Choosing a variety and rules for growing cucumbers in Belarus


Agricultural technology for cucumbers has been worked out in detail for a long time. It is hardly possible to find the owner of a plot of land who is not familiar with the technology of growing this vegetable. However, knowing the basic conditions for growing cucumbers, gardeners often make a number of inaccuracies that significantly reduce the yield.

In Belarus, cucumber is the second most important vegetable after potatoes. The location of the country allows us to provide an early harvest of this vegetable not only for ourselves, but also for neighboring states. Therefore, losing part of the harvest due to annoying mistakes is an unaffordable luxury.

Varieties for open ground

Cultivation on open land has undeniable advantages: plants receive more heat, fresh air, and are pollinated by insects. The variety is selected depending on the purpose: for salad, for canning or pickling. Salad cucumbers are stored well in the refrigerator, but will become soggy in brine. Pickling cucumbers look great and have an appetizing crunch when pickled. Gherkins are suitable for canning and salads.

Universal varieties for the Vitebsk region, suitable for pickling and salads:

  • Gracious;
  • Dachny;
  • Santana F1;
  • Crane F1;
  • Regina F1.
  • fontanel;
  • Atlantis F1;
  • Fabulous;
  • Pickling;
  • Non-feminine;
  • Muromsky.

For fresh consumption:

  • April F1;
  • Zozulya F1;
  • Altai early 166;
  • Elegant;
  • Phoenix.

The highest yielding crops

You can get a big harvest only with good care, but there are hybrids that are real record holders for fertility.

Sparta F1

A wonderful variety for those who want to pick cucumbers all summer. The harvest reaches 11.5 kilograms per square meter; it is harvested from July to October.

Sparta produces fruits 6-12 centimeters in length. Cucumbers are covered with white fluff, light green in color. They grow only in open ground. They do not succumb to diseases. Not intended for blanks.

Pickle F1

The fruits grow up to 90-100 grams - dense and not long. They are dark green in color with small tubercles and white edges. Village pickle under cover produces up to 14.5 kilograms of greens per square meter.

When pickled and preserved, it crunches like fresh and has a pleasant taste in salads.

Zozulya F1

It grows well in vegetable gardens and greenhouses, as it tolerates excess and lack of moisture well. Cucumbers are long (15-25 centimeters), weight reaches 160-200 grams.

Self-pollinating and bee-pollinated varieties

Self-pollinating cucumbers are resistant to unfavorable conditions and produce a bountiful harvest. The most popular types of self-pollinating cucumbers are Patti, Korolek, April and Prestige.

Korolek is an early variety with large, long fruits, is not susceptible to diseases, does not taste bitter, and is great for salads. Patti has small fruits with pimples, is suitable for canning, and produces a generous harvest.

Prestige is a high-yielding variety, from a small plot (about 1 m2) you can harvest 20 kg of vegetables, bears fruit until autumn, has a pleasant taste, without bitterness. Bee-pollinated fruits set fruit only when pollinated by insects, and have an excellent taste. The best varieties for Belarus: Faithful Friends F1, Azbuka F1, Farmer F1, Lastochka F1.

These varieties are distinguished by a light taste and lack of bitterness, which appears with excessive sun and lack of moisture. Therefore, in order for cucumbers to please, they need to be well watered and protected from the sun.

Hybrids for pickling and canning

Lilliputian F1Medium late 48 - 54 days, Indeterminate up to 2 meters, large tuberculate with black spines, Bee pollinated, fruit 10 cm - 12 cm, weight 90 g - 120 g.
Zyatek F1Early 35 - 45 days, weakly climbing 1 - 1.6 m, with small tubercles, black thorns, Bee pollinated, fruits 6 cm - 8 cm, weighing 50 g - 70 g.
Siberian salting F1Medium late 43 - 53 days, Indeterminate, vigorous, large tubercles, black thorns, Bee pollinated, fruit length 10 cm - 15 cm, weight 110 g - 200 g.
Maryina Roshcha F1Medium-early 40 - 50 days, Indeterminate medium-sized, Bee-pollinated, fruit 5 cm - 8 cm, weight 70 g - 80 g, large-tubercular with black spines.
Hit of the F1 seasonSuper early 35 - 40 days, vigorous up to 2 m, fruits 9 - 13 cm, weighing 120 g - 140 g, bee pollinated, bunched, finely tuberculate, black thorn.
White sugar F1Mid-early 47 - 50 days, Indeterminate, vigorous, up to 2.3 m, large-tubercular with black spines, Bee-pollinated, fruit length 11 cm - 13 cm, weight 85 g - 95 g.

Varieties for the greenhouse

Growing cucumbers under a film makes it possible to outsmart nature a little and get fresh vegetables earlier than from an open garden bed.

The varieties that received the best reviews were:

  • Sarov F1
    produces a high yield even in low light conditions and bears fruit in bouquets.
  • Valaam hybrid
    - without bitterness, the fruit does not outgrow, the harvest is harvested before frost.
  • Suomi F1
    is disease resistant, has a pleasant taste and a beautiful oval shape, the fruits do not outgrow.

Each of these varieties has excellent taste and produces a good harvest. Any of them must be looked after, then the cucumbers will delight you with their harvest and their delicate taste.

We also recommend paying attention to:

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Cucumbers are popular vegetables that are successfully grown by summer residents and gardeners. You can equally well grow cucumbers outdoors. By creating optimal conditions for the growth of this vegetable, you can get an excellent harvest.

Cucumbers are popular vegetables that are successfully grown by summer residents and gardeners. You can equally well grow cucumbers outdoors. By creating optimal conditions for the growth of this vegetable, you can get an excellent harvest. In this article we will tell you how to choose productive varieties of cucumbers for open ground.

Influence of region on variety choice

To obtain a rich harvest of high-quality fruits, the regionalization of representatives of the vegetable crop is taken into account. For areas with harsh weather conditions, breeders have developed cold-resistant varieties, while for hot ones - drought-resistant varieties. Thanks to constant work at experimental stations, hybrids have been obtained in which, at the genetic level, the bitterness in taste that appears during moisture deficiency has been removed.

In most regions, due to the unfavorable climate, cucumbers demonstrate yields in open ground that are several times lower than when grown in a greenhouse.

In warm areas

Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus are zones where a vegetable crop is able to realize the potential declared by the originator without any shelter. Popular representatives:

For the middle zone and Moscow region

For this zone, the choice of suitable vegetable representatives is the widest. Best cucumbers:

Varieties for Siberia and the Urals

There are also many cucumbers that are suitable for planting in areas with long springs and short summers. The most productive:

A popular and easy-to-care parthenocarpic hybrid that bears fruit well in cool summer conditions is “Siberian Express F1”.

Choosing varieties for soil

On sale you can find special varieties of cucumbers bred for open garden beds. These varieties allow you to grow vegetables for marinades and pickling.

Remember that it is preferable to use high-yielding hybrids that are designed specifically for open ground. Such plants are resistant to low temperatures.

When choosing cucumber seeds for open ground, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Duration of fruiting.
  • Purpose of the harvest.
  • The size of their taste qualities of the fruit.
  • Branching intensity.
  • The need for any special care.
  • Resistant to drought and low temperatures.

The variety you choose must match the climatic conditions of your region.

We offer you a description of hybrids and varieties for open ground, which are very popular among summer residents and gardeners.

Admiral F1. This is a bee-pollinated, cold-resistant hybrid that has excellent resistance to various diseases. This variety allows you to get an early harvest with the necessary taste.

Bedretta F1 is a relatively hardy, unpretentious hybrid that allows you to get a good harvest even when growing vegetables in unfavorable conditions.

Aquarius is a universal early variety that is distinguished by its yield, and the fruits can be used canned or fresh.

The Graceful variety is characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures. This type of cucumber is recommended for central Russia and northern regions.

Siberian janitor is a super early self-pollinating variety of cucumbers. You can get a magnificent harvest at the very beginning of July. Note the excellent immunity to various diseases and rot.

Hybrid Emelya F1 is intended for salting. It allows you to obtain small-sized fruits that have a great taste. This variety of cucumbers is resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, so it is recommended for summer residents who cannot provide the plant with frequent watering.

Read also: Paradise tomatoes reviews with photos

Cucumbers of the “True Friends” variety

True friends of F1. Another early variety that bears fruit 30-35 days after planting the seedlings in the ground. This variety has weak weaving, so it is recommended to plant it quite densely.

When choosing varieties of cucumber seeds for planting, we can recommend that you give preference to hybrids, which you can identify by marking F1 in the name on the package. These cucumber seeds for open ground are characterized by excellent resistance to various diseases and allow you to get an excellent harvest.

The peculiarity of hybrids is the fact that it will be impossible to obtain high-quality seeds from them. Seeds obtained from such hybrids do not retain their characteristics, and growing them will not allow you to get any good harvest.

Cucumbers variety "April F1"

April F1 is a universal early ripening hybrid that is capable of bearing fruit 50 days after the first shoots. Growing this variety first at home and then planting the seedlings will allow you to get the required harvest at the very beginning of summer. The peculiarity of this variety is its compactness and excellent ability to self-regulate branching. The fruits are cylindrical in shape and large in size. Their weight can reach 250 grams with a length of 25 centimeters. Among the advantages of this variety, we note its low maintenance requirements, lack of bitterness and excellent frost resistance. When growing ground cucumbers of the April F1 variety, you will get an excellent harvest.

Erofei is a mid-season bee-pollinated universal variety. It is great for canning and salads. This species is distinguished by a strong branched stem. Zelentsy are relatively short, no more than 7 centimeters, and have an elongated ovoid shape. Erofey is resistant to powdery mildew.

Cucumbers "Ant" variety

The ant is a parthenocarpic hydride belonging to the ultra-early maturing category. You will make the first harvest of fruits 35 days after the planted seeds hatch. The bunch-type cucumber has a small number of side shoots. The fruits are cylindrical in shape with a maximum size of 12 centimeters. Withstands sharp drops in temperature and is able to produce an excellent harvest even with infrequent watering.

Hybrid Masha F1 is a high-yielding and ultra-ripe variant with a bunch flowering type. This hybrid is characterized by the longest fruiting period. The fruits themselves are gherkin-type with a cylindrical shape. This hybrid has a wonderful mild taste. It is universal, so you can eat the vegetable fresh or use it for canning. Masha F1 is resistant to viruses and a number of other cucumber diseases. It is possible to grow in unfavorable conditions.

The pickling variety Competitor is early ripening and has excellent taste. It has cylindrical or oval fruits, up to 12 centimeters long. On average, the weight of the fetus is 120 grams. The Competitor variety is resistant to powdery mildew.

Cucumbers of the “Rodnichok” variety

Spring is a bee-pollinated hybrid that bears fruit on the 55th day. F1 fontanelle was bred with increased resistance to vegetable diseases. The fontanelle has a cylindrical shape and sparse spines. Cucumber is great for canning and is completely devoid of bitterness. The size of ripe fruits does not exceed 12 centimeters and weighs no more than 100 grams.

We can also recommend the Dalnevostochny variety for open ground. It is resistant to various adverse conditions.

Cucumber seeds - choosing the best

Tumi. It has good endurance: it is unpretentious to watering, is not affected by many diseases, easily tolerates temperature changes, but still produces good fruit. It can produce up to 12 kg of harvest from one bush. Productivity is not the only advantage of the Tumi cucumber; it can reach 10 cm in size and has a thin skin.​

What to look for when choosing

​late ripening,​

The first vegetable to be planted in indoor soil is the cucumber. Since this crop loves warmth and moisture and really does not like wind and drafts, if these requirements are fully met by appropriate conditions, then the harvest in greenhouses will be harvested earlier.​

​These descriptions fully confirm the reviews that gardeners leave.​

​taste qualities of fruits and their purpose - pickling or salads;​

​To “guess” the timing of growing sprouts, you should know approximately when the earth temperature warms up to +15 - 16 degrees. If it is the end of May, then cucumber seeds for open ground are planted at the beginning of the month. The plant is very sensitive to cold, so replanting is stressful for it. Even if the earth warms up sufficiently during the day, it is better to “wrap” the sprouts in film at night.​ ​For

Hybrid seeds

​The main difference between self-pollinating varieties and parthenocarpic varieties is that the latter form ovaries without pollination and their greens do not have seeds. Self-pollinating varieties have both a pistil and a stamen in the flower and pollinate themselves. To pollinate such plants, you just need to shake them from time to time.

​In order to achieve excellent results, you must first of all take the choice of cucumber variety for growing in a greenhouse very seriously and competently.

​All the advantages cover the disadvantages that hybrids still have. For example, a price that is significantly higher. The reason lies not only in its superiority over ordinary species, but also in the fact that breeding hybrids is a very difficult job, including manual work. You also need to pay more time and attention when germinating seeds, which are more sensitive to changing conditions. And, probably, the most annoying moment for gardeners is that you cannot choose the best hybrid cucumber seeds and plant them again, since the result will be unpredictable. The laws of genetics are so structured that the second generation of hybrids cannot inherit all the same characteristics of the “parents”: new plants may simply not bear fruit, there may be other pathologies associated with the shape of the fruit, leaves, or bush. But what is certain is that the yield will never be higher.​

Its fruits are without bitterness, juicy, crispy. Like most of its “relatives” grown in a greenhouse, it is resistant to some diseases.​

Preparing seeds for sowing

​Courage. It is highly valued by gardeners. We can say that this is one of the most purchased and grown. It is rightfully classified as high-yielding, since up to 25 kg of fruit can be collected from one bush, of course, subject to sufficient care. The main indicator of the number of fruits is its flowers: how many flowers there are, so many fruits there will be. Courage is resistant to many diseases that attack greenhouse plants.​

​and on the method of pollination:​

​Lovers of this vegetable can enjoy it all year round if certain conditions are met:​

Basic landing rules

​These types include:​

​sizes of cucumbers;​

To obtain strong seedlings, it is advisable to plant each seed in a separate, preferably paper, cup, peat tablets or pots. To prevent the stems from stretching upward too quickly, there must be enough lighting. A window sill on the sunny side of the house is suitable for this, and if this is not possible, then fluorescent lamps should be used. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil or peat is sufficiently moist, but do not flood it with water. Humidification is carried out 1 or 2 times a week, depending on the air temperature in the house. It is better if the room is +18 or higher during the day, and +14, +15 degrees at night. A couple of weeks after sowing, two strong leaves will appear on the stem, then they, together with a glass or peat pot, can be transplanted into the ground.

Video “How to choose cucumber seeds”

​If there is not enough time to properly care for plants, it is recommended to choose unpretentious shade-tolerant varieties “Marfinsky”, “Domashny”, “Regatta”, “Rykovsky”, “Relay”. They withstand low atmospheric humidity and irregular irrigation regimes.​

Varieties for shady open areas

Not every one of us is lucky with the location of the dacha, the beds of which would be constantly illuminated by the sun. Many summer gardeners are faced with the problem of choosing a cucumber variety for shady areas. Currently, varieties of cucumbers have been developed that grow well in the sun and also in the shade. Among the popular varieties for shady areas we can highlight the following:

Muromsky 36 is an early ripening variety that is intended for pickling. The fruits can be smooth or finely tuberculate. The maximum size of the fetus is 8 centimeters. The fruits are ellipsoid or ovoid in shape with a light color. When growing this variety of cucumbers, you must remember that the ripened fruits quickly turn yellow, so you need to harvest every three days or more often.

Cucumbers of the “Secret of the Firm F1” variety

The early-ripening parthenocarpic hybrid Secret of the Company F1 bears fruit already on the 38th day from the appearance of the first shoots. The stem is medium branched, and the plant itself has a female type of flowering. Ripening cucumbers are cylindrical in shape, with an average size and weight of no more than 115 grams. This species is immune to cladosporiosis, as well as powdery mildew.

The mid-season variety Podmoskovnie vechera F1 belongs to the parthenocarpic type and allows you to get a harvest on the 42nd day. The vegetable has a great rich taste. You can make salads from cucumbers or use them for pickling. The plant is strongly climbing, has dark green fruits with a cylindrical shape. The maximum length of the fetus is 14 centimeters.

Which variety should I choose for preservation?

Below are time-tested varieties:

  • Herman - the ripening period begins 38-40 days after planting. The fruit is 8-10 cm and weighs approximately 90-100 g.
  • Phoenix - the ripening period begins 50-60 days after planting. The fruit is 13-14 cm and weighs approximately 135-145 g.
  • Aquarius - the maturation period begins in 45-50 days. The fruit is 12-14 cm and weighs approximately 105-110 g.
  • Moscow evenings - the ripening period begins 40-45 days after planting. The fruit is 12-14 cm and weighs approximately 90-100 g.

Variety of cucumbers

A large number of varieties allows you to choose the best options that are resistant to diseases and weather conditions of the region where you plan to grow greens.

Domestic and foreign breeders have developed many hybrids that have no less accessible agricultural technology and excellent taste than the once beloved cucumbers.

Among the main tips for growing vegetables, experts point out the need to plant several varieties at once . This makes it possible to evaluate the yield of different species under the same ripening conditions, and to obtain at least some yield during drought or prolonged rains.

You can find the necessary and useful information about varietal diversity and characteristics of greens below.

The most popular varieties with names

For ease of perception and application of the text in practice, plants are divided into separate groups, united by a common feature.

The best self-pollinating for open ground

  • Balagan - the ripening period is only 40 days. The length of the greenery reaches 9 cm. One bush gives a harvest of up to 3.5 kg. The plant's strong immunity resists various diseases (olive spot, mosaic, powdery mildew).
  • Kurazh - harvesting of the Kurazh variety begins 40-47 days after sprouts emerge from the soil. The weight of one cucumber reaches 170-180 grams, up to 10 greens are formed on one shoot. The plant practically does not suffer from rot or powdery mildew.
  • Connie - fruit harvesting begins 50 days after sowing. The culture is universal both in the method of cultivation and in the use of cucumbers. The length of the greens is 10 cm, the yield per 1 m2 is about 9 kg.
  • Berendey - fruits (12-15 cm) ripen on the 42nd day after the sprouts appear. From one bush you can harvest up to 3.5 kg. Zelentsy have excellent characteristics and have a long shelf life.
  • Gerda - fruits 10 cm long appear 1.5 months after sowing. 2.8-3 kg are removed from the bush. The plant is rarely affected by diseases; it is particularly resistant to fungal infections.

The best early ripe cucumbers

Early ripening varieties have a feature that every gardener should be familiar with.

  • Aprilsky - from the moment of planting, the fruits of Aprilsky ripen on the 50th day, reaching a length of 20-22 cm. The plant itself regulates the growth of shoots, so the need for pruning disappears. The average yield per 1 m2 is 22 kg. Cucumbers will not ripen if you miss the harvest date. The culture is resistant to almost all diseases, with the exception of root rot.
  • Herman - sprouts 39-41 days after the sprouts appear. The length of Herman's greens reaches 10 cm; a harvest of 23-26 kg is harvested from 1 m2. The hybrid is characterized by a long fruiting period, self-pollination and immunity to fungi.
  • Orlik - begins to bear fruit 47-50 days after sowing. The length of the greens reaches 14-16 cm, with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm. 6-8 kg are removed from the bush. The culture has strong immunity and resists powdery mildew, root rot, olive spot and TMV.
  • Valdai - the bush begins to bear fruit on the 45th day after the sprouts appear. Flowers are formed predominantly by females, so pollination by bees is required. The length of the greens is about 10-11 cm, up to 4.5 kg of harvest is harvested from the bush. The hybrid is designed for preservation, but due to its delicate taste it is also used for salad.


Varieties with an average ripening period begin to bear fruit 45-55 days after sowing the grains into the soil. All plants in this group differ in the method of cultivation (greenhouse, ground), purpose (fresh or for pickling) and type of pollination.

  • Competitor - characterized as a life-loving and disease-resistant plant. The length of the greens reaches 9-12 cm with an average weight of 100 g. Up to 3.8 kg of crop is harvested from each m2. The variety has good immunity and is resistant to powdery mildew.
  • Nezhinsky is a bee-pollinated variety, characterized by a powerful stem, medium-sized fruits (length 10-12 cm, weight 90 g) and high yield (8 kg per 1 m2). Nezhinsky tolerates low temperatures and is resistant to many diseases. Cucumbers have high taste qualities.
  • Libella is a universal hybrid with a long fruiting period. With proper care, you can harvest until the cold weather. The length of Libelle greens reaches 14 cm, weight – 140 grams. Up to 10-12 kg are removed from a square meter. When salted, the flesh remains crispy and elastic. In agricultural technology, cases of crop damage by common diseases are rare.
  • Table - has an excellent taste without bitterness, ideal for pickling. The bush is formed long with a strong vine, the length of the fruit reaches 12 cm and weighs 80-90 grams. Productivity per 1 m2 is about 8 kg.

Late ripening

checked for germination before planting . Also, when choosing varieties of this group, you need to take into account the climate of the region and the ripening period of the greens in order to have time to collect most of the harvest before the onset of cold weather.

  • Phoenix - Harvest period occurs 64 days after seed germination. Cucumbers reach a length of 16 cm, the average weight is 230 g. Phoenix bushes form a branched lash that resists weather vagaries well.
  • The winner is distinguished by long spreading vines that easily tolerate drought and coolness. The plant is resistant to various types of fungi. The length of the fruit reaches 14 cm with an average weight of 110 g. The yield per 1 m2 is 7-8 kg.
  • Sunny - the variety is mid-season, but most gardeners plant it as a late variety. The bush produces many branches, forming a massive lash, which requires planting over a large area. The peel of the greens is covered with a few tubercles and greenish stripes. The length of the cucumber reaches 12 cm with an average weight of 140 g.
  • Brownie - the harvest period begins on the 65th day after germination. The length of the cucumbers is small (9 cm), but the taste is excellent. The culture has good immunity, showing resistance to almost all common diseases. Productivity – 6-8 kg per 1 m2.
  • Chinese is a disease-resistant variety with a mild taste and no bitterness. A feature of the Chinese cucumber fruit is its short shelf life after harvesting. The original elongated cucumbers (30-35 cm) look like snakes. The plant tolerates low temperatures and poor light.

Read also: Grow lettuce at home on the windowsill

Which are the highest yielding ones for greenhouses?

All gardeners, without exception, are attracted to high-yielding varieties. You can try growing the most popular of them in your greenhouse.

  • Parisian gherkin - the fruits ripen 50-60 days after sowing. The length of the Parisian gherkin variety reaches 12 cm with an average weight of 85 grams. A large number of ovaries are formed on the vine, which guarantees high yield - over 30 kg per 1 m2. Low seed germination requires planting the bed through seedlings.
  • The fontanelle is a popular cucumber among gardeners in our country. It is grown in almost every area. The size of the green spring Rodnichka reaches 22-24 cm with an average weight of 150 g. Over 10 kg are removed from the bush. In terms of taste qualities and rules of agricultural technology, the variety remains competitive with the best European developments of breeders.
  • Zozulya – the harvest period begins on the 45th day after the sprouts appear. The formation of the lash is carried out in such a way that the bush does not need pruning. Zelentsy reach a length of 24 cm with an average weight of 280-300 g. From a square meter you can harvest up to 30 kg of Zozulya cucumber. The plant practically does not suffer from olive spot and cucumber mosaic.

For planting in open ground

  • Suzanne is a universal crop that can be grown not only in open ground, but in a greenhouse and even on a balcony. The length of the lash reaches 3-4 m, forming a large number of ovaries. Pick 3-4 centimeter fruits or wait until they become larger; this does not affect the taste. Suzanne has good resistance to diseases and pests.
  • Sparta - the hybrid is bee-pollinated with stable fruiting. The length of the greens is 6-12 cm, the taste is pleasant without bitterness. The culture has strong immunity, especially to powdery mildew and fungi. The yield per bush is 2.8-3.1 kg.
  • Raznosol - the fruiting period begins on the 55th day after the appearance of sprouts. The length of the greens is 9-11 cm with an average weight of 100-110 g. Over 4 kg is removed from one bush. Raznosol has a delicate taste with a sweetish note, without bitterness.
  • Pinocchio is a self-pollinating hybrid that begins to ripen 48 days after germination. The length of the greens is approximately 8-9 cm and weighs 85 g. The yield per bush is 3.4 kg.
  • Robust - in terms of the speed of ripening, the cucumber is considered a sprinter, just 38 days after the sprouts appear. The length of the greens is about 9 cm and weighs 80 g. The fruiting period is fleeting, all ovaries form and ripen together. Unfavorable weather does not have a negative impact on the growing season.

For cultivation in Siberia

Growing cucumbers in harsh climates has its own characteristics. It is better to plant cucumbers in Siberia in polycarbonate greenhouses or choose productive, early-ripening varieties.

  • Altai - has a short ripening period; the harvest begins 36-40 days after seed germination. The length of the greens is 9-12 cm and weighs 100 g. The plant is cold-resistant and easily tolerates the vagaries of the weather. After harvest, the fruits retain their presentation and taste for a long time.
  • Serpentine is a gherkin-type cucumber that ripens 39-42 days after germination. The fruiting period is characterized by intensity; already in the first 10 days, most of the harvest is harvested - over 1.7 kg per 1 m2. Serpentine is known for its taste qualities, which lack bitterness.
  • Bush is a compact plant that requires pollination. The length of the greens reaches 8 cm and weighs 90 grams. Productivity is stable with proper care (3 kg per bush). The peculiarity of the variety is its endurance and strong immunity. Cucumbers have a universal purpose.

Each variety of cucumbers has a set of impressive advantages. The main thing when choosing is to take into account the climatic features of the region and the correspondence of the characteristics of the varieties you like to them. Then the main stage of planting the future harvest will be completed correctly.

Cucumber varieties for growing in greenhouse conditions

​For early planting in closed ground, only hybrids with increased shade tolerance are suitable. Most of them are parthenocarpic, with a bunch (bouquet) type of flowering.​

​Currently, gardeners have access to a wide variety of cucumber varieties, and everyone decides for themselves which cucumbers are best to plant in a greenhouse on their own plot. In general, they can be divided into groups according to the following characteristic features:​

Almost all the varieties listed above are hybrid. They are grown virtually everywhere - in Ukraine and Belarus, in the north-west of Russia and in the Moscow region, in the Urals and Siberia. Hybrids are grown not only domestically produced, but also foreign. Our foreign hybrid varieties Courage, Rita, Perenta, and Kariba have taken root well.​

​Cucumbers can be grown in greenhouses not only in the spring, but also to delight yourself and your family with fresh vegetables in the winter: it is enough to create the necessary conditions and choose the appropriate type of this vegetable (for example, the Angelina hybrid).​

​Amur F1 is one of the popular ultra-early and very productive hybrids. With normal care you can collect up to 30 kg per square meter, with increased care - up to 50 kg of vegetables per square meter of the greenhouse.​

  • ​pollinated by insects;​
  • ​build a good greenhouse;​
  • ​"Lord F1" is a bee-pollinated species that produces high yields and is resistant to diseases such as powdery downy mildew. It has neat fruits 10-12 cm in length, which are good for pickling and salting in barrels.​
  • ​self- or bee-pollinated varieties;

General characteristics of greenhouse varieties

​If you think about which cucumber seeds are the best for open ground, then you should look at self-pollinating species, and also decide on the ripening time. This directly depends on climatic conditions, the length of the season and the location of the site. The short summer period requires a different approach to planting and caring for plants than in early spring or warm weather until mid-September.​

​ Now the number of both has increased disproportionately and continues to grow steadily. Greenhouse varieties stand somewhat apart in the general row and are divided according to the method of use (pickling, canning, salad, universal) and according to the timing of ripening (early, mid-ripening, late). The most common due to their certain qualities are the following varieties and hybrids:​ ​cultivation time

​It’s no secret that the harvest often depends on the quality of the seed. To select the best cucumber seeds, you will have to go through several procedures. First, soak the grains in water at room temperature for a short time (5-7 minutes will be enough), then place them in a weakly concentrated solution of table salt, repeat this once or twice more. As a result, you will be able to identify unsuitable seeds - they will float because they have a void in the middle. It is better not to use such cucumber seeds. Wash the grains that have passed the “selection” and dry thoroughly. This will help increase germination. You can also additionally calibrate the grains into small and large ones, and then sow accordingly.​

​Video with an overview of the main varieties of cucumber. Which varieties are suitable for the greenhouse, which ones produce more yield?

​The best varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses in this category can be found in many names. We will tell you only about the best and most popular.​

​Parthenocarpic (self-pollinating).​

Main greenhouse varieties of cucumbers

​choose suitable seeds;​

​"Farmer F1" is suitable for gardeners whose plots are located in a fairly cool climate or on the north side. Gives a plentiful and long-lasting harvest with greens up to 12 cm, suitable for pickling.​

  • ​disease resistance;​
  • ​If the garden is located on the north side, then the best cucumber seeds for open ground are from colder regions of the country. This could be “Farmer”, early “Altai”, “Admira F1”, “Bidretta F1”. They are distinguished by increased endurance to the external environment, good yield and excellent taste. Even if the summer turns out to be cool, they will delight you with abundant crispy fruits.​
  • Cucumber greens that are 4-8 cm long, picked soon after flowering and have not reached maturity, are usually called gherkins. They are used mainly for pickling and are highly prized for their taste. Among gherkin cucumbers, lovers can recommend such varieties as “Alex”, “Conrad”, “Friendly Family”, “Sorcerer”, “Pyzhik”.​
  • ​Methods of vertical cultivation of cucumbers.​
  • ​type of greens: large-tubercular, small-tubercular or smooth-fruited;​

​An important step is to carry out disinfection, which will allow you to worry less in the future that the plant will be attacked by pests or destroyed by diseases. There are several methods of disinfection: treatment with potassium permanganate, boric acid solution or other chemicals. A very good method is irradiation with ultraviolet rays. Treatment with wood ash will supply the seeds with nutrients.​

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