The best varieties of kale for the garden and garden

Redbor F1

Hybrid of Dutch breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Late-ripening, harvest 170-180 days after germination. The leaves are emerald-violet in color, very curly and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.5-0.6 kg, height up to 80 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Productivity 3.5-4 kg per 1 square. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -18 degrees), light shading. Unpretentious to soil composition. Prevention from harmful insects and timely watering are necessary.

Redbor collard greens F1

Characteristics and features of culture

Varieties of kale are distinguished by their original appearance and many useful elements contained in each of them. Plants, depending on the variety, have different colors: green, red, purple. But they are all united by a beautiful curly pattern of leaves, which are not enclosed in the usual head of cabbage, but grow spreadingly.

History of selection

Unlike cabbage, which was bred through long and painstaking work by breeders, leaf cabbage was formed as part of natural crossing. From its wild relative, the curly-haired “child” inherited unpretentiousness and increased resistance to changing climatic conditions. At the moment, despite the great diversity, only two varieties are included in the State Register of Russia: Reflex and Redbor.

External description

Kale also has an attractive appearance and is often grown for decorative purposes. Tall spreading bushes with curly leaves amaze with their color palette. Indeed, depending on the variety, the color varies from emerald green to deep purple. Only pak choy is distinguished by its light shades and the close-fitting of its leaves, which is why it is often confused with cabbage.

Reflex F1

Hybrid of Dutch breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 120-130 days after germination. The leaves are emerald green, very curly and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.3-1.5 kg, height up to 80 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 4.5-6.6 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -18 degrees), stress-resistant. Fertile soil is necessary.

Reflex F1

Tuscany F1

Hybrid of Italian breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 110-120 days after germination. The leaves are emerald green, strongly bubbly, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.3-0.5 kg, height up to 60 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 5-6 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -18 degrees), stress-resistant. A sunny area and timely watering are required.

Kale Tuscany F1


Chinese cabbage or bok choy

The kale crop is harvested throughout the growing season. Fresh leaves can be eaten immediately. You need to cut off the foliage little by little. The entire rosette is cut off at the end of the season.

Cabbage leaves are poorly stored fresh. To preserve nutritional and vitamin properties, the vegetable is frozen. The leaves are pre-washed and dried on a paper towel. Each sheet should be placed on a baking sheet and placed on a shelf for blast freezing for 5 minutes. Place frozen leaves in bags, close them and place in the freezer. The vitamins and flavor of kale will last up to 6 months when frozen.

Gardeners love kale for its unpretentiousness to weather conditions, ease of care and a good harvest of tasty leaves. It can be used to decorate a garden plot. A variety of varieties with openwork leaves in a wide range of colors allows you to choose the hybrid you like best for your garden.

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Green dwarf

The variety is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Early ripening, harvest 65-75 days after germination. The leaves are dark green, with frills along the edges, a semi-vertical rosette, up to 50 cm high, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, root rot, low temperatures (up to -9 degrees), stress-resistant. The leaves are cut and grow back several times per season, due to this the variety is considered high-yielding. Timely feeding is necessary.

Cabbage Green Dwarf

Caring for bushes and seedlings

Water either in the evening or in the morning. It is not recommended to water in the middle of the day. Sprouts need moisture, but the number of waterings should be reduced as they mature. Remember that dry soil causes nitrates to form in the body of the vegetable.

Increased nitrate content is caused by the use of fresh manure. Use manure that has been rotted. A lack of potassium and an increased dose of the mineral nitrogen can also lead to excess nitrates.

On the ground, 10 days after planting the seedlings, it is necessary to add urea, potassium salt and superphosphate. After 20 days, you need to make another feeding, increasing the dose by one and a half times, and add ammonium molybdate.

Getting rid of pests and diseases

Clubroot and cabbage flies are well tolerated by the plant, but aphids harm the vegetable . Spraying tomato tops infused with red pepper or potato peels repels pests. Using a solution of laundry soap and tobacco destroys aphids. You can use wood ash dissolved with laundry soap in water. 10 days after planting, it is necessary to spray ash over the rows during dry and hot weather. This prevents damage from flea beetles. Lime can replace ash sprayed over the rows.

Red kale F1

Hybrid of Dutch breeders. Grown in open ground and greenhouses. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 95-105 days after germination. The leaves are dark red, very curly and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.4-0.6 kg, height up to 50 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 3-4.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -14 degrees), stress-resistant. Leaves are cut and regrow several times per season. The hybrid can not be picked and left in the beds during the winter; new shoots will appear in the spring. Requires fertile soil and a sunny area.

Red kale F1

Pros and cons of growing

Kale cabbage has significant advantages, thanks to which it takes pride of place in gardeners' garden beds.

These include:

  1. leaves are a dietary product and even contain those amino acids that are part of meat;
  2. cabbage quickly grows leaf mass and allows you to harvest in early spring;
  3. Constant consumption of kale protects the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  4. leaves remove harmful radionuclides and toxic substances from the body;
  5. The microelements contained in cabbage are easily absorbed by the body;
  6. Regular consumption of kale prevents the development of cancer cells.

Due to the oxalic acid content in this cabbage, it should not be consumed by people suffering from kidney disease. Individual intolerance to individual components of the vegetable is also possible.

Scarlett F1

Hybrid of Czech breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 95-100 days after germination. The leaves are purple-violet in color, very curly and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.7-1.5 kg, height up to 80-100 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Its leaves can be used to feed animals. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -10 degrees), temperature changes, stress-resistant.

Methods of disease and pest control

Kale cabbage is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and the negative effects of pests. Under unfavorable conditions, it is affected by the following diseases:

  • clubroot;
  • peronosporosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray and white rot.

If the first signs of one of these diseases are detected, the plantings should be treated with a fungicide according to the attached instructions.

Among the pests that affect Kale cabbage are:

  • aphid;
  • flower beetle;
  • weevil;
  • cabbage fly;
  • scoop;
  • slugs

For prevention purposes, the plant should be regularly dusted with tobacco dust and wood ash, and sprayed with an aqueous solution of vinegar. Water the Kale cabbage leaf by leaf with a solution of iodine or ammonia. In case of severe damage, use special insecticides according to the attached instructions.

Green curly Kale Siberian

Variety of Russian breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Early ripening, harvest 75-80 days after germination. The leaves are emerald green, very curly and corrugated, cane - leaves grow at the top of the stem, weight 0.5-1.5 kg, height up to 150-200 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins.

Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 4.5-5 kg ​​per 1 square. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -18 degrees), temperature changes, stress-resistant.

Green curly Kale Siberian

Curly Tintoretto

Hybrid of Italian breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 100-110 days after germination. The leaves are light green, heavily lacy and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.6-0.8 kg, height up to 80 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 4.5-6 kg per 1 square. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -15 degrees), stress-resistant. Prevention from harmful insects is necessary.

Black Tuscany

Variety from Italian breeders. Grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Early ripening, harvest 80-90 days after germination. The leaves are dark green with a black or smoky tint, strongly bubbly, wrinkled, slightly curled inward, the stem is dense and strong, weight 0.5-0.7 kg, height up to 100 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 4.2-4.8 kg per 1 square. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -15 degrees), stress-resistant. Timely watering and a sunny area are required.

Black Tuscan cabbage

Rules of care

One of the most unpretentious species that requires virtually no maintenance. The main thing is choosing the right place and the absence of wind. In order to protect plantings from the proximity of groundwater, the beds can be raised. Another option is to increase the drainage layer to 15 cm, and then pour nutritious fertile soil on top.


The culture responds positively to timely watering.

Watering is carried out daily, in the evening, with warm, settled water. Each supply of moisture should be accompanied by loosening the soil. After rain, it is advisable to do the same.


To maintain the required level of moisture, the soil around the cabbage must be covered with mulch. Any vegetation, hay, peat or moss is suitable for these purposes.

Another sign that the soil needs to be mulched is the appearance of affected leaves. These may be white spots or rotting ends of leaves. Damaged or diseased leaves should be removed immediately.


Fertilizing for healthy growth of the crop should be applied once a month.

To maintain the plant in proper condition, it is necessary to add a solution of mullein or chicken droppings to the soil (200 grams of organic matter are added to 1 bucket of water and infused for 24 hours). After watering, to prevent the proliferation of pests, the ground around the vegetable is sprinkled with dry wood ash.

Kale red Russian F1

Hybrid of Russian breeders. Grown in open ground and greenhouses. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Early ripening, harvest 75-80 days after germination. The leaves are dark red, very curly and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.4-0.6 kg, height 40-50 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 3-4.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -14 degrees), temperature changes, stress-resistant. A sunny area is required.

Red Kale Russian cabbage F1

Growing seedlings

Most often, kale is grown as seedlings. It is ready for planting in the ground 35–45 days after germination; the seeds germinate within 5–7 days. Picking and other replanting for the crop is undesirable. Plant roots are very fragile. It is advisable to sow several seeds at once in separate peat pots of small diameter.

Shoots from kale seeds appear quite quickly - a week after planting or even earlier

For growing kale, ordinary universal soil for seedlings, which can be bought at any store, is also suitable, but experienced gardeners prefer to prepare the soil mixture themselves. It should be nutritious, but at the same time allow water and air to pass through. Therefore, humus is mixed with fertile turf and any “leaking agent” (river sand, perlite, vermiculite) in approximately equal proportions. To prevent the development of fungal diseases, add a tablespoon of crushed chalk or activated carbon for every 3 liters. Any substrate must be disinfected. The most common methods are steaming, frying in the oven, and freezing. You can also simply spill the soil with a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate.

Kale will be quite satisfied with ordinary purchased soil for seedlings.

Seeds also need preliminary preparation to disinfect and improve germination. The fastest way is to dip them in hot (40–45°C) water for 20 minutes, then in cool water for 2–3 minutes. After this, the planting material is pickled in a solution of any biofungicide, prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions, for about a quarter of an hour. Now the seeds are ready for planting; they only need to be washed in running water and dried until they flow.

Kale seeds must undergo pre-planting preparation

Another option is so-called shock therapy. The seeds are mixed with peat or sand and the substrate is slightly moistened. For 7–8 days during the day they are kept on a radiator or in another warm place, and put in the refrigerator at night. During this time they should hatch.

Soaking in a biostimulator solution for 14–16 hours gives a good effect. This applies to store-bought drugs (Epin, Emistim-M, potassium humate, Zircon) and folk remedies (succinic acid, aloe juice, honey diluted with water). They are then treated with the same fungicide of biological origin or in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. In the latter case, the processing time increases from 15 minutes to 6–8 hours.

Soaking in a solution of any biostimulant, for example, Epin, increases the percentage of seed germination and has a positive effect on the immunity of seedlings

There is nothing complicated about growing seedlings and caring for them:

  1. Fill the pots with prepared soil. Moisten and level the substrate.
  2. Sow 2–4 seeds in each container, deepening them no more than 1 cm. Cover the pots with film or cover with glass, put in a dark, warm (at least 24°C) place until shoots emerge. Open the greenhouse every day for ventilation, preventing condensation from accumulating.
  3. Open the emerging shoots and move the pots to the light. The optimal length of daylight for cabbage is at least 12–14 hours. In most of Russia in the spring this is unrealistic, so you will have to add additional light to the seedlings. For this you can use both regular (fluorescent, LED) and special phytolamps. During the first week, the temperature of the seedlings is sharply reduced to 10–12°C, and for the rest of the time it is increased to 16°C. Moisten the substrate as the top layer of soil dries, but the soil should not be allowed to turn into a swamp. Otherwise, the “black leg” develops very quickly. To further protect the plantings from this disease, seedlings are dusted with crushed wood ash, and fine sand is added to the base of the stem.
  4. The seedlings need to be fed twice, in the phase of the second true leaf and after another 7–10 days. The first time, mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammonium sulfate) are used, diluting 2-3 g of the drug in a liter of water, the second time - special complex products for seedlings (Rostock, Uniflor). Before the second feeding, culling is carried out, leaving only one seedling in each pot. The rest need to be pinched or cut just above the soil.
  5. To make it easier for plants to adapt to new living conditions, seedlings are hardened off. The procedure takes a week and a half. In the first days, she is left in the open air for a couple of hours, no more, when the period comes to an end, she has already successfully “spent the night” on the street.

When ready for planting in the ground, kale seedlings reach 12–14 cm in height and have 4–5 true leaves. The optimal distance between plants is 50–60 cm, row spacing is 40–50 cm. To save space, you can plant them in a checkerboard pattern. Excessive density of plantings (as well as dense shade) contributes to the accumulation of nitrates harmful to health in the leaves.

There is no point in delaying planting cabbage seedlings in a permanent place - “overgrown” specimens adapt less well to new conditions and develop more slowly

The depth of the hole depends on the quality of the substrate. In light sandy soil it is 14–16 cm, in heavy clay soil it is 8–10 cm. A little humus, a tablespoon of wood ash and onion peels (to repel pests) are placed at the bottom.

Many pests that are dangerous to kale cannot tolerate the smell of onion peels.

Before planting, the holes are shed generously with water, planting the cabbage directly in the “mud” at the bottom along with the container. Deepen the seedlings to the first pair of leaves. Then the soil is well moistened again. When the water is absorbed, the plantings can be mulched.

The best time to transfer seedlings to the ground is the first half of May. It is best to plant collard greens in cool, cloudy weather. If the day is sunny, the seedlings must be covered with paper caps, spruce branches, or a canopy made of any breathable white covering material must be built over the bed. Remove the cover when the seedlings begin to grow.

Planting seedlings in the ground is practically no different from a similar procedure for other varieties of cabbage that are more familiar to gardeners.

Video: growing cabbage seedlings

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Cane kale

Variety grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 95-100 days after germination. The leaves are emerald green, very curly and corrugated, cane - leaves grow at the top of the stem, up to 2 meters high, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures, and stress-resistant. The stem is very strong and canes are made from it.

Cane kale

What is kale and what does it look like?

Kale, such as Scarlet Kale, is a plant that does not form heads like Brussels sprouts or cabbage. It is the large curly leaves of bluish, green, red or purple shades that are used for food. The tough and hard stem is not suitable for eating. The plant has a slight white cabbage scent.

This culture is especially loved by vegetarians, who consider it a kind of replacement for beef. Thick leaves contain many useful substances - including various trace elements, amino acids and vitamins. Such a chic composition makes this plant one of the most valuable among other vegetable crops.

Cadet F1

Hybrid, grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Mid-season, harvest 90-100 days after germination. The leaves are rich green in color, heavily lacy and corrugated, the rosette is semi-vertical, weight 0.7-0.9 kg, height up to 100 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Productivity 3-4.5 kg per 1 sq. m. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -15 degrees), stress-resistant. A sunny area is required.

Cadet F1


Variety grown in open ground. Can also be used as an ornamental plant. Late-ripening, harvest 100-120 days after germination. The leaves are green-violet, very curly, the rosette is semi-vertical, height 80-120 cm, with a pleasant juicy taste, without veins. Used in cooking for preparing salads, hot dishes and for canning. Contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytoncides. Resistant to bolting, infectious diseases, low temperatures (up to -18 degrees), stress-resistant. A sunny or semi-shade area and fertile soil are required.

Cabbage variety Rubin

Description of kale

In Europe, the leaf form of cabbage, very close to the wild crop, has been preserved to this day. This is kale, or curly cabbage, an annual plant also known as grunkol, brauncol or bruncol. Its fleshy leaves were eaten on the Mediterranean coast of Europe several centuries BC.

Curly kale bowers look funny

This is a frost-resistant crop; after exposure to cold, the leaves become sweeter. Kale is rich in vitamins A, K, C, and group B, macro- and microelements, plant fiber, which normalizes intestinal function.

Kale contains many vitamins and minerals

Kale does not produce heads. Its bizarrely shaped leaves form rosettes of varying heights: from almost vertical to more spreading. The luxurious splendor of the curly leaves of kale could not be ignored by designers, so this cabbage is successfully used in landscape design.

Gorgeous purple-red kale leaves set off the small light green bushes.

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