Large-fruited variety from Bulgarian breeders - tomato “Mother’s Love”

Description of the variety

The variety is productive, semi-determinate, mid-season and large-fruited . Developed by breeders from Bulgaria, who recommend growing tomatoes using greenhouses in cold regions and open ground in southern regions.

In the photo you can see what Mom's love looks like.

Distinctive features

The bush can reach a height of 1.8 m, or 2 m when grown in a greenhouse . The plant has a strong and thick stem that can survive without a garter for some time. As soon as the fruit appears, the tomato needs to be tied up.

Step-sonning is a must . The highest yield can be achieved if you form a plant with 2 stems. The leaf shape is the same as many other varieties. During flowering, a large number of small flowers, up to ten pieces, are formed in an inflorescence. It begins to bear fruit 120 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

About other varieties of tomatoes:

Tomato “Important Person” and its advantages over other varieties

Large-fruited Dutch hybrid tomatoes "Majitos"

Rich harvest in any weather - “Altai masterpiece”

Fruit characteristics, yield

The fruits of the Mama's Love tomato are large. They have a flattened, oval shape, weight - 500 g . The ribbing on the fruit is not visible, but there may be large grooves near the stalk. Ripe fruits of rich red color with shiny skin.

Tomatoes contain a small number of seeds . They have juicy and soft flesh. The fruit is characterized by a slightly sweet taste and a pronounced tomato smell. The maximum yield is up to 3.5 kg per bush when grown in open ground. When using a greenhouse, it increases by approximately 30%.

Reference. The fruits on the bushes grow densely, sometimes they may not have enough space.

Taste qualities of tomatoes Mom's love

Ripe tomatoes of this variety are very fleshy, sweet, tasty and juicy, flat-round in shape, weighing up to 500 g. On average, their weight is 350 - 400 g. The color of the fruit is deep red, the aroma is pronounced, tomato. The smooth, glossy surface of the skin is even and shiny. The pulp of tomatoes contains some seeds. The fruits are used for fresh consumption, as well as for preparing any canned snacks - winter salads, lecho, juices, pastes or ketchups. Large tomatoes are not suitable for canning whole, but they can be used cut up for pickling and pickling.

How to grow seedlings

Tomato seedlings Mama's Love are planted in greenhouses in the second half of February, and if planted in open ground, then in mid-March. To obtain an earlier harvest, seeds are planted in a greenhouse at the very beginning of February. Then the first fruits will appear in early May.

Seed preparation

When growing seedlings yourself, you first need to prepare the seeds.

The first step is to separate the good from the bad. To do this, place them in a glass of water with salt (1 tsp) and leave for 5–10 minutes. Any that float should be thrown away.

Next, the seeds are soaked in an ash solution for about 8 hours so that they absorb useful substances and swell. The next step is disinfection by soaking in a manganese solution for 20 minutes.

Container and soil

For growing seedlings, soil from a summer cottage where cucumbers or cabbage grew is quite suitable.
To improve the quality, it is mixed with some ready-made soil and 0.5 liters of wood ash and 1-2 tablespoons of superphosphate are added to this mixture. It is important not to make mistakes in choosing the soil and under no circumstances use the soil after growing potatoes, peppers or onions. The soil after these crops may be infected with late blight.

The container can be any box or box with drainage holes. It must be disinfected.


When planting seedlings, follow these rules::

  1. Plant the seeds to a depth not exceeding 1 cm, and maintain a distance of 5 cm between seeds.
  2. Place tomato rows at a distance of at least 10 cm.
  3. It is recommended to plant two seeds in one hole.
  4. Next, water the seeds and place them in a dark place, after covering the container with film.

Growing and care

Until the seeds have sprouted and the first shoots appear on the surface, it is important to maintain soil moisture.

Seedlings need to be provided with as much light as possible . Artificial lighting will not be superfluous. For the first 72 hours, it is recommended to illuminate tomato seedlings around the clock. Subsequently, 16 hours a day will be sufficient for lighting.

It is important to maintain a favorable air temperature - from 25 to 28 degrees for seed germination. After they sprout, the temperature will be comfortable at 20–15 degrees, and after another two weeks room temperature is sufficient.

You should periodically lift the film covering the seedlings to remove excess moisture. Too much moisture can cause mold to form. The film is completely removed from the seedlings two weeks after the first shoots appear and at the same time the plant is fed for the first time. Afterwards, fertilizing must be done weekly.

After the appearance of the third true leaf, the tomatoes dive: they transfer the plants from a common box to separate containers, deepening them almost to the first leaves. When picking, only healthy and strong specimens are transplanted, weak ones are thrown away.

Selection of seedlings

Those who do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings at home can buy them. Many people go to the market and trust the sellers, without even thinking about the quality of the seedlings. However, the future harvest directly depends on the quality of the material, so you need to know how to choose seedlings.

Did you know? The fruits of cultivated varieties can reach a weight of about 1000 grams, but the fruits of wild tomatoes weigh no more than a gram.

Here are some simple rules:

  • It is better not to take seedlings with ovaries. When planting such tomatoes, the first fruits will be lost, and such a plant will take root worse. If you carelessly bought seedlings with ovaries, it is better to remove them immediately;
  • seedlings with large stems and lush, emerald greenery are not worth buying. Such specimens were most likely fed with nitrogen. Such a plant will bloom poorly, and there will be few fruits. But the bush will delight you with tops;
  • pale, tall plants with yellowed leaves are not suitable;
  • the plant should have 7–8 leaves. Good, healthy seedlings should also have a distinctive flower cluster;
  • the trunk should be of moderate thickness (about the size of a pencil). The leaves should be whole, without yellowing;
  • there should be no signs of mold or other microorganisms on the trunk. The presence of brown spots is also unacceptable;
  • It is not advisable to buy seedlings that are densely packed into a container. There is a possibility that such seedlings have damaged root systems.

The nuances of growing in open ground and greenhouses

Tomato seedlings Mama's Love are transferred to the greenhouse in the second half of February . After transplantation, at the end of April, the process of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse includes the following steps:

  1. Timely watering. It is important not to over-moisten the soil.
  2. Loosening the soil.
  3. Fertilizer application.
  4. Treatment against pests and diseases.
  5. Garter as you grow.
  6. Stepsonning.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is recommended in areas with cold climates . The use of greenhouses in the southern regions will not lead to an increase in yield. The manufacture and maintenance of the structure will require additional resources, and the positive effect of using a greenhouse in the southern regions will be practically unnoticeable.

The process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground and in a greenhouse is the same.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place, up to 4 plants are placed per 1 sq.m of prepared area.

If you grew Mommy's Love tomatoes, write whether you liked them or not.

What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits that you grew.

Your reviews about the Mom's Love tomato will help many gardeners evaluate this variety and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

Harvesting and application

The harvest begins in late August or early September . You don’t have to wait for the fruits to fully ripen; they ripen successfully in the storage area. It is important to complete the collection before the first frost. If you collect tomatoes later, they will be stored much worse.

The fruits are widely used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes and drinks . It can be used not only for food, but also for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Tomato Mom's Love: description of the variety, photos, reviews, characteristics, yield

The Mama's Love tomato is one of the most productive varieties, which appeared in Bulgaria and quickly spread to Russia. Gardeners fell in love with it for its tasty and aromatic large tomatoes (300-400 g). In most regions, bushes should be grown in a greenhouse, and up to 4-5 kg ​​can be removed from a plant (there is data about 10-12 kg).

Description of tomato variety Mom's Love with photo

Tomato Mom's Love is a variety of large tomatoes with a rich, balanced taste. Brought out in Bulgaria, it is not included in the register of breeding achievements in Russia, but has already managed to spread to private farms. In the southern regions and in the Black Earth Region, bushes can be grown in open ground, but in all other regions it is advisable to cultivate them in greenhouses or under film covers.

Main characteristics of the tomato variety Mom's Love:

  • semi-determinate (grows throughout the season, but to a small height);
  • medium height (130-160 cm);
  • mid-ripening (fruits ripen within 110-120 days).

The bush is powerful, the stems are quite strong, but in any case they need tying up. The leaves are medium in size, typical in shape, rich green in color. The flowers are small, light yellow. Up to 10-12 of them are formed on one brush. Moreover, almost all of them are tied, so usually the branches of Mother’s Love tomatoes are densely strewn with fruits.

Description of fruits

The tomatoes are very large, 10-12 cm or more in width. Weight is 300-400 g, often up to 500 g. The shape is classic round with a noticeable flattening at the top and bottom. The surface is bright red, glossy, there are no wrinkles, but several ridges are noticeable. The skin is dense and does not crack.

The pulp is juicy and soft. The taste is sweetish, balanced. The aroma is pronounced - these tomatoes are especially pleasant when fresh. The fruits ripen together, so you can immediately harvest a large harvest.

On a cut of Mama's Love tomatoes, 2 seed chambers are visible

Characteristics of the tomato Mom's Love

The variety is mid-season: from the moment the seeds are planted for seedlings until the first fruits are collected at the stage of technical ripeness (green color), it takes about 4 months. They can be left to ripen on the bush or sent to a dark, cool place for ripening. Peak fruiting occurs in mid-summer.

Tomato yield Mom's love and fruiting

The variety is quite productive - in favorable weather conditions and subject to proper agricultural practices, you can get up to 4.5 kg of tomatoes from 1 plant over the entire season.

ConditionsGreenhouseOpen ground
From 1 bush, kg4,2-4,43-3,4
From 1 m2, kg*12-159-10

*On 1 m2 you can place 3 bushes of Mom’s Love tomatoes, and with a denser planting in the greenhouse - 4 plants.

The greatest yield can be obtained by growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, as well as by following standard care rules:

  1. Regular feeding.
  2. Watering with warm, settled water (avoid excess moisture).
  3. Tying bushes and pinching.
  4. Formation into 2 or 3 stems.
  5. Preventive treatment with fungicides.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Mom's Love tomatoes are great for salads and cold appetizers. They are also used to prepare various dishes:

  • tomato juice;
  • tomato paste;
  • sauces;
  • soups;
  • second courses;
  • lecho and other preparations.

They are not suitable for whole-fruit canning due to their large size. However, the fruits can be fermented and pickled (with acetic acid) in large barrels and tubs.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The tomato variety Mom's Love has good immunity to most Solanaceae diseases. But since the fruits take 4 months or more to ripen, the bushes may suffer from late blight. The appearance of colonies of insects (aphids, whiteflies) and other pests (nematodes, slugs) is also possible. Therefore, even before transplanting into the garden, seedlings are treated with fungicides, and, if necessary, with insecticides.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

For many summer residents, the tomato variety Mom's Love has become a discovery in the sense that it is not difficult to grow, and the yield is really large. In addition, tomatoes are not only tasty, but also have a distinct aroma.

In many regions, tomatoes of the Mama's Love variety have time to ripen on the bush

  • good yield;
  • balanced taste and pleasant aroma of tomatoes;
  • attractive, marketable appearance;
  • tomatoes ripen together, on the same wavelength;
  • can be used for preparing any dishes and in preparations;
  • good immunity to many fungal diseases.
  • no immunity to late blight;
  • in many regions this variety can only be grown in greenhouse conditions;
  • not suitable for whole fruit canning.

Features of cultivation

You can collect Mother's Love tomato seeds yourself and save them until the next season. Since this is a variety and not a hybrid, the new generation will definitely bear fruit. You can purchase them for the first time.

Seedlings are planted in late February or early March.

You can use store-bought soil or your own - for example, from turf soil, compost and humus (ratio 2:1:1) or from peat and garden soil (1:1) with the addition of a few pinches of wood ash and sand.

The seeds are first checked in a 5% salt solution: those that float are rejected. A few hours before planting, they can be treated with 1% potassium permanganate or a fungicide. Standard instructions for growing seedlings:

  1. The soil is placed in wooden boxes or containers.
  2. Plant the seeds shallowly: up to 0.5 cm with an interval of 4-5 cm.
  3. Water well (preferably with a spray bottle)
  4. Place film or glass on top and place the containers in a warm place (at least 25 degrees).
  5. Illuminated with a lamp for up to 13-15 hours a day.
  6. Remove the film after the first leaves appear.
  7. Plant after 2-3 true leaves appear.
  8. A week later, feed with complex fertilizer.
  9. The temperature is gradually reduced to room temperature, and a week before transplanting into the garden, the seedlings are hardened off at 16-17 degrees.

Tomatoes of the Mama's Love variety are best grown in a greenhouse.

The seedlings are transferred to open ground in mid-May, and to the greenhouse a week earlier. The planting pattern is staggered with an interval between bushes of 50 cm, between rows - 60 cm. Agricultural technology for growing tomatoes of the Mama's Love variety is standard:

  1. Watering with settled water 1-2 times a week.
  2. Fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer once every 2-3 weeks. You can alternate with liquid organic matter: mullein infusion, slurry, bird droppings solution.
  3. Mulching the soil with peat, humus, sawdust, hay.
  4. The bush is formed into 2 or 3 stems, the remaining stepsons are removed, leaving a “stump” of 1 cm. At the same time, experienced summer residents keep 2 or 3 stepsons: they can grow into the main stem.
  5. All main shoots are tied up: even when grown in a greenhouse, they can break due to the abundant harvest of large Mommy's Love tomatoes.

Pest and disease control

A week before transplanting the Mama’s Love tomato bushes into open ground or a greenhouse, they must be treated with a fungicide:

  • "Trichopolus";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Profit";
  • "Fitosporin";
  • Bordeaux mixture.

When signs of late blight (spots) appear, the leaves must be removed and an extraordinary treatment is carried out. To combat insects, use home remedies (for example, a solution of baking soda, shavings of laundry soap with ash, mustard powder). You can also use insecticides:

  • "Decis";
  • "Aktara";
  • "Fufanon";
  • "Spark";
  • "Aktellik".

Important! Bushes growing in open ground are treated only in the absence of rain and wind. If a chemical is used, tomatoes can only be harvested after several days (the specific period is indicated in the description of the insecticide or fungicide).

Farmer reviews

Gardeners speak positively about the variety . Everyone shares the opinion that with proper care it produces a large harvest.

Tatyana, Rostov-on-Don : “The best variety this year. Large fruits, a lot of them. The very first ones are ripe. Very tasty. I’ll definitely subscribe for the next season.”

Olga, Krasnodar : “I planted it on the advice of a friend. There were no particular difficulties in caring for them; they matured quickly. It’s good that we didn’t get sick; before that we suffered from late blight for several years. The taste is excellent, I recommend it to everyone!”

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Raspberry Heart F1 belongs to the category of large-fruited hybrid indent varieties. In the average period (after 112–120 days) it bears raspberry tomatoes. The variety has a salad purpose and can be used in preparations.

Features of the variety from the originator Gardens of Russia:

  • vigorous bushes;
  • stem height - 1.5 m;
  • indeterminate type of growth;
  • large fruit;
  • mid-ripening.
  • average weight - 300–600 g;
  • large tomatoes weigh 1–1.2 kg;
  • shape - an even heart;
  • coloring - raspberry;
  • the skin is matte, strong;
  • pulp - dense, slightly juicy;
  • The taste is balanced between sweetness and sourness.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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