Apple variety Streifel (Streifling, Autumn striped) - description of a popular apple tree, photo

Among the fruit trees that thrive in temperate climates, the most popular are apple trees, which are grown in dachas, suburban areas, and industrial gardens for their juicy fruits rich in vitamins. Despite the abundance of varieties and the annual creation of new ones, Autumn Striped does not lose its position.

The variety grows in different climatic zones, both in the southern regions and in the north, the tree pleases with apples, which are valued for their high taste. How to grow the Striefel variety of apples, a description of care, photos of fruits and trees are presented in our article.

Main characteristics

The apple tree has a powerful trunk, a wide crown and spreading powerful branches, forming a strong skeleton, rich in dense foliage. The bark is brown and completely smooth. The leaves have fluff and are colored green and gray. The buds are quite wide, convex, gray. The flowers are large, saucer- or bowl-shaped, and the buds are painted light pink.

The young plant quickly reaches its greatest height of 8 meters - in just 6 years. The crown reaches a width of 7-8 meters 10 years after planting.

This variety is considered late, but at the same time it gives a large harvest. Gardeners value it due to its pleasant taste and good consumer qualities of the fruit. At the same time, Streifling is quite demanding in care and can reduce harvest volumes if there is a lack of water or improper pruning.

It is worth noting that the plant is frost-resistant, surviving temperatures down to -25 degrees. In extreme cold, frostbite may occur at the tips of the branches.

Description of the apple tree variety Striefel

This apple tree is loved by gardeners due to its high yield and unusual, spicy taste of the fruit. The variety, which came from the harsh Baltic regions, easily spread throughout the entire central zone. The variety has also adapted well to more northern regions. Therefore, now it can be found in many household plots or in large orchards growing apples on an industrial scale.

Apples: color, size, weight

The fruits of this variety have a conical or round-conical shape. They are often unequal, medium and medium-large, and can weigh from 80 to 110-120 grams. Their surface is smooth, waxy, and at the base the apples can be ribbed. The color of the dense skin at an early age is greenish-yellow, becomes completely golden after ripening, and is covered with a streaked red-orange blush, which can occupy about 50-85% of the area. Some representatives of the variety may turn brown or bright red after ripening. Striefel is characterized by the following chemical indicators per 100 grams:

  • P-active substances – 280 grams.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 8.3 milligrams.
  • The amount of sugars (fructose) is 10-10.1%.
  • Titratable acids – 0.57%.
  • Pectins 11-12%.

The pulp of the fruit is loose, quite juicy, and can be yellow, pink or slightly greenish in color. According to the tasting assessment, apples score 4.4-4.5 out of 5 points.

Apple tree Striefel: characteristics

Crown and root system

This is a large classic apple tree that can easily reach a height of 7-8 meters . However, for ease of care and harvesting, most gardeners limit its growth to 4-5 meters. The Striefel crown occupies a very large area and is spreading, so it is usually recommended to leave a space of 7-9 meters in diameter between the trees. The skeletal branches extend from the trunk at an angle of ninety degrees and sag at the edges, so the entire crown resembles an inverted cauldron.

The bark of the shoots is brown and has a slight gloss. The foliage has a round-oval shape, leathery, with an uneven edge. It grows very densely, in the upper part of the branches it even forms a kind of “cap”. The root system of an adult apple tree is very branched and powerful. It can reach several tens of meters in diameter.

Productivity and pollination

The yield of this variety is believed to be very high.

A young tree 5-8 years after planting is already capable of producing 95-100 kilograms of fresh aromatic fruits.

However, the tree reaches general maturity only at 15-20 years of age. The maximum recorded results are up to 300 kilograms of fruit from one apple tree. The total lifespan can reach 50-70 years with proper care and timely pruning.

This variety is considered self-fertile, that is, in order to get apples, it is not necessary to have other varieties within reach for cross-pollination. However, if there are any, the yield increases significantly, which is why experienced gardeners alternate Striefel with other varieties when planting. Preference is given to those whose flowering period coincides.

Winter hardiness and disease resistance

The apple tree can easily withstand frosts down to -23-27°C. Therefore, sometimes it is grown even in Siberia and the Far East, but only on a dwarf or creeping rootstock. Only first-year young seedlings need protection.

The variety is well protected from scab and other apple diseases, such as fruit rot. However, when affected, the pain is severe and profuse. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a set of preventive measures: treatment with special preparations, timely removal of fallen leaves or rotting fruits from under the apple tree.

Subspecies and rootstocks

To reduce any shortcomings and increase advantages, breeders from different countries are constantly working to improve the variety. Therefore, many subspecies of Striefel have appeared, the most popular of which are only two.


Strife-columnIn fact, there is no apple tree of this type, however, scientists have managed to obtain trees with similar indicators. These apple trees completely lack lateral skeletal branches, and the fruits grow from ringlets that form directly on the trunk. The winter hardiness of such a tree is increased, which is why it is distributed throughout the country.
RedA distinctive feature of the fruit is its rich red hue when ripe, which occupies up to 90% of the fruit. An additional advantage is the tight attachment of the stalks to the branches, which allows them to hold on even when overripe. Red Striefel is most cultivated in the Moscow region, Volga region, Oryol region, Belarus and the Urals.


DwarfMost often, for grafting apple trees, a rootstock is used on which all the positive characteristics of the variety increase. At the same time, harvesting and caring for the tree is greatly simplified, since it does not grow more than 2-2.5 meters. True, the yield suffers slightly from this, compared to tall specimens, and frost resistance too. Requires black soil or other fertile soil, otherwise it produces small apples of 40-60 grams.
Semi-dwarfSuch trees are taller, they reach 2.5-3 meters, but the first apples can be picked at the end of August, although the variety is considered winter. The average size of apples is 70-90 grams.
ColumnarOn such a rootstock, the tree produces few skeletal branches, but its yield is extremely low - 18-20 kilograms per tree. But the fruits are large, up to 120 grams.

Description of fruits

The fruits have an interesting color. During the ripening process, they are painted yellow-green, and later red stripes appear. The skin itself is glossy and has a natural waxy coating. The apples taste sour-sweet and have a delicate spicy smell. The pulp is yellow, loose and juicy.

Calorie content is low, about 50 calories per fruit. Their sizes are moderate, about 150 grams, although some specimens reach 300 grams. At the same time, the benefits of apples of this variety are undeniable: they contain a lot of vitamin D, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and also contain pectin, zinc and iodine.

The harvest is stored for 2-3 months, after which it begins to deteriorate and lose its characteristic taste and aroma. Tasting score – 4.5 points.

Pollinator trees

For good fruit set, the Streifling apple tree needs to be placed near the following pollinating trees:

  • Padding;
  • Welsey;
  • Antonovka;
  • Cinnamon striped.




Cinnamon striped
Other similar varieties are also suitable. The number of pollinators should be at least a third of Streifling's.


Yields may vary by region. For example, in central Russia you need to use a complex of fertilizers to obtain a sufficient number of apples. In different regions, the yield from one plant can range from 80 to 150 kilograms. Apple trees that are over 15 years old have the best performance.

In the central zone of our country, a crop that has been growing for more than 25 years can produce up to 300 kilograms of apples. The harvest begins in early or mid-September, depending on the current weather.

To which regions is the variety more adapted?

Autumn Striped is not afraid of frost, but does not tolerate drought well. Accordingly, plants develop best in areas with a warm but rainy climate, or in regions with a temperate climate.

In Russia, apple trees are grown throughout the middle zone: the frosts here, although severe, are combined with abundant snow, and the summers are warm and rainy. The crop is also quite suitable for the Middle Volga region with its short spring: melting snow provides the soil with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Streifling is also grown in the Central Black Earth region. Frosts here are mild, and summers are quite rainy.

Diseases and pests

There are quite a lot of diseases and pests that threaten the Streifling apple tree. They negatively affect the buds, leaves or bark, and some also affect the fruits. Affected apples cannot be stored. If the damage is minor, the fruit must be cleaned and immediately sent for processing.

The most dangerous diseases for yield:

  • fruit rot;
  • scab;
  • root cancer;
  • black cancer of trunks.

To combat them, they resort to chemical methods.

Of the pests, Streifling is threatened by the following representatives:

  • codling moth;
  • sawfly.

The codling moth larvae penetrate the fruit and eat its core, after which they move on to the apples next door. The sawfly does not allow the crop to ripen; it remains green and falls from the tree. The larvae and pupae of the parasite must be destroyed. To get rid of adult individuals, it is recommended to resort to insecticides.

The codling moth must be combated three weeks after the end of flowering of apple trees. For this purpose, benzophosphate, karbofos and other means are used. It is very important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

If the codling moth has not yet affected the crop too much, you can use infusions of parsley, dill, wormwood or tansy. When Streifling suffers from aphids or flower beetles, insecticides can be used. Curled and dry leaves must be burned.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners really like this variety due to the following advantages:

  • excellent yield, the largest recorded yield was 429 kilograms per plant;
  • the taste of apples is very pleasant;
  • You can eat fruits both fresh and processed;
  • the commercial characteristics of the fruit are high;
  • the apple tree is not afraid of cold weather;
  • The crop is resistant to scab and codling moth.

But this plant also has some disadvantages:

  • fairly late harvest ripening;
  • fruiting periodically;
  • The shelf life of the fruit is relatively short;
  • afraid of drought.

Types of rootstocks and varieties of Streifling:

Dwarf rootstocks allow the tree to develop more in width rather than in length. This makes maintenance much easier. A tree grown on such a rootstock can be grown in any corner of the country, as it acquires high resistance to severe frosts. In addition, the period of fruiting is significantly reduced. The root system of a plant grown in this way is close to the ground, so it must be covered in the fall.

If semi-dwarf rootstocks were used to grow an apple tree, its growth will not exceed 2.5 meters. At the initial stage, the growth of the branches is directed upward, and later they droop creating an umbrella shape. The first harvests begin to be harvested within 5 years. The fruits have a delicious aroma and incredible juiciness. The apples ripen at the end of August. As for the columnar appearance, the Streifling apple tree does not have this appearance.

What is an apple tree on a columnar rootstock? Such an apple tree forms only one trunk on which lateral branches are not formed. The fruits are located throughout the trunk almost from the very base. The tree will grow 1.5 meters in length. This rootstock is highly resistant to cold and pests; one apple tree produces about 18 kilograms of apples. The roots of a plant grown on this type of rootstock go 30 centimeters deep into the ground. Therefore, during care you should be careful not to damage them.

The autumn variety of Streifling is called the autumn Striped variety. All the visual characteristics of these two plants are absolutely the same. They are distinguished from the fruiting period, which begins no earlier than after 9 years, smaller fruits weighing no more than 100 grams, a shelf life of no more than one and a half months and greater vulnerability to scab. The fruits are fully ripened by the beginning of September. Given the short shelf life, it is recommended to use fresh fruits immediately after harvesting and preserve them.

The Liftyanskoe apple tree is classified as an early Streifling. The apple tree is low-growing, its maximum height is 5 meters. The crown grows spreadingly. Refers to mid-season varieties. Fruits weighing 200 grams ripen in summer. It is highly resistant to low temperatures. The disadvantages of this apple tree include the taste of apples, it has less sweetness and is predominantly sour.

Streifling red is another variety of the variety, which is distinguished by its brown-red color. The fruits fully ripen in early autumn. In all other respects, the apple tree has no differences.


The life of a plant depends on many criteria: the planting hole, fertilizers, adherence to planting rules, timing, and the quality of the planting material itself.

It is advisable to plant a young apple tree in the spring so that it adapts to a new place. In autumn, a sharp cold snap can simply kill the plant, but if there is no choice, then it is better to plant it in early autumn. In the southern regions you can do this until winter. The variety feels best in moist and well-warmed fertile soils.

As for the planting rules, in general they are similar to those relevant for other apple trees. A week before the procedure, a hole is formed with a diameter of 1 meter and a depth of 60 centimeters. The infertile lower layer is placed on one edge, the nutritious upper layer on the other.

The loosened soil at the bottom should cover it by 30 centimeters. First, the hole is filled by a third with the top removed layer of soil, and then the following components are added: 10 tablespoons of wood ash, 4 tablespoons of potassium sulfate, a glass of superphosphate, 3 buckets of rotted manure.

Using a shovel, you need to loosen the removed soil, mixing it with fertilizers, and then you need to add the remaining top layer to the middle of the planting hole. The plant is placed in the center, first driving a stake nearby to which the seedling needs to be tied. Fill the hole so that there is a hill 15 centimeters high above it.

Reproduction methods

Many gardeners want to increase the number of perfectly fruit-bearing trees and propagate them themselves.

You can do this in several ways:

  • Sowing seeds;
  • Lateral layers with pinning to the ground;
  • On a dwarf rootstock. This offers the advantage of lower height and earlier harvest;
  • Air layering;
  • Cuttings without grafting;
  • Cuttings from green young branches;
  • Propagation from a broken branch;
  • Removal by eyes.


It is very important to properly care for the apple tree so that the tree is healthy and enjoys a stable harvest. It needs abundant watering, which occurs several times a season: during the flowering process (in May) and in October. A young individual up to 2 years old needs about 5 buckets of water, and an adult and fruit-bearing one needs about 10.

Watering is carried out so that water penetrates into the soil to a depth of 80 centimeters, since the plant has powerful and long roots. Superficial and too frequent watering negatively affects the condition of the bark.

In April, after pruning the tree, it is treated to get rid of pests. For this they use copper oxychloride (40 grams per 10 liters of water), Inta-Vir (tablet per 10 liters). In May, after the buds appear, the treatment is repeated, and in September it is recommended to sprinkle the tree trunk circle with dried compost, which should cover the roots by 10-15 centimeters.

It is necessary to harvest the crop immediately; it is not prone to shedding, but if you do not remove the apples immediately, the shelf life will be reduced.

Harvest and storage

Harvesting begins in early September. It is advisable that there are no hearths left on the branches until the middle of the month. Dropping occurs rarely, but if harvested late, the products are stored worse.

You can only remove apples from branches by hand. Carefully inspect each fruit; put damaged ones in separate boxes.

To store the harvest better, it is folded in one layer and covered with paper, grass, and sawdust. Then transfer to a cool place.

Store at temperatures from 2⁰С to 5⁰С. From the beginning of December, they begin to sharply lose their juiciness, wither, and become tasteless. By this time, the products need to be sold, processed or eaten.

At home, it is best to squeeze juice from apples or make jam.


In May, the crop prefers fertilizing with urea after the flowers open. For a meter of tree trunk circle, use half a glass of fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

In June, the following composition is added to the soil: 2 grams of copper sulfate + 0.5 grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water. In July, green manure can be sown in the tree trunk circle, and after 5 weeks they should be dug up with soil as fertilizer.

In August, add 20 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of calcium chloride per meter of soil. This will help the apple tree survive the winter.

Actions in the absence of color and fruiting

The most important reason for the lack of color and fruiting in this subspecies of apple crop is considered to be the inability to self-pollinate. Therefore, it is necessary to plant other pollinating varieties close to this tree, or at least graft a cutting of another variety of tree of this crop onto the crown of the subspecies in question. The following reasons should also be taken into account:

  • — Quite a young or too old plant.
  • — Failure to follow planting rules (which can lead to drying out or rotting of the apple tree).
  • — Incorrect pruning procedure, removal of quite a large number of fruiting shoots and horizontal stems.
  • — Insect pests that feed on flowers.
  • — Fertilizers containing nitrogen were applied incorrectly, or fertilizers were applied in the second part of the summer season, or there was an excess of them when applied.


Since Streifling is a tall and spreading variety, it needs shaping, which is done from the first years of life. Pruning is done every autumn or spring, thereby facilitating harvesting. Thanks to this procedure, the tree is rejuvenated, since all old shoots are removed, giving the opportunity to grow new ones.

If the apple is frozen after winter, then pruning it will help. Recovery will often take approximately 2 years.


Natalya, Rostov : We have been growing the Streifling apple tree for a very long time. It was planted by my parents, so the tree is already about 30 years old. We love this variety because the apples are incredibly tasty and aromatic, we eat them fresh and use them for compotes. Children eat them up like lightning!

Nikolay, Moscow region : Streifling was recommended to me by a neighbor who has several such trees on his property. He said that the variety is incredibly productive, and it harvests about 100 kilograms from one plant. I also planted a couple of apple trees, 10 years later I collect the fruits in buckets. My wife and I eat them fresh, and what’s left is canned. I really like this variety!

Valeria, Saransk : We have been growing Streifling for a long time, and this apple tree has never let us down. We trim it regularly, so it looks beautiful and makes us happy with the harvest. Sometimes the branches freeze, but this way the crop copes well with winter. The harvest is good, although sometimes the quantity varies due to the weather.

Important nuances of growing

In general, caring for the Striefel apple tree is quite simple. It is complicated only by the size of the tree. The culture is relatively unpretentious, but, of course, the maximum possible yields can only be expected with competent agricultural technology.

Preparing seedlings and planting in the ground

Since Striefel is grown mainly in temperate climates, the best time to plant a tree is spring. Before next winter, it will have time to form a developed root system and adapt to the new habitat.

When choosing a place for a seedling, consider the dimensions of an adult tree. For harmonious development and nutrition, an apple tree requires an area approximately 1.5 times larger than the area of ​​the trunk circle.

Striefel, like other apple trees, prefers open areas well warmed by the sun.

Striefel is sensitive to drought, but will not grow in a swamp. Therefore, it is advisable to find for it a hill well illuminated by the sun or a place closer to the top of a gentle hill. You don’t even have to consider the lowlands, where melt water stands for a long time in the spring, and moist, cold air stagnates the rest of the year.

The planting pit is prepared in the fall. Its dimensions are 1–1.2 m in diameter and 0.7–0.8 m in depth. The substrate at the bottom must be well loosened. The top layer of soil removed from the pit (25–30 cm) is the most fertile. It is mixed with humus or rotted manure (25–30 l), simple superphosphate (220–250 g), potassium sulfate (45–60 g). A natural alternative is sifted wood ash (two-liter jar). Since any fruit trees do not like acidic soil, find out this indicator in advance and, if necessary, add dolomite flour or crushed chalk (250–400 g).

There is nothing complicated in planting an apple tree seedling; even a novice gardener can cope with this procedure

The prepared mixture is poured into the bottom of the hole, which is covered with something waterproof and left until spring. The planting itself does not have any specific nuances compared to a similar procedure for any fruit trees. It’s better to plant an apple tree together – it’s more convenient.


The main thing that Striefel needs is regular watering. In hot weather and in the absence of precipitation, a young tree under the age of 5–8 years needs about 50 liters of water every 15–20 days. For mature trees, the norm is increased by 1.5 times, bringing the volume of water to 85–100 liters during fruiting.

The Striefel apple tree is very sensitive to soil moisture, the future harvest directly depends on this

The frequency of watering is also determined by the quality of the soil. Sandy soil quickly allows moisture to pass through; in clay or peaty soil, on the contrary, it stagnates.

A mandatory procedure if autumn is dry is the so-called moisture-charging watering. The tree must be provided with water to properly prepare for winter. The norm is 10–15 liters per 1 m² of tree trunk circle.

Fertilizer application

Due to its size, strifel needs regular “nutrition”, responding well to any feeding, be it natural organic matter or mineral fertilizers. In the spring, it is recommended to feed the tree with nitrogen-containing preparations - urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate. The product is distributed in dry form or a solution is prepared - 40–50 g per 10 liters of water. This portion is enough for 2–3 m² of tree trunk circle. It is useful to fertilize in the spring with a solution of copper sulfate and boric acid (2-3 g per liter). At the same time, this remedy is a good prophylaxis against pathogenic fungi.

Urea is not only a nitrogen-containing fertilizer that helps the apple tree grow green mass, but also a means of strengthening its immunity (if applied on time and in doses recommended by the manufacturer)

Try proven fertilizers:

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