General characteristics of the tomato Funtik f1 and description of the fruits of the hybrid variety

Description of the hybrid tomato Snowman F1 and technical data of the plant

Breeders are constantly working to create new varieties of tomatoes. One of the recent new products is the Snowman F1 tomato. This is a very interesting hybrid that deserves special attention from gardeners with varying levels of experience.

Hybrid characteristics

This variety is recommended even for cultivation by beginners. The tomato grows well both in the greenhouse and in the open ground and always produces a consistently high yield. Moreover, the Snowman hybrid is resistant to many diseases, so it does not need to be sprayed with chemicals to prevent various ailments.

Experts recommend the Snowman variety to those summer residents who live in areas with unfavorable summers for growing garden crops. High yields will be ensured not only during prolonged rains, but also during drought. However, in order not to lose the fruits, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of experts.

If you comply with all the requirements of agricultural technology, you can get an impressive harvest of tasty and very beautiful tomatoes. One of the important advantages of this variety is that tomatoes can be harvested earlier than 3 months after sowing the seeds. The fruits ripen very quickly, so many diseases, including dangerous late blight, simply do not have time to affect them.

This variety belongs to the first generation tomatoes. It has very high taste and agrotechnical qualities. With proper care, the gardener will receive a large harvest of delicious tomatoes in a short time.

The characteristics and description of the variety indicate that the Snowman hybrid belongs to the determinant type. This suggests that the plant does not stretch to a very large size, as it has limited growth. The size of the bush directly depends on where the “snow” tomato will grow. If you plant the plant in a permanent place in open ground, the tomato will be about 70 cm.

In the greenhouse, the bushes stretch more than a meter. The maximum height that the Snowman can reach is 120 cm.

Rules for growing the variety

It is recommended to grow this variety of tomato only in seedlings. To do this, you must first prepare the seeds, sow them in a container with sand and peat, and then wait for germination. Next, a picking procedure is carried out, where excess plants are removed. You can plant seedlings in a permanent place only after the weather is warm outside.

At this stage, the tomato bushes should have several leaves and possibly one flowering branch. Before transplanting tomatoes to a permanent location, they should be hardened off.

To do this, a couple of weeks before planting, the plants are taken outside. Every day, the number of hours that tomatoes will spend in the fresh air should increase.

This will make the plants stronger and more resistant to difficult weather conditions.

Additionally, weeding and loosening of the bushes should be carried out. This will saturate the roots with oxygen and increase the availability of nutrients. As a result, the yield will be higher, since the tomatoes will be larger.

The Snowman hybrid bushes grow quite lush, so excess branches and greenery can be removed. This way, even when planted close together, the fruits will receive enough sunlight. Experts recommend planting a plant of this variety in the amount of 4 pieces per 1 m². From each tomato you can harvest at least 5 kg of delicious tomatoes.

Description of fruits

One of the main advantages of this variety is its high yield. With proper agricultural technology, the yield per 1 m² will be about 20 kg. These are high indicators for a determinate variety.

On a relatively low plant, clusters are formed, each of which will contain 5 fruits. Initially they are light green, and when ripe they become completely red.

At the same time, many gardeners harvest tomatoes when they are greenish so that they do not spoil in bad weather conditions.

The fruits of Snowman the First can ripen on the windowsill, so this variety can be grown even in the northern regions of the country.

The average weight of one tomato is 150 g. Snowman tomatoes are flattened and have slight ribbing. They are well suited for canning for the winter and summer vegetable salads. The tomatoes taste sweetish, but with a slight sourness. The fruits have a pronounced tomato aroma.

An important advantage of this variety, as evidenced by numerous reviews, is that it produces fruits with dense pulp and skin.

Such tomatoes do not deteriorate during long-term transportation and can be stored for up to two months in a cool place.

Description of the variety

This hybrid is classified as an indeterminate type. This suggests that the plant can have unlimited growth, so it should be pinched at the top. It is advisable to do this when the tomato reaches the 2 meter mark.

If you do not carry out the pinching procedure, the plant can stretch above 2.5 meters. In greenhouse conditions, the tomato can be even larger. But this has a bad effect on yield, since the tomato gives a lot of energy to the greens instead of saturating the fruits.

The plant grows very tall, but not too spreading, so the planting pattern for the bushes can be quite dense. You can place 6 tomatoes per 1 m².

Hybrid Funtik produces a large number of fruits. They are formed on brushes, of which there can be up to 12 pieces on each bush. There are 6 large tomatoes in one bunch.

Fruit ripening takes a long time. Tomatoes can be harvested no earlier than 120 days from the moment the seeds are planted in the soil for seedlings.

The big advantage is that the plant produces all its fruits at once. This is convenient for those who grow tomatoes for canning. The productivity of the Funtik hybrid is very high. With proper agricultural technology, gardeners harvest up to 10 kg of delicious tomatoes from each bush.

See also

Description and cultivation of tomato variety Orlets F1


The highest yield is observed with proper care of tomatoes. They must be well fertilized, weeded and moderately watered. As for spraying against diseases, it will not be superfluous for preventive purposes. But the manufacturer assures that this hybrid is highly resistant to late blight, verticillium and tobacco mosaic.

General information about tomato

Fenda F1 is an indeterminate hybrid. Indeterminate or tall growing tomato varieties in heated greenhouses or tropical climates can grow for over a year and produce 40 or even 50 bunches. Their height can reach two meters. In Russian conditions, especially if the variety is grown in a greenhouse, the bushes should be formed into one stem. Like all tall varieties, Fenda tomatoes need staking. If tomatoes are grown in open ground, stakes or a trellis should be used for garter.

Please note that to form a bush into one stem you will have to remove all the stepsons. The first flower clusters appear after about the ninth true leaf, and then new ones appear after every third one.

What are the differences between tomato varieties and hybrids?

There is a wide variety of tomato seeds on the planting material market. Some of them are varieties, while others are hybrids. Such a wide range can make you doubtful. Breeders are inventing more and more interesting hybrids, but some gardeners view such fruits with distrust. In fact, hybrids are completely safe.

Varietal tomatoes are a group of plants obtained as a result of selection. They have a set of certain characteristics that distinguish them from all other tomatoes. You can collect seeds from these tomatoes. This planting material is sown the next year, as a result of which plants grow that have all the same characteristics.

What are F1 tomato hybrids? Some tomato lovers criticize hybrids and consider them less tasty and healthy than varietal ones. Others, on the contrary, choose them because they are more productive and less sick. Every year on the shelves...

Hybrids are obtained by crossing several varieties. This is what breeders do. In greenhouses, they plant tomato varieties nearby, and after the plants bloom, they pollinate them by hand. This is quite painstaking work. Treated plants need to be protected from cross-pollination, so protective bags are placed on the flowers. It is very easy to distinguish varietal seeds from hybrid ones. Packages with hybrids are always marked F1. This mark can be deciphered as follows:

  • F—the first character of the word “children” (filii);
  • 1—first generation.

On a note!

Seeds collected from hybrid fruits cannot be used for planting. They can grow into tomatoes that will be radically different from the original plant in all characteristics. Only “first generation seeds” can be planted, and they are bred by breeders.

Tomato Funtik - description and characteristics of the variety

Most gardeners and farmers prefer to grow hybrid tomato varieties. The tomato variety Funtik is included in the State Register and is distinguished by the presence of large fruits. Tomatoes have excellent taste, can be consumed fresh, and are suitable for all types of processing. In open ground, the Funtik variety is grown mainly in the southern regions; in other regions it is recommended to use greenhouses.

Description of the variety

This is a medium ripening hybrid. The bushes grow from 1.5 to 2.3 meters. The leaves are dark green in color, similar in appearance to potato leaves. The first ovary appears above the 9-11th leaf. The bushes must be tied to an installed support. Inflorescences are formed in clusters, 4-6 tomatoes in each. The fruits have different shapes: from flat-round to slightly ribbed. The weight of one tomato varies from 180 to 230 grams.

Tomatoes are well transported over long distances without losing their marketable appearance. Thanks to their thick skin, tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time. There are no more than 4 plants per square meter. The variety is characterized by high yield; up to 10 kg of ripe fruits can be collected from one bush. To obtain a richer harvest, it is recommended to form a bush with 1 stem.

Diseases and pests

The Funtik variety is quite resistant to viral tobacco mosaic and fusarium. However, for preventive purposes, bushes can be treated with special preparations. Fungi can infect plants for the following reasons:

  1. Use when sowing infected seeds.
  2. The dangerous virus was in the soil for sowing and diving.

Before sowing, it is recommended to disinfect the soil. To do this, the soil is calcined at high temperature in the oven or on the stove for 2-3 hours. You can pour boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate into the soil. It is also recommended to soak the seeds in a manganese solution. A good way to get rid of pathogens and pest larvae is to loosen the soil after planting and timely removal of weeds. Experts advise regularly inspecting bushes for lesions and infestations of harmful insects. Once signs are detected, chemical spraying should be carried out.

Rules of care

In order to get the highest possible tomato yield, it is recommended to follow the rules of care. The bushes should be watered with warm, settled water in the evening. The soil should not be over-moistened, otherwise the roots may begin to rot. Several times during the summer it is necessary to apply complex organic and mineral fertilizers. The bushes must be pinched and the lower leaves must be plucked off in a timely manner. If plants are grown in a greenhouse, it should be ventilated regularly.

If you properly care for tomatoes throughout the season, you can get wonderful harvest results.

Efim Danilovich, 61 years old:

A very good variety Funtik. I surprised all my dacha neighbors with the resulting harvest. I collected more than 10 kg from one bush. The tomatoes are very tasty and meaty. The pulp is juicy, thanks to the durable skin, the fruits can be stored fresh for a long time. My family ate healthy tomato salads until the frosts. Caring for bushes is not difficult. It is enough to form a stem, tear off the stepsons and tie the bushes. Then you need to water, loosen the soil and apply fertilizer. The result obtained completely justifies the time spent.

Angelina V., 51 years old:

I grew the Funtik variety at my dacha in a greenhouse. I got a good harvest. I made sauce, juice and lecho. Whole tomatoes were not suitable for canning because the fruits grew too large. Fresh vegetable salads are very tasty, thanks to the aromatic tomatoes. I will definitely always grow this variety. It is important to remove weeds and add nutrient mixtures in a timely manner. This has a beneficial effect on the development of tomatoes.

Tomato “Funtik F1”: photo with description of the variety

Variety nameFuntik F1
general descriptionMid-season indeterminate hybrid
Ripening period118-126 days
FormFruit shapes vary, from round, flattened to slightly ribbed
Average weight of tomatoes180-320 grams
Productivity of the variety27-29 kg per sq.m.
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistance Resistant to major diseases

Hybrid of medium ripening periods.
From the emergence of seedlings to the harvesting of tomatoes for the first harvest, it takes from 118 to 126 days. It is recommended to grow in greenhouses throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. Only the southern regions allow the cultivation of tomatoes in open ground. The bush is indeterminate. The height reaches from 150 to 230 centimeters. The first inflorescence is formed behind leaves 9-11. The leaves are dark green, slightly corrugated. In appearance they resemble potato leaves. The best results were obtained when forming a bush with one stem.

Mandatory tying of the bush is required, preferably forming it on a trellis. The bush forms clusters of 4-6 fruits, weighing from 180 to 320 grams. Fruit shapes vary, from round, flattened to slightly ribbed. Excellent taste, good presentation. Excellent safety during transportation of the harvested crop.

Variety nameFruit weight
Funtik F1180-320 grams
Crystal30-140 grams
Valentina80-90 grams
Baron150-200 grams
Apples in the snow50-70 grams
Tanya150-170 grams
f1 favorite115-140 grams
La la fa130-160 grams
Nikola80-200 grams
Honey-sugar400 grams

Different groups of tomatoes

Tomato fruits of all varieties and hybrids can be divided into several different groups based on weight. These are tomatoes with a fruit weight of 15-30 g - cherry tomatoes. They are closest to the ancient tomatoes, when the presence of a small fruit contributed to survival and its spread. In modern cherry tomatoes, the fruits in the inflorescence are equal in weight, resistant to cracking and have at least 12-14 fruits in the cluster. Cherry tomatoes have a completely unique taste. Typical representatives of cherry tomatoes: Red cherry, Yellow cherry, Winter cherry, Cherry cocktail.

However, there has always been a need for larger and better fruits. The following group has appeared: tomatoes weighing from 30-60 g - cocktail tomatoes. They are characterized by simple long or complex branched inflorescences and fruits of various shapes and colors. These are tomatoes:

Galapagos, Patron, Cio-chio-san.

The next group of tomatoes is racemose with a fruit weight of about 100 g. The fruits in the inflorescence are equal in weight, they are characterized by simultaneous ripening (F1 Intuition).

Regular tomatoes are the most common group with a fruit weight of 120-140 g, a simple inflorescence, high quality fruit, and good storage characteristics:

F1 Evpator, F1 Pharaoh,

F1 Alcazar, F1 Alhambra.

Tomatoes suitable for growing in open ground by direct sowing (seedless method):

Volgogradsky 323, Gifts of the Volga region,

Betta, Alaska,

Early 83, Siberian early ripening,

Newbie, Gavroche,

Parodist, Moment, Pygmy, etc.

There are tomatoes that are easy to grow and do not require pinching. For those who want to get an early, healthy harvest of medium-sized tomatoes without installing protected structures, the following early-ripening varieties and hybrids are suitable:

Agatha, Alaska

Betta, Biathlon,

Bonsai, F1 Blitz, Boni-M. The plants are low-growing, compact, and do not require pinching. Hybrids begin to bear fruit very early, so they can be grown without seedlings - by direct sowing in the ground.

A little about the color of tomatoes and their usefulness. Red and orange fruits and other more unconventional colors are also useful. All brightly colored tomatoes contain carotene and lycopene. Pink-fruited tomatoes contain no less lycopene than red-fruited ones. Lycopene is a powerful biologically active substance with anticancer activity and protective properties against retinal degeneration. Carotene, provitamin A, found in tomato fruits, is a powerful antioxidant involved in many vital processes in the human body.

Which tomatoes are the sweetest? As you know, there is no arguing about tastes, but, of course, cherry-shaped ones are rightfully considered the sweetest. As the size of the fetus increases, so does the size of the cells that make up the fetal tissue. Their water content increases, and as a result, the amount of sugars and acids may decrease. In the fruits of cherry tomatoes, the water content is less, the amount of dry matter is greater, hence the taste is brighter and richer.

Now regarding the suitability of tomatoes for whole-fruit canning. Depending on the tastes of the household, plum-shaped, banana-shaped, pepper-shaped, rounded tomatoes with strong skin, bright color and a small mass that freely fits into the neck of the container are chosen for whole-fruit canning. The best tomatoes are:

De Barao (pink, yellow, red, black - the most beautiful mixture in a jar),

Khokhloma, Chukhloma,

Capia rosea, Banana red,

Baskak, Rocker,

Hyperbole, F1 Kineshma.

Tomatoes differ from each other not only in the type of growth, but also in shape, weight and color.

Intermediate type of inflorescence - 1-2 times branched (cherry-shaped, cocktail), the first inflorescence in some ordinary tomatoes); a complex inflorescence - branched many times (cocktail tomatoes) and a very complex inflorescence - resembling a panicle in appearance.

The best varieties of tomatoes for 2022: photos and descriptions

When choosing tomatoes for their plot, gardeners, first of all, rely on varietal or hybrid characteristics. Productivity is the most important criterion on which the quantity and quality of the harvest depends. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right option from the rich variety of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. Then varieties are selected depending on the growing region, ripening period, degree of disease resistance and other factors.

Varieties for open ground

A huge number of species with excellent yields are intended for growing vegetables in the open air. Low-growing bushes with large fruits are one of the advantages of tomatoes for the soil. Such heat-loving plants are easier to care for and do not require complex agricultural practices.

According to ripening period

Tomatoes, like other vegetable crops, are characterized by different ripening periods, from early to late.

Ripening periodRipening of fruits after the appearance of the first shootsgeneral characteristicsThe most productive tomatoes (2020)
Ultra-early ripeningOn day 80-85The fruits are small, juicy, and low in sugar. The height of the bush is no more than 50 cm. Not suitable for preservation. Little Red Riding Hood, Pride of Russia, Benito, Superstar, Valentina, Marisha, Maksimka
Early ripeningFor 90-95 daysSmall, delicate fruits, average yield. Suitable for canning and salads. Bushes grow up to 70 cm Agatha, Riddle, Augustine, Lyana, Sanka, Buyan, Lakomka, Amur standard, Grandmother's kiss
Mid-earlyOn days 100-103The fruits are juicy, small, aromatic. The purpose is universal. Bush shape - compact Openwork, Babushkino, Pulka, Red Giant, Russian Soul, Cardinal, Flamingo
Mid-seasonOn day 100-115High taste, excellent yield. There are both low-growing and tall varieties Scarlet Candles, Hybrid Basket, Stresa, Intuition, Black Baron, Pudovik, Pink Honey
Late ripeningOn day 120-130Excellent fruit taste, high yield, universal purpose. Good keeping quality and transportability of fruits Giraffe, Cosmonaut Volkov, Titan, Rio Grande, Russian size, King of Kings, Rocket, Premier

The ripening time, color and shape of tomatoes depends on the variety.

Usually early-ripening vegetables with not large fruits and not a large harvest, but with a quick, friendly yield of ripe tomatoes. Mid-season ones also have medium sizes. Late ones are usually difficult to care for, but it is among them that you can find champions in weight, but there are not many such beauties on the bush.

Description of the tomato variety Igranda and its characteristics

Tomatoes have long held pride of place in gardeners' beds. One of the main criteria when choosing a variety for planting is productivity. The Igranda tomato was the fruit of the work of German selection - the Satimex agricultural company. High performance made him popular not only in his native land, but also abroad. In Russia, the plant is officially included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region.

General information about the variety

The tomato is suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and in open ground, depending on the growing area. Description and main characteristics of the variety:

Early ripening, period before fruiting begins no more than 110 days; determinant; high yield, up to 434 centners per 1 hectare of planting; the stalk has no articulation; bush height up to 1 meter; medium foliage; intermediate to complex inflorescence; the leaf is thin, light green; resistance to most nightshade diseases; easy to care for; tolerates transportation well without losing its presentation; good keeping quality.

Reviews from vegetable growers indicate the high yield of the variety in regions with different climatic conditions. Technical data and appearance of the fruit are distinguished by:

  • flat-round shape;
  • red when ripe;
  • has from 3 to 4 nests;
  • maximum weight does not exceed 121 grams;
  • contains 4.4% dry matter;
  • sweet taste;
  • smoothness;
  • glossiness;
  • aroma.

The berry has a universal purpose. The tomato is suitable for preparing preparations, for canning and pickling. Good taste makes the fruit popular when preparing vegetable salads. It produces high-quality tomato products: juice, paste, puree.

Recommendations for cultivation

The originator recommends the seedling planting method. Preparation of seedlings begins a month before the date of planting in unprotected soil or a greenhouse. Healthy seedlings are obtained by following simple rules:

  • sowing seeds to a depth of 1-2 centimeters;
  • universal soil for tomatoes is suitable as soil;
  • It is preferable to immediately plant the first shoots in separate pots;
  • watering with water at room temperature;
  • maintaining a temperature not lower than 22 degrees;
  • plants must receive enough sunlight;
  • a week before planting, the seedlings are hardened off, lowering the room temperature to 16 degrees.

IMPORTANT! The variety shows the best yield when formed into 1-2 stems. If agricultural practices are followed, the plant shows excellent results.

The care package includes:

If agricultural practices are followed, the plant shows excellent results. The care package includes:

  • watering the plant with warm water;
  • tying with synthetic materials;
  • loosening and weeding of the earth;
  • feeding with complex mineral fertilizers up to 7 times per season.

The tomato is not fussy. In hot summers, one watering every 5 days is sufficient.

Gardeners' opinion

I would like to share my impressions about the Igranda tomato variety. In the southern regions of Russia it bears fruit well in open ground conditions. Not demanding, care does not take much time. Loves fertilizing, fertilized 7 times over the summer. The berry turns out juicy and is well suited for processing into tomato juice and puree. When fresh, it is an excellent ingredient for salads. I didn’t find any cons for myself!

Alexander Polinarkov, 56 years old.

Good day to all! For lovers of early ripening tomatoes, I recommend the Igranda variety. The tomato grows up to 1 meter in height, suitable for greenhouses. Not capricious, very productive. The tomato originator describes agricultural technology in more detail. Everything is simple and accessible for beginner gardeners. I recommend!

Agricultural technology

This variety of tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse. A prerequisite for obtaining a good harvest is correct agricultural technology.


  • To obtain an early harvest of Funtik F1 tomatoes, seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of February. The seeds of the hybrid have already been treated with antifungal drugs (see description), so they do not need to be kept in potassium permanganate for pickling. You can soak the seed material in a solution of potassium permanganate or in aloe juice for 10-12 hours.
  • Correct selection of soil for seedlings is the key to friendly, healthy seedlings and good development of seedlings. It is better to use ready-made soil mixtures from the store, but you can also prepare the soil yourself.

See also

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety GilgalRead

Description of soil preparation: To do this, you need to take 2 kg of peat and sand and one kilogram of ash flour per bucket of sifted humus. Mix everything thoroughly. Be sure to warm the soil in the room where the seeds will be sown for about 3-5 days.

  • Seedlings will appear 3-4 days after sowing; they should be carefully watered with warm water and potassium permanganate (weak solution). It is better to water with a flower sprayer. Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries.
  • Compliance with the irrigation and lighting regime is as important as maintaining optimal humidity (indoor air humidity is not higher than 65%, temperature 22 degrees, and light 18 hours a day).
  • Until the real leaves appear, the seedlings can be sprinkled with soil mixture.
  • Seedlings need to be plucked after the appearance of 2-4 true leaves at a distance of 10x10 for better development of the stem and root system of the seedlings.
  • Characteristics and description of the “Funtik F1” variety: the pick grows for about a month to 25-30 centimeters, this is the height of the seedlings that is optimal for planting in the beds.
  • A week before planting the seedlings, they are treated with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.
  • After planting in the beds, tomatoes should be regularly watered, ventilated (in a greenhouse) and fertilized with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers according to the scheme. The first fertilizing is nitrogen, then potassium. Fertilizers should be carried out together with watering and, first, preferably with liquid fertilizers.
  • It should be remembered that tomatoes do not need to be sprayed during fruit set and ripening..

How to grow tomatoes

Tomatoes are planted in open ground when the soil warms up. In the southern regions this is done at the end of April or beginning of May, and in the middle zone - in the second half of March. In the northern regions, Barberry tomatoes are planted only in greenhouses. Gardeners note better yields in protected soil and in warmer cities.

The growing area must be sufficiently lit. Therefore, to place tomato beds and greenhouses, choose the sunniest place in the garden.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

The beds for tomatoes have been prepared since autumn. They are dug up and cleared of weeds. Then dry lime, cow dung and humus are spread over the selected area. In the spring, the beds are dug up again and cleared of emerging roots.

After this, holes are dug in rows in a checkerboard pattern. A distance of 60 cm is left between the rows, and 50 cm between the holes. Add 1 tbsp to each hole. l. ash. It is useful to pour long-acting granular complex fertilizers into the seedling holes.

Five days before planting in open ground, the seedlings are watered and fed. Immediately before planting, tomatoes are removed from the pots along with the soil.

It is extremely important not to damage the roots. Tomatoes are placed in holes, deepened by removing the two bottom leaves, and the soil is moistened

Next time the tomatoes are watered after two weeks.


The hybrid Barberry is indeterminate, so it needs a garter so that the plant does not break under the weight of the fruit and does not lie on the ground. For gartering, use a high wooden support or trellis. When choosing a support for a tomato, you need to take into account that the bushes reach 2 m in height. The plant is tied up as it grows.

Barberry bushes need shaping. Usually two or three stems are left. In both cases, high yields are observed. This hybrid produces many stepsons. They need to be removed regularly. This procedure is carried out in the morning or evening, not on cloudy days.

Water the tomatoes as the soil dries in the morning or evening. Watering should be plentiful and infrequent. On the day of planting, the soil is not moistened. Use only settled water

It is important that during watering the liquid does not fall on the ground part of the bush.

During the season, tomatoes are fed 3-4 times, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Complex mineral fertilizers are sold in stores, while organic fertilizers are often prepared independently.

To prepare organic fertilizer, you need to pour 1/10 of the manure, 1/3 of the plants into a bucket, fill the rest of the space with warm water and place in a warm place for fermentation. When the mixture ferments, it is diluted with the same amount of water.

Twice a season, plants are sprayed with products containing boron - this accelerates the formation of ovaries.

Features of cultivation

Sometimes there are reviews that speak of an unexpressed taste or insufficient quantity of Barberry fruits. This happens if the gardener does not follow some important rules for caring for the hybrid:

  1. Uniform ripening of tomatoes in the bunch is ensured artificially. To do this, after the fruits appear, remove all the leaves under the cluster.
  2. Tomatoes are self-pollinating plants. Despite this, to increase the yield, the bushes need to be shaken regularly.
  3. All incorrectly formed inflorescences must be removed. This will help high-quality fruits ripen faster.
  4. The more sun the plant receives, the sweeter the fruits will be.

Protection from diseases and pests

Barberry is resistant to tomato viral diseases. This makes it much easier to care for.

The resistance of the hybrid to fungal diseases is not so pronounced

Therefore, to prevent infection of tomatoes, it is important to follow the rules of prevention. The soil, containers and garden tools that interact with tomatoes are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate

Seeds also need to be treated before planting. It is important to follow the watering rules. Dry and waterlogged soil are ideal conditions for the development of fungal infections.

Incorrect stepsoning also causes illness. For prevention, the bushes are sprayed with “Fitosporin”, copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate. During the season, 2-3 such sprayings are done.

To protect plants from pests, they are sprayed with a soap solution or infusion of celandine. Large insects are collected by hand.

Description of the Strega tomato variety, its characteristics and productivity

Tomato Strega f1 is classified as an early indeterminate variety of tomato. The positive qualities of this vegetable crop are the reason for its fairly high popularity among vegetable growers in various regions of our country. What is so interesting about this early-ripening hybrid variety, and how does it stand out among other similar types of tomatoes?

Strega f1 tomatoes are early, so the period from sprouting to harvesting ripe fruits is about 3 months. Those who have planted this hybrid for more than one season have left their reviews on the tomato forum. According to them, fruits are set on the bushes in any weather conditions - in the hot season or in a rainy, cloudy summer.

This variety was bred for cultivation in a short summer season and is intended for cultivation in closed ground, but in warm regions it can also be planted in open ground. The seeds of this hybrid are sold by the well-known seed-growing company Semco Junior.

The description of the variety should begin with a story about the bushes of these tomatoes. The bushes are tall, powerful with short internodes. The shoots are powerful, strong, usually reach 1.4-1.5 m in height, and have medium foliage. The foliage is larger than average, typically tomato, and the color is bright emerald. Since the stems are very tall and the mass of ripening fruits is quite large, the bushes require garters (so that the shoots do not break under the weight of the harvest). In order for tomatoes to grow large enough and ripen on the bush, the bush should be formed with no more than three shoots.

The first ovaries are usually formed above 8-9 leaves. The inflorescences are simple, collected in clusters of 5-6 pieces each. Each stem produces 5-6 clusters. The stalks are articulated. Ripe tomatoes are round, slightly flattened, rich scarlet in color. The weight of one tomato can be up to 270-300 g. The commercial quality of the tomatoes is excellent, there are no spots or stripes of a different color on the skin, the color of ripe tomatoes is uniform. Harvest ripening is amicable.

The productivity of Strega tomatoes is high, usually up to 23-25 ​​kg per 1 m2 in a greenhouse; in open ground these figures decrease slightly - to 20-22 kg. But to get a high harvest, summer residents will have to work hard.

The thickness of the skin is medium, not prone to cracking. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, with good taste. According to its characteristics, the Strega tomato ranks one of the first places among salad hybrids.

The transportability of the crop is high; during transportation, tomatoes do not lose either their presentation or taste. When picked at the stage of technical maturity, tomatoes can ripen indoors.

Resistance to the main diseases to which nightshade vegetable crops are susceptible is inherent in this hybrid at the genetic level. Particular resistance to the following diseases has been noted:

  • fusarium;
  • withering;
  • verticillium;
  • late blight;
  • tobacco mosaic virus.

Those who planted this hybrid for the first time this season have already managed to appreciate all the advantages of these tomatoes. Moreover, some correspondents from different regions of Russia write about the Strega tomato in approximately the same way: “I am growing these tomatoes for the first time. I planted it on the recommendation of my neighbors in the dacha cooperative and I don’t regret it at all. A large harvest of tasty large tomatoes has been harvested. I will continue to plant.”

General characteristics of the tomato Funtik f1 and description of the fruits of the hybrid variety

Many gardeners organize tomato yield competitions. If a summer resident wants to surprise his neighbors, he should pay attention to the Funtik f1 tomato. These are large tomatoes that give a very good harvest. Their taste is simply excellent. Despite the fact that tomatoes are quite large, they have a universal purpose and are suitable for various uses. But still, Funtik tomatoes have gained the greatest popularity as an ingredient in salad. Their delicate sweet taste makes them an ideal addition to summer vegetable appetizers.

Funtik is a hybrid, so only original seeds purchased from the manufacturer should be used for cultivation. In this case, you can get ideal fruits with good weight and excellent taste. The Funtik variety was specially bred by Russian specialists. It has universal characteristics, so it is suitable for both open ground and greenhouses. The yield will be high in any case.

Description of the variety

This hybrid is classified as an indeterminate type. This suggests that the plant can have unlimited growth, so it should be pinched at the top. It is advisable to do this when the tomato reaches the 2 meter mark.


No more than four bushes are planted per square meter. In this case, the yield will be from 27 to 29 kilograms. Their excellent taste makes them indispensable for salads, as well as for processing into various sauces for the production of pastes and adjika. Although the fruits are resistant to cracking, gardeners do not recommend preparing them in the form of pickles and marinades.

According to the description on packs of tomato seeds, as well as numerous reviews from gardeners, “Funtik F1” tomatoes are resistant to damage by fusarium, cladosporiosis, as well as to the tobacco mosaic virus.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameProductivity
Funtik F127-29 kg per square meter
Rocket6.5 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Premier6-9 kg per square meter
Doll8-9 kg per square meter
Stolypin8-9 kg per square meter
Broody10-11 kg per square meter
Black bunch6 kg per bush
Fat Jack5-6 kg per bush
Brawler9 kg per bush
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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