Tomato Polbig F1: reviews, photos, hybrid features

Ripening period:early ripening (90-95 days)
Shape, weight of fruits:flat-round, weighing up to 200 g
Determinacy:height 70-90 cm
Growing regions:indoors and outdoors throughout the country
Productivity:5-6 kg per bush

Hundreds of low-growing varieties and hybrids have been created for growing tomatoes in open ground. They are inferior in yield to indeterminate plants, but they are easy to care for. The Polbig tomato variety is loved by gardeners for its compact size, unpretentiousness and productivity.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The characteristics and description of the hybrid variety Polbig give the following parameters:

  • The bush is powerful, with a thick trunk, about 80 cm high in open ground, up to 130 cm in a greenhouse. Despite its short stature, the Polbig tomato needs to be tied to a support so that the clusters of fruit do not break the plant.
  • The leaves are few in number, light green, medium in size, without pubescence. The flower brush is laid after the 5th true leaf. The flowering of the hybrid is characterized by the absence of barren flowers. There are 4-6 fruits in a tomato cluster.
  • Polbig tomatoes are round in shape, large specimens are slightly flattened. The skin color is bright red. The weight of the fruit ranges from 100 to 220 g; traditionally large tomatoes are borne on the lower clusters. They are characterized by dense pulp and the sweet and sour taste inherent in tomatoes. The thick skin allows the harvest to be preserved for several weeks.
  • Tomato Polbig F1 belongs to early ripening hybrids. The first red fruits can be harvested 90 days after sowing the seeds in the ground. Under favorable weather conditions and proper agricultural technology, 6 kg of large tomatoes can be harvested from each bush of a hybrid plant.
  • Tomatoes are eaten in salads, pickled, tomato puree, lecho, and vegetable stew are prepared.

You can evaluate the appearance of the Polbig hybrid from the photos presented.

Appearance of tomatoes

In appearance, the fruits of the Polbig tomato are not unique: perhaps, almost half of the red-fruited tomatoes look like this. In addition to the usual red color, they also have the most common flat-round shape, and also the size inherent in many varieties and hybrids. In appearance, Polbig can be confused with more than a dozen varieties and hybrids of tomatoes.

In appearance the fruits are very nice, completely classic

Sowing time and care

To obtain the yield declared by the breeders, the Polbig F1 tomato is grown through seedlings. Seeds are sown from February to March, depending on the location of the seedlings. By the time of transfer to the garden bed, the age of the seedlings should be 60-65 days. By this time, the first buds have already formed on the bushes; the height of the stems is 30-40 cm.

Polbig tomatoes are planted in open ground no earlier than warm weather sets in. The air temperature at night should not fall below +15 degrees - tomatoes cannot withstand frost.

Depending on the growing region, Polbig is planted in the garden bed from mid-May to the first ten days of June.

A light cover made of metal arcs and film will help protect delicate tomatoes from recurrent frosts.

Growing a hybrid in a film greenhouse or polycarbonate greenhouse allows you to get a harvest 3 weeks earlier than in open ground. Accordingly, seeds are sown and seedlings are planted earlier.

Young plants are placed according to a 40 by 40 cm pattern. The soil under the tomatoes is mulched with straw, sawdust, and chopped bark.

Tomato care is standard. It includes watering, removing weeds, regular fertilizing, and forming the crown of the plant.

Polbig F1 is a powerful plant that forms many stepsons. They must be removed before the shoots reach a length of 4 cm.

In open ground, it is better to form tomatoes into one stem; in a greenhouse, 1-2 first shoots from the root of the stepson are additionally left on the bush. A tomato bush with 2-3 stems will yield a 30-40% higher yield, although the fruit size will be small.

Features of care

When growing Polbig tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to monitor the air temperature and humidity level. Indeed, at high humidity and high temperatures, fungal diseases, in particular rot or late blight, can begin to develop on tomato bushes.


In order not to provoke the development of fungal diseases, it is necessary to ventilate greenhouses daily.

Watering the plantings

Tomato bushes should be watered once every 2-3 days, adding 10 liters of settled water under each plant. Watering is carried out strictly at the root. If drops of water fall on the leaf plates and roll into the sinuses, then rot can develop there. In hot weather, the amount of watering can be increased.

After each watering, the root zone is loosened and weeds are simultaneously removed along with the roots. After this, you need to mulch the soil around the tomatoes with a layer of straw or humus. This procedure will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil and prevent weeds from growing.


On Polbig tomato bushes, stepsons are actively formed; they take a large amount of nutrients “for themselves.” Therefore, they need to be regularly removed, leaving only a couple of stepsons in order to form bushes with 3 stems.

Usually, when removing stepsons, vegetable growers leave small stumps in the axils. In this case, new shoots no longer appear there.

Fertilizer application

Active fruiting of the Polbig tomato depends on regular application of fertilizers.

For the first time, tomato bushes should be fed 1-1.5 weeks after transplanting the plants. To do this, dissolve 5 kg of humus in 5 liters of water and leave for a week, stirring the mixture regularly. Then the solution is filtered and the tomato bushes are fed.


Before use, this fertilizer is diluted with water in the following ratio - 1 liter of humus infusion should be dissolved in a bucket of water.

It is very important to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruit ripening with complex mineral fertilizers - in this case, you can increase the yield of these vegetable crops by ⅓.

During the period of active development of ovaries, complex mineral fertilizer, which does not contain nitrogen, should be applied twice to Polbig tomato bushes. Otherwise, such fertilizing will provoke active growth of vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering and fruiting of tomatoes. Typically, the drug “Kemiru” is used to feed this vegetable crop, which should be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package.

Disease resistance

Tomato Polbig F1 is endowed with resistance to fusarium and verticillium. Due to early ripening, the hybrid is not affected by late blight. The thick skin protects the tomato from cracking.

In conditions of high air humidity and violation of watering rules, Polbig can be affected by rot. Preventive measures will help prevent the spread of diseases:

  • the greenhouse is regularly ventilated;
  • tomatoes are watered only with warm water;
  • Remove the shoots and lower leaves from the bush in a timely manner.

Viruses dangerous to tomatoes can also be carried by insects that parasitize plants. These are aphids, cutworms, whiteflies, and spider mites. They get rid of pests by spraying the plantings with insecticidal preparations.

Growing seedlings

Sowing of seedlings is carried out in the last ten days of March - the first ten days of April. Caring for seedlings is standard and includes watering and picking into separate containers.

Soil preparation and sowing

Treatment of hybrid seeds is not required: the manufacturer has already carried out all the procedures. If desired, use growth stimulants.

The soil for seedlings is prepared from a mixture of chernozem and peat in equal proportions and disinfected in the oven, microwave, or filled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Boxes for future seedlings are filled with moist soil and seeds are placed in them to a depth of 1.5 cm. A layer of soil is poured on top and watered. Glass is placed on the containers or polyethylene is stretched to create a greenhouse effect. The seeds are glued at a temperature of +26 °C after 4-5 days.

Seedling care

As soon as the first shoots appear from under the ground, the film or glass is removed and the boxes are placed in a well-lit place. Water 2 times a week, avoiding overwatering.

At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in peat or plastic pots. The seedlings do not need special feeding. Instead of watering with regular water, use an infusion on eggshells (once a week). To prepare it, put the shells (optional) in a jar (3 l) and fill it with water. Insist for a week. The product improves the growth of seedlings and their metabolism.

2-3 weeks before transferring to the ground, the seedlings are taken out into fresh air for hardening. This way the seedlings acclimatize faster in a new place. Starting with 1 hour of stay on the street, the time is gradually increased to 9-10 hours.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews from vegetable growers, the Dutch hybrid Polbig has the following advantages:

  • early ripening;
  • high yield for its size;
  • almost complete absence of barren flowers;
  • smooth, beautiful fruits;
  • good transportability and keeping quality.

But there are no ideal varieties. Disadvantages of the Polbig hybrid:

  • sour taste of tomatoes;
  • harsh skin on the fruit;
  • the need for gartering and pinching of the bush.


There are both positive and negative reviews about the Polbig hybrid:

Varvara, Korostyn: “I grow tomatoes for sale in a greenhouse. Hybrid Polbig is among my favorites due to its ease of care, undemanding soil composition and high productivity. These are one of the first tomatoes to appear on sale. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is fleshy and juicy.”

Leonid, Berdsk: “I recommend Polbig tomatoes for growing to anyone looking for unpretentious early hybrids. Caring for the bushes is simple: just water it moderately and feed it with complex mineral fertilizers. The culture is resistant to diseases, including late blight.”

Anna, Stary Oskol: “Last year I tried to grow these tomatoes in the garden. The characteristics and description on the packaging are true. There were no difficulties with them; I planted the bushes in mid-May. Fruiting is abundant and friendly. But I was not pleased with the taste of tomatoes. There is no usual aroma, the flesh is sour. I used it for preservation for the winter.”

Similar hybrids

The Polbig tomato hybrid can be compared in description and characteristics with the following varieties of tomatoes:

  1. Tomato Polfast. A determinate hybrid with a height of 50-60 cm. Early (85-95 days) and rapid ripening of the crop allows you to grow tomatoes in open ground even in the Moscow region. Tomatoes are round in shape, sometimes with slight ribbing, and red. Weight ranges from 100 to 150 g. The fruit pulp is sweet and dense. Polfast is suitable for fresh use and for preparations. Productivity - from 3 to 6 kg of tomatoes per bush. The species is resistant to the main diseases of nightshades and sets fruit well at low air temperatures.
  2. Sultan . Hybrid plant of early ripening. The first ripe tomatoes are harvested 90 days from the sowing date. The bush is short - 60 cm, but the stem requires garter due to the heaviness of ripening tomatoes. The fruits are spherical, red, weighing up to 200 g. They tolerate transportation and storage well for 3-4 weeks. The hybrid is resistant to fusarium and verticillium. If overwatered, the skins on the fruits may burst. Sultan is recommended to be planted in open ground and greenhouses. Productivity up to 5 kg per 1 sq. m.
  3. Tomato Blagovest. A hybrid reaching a height of 140 cm. Requires garter, often the plant is formed into 2 stems. The tomatoes are red, round, weighing 100-120 g. The harvest ripens 3-3.5 months after the sprouts appear. The taste is sweet and sour, rich. The purpose of tomatoes is universal. Each plant ripens up to 4 kg of fruit. The hybrid is immune to fusarium, cladosporiosis, and tobacco mosaic virus.
  4. Verlioka tomato variety. A productive and early ripening hybrid. It is characterized by cluster fruiting, with up to 10 fruits ripening in each cluster. The height of the plant is 120-130 cm, formed into one stem. Tomatoes are grown in open ground and greenhouses. It is resistant to the main diseases of the nightshade family. Tomatoes on bushes ripen 100-120 days after sowing. They are round, smooth, with smooth, durable skin. Fruit weight is 90-100 g. The pulp is juicy, sweetish, with a pronounced aroma. The purpose of tomatoes is universal. The yield is 4 kg per plant.
  5. Katya F. An early ripening tomato, the harvest is ready for use 80 days after the sprouts appear. The type of bush is determinant (height 60-100 cm), formed into 2-3 trunks. The tomato cluster is laid after the 6th leaf, in a bunch of up to 7 fruits. Katya tomatoes are smooth, round, with thin but strong skin. Fruit weight 120 g. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, the pulp is juicy. Suitable for fresh consumption and all types of canning. From one plant you get from 3 to 5 kg of harvest. The tomato is resistant to stress, cracking, blossom end rot, and is not affected by late blight.


The best way to grow tomatoes is from seedlings. This way you can significantly speed up the time for obtaining the first harvest. The soil is purchased at a specialized store. If this is not possible, mix leaf soil and peat or humus.

Seeds are also purchased. They are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other and carefully sprinkled with earth. Having slightly moistened the surface of the plantings, cover the container with film and place it in a warm place. After germination, the pot is moved to the windowsill and the protective covering is removed. The temperature should be within 25°C.

If the soil is watered excessively, there is a risk of rot. To prevent this, water the seedlings with a solution of Fitosporin (take ¼ teaspoon of the drug per 1 liter of water). When two sheets are formed, you can start picking.

You can feed tomatoes 14 days after transplanting. A urea solution is prepared from 1 tbsp of the drug and 4 liters of water. After 2 weeks, you can add urea again. This will help the sprouts gain green mass faster.

A week before transplanting to the garden, the tomatoes begin to harden, for which they are taken outside for a short time every day.

Landing in the ground

For every square meter of bed, place 5-6 plants. This method will allow you to get maximum yield. For tomatoes, the soil is prepared in the fall. Before digging, the area is sprinkled with humus, adding 25 kg per 1 square meter. m. In spring, add at least 80 g of superphosphate and 2 g of potassium chloride. Fertilizers scattered on the soil surface are covered with a rake.

Planting tomatoes in an open garden bed consists of several simple steps:

  • holes are marked and laid out;
  • seedlings are laid out in them;
  • Water is poured into each hole;
  • the depressions are filled with soil and then mulched.

The most appropriate time to transplant tomatoes is evening. It is better to do this in warm, windless weather.

Agricultural technology of tomato "Polbig F1"

For the Polbig tomato, you need to grow seedlings. Seeds are planted in the last 10 days of March. It is better to use a special soil-peat mixture. When the shoots sprout, the third true leaf is expected and only after that the plants dive. Planting in the ground occurs when the seedlings are 2 months old.

Advice! Each hole, before placing a seedling bush in it, should be treated with superphosphate. This will allow the tomato to grow better.

When planting is completed, the soil is loosened, weeded and mulched. Watering is carried out with heated water directly under the root. The water supply should be constant, but not abundant.

Advice! In order for the fruits to form more quickly, the bushes can be treated with special preparations - “Ovary”, “Kemir”, “Rastvorin”.

The weight of one fruit when grown in a greenhouse can reach 200 grams

Pests and diseases

Root rot, powdery mildew and late blight are the main diseases of tomatoes. To prevent their development or heal the plant, special substances should be used. Drugs Tabu or Klimazol will help in the fight. They also use folk remedies consisting of a solution of hydrogen peroxide, manganese or onion peels.

The main insect pests of tomato are the Colorado potato beetle, aphids and whiteflies (only in greenhouse conditions). Regent is the best means of combating the Colorado potato beetle. Aphids are removed using the preparations Biotlin, Fitoverm, whitefly - Inta-VIR, Rovikur, Fufanon.

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