How to care for grapes in June, what to do to get a big harvest

The beginning of summer is the most important time, including basic grape care in June.
Not every gardener knows what to do and how to care for this demanding and delicate crop. However, you will have to monitor the plants especially carefully, since it is at this time that they are most susceptible to disease processes and pest attacks. And most importantly, it is in June that the future harvest is laid, so it is very important to carry out the most proper care. Dear readers! For you, we have created communities on social networks in which useful articles and interesting ideas are published several times a day! Subscribe and receive useful content in a convenient format!

What is the care for grapes in June?

We can say that each gardener has his own care for grapes in June. Everyone decides what to do and how to care for themselves. But it is obvious that the main care is aimed only at ensuring that the correct shoots are formed, good flowering is immediately established, and then a decent harvest ripens.

To do this, you can do tying, pinching, apply fertilizers, if necessary, and carry out treatments against pests and diseases. However, none of the points can be called strictly mandatory. For example, someone refuses to take stepson altogether, trying to create a more branched, shady green gazebo. Some people do not tie up the branches, allowing them to grow with little or no care, only occasionally pointing them upward.

But it is obvious that if the goal is to get a good harvest, then you need to take care of the grapes in June a lot, sensitively and in a timely manner. The standard or classic summer care scheme involves the following steps that need to be done:

  1. The crop needs abundant, good watering just in June: up to 2-3 buckets of water for each bush as the soil dries out.
  2. When the berries begin to fill, less watering is needed - once every 10 days. You can do them together with regular feeding, adding mineral fertilizers.
  3. The shoots thicken less if you take care of them at least once a week: be sure to trim them precisely in the first days of summer.
  4. For the active development of the vine, do not forget about complex fertilizing , which is needed in the first half of summer, and after mid-July, on the contrary, is contraindicated.
  5. Make the soil loose, including hilling the area after each watering or rainfall.

These are all relatively simple tasks that even an inexperienced gardener can do.

What does a vineyard need in summer?

Summer is the period of berry ripening and fruiting. During this period, grapes often fall victim to drought or attacks from diseases and pests. Therefore, feeding grapes in summer is a very important procedure.

Important elements that the vine must be provided with in sufficient quantities in June are: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, magnesium.


A number of minerals needed by grapes include: urea, potassium salt and superphosphates, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, nitrophoska, ammophos.


Organic substances contribute to soil ventilation and its water resistance. Several fertilizing methods using folk remedies may be useful here:

  • manure (activates the development of microorganisms useful for the root system in the soil, supplies the vine with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium);
  • compost (replacement of manure from hay, tops, wood ash and other organic and food waste);
  • bird droppings (supplies essential nutrients).

The latter is often used in the form of an infusion. One unit of litter is diluted with four units of water and left for a week and a half before planting. Just before planting, the infusion is diluted another 10 times with water. One seedling needs half a liter of this fertilizer.

Feeding with phosphorus

Phosphorus fertilization is very important during the ripening period of grapes. Thanks to it, berries and clusters develop better.

Feeding grapes with ash provides the basic elements for the vine (phosphorus, calcium, potassium). During the season it can be applied several times, but no more than a bucket for the entire time. Rotted manure and compost contain phosphorus and potassium, among other things.

To supply the vine with phosphorus, fertilizers such as superphosphate, phosphate rock, and precipitate are used.

Potassium fertilizer

To supply potassium, you can feed the grapes with the following fertilizers:

  • potassium chloride (consists of 52-60% potassium oxide);
  • sylvinite (12-18% potassium oxide);
  • ash;
  • rotted manure;
  • potassium magnesia (potassium-magnesium supplement);
  • potassium monophosphate (potassium-phosphorus fertilizer).

Calcium and grapes

The dry part of the grapevine contains about 1.4% calcium. It plays an important role in the metabolic process, dehydration of organic acids in the plant.

Calcium is very useful for strengthening the root system of young grapes. As a rule, it is contained in the ground in sufficient quantities. However, some sandy soils may suffer from its deficiency.

Feeding with microelements

Microelements are not needed by the plant in such large quantities as basic ones. However, if they are deficient, the vine will not be able to fully develop.

It is very important to feed the grapes in the summer with such significant components: magnesium, iodine, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, sulfur and others. Their supply can be provided by complex microfertilizers.

Calimagnesia contains magnesium, potassium and sulfur. Usually a solution is prepared from 1 spoon of fertilizer and a bucket of water.

Foliar feeding of shrubs is carried out by spraying with copper sulfate (about 1 gram per individual bush) once every 3-5 years.

Zinc sulfate is effective for alkaline soil. 5 grams of the substance are dissolved in a bucket of water.

How to prune grapes in June, formation schemes

Shaping or pruning grapes is perhaps the most important task of courtship in June for a strong harvest. Only timely pruning can achieve several qualities at once: correctly distribute nutrients, leave only the strongest shoots and protect against pests and diseases (a thickened area is more prone to disease).

IMPORTANT! It is customary to prune before the inflorescences appear. If you are late and care for thinning during the phase of active flowering or even fruit set, then, most likely, most of the crop will die.

One of the tasks is the formation of a bush. Two options for shaping: standard and non-standard.


Standard formation is intended for winter-hardy grape varieties and involves leaving only one fruiting shoot and one replacement shoot on each plant. If in this case you plant the grapes high, you can plant the plants more often, thereby achieving abundant fruiting.


In this case, the gardener forms a fan bush with 4 sleeves. A fruiting vine (a length of 10-15 buds) and a replacement vine (2-3 buds) are left on each sleeve.

Yield rationing

Based on the flowering results, you need to start normalizing the harvest. The quality of the berry directly depends on the number of clusters left on the vine: its juiciness, sweetness, size and even ripening time. In this case, not only an excess of bunches, but also their lack can have an equally negative impact. Therefore, normalization must be carried out in strict accordance with calculations.

The difficulty of standardization lies not only in the grape variety, but also in the care conditions: timely fertilizing, quantity and quality of watering.

If the vineyard does not have drip or underground irrigation, when rationing varieties with large bunches (more than 1.5 kg), then it is advisable to leave one bunch per shoot with a shoot length of 1.5 - 2 meters. Table varieties involve obtaining up to 4 kg of berries from 1 m2. When planting according to a 2x2 m s scheme, you can collect up to 16 kg of berries from a bush.

When normalizing, it is important to select only the best bunches, taking into account not only the size, but the quality of pollination. By the end of June, this indicator can be seen with the naked eye.

How to prune grapes in June

Experienced gardeners, of course, are unlikely to experience any difficulties with pruning grapes when caring for them in June. But it is useful for beginners to know what to do and how to care for the crop correctly.

  1. Firstly, to trim branches and shoots, you should use only sharp pruning shears, preferably with pre-disinfected blades (potassium permanganate solution is suitable).
  2. A vine older than two years should be pruned as short as possible - with stumps no larger than 0.5 cm.
  3. Pruning should be done strictly along the internodes in order to do less damage to the growing point of the crop.
  4. Fruiting branches are left at the highest points. In the lower ones they will be more susceptible to disease and may break under their own weight.

By adhering to these simple tricks, you can even say professionally in caring for grapes in June.

Rules for fertilizing grapes

Feeding grapes with fertilizers will give the desired result only if it is done correctly.

  • All necessary substances must be added to the soil in a timely manner.
  • It is advisable to water and fertilize grapes with liquid fertilizers at the same time. At the same time, you should not over-flood the soil.
  • Foliar feeding of shrubs is carried out in calm weather. It is better to spray the vineyard after sunset. In this case, you should carefully select the equipment for spraying. The smaller the size of the droplets falling on the leaves, the better the result of the procedure.
  • To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, root and foliar feeding should be carried out simultaneously.
  • Before adding liquid solutions to the soil, you first need to make a depression. There are components, nitrogen, for example, that evaporate in air. Therefore, they must penetrate into the ground as quickly as possible. There is also a group of elements that are considered sedentary. Therefore, they may remain in the surface layers of the soil and not reach the root system of the bush.
  • You cannot fertilize grapes in July and August with nitrogen fertilizers. The same applies to chicken manure and mullein, used in the form of liquid solutions. Otherwise, the growth of the vine will be delayed, and the harvest will ripen quite late. But it is advisable to fertilize grapes in June with nitrogen fertilizers. In the spring, fertilize the soil with ammonium nitrate.
  • Choose high-quality fertilizer, both for root feeding of grapes and for foliar feeding. And remember that summer treatment is different from winter treatment. In the first case, you need to saturate the soil with elements that promote the growth of shoots and ripening of berries. When processing for the winter, you need to strengthen the roots.
  • Hang the grape feeding diagram in the most visible place, and mark all the actions completed. This will help you not miss a single spray. The calendar for processing shrubs and trees is practically the same. Therefore, you can create a single schedule for the entire garden, with a field for notes.

How to properly feed grapes in June?

It is unlikely that good care of grapes in June will do without fertilizing. This also has its own nuances, what to do and how to care for plants as efficiently as possible.

First feeding

Grapes bloom in most of Russia relatively late, only in June (and only in the South maybe earlier). Fruiting of the crop is also uneven and prolonged.

That is why in June you need to have time to give the plant as many nutrients as it needs for good yield. The thing is that when the grapes bear fruit actively and for a long time, it is better not to fertilize at all.

They begin to apply fertilizers 2 weeks before flowering. This falls at the end of May or June depending on the region.

At this moment, it is important to add a maximum of micro- and macroelements to the soil - this will be the best care. Therefore it is often taken:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt;
  • nitrogen-containing products.

It is optimal to use the listed substances in a ratio of 50:40:35 g per 10 liter bucket of water.

Second feeding

There is no need to fertilize during flowering either. But at the moment of formation of the ovaries, a second root feeding is desirable.

For it, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are taken (nitrogen is no longer needed), which are diluted in a proportion of 40-50 g per 15 liters of water. Each bush will need exactly this amount (15 liters).

FOLK METHODS: often all root feedings can be replaced with effective folk remedies. Mullein or bird droppings, diluted in water 1:20 and infused for about 2 weeks, also restore nitrogen in the soil well.

What to feed

Grapes require a lot of nutrients , so mineral and organic fertilizers, as well as folk remedies, are used for fertilizing.

Mineral fertilizers

Effective mineral fertilizers:

  1. Ammonium nitrate . Contains potassium and nitrogen. Use the composition in dry form, scattering it in a circle near the trunk. The quantity is indicated in the instructions on the package.
  2. Urea (urea) . The main composition of the product is nitrogen. Prepare an aqueous solution (15 g of urea per 10 liters of water) and apply it to the root of the plant.
  3. Superphosphate . The main element of the composition is phosphorus. Available in granules. Apply to the soil at the rate of 40 g per 1 square meter. m.
  4. Ammophos . Consists of phosphorus and ammonia. Available in three forms: granules, dry mixture and concentrate. All forms are diluted with water according to the instructions. The granular composition is applied at the root; dry and concentrated spraying of plants is allowed.
  5. Potassium salt . Distribute the required amount of the substance around the tree trunk and sprinkle with earth on top. 1 bush requires 50 g of salt.

Work with mineral compounds in protective clothing.

Reference. It is not recommended to apply superphosphate simultaneously with ammonium nitrate and urea.

Organic compounds

Organics are just as effective for grapes as minerals.

Basic organic substances:

  1. Chicken droppings . It has the highest nitrogen content. The maximum effect is achieved when used in liquid form. Take 1 part of the litter to 10 parts of water, leave for 24 hours and dilute again (2 liters of mixture per bucket of water). It takes about 2 buckets for an adult bush. Rotted droppings are used for fertilizer in the summer.
  2. Manure _ Contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. For summer grapes, they are also used in rotted form. Diluted in the same way as chicken manure - 1:10.
  3. Compost, humus . The nutrient content is not inferior to manure. The compositions are applied to the soil where the roots of the plant are located.

Folk remedies

Many winegrowers prefer to use folk remedies to fertilize plants.

Effective folk recipes:

  1. Wood ash . The substance is sprinkled on the ground around the tree trunk. The second method is to prepare a solution: pour ¼ of the ash into a bucket, fill it with water to the top and mix. Plants are watered at the root.
  2. Yeast . Take 10 g of yeast per 10 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and leave to ferment for 2 hours. For feeding, mix 1 part of the composition and 5 parts of water.
  3. Nettle infusion . The bucket is filled to the top with chopped nettles and filled with water. The mass is stirred daily for 6 days. Plants are watered at the rate of 1 liter of product per 10 liters of water.
  4. Ammonia . Water at the root using a concentration of 3 tbsp. l. alcohol per 5 liters of water.
  5. Boric acid . Dissolve 2.5 g of boric acid powder in 1 liter of water and spray the plant.

These products give good results if applied before flowering.

Important! Before applying any fertilizing, the soil is moistened abundantly.

Features of grape processing in June

Along with root fertilizing, it would also be useful to do foliar fertilizing - or, simply put, spray the grapes leaf by leaf.

First spraying

3-4 days after the first root feeding with mineral fertilizers, it is advisable to speed up the process of formation of bunches, as well as increase the immunity of the crop. Foliar fertilizers will help with this.

Typically, gardeners prefer store-bought preparations - they are effective and easy to prepare. This is potassium humate, “Humisol”, potassium chloride, zinc sulfate or boric acid. With this care of grapes in June, plants become more resistant to diseases and become more attractive to pollinating insects.

Second treatment

Immediately before fruit formation, after the second root treatment, you can proceed to the next spraying of the grapes. You can refuse it if the crop is not already sick or is not attacked by pests.

You can prepare a solution:

  • potassium humate – 1 tablespoon;
  • boric acid – 0.5 tbsp;
  • “Novosil” product - 1 teaspoon;
  • iodine – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • soda – 50-60 g;
  • “Kemira-Lux” product – 20 g;
  • manganese - on the tip of the knife.

The active ingredients are diluted in 10 liters of water and used for spraying on the leaf.

If grapes need the most sensitive care due to disease or pest damage, then you cannot do without fungicides and insecticides. Before the formation of fruits, “Tiovit Jet” or “Ridomil Gold” worked well (all strictly according to the instructions).

How to fertilize grapes

Before answering the question, you should understand what grapes need for normal growth and development. This shrub needs nitrogen, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and boron.

Accordingly, fertilizing grapes involves adding fertilizers to the soil that contain the above-mentioned microelements.

All fertilizers applied to grape bushes are divided into 2 groups:

  • basic;
  • additional or top dressing.

Basic fertilizers are usually applied no more than once every 24 months. An exception is made if the soil is excessively depleted. Additional fertilizers or, as they are more often called, fertilizing are applied several times a season in small quantities. We apply fertilizer in liquid form.

In addition to manure, which is used as a top dressing for all garden crops, we add peat, potassium, compost, potassium sulfate, bird droppings, phosphorus, saltpeter, nitrogen, etc. to the grape bushes.

Manure is the main fertilizer, which contains everything that is needed for the health of the grape bush. By and large, manure improves the quality of the soil and makes it more fertile. An alternative to manure is any organic matter. We add overripe manure to the soil, which contains the mineral elements necessary for the vineyard (phosphorus, for example).

Any mineral fertilizer can act as fertilizing. We give preference to fertilizers that contain several mineral elements. Ammophos, azophoska and nitroammophoska are effective.

In addition to mineral fertilizers, which contain several components, potassium chloride, phosphorus, potassium sulfate, nitrogen, potassium magnesia, ammonium nitrate, boric acid, granulated superphosphate, urea, and ash are used as fertilizers.

How to plant grapes in June

Perhaps one of the most difficult care techniques in June is pinching grapes. It must be done carefully, with skill.

Stepchildren are shoots of the second order, formed from the axils of the leaves. They bring both benefits and have some disadvantages. First of all, the leaves on the stepsons bring more nutrients to the bush (photosynthesis processes occur more actively in them). On the other hand, if there are a lot of stepsons, the grapes will become very thick and will be more susceptible to disease, giving a weaker harvest.

That's why:

  1. Some people prefer not to remove the shoots immediately after they appear, but to pinch them off above the second leaf so that they do not grow again. Then the bush will feed more consistently.
  2. Or the stepsons are selectively removed only where they cover the ovaries from insects and the ripening fruits from the sun.

Stepping in caring for the vine, one way or another, continues from June and usually until the end of summer.

Types of grape nutrition

Regardless of whether fertilizing is done during the ripening of the berries or only at the stage of the appearance of the ovary, it can be carried out in different ways.

Root feeding of grapes

Root feeding of grapes assumes that fertilizers will be applied directly to the soil. It is aimed at strengthening the roots of the plant. As a matter of fact, the above-described feeding schedule is a root feeding scheme.

Many limit themselves to adding nutrients to the soil, considering this a sufficient measure for the normal development of the shrub. However, this is a misconception. Root feeding alone is not enough.

Foliar or foliar feeding

Leaves are cared for through foliar feeding. At the same time, foliar feeding of grapes is no less important than root feeding. And you need to understand that it is not an alternative to root feeding.

As a rule, it is performed simultaneously with spraying the bushes against diseases. As in the case of root feeding, experts recommend doing it 4 times. But, at the same time, the timing of fertilizer application is somewhat different.

The first foliar feeding of grapes is carried out before the bush blooms. We spray the plant a second time after the ovary has appeared. The third spraying occurs at the beginning of the ripening of the clusters, and the fourth is done after the berries have softened.

You can treat shrubs with boric acid. But gardeners have differing opinions about the advisability of such an action. It is more advisable to prepare complex solutions with boric acid.

There are preparations on sale that can be used to spray vineyards on green leaves before the ovary appears and during fruiting. They are usually sold as a dry concentrate. Before use, they must be diluted with water according to the instructions.

Some gardeners perform fertilizing on green leaves before the ovary appears, considering spraying of formed bunches inappropriate. But such feeding will not harm both before and during flowering. This is due to the fact that the leaves are treated with drugs that are harmless to the human body.

Features of the June Garter

They begin tying grapes in the spring, but the June garter is the most important. At the beginning of summer, grapes can grow 10-20 cm every week, so their vines require almost constant care.

The purpose of tying is to distribute the branches of the grapes so that as much as possible is well illuminated by the sun. Well, in addition, it helps to strengthen the branches of the grapes from the wind and other unfavorable factors of nature.

ON A NOTE. If during the courtship process you notice weak, diseased shoots or branches growing incorrectly, it is recommended to cut them off immediately.

Proper tying is when young shoots of grapes are sent vertically upward along the trellis in a figure of eight and are lightly fixed with twine or special clips.

Is it necessary to fertilize grapes in summer?

When examining grape bushes at the beginning of the summer season, you need to pay attention to critical changes in the appearance of leaves, shoots, and ovaries.

Signs of a deficiency or excess of microelements are easily diagnosed:

  1. If the leaves on the grapes turn yellow below and dry out at the beginning of summer, there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil. This state of the grapevine occurs after applying slurry containing a high percentage of nitrogen fertilizer to the root.
  2. Potassium deficiency manifests itself in the active growth of the vine in the spring and a sharp stop in development in early summer . The plant absorbs a lot of water and may die during dry periods.
  3. The leaves begin to turn yellow in the summer if the plant does not receive a complex of potassium and nitrogen.
  4. With a lack of phosphorus, the inflorescences are thin, elongated, and the ovary practically does not form . Often after flowering they simply fall off.
  5. If the veins on the leaves become lighter , the flowers and ovaries fall off, the plant needs magnesium.
  6. Lack of calcium manifests itself in the absence of shoot growth in early summer , small leaves, and a depressed appearance of the vine. The yield of the bush falls, the quality of the grapes decreases.
  7. In order for the grapevine to fully absorb potassium and nitrogen, boron is needed. The absence of this microelement in the soil leads to the death of young shoots , the flowers are poorly fertilized and are severely crumbled.

Many problems arise if critical violations during the growing season of the grapevine are not detected in time. There will definitely be no harvest, and fungal spores and harmful insects will also settle on weakened bushes.

There is no point in waiting for deformation of the ovary and the formation of defective berries. There are various ways to apply fertilizing to the vineyard, strengthening the ovary and allowing the grapes to fill with vitamin juice.

Is it possible to plant grapes in June?

Of course, June will be a good time for growing new young shoots of grapes by grafting onto old ones and planting new bushes.

It is better to plant completely new bushes in the shade of already well-formed grapes, or under garden trees. 5-6 days after hardening in the shade, young shoots should be transferred to well-lit areas. They will not produce a harvest right away, but they will be fully ready to bear fruit in the second year.

A peg is left next to the young shoot. Further care for it: constant watering, complete pinching (only one branch is left) and constant garters along the peg.

Grape. Planting and care in summer

Although it is usually practiced to plant grapes in the spring or autumn, they can also be planted in June. To do this, you need to prepare holes about 30 cm deep in advance (several days in advance), and water them with warm water so that the soil settles and warms up.

At the same time, the seedlings must be accustomed to the street, leaving them under trees for 5-7 days so that they are in the shade. And then for another 8-9 days in a sunny place so that they adapt to the rays of the sun.

After this, you can plant, tie the plant to a pre-installed stake and water well. During the first season, one shoot will be enough, so all stepchildren should be removed immediately.

To summarize, we can say that June is truly one of the busiest months in gardening. But if you do everything correctly, then in 2-2.5 months it will pay off with an excellent harvest.

How to properly ration grapes

Unfortunately, not a single grape variety can produce fruits that are normal in terms of sugar content and taste if the bunches are not rationed. Potentially many ovaries form on the grapes, but proper care means that only the best of them need to be brought to harvest.

That’s why grapes are usually rationed in June. That is, they remove some of the flowers, leaving normally one bunch for each bush.

To give an understanding, but very roughly, on average, cultivated grapes grow in the middle zone up to 1.5 m per summer, have up to 20 leaves on all shoots, and form up to 500 g of fruit per bush. In most situations, these indicators should be strived for when caring for grapes in June.

Why does rationing in June give the best results - at this time it is already clear which clusters are pollinated normally, ripen well and are not sick. They should be left to grow further.

Foliar feeding

Root feedings are described above, but foliar feedings can also be used. Feeding the plant through its leaves will be an excellent addition to the main feedings. This method will strengthen the vineyards, increase the yield and prepare the plant for the autumn period.

Foliar feeding goes well with disease prevention. The solutions can be combined and sprayed on the plant.

Foliar feeding can be done several times over the summer:

  • During fruit set.
  • During the ripening of the grapes.
  • After softening the berries.

Such replenishment is usually carried out with complex fertilizer. This fertilizer can be bought in a store and diluted according to the instructions.

Spraying should be carried out on days when there is no rain, strong wind and bright sun. When sprayed on a sunny day, burns may appear on the leaves.

What else needs to be done with grapes in June to get a rich harvest, tricks

  • The last pruning of the grapes is required before flowering, so that the future harvest is not damaged in any way.
  • Underdeveloped and very weak shoots give a weak harvest, if any at all. You should get rid of them at the time of June courtship, without regret.
  • It is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers to grapes only at the very beginning of June, otherwise the crop will then become “fatty” and also bear fruit poorly.
  • Most grape varieties require rationing to one bunch per bush, but technical ones allow you to grow up to 3 bunches.
  • When planting grapes in June, try to make a hole for them a week in advance and water the soil - this way the soil will settle and will be ideal for grapes.
  • An effective green fertilizer is peas planted between grape bushes. When the peas bloom, they dig them up and embed them in the ground, thereby saturating the soil with useful elements.

Tips and tricks from experienced winegrowers

To get a good and healthy grape harvest, fertilizing should be used wisely. Remember these time-tested tips:





Compliance with safety measures

  1. Fertilizers are always diluted in water and watered only on damp soil. This way the nutrients will penetrate as deeply as possible, which will make the rhizome stronger.
  2. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied only in the first month of summer, since this element provokes active growth of green mass, which negatively affects the formation of fruits.
  3. Foliar feeding should be done 2-3 weeks before harvest.
  4. Complex fertilizers in liquid form are diluted in water in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer. An excess of certain components will lead to an imbalance, which will negatively affect the future harvest.
  5. When using a spray bottle, it is important to protect your respiratory organs and eyes from contact with the mucous membranes of fertilizers. It is prohibited to carry out foliar feeding in windy weather.

How to care for grapes in June depending on the region

There are no big differences in caring for grapes. This is a heat-loving crop, so it can only be grown effectively in warm climates.

Based on this, only the south of Russia, Ukraine and the middle zone can be separately distinguished from the suitable climate.

On South

They pinch and feed the grapes already in May, and in June they try to ration and treat them against pests.

Why fertilize grapes?

Caring for grapes does not consist only of covering the bush for the winter and cutting off unnecessary shoots. Like any other garden crop, a vineyard needs certain substances, which it ideally receives from the soil. If one or another component is missing, the plant begins to bear fruit poorly and become sick.

Therefore, fertilizers should be applied that compensate for the lack of one or another element. But, at the same time, it should be remembered that an excess of even the most useful element can lead to the appearance of bush diseases. Therefore, all fertilizers should be applied in a certain sequence.

Many people wonder why in the wild all plants grow well without fertilizing. In the wild, most of the crop falls to the ground, rotting there. It turns out that all the components that the bush took from the soil during the fruiting period are returned back. When shrubs are cultivated, the entire harvest is harvested.

It is also worth noting the fact that in the wild the vineyard grows only on those soils that are suitable for it. When planting shrubs in the country, we don’t think about whether the soil has everything necessary for this plant or not.

For fertilizing to be effective, it must be done at a certain time. In addition, each period corresponds to a specific fertilizer.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The grapes turn out sour and small, why?

Most likely, due to incorrect rationing - you need 1 bunch per bush. Or the lack of fertilizing in early June affects it.

Why is there no harvest despite caring for the grapes?

One of the reasons for the lack of harvest precisely because of the June care is the late pruning of the crop - after the formation of the ovaries.

How to improve fruit filling?

Completely free them from branches and leaves blocking the sun.


If you did not have time to carry out preventive treatment of grapes against diseases in the spring, then there is a chance to do it in June. Well, if spots or a gray coating begins to appear on the foliage, then the treatment must be carried out as soon as possible.

Most often you have to fight spider mites and two extremely unpleasant diseases: mildew and oidium.

In the first case, the drug “Fufanon” will help you, and “Rodomil Gold” and “Topaz” will help you against diseases. But if ovaries have already formed, then these shoots should be sprayed with safer means, using potassium permanganate or ordinary baking soda to prepare the solution.

Schedule and rules for applying fertilizers

Determining what to fertilize the grapes with is only the first step. It is useful to know how to deposit funds correctly and according to what schedule.

Rules for applying fertilizing

Foliar feeding will saturate the leaves with microelements

Root feeding of mature grapes is carried out according to certain rules. You cannot water the bush near the trunk. It is recommended to dig a small round groove. The size of the circle depends on the age of the vine. For a young plant - 40 cm, for an old one - 70-80 cm. The depth of the groove should be about 25 cm for a young plant and 35-50 cm for an old one.

In spring, the vine is fed with liquid complexes. In the fall, both liquid and dry products are applied. First, water the bush with 4-5 liters of water, since minerals and organic matter in high concentrations will damage the roots.

Fertilizer schedule

Fertilization and feeding of any grapes must take place at certain times during its growing season. It is recommended to do this 4-5 times during the season. Some farmers determine time using folk methods, using the phases of the moon. It is better to focus on the periods of plant development. Optimal schedule:

  • Early spring, even before the vines open. The air temperature should be about 16°C.
  • In May or June, before flowering itself.
  • During the period when flowering ends or the first berries begin to form.
  • 10-15 days before harvesting the bunches, approximately in August.
  • In late autumn, after leaf fall and before covering the vines for the winter.

The first feeding of grapes is carried out with superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium fertilizers. Instead of saltpeter, you can use urea and carbamide. Combined nitrophoska or azofoska replaces both saltpeter and superphosphate. They also use complex mineral fertilizers, slurry from manure diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1:10. The event helps the vine recover after winter and begin intensive development.

The second fertilizer for grapes is aimed at stimulating flowering. At this time, solutions of mullein or chicken manure with the addition of boric acid are added. It is also allowed to reuse mixtures with superphosphate and nitrogen, urea, nitrophoska, and ready-made mineral complexes. The main components of the third feeding are nitrogen and magnesium. Potassium magnesium, ammonium nitrate, and other nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the grape vines, stimulating the growing season.

For the fourth procedure, you will need potassium and phosphorus combined fertilizers for grapes; nitrogen is not added. It is recommended to feed the vine with superphosphate and potassium salt that does not contain chlorine. Take 20 g of each component and dilute it in 10 liters of liquid. The mixture is designed for watering one bush.

After harvesting, the grapes are fertilized with either potassium, humate, or organic matter. Complex organic fertilizers are used only if they were not used in the spring. It is recommended to feed the vine in this way once every 2-3 years. Potassium fertilizers will always be useful for grapes; they increase frost resistance. Also during this period, magnesium is added, which increases resistance to disease.

How to fertilize grapes

Grapevines, like other garden crops, need regular feeding throughout the season. After all, without nutrients, the grapes will slow down their development, fewer ovaries will appear, the development of the bunches will worsen, which will ultimately negatively affect the yield.

But it is necessary to apply fertilizers to grapes, taking into account the characteristics of their development at different times of the year.

You also need to remember that the main and most important mineral for this berry crop is potassium

This berry crop also needs nitrogen.

, which are important for improving soil fertility. However, it is potassium that is “responsible” for the formation of new fruit buds on grape vines, the ripening of vines and stems, and the active formation of flowers.

Need to know!

In one season, grape bushes need to receive 2 times more potassium than nitrogen and phosphorus combined.

However, it is important to apply fertilizers in certain dosages, since too many nutrients also negatively affect the condition of the grapes, as does their lack.

When too much nitrogen fertilizer

, then the plants actively increase green mass to the detriment of flowering and ovary formation. As a result, the fruits will become smaller and the yield will sharply decrease.

If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied to the grapevines, they will bear fruit worse, and the leaf blades will become loose, making it easier for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate them.

Good variety!
Grapes Transfiguration Grapes Livia Grapes Augustine
And if, due to excess nitrogen, new vines appear on the bushes later, then they do not have time to become woody before the onset of cold weather. As a result, such vines freeze out during the winter, which negatively affects the condition of the entire grape bush.

Symptoms of lack of fertilizer in grapevines:

  • foliage or ovaries fall off;
  • leaf blades turn yellow and fade ahead of schedule;
  • foliage slows growth.

But when the soil is fertile and there are no signs of mineral deficiency on the grape shoots, then additional fertilizer is not required.


All organic fertilizers contain nitrogen.

. Since this organic mineral takes a long time to pass into the soil, such fertilizing is usually applied in the fall after digging.

At the beginning of September it is recommended to apply to the grapes:

  • mullein;
  • infusion of wood ash at the root and on the leaf;
  • fully matured compost;
  • bird droppings.

Bird droppings should first be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 and left to infuse in a warm place for 1-1.5 weeks. Then the infusion is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Up to 1 liter of this diluted infusion is added to each grapevine. But first, the grape bushes are watered abundantly, otherwise the fertilizer may burn the delicate root system of the plants.

Mineral supplements

It is very important to timely apply fertilizers containing basic macro and microelements to the soil, because without them it is impossible to grow vegetable or garden crops.


Such fertilizers are applied in dry form - for digging, plowing or in holes when planting, or a working solution is prepared and applied to the root zone of the grapes.

Necessary mineral fertilizers for grape bushes:

  1. Ferrous sulfate (iron sulfate)
    is a systemic fungicide that stabilizes the respiration of grape bushes, activates growth and fruiting, is able to restore and revive old garden plants (trees and shrubs), and also prevents the development of chlorosis.
  2. Potassium monophosphate is usually applied
    to grape bushes when there is a clear lack of potassium in the plants. The fertilizer contains more than half phosphorus and more than 1/3 potassium. The product stimulates the appearance of buds, as well as the development of grapevines, even with a single use.
  3. Potassium magnesium is
    one of the safest mineral fertilizers; it does not contain chlorine, the ratio of potassium and magnesium is 28%:18%. It can be added to any type of soil, but potassium magnesia is best suited for acidic, sandy and sandy loam soils.
  4. Potassium sulfate – this fertilizer contains potassium (52%), sulfur (18%), magnesium (3%), calcium (0.4%). This fertilizer helps strengthen grapes during their growth and development, replenishes the lack of potassium in the soil, and actively protects the bushes of this berry crop from pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Urea or urea
    - this fertilizer contains a large amount of nitrogen - almost 50%, so it is used for leaf application if plants are deficient in this mineral. It is also used for adding to the soil in the fall for digging.

Complex fertilizers for grapes and complex fertilizing

In specialized stores, gardeners can purchase the following ready-made mineral complexes for grapes:

  • fertilizer for grapes “Clean Leaf”
    (300 g), which contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 21:8:14. In the autumn, this fertilizer is scattered in dry form in the root zone of the vineyard and incorporated into the soil when digging. And in the spring, a working solution is prepared based on this fertilizer and applied at the root of the grape bushes;
  • “Sweet grapes”
    (1-1.2 kg) is a complex product from the BioMaster company, produced in the form of granules. Thanks to this fertilizer, the grape bushes grow more actively, the fruits ripen faster, and the quality of the harvest will only improve;
  • Zdraven Aqua
    (1.85 l) is a balanced fertilizer for grape bushes, which is a liquid instant fertilizer.
  • Zdraven Turbo
    (150 g) is a dry concentrate that is used to feed grapes in spring or summer. The product serves to strengthen the roots of this berry crop, for the formation of fruit buds, and improves the growth and lignification of shoots.
  • Florovit (FLOROVIT),
    1 kg – this fertilizer contains macro and microelements, as well as a number of vitamins. It is used as the main fertilizer when planting grape seedlings, and is also applied under grape bushes during the season. The drug does not contain nitrates, quickly dissolves in water, and can reduce the acidity level in the soil.
  • Stimovit
    (500 ml) is a universal fertilizer for berry gardens, which contains organic and mineral substances. It is used for processing planting material before planting in a permanent place. Also used for root and leaf feeding as an additional fertilizer for grape bushes. Stimovit is safe for soil microflora and the environment.

Foliar feeding of grapes by leaf

Similar fertilizing of grapes is carried out several times a season if it is necessary to quickly add the necessary nutrients to the plant. Prepare a working solution for such foliar spraying that is two times weaker than for root feeding, so as not to burn the grape foliage


The main thing is to spray the leaves either early in the morning or late in the evening, if there is no rain at that time.

To do this, you should use ready-made mineral complexes, which, in addition to the main NPK complex, contain B, Fe, Cu, Mg and a vitamin complex, in particular, the “Clean Leaf” fertilizer. It is diluted in the following proportion: 1 measuring spoon per bucket of water.


There is no need to spray grape bunches with such fertilizers; it is enough to treat the foliage and shoots, which will actively absorb these fertilizers.

Preparations for feeding grapes by leaf

Traditional preparations for feeding grapevines

Before the buds begin to bloom on the grape shoots, you need to treat them with a special green solution with the addition of yeast.

Prepare yeast fertilizer for grapes as follows:

  • 50 g of iron sulfate should be dissolved in 2.5 liters of hot water;
  • separately, copper sulfate (100 g) is mixed with 10 g of dry citric acid;
  • Add dry yeast (100 g) or raw yeast - 150 g to this mixture;
  • then iron sulfate diluted with water is added to this mixture;
  • the resulting solution is stirred until a homogeneous mixture is formed;
  • then add a bucket of water to this mixture;
  • The resulting solution is sprayed onto the grapevines.

At the root, you can water the grapevines with nettle infusion or greenfinch. Additionally, crushed egg shells can be scattered into the root zone.

Preventive treatments for grapes against diseases

In addition to fertilizers, it is recommended to treat grapes with special means to protect them from pathogenic microorganisms:

  • the first spraying is carried out at the stage of 3-4 permanent leaves;
  • the second – 7-12 days before the buds open;
  • third - after the end of flowering;
  • fourth - when the diameter of the berries reaches 1 cm;
  • fifth - a couple of days before the color of the fruit changes;
  • the latter - 20-25 days before collecting ripe brushes.

Preparations for treating grape diseases:

  • Topsin-M
  • Score
  • Bio fungicide Trichocin SP
  • Abiga-Pik
    et al.

We also recommend that you read the article:
The best fungicides for grapes

Features of agricultural technology of Siberian grapes

The peculiarities of growing grapes in Siberia are associated with the early onset of winter. At the same time, the branches do not have time to prepare; full lignification has not yet occurred. As a result, the bush will freeze under any cover. Therefore, the accumulated experience over the years has developed into several postulates;

  • breeding only early and regionalized varieties;
  • During the season, plants should be hardened off;
  • limit fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • grow one fruiting vine per bush;
  • regulate the fruit load during budding and filling;
  • During the summer, carry out work on the green bush systematically;
  • The vines should be pruned only in the fall, twice;
  • shelter, snow retention, spring opening of bushes - depending on climatic conditions.

All recommendations are based on the practical introduction of grapes to Siberia, first by agronomist V.K. Nedin from the Altai village of Belokurikha, then by amateur gardeners in Biysk. Together, they developed agricultural technology for growing grapes in Siberia, called SSV-1 and SSV-2. According to their recommendations, only new hybrid varieties should be used and the bushes should be hardened, reducing care activities to a minimum and forcing the bush to fight for survival on its own. However, not all of their recommendations are used by gardeners. With the participation of specialists, a slightly different scheme of agricultural technology has been developed, which does not exclude fertilizing and processing of plants.

If the bush has overwintered and avoided return frosts, the vine has been preserved, you will need to find a middle ground between getting a harvest and bringing the plant into winter prepared and hardening it off. Therefore, during the summer the bush is nurtured.

To do this, you should limit the application of nitrogen fertilizers. They cause an increase in green mass, and the gardener’s task is to limit the growth of the vine. Fertilizing with mineral phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is mandatory for grapes. It is necessary to replenish the removal of nutrients. Therefore, twice a season, during the filling of berries, it is necessary to perform foliar feeding with a complete complex fertilizer, always in soluble form. Root feeding, by the way, is also done only in soluble forms. Spraying with wood ash extract has a good effect. The question of what to feed the grapes in July is decided in favor of the filling and taste of the fruit. The best fertilizer mixture would be potassium monophosphate and wood ash.

Fertilizing without the use of nitrogen fertilizers allows the wood to ripen earlier and the berries to gain flavor. For the same purpose, the plant is formed into one vine, which allows all the forces of the plant to be used to form a harvest. Pinching the vine, chasing, and pinching out growth points are aimed at successful ripening of the fruits in a short period and obtaining a vine prepared for winter. Harvest rationing also serves this purpose. A video on caring for a vineyard will help you perform green leaf work correctly.

Chasing and pinching can be done only after the brush has formed, leaving 15 leaves after it for pouring. Pruning and removal of vine shoots is carried out systematically.

How often to water grapes depends on the method of growing the crop. If the bushes are planted separately, the watering holes have a depression. Bushes can grow in the trench where the ditch runs. Watering of plantations in ditches is carried out three times a season, starting after setting the berries and stopping after filling. When watering in a trench, the water consumption is 50 liters per square of plantation. Other gardeners for bush growing recommend watering at the same time, but a bucket of water per week. In both cases, the soil is mulched.

You cannot water the grapes during pollination and after the berries have filled.

Siberian grapes are in more favorable conditions due to the fact that pests and diseases have not yet become companions of the vine here. But if preventive treatments are not carried out, diseases will come. Therefore, a set of measures against fungal diseases includes treatment with sulfur preparations that suppress mildew and podium. Treatment with sulfur is carried out two months before harvesting the brushes.

The gardener decides how to treat the grapes in July based on the condition of the bush. If yellow spots with a gray coating on the back of the leaf appear on the leaves, you can treat them with baking soda or potassium permanganate, since the berries cannot be saturated with a copper solution. But after harvesting, treat the vine and soil around the bush with copper-based fungicides.

At the beginning of summer, the bushes should be treated against insects with Actellik, a systemic drug. This drug will be indispensable if, following poor-quality planting material, the dangerous grape aphid phylloxera invades the region. This pest can settle both on the roots and in the above-ground parts, oppressing and weakening the plant. Traditional biological preparations and folk remedies will help against other local leaf beetles. The use of biological preparations Siyanie, EM-1 Baikal will not cause harm, it will only help the plant. These drugs will protect the plant from diseases and pests. They can be used at any stage of the growing season, at air temperatures above 10 0 .

In the northern regions of Siberia, where summer is very short, growing one human-sized sleeve, annual renewal of one fruit link and replacement knot is the way out. With this type of cultivation, all the power of the bush is directed towards the formation of new shoots. Therefore, pinching in the summer becomes the only way to retain the formed vine and get an early harvest. Only the sleeve is insulated in winter; the vine is harvested in two steps in the fall.

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