A recent discovery by breeders - tomato Lord: description of the variety, tips for growing

With the Lord tomato, everything is very simple - simple cultivation, large yields, classic sizes and creamy shape. The variety is intended primarily for cultivation in the West Siberian region. But it is successfully cultivated in any other areas.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Lord is a determinate, low-growing variety. The bushes are strong with thick stems. 7-9 tomatoes ripen on the bunches at the same time.

The shoots do not require pinching or gartering.

Characteristics and description of Lord Nelson tomatoes:

  • average weight 100g;
  • the flesh is fleshy, moderately juicy;
  • the skin does not crack;
  • the taste is sweetish with a gentle sourness;
  • the ribbing is weakly expressed at the stalk.

The ripening period is mid-early - 105-115 days from germination.

Characteristics of tomato

Determinate bush, medium ripening period. Plant characteristics: tomatoes reach a height of 50 centimeters. They do not require gartering or pinching. The leaves are medium in size, some large, the inflorescence is simple. The yield is high - 200 c/ha.

The fruits are ovoid or round in shape, red-orange when ripe, green when unripe. The density is medium, the flesh is fleshy. The weight of one vegetable is from 68 to 150 grams. The fruit contains up to six chambers with seeds. The taste is pronounced tomato sweet with a slight sourness. The tomato variety is intended for fresh consumption and processing.

Features of cultivation and storage

The seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent location after reaching 50-55 days.

5-6 bushes are placed per 1 m2.

The nuances of care are simple:

  • moderate watering 2-3 times a week;
  • mulching;
  • application of fertilizers.

What agrobiotechnicians recommend using for feeding:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • urea;
  • a solution of diluted chicken manure or mullein;
  • nitrogenous compounds;
  • superphosphate;
  • infusion of eggshells;
  • yeast infusions;
  • bio-infusions with dandelion and nettle.

Positive qualities of tomatoes

Thanks to their positive qualities, tomatoes have received positive reviews from agronomists and amateur gardeners:

Trending Pilaf with chicken and shrimp

  • These varieties can be grown almost throughout Russia and neighboring countries.
  • Its taste qualities make it possible to produce a variety of juices, sauces, and picklings. At the same time, the taste does not deteriorate.
  • Its ease of care makes it possible for even inexperienced gardeners to grow it. Transportable qualities make it possible to grow tomatoes for sale.
  • High yield is another undoubted plus in the collection of fruit advantages.

Disease Prevention

To prevent the development of diseases in tomato beds, you need to:

  • Inspect seedlings before planting.
  • If necessary, tie up bushes.
  • Maintain temperature and humidity conditions when growing in greenhouses.
  • Do not pour water on plants.
  • Carry out preventive watering of plants with phytoncides and folk remedies.
  • Inspect plants as they grow.
  • Ruthlessly get rid of infected parts of bushes.
  • Harvest tomatoes on time.
  • If you follow the rules of planting, care and disease prevention, the plants will give an excellent harvest of tasty tomatoes.

    Tomato Lord: characteristics and description of the variety, cultivation and care with photos

    Tomato Lord is determinate. One tomato bush of this variety grows up to 50 centimeters, rarely - up to 60. The shoots of the plant do not require gartering or pinching. The vine is thick and strong. At the same time, from 7 to 9 tomatoes can unwind on one brush.

    The weight of a fruit unit is 80 to 100 grams. The shape of the tomato is ovoid, rarely round. When ripe, the tomato has a carrot-red color. The tomato skin does not crack, it is slightly ribbed at the stalk. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy and moderately juicy. The tomato has a sweet sweetness with sourness.

    It can be consumed fresh or processed.

    Diseases and pests

    This is a fairly resistant variety, it is rarely affected by rot, but can suffer from spotting. For preventive purposes in the fall, when the heat subsides, but the temperature does not drop below 6 °C, the bed is treated with a copper-containing preparation. If the instructions do not indicate the dosage for strawberries, the pesticide is diluted a little more than when used on berry bushes.

    Lord is less affected by spider mites than other varieties. Insecticides and acaricides are used to control pests.

    Characteristics of the Lord variety strawberries and reviews from gardeners show that it is too early to remove them from the beds. Not many cultivars perform so well in our unpredictable climate. Large, sweet berries can be obtained even in the North-West, and if you make an effort, even beyond the Urals.

    Differences between tomato varieties

    Each tomato variety has its own personality. Behind each are years of work by breeders and decades of popular selection. The beauty of the best modern tomato varieties is their diversity.

    So we “exploit” tomato hybrids and varieties with unlimited growth - indeterminate, semi-determinate, and determinate, the average height of which for the most part ranges from 70-80 cm, and low-growing vegetables, whose height does not exceed half a meter (all of them We will discuss the differences and features in the article below).

    With everything, however, it should be noted that they often focus on plant varieties proposed for planting for open and closed ground, without understanding that the advice will be good only after personal experience - better after at least 3-4 years (honestly, but extremely rarely , and 2 are sometimes enough) and with meticulous experiments (starting with growing seedlings using the soil additive Vermiculite, the growth stimulator Gumi and, ending with fertilizing: magnesium sulfate, mineral fertilizer Fertika-Kemira and so on - already in the garden) for each variety.

    Why am I giving such a deadline? Yes, because you definitely need to take into account the weather, which differs from year to year, and this is, in my opinion, the minimum period to have a little idea about each variety of tomatoes


    The plant is indeterminate, tall, 170 - 190 cm high. The stem is strong, the foliage is moderate.

    The leaves are dark green, medium in size, slightly more than 30 cm long, of the usual type, the dissection of the lobes is weak, the surface is slightly wrinkled. Inflorescence of complex type.

    The first fruit cluster is formed after the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3-4 leaves. There are 5 clusters on the main stem, each with 6-8 fruits. Pedicel with articulation.

    The number of seed nests is more than 6 pieces. The taste is good. The average weight of a tomato is 204 grams. Individual specimens can reach 600 - 700 grams.

    100 g of pulp contains: 6.8 - 6.9% dry matter, 4.8 - 5.9% sugars, 0.30 - 0.40% acids, 15.3 - 23.5 mg of ascorbic acid.

    How to grow tomatoes

    After two months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting. By this time, the bushes already have 5-7 true leaves and a fully formed root system.


    The soil is prepared in advance by digging and applying complex fertilizers.

    Planting pattern: 50 cm – distance between seedlings, 70 cm – row spacing. For 1 sq. m place 3 plants.

    They are transplanted on a cloudy day or in the evening into holes 20 cm deep. After transplantation, they are watered generously with warm, settled water and left to adapt to new conditions for 8-10 days.

    Reference. While getting used to new conditions, the bushes are not watered or fed.

    Further care

    The main attention in caring for this variety is given to watering. Water generously with warm, settled water, strictly at the root, without getting on the leaves.

    However, it is strictly not recommended to flood the plants: the roots do not like excess moisture and can rot.

    On dry days, the amount of watering is increased, preventing the soil from drying out, and watering is stopped during fruiting.

    Description of tomato Lord and features of growing the plant

    Tomato Lord is determinate, which means that the bush grows no higher than 50-60 cm. This variety is intended for planting in open ground, but it can also be grown in a greenhouse. Lord tomatoes are unpretentious, so even an inexperienced gardener can cope with planting them.

    What is a Lord tomato?

    Characteristics and description of the variety:

    1. The shape of the tomatoes is oval. The skin is smooth and dense.
    2. The fruit color is classic red.
    3. The weight of the largest fruit reaches 100 g.
    4. The taste is tomato, good.
    5. The fruits can be eaten fresh and also stored for the winter.
    6. Lord tomatoes are a fertile variety.
    7. If you care for it correctly, you can reap a good harvest.

    How are tomatoes grown?

    Planting should begin in the third decade of March. This is the most suitable period for sowing seeds, since the grown seedlings will be completely ready for planting in the ground by summer. The seeds can be planted dry, although many gardeners prefer to soak them first. This, in their opinion, speeds up the germination process.

    To do this, the seeds are laid out on a fabric base, slightly moistened with water and covered with film. As soon as the process is activated, the grains are carefully, using tweezers, transferred to a previously prepared container with soil.

    It is not recommended to water the soil; it is better to spray it with a water sprayer. With the appearance of the first shoots, the need for a large amount of light appears. If the plant does not have enough of it, then you will need to take care of additional lighting in the evening.

    After the first leaves appear, the plant is placed in separate pots, in which it will remain until transplanted to a permanent place. After 2 weeks, the seedlings are fed for the first time with a complex of mineral fertilizers.

    10 days before the intended planting, pots with seedlings are taken outside daily. This way the plant acclimatizes faster and gets used to new conditions more easily.

    After transplanting into open ground, you need to properly care for the plant. Since the bushes are compact, up to 7 seedlings can be planted per 1 m², maintaining a distance of 40 cm.

    After the first inflorescence appears, excess leaves are removed from the lower part of the main stem, slightly exposing it. It is recommended to tie up the plant. This increases air flow and prevents illness. The bushes do not need pinching.

    A recent discovery by breeders - tomato Lord: description of the variety, tips for growing

    With the Lord tomato, everything is very simple - simple cultivation, large yields, classic sizes and creamy shape. The variety is intended primarily for cultivation in the West Siberian region. But it is successfully cultivated in any other areas.

    HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
    shortGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

    Description and characteristics of the variety

    Tomato Lord is a determinate, low-growing variety. The bushes are strong with thick stems. 7-9 tomatoes ripen on the bunches at the same time.

    Characteristics and description of Lord Nelson tomatoes:

    • average weight 100g;
    • the flesh is fleshy, moderately juicy;
    • the skin does not crack;
    • the taste is sweetish with a gentle sourness;
    • the ribbing is weakly expressed at the stalk.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • productivity;
    • marketable condition;
    • versatility of use;
    • transportability;
    • keeping quality;
    • endurance to cold and heat;
    • disease resistance;
    • simple agricultural technology.

    Of the minuses:


    From 1 m2 they harvest 8-11 kg, the yield from 1 bush is 4-5 kg.

    Features of cultivation and storage

    5-6 bushes are placed per 1 m2.

    The nuances of care are simple:

    • moderate watering 2-3 times a week;
    • mulching;
    • application of fertilizers.

    What agrobiotechnicians recommend using for feeding:

    • potassium sulfate;
    • urea;
    • a solution of diluted chicken manure or mullein;
    • nitrogenous compounds;
    • superphosphate;
    • infusion of eggshells;
    • yeast infusions;
    • bio-infusions with dandelion and nettle.

    Planting and care

    The soil is fertilized in advance with compost and phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

    The depth of embedding is 1-2 cm, sprinkled with a thin layer of fine soil on top.

    How to care for seedlings:

    • irrigation with warm, settled water;
    • fertilizing 2-3 times - 10 days before the dive and 12-14 days after the dive;
    • picking at the age of seedlings 20-26 days;
    • hardening for 1 week on the eve of transplantation at a temperature of 14 degrees.
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