Large-fruited strawberry Lyubasha - variety description, growing from seeds, video


It must be admitted that in determining which variety is considered the best, there are no universal criteria, because each summer resident has his own preferences.
Moreover, the ideal, as we know, is unattainable. But maybe that’s exactly what’s good? 15 years ago, my family moved from the city to a village, where, from scratch, one might say, they began to turn virgin soil. Yes, I won’t lie, it was very difficult, because at first we didn’t know or know how to do anything. But we persistently understood the tricks of farming through experience.

In general, our site has gradually changed. We now grow almost everything: from peppers and eggplants to blueberries and Japanese quince in the garden. But most of all, my family and I love strawberries.


By the way, it was this that we first planted in the very first beds we developed. A wonderful berry, to say the least. But we have to admit that she has two drawbacks: a wildly growing mustache and a short fruiting period.

The first point is clear: everything here must be mercilessly removed, although this work requires time and effort. And since I have a small child and my mother’s health is poor, I can barely cope with this task, but there’s nothing to be done about it.

As for the second drawback, in order to prolong the “strawberry” pleasure, I began to plant plants of different ripening periods.

First, we are pleased with the berries of the early Darselect

- This is an excellent student in all respects. Then comes Mashenka, who is distinguished by the fact that her fruits are extremely sweet, and also have a nutmeg aroma. Delicious, not strawberries! Well, the late variety Bogota ends the season. These three are my all-time favorites. After all, in addition to everything else, these varieties are highly resistant to disease and frost resistance.

Tips and reviews from gardeners

The strawberry variety "Lyubasha" is unpretentious. According to reviews from experienced summer residents, plants are very responsive to periodic loosening of the soil, which allows air access to the root system of the berry crop. It is also important, if necessary, to add fertile soil to protect the root system from exposure. It is recommended to carry out periodic inspections of strawberry bushes, as well as regularly remove weeds from the ridges. Ripening berries should not be placed on the soil. It is necessary to lift them using ring-shaped wire supports.

No wonder your eyes were afraid

I didn’t give up on them even after Lyubasha’s beardless remontant strawberry , the seeds of which were shared with me by my mother’s friend. Oddly enough, at first I wasn’t particularly eager to grow it: firstly, I had never dealt with seeds before, and secondly, somehow the description of this Lyubasha looked too rosy, because according to a friend, this it was just ideal. In addition, it was not particularly believed that barbelless strawberries could be large-fruited. But then I decided to try it anyway.

It turned out that everything is not so scary. I sowed the seeds in February and they quickly hatched. With the onset of warm days, the grown seedlings were planted in the ground. After the first six leaves, tall flower stalks with numerous buds began to appear. In June, the first berries began to ripen, and they turned out to be quite large.

And now the long-awaited day of their tasting has arrived. The fruits turned out to be very tasty and sweet. In terms of density, this is the golden mean: not as dense as many other remontant varieties, but not as soft as small-fruited strawberries. In short, we were all absolutely delighted! Meanwhile, the bushes continued to grow flower stalks.

Note: About the benefits of nest eggs

I want to share my experience in growing remontant strawberry seedlings. I'll start in order. In February of this year, I sowed store-bought seeds. Out of four bags of different varieties, only seven plants sprouted. I was upset by this result: after all, the packages indicated that this was high-quality planting material. And then I remembered that I had one stash in my bins. Two years ago I had such a generous harvest of remontant strawberries that I even put the berries through an electric dryer, then putting them in paper bags.

When I ate these gifts of summer in winter, I found seeds in the bags that had fallen off the fruits, which I did not throw away and put them aside just in case. And it turns out that she didn’t do it in vain!

I took the risk of sowing these seeds in containers with soil. And what do you think? They all sprouted and began to grow quickly. In May, I planted all the seedlings in open ground. But I didn’t admire the strawberry bed for long: the insidious return frosts seriously “shocked” my plantings. And then I sowed the remaining seeds directly into the ground between the frozen bushes (again I saved some of them, and again not in vain!). And they rose quickly, but very often. I fed them and, without replanting, left them until winter.

We'll see how they survive the winter. But the main idea is this: in the spring there are already a lot of different seedlings to grow, but, as always, there is not enough space for them at home. And here it turns out that in the spring you can sow your prepared seeds immediately on a prepared bed, so that you can then calmly plant them in a permanent place. This is how tips on growing plants come unexpectedly.

© Author: Olga Vasilyeva ULYANOVA p. Kichmengsky Town, Vologda region. Samara region

How to grow strawberries from seeds. Part 1. Remontant strawberry Lyubasha and other varieties

Sooner or later, every gardener comes up with the idea of ​​planting some unprecedented miracle in his garden beds. Some people take up ultra-new tomatoes, others are keen on cucumbers or flowers. For us, such an experiment was the remontant strawberry Lyubasha and three other varieties that we undertook to grow from seeds.

Several years ago, having just acquired our own plot of land, we were in some prostration, not knowing what and how to place on the freshly formed beds. Our relatives helped financially: they shared seedlings. So we quickly had three beds of garden strawberries (strawberries). At that time, little was learned about the varietal characteristics of planting material. It was known that there should be tasty, large berries. As it turned out later, my mother grew strawberry seedlings for one bed from seeds. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember the name of the variety at the time. But, having harvested my first harvest, I realized that growing strawberries from seeds is a noble cause, since the berries on the bushes grew large, even, beautiful and very tasty. And it's from seeds! Another unknown variety, in a neighboring bed, showed remontant properties and was also good.

Advantages and disadvantages

Remontant varieties of garden strawberries have great advantages compared to the classic varieties of this berry crop:

The disadvantages of remontant varieties, including “Lyubasha,” include the need to grow using seedlings. It is recommended to sow seeds from February to July. Planting seedlings on ridges in open ground is done when five or six true leaves appear on the bush.

The formation of flower buds on remontant varieties of garden strawberries for the second harvest begins during the first flowering. After harvesting the ripened berries, repeated, quite abundant flowering occurs. Due to this feature, caring for remontant strawberries is slightly different from working with conventional varieties of this berry crop.

Strawberries Lyubasha: description of the variety

We purchased the seeds in the spring of the previous year, being late for sowing. Therefore, it was necessary to sow in the new season. Among the new products received were three hybrids f1 Sweet Tooth, Taste of Childhood, Droplet of Summer and one variety of remontant strawberry Lyubasha. All seeds are from Aelita.

The characteristics of the three hybrids indicate the presence of mustaches and fruiting on the main bush and on new rosettes. The berries are promised to be dense, large, and yield from 0.8 to 1.5 kg per bush.

Strawberry Lyubasha variety description

Strawberry Lyubasha variety description was similar. A distinctive feature is the absence of a mustache. It should be noted that the originator of this variety is the same Aelita, and the variety itself was included in the state register in 2011. There's a little more information about him there.

  • So, Lyubasha is a remontant, early strawberry, the purpose of the variety is universal. The bush should be powerful and not form a mustache.
  • Lyubasha has medium-sized leaves with pubescence and shine. The teeth of the leaves are wide, and the shape is oval-rhombic. The leaf petiole is also pubescent and thick. The flowers are medium sized and white.
  • Remontant strawberry Lyubasha is positioned as a supplier of aromatic, large (weighing 12-23 grams) berries of a regular conical shape. They have a sweet taste, the tasting score of which is 4.9 points. This feature is emphasized in the description of the variety on the bag of seeds.
  • The average yield is indicated for industrial production and is up to 104 centners per hectare. The variety is also characterized by high winter hardiness, average resistance to drought, heat and major diseases. The variety copes poorly with strawberry mites.

This is the description of the Lyubasha strawberry variety. Well, we'll see, and then we'll tell you.

Remontant strawberry Lyubasha

As for other seeds, the selected hybrids are generally similar to each other. The brief characteristics written on the packages determine that these will be spreading bushes up to 30 cm in height, leafy, with fruiting rosettes on the tendrils. The harvest can be obtained already in the first year, 4-5 months after germination.

Differences will most likely be observed in the shape and taste of the berries. At the familiarization stage, when the seeds were taken out of the packages, there were no differences between them.

Remontant strawberry Lyubasha has a wide time limit for sowing: from February to June. It is assumed that with later planting, the first harvest will be in the autumn. It is proposed to sow hybrids no later than March. Their fruiting period is noted from June to September.

Droplet of Summer, Sweet Tooth and Lyubasha were packaged with 10 seeds per bag. Remontant strawberry Taste of childhood - 7 pieces.

After reviewing the care instructions several times, unpacking the bag of soil and taking a deep breath, I started sowing. Read about how the sowing season took place, as well as the continuation of the story about remontant strawberries from seeds in the next chapter.


The Lyubasha variety belongs to the remontant varieties of day-neutral strawberries. Fruiting occurs in several waves, starting in June and ending in September. When growing strawberries in the southern regions, the fruiting period lasts up to 5 months.

The productivity is very high. From 0.8 kg to 1.5 kg of fruits are collected from one bush. The weight of the berries is from 12 to 25 g.

Strawberries of the Lyubasha variety do not form mustaches. Seedlings can be grown independently from seeds or purchased from a nursery. The Lyubasha variety is resistant to low temperatures and common strawberry diseases and pests.

The most delicious fertile variety of remontant strawberries - Lyubasha

Large-fruited strawberry Lyubasha deserves special attention. Thanks to its juicy, aromatic fruits and easy care, summer residents often want to see it on their plots. This variety is characterized by good yield and unpretentiousness. To enjoy berries throughout the season, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules.

Description of the strawberry variety Lyubasha

The plant grows in the form of a semi-spreading bush. During the growth process, the variety does not form tendrils, as occurs in other types of crops. Lyubasha strawberries are distinguished by a strong and fairly thick stalk. The berries have the correct shape. Ripe fruits reach about 22 grams. The pulp is juicy and bright. It is rich in various microelements, but most of all it contains vitamin C and sugar.

The berries of this variety are perfect for both fresh consumption and processing. Even after freezing, strawberries retain their excellent taste and shape.

The fruits of this plant are rich in:

This is a winter-hardy variety that has continuous flowering. If the plant is planted correctly and the necessary care is followed, then such strawberries will bear fruit for three to five months, depending on the region.

Seeds that were collected from hybrids will not give the desired result.

The leaves are small, slightly pubescent. The top of the plate is glossy and quite pleasant to the touch. The buds have a white tint. An important advantage of Lyubasha strawberries is that they tolerate drought and high temperatures well. This variety is weakly affected by infections and pests.


To obtain a good harvest, strawberries of the Lyubasha variety require good care, which consists of the following activities:

  1. Regular watering.
  2. Loosening the soil.
  3. Timely weeding.
  4. Application of nutritional supplements.

Watering strawberries of the Lyubasha variety must be carried out depending on weather conditions, as the soil dries out. In hot summers, the optimal frequency of watering is 2 times a week. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is moistened to a depth of 3-4 cm.

You should also not overwater your strawberries, as overwatering can cause root rot. After watering, the next day, you need to loosen the soil under the bushes to ensure oxygen access to the root system.

Mulching is an excellent way to retain moisture in the soil. In addition, mulch suppresses the growth of weeds. Mulched beds do not require loosening. Sawdust, straw, pine needles, hay or black agrofibre are used as mulch. The Lyubasha variety is winter-hardy, frost-resistant, tolerates low temperatures well and overwinters without shelter.


Strawberries of the Lyubasha variety need nutritional supplements, since prolonged fruiting greatly depletes the strawberry crop.

The first addition of nutrients should be made in early spring. Nitrogen fertilizers are used - infusions of mullein (1:10) or chicken manure (1:20).

Before flowering, strawberries need potassium, phosphorus, and boron. It is recommended to use potassium-phosphorus additives and boric acid for spraying plantings.

At the end of the season, strawberries are also fed. Complex mineral preparations without nitrogen content are added. For a remontant variety, it is recommended to apply 5-6 dressings per season. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Protection from diseases and pests

Strawberries of the Lyubasha variety are quite resistant to common strawberry diseases and pests. All that is required is preventive measures aimed at preventing the emergence of diseases and dangerous insects. Chemicals should not be used to protect plants of the Lyubasha variety. They use only traditional methods:

  • spraying strawberry plantings with infusion of garlic arrows (0.5 kg per bucket of water);
  • planting calendula, marigolds, garlic or onions in the rows;
  • scattering of tobacco dust or mustard powder on the beds.

How to properly grow strawberries from seeds?

Many amateurs believe that this type of crop can only be propagated by seedlings. In fact, there is another, no less effective way. Growing Lyubasha strawberries from seeds is popular all over the world. It is not difficult, but in order to get a young plant, you will need to wait a while.

  1. Collection of seeds. You need to select grains from varietal bushes. Berries should only be taken when they are ripe. Place the collected seeds on paper to dry. It is best to keep them in a well-ventilated area. If this is not observed, the remaining pulp may begin to rot. After a few days, transfer the planting material to a fabric bag.

  2. Soil for growing seedlings. Strawberries should be sown in a nutrient substrate. The best option would be a universal primer. You can also prepare the land yourself. To do this, you will need to mix part of the peat and sand, as well as two parts of turf soil. If possible, add a little ash to the resulting mixture. Then calcine the soil at high temperature or water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

  3. Stratification. Strawberry grains take a very long time to germinate, so to speed up the process, you should stratify the seeds. This is a procedure that involves keeping planting material for a long time at a certain temperature. The stratification period lasts about three months. You can keep grains in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

  4. Sowing seeds. Soak the prepared planting material in rainwater and keep it in the liquid for three days. This time will be enough for the seeds to swell. Then wrap them in a damp cloth and make sure that the paper does not dry out. Those grains that begin to germinate can be transplanted into a box with substrate.

Seeds should be sown in February. This is due to the fact that this type of plant takes a very long time to germinate and develops slowly. You can speed up the growth process by installing a lamp near the flowerpot. This is especially true for cloudy days and winter months, when the sun rarely appears outside.

Containers with seedlings should only be placed in a warm place. Also, the top of each box can be covered with polyethylene. Thanks to the mini-greenhouse, the optimum temperature, which is most suitable for strawberries, is maintained in the middle of the vessel throughout the entire period of time.

Seeds can also be sown in the classic way, but the guarantee that they will all sprout is low. The first shoots are observed after 20-30 days.

After preparing the soil for planting strawberry seeds, it should stand in a cool place for three weeks.

The description of the strawberry variety Lyubasha, which is presented above, fully confirms the positive reviews of gardeners who consider this plant to be the best. To grow this fragrant berry on your own plot, it is enough to follow a sequence of actions and simple rules of care.

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