of the pepper is fragile, so immediately after planting the plant is tied to a stake and watered. Further care comes down to watering (always with warm water), careful, shallow loosening (the root system of the pepper is located in the top layer of soil) and a little hilling for the growth of additional roots. To form bushes, it is necessary to remove the first bud for better branching and the formation of additional shoots. 3-4 stems are left on the plant, of which the two strongest are selected, which must be tied up. The remaining shoots are used only for the first harvest, leaving no more than two fruits on each.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

The first feeding is done two weeks after planting the seedlings - with mullein infusion (1:10), fermented with grass. The second feeding is done after 7-10 days with a specialized fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers or another phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Subsequent feeding is done as needed. Usually they are carried out during the phase of flowering, fruit formation and fruit ripening. All root feeding should be carried out on moist soil, i.e., pre-watering the plants. The temperature of any solutions should be at least 20 ° C.

Karabas Barabas

Mid-early variety of hot pepper for open ground. The growing season is up to 130 days. The plant is quite large, can reach 80-90 cm in height. The crown is semi-spreading, with slightly wrinkled leaves. About 20-25 fruits can ripen on one plant. The culture easily tolerates drought.

The pepper is formed narrow, very long, cone-shaped. Weight, depending on the specimen, varies within 90 g. The skin is smooth, glossy, dark red in color in the biological phase of maturity. Wall thickness is about 4 mm.

Karabas Barabas has a very bitter, burning taste. It can be used as a spice in everyday cooking and also for canning. However, it should be remembered that even a small amount will give the dish a strong spiciness. Therefore, it should be used with caution, especially for people who are unfamiliar with such spices.


Hot pepper Impala
tolerates heat well, ripens early, and produces a large harvest. The bush is massive, reaches a height of 70 cm, and is strewn with peppers . They are large, weighing 80 grams. When ripe it becomes deep red. The vegetable has an interesting taste and pungency. Reference! Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.


Hot pepper variety Ostryak
Early ripening. Grows in open and closed ground. The bush is small, medium height, large-leaved. The fruits are red, with a dark tint, shiny, cone-shaped, growing upward. Productivity is high. It is not affected by diseases and temperature changes.

The variety tolerates drought well, but cannot tolerate poor lighting. Suitable for drying, storage, salting.


The hottest and one of the most productive is the Mexican Habanero pepper. A mid-season hybrid with low bushes bears fruit all year round; forcing at home and in a greenhouse is possible. But in regions with a mild climate, Habanero produces an excellent harvest outdoors - almost 1 kg per bush and about 4.5–6 kilograms per square meter. The color of the skin of the short, blunt, slightly wrinkled fruits (weight 20–50 g) of the variety can vary from red to bright yellow. But true connoisseurs of the fiery seasoning are inclined to believe that the real Habanero is orange-brown at the stage of biological ripeness. This pepper is loved for its strong pungency and high shelf life - only daredevils despair of tasting the fresh pulp, and this is an ideal option for marinades.

Habanero is not an acquired taste, it has a strong smell, some may mistake it for the “smell of tropical fruits,” but I can’t do it. I use it for drying hot paprika and for hot sauces.


Hot pepper Superchili
Early ripening hybrid variety. The yield is high, the taste is pungent. Superchili peppers are large and located under the foliage. Fully ripened fruits are almost cherry in color . Eaten fresh, dried, salted.

This variety should not be grown next to other peppers to avoid cross-pollination of the plants.


Hot pepper variety Cayenne
A relatively new species. It grows in greenhouses and indoors (the seeds are first planted as seedlings). Productivity is high. The fruits are thin, of medium length. The bushes are tall, reaching one and a half meters. It definitely needs to be tied up. The taste is relatively hot. It is used for cooking, canning, and processing into powder.

Seedlings are planted in open ground.


20 (5 seeds) A good mid-early variety of hot pepper for greenhouses and temporary shelters. The plant is of moderate growth, no more than 0.5 m high, compact. The fruits are elongated, trunk-shaped or narrowly cone-shaped, smooth, dark red when fully ripe, weighing from 50 to 70 g, 15 to 20 cm long, thick-walled (4 to 5 mm). Fans of hot pepper rate the spiciness as average, and fans as quite decent. The bitter pepper variety Flame is well known in the Moscow region. You can grow it at home, provided there is additional lighting. Main advantages:

  • relatively large fruits
  • strong spicy aroma
  • resistance to verticillium


  • does not tolerate even light shading
  • susceptibility to blossom end rot and anthracnose

Russian size F1

35 (15 seeds)Mid-early hybrid of bitter pepper for open ground and film greenhouses. The bush is powerful, 0.8 - 1 m high, with large leaves. The fruits are in the shape of a narrowed cylinder, with a pointed and often curved nose, curved, without pronounced ribs, dark red in biological ripeness, 20 - 25 cm long, thick-walled, medium pungent. Hot pepper Russian size is adapted to the Russian climate, ripens well and pleases with a stable harvest. Main advantages:

  • large and fleshy fruits
  • heat resistance
  • resistance to common diseases
  • high yield


  • pungency strongly depends on growing conditions

Parsley cap (domestic selection)

20 (5 seeds) Domestic variety of hot pepper with good adaptation. Medium early ripening variety. Suitable for open ground and film shelters. The plant forms a branched and spreading bush 0.9 - 1 m high. The fruits are wide-cylindrical, with a pointed nose, similar to a cap, slightly ribbed, pale green in technical ripeness, juicy orange when fully ripe, 4 - 5 cm in length and in diameter 3 - 4 cm, average weight 10 - 15 g, thin-walled (2 - 3 mm). It is flexible in different weather conditions and does not require early January sowing for seedlings. Main advantages:

  • adapted to the climate of the Middle Zone
  • easy to care for
  • highly decorative
  • sharpness 200 - 250 thousand units
  • available seeds


  • large bush that requires a lot of space when grown indoors

Fatali White

45 (5 seeds) This is a "habanero" from South Africa. The plant is powerful; in a greenhouse it grows up to 1.5 m in height. In containers, bushes do not exceed 0.8 m, spreading. In the middle zone, in open ground, Fatali hot pepper will not give a good result. The growing season from germination to biological ripeness exceeds 190 days. The variety is sensitive to the level and duration of lighting, therefore it requires additional lighting in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods. The fruits are cylindrical, pointed, ribbed, with a slightly bumpy surface, up to 4–6 cm long, with a small number of seeds inside, fleshy, color changing from juicy green to milky white or snow-white. Main advantages:

  • sharpness 250 - 300 thousand units
  • strong citrus aroma and taste
  • high productivity
  • good pollination


  • poorly adapted to the climate zone of Central Russia

Habanero Orange

In Central America, this variety of hot pepper is the most cultivated representative of the Habanero group of varieties. This is a very hot pepper, most often used as a seasoning in dried and crushed form. In terms of ripening, it is classified as mid-season. Shrub 0.7 - 0.9 m high, highly branched, with medium-sized oblong leaves.

Bouquet type of fruit formation, 4 - 5 pieces per node. The fruits are cone-shaped, with a pointed nose, lumpy, with a wrinkled surface, up to 4 cm long and up to 2 cm in diameter, with an average weight of 40 g, on a long stalk, thin-walled, and bright orange when fully ripe. The growing season from germination to ripening is 180 - 195 days.

In the central zone and the Moscow region, in some years they do not have time to produce the entire harvest. It is preferable to grow in greenhouses or under film cover. Habanero peppers are well suited for indoor growing. Main advantages:

  • severity on the Scoville scale 200 - 350 thousand units
  • bright fruity aroma
  • unpretentiousness
  • abundant fruiting (800 - 900 fruits per plant in greenhouse conditions)


  • slows growth rates in unfavorable conditions

Black Pearl F1

The blue-black, slightly elongated peppercorns of the American hybrid Black Pearl F1 with a glossy sheen weigh no more than 5–15 g; when ripe they turn red. The mid-season hybrid of Thomas Barksdale is not registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The bushes are compact (up to 40 cm), spreading with purple-brownish narrow leaves. In terms of pungency, “pearls” are superior to mildly spicy varieties, and they are also not inferior in decorative properties. Fruits of unusual color are most suitable for dressings and canned snacks; they can be successfully dried for future use.

Indoor pepper Black Pearl F1 is a perennial plant; with the onset of warm weather, the bushes can be transplanted into beds; with balanced application of fertilizers, the yield of the hybrid is very impressive - 0.6–1 kg per square meter

Gorgeous pepper, I didn’t know that it turns red later, this is the first year I have Pearl, 4 plants in the corners of the flower garden away from sweet peppers, looks great in a flower bed! They are still blooming here.


Mid-early pepper with a spherical crown Phoenix (agricultural firm Poisk) looks decorative both in beds and in tubs on the window. Neat, red-fruited, blunt-ended fruits are collected in a bouquet; they are distinguished by a pleasant, rich pungency - a dried seasoning is prepared from them and placed in slices in brine. The heat-loving but shade-tolerant Phoenix can be grown in different ways - in a greenhouse, in garden beds or at home.

Ram's horn

Agrofirm Poisk invites us to plant low-yielding red peppers of an original shape, the pungency of which is impressive. This is Lamb's horn - pepper for whole-fruit pickling. Many who have tried Ram's horn with narrow scarlet fruits, curved at the end, say that it is quite spicy and the most juicy of all domestic early-ripening peppers. It is grown everywhere - in the north and in the southern regions, it bears fruit well at home, but more often it is planted in garden beds (yield - 3.8 kg/m2). Fruit weight - 20 g. The variety is not afraid of excess moisture and heat.

Ram's horn is our favorite mildly hot pepper. You can even add it to pickling, or add it to a salad, or add it to borscht or as a snack for meat. Moreover, I have an intolerance to sweet peppers - I don’t have this with hot ones. I put it in a pot and it starts to sing in the first rows.


The small-fruited, low-growing variety Bride is a bouquet-type bitter pepper with small cone-shaped fruits, the skin of which has different shades from light orange to burgundy at different stages of ripening. Glossy fruits weigh 7–10 g and are suitable for whole-fruit canning. Dried peppers make an excellent seasoning. Bride is a rather spicy and highly aromatic variety of hot vegetable.

Many people grow Bride pepper on the windowsill; in the ground this variety is also distinguished by its high yield - up to 2 kg per square meter

Lightning - black, red, gold

The early maturing hybrid Molniya F1 is presented in three “nominations” in the State Register of the Russian Federation - red-fruited (Molniya red F1), dark burgundy (Molniya black F1) and orange (Molniya gold F1). All three varieties are tall, grow relatively well in greenhouses and in garden beds, they are semi-hot peppers with cone-shaped fruits, they are an original highlight for both fresh snacks and pickled ones.


It is impossible not to note the bitter pepper Tsitsak with Armenian-Georgian roots - a vegetable with a real Caucasian character, sweet-spicy and very aromatic. This tall variety (60–100 cm) is the result of folk selection. The fruits are bright red, elongated, with smooth skin, weigh 30–50 g. Tsitsak is dried, dried, frozen, seasonings are prepared from it, and the juicy, tangy pulp is added to marinades and brines. This is a high-yielding variety (almost 4 kg/m2) with excellent keeping quality of the fruit.

Tsitsak - I grow it in the garden. Medium heat pepper. It can be eaten, pickled, salted. The bushes are low, strong, covered with peppercorns. The color of the fruits ranges from light green to bright yellow and then turns red.

Tsitsak is photophilous and demanding of heat, prefers fertile soils - it is better to grow it in a shelter

Me4 ta about hot peppers

So, I’ll continue... Of course, some of the growers suffered from my poor care, some were simply sick, others didn’t have enough space, but these are strictly my mistakes, which I tried to take into account... as a result, I planted 3 of each variety in the greenhouse (and some varieties - 4 pieces), which I continued to observe. Some of the plants did not stop growing (I called them indets, some grew in the form of a compact bush and ended with a bunch of fruits at the top and small growth - they definitely could have been planted more often).

GROWED COMPACTLY (like children): RED DRAGON and FALCON'S BEAK - sharp, quite late, in the form of a bush up to 40 cm, dimensions 4-5 cm * 1-! compact, painless and unpretentious - perfect for preservation and drying - 5 points.


1) - PETROVICH - very long - 15-30 cm, wavy, dark red, early (the earliest of all) Fleshy, has not completed its growth point, not particularly suitable for storage, moderately spicy, productive

2) -Mother-in-law's TONGUE - long (but shorter than Petrovich's), fleshy, less wavy, red, with high humidity can rot at the stalk, moderately sharp, similar to Petrovich - a variant on adjika, fruitful

3) CHINESE FIRE - long, large (15-22 cm), fleshy, late, smooth, tried to try either slugs, fertile, of the three - the most leveled and the sharpest, but also only a version of adjika.

For these three, the conclusion is not for drying and not for preservation, but for cooking. They justified their goal.

ZMEY GORYNYCH-smooth, long 1-1.2*8-12cm, productive bush, does not get sick, unpretentious, mid-early, stable, sharp (suitable for conservation), very worthy

Ogonek from Khupta - 1-1.5 * 5-7 cm, similar to Gorynych, but thicker at the base, more convoluted and slightly less sharp... less productive, indet, mid-season (I admit that it is some kind of mismatch) - but quite tolerable.

GORGONA is a compact, pretty bush, up to 50 cm, with small leaves, candle-shaped fruits 0.8 * 2.0-2.5 cm, late, very decorative - one of the sharpest in bags.


HUNGARIAN YELLOW - compact bush up to 60 cm, candle fruits 1 * 2.0-2.5 cm appeared, first white, then yellow-violet, finally red. Early ripe (if you take the number of yellow fruits), very prolific, white and yellow- the purple fruits are simply tasteless, the red fruits are of medium pungency, but they ripened only on the bush and until autumn - probably some kind of decorative variety, which has nothing to do with the real Hungarian one.

DRAGON'S TONGUE - this is a real ambush. On an Indian bush, purple fruits the size of small peppers for stuffing (2-4 * 3-5 cm) with thin (less than 0.5 cm) walls, herbaceous taste began to grow. For fun, I tried to wait for the biological ripeness on the bush (after all, the Hungarian re-cultivation turned out to be not completely dead), but in the end, nothing fundamentally changed. The grass is the color of eggplant... all 3 bushes.

Next is a report on store-bought peppers, to be continued))

Indoor cultivation of hot peppers

Hot peppers are great for growing indoors for many years. Summer residents use two options:

1) initially planting seedlings in a pot for permanent growth on the windowsill;

2) planting seedlings in open ground followed by autumn transplantation into a container for growing in the autumn-winter period. In any case, sowing seeds for seedlings without additional lighting is carried out in mid-February.

The soil for adult plants is prepared independently. It should be nutritious and neutral. For one plant, take a pot with a volume of 5 - 10 liters. Placed on the south, southeast or southwest side. Ideally, illuminate with a lamp. Timely watering is very important, which is best done from early morning to lunch. Irrigation water is allowed to settle so that it is at room temperature.

In winter, due to heating systems, the air in the room is always drier, so it is recommended to place a container of water near the peppers to humidify the surrounding air. During the growing process, fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus is used at intervals of 2 - 3 weeks. Have a good harvest!

Planting bell pepper seeds

Experienced gardeners plant bell pepper seeds for seedlings according to the following scheme:

  1. Place a drainage layer about 1 cm thick at the bottom of the container.
  2. Fill the container with soil and water generously with water at room temperature.
  3. Make indentations 1 cm deep. Make grooves in a large container at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other.
  4. Plant the seeds one at a time in the holes. In a large container there should be at least 2 cm between them.
  5. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.
  6. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the containers with transparent film or glass.

What varieties should I plant in the greenhouse?

A greenhouse is the best place to grow pepper bushes. Greenhouse conditions can satisfy all the whims of a tropical vegetable. The most common plants grown in greenhouses are the following varieties:

  1. Hungarian yellow - small neat bushes with small yellow peppers. The compact size of the plant allows you to save greenhouse space.

    Hungarian yellow

  2. Astrakhan 628 is a mid-season and high-yielding pepper with medium cone-shaped fruits. As they ripen, the color of the peppers changes from bright green to deep red. The bushes are half a meter tall, compact and neat.
  3. Jubilee VNIISSOK - tall, spreading plants of early fruit ripening. The peppers are dark red and moderately hot.
  4. Filius blue is a dwarf pepper that takes up little space in the greenhouse. The fruits are colorful and have a very sharp taste. Peppers are used to prepare all kinds of culinary dishes and as a pepper seasoning.

    Filius blue

  5. A small miracle is a fast-growing and absolutely unpretentious variety that does not require serious care. The bushes bear fruit abundantly, but with very small peppers. The fruits have excellent taste and a pleasant peppery aroma.

The following plants are distinguished by their unusual fruit shape:

  • Dragon;
  • Falcon beak;
  • Queen of Spades;
  • Yellow mushroom;
  • Garda Fireworks;
  • Snake;
  • Octopus New Year;
  • Zolotnik.

Fans of very hot varieties should pay attention to the following peppers:

  • Bright dawn;
  • Bella;
  • Harakiri;
  • Homer;
  • Crocodile;
  • Sonora;
  • Draco;
  • Hedar;
  • Ancho Poblano.

Greenhouse peppers produce an order of magnitude more yield and grow stronger.

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