Replacement for the most aromatic and appetizing spices - fragrant onion Chinese garlic: cultivation, description of the variety

Fragrant onions are less popular among ordinary gardeners than onions or spring onions. But having planted it, many return to it again and again. The Chinese garlic variety has a wonderful, unusual aroma that combines the smell of garlic and onions. The entire plant can be used for food.
MaturationTypeColorLife formTaste

External description

Allium, or Chinese garlic, belongs to the Liliaceae family, which, in turn, belongs to the Allium family.

The feathers of the mountain plant are thin and long. Unlike a regular onion, which has a tubular shape of its above-ground organs, the wild ones have flat ones. Green color varies from light to dark shades. The miniature bulb reaches 2 cm in diameter.

Bushes 40 cm long grow over the years. In the first season, about 6 arrows appear. In subsequent years, the mother bulb is surrounded by many formed “babies”, and thus the plant begins to bush.

In the 2nd year, the onion grass throws out an arrow with a unique ball. It consists of many small flowers that emit a pleasant aroma. This is where the name “fragrant” comes from.

Some people grow wild garlic in their flower beds, and it looks pretty good. This can be judged from the photo of allspice. It is also planted along borders and in hanging pots.

Uses of fragrant garlic

Thanks to the vitamins and beneficial components contained in greens, garlic is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. For colds, inhalations from a decoction of the leaves are recommended; to strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to eat salads made from fresh herbs.

In Asia, the medicinal properties and benefits of jusai have been known for a long time. The leaves were used as a means to stop bleeding from wounds, as an antidote. Onion masks are indicated for strengthening hair.

In cooking, Chinese garlic is valued for its tasty greens, inflorescences, and arrows. Marinades and various pickles are prepared from them, used for preservation, dried and frozen. In Asian countries, such a vegetable is more expensive than regular onion greens.

Chinese garlic is an interesting and noteworthy crop that summer residents successfully grow on their plots. Following simple agricultural practices will allow you to harvest spicy herbs throughout the summer season.

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Growing methods

There are 2 methods of propagating wild garlic.

Vegetative. Overgrown bushes are divided into separate seedlings with bulbs and planted around the site. This can be done at any time of the year, except winter, and you can get a harvest in the same year. This method is practiced in small areas.

Seminal. The collected seeds are sown in the ground and harvested the following year. Preference is given to this method for the reason that planting small bushes is too painstaking work. In particular, it is used for mass cultivation of crops. Next we will talk about growing fragrant onions from seeds.


Along with the seed propagation method, fragrant onions can also be grown by vegetative methods - by dividing the bush or shoots.

Dividing the bush

The bush is divided in autumn or spring. It is dug up and cut into several pieces. In this case, each division should have 1-2 shoots and 2-3 bulbs left. They are transplanted to a new place and watered. This method is suitable for young plants, starting from the second year after planting.

By shoots

Reproduction by shoots is planned for early spring, even before emergence. The bush is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several bulbs. Each of them is planted to a depth of 5-7 cm with a distance of 25 cm.

How is sowing carried out?

Seeds can be planted in three stages: early spring, early summer and closer to winter. To speed up germination, seeds can be germinated.

After 15-30 days, feathers appear. After planting in autumn, onions will sprout in the spring, and this is natural.

There are many more advantages to early sowing. Firstly, the germination process occurs much faster. Secondly, the seeds and shoots are saturated with moisture, and the bulbs will be large and juicy. In addition, feathers do not require special care. Spring cultivation eliminates the need for regular watering and weed control.

The row spacing is left at about 30 cm. The seeds are deepened by 2 cm. 2 kg of seeds are sown per 1 square meter.

If you do not plan to sow seeds every year, then sweet onions can be left in one place for 5 years.

Varieties of branched onions

Several varieties of the crop are known. The most popular are:

When choosing a variety, you should take into account the climatic characteristics of your region. The ripening period of the crop and its frost resistance are important.

Proper care

Since a wild plant cannot be whimsical, caring for it will not be difficult. However, it is possible to increase the size of the bulb and the fleshiness of the feathers. The following recommendations will help with this:

  • Fertilizers are applied after the seeds have been sown. Ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride are diluted in equal proportions with water (according to standard standards) and the planted area is watered. The mineral complex can be replaced with organic fertilizers.
  • As soon as the feathers that appear have taken shape a little, the seedlings should be thinned out.
  • The plant does not need too frequent watering, but after each watering it is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Regular weeding will give good results when growing onions from seeds. The piquant variety will look healthy and appetizing if it is not suppressed by weeds.
  • When the feathers are cut in a timely manner, Chinese garlic produces a harvest several times per season.
  • Plantings need to be adjusted annually. Otherwise, the onions will grow throughout the garden. A negative feature of growing a wild plant in garden beds is that it quickly reproduces on its own. To prevent such a process, it is important to cut off the inflorescences in time.
  • Before frost, it is necessary to cut off onion feathers in time. Several bushes can be transplanted into a pot and grown on a windowsill in winter. It will look like an ornamental plant.
  • Wild garlic does not have a dormant state. It is grown in greenhouses and greenhouses all year round. If the onion was in a box in the summer, then it is simply brought into any heated room, and it continues to grow.

Growing conditions, soil requirements

Sweet onion is a perennial plant, and in one area it can be kept for 3-4 years in a row. The culture attracts with its unpretentiousness. For normal development, it requires the following conditions:

  • Maintaining crop rotation . It is good to plant Chinese onions after pumpkin or legume crops. After cabbage, potatoes and other nightshades, the crop does not perform well. It should not be planted after onions or other plants of this family.
  • Correct area . It should be sublime and sunny. You should not choose northern slopes, but you can plant the crop in the shade of trees or shrubs - the greenery will not grow so quickly, but will become especially tender.
  • Snow cover . Many varieties of branched onions are frost-resistant, but the crop is still heat-loving. It is necessary to ensure that in winter it is covered with a sufficient layer of snow.

Branched onions are quite unpretentious to soil conditions. Its fertility has a positive effect on greens: the consistency becomes softer, and the taste and aroma become richer. The soil should be quite loose. If the soil is acidic, then limestone must be added.

Soil preparation should begin in the fall. During digging, you need to apply complex fertilizer per square meter:

  • wood ash – 1 cup;
  • potassium fertilizer – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • compost - 1 bucket;
  • superphosphate – 1.5 tbsp. l.

In spring, loosening is necessary. At this time, ammonium nitrate is added - 1 tsp. per square meter.

Collecting seeds

Obviously, the seed method is really practical. Therefore, it would be advisable to grow the seeds yourself.

For this purpose, a small area is allocated, away from other crops. If sweet onion grows close to the main garden, it will clog it. This is due to the fact that the seeds of wild garlic do not ripen at the same time, and the gardener needs to wait until the entire cap with inflorescences has dried. Meanwhile, the first seed material is scattered throughout the area.

To protect other vegetables from Chinese garlic seeds, they are sown in large boxes or a raised bed can be constructed.

Due to the above-described feature, greenish seeds are found in cut inflorescences. There is no reason to worry about this, since at room temperature they reach the proper degree of maturity.

If a crop is planted to obtain seeds, then their number is reduced. Sowing is carried out in one strip. Such measures help improve the quality of seed material. This is important for the future cultivation of onion from seeds. Chinese garlic will be powerful and less susceptible to weather changes. The future yield of mountain plants will increase significantly, since the quality of the seeds affects the development of the plants.

Planting jusai onions in open ground

Sweet onion is an unpretentious crop, so it can be grown in different regions. However, you should not plant in areas where cabbage or potatoes previously grew. It is best to outline a bed where melons or legumes previously grew.


Yellow fragrant onions can be grown at home - then almost any planting date will do. When cultivating in open ground, the seeds must first be planted into seedlings. Moreover, it is better to do this in early March. Even if spring is late in the region, you should not be afraid of early transplantation of seedlings into the ground. The culture is frost-resistant, not afraid of frost and temperature changes.

Also, fragrant onion seeds can be sown directly in open ground. In this case, planting is planned for March or early April, when the air warms up to minimum values ​​- 2-3 degrees Celsius. Later dates are also acceptable: late April – early May. But in this case, the harvest will only be harvested in September.

Site selection and soil preparation

Fragrant onions are unpretentious, so when choosing a site, it is enough to pay attention to two main criteria. The place should be open, and also without stagnant moisture - lowlands are not suitable.

The soil can be almost any, but if the soil is depleted, it is better to add compost or humus in advance at 5 kg per square meter. If the soil is very acidic (pH less than 5.5), also add wood ash (2 cups per 1 m2) or dolomite flour (400-500 g per 1 m2).

Important! On slopes on the north side, fragrant onions should not be planted. The crop is demanding of light, and if there is a lack of sun, the yield will noticeably decrease.

Planting scheme

Algorithm for planting fragrant onions:

  1. Clean and level the area.
  2. Mark several rows 5-7 cm deep at intervals of 30 cm.
  3. Water generously with settled water.
  4. Plant the seedlings at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

If seeds are planted in open ground, the furrows should be shallow - up to 2-3 cm. At the same time, the distance between them is left the same, since some of the seeds will not sprout. If several seedlings appear, after a few days the strongest one is left and the rest are pinched out.

Using Chinese Garlic in the Kitchen

The plant has all the properties inherent in onions and garlic. Therefore, it is added to salads, placed in main courses, and even used to make pies. Onion grass arrows are pickled, stewed and fried.

Some housewives like to add onions and garlic to salads at the same time, and they like the combination of these flavors. Something similar can be said about the taste of allspice onions, but it is not felt as pronounced as in ordinary vegetables of this family.

In Chinese cuisine, mountain garlic is used as a whole plant and is not divided into parts.

Sweet onions go well with any meat dishes. It is dried, crushed, mixed with other spices and used as a seasoning.

Selection of location and soil

For growing jusai onions, areas with any type of soil, except sandy, are selected. Sandy soil degrades the taste and shortens the shelf life of greens.

It is not recommended to grow Chinese onions in beds after white cabbage and potatoes.

Also, the area should be well protected from drafts. Light fertile soil with a neutral or weak acidity reaction is considered the best. This can be either black soil, loam or peat.

Before sowing, the soil must be prepared - dug up, fertilized with a mixture of humus (1 bucket), superphosphate (30 g), wood ash (200 g), potassium-containing fertilizers (20 g) per 1 square meter. m. In the spring, immediately before sowing, it is necessary to re-dig the beds and feed them with ammonium nitrate.

Useful properties of onions

Knowing which family a given plant belongs to speaks for itself. It's no secret that onions and garlic are always used for colds. For medical purposes, it is used in the treatment of pneumonia, gastritis and bronchitis. It is noted to be an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, such onions have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Chinese garlic contains the following vital elements: iron, beta-carotene, potassium, sodium and calcium. It is capable of enriching the human body with an almost complete complex of vitamins, such as: C, PP, E and group B.

Benefits of jusai onion

The composition of fragrant onion greens includes quite a lot of vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, PP) and microelements (iron, calcium, potassium and others). The culture has long been known for its medicinal properties, which is why it is used in folk medicine. Jusai has a positive effect on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • hemostatic.

Sweet onion is used as an additional treatment for pneumonia, bronchitis, heart pathologies, as well as gastritis, nervous disorders, and tuberculosis. The juice obtained from the bulbs and greens can be used as a compress to treat minor burns, insect bites and relieve itching.

The caloric content of the product is low - 100 g of greens provide 41 kcal. Nutritional value for the same weight:

  • proteins – 1.4 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 8.2 g.

Important! Allspice onions should not be used as food for diseases of the digestive system, including cholecystitis, pancreatitis and gallstones.

Greens have a spicy aroma and an interesting garlic taste.


People familiar with wild garlic find an advantage in its early appearance. As soon as the snow melts, the “vitamin complex” already turns green in the garden. The feathers are very delicate and taste like wild garlic. It is cold-resistant and unpretentious. This characteristic can be found in reviews of alliums. Many people also like the piquant taste because it is more subtle than regular garlic. And yet, gardeners admire the pleasant aroma of the plant and its appearance. Some people plant such onions between flowers.

Harvesting fragrant onions

The first time the edible leaves of fragrant onions are cut is in the second year from the moment of planting. The leaves should grow to a length of about 20-30 cm. The optimal harvest time is July-August. Onions begin to ripen after new feathers stop growing and begin to lie down. The last seasonal cutting of leaves is most often carried out two months before a sharp drop in temperature. Store the fragrant onion harvest in a cool, dry place in containers with good air flow.


Allspice onions are a new crop, and every housewife has the opportunity to add some zest to their usual diet. For people suffering from gastritis, and for whom ordinary garlic is contraindicated, spicy onions will serve as an alternative food. Its delicate taste will not cause harm to health and will replenish the body with the necessary complex of vitamins. For any gardener, it will not be difficult to allocate space on a personal plot and grow an unpretentious crop using the seed method, which was described in our article.

How to harvest

What time is the crop harvested? They begin to take the aromatic onion for food from the second season, making 3-4 visits. Only feathers that have reached 25 cm in length are taken. The first cutting occurs in July, the last one should end 2 months before stable cold weather (somewhere in mid-August).

Cutting for lettuce

After this, it is better not to touch the bushes so that they have time to gain strength for the winter. Before covering the onion, all remaining leaves are completely cut off. Each pruning of leaves requires subsequent fertilizing with mineral water alternating with organic matter.

Additional Information. In industrial cultivation, fragrant garlic begins to be harvested in May, when the bulb is fully ripe. It is dug up and stored in containers for subsequent sale.

Harvesting the bulb is also carried out in private gardening when the time for relocation of the mother bush approaches. This procedure is carried out in the fall, when green onions are most in demand. The vacated bed is prepared for planting other plants next season.

The main bulbous bush is carefully removed from the garden bed, along with the soil. The feathers are not completely cut off - a third of the greenery should remain on the queen cell. The cut tops are used for food, and the bulb is sent to the cellar for storage at a temperature of 0-2 degrees.

Important! This parameter is a prerequisite, since in a warmer climate, perennial onions will begin to rot and rot.

How to distinguish it from Russian?

When buying aromatic vegetables in a store, Russians give preference to domestic varieties and types. The main differences between Chinese and Russian garlic:

  • There are no roots; in China they are removed using an electric knife.
  • All bulbs are similar to each other, have the same even round shape and uniform color.
  • The onion may turn green when cooked.
  • The Chinese garlic bulb has a smaller mass.

Note: If the garlic turns green during cooking, this does not mean that it has gone bad. The color change is due to the allyl sulfide content in the vegetable. This does not affect the quality characteristics of the fruit; the vegetable is edible.

How decorative garlic blooms

Flowering lasts about 30 days. A mandatory feature of all bows is the peduncle arrow. It is on it that the inflorescence of any type develops.

All bulbous plants are suitable for forcing, and garlic is no exception. Thanks to this, flowers can be obtained at almost any time of the year. As long as the plant is warm enough. Accordingly, by planting garlic heads at different times, you can get flowers throughout the entire growing season. And in a greenhouse or room - even in winter. But normally, onions bloom in the summer: from June to August.

The table shows the flowering times of the most popular ornamental species of the Onion genus, immediately planted in the ground.

What is Jusay

Jusai or fragrant onion is a perennial herbaceous plant.

It has long, narrow and flat leaves. Jusai does not have an onion. Instead, there is an elongated leg, like a leek, only much smaller.

True, there are varieties in which this stem resembles a bulb. They are ovoid in shape and size from 1.5 to 5 cm. An adult plant can have up to 15 of them in a nest. Jusai blooms very beautifully. Umbrellas of small stars hover above the emerald foliage like splashes from a fountain.

Flowers look great in a flower garden, as well as in bouquets. Some types of fragrant onions have a pleasant aroma reminiscent of hyacinths. These varieties include “Aprior” and “Pikantny”. I got a variety whose flowers do not smell. Or rather, they have a pronounced garlicky smell if you move the plant. I recently read a children's fairy tale - a unique version of the origin of the fragrant onion. According to this fairy tale, fragrant onion flowers grew from small stars that fell in the garden.

And it happened like this. Little sisters - stars played and were naughty in the sky. Tired, they sat down on a large cloud, but continued to play pranks and have fun. They dangled their legs and disturbed the cloud. She got angry and threw them off. The stars, falling to the ground to avoid hitting them, began to cling to the plants. These plants turned out to be garlic in the garden. The stars touched the garlic and it winced at the unpleasant smell for them: “Ugh, what a bad smell!” And they immediately turned into beautiful flowers with the smell of garlic. This is how the stars live now - naughty girls in the garden. The tale is kind and instructive and at the same time romantic. And most importantly, she talks specifically about my fragrant onions.

Jusai (fragrant onion) combines the properties of onion and garlic. Its green leaves remain fresh throughout the season. The plant does not have a dormant period. In place of dried leaves, fresh leaves immediately form. The greens of this onion do not become rough for a long time and remain juicy and tender.

How to propagate decorative garlic

Decorative garlic is propagated by seeds and daughter bulbs/cloves. Nigella is harvested after the seed pods turn brown and dry. The inflorescences are torn off, the seeds are husked and dried.

If you choose the method of propagation by daughter bulbs, they must be separated from the mother bulbs in the spring before planting. Otherwise, the small clove will dry out during storage. The head of garlic is dug up, being careful not to damage it. Dry in the sun and lay out in a cool place on straw. Sawdust is not suitable, as too dry ones suck water out of the bulbs. And in damp conditions, garlic can germinate. Another storage method: in hanging bunches.

This is usually how table garlic is stored, but this method is also suitable for decorative garlic.

Types of decorative garlic

Ornamental garlic can be a biennial or perennial plant. The only rule: there are no annuals. At the same time, for some reason table species are classified as “scenery”. At the same time, among garden ones you can find rather inconspicuous specimens, differing only in the size of the heads. So we must take into account that the division into “edible” and “decorative” species in the case of the Onion genus is very arbitrary. Theoretically, decorative ones include:

  • aflatun (Allium aflatunense);
  • Dutch (Allium hollandicum);
  • gigantic (Allium giganteum);
  • bowed (Allium cernuum);
  • Christoph (Allium cristophii);
  • Karatavi (Allium karataviense);
  • daffodil (Allium narcissiflorum).

Another very interesting species is not officially classified as decorative, but it is often grown in a flower bed due to another property. This is Chinese allspice/branching garlic(Allium ramosum).


Perennial. It got its name from the Aflatun Pass in Kyrgyzstan. The tuber is ovoid, 2-6 cm in diameter. The leaves are rosette, belt-shaped, up to 60 cm long and 2-10 cm wide. The color is bluish. The peduncle is hollow and powerful. Height 80-150 cm. The base of the stem is surrounded by leaf sheaths. The inflorescences are almost spherical umbrellas, light purple. Blooms in May-June, bears fruit in August.

Aflatun onion is often confused with Dutch and gigantic onions


Also a perennial from among the large decorative garlics. The number of narrow, but not long, basal leaves can reach 15. The peduncle is very powerful, up to 2 m high. The inflorescence is spherical, densely purple or white in color.

The diameter of the inflorescences of decorative Dutch garlic is 25 cm


Perennial large-leaved species. A native of Central Asia and the Middle East. Grows in soft soil in the lower belt of mountains. The main purpose is to decorate a flower bed.

The leaves of decorative giant garlic can be eaten in the same way as table varieties. If a recipe for a dish calls for green “feathers,” you can use greens from a flower bed.

The diameter of the ovoid bulb is 2-4 cm. The height of the peduncle is 80-150 cm. The width of the strap-shaped leaves of a bluish color is 5-10 cm. The length is usually 2-3 times shorter than the stem. The inflorescence is dense, spherical. The color of the corollas is light purple.

Giant garlic can easily be confused with Aflatun garlic, as they are most likely close relatives


Perennial wild plant of North America. Habitats: prairies, dry forests and scree.

In its original state, the plant is very inconspicuous. But breeders took it upon themselves, developing several varieties of ornamental garlic for growing in a flower bed in the garden.

The bulb is conical. With a diameter of 15 mm, its length is up to 5 cm. The leaves are flat and narrow. Width 2-4 cm and length up to 30 cm. Rosette. The length of the peduncle is up to 0.5 m. The stem ends with an umbrella bent down with flowers of white or pink color. Flowering time is July-August.

Comment! All parts of the plant are edible, but they have an onion-like smell rather than garlic.

Breeders took up bowed garlic, developing several varieties, including “Purple King”

Christophe's onion/garlic

Powerful, relatively low-growing, perennial plant. The distribution area is mountainous Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Central Türkiye. Grows in the lower mountain zone on soft slopes.

The tuber is spherical, diameter 2-4 cm. The number of rosette leaves is 3-7, their width is 5-25 mm. Flat. The color is bluish-green or gray. There are hard, sparse bristles on the edges.

The peduncle is very powerful. With a height of 15-40 cm, its diameter is 5-15 cm. It is approximately equal in length to the leaves. The inflorescence is 20 cm in diameter. It can be spherical, but more often hemispherical. The color of the flowers is purple or pink-violet. A characteristic feature of this type of decorative garlic is star-shaped flowers with narrow petals. Flowering in June.

Comment! The leaves die off after flowering.

Christophe's garlic can be propagated by daughter bulbs or seeds. Its main purpose on the site is to decorate the flower bed.

Christophe's garlic looks good as a border plant if planted fairly densely.


Endemic to the Pamir-Altai and Tien Shan. The name comes from the Karatau ridge. Prefers to grow on mobile limestone screes of the lower mountain belt.

The bulb is spherical. Diameter 2-6 cm. There are usually two leaves, but there may be three or one. The shape is lanceolate, oblong or almost spherical. Leaf width is 3-15 cm. The peduncle is short: from 10 to 25 cm. It can be half immersed in the ground. The stem is shorter than the leaves. The inflorescence is spherical, dense. The color is white or light pink-violet.

Comment! Thanks to its unusual leaves, flowering Karatavi garlic looks very decorative when planted in small groups.

Tulip-like leaves of Karatav garlic in combination with balls of inflorescences create cognitive dissonance

Narcissus flower

Homeland - the mountains of Spain, the south of France and the north of Italy. Herbaceous perennial, only 10-40 cm high. Leaves are lanceolate-linear, bluish in color. The flowers are large: 1-1.2 cm long. The wild form has a pink corolla. The inflorescences are a drooping umbrella of hemispherical or almost flat shape. Both the appearance in the photo and the name of garlic indicate that its main use is decorative.

Brighter decorative varieties have already been bred from the wild form of narcissus garlic.


This species has many names, the origin of which is often associated with Latin names. That is, “tracing paper”. Of the Latin ones, the two most commonly used are: Allium odorum - fragrant onion/garlic and Allium ramosum - branched onion/garlic. Other Russian names:

  • wild;
  • Chinese;
  • odorous;
  • Tatar.

There are two more almost forgotten Russian names: lousy onion and steppe garlic.

Comment! In Kazakhstan it is often called “Dzhusai”, but originally this was the name of another species, Chinese leek (Allium tuberosum).

For marketing purposes, the plant was often called Chinese garlic to add a touch of exoticism. This is partly true, since the mountains of Mongolia and China are considered the birthplace of fragrant garlic. It was brought to Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia by nomadic tribes.

This is a perennial frost-resistant plant. Although, in comparison with its “brothers”, Chinese garlic is considered heat-loving. Moreover, even with light snow cover, the bulb can overwinter at a temperature of -45 °C. Jusai is capable of growing both in the shade and in well-lit areas.

The Chinese garlic bulb is not very suitable for food due to its size: 8-15 mm in diameter. It is elongated and goes into the rhizome. The leaves are long, from 35 to 60 cm, but narrow - 8-12 mm. Belt-shaped, fleshy. The color is dark green. There is a waxy coating. The number of leaves per plant is 6-12 pieces. Total weight 35-70 g.

Comment! It is the leaves that are eaten. They have an onion-garlic taste.

The height of the peduncle is 60-70 cm. The inflorescence is a thick ball. Flowering period July-August. In the photo, Chinese garlic does not look special; it was included in the decorative category not for its flowers, but for its aroma. Its feature, which is absent in other types of onions, is a pleasant floral smell.

Jusai is drought-resistant, but beautiful leaves can only be obtained with good watering. Another advantage is that it is undemanding to the soil. He is not afraid of even slightly salted soil.

Chinese garlic is cultivated for its leaves, which must be cut 3-4 times during the growing season.

Dzhusai: how to grow

Jusai is undemanding to soil and watering, self-seeding even made its way through concrete

Like spring onions, dzhusai is a perennial and stays well in the garden for 10 years or more. It is very drought- and frost-resistant, even in the crevices of concrete it fluffs up (see photo). Gives abundant self-seeding. At the same time, purchased seeds germinate less readily than self-sown ones. Therefore, be patient, but immediately allocate a permanent bed for this beautiful grass - in five years it will become an indispensable conveyor of juicy and fragrant greenery to the table.

You can sow seeds in a school, and in the third year make neat rows in a permanent place in partial shade. In adult gardens, the trunk circles of fruit trees are suitable for this. It is better to replant bushes in the spring; the roots of the plants are very thick and powerful. Therefore, they will confidently endure transplantation during the wet period. In the first year of growth, cutting greenery is not recommended - the plant needs to gain strength and strengthen.

So, jusai has many advantages when growing - this includes its unpretentiousness in agricultural technology (does not require annual planting), multiple harvests from one bed, and drought resistance. It is not susceptible to fungal diseases and is not attacked by the onion fly. Do you have such perennial greens in your garden?

You won’t come across any number of names when choosing wild onion seeds. Each variety differs from its peers in its growing region, taste, smell, color and appearance. The only thing they have in common is ease of cultivation and care. Let's look at the types of wild onions and find out in what area this or that onion crop can grow, and how it is useful for our body.

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