Description of pink tomato Gift from a woman f1: ripening time

As statistics say, the bulk of our gardeners are women. What does a woman want? So that the seeds are viable, the plants are not capricious, and the fruits are beautiful and tasty, so that everyone likes them - my husband, children and grandchildren. And also to surprise your girlfriends with preparations in winter.

It seems that Russian breeders heard this eternal desire of a woman and created just such a variety of tomatoes, calling it Gift to a Woman.

How the variety appeared

When describing the tomato variety Gift to a Woman, you should definitely take into account that this hybrid was specially bred by breeders from Russia. This suggests that this plant takes root well in our climate and is adapted to most common diseases. When creating this variety, breeders provided the same possibilities for growing it both in greenhouse conditions and in open beds.

Tomato Hybrid Tarasenko

This is where the confusion begins. The fact is that tomatoes under this name are not hybrids at all, but varieties! Moreover, they are quite interesting and popular, such as Hybrid Tarasenko, Yubileiny, Tomato Tarasenko. They were brought out by an amateur vegetable grower from the Sumy region, Feodosiy Tarasenko, a physics teacher who was fond of gardening. His track record includes about 50 varieties of tomatoes.

How to avoid confusion and choose the right hybrid specifically for your conditions, read our convincing guide to choosing tomato varieties and hybrids.

You can learn more about how F1 hybrids are made from our article >>>>>>

Read all about growing tomatoes (tomatoes) in our selection of materials here >>>>>>>>>>

Description of individual characteristics

An amazing hybrid with a loud name has recently attracted the attention of many gardening enthusiasts. This curiosity is not surprising. Tomato Gift for a Woman is characterized by high yields despite the fact that its fruits are large. This hybrid belongs to the type of mid-early ripening. Determinate bushes with a very strong stem, on which there is a moderate amount of foliage. The leaves themselves are dark green in color and medium in size. Outwardly, they are unremarkable and have a simple shape. In the description of tomatoes Gift for a woman, special attention is paid to yield. On one brush of a branch 4-5 medium-sized fruits are formed.

Determinate bushes of average height up to 70 cm. After 2 or 3 inflorescences appear, growth in height of the bush stops. The yield of one bush is from 10 to 30 tomatoes.

The sweetest tomato/tomato varieties and hybrids

  • Pink Honey tomato is a determinate tomato variety for greenhouses and open ground. Of the large pink tomatoes, one of the first to ripen. The height in the greenhouse is up to 1.5 m. The fruits are large (300-600 g, up to 1000 g!!!), heart-shaped. The pulp is sweet, fleshy, sugary at the break.
  • Sugar giant tomato is a late-growing tomato with tasty sweet fruits, weighing from 250 to 900 g.
  • tomato Sugar bison is an indeterminate variety, up to 1.8 m high. The tomatoes are raspberry-pink, large, heart-shaped, weighing 350 g (up to a kilogram or more). The taste is excellent.
  • Persimmon tomato – mid-early, determinate. The fruits are yellow-orange, weighing 200-300 (up to 500 g), with hard skin, juicy, sweet.
  • tomato Miracle of the Earth - mid-early, indeterminate, up to 2 m high. The fruits are cone-shaped, rich pink, weighing 300-500 g (up to 700 g), sweet, tender.
  • Tomato Appetizing – mid-season, determinate, large-fruited. The fruits are flat-round, dark pink in color with a dark green top, weighing 350-450 g, sugary at the break and very tasty.
  • tomato Honey Salute – medium late, indeterminate. The fruits are flat-round, orange with a pink blush, weighing 350-450 (up to 600 g), fleshy and very sweet. There are few seeds.
  • Sugar Nastasya tomato – mid-season, indeterminate, medium-growing. The fruits are heart-shaped, crimson, weighing 300-400 g, fleshy and very sweet.

Description of fruits

In the description of the tomato Gift for a Woman, additional attention is paid to the appearance of the fruit. When ripe they are red with a pink tint. Their shape is proportionally even. But blurred ribbing is visible. The tomato pulp is not too dense and quite juicy. There are small amounts of seeds inside the tomato. The skin of this variety is thin, but quite durable. The average weight of one fruit is approximately 200 grams.

Tomatoes Gift for a Woman have a very rich taste without the presence of wateriness and acidity. This type is especially distinguished by the fact that ripe fruits contain a large amount of sugar, approximately 3% of the total composition of useful substances.

In terms of taste, the fruits of this variety are more classified as salad varieties. They are not particularly good when used in preparations, and these tomatoes are too large for rolling with whole fruits. But they are very tasty when eaten fresh, used in salads or cooked as a stir-fry, sauce, or gravy. Moreover, these tomatoes make wonderful, thick and very aromatic freshly squeezed juice.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Culture

The productivity of the hybrid tomato variety does not break tomato records, but remains quite high. This is its main advantage. The excellent combination of tasting qualities is also highly valued. Other advantages:

  1. Genetic immunity of tomato to verticillium.
  2. Avoiding late blight due to early ripening.
  3. Dense and at the same time delicate structure of the fruit. This property allows the hybrid tomato to be highly regarded as a product. The harvest is stored for a long time and can withstand transportation without damage.

Explore possible tomato diseases and ways to combat them in this article. This will help you get a good harvest.

Tomatoes also have negative characteristics:

  1. It does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in atmospheric temperature and rainy periods. Therefore, growing crops in an open-air garden is unprofitable.
  2. Limited cultivation in the Urals, Siberia and to the east.
  3. The need to form bushes in a special way.

Individual characteristics of cultivation

This variety can be grown either by seedlings or by sowing seeds in the ground.

Comment! Breeders note that when growing this species by planting it in the ground under cover, its yield is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the seedling method.

Reviews about tomatoes Gift for a woman It is recommended that the seeds be soaked briefly in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before sowing in boxes. Keep the seeds in the solution for no more than 30 minutes. After draining the solution, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and left to dry on paper.

To sow seeds of this variety, soil of a special composition should be prepared. From the reviews and photos of growing tomatoes Gift for a Woman, it is clear that such soil includes garden soil and humus. They should be in equal proportions 1:1. When sowing seeds, there is no need to make holes; they only need to be lightly sprinkled with soil. This variety is sown in the first half of March.

Germination begins quite quickly if the box is kept at a temperature of at least +25 degrees. Particular attention should be paid to humidity during this period. It should be moderate. You should not flood the soil with seeds, nor should you over-dry it.

After the first shoots have appeared, they need to be provided with a large amount of light. To do this, the boxes are placed on the windowsill under the sun's rays or additional lighting is installed in the form of a lamp.

After the first leaves appear on the sprouts, they can be plucked, and after this procedure, fertilizing can be done. Only it should consist of complex fertilizers.

Disease and pest control

If improperly cared for, tomatoes Gift for a Woman can be exposed to various threats.

Insufficient ventilation of greenhouses leads to the appearance of gray rot.

Aphids, whiteflies, slugs, rusty and spider mites, wireworms, mole crickets are pests that must be combated with insecticides or homemade plant-based solutions (decoctions of celandine, chamomile or onion peels). So, you can get rid of aphids using ordinary soapy water.

Preventative measures are necessary for this variety. In this case, the plant is sprayed with substances that include copper. Timely weeding and loosening will help avoid many problems. It would not be superfluous to treat plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or “Fitosporin”.

It is important to immediately remove infected or damaged plants from healthy ones to avoid infection. If you do not pay attention to protecting tomatoes from these problems, yields may decrease, and in the worst case, the plant will die.

What to do when planting seedlings

Reviews and photos about the productivity of tomato Gift for a woman are simply amazing. However, in order to maintain it at such a high level even at the stage of transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations.

In order for all the seedlings to take root in the ground, they can begin to be acclimated to the outdoor climate about a week before planting. In this case, you can take the boxes with seedlings outside and leave them there for a while.

Transplantation of seedlings occurs when at least 50 days have passed since germination. If you plan to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can plant them in the ground at the end of May.

The soil must be loosened in advance, and a good layer of humus should be placed at the bottom of the hole. If it is not there, you can prepare another fertilizer: superphosphate or wood ash.

Warning! The amount of superphosphate or wood ash per 1 hole should not exceed 1 tablespoon per bush.

The bushes of this tomato must be planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

A distinctive feature of this variety is the compactness of the bush and the absence of the need for pinching. At the same time, removing the lower leaves of the seedlings will increase the amount of air received by the plant.

Those who have been growing pink varieties of tomatoes for a long time note that this species requires more attention and special care. That is why it is recommended not to plant it in large quantities, but to provide maximum care for several bushes, which will ultimately produce excellent yields.

During the process of fruit appearance and ripening, bushes of this variety must be tied up. Indeed, due to the fact that there are a lot of large fruits, the branches often break.

Reviews from those who planted tomatoes Gift for a woman

Elena_1969, Voronezh

Every year I try new varieties of tomatoes. This season I planted a Gift for a Woman. I love pink tomatoes, I know their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when I saw that the Gift was not only tasty, but also lays well, I was surprised. Typically, pink, thin-skinned tomatoes need to be eaten as soon as they are picked, otherwise they will leak.

The taste of the Gift is sweet, without sourness. I collected fruits from 5 bushes - almost 100 pieces. If you consider that each one is 200-230 g, then it turned out quite well. I’ll definitely leave it for next year.

Vitaly, summer resident from the Moscow region

I bought tomato seeds as a gift for a woman because of the name, I wanted to give my wife a present. I liked the hybrid already in seedlings: strong, with a thick stem. The move to the dacha went well; all the seedlings took root.

The bushes grew under film cover and knitted well. But we picked off the extra ovaries; we wanted larger tomatoes. The result was about 4 kg per bush. Delicious smooth tomatoes. In general, there are no complaints about the hybrid.

Antonina Ivanovna, Ardatov

As a matter of principle, I only grow our varieties. They tolerate our weather better. I planted a woman's gift so that there would be pink tomatoes. It led into one stem, under the film. They don't tolerate rain and cold well, so I had to keep it under cover all summer. Next year it should be planted in a greenhouse. There were 5-6 tomatoes on each bush, not to say that a lot. But tasty, not sour or watery. The skin is strong, but thin and not rough. Good variety.


People who have already planted tomatoes of this variety say that this species grows best in low greenhouses than in high ones. Moreover, greenhouse conditions are required for them only in the first half of the growing season. After the fruits are formed, the greenhouse can be completely removed, since ripening best occurs under natural conditions. During the same period, pink varieties of tomatoes require certain feeding: mullein infusion or chicken droppings.

Advice! Fertilizers such as mullein or chicken manure should be handled carefully as they are concentrates. Plants need to be fertilized with them only in a diluted state, 1 part fertilizer to 10 parts water.

The amazing properties of this hybrid are that it can be grown at an earlier stage. Only for this you will need a heated greenhouse. If such a greenhouse is available, seeds can be sown for seedlings as early as February.

It was noted that the Gift to a Woman variety has good resistance to drought and heat, but watering should be done regularly.

Features of tomato care

After planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they need to be properly cared for. Bushes need watering, fertilizing, shaping, loosening and weeding.

Watering and fertilizing rates

Tomatoes need proper watering. The optimal water temperature for irrigation is +18…+22°C. It is advisable to defend it first. You need to water the soil, not the tops, otherwise the leaves may burn.

Gift for my wife F1 - a short hybrid. One bush needs 3–5 liters of water for active growth. Usually the land is irrigated 1-2 times a week. However, the frequency of watering depends on the weather and climate. The hotter it is, the faster the soil dries out. If the ground becomes crusty or leaves hang on the bushes, vegetable growers immediately water them. For good fruiting, the bush needs fertilizing.

Gardeners who grew this variety advise fertilizing tomatoes once every 2 weeks. From organic matter, you can use mullein: 0.5 liters of the substance are diluted in 10 liters of water and stirred. You can also add 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska. 0.5 liters of product is enough for 1 bush. It is better to use complex mineral fertilizers. However, once the bushes begin to bloom, it is best to avoid nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Read more about what and how to feed tomatoes during flowering and fruiting.

Stepping and bush formation

There is no need to trim the bushes. Tomatoes are formed by removing part of the lower leaves. This way the fruits will receive more oxygen.

Loosening the soil and weeding

Gardeners generally loosen the soil to allow air access to the rhizomes of tomatoes. Roots enriched with oxygen develop well. The quality of fruiting depends on the development of the root system. For convenience, the soil is loosened during watering. Weeds also need to be removed as they appear.

Selection of LLC "Agrofirm AELITA"

The value of the Matryoshka® variety: high yield up to 11 kg/m2, compact bush, excellent taste, stable yield, resistance to diseases and fruit cracking.

Variety Gift of a Fairy®

Designed for early harvest of tomatoes in open ground and under film covers. The period from full germination to the beginning of fruiting is 93-95 days. The fruits are original heart-shaped, bright orange, weighing 110-115 g. Dense, do not crack, perfect for preparing fresh salads and canning.

The early-ripening tomato variety Fairy's Gift® is characterized by high yield (up to 10 kg/m2), uniformity of fruits, and is resistant to Fusarium wilt and tobacco mosaic virus.

Cherry tomato lovers should not ignore the Button

This is our zoned variety, very early.
The period from germination to fruit harvesting is 90-92 days. The bush is compact, low - 30-50 cm. The fruits are small, round, red, weighing only 10-15 g. Such a compact bush with small red fruits looks very decorative. But the fruits are not only beautiful, they are also very tasty, sweet and juicy. This will be a real treat for kids. And adults will also like this tomato, these are one-bite tomatoes. In addition, the Button®
is productive; from one square meter you can harvest up to 5 kg of tasty products.
Plants do not require garter; up to 6-8 plants are planted per 1 m2. grow the Button®
almost anywhere: in open ground, in spring film greenhouses, indoors, on balconies and loggias. Many summer residents practice planting cherry tomatoes between the rows of tall tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants for more intensive use of space in film greenhouses.

Tomato Button® quickly and easily produces a harvest. But after harvesting the fruits, do not rush to remove the plants. Feed them and they will produce a second wave of crops on the side shoots. And you will enjoy fresh fruits until autumn. They can be used to decorate various dishes; they are ideal for salads and whole-fruit canning.

Tomato Stolypin

– this is our new product. The variety is cold-resistant, early, with friendly and long-term fruit formation. The plants are determinate and have good fruit set even with sudden temperature changes. The fruits are beautifully elliptical in shape, red-pink, weighing 90-120 g, very tasty, dense, and do not crack. The yield of the variety is up to 8.5 kg/m2 of fruits with excellent pickling qualities. An indispensable variety for home canning.

Tomato Stolypin is a highly productive variety for obtaining a harvest of excellent quality. The ideal combination of early ripeness, complex disease resistance and long-lasting yield.

Dear summer residents! Make your choice and stock up on tomato seeds.

Photos of the best varieties of tomatoes with descriptions

Tomatoes are loved by many. This also applies to gardeners. Many people want to grow these vegetables. Moreover, you can grow a variety of tomatoes - red, yellow, pink, orange, raspberry. In open ground, in a greenhouse, early and late ripening. The best varieties of tomatoes are grown for salads and for canning. The description of tomato varieties allows you to choose the most suitable one from a huge variety of existing ones.

Early varieties of tomatoes

The following early varieties of tomatoes can be distinguished:

Evgenia . For open ground. For salads and canning. Drought resistant. Short dark green leaves. Red, dense, smooth tomatoes. Do not crack. Good taste. Gives good yields even in bad weather conditions.

Aurora F1 . It is grown both for salads and for pickling. For open ground and for growing under film. Medium size sheets. Weakly ribbed fruits weighing up to 110g. Valued for its friendly fruiting.

Red sun F1 . For open ground and for growing under film. Salad. Delicious slightly ribbed red tomatoes. Weight up to 120g.

A little prince . Gives a stable harvest. The taste is good. Smooth and round fruits.

Fat Jack . Red and sweet tomatoes, weighing up to 300g.

Admiral F1 . It is grown both for salads and for pickling. Vigorous, indeterminate plant. Good taste, good fruiting. Resistant to many diseases. Weakly ribbed red tomatoes.

Hurricane F1 . It is grown both for salads and for pickling. Medium branched plant. Low-leaved. Height up to 220cm. Medium sized leaves. Small flat-round fruits.

Spring drops . Ultra-ripe variety. Resistant to cold weather. Gives a stable, friendly harvest.

Frant F1 . Salad. Medium-sized plant, indeterminate. Red, smooth, round, dense tomatoes. Fruit weight 150 g. Good taste. Resistant to diseases and adverse weather.

Tsarskoselsky . For open ground and for growing under film. Plants require staking and shaping. It is grown both for salads and for pickling. High-yielding. Red, smooth, flat-round tomatoes. Good taste. Easy variety.

Shedy Lady . Smooth, dense red fruits suitable for salads. Excellent taste. Weight up to 200g. Heat-resistant plant, little affected by diseases.

Harmony . High-yielding variety, salad. Determinate, medium-leaved, medium-branched plant. Leaves are medium sized. The fruits are red and smooth. The taste is good. Plants are disease resistant. High marketability.

Admiralteysky . For open ground and for growing under film. It needs staking and plant formation. Red, dense and fleshy tomatoes. The taste is good. Productivity is high.

Pink varieties of tomatoes

The following varieties of pink tomatoes are popular:

Demidov . Fruits from 150 to 200 g. Produces stable yields of large fruits. Very good for open ground.

O-la-la and Pink Raffaello . Round, deep pink tomatoes weighing up to 150g. They have excellent product and taste qualities.

My family . Bushes up to 120 cm. Pink-raspberry. Large tomatoes weighing up to 600g. The soft flesh, like a melon, is delicious.

Nice guy . Round fruits weighing up to 150g, rich pink color. Early ripening. The fruits do not crack.

Moscow pear . The fruits are elongated and resemble peppercorns. Very beautiful commercial vegetables.

Petrusha the gardener . Elongated tomatoes weighing up to 200g.

Supermodel . Delicious, smooth fruits, uniform in color.

Pink Stele . Low bushes. Pink-raspberry elongated tomatoes. Each weight is up to 200g. High yield and excellent taste.

Scarlet Candles . Pink cylindrical tomatoes. You can see them in the photo of tomato varieties.

Slav . Fairly tall plants. Elongated tomatoes, weighing up to 170g. Pink. They have sweet and tasty pulp. Used in salads and canned. Produces stable yields in any weather and is resistant to diseases.

Monastic meal . Tall bushes. Large fruits up to 350 g.

Dad . Large, pink heart-shaped fruits. Unpretentious variety. Early ripening. Delicious tomatoes.

Tomato varieties for open ground

The following varieties of tomatoes for open ground are valued:

The Golden Queen and Nezhdana . The fruits are yellow, round-flat. Weight up to 300g. Unpretentious, resistant to various diseases and adverse weather conditions.

Ballerina . Elongated red fruits. The weight of which is from 150 to 200g.

Kemerovets . Raspberries are pink vegetables suitable for the market. One-dimensional, similar to small hearts. Dense pulp.

Uncle Styopa . Tomatoes with thin skin, red, long in shape. They are easy to break, just like cucumbers are broken into pieces.

Scarlet Mustang . The variety is similar to the previous one. Large and fleshy fruits.

Laura . Mid-season variety. Red tomatoes are suitable for both salads and pickling. Oval, fleshy, sweet flesh.

Pickling delicacy . The weight of tomatoes is from 80 to 100g. Perfect for canning. Red and smooth fruits. They do not overripe, do not have stains, and do not crack. An interesting feature of this variety is that at first glance at the bush, the leaves are not noticeable. The height of the bushes is up to 1 m.

Siberian trump card . Salad, high-yielding variety. Large tomatoes weighing up to 800g. Reds. You don't have to tie it up or tie it up. Unpretentious, high-yielding.

Sensei . Mid-season. Ideal cone-shaped fruit. Raspberry, large, fleshy. Gives a high yield of good quality in any weather conditions. Resistant to diseases.

Carotene . Tomatoes are orange, dense, perfectly round in shape. They do not overripe and do not crack. Contain a record content of carotene.

Scheherazade . Tomato-peach. Red pubescent tomatoes, cylindrical in shape, weighing up to 300g. Gentle, no acid. Bushes up to 180cm in height. High-yielding, disease-resistant.

Ivan Kupala . Beautiful tomatoes, similar to a raspberry pear. Stable yield and excellent taste.

Variety Pudovik (Sevruga) . Tall bushes up to 120 cm. Raspberry heart-shaped tomatoes. Very big. Weight can reach 1 kg. There are few seeds inside. The first harvest can be collected together with the harvest from early ripening bushes. Unpretentious.

Tomato varieties: photo gallery (click to enlarge):

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