Large-fruited variety with resistance to cold - Marshall Pobeda tomato: description of tomatoes

Champion varieties that win at exhibitions for their enormous size are loved by all farmers. It is recommended to start growing giants of agrobiotechnics with the Marshal Pobeda tomato. Its fruits easily gain weight up to 1 kg, look presentable, and have a wonderful taste. Cultivation is simple and standard.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Marshall Pobeda is a tall indeterminate variety. Strong powerful bushes grow up to 2-2.5 m. Require pinching and garters. The number of tomatoes on a bunch can be from 3 to 5. The number of fruiting clusters is 6-8.

Ripening time is average - 120-125 days from germination.

What are the characteristics of the fruit:

  • average weight 300-400 g;
  • large specimens reach 0.8-1 kg;
  • the pulp is fleshy, sugary, watermelon-like;
  • the skin is strong and does not crack;
  • 4-6 seed chambers, few seeds;
  • ribbing is expressed at the stalk and on the sides.

The taste is rich, successfully combines sourness and sweetness.

Description and characteristics of tomato Marshal Pobeda, reviews, photos

Mid-season, large-fruited , tall tomato variety from Siberian breeders.
In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse. The bush is powerful, indeterminate type, up to 2.5 meters high . Requires tying to the support and pinning. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 1 stem.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are flat-round, of medium density, red in color at maturity, weighing 250-350 grams (up to 800 grams), fleshy, with dense skin, not prone to cracking. The tomatoes taste great. These tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, making juice and sauce.

Productivity of the variety : over 5 kg of fruits per plant (with watering and fertilizing).

The variety is resistant to major tomato diseases.

A site about tomato varieties with truthful reviews from gardeners - Tomatland.

Tomato Marshall Pobeda: variety description, yield and cultivation with photos

Tomato "Marshal Pobeda" is a mid-season, high-yielding variety. It is an F1 hybrid. The tomato is indeterminate, the bushes can reach a height of more than 2 meters and need to be tied to a support. Moderate pinching is also required. The plant is formed, as a rule, into one stem. It is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of the “Marshal Pobeda” tomato are deep red, have a flat-round shape, and are not subject to cracking. Their weight can reach 1 kg. Under the right growing conditions, one bush can produce more than 5 kg of large fruits.

Features of cultivation

It is recommended to sow seedlings 2 months before planting in a permanent place. No more than 4 bushes are placed per square meter of land.

Caring for tomatoes includes timely watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and fertilizing with high-quality mineral fertilizers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the variety include the following features:

  • High yield;
  • Large fruits;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Good transportability;
  • Simple growing rules.

The main disadvantage of the variety is that it is not suitable for open ground in the middle zone.

Reviews from gardeners

In order to have a better understanding of the characteristics of the “Marshal Pobeda” variety, we advise you to read the reviews of those who grew it on their plot.

  1. Last year, I read reviews about the excellent yield of the “Marshal Pobeda” tomato, looked at photos of hefty tomatoes and planted the variety in my garden to try. I won't lie if I say it exceeded expectations. The tomatoes are really large, one piece is as much as 800 g. The taste is also at a high level. These tomatoes made excellent juice. (Aliya, Bugulma)
  2. This is our favorite tomato variety. We have never seen such productivity before. Large bright scarlet fruits hung in large clusters from the bush. It is better to grow them in a greenhouse and be sure to tie them up. There is nothing complicated about care. (Natalia Sergeevna, Orenburg region)
  3. It was the first time that Marshal was imprisoned. Before planting, carefully read the description of the variety. The result almost coincided with what was expected. True, our fruits are a little cracked. Possibly due to improper watering. Next year we will correct the mistake. And the tomatoes are good, juicy, meaty. There are no complaints about the taste at all. (Alexey Egorovich, Vladimir)
  4. Of all the varieties that I have grown, this is probably my favorite. The taste is special. Real tomato, slightly sweet. For homemade preparations - just the thing. The only “minus” is that the tomatoes do not fit into the jar entirely. Only in cut form. But this makes it no less tasty. (Olga Vladimirovna, Moscow)
  5. These are tomatoes, just like tomatoes. I remember planting “Bull’s Heart” in the early 2000s, and “Marshal Pobeda” reminded me of them. Firstly, its impressive size, and secondly, its juicy, fleshy pulp. True, the color is slightly different, those were lighter. (Galina Borisovna, Vologda region)

See also
Description of the Pink Pearl tomato variety, its characteristics and yield Read

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place 3-4 plants per meter of land (provided they are formed into 1 trunk).

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing, pinching and preventive measures to protect plants from diseases and pests.

You can see other interesting varieties and hybrids of tomatoes with photos, descriptions and reviews in our Tomato Catalog. Enjoy watching.

If you grew Marshall Pobeda tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruit under your conditions? If possible, attach a photo of the tomatoes you grew to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Marshall Pobeda tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Reviews from gardeners

In order to have a better understanding of the characteristics of the “Marshal Pobeda” variety, we advise you to read the reviews of those who grew it on their plot.

  1. Last year, I read reviews about the excellent yield of the “Marshal Pobeda” tomato, looked at photos of hefty tomatoes and planted the variety in my garden to try. I won't lie if I say it exceeded expectations. The tomatoes are really large, one piece is as much as 800 g. The taste is also at a high level. These tomatoes made excellent juice. (Aliya, Bugulma)
  2. This is our favorite tomato variety. We have never seen such productivity before. Large bright scarlet fruits hung in large clusters from the bush. It is better to grow them in a greenhouse and be sure to tie them up. There is nothing complicated about care. (Natalia Sergeevna, Orenburg region)
  3. It was the first time that Marshal was imprisoned. Before planting, carefully read the description of the variety. The result almost coincided with what was expected. True, our fruits are a little cracked. Possibly due to improper watering. Next year we will correct the mistake. And the tomatoes are good, juicy, meaty. There are no complaints about the taste at all. (Alexey Egorovich, Vladimir)
  4. Of all the varieties that I have grown, this is probably my favorite. The taste is special. Real tomato, slightly sweet. For homemade preparations - just the thing. The only “minus” is that the tomatoes do not fit into the jar entirely. Only in cut form. But this makes it no less tasty. (Olga Vladimirovna, Moscow)
  5. These are tomatoes, just like tomatoes. I remember planting “Bull’s Heart” in the early 2000s, and “Marshal Pobeda” reminded me of them. Firstly, its impressive size, and secondly, its juicy, fleshy pulp. True, the color is slightly different, those were lighter. (Galina Borisovna, Vologda region)

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March. Seeds must be purchased in specialized stores. Before sowing, they need to be kept for about 2 hours in a manganese solution. If you want to get the first shoots faster, then before sowing it is recommended to wrap the seeds in a wet cloth or gauze for a day. The soil for tomatoes should be calcined at high temperatures to kill pests and fungal viruses.

Sowing is carried out in moist soil followed by covering with film. The next step is to pick up the plants as soon as the seedlings get stronger. Immediately before planting, the seedlings are hardened for two weeks, acclimating them to the climate. No more than 3-4 seedlings should be planted per square meter. Complex fertilizers must be added to each hole. Supports are installed nearby, to which bushes are then tied. Tall bushes require cutting off the shoots.

tomato Marquis - description and characteristics of the variety

Description of the variety

The bushes are powerful and strong, during growth they reach a height of 1.2 to 2 meters. The fruits are flat-round with slight ribbing. When fully ripe they acquire a bright red color. The skin is thin and glossy, not prone to cracking.

With proper cultivation, you can remove 5-6 large tomatoes from one bush. The weight of one tomato can reach from 400 to 1000 grams. Thanks to their durable skin, tomatoes can easily be transported over long distances; they can be stored fresh for quite a long time without losing their commercial quality. To obtain a richer harvest, you should follow simple care rules.


Tomatoes ripen on tall bushes, which can be up to 2 m high. The bushes are powerful and branched, not often covered with light green leaves of medium length. Up to 8 ovaries are formed on each brush.

Large round tomatoes weigh from 300 to 400 g; in greenhouses there are giants weighing up to 1 kg.

Unripe fruits are colored light green. The immaturity of tomatoes is indicated by a dark green spot near the stalk. Ripe fruits have a bright red color. “Marshal Pobeda” can be harvested green; they ripen well.

Tomatoes have a pleasant, harmonious taste. They have a perfect balance of pleasant sweetness and light sourness. The pulp is juicy, dense, sugary. Best way to eat fresh. Suitable for salads, sauces, juices. For canning, the fruits must be cut.

Tomato Victory reviews

Tomato Marshall Pobeda: characteristics, advantages, description of agricultural technology, reviews

A tomato called Marshal Pobeda is a varietal crop of Siberian selection. It has large, tasty fruits. The variety is grown in an open garden and in a greenhouse. This material contains a detailed description of the plant and reviews from practicing gardeners.

Variety description details

It’s easy to recognize a young tomato variety in the garden by its powerful, tall, thinly leafed trunk - as in the photo. The first brush is tied over the 6-7th leaf. All subsequent ones alternate through 1-2 sheets. Each one contains 6-8 tomatoes. The weight of one often reaches even 1 kg. The harvest can be used for fresh eating and for processing into juices or sauces.

Attention! Tomatoes demonstrate decent yield in any type of soil. Although breeders advise planting the variety in a greenhouse.

On some Internet resources, the tomato is presented as a hybrid. However, this thesis is denied by the originator - the Novosibirsk agricultural company Siberian Garden. In the annotation to the certificate in the breeding State Register of the Russian Federation, the tomato is clearly called a pure variety. Gardeners use a hybrid with a similar name - Pobeda F1. The plant is similar in its properties, but its fruits are smaller.

According to ripening time
By type of growth
By type of use
By growing method
Fruit weight (g)
Productivity (kg/m2)
Ripe fruit color
Fetal characteristics

Advantages and disadvantages of culture, features of agricultural technology

  • high yield (up to 5 kg per bush);
  • large fruits;
  • dense pulp, strong and thin skin;
  • long storage of crops;
  • the ability to transport harvested tomatoes;
  • immunity to tobacco mosaic virus and Alternaria;

Attention! Picked tomatoes ripen while they are stored.

The disadvantages of the culture are typical for tall, large-fruited tomatoes:

  1. The need for a high-quality garter to the support.
  2. Reduced yield of marketable products from the garden. The figure is about 60-70%.
  3. The need to form a bush.
  4. Plant susceptibility to late blight.

Description of the tomato variety Marshall Pobeda and its yield

Tomato "Marshal Pobeda" is a mid-season, high-yielding variety. It is an F1 hybrid. The tomato is indeterminate, the bushes can reach a height of more than 2 meters and need to be tied to a support. Moderate pinching is also required. The plant is formed, as a rule, into one stem. It is recommended to grow in greenhouse conditions.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits of the “Marshal Pobeda” tomato are deep red, have a flat-round shape, and are not subject to cracking. Their weight can reach 1 kg. Under the right growing conditions, one bush can produce more than 5 kg of large fruits.

Features of cultivation

It is recommended to sow seedlings 2 months before planting in a permanent place. No more than 4 bushes are placed per square meter of land.

Caring for tomatoes includes timely watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and fertilizing with high-quality mineral fertilizers.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the variety include the following features:

  • High yield;
  • Large fruits;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Good transportability;
  • Simple growing rules.

The main disadvantage of the variety is that it is not suitable for open ground in the middle zone.

Reviews from gardeners

In order to have a better understanding of the characteristics of the “Marshal Pobeda” variety, we advise you to read the reviews of those who grew it on their plot.

  1. Last year, I read reviews about the excellent yield of the “Marshal Pobeda” tomato, looked at photos of hefty tomatoes and planted the variety in my garden to try. I won't lie if I say it exceeded expectations. The tomatoes are really large, one piece is as much as 800 g. The taste is also at a high level. These tomatoes made excellent juice. (Aliya, Bugulma)
  2. This is our favorite tomato variety. We have never seen such productivity before. Large bright scarlet fruits hung in large clusters from the bush. It is better to grow them in a greenhouse and be sure to tie them up. There is nothing complicated about care. (Natalia Sergeevna, Orenburg region)
  3. It was the first time that Marshal was imprisoned. Before planting, carefully read the description of the variety. The result almost coincided with what was expected. True, our fruits are a little cracked. Possibly due to improper watering. Next year we will correct the mistake. And the tomatoes are good, juicy, meaty. There are no complaints about the taste at all. (Alexey Egorovich, Vladimir)
  4. Of all the varieties that I have grown, this is probably my favorite. The taste is special. Real tomato, slightly sweet. For homemade preparations - just the thing. The only “minus” is that the tomatoes do not fit into the jar entirely. Only in cut form. But this makes it no less tasty. (Olga Vladimirovna, Moscow)
  5. These are tomatoes, just like tomatoes. I remember planting “Bull’s Heart” in the early 2000s, and “Marshal Pobeda” reminded me of them. Firstly, its impressive size, and secondly, its juicy, fleshy pulp. True, the color is slightly different, those were lighter. (Galina Borisovna, Vologda region)

What is a Marshall Victory tomato?

Let's consider the description of one of the most popular varieties among summer residents, ideal for growing in greenhouse conditions - the Marshall Pobeda tomato (they can also be grown in open ground, but this can only be done in the southern regions).

This new Siberian variety has very large fruits. Over the years of observing this plant, it has repeatedly won exhibitions in terms of yield assessment parameters and maximum size (the weight of one fruit can reach up to 1 kg).

This variety is recommended for cultivation in protected ground, however, it has successfully passed tests when grown in an open garden bed. Tomatoes ripen quickly. The period from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of the harvest is about 110-115 days.

The plant is powerful and belongs to the indeterminate species. The height of plants in open ground is about 1.2 m, and in greenhouses sometimes reaches 2 m. The fruits have a flat, round shape. They are slightly ribbed, rich red in color, with shiny thin skin.

The average fruit weight is usually 300-400 g. The maximum weight is more than 1 kg. The peculiarity of the variety is the excellent taste of the fruit, which was highly appreciated by tasters at competitions. Tomatoes can be used to make salads. They make excellent juices, vegetable purees and various products.

You can salt and marinate by cutting the fruits. Green tomatoes ripen well after harvest. Tomato Pobeda f1 has a yield of up to 12 kg/m². In order to obtain maximum yield, you need to follow simple agrotechnical measures.

See also

Description of tomato Severyanin, characteristics and reviews


Main advantages of tomatoes:

  • the fruits are large;
  • Tomato productivity is high;
  • tomatoes can be stored and transported for a long time, without losing their quality;
  • the rules of care are not difficult.

The disadvantage of these plants is that they cannot be grown in an open garden bed in central Russia.

Tomato Marshall Pobeda

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Marshall Pobeda, reviews, photos

Mid-season, large-fruited, tall tomato variety from Siberian breeders. In the middle zone, it is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

The bush is powerful, indeterminate type, up to 2.5 meters high. Requires tying to the support and pinning. The manufacturer recommends forming the plant into 1 stem.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are flat-round, of medium density, red in color at maturity, weighing 250-350 grams (up to 800 grams), fleshy, with dense skin, not prone to cracking. The tomatoes taste great. These tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, making juice and sauce.

The variety is resistant to major tomato diseases.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place 3-4 plants per meter of plot (provided they are formed into 1 trunk).

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing, pinching and preventive measures to protect plants from diseases and pests.

If you grew Marshall Pobeda tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruit under your conditions? If possible, attach a photo of the tomatoes you grew. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Marshall Pobeda tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Reviews from gardeners

  1. Olga Aleksandrovna, 38 years old:
    I saw large, bright red tomatoes at my neighbor’s dacha. I decided to plant the Marshal of Victory variety in my greenhouse. The result amazed me. Almost every fruit weighed between 600 and 800 grams. The pulp is juicy, there are very few seed chambers, and the tomato has excellent taste. I really liked this variety. I prepared various preparations, lecho and marinated the cut parts. Everything turned out to be of simply great taste. Now I will always grow this variety on my plot.
  2. Mikhail Ilyich, 49 years old:
    I have always liked large, fleshy tomatoes. I have tried growing many varieties. When I planted the Marshal Pobeda variety, the result obtained exceeded all expectations. Very high yield with relatively easy care. The bushes must be pinched and tied up. But almost one-kilogram tomatoes grow together and almost simultaneously. Now I always plant this variety. My wife makes excellent preparations for the winter, and fresh tomatoes are very tasty.
  3. Svetlana Aleksandrovna, 41 years old:
    I really like growing vegetables. Tomatoes are the main inhabitant of my garden. I read on the Internet about the Marshall Pobeda variety, became interested and decided to plant these giant fleshy tomatoes. I was very pleased with the resulting harvest. I have never seen such large fruits in my experience of growing tomatoes.

tomato Moneymaker - description and characteristics of the variety


VarietyMarshal Victory
Description of fruitsThe fruits are large, flat-round, slightly ribbed
Fruit weightThe average fruit weight is 300-400 g, but there are specimens up to 1 kg
ColorTechnical maturity: light green,
biological maturity: bright red
Tomato sizelength 12 cm, diameter –16 cm
TasteRich, well balanced
SkinDurable and not prone to cracking
PulpSugary, meaty
Ripening period110-115 days
Productivity10 -16 kg per 1m²
Bush heightUp to 2 m
Pollination typeSelf-pollinating
Nestedness4-6 seed chambers
Type of ovary formationRacemose, 6-8 fruits per hand
Transportability and keeping qualityExcellent keeping quality and transportability
Landing locationPreferably in a greenhouse, but open ground is also suitable
Resistance to adverse conditionsThe variety is resistant to adverse environmental influences for a short period. Tolerates temporary drought well.
Resistance to diseases and pestsResistant to viruses and diseases, except late blight.
May be attacked by caterpillars and slugs; treatment with folk remedies is required.
Should I dive?Yes
Recommended growing regionsAll regions are suitable, but in unstable climates it is better to plant in greenhouses.
Year of inclusion in the State Register of the Russian Federation2017
OriginatorNovosibirsk agricultural company Siberian Garden.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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