Rio Fuego tomatoes: characteristics of the variety and cultivation characteristics

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Description of the variety

Rio Fuego is a variety of tomato whose fruit has excellent taste and aroma. The consistency is dense and meaty, making the harvested crop perfect for processing and producing tomato paste. The thick skin retains the taste and perfectly holds the shape of the tomato when used in brine and marinade. In addition, the appearance of vegetables does not deteriorate during transportation. If unripe tomatoes are removed from the root, they must be kept in a cold place for a month, after which they will become ripe and tasty.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • good productivity, since from 1 m2 it is possible to obtain 10-12 kg of ripe vegetables;
  • persistent immunity, thanks to which the variety is not afraid of such diseases as Alternaria, Verticillium and Fusarium wilt;
  • has excellent taste and can be used for processing and fresh consumption;
  • characterized by excellent transportability.

As for the disadvantages, the Rio Fuego variety has virtually none. Some gardeners complain that tomatoes lack juiciness, but this disadvantage is easily compensated for by the amazing taste and aroma of vegetables.

View "Original"

One of the favorite tomatoes in a summer resident’s collection is the proven “Rio Grande”, which was bred by Dutch breeders and has become a true gardening classic not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The variety is presented on the market by seeds called “Rio Grande Original”.

This is a universal mid-early variety, intended for cultivation both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Resistant to difficult climatic growing conditions.

Rio Grande tomatoes have characteristic features that distinguish them from other varieties:

Description of the tomato variety Koenigsberg and its subspecies

Average fruit weightup to 150 gr.
Maturation speed120 days
Bush height0.5–1 meter.
Precocity120 days
Average yield per bush4 kg.
Maturation periodJune-September

This is a powerful determinate, medium-sized plant, approximately 50–100 centimeters high, which does not require the gardener to tie up or prun the bushes. Weakly affected by late blight.

Tomato fruits are red, oblong, ovoid, weighing 70–150 grams, small-chambered, have a strong, thick skin, and are resistant to heat. Thanks to these qualities, they have ideal density and shape for transporting and storing crops.

Used mainly for culinary processing and preparations:

  • Drying and curing (in the sun or in a vegetable dryer);
  • Processing into tomato paste, adjika, tomato juice;
  • Whole canning and pickling;
  • Baking and grilling;
  • Freezing in the freezer.

“Rio Grande Original” is valued by gardeners for its consistent and high yield and excellent taste.

Advantages of the variety:

  • High yield guarantee;
  • Excellent taste;
  • No pinching or gartering required;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Long period of productivity;
  • Versatility of use;
  • Able to withstand long-term transportation, loading, unloading and delivery to the destination;
  • Resistance to difficult climatic conditions.

Characteristics of the variety

The variety in question belongs to the mid-early and determinate variety:

  1. Its fruits are plum-shaped and bright red in color. The stalk is missing the green part. The consistency is dense, sugary.
  2. Inside the tomatoes there are 2-3 chambers with a small number of small grains.
  3. Tomatoes are easy to pick from a bush without a stalk, so the machine method is suitable for harvesting.
  4. One tomato weighs 100-140 g, it all depends on the growing conditions and care. The average length of the vegetable will be 5-7 cm.

How to care for tomatoes

Watering the planted seed material must be done with warm water. After irrigation, the area should be covered with film. It is recommended to fertilize 2-3 times per season using phosphorus-containing complexes or diluted bird droppings. To give the bushes an attractive appearance, as well as improve productivity, it is worth tying up the bushes.

Features of cultivation

For planting activities, it is necessary to prepare a container. For this you can use plastic or wooden containers. Before sowing, disinfect the box and make drainage holes. If this is not done, the plant may be affected by blackleg.

Planting seedlings

To successfully grow seedlings, ensure adequate lighting, temperature conditions and air ventilation.

As for the substrate, a universal mixture purchased in a store or prepared independently is suitable for the Rio Fuego tomato. If the second option is chosen, it is necessary to combine sand and peat in equal proportions. There is no need to sow the seeds too thickly, as the seedlings will stretch out and become thin and weak.


  1. Before sowing, water the soil thoroughly.
  2. Pre-soak the seeds in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect them. Keep them there for 39 minutes. After this, rinse them under running water.
  3. Sow the grains in the ground, lightly cover with soil and cover with film to maintain soil moisture.
  4. Keep seedlings at a temperature of 23 degrees. and as soon as the first shoots appear, remove the film every day for 20-30 minutes.
  5. With the appearance of 2 leaves on the seedlings, carry out a pick, planting the plants in separate containers.

Planting seedlings in open ground


  1. Site preparation. It needs to be done in the fall. If the acidity of the soil is increased, then during the autumn digging, add 0.9 kg of lime, 5-7 kg of organic matter, 40-60 g of superphosphate per 1 m2.
  2. Plant tomato seedlings in the first half of June, when the danger of frost has passed.
  3. Plant plants in rows, maintaining a distance of 30-40 cm between them, and 30-50 cm between rows.
  4. Sprinkle with soil and place a layer of mulch on top to maintain moisture. Peat or sawdust is suitable for these purposes.

Features of care

Caring for the Rio Fuego variety is easy if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Loosening. Between the rows the soil needs to be loosened. Do this every 10-12 days, but at least once throughout the summer. If cultivation occurs on heavy soil, then deep loosen in the first 2 weeks after planting the seedlings.
  2. Hilling. Hill up tomatoes for the first time 9-11 days after planting. Water before starting, as hilling up wet soil will speed up the formation of new roots on the stem of the crop. The second time the manipulation is carried out 16-20 days after the first.
  3. Watering. The Rio Fuego tomato needs regular moisture. Water directly into the holes. One plant requires 0.7-0.9 liters of water. It is best to moisten the soil in the evening. Watering is especially important during the flowering of the first and second clusters, before loosening the soil and applying fertilizers.
  4. Air humidity. The variety is not particularly demanding on humidity, but when it is too high, it is fraught with late blight and brown spot.
  5. Feeding. Throughout the summer, regularly feed tomatoes using mineral and organic compounds.


Rio Fuego can be planted in seedlings or without seedlings. When sowing seeds directly into a greenhouse or open ground, it is necessary that the soil warms up to 15-18°C.

Seeds for seedlings are sown traditionally: for a greenhouse - in early March, for open ground - in early April. The plants are replanted after two months.


Seeds must be disinfected with a manganese solution and germinate in a damp cloth. When sown in a garden bed, they are laid out in furrows at a distance of 40-50 cm, moistened, sprinkled with earth and covered with film.

Plants need to be fertilized regularly

In a tray, seeds are sown at a distance of 2 cm from each other, deepening by 1 cm. The temperature for seed germination is 23-25°C.


Shoots appear in about a week. The film is removed from the crops and the first watering is done with warm water. Next, the seedlings are watered once every 10 days.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

When grown in small containers (pots) on a sunny windowsill, the soil under the seedlings dries out very quickly. Sometimes seedlings have to be watered 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, the plants are dived from the tray into separate containers, while adding mineral fertilizers.

A week before transplantation, they begin to harden them - they are taken outside every day or the windows are opened.


The soil in the garden bed is treated with manganese and loosened. Install stakes for support. Planting holes are placed at a distance of 40-50 cm (if there is a shortage of space, you can plant bushes every 30 cm and then form them into 1-2 stems).

Ash, crushed eggshells, compost, and mineral fertilizers are placed in the holes. The seedlings are watered generously with warm water.

The bushes are formed into several stems, removing excess shoots and lower leaves. Despite the average growth of tomatoes, it is better to tie the stems so that the fruits do not fall to the ground (touching the soil, they can rot or be affected by pests).

Watering is done in the morning or evening with warm water. Frequency – once every 10 days (in the hot season – 2 times a week). After watering, the bushes are hilled up, and the soil is thoroughly loosened or mulched.

Feeding is done every two weeks. It is better to alternate organic and mineral complexes (organic fertilizers ensure soil fertility, and minerals provide nutrition to the roots). If, based on the appearance of plants, they draw conclusions about the lack of one or another nutrient, they use quick foliar treatments on the leaves.

To prevent diseases, universal measures are used: greenhouses are regularly ventilated, beds are weeded, watered with manganese solution, ash is added, and copper sulfate is sprayed. Insects are washed off the leaves with a soap solution, and in case of serious damage, insecticides and acaricides are used.

Diseases and pests

As noted above, the Rio Fuego variety is distinguished by strong immunity and resistance to diseases and pests. But as a preventive measure, to prevent the development of fungi, spray the plant with phytosporin. Mulching will also be useful, which will not only retain moisture, but also protect against parasites.

To destroy pests, treat with insecticides. To combat naked slugs, an ammonia solution is used, but a soap solution will help get rid of aphids.

Have you found aphids on your tomatoes?

Not really


To better study the Rio Fuego variety, you can view the photographs below.

You can also watch a video where an experienced gardener will tell you how a tomato grew in open ground.

The Rio Fuego tomato is a popular tomato variety that is suitable for growing outdoors. It is rarely affected by diseases and pests, it is easy to grow, and the harvested crop pleases with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

View "Original"

One of the favorite tomatoes in a summer resident’s collection is the proven “Rio Grande”, which was bred by Dutch breeders and has become a true gardening classic not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The variety is presented on the market by seeds called “Rio Grande Original”.

This is a universal mid-early variety, intended for cultivation both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Resistant to difficult climatic growing conditions.

Rio Grande tomatoes have characteristic features that distinguish them from other varieties:

This is a powerful determinate, medium-sized plant, approximately 50–100 centimeters high, which does not require the gardener to tie up or prun the bushes. Weakly affected by late blight.

Tomato fruits are red, oblong, ovoid, weighing 70–150 grams, small-chambered, have a strong, thick skin, and are resistant to heat. Thanks to these qualities, they have ideal density and shape for transporting and storing crops.

Used mainly for culinary processing and preparations:

  • Drying and curing (in the sun or in a vegetable dryer),
  • Processing into tomato paste, adjika, tomato juice,
  • Canning and pickling whole,
  • Baking and grilling,
  • Freezing in the freezer.

“Rio Grande Original” is valued by gardeners for its consistent and high yield and excellent taste.

  • High yield guarantee,
  • Excellent taste,
  • No pinching or garter required,
  • Easy to care for
  • Long period of productivity,
  • Versatility of use,
  • Able to withstand long-term transportation, loading, unloading and delivery to the destination,
  • Resistance to difficult climatic conditions.

Determinate early ripening variety for open and protected ground. One of the best options for outdoor growing.

Plant growth ends after the formation of inflorescences with the formation of a small compact bush with a moderate number of leaves. The ripening period of the fruit is 95–100 days.

Ripe fruits have an elongated plum-pear shape and a rich red color.

Description and characteristics of the variety “trans Rio”:

  • The bushes reach a height of 1 meter, compact, do not require pinching, with a moderate amount of foliage,
  • Growing season – 95–100 days, after full germination,
  • Tomato weight 80–100 grams,
  • The fruits are dense, bright red or pink, the skin is thin, glossy,
  • Able to withstand long-term transportation, loading, unloading and delivery to the destination,
  • Friendly ripening and high yield.

A low-growing plant with a determinate structure, it belongs to the group of early-ripening tomato varieties intended for planting in open ground in seedlings and without seedlings.

Characteristics and description:

  • Requires minimal attention
  • Resistant to a wide range of diseases, including late blight,
  • Ripening time – 110–115 days after sowing,
  • Fruits of an elongated oblong shape in the form of a plum, with a dense fleshy structure, weighing 110–115 grams,
  • The tomato is highly prolific: several clusters with a large number of fruits are formed on the bush.
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