Potato "Dolphin": a worthy variety of the Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing

Description of the variety

Potato bushes are of medium height, semi-erect, with an intermediate growth pattern. The stems are medium thick and uncolored. The corollas of the flowers are white, with wide lobes. The leaves are medium in size, dissected, dark green in color. The waviness of the edge is absent or very weakly expressed. The total yield reaches 540 c/ha.

The skin of potato tubers of the "Dolphin" variety is smooth, yellow in color, the shape of the tubers is round-oval or elongated. The mass of the tuber ranges from 100 to 110 g. The pulp is light yellow. Starch content 11–14%. The variety is early ripening, the period from germination to technical maturity is 70–75 days.

Dolphin potatoes: description of the variety, advantages and disadvantages, planting rules, agricultural technology, reviews

Dolphin is a Belarusian table potato variety (Solanum tuberosum) of early ripening. Brought out by employees of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "NPC NAS of Belarus for Potato and Fruit and Vegetable Growing."

In 2002, it was included in the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation in two regions: Central (Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tula regions) and Central Black Earth (Belgorod, Voronezh, Kursk, Lipetsk, Oryol, Tambov regions ).

It is distinguished by early ripening, the formation of a large number of tubers, drought resistance, and high yield.

It’s worth saying right away that there is another variety with a similar name - “Dolphine”. This is a completely different potato and has nothing to do with our hero.

The time from the appearance of full shoots to ripening is 60−75 days; the first digging can be done already on the 45th day of the growing season.

Plant of medium height, intermediate type. Stems are semi-erect. The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color. The leaf is large. The waviness of the edge of the leaf blade is very weak or absent altogether. The corolla is medium in size and white in color.

The root system of the Dolphin is well developed, in one nest 14-16 medium-sized tubers are formed, weighing 80-132 grams each, there are very few small things. The tubers are aligned and have an oval-round shape. The peel is yellow, smooth to the touch. The pulp is light yellow in color. The eyes are small, inconspicuous, and lie shallow.

According to the results of state tests, the marketable potato yield is 170−256 c/ha, at the level of the Bryansk Early variety and 62 c/ha more than the Zhukovsky Ranni standard.
During the first digging, on the 45th day of the plant growing season, 82−195 c/ha were collected, which is comparable to Izor standards and 26 c/ha more than the results of Zhukovsky early.

During the second digging, on the 55th day after full germination, 132−215 c/ha were obtained, which is at the level of Izor’s indicators and 43 c/ha higher than the Zhukovsky early standards.

The maximum yield was recorded in the Tula region - 295 c/ha were collected there, 159 c/ha more than the results of Pushkinets. According to the originator, the potential yield can reach up to 540 c/ha! The marketability of tubers is 88−96%, at the level of established standards. Keeping quality is excellent - 90−99%.

Dolphin has good taste.

It is classified as culinary type A, the tubers are very slightly boiled, making them ideal for preparing salads and frozen vegetable mixtures.

In general, the variety will show itself perfectly in absolutely any dish, except, perhaps, mashed potatoes. The pulp contains 11.2−15.1% starch, 0.4−1.7 below the Zhukovsky and Bryansk early standards.

The variety is very demanding on soil fertility. It will grow best on light sandy loams and loams rich in nutrients and minerals. Plants are resistant to drought, but very sensitive to waterlogging, especially in the initial stages of growth. Be careful with watering; too much moisture in the soil will have a very bad effect on the development and health of potatoes.

Tubers have a pronounced dormant period - more than 90 days. In this regard, before planting, it is recommended to germinate them for better germination and earlier harvest.

The originator recommends the following planting density: when cultivating in order to obtain marketable products, 45-48 thousand plants should be planted per hectare of area, and when grown for seed material - 52-55 thousand tubers per hectare.

A sparse planting pattern of 70×32−35 cm is recommended. The dolphin is responsive to the introduction of increased amounts of mineral fertilizers into the soil.

The variety is resistant to the causative agent of potato cancer, wrinkled and striped mosaic, leaf curl virus, and golden cyst nematode. According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, it is susceptible to late blight on tubers and moderately susceptible on tops, but manages to yield the crop before it appears. Moderately resistant to common scab.

Our hero is highly valued by gardeners for his high productivity, ensured by a large number of tubers in the nest, as well as for his early ripening. The excellent keeping quality of tuber crops also deserves attention - they can be stored for more than a year without losing their consumer and commercial qualities and without germinating.

Disadvantages include increased demands on soil fertility, as well as sensitivity to soil waterlogging. During particularly rainy seasons, yields can be significantly reduced. Gardeners have noticed that with a fairly large number of tubers in a nest, the percentage of non-marketable ones is very high.

Potatoes tend to take on bizarre shapes, but not in all cases - perhaps the “age” of the seed material matters in this situation, although Dolphin is not prone to rapid degeneration.

Also, the disadvantages include very long stolons, which makes the nest uncompact and complicates the process of digging potatoes - there is a high probability of damaging tubers located far from the “center” of the bush.

Potato variety "Dolphine": characteristics, description, yield, reviews and photos

The Delphine potato is a variety whose characteristics are a genetic relative of the Alvara potato, which conquered the world market almost immediately after it went on sale. It stands out for its excellent taste.

Description of the variety:

The history of the origin of the potato variety "Delphine"

The Delphine potato variety was developed by the German breeding company Saatzukht Fritz Lange.

A few years after the appearance of the variety, it was included in the State Register of Russia and recommended for cultivation in the North-Western region.

The table shows data on the growing season of different potato varieties:

NikulinskyLate ripening115-120
CardinalLate ripening110-120
RoccoLate ripening100-115
KiwiLate ripening120-130
Ivan da MaryaLate ripening115-130
SlavLate ripeningFrom 125 to 140
BorovichokEarly ripening70-90
ElmundoEarly ripening70-80
FeloxEarly ripeningFrom 65 to 70
BellarosaEarly ripeningFrom 50 to 70
NatashaEarly ripeningFrom 70 to 80
KaratopExtra earlyFrom 60 to 65
RivieraExtra earlyFrom 40 to 80
Zhukovsky earlyExtra early60 to 70
FarmerExtra earlyFrom 50 to 60
MinervaExtra early45-50
CraneMid-lateFrom 100 to 120
MozartMid-lateFrom 100 to 180
RamonaMid-lateFrom 80 to 100
Limonka or PicassoMid-late120-130
GiantMid-earlyFrom 80 to 100
Purple HazeMid-early90-100

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of the “Dolphine” potato variety are the following:

  • Drought resistance;
  • Versatility - used for preparing various dishes;
  • High-quality seed material can be obtained for 7 years from the date of planting.

Regarding the disadvantages of the variety, they note the ability to accumulate moisture, as a result of which the shelf life of potatoes is significantly reduced.

Potato variety Delphine:


Potatoes are used in the following form:

  • Varen;
  • Fried;
  • In semi-finished products;
  • For making chips.

The amount of starch is 13-15%.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with potato varieties that have different ripening periods:

Late ripeningEarly ripeningVery earlyMid-lateMid-early
NikulinskyBorovichokForty daysCraneYanka
KiwiBellarosaZhukovsky earlyGrenadaPurple Haze
Ivan da MaryaNatashaFarmerMelodyOpenwork
AsterixQueen AnneVenetaRamonaDesiree
SlavArosaKirandaDolphinLady Claire

Correct fit

Before planting, all Dolphine potato fruits are calibrated. Choose only those that are light in weight (about 80 grams).

The distance between bushes should be 70 cm, and between rows - 40 cm. It is recommended to bury potatoes to a depth of 8 to 10 cm.

Tubers that have undergone germination are treated with growth stimulants, which also reduce the likelihood of developing potato diseases.

When planting this potato variety, you must adhere to the basic planting rules and select soil with a light structure. If the soil is heavy, then pre-sowing treatment is required.

The potato variety "Dolphine" has a negative attitude towards waterlogging, so the plant does not need regular watering and irrigation.

Growing potatoes requires standard care:

  • Weed removal;
  • Loosening;
  • Hilling;
  • Mulching;
  • Fertilizer application.

It is necessary to feed the plant even during planting; for this purpose, complex organic fertilizer (450 kg/ha) is applied in combination with microelements. When planting potatoes in a garden plot, you can use manure and rotted mullein.


The plant is classified as a mid-season variety, so it can be harvested within 80-100 days after planting.

Potatoes are dug up and then collected in boxes, which are placed for storage in cellars or warehouses.

Reviews about the variety

After appearing on the world market, the Delphine potato variety gained a lot of fans. Housewives note its excellent taste, which makes it possible to use potatoes for preparing various dishes. The variety is also noted for its resistance to dry weather, which prevents gardeners from watering the plant daily.

The Dolphine potato, despite its young age, has gained enormous popularity among farmers, amateur gardeners and even large agricultural firms.

Due to the fact that the plant has taken root well under the climatic conditions of Russia, the number of gardeners planting this variety is only increasing every year.

And the excellent taste and culinary and economic characteristics only increase the number of fans of this potato variety.

Advantages of potatoes of the Dolphin variety

Potatoes "Dolphin" have a positive characteristic, which suggests the following advantages of the variety:

  • high-quality harvest of early vegetable products;
  • good taste;
  • smooth tubers with small eyes;
  • marketability 88–96%;
  • high keeping quality (90–99%);
  • guaranteed nematode resistance of the plant.

According to the originator, resistance to wrinkled, striped mosaic and leaf curl is observed. According to the All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology, the plant is susceptible to root blight and moderately susceptible to late blight on the tops.

Advantages and disadvantages

Potatoes do not require watering

Characteristics and descriptions of Delphine show that this potato variety has many advantages. Among them are the most important parameters:

  • this variety is drought-resistant and can tolerate high ambient temperatures;
  • versatility in cooking;
  • excellent taste, meeting all quality standards;
  • suitable for mass sale, and tolerates the preparatory stage well, including washing and cleaning, has received high quality standards;
  • seed material does not degenerate: farmers are convinced that seeds can be collected within 8 years from the first harvest.

The only drawback is that if exposed to large amounts of moisture, the fruits can quickly deteriorate during storage.

Landing Features

Early ripening table potatoes "Dolphin" are perfectly adapted to cultivation in most regions of our country. If planting dates are observed and grown correctly, it is possible to harvest two crops of high-quality and tasty potatoes in one season. Preparations for planting should begin one and a half months before the actual planting of the tubers:

  • potato tubers intended for planting should be moved from storage to a warmer place and sorted; all damaged tubers, as well as potatoes that have even slight signs of pest or disease damage, are subject to rejection;
  • in order to disinfect planting material, it is necessary to treat the tubers with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • It is recommended to carry out landscaping, as well as germination of tubers; high-quality planting material is of medium size and strong sprouts, the length of which does not exceed 3.0–3.6 cm.

Planting potatoes is done as follows:

  • potatoes are planted in heated soil (the beds are prepared in advance);
  • It is recommended to apply fertilizers in the form of manure when deep digging the soil in the autumn; the application of basic fertilizers at the planting stage is carried out directly into the planting holes;
  • The distance between rows should be approximately 70 cm, and between bushes - 35–40 cm.

With proper planting, seedlings appear in about ten days.

Disease Prevention

At the moment when breeders developed this potato variety, they took care of its resistance to disease. There are high rates of resistance to viruses and fungal infections. Also, this potato variety is not susceptible to late blight or nematodes. Colorado beetles and aphids will not affect the plant if careful preventative measures are taken.

First of all, tubers intended for planting should be carefully processed. Secondly, regular spraying of the tops with chemical insecticides containing copper is required.

Delphine potatoes are truly considered the most versatile vegetable. It is used not only for home use, but also in industrial enterprises. Thanks to its pleasant delicate taste, which has achieved a high quality standard, it is loved by all the inhabitants of the world.

Rules of care

Growing Dolphin potatoes is not particularly difficult. With proper care it is possible to obtain very high quality products. The main stages of potato care include fertilizing, hilling and watering:

  • The first feeding is carried out when the height of the potato bush is 15 cm using a solution of granulated urea at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water;
  • the second feeding is carried out during the flowering phase using potassium fertilizers in the form of 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and 3 tbsp. l. ash per 10 liters of water;
  • the third feeding is carried out at the end of the flowering stage using a solution of 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and a glass of bird droppings per 10 liters of water;
  • It is recommended to hill up potato bushes twice per season: the first hilling is carried out at a plant height of 8–10 cm, and the second is carried out during the bud formation phase;
  • in hot climates, potatoes should be watered deeply, about four times a month;
  • To protect against diseases and pests, you need to use Decis, Fastak, Ratibor, Arrivo or Bankol.

Record yields with minimal care - Delphine potatoes: variety description and reviews

Delphine is a potato variety that demonstrates high yields in the northern regions, does not require complex care and rarely gets sick.

Ripening timestarch,%Weight of tubers, gr.Number of tubers in a bushProductivity, c/haKeeping quality, %Peel colorFlesh colorCountry of selection

Description and characteristics of the variety

Delphine potatoes belong to the mid-season line. Purpose: dining room. The growing season until maturity lasts 85–100 days. 1–2 kg of marketable tubers are collected from the plant. The root system produces 14–18 large and medium-sized tubers (without fines). Marketability - 93% (indicators vary from 81 to 97%).

The bushes are small, the shoots are of medium length - 40–50 cm. The stems are semi-erect. Wilting occurs on days 115–120. The foliage is medium, the leaf blades are medium-sized, with wavy edges. The buds are red-violet. The eyes are small, 1–1.3 mm deep. The sprouts have a conical shape and are characterized by slight pubescence during germination.

What you should know about tubers:

  • average weight - 100–115 g;
  • skin color - red;
  • the pulp has a dense texture, yellow when cut;
  • starchy content - 13–15.7%;
  • a lot of vitamins (ascorbic acid - 20%), protein (1.8%) and amino acids.

Consumer and taste qualities have earned high praise from farmers. The pulp is not watery or mealy. The starch content is optimal, the level of dry residue is 18%. Tubers are resistant to mechanical damage. Keeping quality - 92–95%. The shelf life is long: until the beginning of June, excellent taste, turgor, and organoleptic characteristics are noted.

The Delphine potato was bred with the participation of scientist-breeders from the Zaatzucht Fritz Lange company (which represents early-ripening varieties for potato growers around the world, on the market for more than 80 years). Included in the State Register of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine.

According to genetic characteristics, it corresponds to the leader of Alvara.

It is not inferior in properties to the German line with the popular standards Desiree, Estrella, Bernadette. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the North-West region.


The Delphine variety produces stable high yields. From 1 hectare they dig up 228–374 c. Maximum productivity (579 centners per 1 ha) was obtained in 2007–2010. when testing the variety at the Molodechenskaya agricultural station.


Before planting, the tubers are calibrated and high-quality material free from defects and stains is selected. The size of the planting seeds is 5-6 cm, weight - 35-85 g. Germination is carried out in warm conditions (light mode - diffused, temperature - 14-16 degrees). Germination takes 25–30 days. Before planting, tubers are treated with boric acid, fungicides, copper sulfate, and stimulants (Epin, Kornevin).

Vernalization is carried out. Plant when the sprouts are no more than 2 cm long. Each tuber preferably has 3–5 grown sprouts. Planting dates: from the 1st to 2nd decade of May. The earth should warm up, but there should be no return frosts.

The site is selected on chernozem, loose sandy loam soils. Loams are pre-treated and peat is added.

Growing and care

Cultivation is carried out traditionally: tillage of the soil surface, fertilizing according to plan, and in drought - watering. To preserve moisture, it is recommended to cover the row spaces with mulch (straw, rotted compost and hay are laid out in a layer of up to 10 cm).

During the growth period of the bushes (after the first hilling) they are fertilized with nitrogen compounds: ammonium nitrate, urea, urea. Fertilizer is applied in liquid form between the rows.

With the beginning of flowering, potatoes need microelements phosphorus and potassium. Nutrient mixtures are prepared from superphosphate, phosphate rock, and potassium sulfate. The rate of superphosphate is 1 kg per 1 hundred square meters. A solution of potassium sulfate with ash is useful (for 10 liters, 15 g of potassium salt and the same amount of ash). Pour 1 liter per plant.

Plantings are watered only when necessary - due to excessive waterlogging, the risk of infection by fungal pathogens increases.

Hilling is necessary 2 times. It is carried out with a cultivator or mini-tractor. In small areas, hill up manually with a flat cutter or hoe. The height of the earth mound is up to 2/3 of the length of the bush.

Diseases and pests

Immunity of the Delphine variety according to the All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology:

Features of resistanceName
ExcellentU-virus, nematode, potato cancer
ModerateScab, viral leaf curl, wrinkled and banded mosaic, rotting of tops
AverageLate blight

Preventive treatment against late blight begins with seed material. Before planting, tubers are soaked in Acrobat and Fundazole. In field conditions, Ridomil and Quadris are used for spraying.

Colorado beetles and larvae, potato moths, wireworms, and mole crickets can cause trouble for bushes and tubers. To fight, they set traps and use folk remedies. Recommended drugs: Apache, Colorado, Bombardier, Tanrek.

Delphine is a German potato variety prized for its generous yields and sustainability.

Source: https://repka.online/ovoshhi/kartofel/srednespely/delfine.html

Reviews from gardeners

The “Dolphin” variety is a promising one and is widely used by both vegetable growers who grow potatoes in their own plots and small farmers. Positive reviews about potatoes of this variety were received not only from potato growers at home, but also in our country.

The variety is simply ideal for making puree, which turns out very white, fluffy and tasty. During the cooking process, potatoes do not darken and almost never become overcooked. But the planting of seed material of this variety needs to be done more sparingly than for other early varieties, since about 15 fairly large potato tubers are formed in each nest. It is best to stick to a 70/32 x 35 cm sowing pattern with tubers buried 8–10 cm.

Characteristics of the variety

Delphine was bred in Germany, and the company that bred it immediately filed a patent. A few years later, this variety was included in the Russian national register. It is believed that it is ideal for growing in the western and northern regions of the country. It is in this part that climatic conditions allow potatoes to develop fully.

This is an early type of root crop, the vegetative development of which is only 80 days. The tops quickly begin to wither and dry, which indicates they are ready for harvesting. The seed material of this species does not degenerate, so it can be used for planting next year. He also has high levels of immunity and is not susceptible to common diseases.

Description of the plant

The description and characteristics of Delphine indicate that the bushes of this plant are tall and can be arranged in different ways. In some cases, it is noted that the bushes stand upright. But, at some points in time, they may sway a little. At the base of the stem, vegetation develops moderately. But along the entire length there is a large number of leaves.

The leaves are small in size and have a rich matte green color. At the edges there is a medium waviness. The corolla is small in size and made up of purple flowers. The root system is actively developing, and about 15 tubers are obtained from one bush.

Description of the fruit

All fruits have a smooth surface and can be round or oval. In some cases, the large size of an individual tuber is noted. On average, the weight of one potato can reach 130 g. The yield characteristics are at a high level. From 1 hectare, farmers collect about 300 quintals of ready-to-eat products. There are a large number of fruits with commercial qualities. On average, the number of marketable tubers reaches 90%.

The peel is not dense and has a pink tint. The eyes are small in number and not deep. The sprouts on the fruit are purple in color and resemble a cone shape. The description of the pulp is that it is creamy in color and quite dense. There is little water in it, so it does not boil down when cooked. Thanks to its unique taste and quality characteristics, it can be used to prepare all existing dishes. This type of potato makes not only good mashed potatoes or soup. Crispy chips or French fries are also prepared.

This potato variety has a high level of starch. It is 18%. It also has a high content of protein, vitamins and reducing sugar.

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