Description and cultivation of Krasnostop Zolotovsky grape variety

Krasnostop grapes are an old Don variety. These grapes are classified as varieties of the Black Sea basin. As you know, it was zoned in the Rostov region of Krasnodar. The grape has small, round, three-lobed leaves. The flower of this grape is bisexual. Full ripening of berries (from bud break to full ripening) takes 136 days at an acceptable temperature. The force with which the bushes grow is moderate. This variety is quite resistant to low temperatures. Krasnotop refers to the red form of grapes, it is one of the most popular fruits in the world, but in addition to its taste, it also has a number of health benefits.

Properties of the Krasnostop grape variety

This variety is characterized by a high sugar content; its main use is the preparation of high-quality wines. The plant is unpretentious to soil fertility and does not tolerate frost.

Redstop is prone to mildew and oidium, and can also be affected by leaf roller. It should be noted that the variety has higher drought resistance compared to other species. The productivity period is up to 117 days; on average, the yield of this variety when irrigated is 70 c/ha. Fruiting is stable. Gives a good harvest on trellises in the form of arches.

Krasnostop grapes are quite famous due to their unique taste.

"Krasnostop Zolotovsky" in winemaking

Phanagorian winemakers recommend that wine connoisseurs interested in autochthonous wines taste the oak-aged Cru Lermont Krasnostop and the young Autochthon Krasnostop . We also offer to taste the “ Author’s wine Saperavi – Krasnostop ”, in which “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” is included in the blend.

“Autochthon Krasnostop”, photo by @fserg.

Deputy General Director for Science and Quality at Fanagoria Valentina Popandopulo : Our Fanagorian “Autochthon Krasnostop” is so structured that it can and should sit in a bottle for 2-3 years, and it will get better and better. We are accustomed to the fact that our Phanagorian red wines are very soft, round, and drinkable, but “Autochthon Krasnostop” stands out for its brutality and aggressiveness. It has a powerful taste and communicates it to its blending partner; fatty meats beg to be paired with it. Moreover, immediately after bottling it has “rough tannins”, very extractive and tart, but if the wine sits for a while, the tannins will pleasantly round out.”

Wine from the Krasnostop Zolotovsky variety can be purchased in the branded stores of the Fanagoria – Natural Wines retail chain .

Benefits and harms

Krasnotop grapes have this color due to the presence of a certain set of pigments, as well as resveratrol. For example, yellow and green grapes have lower resveratrol content than red grapes. Also read about the Gurzuf grape variety.

However, the most notable component of this grape is its content of flavonoids, resveratrol and other bioactive ingredients and antioxidants. Red grapes are a great food for people who are on a diet or trying to lose extra pounds. The top health benefits of eating red grapes include their ability to prevent aging, protect against certain types of cancer, boost the immune system, strengthen hair, improve vision, aid in weight loss, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

  1. The presence of flavonoids and resveratrol, along with vitamin C and other anti-aging nutrients, makes red grapes an excellent skin booster. It can prevent oxidative stress and reduce wrinkles, as well as speed up the healing process of scars. It can also improve skin elasticity. All this is aimed at maintaining the youth of the body.
  2. Grapes contain large amounts of vitamins K and C, as well as iron and antioxidants. Therefore, consuming it can help improve hair health by protecting follicles, reducing hair loss and increasing shine. Grape juice has even been used in some cultures as a hair tonic that can speed up the growth process.
  3. These grapes contain high amounts of vitamin C, which means they can boost immunity. Vitamin C promotes the formation of white blood cells - leukocytes, which protect the body from infections. This in addition to resveratrol and other antioxidants effectively reduces the burden on the immune system.

Find out about the harm and benefits of grapes from this article.

Recent research shows that resveratrol has a positive effect on brain health. In neurodegenerative diseases, this compound reduces oxidative stress, helping to keep the mind and memory clear. It is also known to improve concentration.

Due to its low calorie content, combined with moderate dietary fiber content. Some studies have also shown that regular consumption of grapes helps boost metabolism and improves the body's ability to burn fat.

By lowering blood pressure, red grapes may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

The fiber found in red grapes can also reduce cholesterol levels, which prevents the risk of heart disease. In addition, by eating grapes, you will get about 5% of your body's daily potassium needs; this mineral works as a vasodilator to reduce tension in blood vessels and arteries.

Origin of the variety

As usual, there is no consensus on the origin of the variety. Well, the critical mind cannot tolerate boring truth, so here are three theories. Choose the one you like best, and if you have your own sacred knowledge on this matter, we are waiting for you in the comments!

Theory one - Cossacks and Europe

On the Internet you can find many references according to which “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” comes from the “Cabernet Sauvignon” variety. They say that its seedlings were brought to the Don by the Cossacks after the French campaign in 1812. What can you say about this?

The Cossacks really made a significant contribution to the complexity of the biography of the Don varieties. The theory that the Cossacks “borrowed” the varieties they liked in the form of seedlings or chibouks during military campaigns in Europe was not exploited only by the lazy. This theory is so popular, well-known and quoted that sometimes there is a desire to attribute its origin not to any specific author, but to folklore.

“Author’s wine Saperavi – Krasnostop”, photo by @awinst5.

Indeed, the sovereign’s service at various times brought Cossacks abroad, in particular, to Hungary, Poland, and France during the Napoleonic Wars in 1814. Some “Cossack” varieties have a number of morphological similarities with Central European and Balkan varieties. An example is the Pukhlyakovsky variety, which has a suspicious resemblance to the Hungarian kecskecsecű . However... Let us turn to the etymology of the phrase “Krasnostop Zolotovsky”.

The Don Cossacks called the comb “foot”, and the variety we are considering has a red comb. Hence the “red stop”. Further, according to the fundamental academic reference book “Ampelography of the USSR”, published in 1954, the first documentary evidence of the presence of the “krasnostop” in the vicinity of the village of Starozolotovskaya is dated 1814. From this fact we can draw the following conclusions. Firstly, this is where the second part of the phrase “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” comes from. Secondly, this variety has been growing continuously on the Don for at least 200 years. Thirdly, it has been documented that “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” was already growing on the Don two years after the French campaign, from which, according to the theory described above, the Cossacks only brought some seedlings.

Theory two - Cossacks and the Caucasus

“Krasnostop Zolotovsky” has Dagestan roots, brought in the 8th century from Dagestan territories. The author of the theory is Alexander Ivanovich Potapenko, a great Russian winegrower with a worldwide reputation. When studying the history of Russian viticulture, the scientist found that Russian Cossack viticulture began not three hundred, but a thousand years ago and is rooted in the history of Khazaria. In his book “Grapes on the Volga and Don,” he draws attention to the fact that a careful comparison of external characteristics reveals a relationship between the Don varieties and the Caucasian ones.

Thus, according to morphological characteristics, in particular, the structure of the leaves, the Dagestan variety “Gimra” and the Don variety “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” differ little. Both varieties have net-wrinkled leaves with a characteristic strong shine. The leaf blades are similarly curved. Along with the leaves having sharp teeth, some of the leaves are contrastingly smaller in size and have blunt teeth. The clusters of both varieties are medium, the berries are dark blue, almost black, and round. Both varieties are similarly characterized by high sugar content.

"Crewe Lermont Krasnostop"

Of course, the varieties differ in the structure of the flowers: female - in “Gimra”, “bisexual” - in “Redstop”. However, is this really that significant? Other closely related varieties are often distinguished by the sex of the flower, for example, “Tsimlyansky black” and “Shoulder.”

Another interesting point. We, of course, do not have the opportunity to consider in detail the heritage of the Cossack Nikolai Ivanovich Pukhlyakov within the framework of this article, however, just above we mentioned that the Pukhlyakovsky variety is similar to the Hungarian kecskecsecsű. In this regard, it would be useful to recall that many varieties could have been exported by the Hungarians from the territories of Northern Dagestan during their movement across Eurasia in the middle of the first millennium AD. These varieties, in particular, include the prototypes of “Siberian” - “Harshlevelu” and “Furmint”.

Theory three – 100% autochthonous

In an article devoted to the Siberian variety , we talked about the scientific research carried out in 2013 by the Swiss ampelographer Jose Vuaimo. A well-known scientist studied the genetic profile of three Don grape varieties - “Krasnostop Zolotovsky”, “Sibirkovy”, “ Tsimlyansky Black ” - using twelve molecular markers (microsatellites), comparing their DNA profile with a database containing profiles of more than 2000 grape varieties from all over the world planets. There were no matches. His verdict is that these varieties are autochthonous of the Don region.

Autochthonous varieties (also called native varieties) are almost entirely the result of natural crossings in a particular wine-growing zone, and also have a long history in this zone.


The berries are medium in size, slightly larger in weight than the berries of white nutmeg, the shape is round, the berries have a layer of waxy coating, the peel is dense, the number of seeds is from two to four. Sugar content is up to 35 grams per 100 ml, the bunch is dense, has the shape of a cylinder, sometimes a cone, the stalk is woody, the weight of the bunch is 200-250 g.

With a fairly high sugar content, which ranges from 18 to 24%. The berries are moderately acidic - 4.9 - 9.0 g/liter.

Characteristics of the bush

You can dig large stones in the vineyard, which will accumulate heat during the day and release it to the bushes at night. Use these little tricks, which will lead to an increase in the sum of active temperatures (SAT) by 500 degrees or more during the growing season.

After the onset of frosts down to -10°C in autumn, the soil under the vineyard should be covered with a layer of dry leaves, harvested at the beginning of autumn. This shelter is necessary not in order to protect the grapes from frost, but in order to protect them from early spring heat, and to delay the opening of buds so as not to expose this variety to late spring frosts. In spring, the soil under the bushes can be covered with a transparent film. When it gets hot, the film is removed.


The berries form dense, conical clusters. The berries, as a rule, are not large in size, have a round shape, with a purple tint. The skin of the berries is of medium thickness. The berries are also covered with wax. The pulp of this variety is quite juicy and sweet.

The clusters are small, sometimes of medium size (8-15 centimeters in length), conical, the largest with small lobes at the base, medium density or loose.

Wine from Krasnostop

"Krasnostop Zolotovsky" is a very popular variety that is used to make various wines.

The wines made from these grapes are distinguished by their unique flavors.

Features of taste are associated with aging, type of barrels and wine preparation technology. It is very sensitive to external factors, so often the wine may not be of the best quality.

Among the most popular are: wines of Vedernikov, Kuban-vina, Gostagaya, “Burnier Krasnostop”, Chateau le Grand of the East, “Village farmstead from Yanis Karakezidi”, Sober-bash.

Thus, “Krasnostop Zolotovsky” is a unique and popular variety of technical grapes, which is quite unpretentious to growing conditions and has good characteristics for winemaking.


At the end of summer, many gardeners begin to think about how to prepare for winter and preserve the planted grapes. This is especially true for people who have dachas in the near Moscow region.

A vine that is infected with mold, located in a thicket of weeds and does not receive enough sun to make its branches stronger will most likely have difficulty surviving the winter period. Therefore, competent winegrowers begin to care for the plant from the moment it is planted and the first leaves bloom. It should be immediately noted that the survival of a grapevine in winter directly depends on how it was cared for in the summer.

Only fully mature wood can withstand a good winter, which can be identified by its characteristic brown color and slight cracking, but not when broken, but when slightly bent by hand.

Such a vine will remain a little warm in winter, which will definitely keep it from freezing. Green shoots need to be pruned in late autumn before sheltering for the winter. This must be done, since in any case they will die when cold temperatures set in and will become an excellent growth site for mold and harmful fungi.

In addition to pruning the branches, it is necessary to carry out the so-called catarrhization of the roots and carry out good watering of the plant in mid-autumn.

You can trim the plant when the straight and curved ends of the branches are in equal proportions.

The last point will be to water the plant, since when cutting the roots, the vine can lose a fairly large amount of the necessary moisture.

Find out how to water grapes in this material.

The final watering of the plant should be carried out in October or November, during periods of frost. However, if these months are cloudy and it rains frequently, watering may not be necessary.

Shelter when frost occurs

Immediately after the onset of the first frost, you can begin the final covering of the grapevine for wintering. It is not recommended to do this before frost, since the plant will not gain sufficient natural protection from the cold without a signal of a decrease in temperature.

  1. First, you need to carefully place all the woody shoots on the ground, twisting them in an arc and securing them with pins immediately after laying.
  2. Laying the shoots must be carried out on previously prepared natural insulation - birch branches, individual leaves or spruce branches.
  3. It is necessary to secure plywood protective shields on top of the shoots so that the shoots are not pressed too hard to the ground.
  4. The plywood protection can be completely covered with any moisture-proof material - greenhouse polyethylene or construction roofing felt.

To prevent winter winds from tearing up the protection, you can throw several light stones on top or cover the moisture-proof material with a layer of sand.

How the Don Krasnostop defeated the French Cabernet

A correspondent visited the All-Russian Winemaker Summit and found out why Don grapes are superior to European vines, and also found out why there is so little quality Russian wine on store shelves

In the wardrobe of the Abrau-Durso sparkling wine factory near Novorossiysk, at the start of the summit, there was a little chaos: the French winemaker lost his bag, but found himself without a translator. Translation problems, however, were quickly resolved. Even the cloakroom attendants at Abrau-Durso have already learned French, because winemakers from France are indeed frequent guests here.

“Look here, the best, in my opinion, pinot noir,” executive director of the Alcoexpert group Yuri Yudich leads a correspondent from the website to the stand of one of the producers of Russian wine, Raevskoye. — The wine is produced here under the supervision of a French winemaker. On Russian farms, the practice of inviting specialists from this country to Russia is quite common.” Accordingly, they have been to Abrau-Durso, where wine summits are held every year, more than once.

“Raevskoye” is a young farm, founded in 2006. For a winery, 8 years is not a long time. After all, winemakers develop experience over years, if not centuries. While there is no own winery (wine is produced at foreign factories through outsourcing), but there are 300 hectares of its own vineyards, and the wine is certainly not inferior in quality to inexpensive imports from France, Italy, and Spain.

The best Russian wineries gathered in the village of Abrau-Dyurso in the Krasnodar Territory for the All-Russian Winemakers Summit. Not at all those who make an incomprehensible liquid from dye and alcohol and sell it under the guise of wine. 38 producers (including Crimean winemakers this time for the first time) set up their stands in the Abrau-Durso cellars. At their stands, each of them treated guests to their products. Among the guests of the tasters were State Duma deputies, the “vodka king” and banker Rustam Tariko, owner of vodka and CEDC, owner of Moscow GUM Mikhail Kusnirovich, numerous Moscow sommeliers, restaurateurs, wine trading companies, and, of course, other winemakers and wine critics .

It was simply unclear what to try. Each winemaker put several bottles in a row. “Would you like me to treat you to our Beaujolais?” asked Vanda Botnar, production director of the Kuban-Vino company, to a correspondent. The Beaujolais tasted quite good. “How much does it cost?” — asked the correspondent, already knowing that all high-quality Russian wine, as a rule, breaks records in cost. “It’s not on sale yet, but here (in the Krasnodar Territory -, in Magnit it will cost only 100 rubles. per bottle,” answered Vanda Botnar. But Beaujolais lovers not from the Krasnodar region are out of luck. For example, Beaujolais from Kuban-Vino simply won’t reach Moscow - they produce too little of it. In the capital you can buy Chateau Taman wine from this company. But this wine is not cheap at all and is recognized in the world, having won competitions in England, Austria, and even Hong Kong.

Some of the most interesting drinks, of course, were the wines of the former Moscow sommelier Pavel Shvets, who founded his own winery in Crimea, the products of the small company Esse, and the wines of Krasnodar “Lefkadia”, again created by a French winemaker.

But very small farms were also struck, where no French winemakers are invited. “Can your products be bought in Moscow?” — a correspondent asked a representative of a small Krasnodar winery that exhibited wines under the “Old Vine” brand (I just really liked the wine). "What do you! We are very small! Wine is only in Anapa, and not everywhere... You’d better come to our winery. Just call in advance,” replied the winemaker. “Are there any chances that there will be more wine like this?” - “We don’t know. Everything is complicated so far,” he shrugged.

As they said at the summit, there are, unfortunately, enough problems that hinder the development of Russian and now Crimean winemakers. According to the President of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia Leonid Popovich, the main thing is to change Russian legislation so that “171 Federal Laws do not interfere with the production of wine.” This is what the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers is working on now, trying to convey their ideas to the Duma and the government.

Federal Law No. 171 “On the circulation of alcohol” equates winemakers in Russia to vodka companies and imposes a huge number of restrictions on them. Instead of growing grapes and making wine from them, Russian winemakers should focus on obtaining various types of permits, certificates, installing special meters for the alcohol that this wine contains, and working with the special alcohol accounting system EGAIS. Small wine companies must go through complex bureaucratic procedures for licensing their products in a special body of Rosregulirovaniya.

Planting period

With the first days of spring, immediately open the grapes and let them warm up. It is better to immediately tie up overwintered shoots onto previously prepared stands or supports. Grapes can also be planted in the fall. However, at this time it is impossible to plant cuttings, as well as grafted or rooted seedlings that are even slightly affected by spotty necrosis, but it is better to plant in the spring.

If the plant is not opened in time, it may not have enough necessary elements to start the growth mechanisms.

To prevent this problem, it is necessary to open the vine in time in the spring and do not forget to feed it with fertilizers throughout the season; this process is especially important in regions with poor soils.

Ripening period

There are several ways and tips that will help the grapevine ripen fully and preserve itself for the next season:

  • you should not pay attention to the tasty southern varieties, they will die anyway or will not produce a harvest;
  • the choice should be made in favor of early ripening varieties, adapted to the climatic conditions of the area where they will be planted; one of such varieties is Krasnotop.

    One of the main advantages of the variety is its relative unpretentiousness. It can grow even in steppe conditions.

The variety ripens in early autumn. Collection should be carried out in dry, cloudy weather.


Any, even the most unpretentious variety, needs to be looked at periodically:

  1. Fertilize and trim dead shoots in a timely manner.
  2. Cut out branches that are too close to each other, as this reduces the ripening time.
  3. If the harvest is very large, it is necessary to remove some of the berries. An excessive number of bunches has an extremely negative effect on the ripening of new shoots.
  4. Potassium fertilizers and ordinary ash are the necessary bases, allowing new branches of the bush to quickly become covered with the necessary layer of protective wood.
  5. Nitrogen fertilizers must be completely eliminated starting in July. Nitrogen fertilization is necessary to increase the growth of green shoots, which still will not have time to ripen by winter, thereby robbing the plant of important strength.

Description and photo

"Krasnostop Zolotovsky" has some features that help distinguish it from other varieties. Let's consider a detailed description of the plant and fruits.

The bush has small-sized leaves with soft rounded outlines. They are characterized by a slight funnel shape, medium cutness, and the presence of 5 or 3 lobes, which usually have a wide, blunt middle lobe. The leaves have a shiny coating and dense cobwebby pubescence on the reverse side. The veins of the leaf and its petiole are red, with a wine tint.

The bush itself has average growth vigor. The shoots ripen early and well.

The size of the bunches of "Krasnostop" is small, sometimes it can reach a maximum size - up to 15 cm in length. The clusters have a conical shape, medium density and are loose; the largest ones have small lobes at the base. Since grapes are considered technical, their berries are small, round, sometimes slightly oval. Their color is dark blue, and a characteristic feature of the fruit is a thick bluish coating that covers all the berries. The fruits have fairly juicy, sour flesh and medium-thick skin.

Disease Prevention

To properly prepare grapes for winter, it is necessary sometimes during the summer to inspect the bush for the presence of fungal diseases or mold, and also to remove dead branches in a timely manner. Additionally, you can carry out fungicidal treatment of the vines in the absence of berries. This is necessary to help the shrub mature the wood layer, which guarantees good tolerance to cold weather. If the plant produces a harvest, then chemical treatment can be carried out after harvesting in increased volumes.

In the spring, you should spray with agents against mildew and oidium blight.

Cataring of grapes is the usual removal of young roots located close to the surface of the earth; as a rule, they are clearly visible visually. This is necessary to preserve strength for the main roots located at depth, since the roots on the surface mostly die during the winter in the cold climate of the nearest and far Moscow region.

Read about processing grapes in the fall here.

The procedure for catarrhization of roots step by step:

  1. The first step is to make a circular hole around the plant no more than 15 centimeters deep. This procedure is best carried out with a small plastic spatula.
  2. After this, you need to cut off all visible roots until they meet the main rhizome.
  3. To protect the sections, they must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.
  4. Upon completion of the procedure, the hole can be filled with sand or well-crushed earth.

Grapes "Super Extra"

It would seem that such a southern plant as grapes cannot grow in central Russia with its unpredictable, rather harsh winters. However, recently more and more varieties have begun to appear that are adapted to the climatic zone of the Moscow region.


“Super Extra” is an early-ripening hybrid grape variety of domestic selection with delicious juicy berries. E. G. Pavlovsky was involved in its breeding. The varieties “Talisman” and “Cardinal” were taken as a basis.

The bushes are distinguished by their strong growth. They are covered with a large number of five-lobed leaves. Old shoots are dark brown, while young shoots are light green. The flowers are bisexual.

Despite the early ripening, the clusters of the “Super Extra” variety are quite large - weighing up to 800 g. Some gardeners managed to obtain clusters of up to 1.5 kg on their plots.

In color and size, the elongated ovoid berries are very similar to those of the Arcadia variety. Their length can reach 35 mm, width – 25 mm, and weight – 10 g. The color is light green with a yellowish tint. The pulp is fleshy. The taste is sweet. Thanks to the hard skin, the berries are better stored and easier to transport over long distances.

The fruits contain up to 18% sugars, the acidity ranges from 5 to 8 g/dm3. On one brush their sizes vary - from large to small.

“Super Extra” grapes are able to withstand winter frosts down to -24 C without additional shelter. In our winter, the temperature can drop to -34 C for a short period, so it is necessary to cover.

The variety is practically immune to diseases such as oidium and mildew, but is defenseless against phylloxera.

This hybrid can be propagated by cuttings, seedlings and grafting.

Features of cultivation:

  • If your site has heavy clay soil, dilute it with coarse river sand or humus.
  • The seedling should be planted in as sunny a location as possible. It is best to do this on the southeast side of the house or fence. A nearby structure will protect the plant from the winds.
  • Before flowering begins, the grapes should be treated with Bordeaux mixture by spraying. This is almost guaranteed to protect the plantings from fungal diseases.
  • Watering should be sufficient - the “Super Extra” variety does not like overwatering, but it will not tolerate drought. In dry weather, the grapes are watered once every 2 weeks. 15 liters of water should be poured under each bush.
  • Fertilizing is necessary to obtain a good harvest. They need to be applied 2 times per season (once at the root, second time at the leaves).
  • “Super Extra” grapes are prone to overgrowth, so all excess shoots should be removed and some of the inflorescences should be pinched. When pruning in spring and autumn, a maximum of 8 eyes should be left on the shoots.
  • Plant neighboring seedlings at a sufficient distance from each other so that each of them is subsequently provided with a sufficient area of ​​nutrition.

The main photo shows a 1-year-old grape seedling, which was planted by our neighbors on the site.


Promptly remove the tops of the grape shoots at a distance of 15 leaves.

Removal of new shoots that will not ripen before winter should be done when growth activity decreases. Visually, this is determined by the ends of the branches: completely straight ones mean the end of growth, and branching tips indicate that activity is still remaining.

Pruning the grapevine after harvest is best done after the first night frosts, but not immediately after picking the berries, as this will only reduce the winter hardiness of the plant. The main purpose of such pruning is to free up space on the bush for new shoots of the plant that will appear next year. Read about pruning grapes in the fall here.

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