We recommend cucumber varieties for growing in a greenhouse in winter

Agricultural products are always in great demand, and fresh cucumbers are no exception. When choosing fresh or canned tomatoes or cucumbers in a supermarket or market, the consumer focuses not only on their appearance, but also on the manufacturer, giving preference to domestic products. Therefore, a business growing cucumbers in a greenhouse will provide you with a stable income all year round.

Why greenhouse cucumbers

The idea of ​​growing cucumbers in greenhouses cannot be called new, and, at first glance, it can be said that it has no prospects. But it is precisely the fact that the domestic market for agricultural products is experiencing difficult times that provides favorable conditions for small and beginning entrepreneurs to conduct this type of activity.

  1. Firstly, the largest greenhouse farms are forced to suspend their activities due to a lack of funds necessary to modernize old greenhouse complexes.
  2. Secondly, fresh and organic cucumbers will always be in demand, unlike imported ones.
  3. Thirdly, anyone can organize a small, profitable greenhouse business. To do this, you do not need to be the owner of large plots of land. In any rural settlement, you can inexpensively rent a small plot of land for the construction of greenhouses.

The best varieties of cucumbers for winter cultivation

Let's start the review with representatives of the salad group of cucumbers.

Tamerlan F1

However, this high-yielding hybrid can rightfully be called a universal cucumber, since its greens are also good for preservation. The plant is distinguished by its strong growth, the branching of the side shoots is average.

The seed producer is a well-known agro company in Russia. Hybrid parthenocarpic, with a predominantly female type of flowering. Greens with a beautiful glossy surface reach a length of up to 15 cm.

Gardeners value this cucumber for its excellent taste and juicy pulp without bitterness. It produces a good harvest of aligned fruits and bears fruit well in winter greenhouses made of glass or polycarbonate.

ON A NOTE! Hybrid Tamerlan is very resistant to such common diseases of greenhouse cucumbers as powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic.

It is recommended to maintain consistent planting patterns, growing no more than 2.4 plants per square meter. This hybrid is quite suitable for growing on a windowsill.

Makar F1

The Makar F1 hybrid, which is characterized by its very high adaptability to growing conditions, is also suitable for growing in a winter greenhouse. This productive hybrid will delight you with delicious salad cucumbers, and caring for it is not so difficult.

It is part of the group of parthenocarpic cucumbers; when planted with pollinators, the yield increases.

Zelentsy are up to 19 cm long, have a dark green, rich skin color and white pubescence. Makar F1 is a traditional salad cucumber of the well-known Zozuli variety.

Emelya F1

Many people prefer to grow varieties and hybrids of a universal type in order to use them not only for fresh salads, but also for pickling. Although in the winter cold, of course, you want to try fresh vegetables.

The Emelya F1 cucumber is suitable for preservation, delighting gardeners with excellent yields in greenhouses. It is resistant to diseases, tolerates minor temperature changes without problems, and is shade-tolerant. It is parthenocarpic, but will not “refuse” additional pollination with special varieties.

Emelya has a very powerful and vigorous plant, the ovaries are arranged in bunches. Zelentsy grow up to 13-15 cm in length and have very thin skin. There is no bitterness in both the skin and the pulp. Cucumbers are very tasty and crispy. On average, the yield in winter greenhouses reaches up to 16 kg per square meter (subject to compliance with all rules of agricultural technology).

IMPORTANT! Emelya cucumber seeds from other manufacturers are available on sale. The originator of the Emelya F1 hybrid is agro, and our review provides a description of the cucumber from exactly this manufacturer.

Among the pickling-type hybrids, we especially highlight the following cucumbers:

Master F1

The plant is distinguished by medium branching, increased shade tolerance, and therefore is excellent for growing in a winter greenhouse. The hybrid is productive, parthenocarpic, with a long fruiting period.

Usually one or two cucumbers are formed in the axils, the length of which rarely exceeds 13-14 cm. The cucumbers are aligned, with white spines, and slight tuberculation.

The taste is excellent, and pickled greens are even tastier than fresh ones. Feature of the hybrid: increased vitality, which makes it possible for a large number of greens to ripen on the plant at the same time.

Moscow evenings F1

Another productive hybrid that is successfully grown in winter greenhouses by gardeners in various regions. It has a vigorous plant, on the shoots of which green shoots up to 12-14 cm long are formed. The skin is dense, with white thorns.

The pulp has an excellent taste, but is not juicy enough. The cucumbers of this hybrid are used mainly for preservation.

Cucumber Moscow Evenings F1 can be grown even by an inexperienced gardener who is cultivating the crop in winter crop rotation for the first time. The hybrid is shade-tolerant and has a long fruiting period.

Cadet F1

In the group of parthenocarpic hybrids, the Cadet F1 cucumber stands out - productive, unpretentious and shade-tolerant. According to reviews from many gardeners, this particular hybrid is best sown in a greenhouse to obtain stable yields of greens.

The hybrid is characterized by strong growth, a well-developed root system and lateral shoots. On average, 1 or 2 ovaries are formed in each axil, but if good lighting is provided, the number of ovaries increases to 3-4.

Zelentsy are cylindrical in shape, traditional for cucumbers, with dark thin skin and a large number of tubercles. The taste is very good, the flesh is moderately juicy and not bitter. The first cucumbers can be harvested within two months after the sprouts appear.

The hybrid is resistant to diseases and is unpretentious in care.

Danila F1

The Danila hybrid is distinguished by its high starting parthenocarpy. Recommended for growing in any greenhouses, including giving a good harvest in shelters in winter.

The plant of this hybrid has medium branching and forms beautiful, aligned cucumbers. The length of the greens is up to 15 cm, there is tuberculation and white pubescence.

Those who have grown the hybrid note its resistance to disease, shade tolerance, and unpretentiousness. It is recommended to plant no more than three cucumber plants per square meter; thickening is unacceptable. The taste of greens is excellent, there are very few seeds, and the flesh is juicy and aromatic.

Personal subsidiary plot

For beginning entrepreneurs of this type of activity, the best option for choosing an organizational and legal form is a personal subsidiary plot (LPH). Owners of private household plots are completely exempt from paying taxes. A significant advantage is that any products sold that were produced during the management of private household plots are not considered entrepreneurial activity. That is, by selling your cucumbers through a chain of stores, you will not need to collect permits, certificates, etc. You will only need to obtain a certificate from the local government about the origin of the products you are selling and enter into a regular sales contract. To obtain the status of owner of a private household plot, you need to be the owner or rent a plot of land no more than 2 hectares.

Planting cucumbers

In winter, cucumbers can be planted directly in the ground or in seedlings. The second method has its advantages: you can plant plants with a reserve, and then choose the strongest and healthiest ones. In addition, it is much easier to provide the conditions necessary for germination at home.

Scheme of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse

To make it easier for the plant to tolerate transplantation, it is necessary to choose the right seedling cups. The root system of cucumbers in the first phase of the growing season develops not in depth, but to the sides, so the glasses should be wide enough. The volume of the cups is at least 0.5 liters.

To plant seedlings, you can use soil prepared for a greenhouse or a purchased mixture. It is advisable to disinfect the homemade mixture by heating it to 80 degrees for an hour.

Step 1. Preparing cups for seedlings. The glasses are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and filled halfway with the soil mixture, lightly crushed and watered. Leave for at least 2-3 hours so that the moisture is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume.

Preparing seedling cups

Step 2. Landing. The treated seeds are placed flat on the soil. Often in the literature there is a recommendation to plant 2 seeds in each glass, so that later you can choose a stronger sprout and pluck out the second one. However, this technique is rarely used for expensive hybrid seeds: they usually germinate well, but it’s a pity to throw away healthy sprouts. Place 1-2 cm of dry soil mixture on top of the seeds. There is no need to water the planted plants - there is enough moisture from the lower layers of the soil for germination, and the upper dry layer will allow the seeds to breathe.

Planting seeds

Step 3. Germination. The cups with seeds are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place. The temperature before emergence should not fall below 25°C, optimally 28-30°C. Light is not important at this time; seeds germinate in the dark. The cups are inspected twice a day, while simultaneously removing the film for 10-20 minutes for ventilation. When shoots appear, the cups are immediately removed under the lamp.


Step 4. Cotyledon phase. The most important stage during which the strength and productivity of the plant is established. When a loop appears, the sprouts are placed under a lamp and for the first 2-3 days they are illuminated for 18-20 hours a day. This will prevent the plants from stretching out. If the sprouts still stretch out, add soil up to the very cotyledons.

Seedlings under a lamp

Step 5. Phase of the first two or three leaves. The plants get stronger and grow quite quickly. The backlight is reduced to 14-16 hours a day. In the phase of the second or third leaf, fertilizing is carried out with a complex fertilizer with microelements (Kemira, Zdraven). A few days after fertilizing, the plants can be planted in a greenhouse, choosing the strongest ones.

Planting in a greenhouse

Note! If you plant cucumbers directly in greenhouse beds, they need to be provided with the same conditions.

Planting a cucumber directly in the ground

Video - Winter planting of cucumbers

Individual entrepreneurship

If you are planning to create a large retail distribution network, then we will be talking about a fairly impressive volume of agricultural products. In this case, the optimal solution would be to register an individual business. As mentioned above, the Russian consumer prefers domestically produced products, and to confirm their origin they need a certificate, declaration of conformity and a sticker on the packaging. Such documents are issued only to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

Guarantees and risks

Factors that could jeopardize your earnings:

  • breakdown of greenhouse equipment;
  • low yield due to erroneous choice of varieties, poor quality of seedlings, non-compliance with growing conditions;
  • high competition in the industry;
  • poorly organized sales of products.

Guarantees - high customer demand. If you do not sell all your products fresh, they will readily buy them salted or pickled as preserves. Delicious chemical-free cucumbers are readily sold out in the greenhouse complex itself.

Your task is to develop the technology, establish sales, and make a name for yourself. Once you have recouped your initial investment, look to expand your production.

Inspiring video about a millionaire farmer who chose the cucumber business:

How to achieve high yields

Achieving high yields is actually not difficult at all. The whole secret lies in the use of a three-rotation technique for growing cucumbers, where one harvest occurs in the summer, and two harvests in the spring-winter-autumn months. The key point of this business idea lies precisely in the summer harvest. It is during this period that you can do without heating and lighting. Consequently, the cost of production will be much lower. The income received from this harvest will 100% cover future expenses in the autumn-winter period.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse - a business idea that works

Growing cucumbers is a promising and profitable business.

Judge for yourself:

  1. The demand for cucumbers is great all year round.
  2. You don't need large amounts of land to start a business. You can start your own business in your own garden or summer cottage.
  3. Abundant harvest of vegetables in a short time throughout the year.
  4. Greenhouse cultivation produces more products than soil cultivation.
  5. High profitability with good sales organization and well-established production.
  6. There are many distribution routes: markets, supermarkets, catering establishments, processing plants.
  7. Sale of fresh and processed products.

To open a business, you will need a business plan, installation of one or more greenhouses (depending on the size of the start-up capital and the scale of production you are aiming for), equipment, seedlings, and feeding.

Establishing product sales channels

The main distribution channels include:

  • Grocery stores;
  • Vegetable markets;
  • Wholesale bases;
  • Intermediaries between grocery stores and wholesale centers;
  • Direct sales from the place of production.

Each of the listed distribution channels has a number of advantages and disadvantages regarding the final cost, volumes sold, etc. It is recommended to establish a stable sales network in advance in order to avoid losses from overproduction in the future.

How much money do you need to invest to create a greenhouse?

Greenhouse farming, like any other business, requires capital investment. The purchase of greenhouses, the necessary equipment, as well as their installation on a plot of land with a total area of ​​at least 500 m² will require approximately one and a half million rubles.

Initial investment:

  • Components for the construction of greenhouses – 650,000 rubles;
  • Equipment for heating the soil – 120,000 rubles;
  • Heating boilers – 70,000 rubles;
  • Automatic watering system – 30,000 rubles;
  • LED lamps – 550,000 rubles;
  • Transport costs – 50,000 rubles;
  • Other expenses (seeds, fertilizer, electrical wiring, pipes) – 150,000 rubles.

Total – 1,620,000 rubles.

Annual expenses:

  • Fuel – 150,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of seeds – 17,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electricity – 16,000 rubles;
  • Fertilizer – 20,000 rubles.

Total – 203,000 rubles.


Setting up a greenhouse is one of the important stages in business development. It should be taken into account that it is necessary to avoid drafts in the room. They can contribute to the complete destruction of the crop.

The optimal temperature that should be in the greenhouse should not drop eighteen degrees. It is important to maintain the same level of humidity in the greenhouse.

The minimum that an entrepreneur must provide is good heating. When running a large farm, entrepreneurs can use special automatic systems:

  • irrigation systems – RUB 50,000
  • cultivators – 30,000 rub.
  • small tractor – RUB 300,000

But usually this equipment is purchased when the business is already established. When choosing a greenhouse, you should carefully study all the proposed options and choose the best one for yourself. Currently, polycarbonate greenhouses are widely used. They greatly facilitate care and ensure high yields of vegetables.

It is worth considering that from every square meter you can collect up to three tons of product every year. Therefore, an excellent option would be to use a greenhouse with an area of ​​35 square meters.

And the number of greenhouses is easy to calculate for yourself personally, depending on the funds allocated for business development. For the first time, three such greenhouses are enough. When profits begin to flow, additional structures can be installed.

What documents are needed to open

If you are going to farm, then state registration of peasant farms is required, i.e. peasant farming. But this is the case when there is extensive work and large areas of land under agricultural crops (more than 1 hectare). Otherwise, the law allows you to have a personal farm (in your own backyard) and grow agricultural products for sale without taxation. To register a peasant farm, you need: an application for state registration, a passport of the founder of the company, agreements, a decision on the establishment of a peasant farm (if there are several founders). Then, confirmation of payment of the state duty and the actual place of residence of the founder. If the enterprise is founded by one person, an agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm is not needed.

Growing technology - where to start?

The key to a high yield: favorable conditions for growth, loose soil, good seeds, timely harvesting.

Now about each of them in order.

Step 1. Create favorable conditions in the greenhouse

Cucumber bushes love light, good ventilation and “privacy”. Densely sprouted seeds need to be thinned out so that both male and female inflorescences form. The optimal temperature for fruiting is 22-26 degrees Celsius.

The plant does not like sudden temperature fluctuations. Lowering the temperature to 14 degrees deprives it of its ability to take moisture from the soil. Cucumber beds do not like waterlogged soil. They grow best in sandy loam soils enriched with organic matter.

Step 2. Select suitable varieties of cucumbers

The optimal varieties for greenhouse sowing are parthenocarpic and self-pollinating. These are hybrid varieties that produce year-round harvest. Their fruits are juicy and dense. Used for fresh sale, as well as for pickling and salting. The fruits of these hybrids do not turn yellow from overripeness. They do not lose their freshness, taste and presentation for a long time.

The selected varieties must provide three harvest cycles: from May to September, from October to the end of January, from February to May.

Step 3. Prepare the soil

Optimal soil parameters for greenhouse cucumbers:

  • mechanical properties: loose, breathable;
  • humidity: constant, without drying out or waterlogging;
  • temperature: above 13 degrees at a depth of up to 25 centimeters;
  • soil acidity: up to 6 hydrogen units, neutral;
  • high humus content;
  • high microbiological activity.

Step 4. Grow cucumbers and harvest

Cucumbers love moisture. Make sure that the root zone is always moist, but that water does not stagnate at the roots. Loosen the soil near the rhizome, remove dry leaves and ripe fruits. Don't wait for the fruits to gain more mass. This slows down the fruiting of the bush. Timely removal of ripe fruits stimulates the growth of new ones. Don't forget to add fertilizer to the soil.

Monitor the condition of the plants. The appearance of yellowness, dry stems and leaves is a sign of improper care and disease.

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