Planting strawberry canes in July 2022 will help increase yields

Every gardener has at least one bush of delicious and sweet strawberries in their garden. But over the years, the bush ages and produces small berries, the taste of which is unsaturated and less and less sweet. Buying seedlings of strawberry varieties such as Holiday or Gigantella Maxim is very expensive. Therefore, the question arises: how to preserve your favorite strawberries without buying new seedlings? You can plant your favorite strawberry bush. The planted bushes will produce berries as in the first year: large, with a rich taste. Every experienced gardener knows how to plant strawberries with mustaches. This article is written for beginners.

When is the best time to plant strawberry tendrils?

There are three periods for planting strawberries with mustache: spring, summer and autumn.

To replant in the spring, wait for warm weather. It is necessary that the daylight hours are long, but the sun is not scorching. The absence of scorching sun ensures that the young leaves do not dry out and the bush will take root better. Typically this weather lasts from late April to early May. Spring planting ensures that the roots have time to develop before the onset of winter and frost. But in the first year of planting, you should not expect a harvest.

Planting strawberry mustache

Summer seating takes place from late July to early August. For planting, a cloudy, not hot day is chosen, the soil should be saturated with moisture. In summer, the strawberry bush produces more whiskers. Strawberries have enough time to take root before the onset of cold weather. Wintering under the snow prepares garden strawberries for fruiting.

Autumn replanting is recommended for those regions where summers are hot and dry. For successful seeding, you need to wait for a rainy period. Hardening with winter frosts will strengthen the plant, and it will be ready to bear fruit next year.

Landing dates

When to propagate plants with tendrils is up to you to decide. You can plant strawberries in early spring, as soon as you have the opportunity to do gardening. But still, most gardeners insist on the benefits of autumn planting. Why?

When you replant strawberries in the fall, the next season you will be able to enjoy the berries that will grow on the new bushes. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that there will be a lot of berries, because the peak yield falls in the second year of fruiting. But still, you won’t be left completely without strawberries. If you decide to plant plants in the spring, then in the summer they will not bear fruit, and you will have to wait another whole year to enjoy the taste and aroma of the berries.

The strawberry bed needs to be updated every four years. Already in the third year of fruiting, the yield decreases noticeably, and in the fourth you may be left completely without berries. To prevent this from happening, you can use a little trick - plant 3 beds of plants, and then you will have to update the beds only once every 3 years. You can plant strawberries in August, but remember that autumn planting must be completed before September 15th. Therefore, there is no point in delaying this matter. To replant strawberries, choose a cloudy day, then there is a high probability that the bushes will take root.

How to plant and replant strawberry tendrils

Strawberry propagation by mustache in summer

Strawberries are convenient because they can reproduce themselves. Every bush produces a mustache. All a gardener needs to propagate a plant is to know how to plant strawberries with tendrils. This method has its own characteristics.

Important! To get high-quality seedlings, the bush should not be depleted.

If you take a rich harvest from a bush, the mustache will grow poorly, the plant will become sick and depleted. Poor quality seedlings will produce unhealthy offspring.

The mustache must be collected from a bush that has been producing crops for several years. Firstly, a young annual bush will not produce fertile seedlings. Secondly, in the first year the yield of the bushes is assessed and the best of them are marked for seedlings for the next year. Flowers are removed from selected bushes during flowering so that the plant devotes all its energy to the growth of young shoots. During the period, the bush produces from 7 to 10 shoots.

Secret! The best seedlings come from the first rosettes.

It is necessary to remove most of the tendrils, leaving only the largest and largest shoots. Small shoots do not take root well and may not produce a harvest.

After the first rosettes appear on the shoots, they are attached to the ground and watered and fertilized abundantly so that the rosette takes root as quickly as possible. An alternative and effective way is to plant the rosette in a cup of soil. For better root growth on the rosette, it is not recommended to remove the tendril from the bush for 2-3 weeks.

Growing shoots in cups directly in the garden

After several leaves appear on the rosette, the tendril can be trimmed. The appearance of leaves ensures that the plant has developed strong roots and can independently obtain nutrients from the soil, without the participation of mother bushes. After 2-3 weeks, the rosette along with a lump of earth can be dug up and planted in a permanent place. It is recommended to transplant in rainy weather or in the evening, not sunny, with subsequent irrigation of the soil.

Landing rules

Sometimes novice gardeners make mistakes when planting strawberries. They hope to get a good harvest and at the same time plant a large number of mustaches. But if the plant has wasted its energy on fruiting, you should not expect good mustache from it.

As a result, the plant becomes weak, bears fruit poorly, and is often susceptible to diseases. Therefore, you should plant the plant itself correctly, following the planting rules, and subsequently plant it correctly, growing mustaches when planting.

To prepare for further propagation of the plant, it is necessary to select a mother bush. To do this, immediately after planting, it is necessary to take and remove the mustaches from all planted bushes. Next you need to wait until the berries form. After fruiting begins, you need to carefully inspect all the bushes.

Some gardeners even replant these bushes separately. Then, after the first buds begin to appear, they are taken and removed so that the strawberries spend their energy not on fruiting, but on forming strong and healthy tendrils, which will subsequently become material for planting seedlings.

After a few months, whiskers will begin to appear, this is preparation for future planting material. To properly prepare the sprouts, you can even dig in the whiskers that are visible on the surface.

They will become stronger and the root system will be more developed with this planting. But at the same time, you should leave only the largest shoots; there is no need to leave weak ones, as they will not make strong seedlings.

Preparation of the mustache also involves shortening it; you need to leave only one rosette, which is located in close proximity to the main bush. If you need to plant a large number of seedlings, you can leave a few more rosettes. When their roots take root, you can:

  1. Press the rosettes into the soil, pressing them down and covering them with soil, after which you need to water them.
  2. There is no need to separate the sprouts from the main bush; you can simply plant them in nearby pots or other containers. Next, the sprouts will take root for their subsequent planting, after which they can be taken from the pot and planted.

Planting strawberry mustaches in summer

How to plant strawberries

It is very profitable to plant strawberries in open ground in the summer, because over the winter the strawberries will take root, undergo hardening, and next year you can get a rich harvest.

When to plant strawberry mustaches in summer

The optimal time to plant seedlings in open ground is the end of July, the beginning of August. Time depends on climatic conditions. In the warmest regions, seedlings can be planted in June, if weather conditions permit. In regions with long summers, when warm weather persists until early autumn, shoots are planted at the end of August.

It is necessary to prepare the soil 1.5-2 months before planting, because garden strawberries do not tolerate high concentrations of fertilizers. Fertilize the soil with peat, compost or nitrophoska. Highly acidic soil must be limed. To do this, wood ash is added to the soil. Alkaline soils are acidified with peat, pine needles, and typhoid. Weeds are carefully removed. Future beds are checked for pests. To prevent insects, the soil is treated with ammonium nitrate. The soil is loosened to a depth of 15 centimeters.

How to plant strawberry mustaches in summer

There are many schemes for planting seedlings in open ground. The most popular are one-line and two-line schemes. When planting seedlings, the rule is: the denser the planting, the higher the yield. A distance of 15-20 cm is maintained between young bushes. The beds are formed every 60-80 cm. For planting, a hole is formed, 10-12 cm deep.

Two popular schemes for planting sprouts in the ground

How to put on a mustache

When planting, it is necessary to place the shoot heart at ground level. If the heart is deepened into the ground, it will rot, but if, on the contrary, it is placed high above the ground, it will dry out. The length of the roots should not exceed 5-7 cm. If the roots are longer, they are cut to the required size. It is important to position the roots correctly in the soil. The roots should be straightened. The roots are evenly distributed over the ground, after which they need to be buried with moist soil.

Correct location of the shoot in the ground

To make landing easier, you can use a trick. Water is poured into the prepared hole and the bush is planted directly into the water. This way, the roots will straighten out in the water and take the correct shape in the ground.

Choosing a healthy outlet

Strawberries are easy to propagate yourself. The main thing is to know a few important steps. When a plant bears fruit abundantly, you need to monitor which bush is the healthiest and strongest. All the fruits on it grow approximately the same size.

It is worth choosing the first rosette, it is the strongest, it is powered by the mother bush. The rest are better cut off. The first rosette is transplanted into a pot. There it is until five or six leaves appear. This will mean that the root system of the plant is completely strengthened and it can be sent to open ground. Then, together with the native soil, the seedlings can be planted in the intended place. It is necessary to water it using the sprinkling method, using a shallow watering can. It is better to carry out the transplantation process in cloudy weather or in the evening, this was discussed earlier.

When to plant strawberries with tendrils in the fall

Autumn is a great time to replant strawberry mustaches in the ground. Experienced gardeners choose this season because it is in the rainy autumn that the roots of the plant will receive the necessary amount of moisture. At the beginning of autumn, the soil is still warm and retains heat. Young bushes are not threatened by the scorching sun, and cold weather is still far away.

Then plant strawberries

Autumn planting can be of three types:

  • Early (from the beginning to the end of September),
  • Average (from late September to mid-October),
  • Late (from mid-October until the first frost).

The most popular are early and mid plantings. It is very difficult to plant sprouts correctly in the late period - there is a risk of seedlings freezing.

The ideal time to transplant seedlings into the ground in the fall is the evening after rain. The soil at this time is sufficiently moistened, the bright sun does not affect the seedlings. The optimal place for planting will be the soil on which legumes or grain crops grew the previous year.

Secret! If you place your strawberry bushes in a sunny location from east to west, the strawberries will be larger and sweeter.

Planting in autumn soil step by step:

  • The soil is leveled and loosened;
  • Holes are dug, 10-15 cm deep;
  • The soil from the holes is mixed with humus;
  • Inside the hole, mounds of earth are formed;
  • The seedlings are immersed on a mound, the roots are straightened;
  • The bush is sprinkled with earth so that the place where the leaves grow is at ground level;
  • The soil is loosened, watered abundantly and sprinkled with compost on top.

After successful planting, the young plant needs proper care.

Tips and tricks for gardeners

To grow garden strawberries with a high level of fruiting, you need to properly care for the young bush. Proper cultivation includes several mandatory points:

  • For the first 10 days, it is recommended to water strawberries once every 2-3 days, in small portions with warm water, trying not to get it on the young leaves. It is better to water in the early morning or late evening.
  • After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the seedling to improve the roots’ access to oxygen.
  • To better retain moisture, mulch is carried out. Straw, agrofibre, and dried humus are suitable as a mulch layer.
  • The soil under the strawberry bush is regularly cleared of weeds and treated against pests and insects. A solution of water with wood ash is suitable as a prophylactic agent. An excellent chemical is Karbofos, copper oxychloride or boric liquid.
  • Young strawberries need regular feeding. In autumn, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. In spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied at the root to stimulate growth.

Further care consists of preparing the plant for winter. For the winter, mulch is removed from under the plant so that the bush does not become infected or get sick over the winter. In November, a layer of peat, sawdust and pine needles is laid under the bush. The layer must be at least 5 cm to provide the required amount of heat. It is important to cover only the roots, and not to cover the entire bush. To prevent rodents from damaging the roots of the plant, mothballs or peat soaked in creolin are placed next to the strawberry beds.

Strawberry bushes properly prepared for winter

Growing strawberries with a mustache is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you do everything correctly and consistently, the strawberries will grow quickly. Properly chosen planting time, careful replanting, and proper care will ultimately allow the gardener to reap a rich harvest of strawberries. After the snow melts, it is necessary to remove the spruce branches, get rid of pests if they do appear, loosen the soil and remove deformed leaves. Having applied strength in the fall, in the spring you get strawberry bushes ready for fruiting.

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Preparing the beds

It doesn’t matter whether you are going to extend the strawberry rows, or are transplanting the mustache to another area - you need to prepare the beds. First you need to dig up the soil, making sure to remove all vegetation.

Future beds need to be fertilized. For each square meter contribute:

  • 250 g wood ash;
  • a full bucket of non-acidic peat;
  • bucket of sawdust.

The fertilizer must be thoroughly mixed with the soil. Immediately before propagating strawberries, the beds should be watered. However, there is no need to turn the site into a swamp; the culture does not like this.

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