We collect a killer harvest at the beginning of the season - Golden Bullet tomato: description and characteristics of the variety

The Golden Bullet tomato got its name due to the fruit's resemblance to bright yellow bullets. But, unlike them, it is not at all dangerous; on the contrary, it contains many useful substances and has a wonderful taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningYellowAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Characteristics of the variety

Golden Bullet is an early ripening variety. The first fruits are ready for consumption 100 days after germination.

Plants are of a low-growing type, often reaching 50-60 cm in height. However, in greenhouse conditions, the stems often stretch up to a meter in height. Therefore, the bushes must be tied to a support. They grow compactly and have few leaves. The leaves are light green, slightly rough, large, hard. The bushes bloom with simple flowers. The first inflorescence is formed above the 6th leaf. Each cluster produces up to 7-8 medium-sized fruits.

The bushes are strewn with dozens of plum-shaped tomatoes.
The weight of tomatoes varies between 50-70 grams (in rare cases 100 grams). The peel is thick, tight, glossy, golden yellow and yellow-orange. The pulp is strong, dense, aromatic, with a rich taste. Due to the high content of beta-carotene, tomatoes of this variety can be used in children's nutrition. Fact
: Yellow tomatoes have more lycopene than red ones. On the contrary, there are few nutrients. Therefore, they are great for people on a diet.

Determinate varieties, for the most part, bear fruit very well and amicably. The Golden Bullet variety is no exception. With any growing method, compact bushes will produce up to 4 kilograms of tasty and beautiful fruits per square meter.


: If you stored tomatoes in the refrigerator, then leave them on the table for at least half an hour before eating to allow their flavor to develop.

Golden Bullet is reliably protected from a number of the most common tomato diseases, including late blight, tobacco mosaic and bacteriosis.

Advantages of the variety:

  • high productivity;
  • recommended for dietary and baby food;
  • resistant to a number of tomato diseases;
  • The shape of the tomatoes is suitable for whole-fruit canning.


  • Tomatoes of this variety do not last long. They can only be kept in the refrigerator for a few days;
  • the taste is not too pronounced compared to red varieties.

Reviews about the Golden Pool

Reviews about the Golden Bullet are contradictory . Gardeners like their rich taste, but they complain about the low yield of the variety.

Irina, Zheleznogorsk: “I have repeatedly grown the Golden Bullet. The fruits of this tomato are beautiful and tasty. Tinkle with it a little. Formed into 3 stems. Productivity, of course, is low. A total of 5-liter bucket was collected from 1 square. m per season. I don’t grow it now, but I found more productive varieties that are in no way inferior to this.”

Victor, Tver: “I tried to grow the Golden Bullet. The variety was disappointing. For modern tomatoes, its yield is low. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that its fruits are really tasty and beautiful, as in the photo.”

Useful qualities of the Golden Bullet tomato

Due to the presence of the substance “lycopene”, the benefits of which for the body are reduced to the suppression of pathogenic intestinal microflora, normalization of appetite and weight loss, Golden Bullet tomatoes can be consumed by people suffering from similar ailments. In addition, lycopene is designed to reduce the risk of developing cancer.


Also, universal lycopene normalizes cholesterol metabolism in the body and prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system.

People with high stomach acidity are also advised to consume tomatoes of this variety, since their pulp contains a small amount of vitamin C, a high concentration of which can provoke the development of heartburn. With yellow tomatoes, the risk of this disease is reduced to zero.

This tomato variety also contains the enzyme “myocin”. As a result of its activity, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.


: Yellow tomatoes contain very few substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

Best reviews from our readers

  • They grew it in 2022, very beautiful, a scattering of orange ovals, tasty, did not hurt anything, this year they planted it again as seedlings.
  • The tomatoes are tasty, sweet, strong, beautiful, there are a lot of them on the bush. The last fruits were picked in September and were stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
  • The tomato has an excellent taste - sweet, meaty, great in salads and pickled.

For a long time, tomatoes have ceased to be associated only with the color red, because in vegetable gardens you can find emerald green, bright red, and dark purple. The Golden Bullet tomato is a representative of the sunny yellow tomatoes. Yellow fruits are in no way inferior in taste, and are no more demanding in care.

Features of cultivation

The Golden Bullet variety is grown as usual through seedlings. The seeds are sown in the third ten days of March, so that by the time they are planted in the garden, the young sprouts are 60-65 days old. Since the future harvest depends on the quality of the grown seedlings, the period of growing shoots should be taken more responsibly.

Seedlings need well-enriched soil. First of all, we need organic elements that will promote the growth of roots and green mass. The soil mixture should consist of garden soil, peat and compost or humus. These components must be in equal proportions. And mineral elements will be necessary when planting in street soil.


: Do not use fresh manure as fertilizer or on the soil. A too aggressive composition of this substrate can negatively affect the development of the plant. In most cases it gets sick. The taste of the fruit also deteriorates.

Before sowing, it is advisable to treat the seeds with a growth stimulant, and also disinfect them by soaking them in a manganese solution, and then thoroughly rinse and dry them. To make the first shoots appear sooner, you can artificially start the growth process: the seeds are placed in a damp cloth for several days and kept in a warm room. Being in this state, the seeds will swell and will be ready to hatch within a couple of days after planting in the ground.


: when planting seedlings in a greenhouse, seeds for seedlings need to be planted a couple of weeks earlier.

Mostly, summer residents sow seeds in large boxes, but it is best to plant them in separate pots or cups (peat, if possible), so that the roots are not damaged when transplanting them into the garden bed.

The seeds are placed in grooves to a depth of 1 centimeter. The soil must be moistened before the procedure. The seeds are sprinkled with soil on top and lightly compacted. To make the sprouts hatch faster, cover the box with film and place it in a warm place.

Seedlings are grown at a temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius and in a well-lit place. Since there is still not enough sunlight in spring, you need to add artificial lighting. If the sprouts do not have enough light, the seedlings will stretch out, while the roots will be underdeveloped and the stems will be thin.

After the seedlings cover the ground with a green carpet, the film is removed. From this moment on, you need to especially monitor the condition of the soil: you should not let it dry out and, on the contrary, be overly moistened. Watering should be carried out moderately, as the surface layer of soil dries.


: overwatering leads to the development of the “black leg” disease, which is characterized by yellowing of seedlings, their wilting and death.

It is important to arrange regular ventilation, remove weeds and carefully ensure that all seedlings are evenly illuminated. To do this, you need to rotate the boxes with seedlings throughout the day so that all the sprouts receive the required amount of ultraviolet light.

When two leaves appear on the stems, you need to pick the seedlings if they grew in a common container. Not a single vegetable crop likes this procedure, since replanting negatively affects the vital activity of the roots. They get sick for a long time, and the seedlings can wilt instantly. Withering of leaves in the first days after transplantation is a natural process. As soon as the roots get used to the new conditions and proper nutrition is restored, the plants will again look healthy.

Ladies' man

The Ladies' Man variety was bred by Russian breeders from agriculture in 2007: N. V. Nastenko, V. G. Kachainik and A. V. Kandoba. And in 2008, the variety was added to the state register of the Russian Federation. It is recommended to be grown in greenhouses in most regions, and only in the southern regions can the variety be grown in open beds.

Characteristics of the variety

Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes, such as Ladies' Man, have a growing season of 95-110 days from full germination and are considered mid-season. The variety does not tolerate frosts and temperature changes, which means it needs to be grown only in greenhouse conditions. Although, in the southern regions it can be grown in open ground.

The plant has unlimited growth of the main stem, which must be pinched to stop growth. The bush grows in height up to 1.6-1.8 m, and under favorable circumstances it can grow even more. Plants have a powerful stem, medium shoot formation and foliage. The leaves are large, dark green in color, and they are also slightly corrugated.

The inflorescence of the Ladies' Man variety is of an intermediate type, and up to 8-9 clusters can be formed per season, and each cluster produces 3-5 tomatoes. By the way

, the first brush is formed after 10-12 sheets, and then they are obtained every 3 sheets.

The fruits have a cylindrical shape (pepper-shaped). Their color is red. Weight - 45-60 g. Number of seed chambers - 2.

Advantages of the variety

High yield. Here, from 1 sq. m of plot, 10 kg of tomatoes are collected

Important: yield indicators directly depend on growing conditions.

Resistance of the variety to the most common diseases. Great taste. Fruits are sweet and sour

The flesh is fleshy and tender. Resistant to cracking. Here, the skin is thin but durable. Versatility in use. Tomatoes are eaten fresh, canned (even whole), and various dishes are prepared from them. Excellent presentation.

Disadvantages of the variety

  • The Ladies' Man tomato variety does not tolerate frost and temperature changes.
  • The bush is tall, so staking and shaping of the plant is required.

Good luck to you!

Landing in the ground

The quality and quantity of the harvest depends no less on planting seedlings in a permanent place than sowing seeds. It is important to observe planting dates and fertilize the soil well. The Golden Bullet tomato can be grown both outdoors and in a greenhouse, but it is worth knowing that when cultivated in greenhouse conditions, the taste of the fruit becomes much juicier and sweeter.

Seedlings should be planted in a greenhouse at the end of May, in open ground - at the beginning of June. There is no need to rush into this matter, but there is also no point in waiting for it to overgrow. It is important to catch it when the frosts stop and the soil has time to warm up well. In any case, even when planting in an open area, it is necessary to cover the plantings with temporary shelter for the first days.


: Greenhouses and temporary shelters allow fruits to ripen faster.

The area for tomatoes is chosen to be bright, well ventilated, but devoid of strong northern winds. The soil should be moderately moist, so if in the selected area groundwater flows close to the surface, it is better to plant tomatoes elsewhere, otherwise you may be left without a good harvest.

A hot solution of copper sulfate is added to the soil for tomatoes - this will help neutralize pests living in the spores of the soil. Then they are flavored with mineral and organic fertilizers (humus, superphosphate and ash).

By the time of planting, the plants will already have 8-9 cotyledon leaves, and their height will be 20-25 centimeters. The root system of adult seedlings is already well developed in order to quickly take root in the ground and begin to grow.

A separate hole is prepared for each seedling, first filling in a little water. After planting, the soil under the bush is lightly pressed and also watered.

Yellow and orange tomatoes

Alpha and beta carotene give fruits their color. Excellent antioxidants - protect the body from cancer and aging, protect against sclerosis, reduce cholesterol levels, improve the condition of skin, hair, nails, teeth and bones. Prevent eye diseases, in particular glaucoma. Improves the functioning of the stomach and prostate gland, increases immunity.

Yellow bison (Agroholding "Poisk")

Another tomato from the bison series - also with large fruits (up to 900 g), but yellow in color. With a great rich flavor and a good balance of acid and sugar. Good fresh and for making sauces.

Mid-season, tall tomato. Ripens in 115–120 days.

Orange bison (Agroholding "Poisk")

The fruits of this variety are large, weighing up to 900 g, orange in color, with an excellent rich taste and a good balance of acid and sugar. Ideal fresh and good for making sauces.

The variety is mid-season, intended for film greenhouses. The plant is tall and requires shaping and staking. Ripens in about 115–120 days.

Abrikotin (Agroholding "Poisk")

On one cluster there are 12–14 very sweet, tasty fruits weighing 16–20 g of bright orange color. Ideal for fresh consumption.

Early maturing indeterminate hybrid. Ripens in 95–100 days.

Pepper-shaped orange (“Timiryazevsky Nursery Branch Northern”)

Classic cream of rich orange color. The fruit pulp is dense, fleshy, juicy, tender, the skin is thick and durable, and does not crack during canning. A variety of universal use - it is good both raw and pickled.

H-34 ROT (chudogryadka.rf)

When people see this variety in person for the first time, they are always very surprised. There are different versions: pepino, physalis, cherry plum and even lychee with figs. And when they find out that these are tomatoes, they don’t believe them for a long time until they try them. The fruits are small, the size of a chicken egg, somewhat reminiscent of figs in shape. Exotic color – yellow with purple. Moreover, different tomatoes are colored differently: some are more purple, others are yellow, and others are completely striped, which is why they look like pepino. The skin of the fruit is dense. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant refreshing acidity.

The variety is indeterminate (with unlimited growth), about 1.5 m high. Ripens in 90 days.


It is better not to touch the tomatoes for the first week - give the young cuttings time to get used to it. Too wet soil is detrimental to tomatoes. Therefore, it is better to water tomatoes 3 times a week, spending up to 4 liters per square meter before flowering and 12 during flowering and fruit formation.

In the greenhouse you need to water less often - once a week. Since the humidity in the greenhouse is always high, it is necessary to control its level, otherwise the flowers will not be able to be pollinated.


: You can help flowers pollinate themselves. To do this, you need to periodically shake the tomato branches, and then irrigate the bushes with a spray bottle so that the pollen is adhered to.

A waterlogged environment or soil also leads to the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is imperative to ventilate the room. And outside, loosen the soil so that it becomes compacted and easily allows water and air inside.

You can also carry out foliar feeding with Fitosporin or Gamair in order to prevent the development of fungus.

The most optimal temperature for the growth of healthy tomatoes is +22 degrees during the day and 16 at night.

Diseases and pests

Important characteristics of the variety

– resistance to major tomato diseases. If the rules of cultivation and care are not followed, there is a possibility of tomatoes becoming infected. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  1. Follow the rules of crop rotation and plant proximity. It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in beds where nightshade crops grew, or next to potatoes. The latter attracts pests.
  2. Plantings should not be thickened. It is important to maintain the recommended distance between bushes of 50-60cm.
  3. Carry out periodic spraying to prevent fungal diseases and repel pests.
  4. Don't forget about timely feeding. It is carried out 3 times per season.
  5. Maintain optimal soil moisture. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil.

Top dressing

The seedlings need the first fertilizer two weeks after planting in the ground. To do this, arrange root feeding from urea, superphosphate, and potassium salt.

The following feedings are carried out at intervals of 10-14 days. The amount of feeding depends on the condition of the plants and their growth. If a bush grows poorly, it means it is low on nitrogen. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves turn purple and stop properly absorbing nitrogen. Without potassium, the fruits spoil and the leaves curl.

At first, it is best to use liquid fertilizers. Since they are quickly absorbed and reach the target in a short time. A solution made from bird droppings is ideal for these purposes.

Tomatoes also respond well to feeding from herbal infusions, in particular from nettle.

You can also carry out foliar feeding. Usually they resort to highly soluble fertilizers, for example, urea, superphosphate, and potassium sulfate are mixed with water.


Tomatoes do not tolerate chlorine well, so do not use formulations containing this element.

It is better to carry out foliar feeding in the evening. Feeding can be combined with treatment against pests and diseases.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Pulka variety are the following characteristics:

  • Good yield;
  • Long keeping quality;
  • Ripe tomatoes are high in beta-carotene;
  • Possibility of transportation;
  • Tasty and healthy fruits;
  • Low-growing bushes can be grown in any area;
  • High resistance to infections and fungi.

The disadvantages of Pulka tomatoes include:

  • Capriciousness towards feeding;
  • Requirement for watering.


After watering and rain, loosening is carried out - an important agrotechnical technique that helps break up the dry crust on the ground, which prevents the penetration of moisture and oxygen to the depth. This method is also designed to destroy all young weeds. As a result of loosening, the soil warms up faster, is better saturated with nutrition and provides the roots with everything they need.

To keep moisture in the ground longer, you can mulch the ground under the bushes, that is, cover the soil with covering material - sawdust, straw or old grass. This type of flooring will help the soil stay moist longer, and it will dry out less in the sun. In addition, as the mulch rots, it will provide additional nutrition for the plants.

Determinate variety of tomatoes: what is it?

The complex and incomprehensible term “determinant” means nothing more than limited in growth. And when we talk about the fact that a tomato is determinate, it means that the main stem of the plant, having reached a certain height, completes its growth with the formation of a flower cluster.

But don’t think that determinate tomatoes (deets) are just one low-growing variety. This large group has a variety of representatives, which served as the basis for a certain classification of children. So, the following four types of development of tomato formation are distinguished:

  1. determinant;
  2. superdeterminant;
  3. semi-determinate;
  4. standard.


This variety of varieties is not only the most numerous, but also very common. Such tomatoes grow almost everywhere, in the south - in open ground, in areas of temperate and harsh climates - in hotbeds and greenhouses.

The height of tomato bushes usually does not exceed 70-80 cm; 5-6 flower clusters are formed on the plant. The first clusters are formed above the 8-9th leaf, then the inflorescences go through two leaves. The tip of the main shoot ends in an inflorescence; the stepsons must be removed in a timely manner.

In terms of yield, this group will be superior to superkids; fruit yield is very consistent.


The difference between tomatoes of this subgroup and other determinate varieties is their early fruiting and uniform yield.

No more than 3-4 flower clusters are formed on the bush; a cluster is formed after 6-7 leaves.

The usual ripening time for tomatoes in this group is 60-70 days. They are distinguished by very high resistance to various infections; due to their early maturation, they “escape” from such plant diseases as late blight.

Due to the developmental characteristics of the bush, the productivity is low, but due to super-determinate varieties of tomatoes you can get a very early harvest of tomatoes.


They are a transitional form from determinate to indeterminate tomatoes, up to 160-200 cm in height. Inflorescences begin to form after the 9th leaf; in total, up to 10 clusters are formed on the bush.

The inflorescences are formed evenly, which makes it possible to obtain a harvest in an extended period. At the same time, semi-determinate tomato varieties are superior to indets in terms of ripening time; fruits can be harvested 10-14 days earlier.

Half-grown tomatoes require bush formation, regular pinching, as well as support and garter.


This group includes varieties limited in growth, which are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • strong stocky stem (the bush looks like a miniature tree);
  • developed root system, with the roots located in the upper layers of the soil;
  • short stature;
  • a small number of stepchildren or their absence.

Such tomatoes tolerate picking, transplanting well, and are resistant to temperature changes, diseases and pests. Due to the compactness of the bushes, more plants can be planted on one square meter, thereby increasing productivity.

The taste of the fruits is high, and even if in terms of yield per bush such “crumbs” are inferior to their tall determinate counterparts, and even more so, indets, they are still popular.

Tomatoes are shelf-stable, suitable for transportation, and plant care is very simple.

Advantages and disadvantages of determinate tomatoes

Why do many gardeners interested in high yields prefer to grow determinate tomatoes? Let's find out the advantages:

  1. In the climate of many Russian regions, it is possible to get a faster tomato harvest from determinate varieties.
  2. These tomatoes have early ripening periods.
  3. New varieties and hybrids have been developed that show high early yields and have excellent taste.
  4. The yield of the harvest is friendly, fruiting usually does not extend over time.
  5. Unpretentiousness.
  6. Eats varieties and hybrids that do not need to be planted (easy care).

At the same time, certain disadvantages cannot be ignored:

  1. Overall yield will be lower than indeterminate tomatoes (due to limited growth and number of flower clusters).
  2. To obtain a high yield, a number of varieties of such tomatoes require enhanced feeding.
  3. If a small plant has several clusters of fruit at the same time, the tomato’s immunity to various diseases is seriously reduced.

When growing tomatoes, it is necessary to study information about the variety and take note of the experience of other gardeners.

The best choice for greenhouses


The hybrid is not devoid of exoticism, but it is grown only in greenhouses. This is due to the fact that the variety is tall, the bushes cannot withstand the winds, and the stems break. The bright small fruits are shaped like an ellipse, and how delicious they are!

Date fruit

Our breeders developed small-fruited tomatoes. The taste is fruity. Summer residents of Central Russia recommend growing it indoors; the vegetables are heat-loving. The height of the bushes reaches one and a half meters.

The stems need to be tied up. Beautiful orange tomatoes ripen towards mid-June. Productivity depends on weather conditions. The hybrid successfully tolerates low temperatures, but the yield is significantly reduced. Dates can be grown right on the windowsill!


This is a variety of Japanese truffle. The fruits are equally good fresh or canned. The bush reaches a height of one and a half meters, not higher. The stems need to be tied up and the shoots need to be cut off regularly. A high-yielding tomato bears fruit equally well in greenhouses or in the garden. Externally, the fruits are similar to the truffle mushroom. Their flesh is dense and juicy. Sweet to taste.

Yellow scallops

The variety is recommended to be grown in a greenhouse. To get maximum yield, you need to leave only 2 stems on one bush. Ripe heart-shaped vegetables with an orange tint, as in the photo. The flesh with pink veins is very sweet. Scallops are readily eaten and tomato juice is made from them. They are not suitable for processing or conservation.


Hybrid tomato designed for greenhouses. Characterized by high yield and early ripening. The uniqueness of the bush is that each brush holds up to fifty tomatoes, but not immediately, but rather over a long period of time.

The pulp is fleshy, contains little water, and is sweetish. The skin is dense, which allows the crop to be stored for a long time without refrigeration and transported to other regions. Yellow caramels are canned, but fresh ones are simply delicious.

Banana legs

The fruits are unusual in appearance and taste. The variety is one of the best among the yellow ones, bred by American breeders for cultivation in the garden, greenhouses or greenhouses. To obtain optimal yield, you need to leave from 3 to 5 stems on one plant.

Banana legs have a highly elongated shape. The taste of the pulp is reminiscent of citrus fruits. Up to 5 kg of crop is harvested from one bush. Vegetables can be eaten raw or canned. They are also suitable for making sauces and seasonings.


This is a variety of cherry. Indeterminate tall bushes are grown in open ground or greenhouses. Tomatoes grow in dense clusters.


The fruits ripen within 85 days after planting the seeds. Low-growing bushes grow to a maximum of 70 cm; they do not need to be tied up. The variety is resistant to diseases such as septoria and macrosporiosis, but is susceptible to late blight and watery rot.

Fruits with a bright orange tint resemble oranges (by the way, there is such a variety). The taste is sweet, and the yield is up to 5 kg per bush. Well kept.

It is still better to grow the listed varieties in greenhouses, where their yield is maximum, and they ripen much earlier than garden varieties.

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