Characteristics and description of tomato Pink Samson f1, cultivation and planting rules

Growing: Key Points

The type has high protective properties and can calmly, without serious damage, feel cracking or, for example, rot in its own skin.
He recovers quickly, adapts and rarely gets sick. Tomatoes are not capricious. They only need regular watering and feeding. However, there are peculiarities in caring for crops. What you need to know to grow a healthy plant and get fruit:

  1. When planting plants, be sure to maintain a distance of 40 cm between the stems.
  2. Most often, the business is located on a piece of land where individual people of culture had previously grown. The most favorable land will be after growing pumpkins, which will attract greens and root vegetables.
  3. The sprout must be placed in the prepared holes before the formation of green leaves.
  4. The thin stem of the seedling, which has begun to rapidly grow, must be spiralized and placed in the ground. In an open space, only the tip of the future plant is left to the light.
  5. Pink Samson tomatoes require systematic care and monitoring of humidity levels.
  6. Periodically, the bushes are inspected for the presence of parasites, pests, and diseases.

It is only worth noting that the variety is very sensitive to chemical additives. In connection with this, experienced vegetable growers strongly recommend fertilizing and treating the crop with natural means. Especially close to pest control.

This feature must be taken into account when fertilizing; the ideal fertilizers for the variety will be:

  • manure;
  • bird droppings;
  • infusions of various herbs;
  • store-bought organic mixtures and minerals;
  • ash.


You should not change vitamin supplements during the season. Better than one.

As for watering, moderation is necessary here. It is better to top up at a disadvantage than to overwater, since in case of waterlogging, moisture will begin to accumulate at the root system, which will be an obstacle to a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Genetically, the category is prone to very abundant fruit production. During fruiting, you can observe a compact bush with many neat bright pink fruits.

The given variety produces a small number of stepsons, so there are no problems with stepsons in the plant. Tomato bushes feel great in any conditions, quickly adapting to new environmental conditions. They will bear fruit abundantly both in the open ground and in the greenhouse.

The soil for future plants is prepared in the autumn, and in the middle of the same autumn, ripe fruits are already formed and you can enjoy the taste of fresh vegetables.

Tomato variety "Pink Samson" is a new hybrid. Russian breeders have combined the best qualities of tomatoes in it. It has good characteristics and high protective properties. The blade is minimal, simple, and the harvest is guaranteed in any conditions. Tomatoes can be used in any form: simply cut, without processing, or canned.

The Samson variety is a great way for beginners to try their hand at vegetable growing.

Tomato Indio F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Breeders all over the world are breeding tomato crops. Large yields, ease of care, and disease resistance force researchers to reproduce new species.

The hybrid tomato variety "Indio" comes from Japan. Thanks to many years of development, the company that received this variety is one of the leading companies in the world in the field of seed production of a wide variety of crops.


Indigo tolerates open ground well. Can also grow in unheated greenhouses. Calmly tolerates many diseases that affect most tomatoes. Agronomists really like it for its taste and ease of care. Quite early ripening species. Ripens after 100 – 115 days from sowing. The fruits are large and have a bright red color. Slightly elongated shape, reminiscent of a large plum. Stepchildren are not deleted. During growth, gartering of the trunk and clusters with fruits is necessary.

The first inflorescences form on the fifth leaf. Up to 5–6 inflorescences with 6 large fruits appear on the entire plant. On average, the hybrid produces about 12 kilograms per square meter per season. This is a very good indicator for culture.

The weight of one vegetable ranges from 120 to 200 grams. The fruit reaches a length of about 8 centimeters. It stores well both when ripe and green. Ripens in a warm and dark place without changing the texture of the peel.


When transferring the plant to the ground, it should be taken into account that the night temperature should not be lower than 14 degrees. Therefore, you need to remember the characteristics of the region and, depending on the temperature conditions, plant tomatoes either in open ground or in a greenhouse.

Disembarkation and care

Before transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is necessary to harden them for 2 weeks. Take the plant outdoors

You can also open a window indoors, but do not create a draft. Watering should be done after the top layer of soil has completely dried.

Before transplanting plants, it is important to choose a good shoot. It should not be excessively long, have limp leaves, or a poor root system.

Such a seedling will not take root and will not produce a harvest. It will only be a waste of time. From 3 to 5 tomatoes are planted per square meter. It all depends on the capabilities of the land and the greenhouse. It is necessary to constantly mulch the soil. This way, the plants will be free of weeds and also rich in organic matter. Water tomatoes early in the morning or in the evening, when the water temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.


It is important to fertilize tomatoes in a timely manner. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are an important component in the proper growth of crops. They are applied before flowering begins.

Granules containing potassium are added after flowering during the formation of ovaries. Calcium nitrate is added every 7–10 days. Biostimulants are also added to improve the formation of ovaries. They are usually diluted in a bucket or other large containers in the proportions indicated on the package

They are applied before flowering begins. Granules containing potassium are added after flowering during the formation of ovaries. Calcium nitrate is added every 7–10 days. Biostimulants are also added to improve the formation of ovaries. They are usually diluted in a bucket or other large containers in the proportions indicated on the package.


The variety is well suited for pickling in large jars in combination with other vegetables. These can be cucumbers, zucchini, squash and peppers. In the summer it will go well with other vegetables in a summer salad with the addition of vegetable oil, sour cream and mayonnaise. Complements cheese dishes. Makes roasts softer and more enjoyable to taste. It will add good softness to the meat coming out of the oven. It will help perfectly marinate meat for barbecue.

The range of uses of tomatoes is so diverse that there is almost no dish in which the tomato does not take part. "Indio" is suitable for preparing all kinds of dishes using tomatoes.

Main features

Pink Rise F1 tomatoes are hybrid, so it makes no sense to collect your own seeds from them; you need to buy bags again every year. Genuine seeds are quite expensive, but it more than pays for itself by the end of the season.


A remarkable achievement of selection is the intense pink color of the Pink Rise F1 fruits both outside and inside. The glossy skin of the tomato has a pearly sheen. The color is uniform, without a greenish spot at the place where the stalk is attached. The shape of the tomatoes is almost perfectly round, slightly flattened at the top. The surface is smooth, sometimes with small smoothed ribs.

The tomatoes are a little like artificial ones - they are so smooth, almost the same size. Not too large, but not small either - from 180 to 220 grams, with a minimum deviation from the standard weight of 200 grams.

The taste is the best among hybrid tomatoes. Of course, the pulp is not as sugary as that of large-fruited non-hybrid varieties, but very pleasant, with a predominance of sweetness. The consistency is quite dense, but not “rubbery”. Juiciness is moderate. The purpose of tomatoes is mainly salad.

The fruits are not prone to cracking. The elastic skin and strong pulp allow the Pink Rise F1 hybrid to successfully withstand long-term transportation and not rot during storage. This quality is good for personal use and truly invaluable for market sales. Combined with external beauty, the result is an ideal product for trading fresh vegetable products. You can harvest and sell whole clusters; the tomatoes ripen in them at the same time.

Greenhouse bushes

Pink Rise F1 tomato plants stand out for their special quality and powerful leaf apparatus, which works intensively for the harvest. The bush is indeterminate, with continuous growth, without self-limitation in height. It is pinched when the greenhouse ceiling is reached or a month before the end of the season. The stem requires a strong garter. There is no need to attach each tomato bunch separately; there are no creases.

Despite the rather dense bush, the Pink Rise hybrid is able to withstand even a slightly thickened planting - 60x40 cm, but only in greenhouses with an ideal climate - without dampness, with good lighting and ventilation; intensive feeding will also be required. This is more suitable for industrial greenhouses.


The description of the hybrid variety Pink Rise F1 in the State Register mentions its yield at 5.3 kg per square meter. As a rule, the actual harvest from such an area is an order of magnitude greater: one and a half to two buckets of tomatoes. They depend little on the weather outside the greenhouse and are stable over the years. This hybrid is valued by many gardeners for such reliability.

In terms of ripening time, Pink Rise F1 belongs to the category of mid-ripening. The ripening of the first fruits begins 95–100 days after emergence. Mass yield of the crop occurs from 115 to 120 days. In a good greenhouse, fruiting can be very long, like other tall tomatoes.

From the photo of the bush and reviews of the Pink Rise F1 tomato, you can understand the reason for its popularity among amateur vegetable growers: the plants are hung with spectacular fruits. Having tested this hybrid, greenhouse owners are satisfied with both the quantity and quality of tomatoes. However, it is rightly noted that a decent tomato harvest is a consequence of proper care (regular feeding, watering, pinching).

Features of cultivation

When growing Pink Bush tomatoes, special attention must be paid to seedlings, since the yield of the hybrid directly depends on this. Pink Bush sprouts must be planted in a permanent place at the age of 45 days

Therefore, the first or second half of March is considered a favorable period for sowing, depending on further growing conditions. Containers for planting should be chosen wide, but flat, with a height of no more than 10 cm. They must have drainage holes

Pink Bush sprouts must be planted in a permanent place at the age of 45 days. Therefore, the first or second half of March is considered a favorable period for sowing, depending on further growing conditions. Containers for planting should be chosen wide, but flat, no more than 10 cm high. They must have drainage holes.

For sowing, you need to purchase a special substrate marked “for seedlings” or mix turf, peat, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. To disinfect the soil, you must first water it with a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate and dry it slightly.

Important! The seeds do not need pre-treatment, since the manufacturer already sells the prepared planting material. Sowing should be done in moist soil to a depth of 0.5 cm

After this, the containers need to be covered with film and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of +22 degrees. Shoots germinate in 4-8 days. After their friendly appearance, the containers should be moved to a well-lit place and the temperature should be lowered to +15 degrees. This will allow the seedlings to grow stronger and develop a root system. In this mode, Pink Bush tomatoes need to be kept for seven days.

Sowing should be done in moist soil to a depth of 0.5 cm. After this, the containers should be covered with film and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of +22 degrees. Shoots germinate in 4-8 days. After their friendly appearance, the containers should be moved to a well-lit place and the temperature should be lowered to +15 degrees. This will allow the seedlings to grow stronger and develop a root system. In this mode, Pink Bush tomatoes need to be kept for seven days.

At the end of this period, the temperature should be increased to +20 degrees. As soon as the seedlings have a pair of true leaves, they need to be planted in separate cups.

Tomatoes should not be placed tightly, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out

The hybrid should be transplanted into a greenhouse in the first days of May, and into open ground in early June. In this case, it is necessary that the air temperature be at least 15 degrees at any time of the day. The density of tomatoes is four bushes per 1 square. m.

Important! It is impossible to delay transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place, as this leads to a decrease in yield. The Pink Bush hybrid easily tolerates drought, so it needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly.

In this case, the soil should be wet by 20 cm. Two weeks after transplanting, it is necessary to fertilize the tomatoes with mullein 1:10 or chicken manure 1:15. In the absence of organic matter, you can use ammonium or calcium nitrate - 30 g per bucket of water. The second and third fertilizing should be carried out during flowering and formation of tomatoes. To do this, you need to use superphosphate (30 g) and potassium sulfide (20 g per 10 l of water)

The Pink Bush hybrid easily tolerates drought, so it needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly. In this case, the soil should be wet by 20 cm. Two weeks after transplanting, it is necessary to fertilize the tomatoes with mullein 1:10 or chicken manure 1:15. In the absence of organic matter, you can use ammonium or calcium nitrate - 30 g per bucket of water. The second and third fertilizing should be carried out during flowering and formation of tomatoes. To do this, you need to use superphosphate (30 g) and potassium sulfide (20 g per 10 liters of water).

Important! It is recommended to mulch the soil at the base of the bushes so that during the ripening process the tomatoes do not lose their marketable qualities when they come into contact with the ground

Variety De Barao

The De Barao variety produces vigorous, powerful bushes, so they must be tied to trellises. There are up to 10 fruits in one brush. Up to 4 kg of fruits are removed from the bush. The main application is use in closed ground, while per one sq.m. 2-3 plants are planted. Since the variety is mid-season (fruits ripen on 120-125 days), seedlings for this variety begin to be prepared two weeks earlier than for other varieties. The fruits are oval in shape, weighing 60-70 g, with excellent taste. They can be stored for a long time without losing their properties. Excellent for canning and good fresh. The variety is resistant to late blight. There are several varieties of the De Barao variety. Therefore, the fruits of this variety can be red, pink, or yellow. The most useful is De Barao golden, which produces yellow fruits. This is due to the fact that they contain a lot of carotene.

Description of Pink Magic tomatoes, fruit characteristics and pest control

Tomato Pink Magic f1 is a hybrid variety that is distinguished by bright pink tomatoes with a flat-round shape.

What is a Pink Magic tomato?

Characteristics and description of the Pink Magic variety:

  1. The weight of one fruit is 200-250 g, that is, the tomatoes are quite large.
  2. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, and has a tart, sweetish taste.
  3. Tomatoes are used fresh for preparing salads, tomato puree, paste, sauces, ketchups, and gravies.
  4. The plant is tolerant to temperature changes.
  5. Productivity is high and does not depend on bad weather conditions.
  6. The skin of the fruit is dense and does not crack.
  7. Tomatoes have good transportability and can be stored in boxes for a long time.

Reviews from gardeners who grew Pink Magic tomatoes are mostly positive. They note that if you follow all the rules for planting and caring for these tomatoes, they will give a bountiful harvest.

How are tomatoes grown?

The plant is indeterminate. The main stem is characterized by unlimited growth. In the southern regions or in greenhouses, these tomatoes can be grown for more than a year. During this period, the yield of the Pink Magic variety can reach 50 clusters. Tomatoes need to be shaped, shoots removed from the bush, leaving only one main stem.

After the appearance of 10-12 leaves, an ovary is formed. After every 3 leaves an inflorescence appears. In order for the harvest to be large, the plant must receive a lot of sunlight during its development. In the southern regions, these tomatoes can be grown both in an open garden bed and in a greenhouse.

The plant must be tied to high supports or trellises. In the central regions, it is better to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. This variety is resistant to various diseases. Tomato seeds sold in stores are treated for prevention with the fungicidal composition Thiram.

To prevent diseases, only healthy sprouts should be planted. It is necessary to plant tomatoes in an area where vegetables and strawberries did not grow before. For prevention, you need to spray the plant with a 5% solution of copper sulfate, Fundazol. A long period of sunlight, timely pinching, and maintaining planting density also protect plants from diseases.

Tomato Pink Bush F1: reviews, photos of the bush, description, yield, advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Bush dimensions

Today, low-growing varieties of tomatoes are the most common inhabitants of summer cottages. This is due to their unpretentiousness and ability to withstand hot summer weather, especially in the regions of southern Russia. Despite the fact that such varietal shrubs can boast of truly large fruits quite rarely, low-growing tomatoes often have good or high yields. This also includes Pink Bush.

It is worth noting another important quality of this variety. According to the manufacturer's description, the Pink Bush tomato is a determinate hybrid. Professional vegetable farmers certainly know what this characteristic means on the packaging. Those who hear this term for the first time will probably be interested to know that this means that the variety is limited in growth by its own flower cluster.

The shoot of such tomatoes grows until a fruitful ovary appears at its top. The flowering shoot no longer grows; further development of the tomato bush occurs from the most viable stepson, making determinate varieties a real boon for small greenhouses or a summer cottage of six acres.

Tomatoes Pink Impression: variety description

Early ripening (90-95 days from germination to fruiting), indeterminate, tall tomato hybrid. Recommended for growing in greenhouses.

Bush 1.6-1.8 meters high, medium-sized leaves, dark green. The inflorescence is simple. 6 fruits are formed in the brush. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 2 stems.

The fruits are round, smooth, rich pink in color at maturity, weighing 120-125 grams, excellent (for a hybrid) taste. These tomatoes are good for both fresh consumption and canning. For fresh consumption, allow the fruits to ripen completely on the bush.

Productivity: 3-4 kg of fruits per plant (with proper agricultural technology).

The tomato is not affected by late blight due to its high precocity and produces the main harvest in the first month of fruiting.

Originator: agricultural company Gavrish.

Variety namePink Impression F1
general descriptionEarly maturing indeterminate hybrid
Ripening period60-62 days
Average weight of tomatoes200-240 grams
Productivity of the variety9 kg per bush
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases

Pink Impression F1 is an indeterminate tomato with very early fruiting. The first fruits ripen on the plant 2 months after planting the seeds. It is this property of the hybrid that allows it to be grown in the harshest conditions by direct sowing in the ground. However, the manufacturer recommends growing tomatoes in greenhouses made of film, glass or polycarbonate.

The height of the plant reaches 1.5-2 meters, they do not form a trunk, so they need to be tied to supports or trellises. The hybrid variety “Pink Impression F1” is highly resistant to wilting viruses, spotting, stem cancer and bacteriosis.

  • The color of the ripe Pink Impression fruit is pink, quite bright and uniform. At the base of the fruit at the beginning of ripening there is a small green spot, which disappears after 5-8 days.
  • The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly flattened at the poles.
  • The seed chambers are small, with an average amount of seeds and liquid.
  • The number of seed nests in one tomato does not exceed 12 pieces.
  • The pulp of the fruit is medium dense, high in dry matter, with a rich sweetish-sour taste.

Pink tomato seeds Pink Pioneer F1 (500 seeds)

Pink Pioneer F1 (500 seeds) is a medium-ripening, indeterminate tomato. The ripening period is 70 days after planting the seedlings. A strong, evenly growing, open plant with short internodes. Easily formed into one trunk. Smooth, plum-shaped, large, shiny, very dense tomatoes weighing 160-180 grams, rich pink color and excellent taste. Plants are highly resistant to nematodes, brown spot, tomato mosaic viruses, Verticillium wilt and Fusarium wilt. It is grown in film shelters, greenhouses and open ground. Tomatoes are easily transported and retain their gloss and attractive appearance for a very long time.

Pink Bush tomato seeds price: RUB 1,752 / 1000 pcs.

Pink tomatoes

Our tomatoes are very popular, recognized for their taste as PINK UNICUM F1, PINK PARADISE F1

. But they have a number of problems - the top and poor resistance to cracking, but if you use calcium nitrate in time and warm up the greenhouse in the morning, then a number of greenhouse growers have been solving these problems for many years.

In recent years, a number of tomatoes have appeared that are more resistant to cracking and topping - these are pink tomatoes AFEN F1, FENDA F1, DIMEROSA F1, PANDAROSA F1, TOMIMARO MUCHO F1, ALESI F1, SENCARA F1

. The most delicious of them is TOMIMARO MUCHO F1

with a refreshing taste.
In 2016-2017, a number of more tomatoes will appear, of which we can highlight the GRIFON F and PINK SAMSON F1
, which have good transportability, resistance to cracking and topping.
If the price of tomato seeds GRIFFON F1
is at the same level as the prices of tomato PINK PARADISE F1 and PINK UNICUM F1, then tomato seeds PINK SAMSON F1 are 3 times cheaper.

For the second whorl, you can use Chinese technology, which consists of pinching the growth point after the formation of the fourth brush. In this case, the tomato ripens quickly and gains more mass. In September and October, temperature differences are very large, and the use of PINK SAMSON F1

reduces the cost of obtaining quality tomatoes.

In addition, this tomato is a semi-generative type; lower greenhouses can be used when growing it. It has been tested in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. There will be a sufficient number of seeds in 2017, and this tomato was developed by a Russian breeder; the production of the seeds themselves is located abroad.

How to grow seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out from March to May. Such a long sowing period is due to the fact that the hybrid is intended for summer-autumn rotation. Fruiting continues until the onset of frost.

Preparing soil and seeds

The seeds of the Florida 47 hybrid do not need to be soaked in a disinfectant solution or germination stimulants. The material undergoes careful processing in production before packaging into bags.

The soil for sowing is mixed from equal parts of chernozem, humus, and peat. For every 10 kg add 20 g of superphosphate and wood ash. Gardening stores sell ready-made substrates in bags for growing tomatoes with the necessary set of nutritional components. Both types of soil are first disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcined in the oven.

To cultivate the soil from the garden use:

  • fungicide "Fitosporin" (15 ml per 10 l);
  • insecticides: “Aktara”, “Inta-Vir”, “Grom”, according to the instructions a month before sowing.


Containers for growing seedlings are filled with moist soil and the seeds are sown in furrows 1.5 cm deep at a distance of 2 cm. 1 cm of soil is poured on top. The containers are covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a dark place.

The optimal temperature for germination is +22…+25 °C. The film is periodically removed for half an hour to avoid soil molding.

Seedling care

After the sprouts appear, the containers are placed on the windowsill on the sunny side. Seedlings need sufficient light for normal development. It is recommended to extend daylight hours to 16 hours with the help of phytolamps.

Picking into separate glasses is done after the appearance of true leaves. The roots are shortened by 1/3 to stimulate the development of strong rhizomes.

Watering the seedlings is moderate, at the root level, as the top layer of soil dries.

1-2 weeks before being transferred to the ground, the seedlings are taken out to the balcony to harden and strengthen their defenses.

How to grow

Pink Claire is easy to care for, but in order to get a rich harvest, experienced farmers recommend adhering to the rules of sowing, growing seedlings and planting in the ground.

Preparing and sowing seeds

Hybrid seeds do not require a disinfection procedure, but actions aimed at stimulating growth will not be superfluous. The seed material is soaked in Epin-Extra, Zircon, and Immunocytophyte products for 12 hours. Some gardeners prefer natural remedies - aloe and potato juice, infusion of onion peels and ash, honey. This will help shorten the growing season by 2-3 days and increase germination.

Sowing begins in the third ten days of February - the first ten days of March. Any container is suitable for planting seeds: plastic pots, containers, cups, juice or milk tetra packs. The depth of the container should be at least 5 cm, with holes for water to pass through.

The ideal soil for seedlings is a mixture of black soil with peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. Before laying in containers, the soil is loosened and complex fertilizers are applied.

To sow, seeds are buried 2 cm into the soil, watered generously with warm water, and plastic wrap is placed on top.

As soon as the shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are taken out to a windowsill with good lighting, or placed under a phytolamp. The optimal temperature is +20…+25 °C. Water moderately as the soil dries out.

Picking is carried out in large seedling boxes after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. At the same time, complex fertilizing is applied.

Rules for planting in the ground

Planting seedlings in open soil begins in the third decade of May. A few days before this, they fertilize with mullein and chicken droppings.

The holes are filled with hot water, wait for it to cool and the seedlings are planted. Plants are placed at a distance of 60 cm from each other, since the bushes grow sprawling and require space. Tomatoes do well in soil where zucchini, beans, peas, onions, and garlic previously grew.

The row spacing is 70 cm, the type of arrangement of seedlings is checkerboard. Planting density – 3 bushes per 1 m².

The lower leaves and side shoots are removed. The bushes are tied to supports and formed into two stems.

Bush care and watering

Activities for caring for Pink Claire tomatoes include weeding, watering, fertilizing and prevention of bacterial diseases of nightshade crops.

Weeding is carried out once a week before watering. Weeds draw moisture and nutrients from the soil, so weeding is mandatory.

The bushes are watered no more than 2-3 times a week in the evening so that the leaves do not get burned. In rainy weather, watering is stopped and resumed when the heat sets in.

Moderation of watering is the main condition for obtaining tasty tomatoes. Excess moisture leads to loss of taste. The pulp becomes too watery and tasteless.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied regularly, with an interval of 14 days:

  1. For the first time, take chicken manure diluted in 10 liters of water. Ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride are also suitable.
  2. The second feeding is carried out using 1 liter of mullein infusion mixed with 25 g of superphosphate and two teaspoons of ash.
  3. The third fertilizer contains wood ash (3 tbsp), superphosphate (25 g) and manganese sulfate (0.5 g).
  4. Removal of side shoots is carried out once every 10-14 days.

Main characteristics

The hybrid is high-yielding; in terms of fruit ripening, it is mid-early. You can expect the first ripe tomatoes 70 days after germination. The bushes are powerful, tall, and belong to the group of indeterminate type tomatoes.

An important characteristic of any variety is the taste of a ripe tomato; plum-shaped fruits have a harmonious, good taste of the pulp. The fruits are of medium size, the average weight does not exceed 200 g. The manufacturer’s stated weight is 220 g. The fruits are stored well, there are no complaints about loss of presentation during transportation.

Attitude to diseases is expressed by resistance to the following pathogens:

  • nematode;

brown spot;

mosaic virus; silver leaf virus; wilt (verticillium, fusarium).

Description - brief instructions for caring for and growing tomatoes from Sakata contains recommendations for forming a bush. In greenhouses, tall tomatoes of the indeterminate type are recommended to be formed into one stem.

Productivity and purpose of use

During testing, the variety showed a yield of 27.6 kg/sq.m. When grown in a greenhouse and following good agricultural practices, any summer resident can achieve a similar result.

Rose fruits can be consumed raw, for making snacks and salads. The nutritional value of pink pulp increases with heat treatment, so any culinary dishes (soups, sauces) using pink fruits will be healthy. The tomato pulp is quite dense; the fruits can be used in the preparation of canned vegetables.

You can also use pink tomatoes to make tomato juice. The content of useful elements in the juice is increased; the benefits of such juice in the prevention of cancer are undeniable.

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato picnic unique is a hybrid. The variety was first bred by Dutch breeders. The taste and appearance have provided this variety with special love from both professional and novice gardeners. Since the plant does not require special care, even amateur gardeners can easily grow it. However, most often the plant is grown in industrial greenhouses.

Looking at this variety in more detail, it is necessary to understand that high yield is not the only distinguishing characteristic. As you know, many varieties, both hybrid and not, have fairly high yields. And therefore, it cannot be said that “Picnic Unicum F1” is unique in its kind in terms of productivity. Because this is not a completely true statement.

The variety belongs to the mid-season category. This classification into a certain category is explained by the fact that the first fruits appear 120 days after germination.


The variety should be grown in seedlings, and sowing should be done 55-60 days before transplanting to a permanent place.

If you plan to grow in pots on a windowsill, then the seedlings can be transplanted into a permanent pot already during picking. It is carried out when the bush produces 2 true leaves.

To obtain seedlings you will need:

  1. Nutrient substrate (soil). Soil for tomatoes and peppers is sold in gardening stores; you can also make it yourself by mixing soil from the garden with the same amount of peat and humus and adding sand (preferably calcined in an oven). Add a glass of wood ash and a little mineral fertilizer, such as superphosphate, to a bucket of the mixture. Then the substrate is calcined in an oven at a temperature of at least +110 degrees or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate to destroy viruses, fungi and pest larvae.
  2. Boxes made of plastic or wood. They are also treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  3. Individual cups made of peat or plastic for picking seedlings.
  4. Quality seeds. To increase germination, they are selected by immersing them in salt water. The ones that go down are the good ones. They are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then growth is stimulated with the drug Zircon or Epin.

Shallow grooves (up to 1.5 cm) are made in the ground, seeds are placed in them at small intervals and sprinkled with a layer of soil. They moisten, wrap the boxes with film and place them in a room with a temperature of about +25. In a few days sprouts will appear. Then the film is removed and the temperature is reduced by 5-7 degrees. The sprouts are transferred to a sunny windowsill.

With the appearance of two leaves they dive. A few days after picking, you can carry out the first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer or a special product for seedlings.

In open ground, choose a sunny bed for tomatoes. It is dug up and fertilized.

Tomatoes should not be placed in areas after other nightshade crops (potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, physalis).

When the bushes acquire 6-7 leaves and produce the first brush, they are transferred to the garden. Low-growing varieties can be planted densely - 5-6 plants per 1 square meter. m.

Characteristics and description of tomato Pink Samson f1, cultivation and planting rules

Tomato Pink Samson f1, the description of which classifies the hybrid as a high-yielding variety, is intended for cultivation in greenhouses. Round tomatoes with a soft shell and dense pulp have universal taste.

Advantages of a hybrid

Tomato Pink Samson f1 belongs to the medium early varieties recommended for cultivation in the first and second rotation for indoor soil. Tomato ripening occurs 90-95 days after emergence.

The characteristics of the tomato indicate a strong root system that actively nourishes the plant even on compacted soils. During the growing season, a strong bush is formed with medium-sized leaves of intense green color, slightly drooping in relation to the stem.

The hybrid is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and bacterial spot. To increase the yield of early products, it is recommended to limit growth after 5-6 brushes. With this method of cultivation, the weight of the fruit is 320 g.

The generative nature of the Samson variety determines the tomato’s propensity for abundant fruiting. Such a plant forms a smaller number of stepsons, and the branches of the bush, as a rule, are completely covered with fruits.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Tomato variety Samson is grown in seedlings. Before planting in a container with moist soil, hybrid seeds are treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate and a growth stimulator. These procedures ensure friendly shoots.

After 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. It is recommended to use peat pots for this purpose. When transplanting to a permanent place, a space of 50 cm is left between the bushes, and the distance between the rows is 40 cm.

For nightshade crops, it is important to adhere to crop rotation. Beds for tomatoes are arranged after pumpkin crops, herbs, root vegetables

When planting a tomato, organic fertilizers and wood ash are added to the hole.

The seedlings are transferred to a moistened hole, deepening the sprout to the first true leaf. The stretched seedlings are planted horizontally in the furrow, leaving the top in the light.

When fruits form, the crop requires systematic watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

The best sources of nutrients are:

  • bird droppings;
  • manure;
  • composts;
  • wood ash;
  • mixtures of organic fertilizers.

During the growing season, it is recommended to use one of the subtypes of fertilizing.

The soil near the bushes must be loosened periodically to ensure a balance of moisture and air near the root system.

Opinions and recommendations of gardeners

Reviews from vegetable growers characterize the variety as high-yielding, disease-resistant, and note the taste of the tomato.

Mikhail Emelyanov, 52 years old, Balashikha:

“I have been growing tomatoes for many years, so I often plant new species. Last season I cultivated Pink Samson tomato. Germination was excellent, all the seeds hatched. The hybrid is designed for growing in protected ground, despite excellent weather conditions in the summer, the seedlings were placed in a greenhouse

It is important to protect the plant from precipitation. Tomato bush forms a stable stem

The root system is highly developed and provides the plant with nutrients and moisture. The harvest is high, the tomatoes are rich pink in color and taste good. Used fresh and for preparations.”

Irina Savelyeva, 56 years old, Omsk:

“Pink Samson Tomato was recommended by a friend. I grew the plant through seedlings in a greenhouse. The only negative is the inability to grow tomatoes from collected seeds. It is better to buy hybrid planting material at specialized points of sale

When cultivating, it is important to adhere to watering norms and apply fertilizing in a timely manner. During the growth process, quite strong bushes are formed, on which bright pink tomatoes ripen

The fruits differ in taste and aroma. They can be used for canning and are very enjoyable fresh.”

Tomato Pink

Description and characteristics of tomato Pink F1, reviews, photos

Early ripening (90-95 days from germination to fruiting), indeterminate, tall tomato hybrid. Recommended for growing in greenhouses.

Bush 1.6-1.8 meters high, medium-sized leaves, dark green. The inflorescence is simple. 6 fruits are formed in the brush. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 2 stems.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round, smooth, rich pink in color at maturity, weighing 120-125 grams, excellent (for a hybrid) taste. These tomatoes are good for both fresh consumption and canning. For fresh consumption, allow the fruits to ripen completely on the bush.

The tomato is not affected by late blight due to its high precocity and produces the main harvest in the first month of fruiting.

The Pink tomato is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for growing under film covers in private household plots.

Originator : agricultural company Gavrish.

Agrotechnics of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Picking in the phase of the first true leaf. Planting seedlings in the ground in early May. Planting pattern : 40 x 60 cm.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching, weed removal and preventive measures to protect the crop from diseases and pests.

If you grew Pink tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit were in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew.

Your reviews of the Pink tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this tomato more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Varieties of tall tomatoes for greenhouses according to different characteristics

Tall varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses differ in many ways. Before making a choice, you need to decide on the purpose of the future harvest.

The most productive

High-yielding varieties with an indeterminate growth type include:

  • Diana;
  • Angel;
  • Ordynka;
  • Kubanochka;
  • Peter the First;
  • Caerleone;
  • Belfast;
  • Dimerose.

All these varieties of tomatoes show the best results when grown in a greenhouse.

Dutch varieties

Dutch varieties of tomatoes are known for their unique taste and beautiful appearance. Names of popular varieties of Dutch selection:

  • Yellow pear;
  • The president;
  • Bobcat;
  • Big Beef;
  • San Marzano;
  • Magnus;
  • Pink Unicum.

All of these varieties have good resistance to infections and numerous yields. The fruits are large in size, the inside is fleshy with a sweet taste.

Siberian selection

Siberian varieties of tomatoes are distinguished by their early entry into the fruiting stage, numerous harvests, ability to develop in the shade, tolerate cold, and resist pests and diseases.

The best varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection are:

  • Pride of Siberia;
  • A great warrior;
  • Siberian surprise;
  • Self-praise;
  • Ox ear.

All of these tomato varieties are suitable for growing in regions with warm or cold climates.

Varieties of pink tomatoes

Pink tomato varieties are distinguished by their large size, fleshy interior and sweet taste. Names of popular varieties:

  • Scorpion;
  • Cardinal;
  • Bonaparte;
  • Pink Paradise;
  • Pink Pioneer;
  • Esmira;
  • Scarlet candles;
  • Capia rosea.

The harvest is well stored, does not crack and is suitable for transportation over long distances.

For pickling

For canning, it is best to choose varieties that produce medium-sized fruits with thick skin that is not prone to cracking. You can choose from the following tomatoes:

  • Adam's apple;
  • Amur cliff;
  • Vernissage;
  • Red pear;
  • Money bag;
  • Golden Canary;
  • Siberian malachite;
  • Intuition;
  • Victory.

The rapid ripening of numerous crops will allow you to prepare for the winter without much hassle.

Disease resistant

The yield can be reduced by various infections. Tomatoes are most often susceptible to infection with late blight, root rot, and tobacco mosaic. One of the methods of prevention is the selection of varieties with high resistance to infections. These tomatoes include:

  • Bolero;
  • Grozdeva;
  • Esmira;
  • Theorem;
  • Vespolino.

To reduce the risk of developing infections, a number of preventive measures should be taken. Be sure to disinfect the soil and greenhouse structure. Sudden changes in temperature and drafts should not be allowed. The rules for planting and caring for the plant must be followed.

Early (early ripening) varieties

Names of popular early varieties of culture:

  • Belfast;
  • Diagram;
  • Wrist strike;
  • Malbec;
  • Overture.

Ultra-early and early varieties of tomatoes produce a harvest within a short time - it takes no more than three months.

Description of the variety with photo

Samson's bush forms a strong, well-leafed stem. Each plant can produce up to 70 tomatoes, used both fresh and processed.

The fruits of the Samson variety are of medium ripening. They begin to sing after an average of 100-110 days of growth. Ripe fruits grow up to 90 grams, are bright orange, fleshy and very tasty. Durable skin and a small number of seeds make these tomatoes indispensable for harvesting fruits in their entirety.

Additional advantages of the variety are the good keeping quality of the fruits and the ripening of the collected unripe fruits. Each bush can ripen up to 5 kg of slightly elongated tomatoes.


“Samson” belongs to the mid-season varieties: it reaches technical maturity 110-120 days after emergence. It is used for food starting from the stage of bunch (milk) ripeness, which occurs after the 50th day of the growing season.

The leaf rosette of this carrot variety is powerful, erect or semi-spreading, the heads of the root crops are located at soil level

Plants are powerful, leaf rosette of semi-spreading type. The leaves are medium-dissected, long, green, slightly pubescent. Ripe root crops are located at soil level (the heads do not protrude above the soil surface).


Root crops are medium and large in size: up to 18-22 cm long, about 4-5 cm in diameter, weighing 120-150 g, with a distinctly rough surface.

The root crops are quite large in size and cylindrical in shape, characteristic of the Nantes variety.

The shape of the root crop is cylindrical, with a blunt end, pointed downward. The head is small, smooth, with flat or slightly rounded shoulders. The bark is orange or red-orange. The core is slightly lighter, small (up to 25% of the root diameter), not rough, and fits tightly to the bark. The pulp is strong, juicy, moderately sweet. The taste is good, tasting score is 4-5 points. In terms of the content of useful and nutrient substances, “Samson” is inferior to the already mentioned variety “Nantes 4”:

Useful materialContents per 100 g of raw product
"Samson""Nantes 4"
Carotene (provitamin A)11.6 mg19.4 mg

Root crops of the Samson variety are distinguished by a very even, attractive appearance and high yield of marketable products (more than 90%). The yield per 1 m2 averages 5-8 kg, and the maximum was recorded at 11.3 kg (in 2003 at the Mozyr variety testing station). The purpose of root vegetables is universal: they are used for fresh consumption, industrial and home processing, and storage. Due to the good keeping quality of carrots of this variety, after 6 months of storage, 86.7% of the fruit remains of commercial quality.

What is a Pink Pioneer tomato?

Now this breeding novelty is in good demand among amateur summer residents who have greenhouses on their plots. This selection is also cultivated by farmers with the goal of selling the resulting fruits.

Characteristics and description of the variety:

  1. Tomato Pink Pioneer f1 belongs to the mid-early tomato varieties.
  2. The first fruits on the bushes appear 70 days after the formation of seedlings.
  3. The bushes are distinguished by powerful trunks and tall growth. This variety is classified as an indeterminate type.
  4. One of the most important characteristics is the taste of a ripe tomato - it is described as harmonious, since sweetness and sourness are combined perfectly.
  5. The fruits themselves are medium in size, their weight varies between 200-220 g.
  6. Tomatoes can be stored for quite a long time and tolerate transportation well over long distances.
  7. The species is not affected by diseases such as nematodes, silver leaf viruses, and mosaics.

Experts say that on average, about 28 kg of fruit can be harvested from 1 m² of planted Pink Pioneer tomato bushes. Such a yield can be achieved if a summer resident or farmer grows the variety in greenhouse conditions, using equipment of the appropriate quality.

Ripe fruits can be eaten raw, as well as used for various types of snacks and added to salads. If tomatoes are cooked, for example, when making soups or sauces, their taste becomes slightly better. In addition, Pink Pioneer tomatoes added to hot dishes have a positive effect on human health. They have a fairly dense pulp, which allows them to be used in the process of preservation.

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