Is it necessary to close a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter?

Many vegetable crops are particularly demanding of heat. The presence of a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate on the site helps to retain heat and grow a good harvest of vegetables. Having prepared the greenhouse for winter in the fall, many gardeners believe that nothing needs to be done in winter: close the doors and that’s it! But others are wondering: is it necessary to close the polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter, throw snow in there, will this be beneficial?

Arguments for an open door

Frosty air disinfects the inside of the greenhouse.
Some gardeners believe that there is no need to close the greenhouse door for the winter. At the same time, the internal space and equipment must be properly prepared for wintering.

This opinion is supported by facts:

  • During natural frosts, the room is completely disinfected, harmful microorganisms die
  • frost prevents the appearance of condensation and mold;
  • Over the winter, the greenhouse becomes ready for the new season of planting crops.

In the fall, after harvesting, plant residues are removed and weeds are removed from the beds. They remove other garbage and burn it along with the floral remains.

Soil cleaning is carried out in 2 ways:

  • remove only the top layer of earth in boxes to a depth of 10 - 15 cm;
  • completely remove the soil from the beds and add it again in the spring.

The remaining soil inside is dug up and sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate so that with spring warming, harmful microbes and bacteria do not penetrate into the greenhouse. In winter, in the cold regions of Russia, strong winds and snowstorms are observed, so in the fall the integrity and condition of fences and roofs are monitored. If the structures are not strengthened, snow and wind will damage the finish and render the greenhouse unusable.

Before opening the greenhouse, the wooden frame parts are treated with antiseptic agents to prevent rotting from excess moisture on snowy days.

Polycarbonate on the roof requires special attention, since disinfectants can destroy the protective layer from ultraviolet radiation.

Global processing

If the greenhouse is large, gas disinfection can be carried out. For this purpose, sulfur-containing fungicides are used. They look like smoke bombs that release toxic fumes. Sulfuric anhydride fills the greenhouse room, making its way into even the most inaccessible places.

The gas combines with drops of moisture settled in the ground and on structural elements. This facilitates total disinfection of all surfaces. This remedy will even help get rid of spider mites that are resistant to other means. All pathogenic microflora will be destroyed, as well as larger parasites. The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The premises are treated no later than mid-October. The temperature should not fall below +10°C.
  • Thorough cleaning and digging of the soil is carried out.
  • The room is sealed. All cracks must be caulked and holes, if any, must be sealed. Rubber seals need to be replaced on windows and doors.
  • Metal frame elements that are not coated with paint are treated with grease. If there are scratches or chips on the enamel surfaces, they are additionally painted.
  • The amount of the drug is calculated in accordance with the square footage of the greenhouse.
  • The person carrying out the treatment changes into protective clothing.
  • The soil and structural elements inside the greenhouse are sprayed with a spray bottle.
  • Place the checker vertically on a heat-resistant base and light the wick.
  • A person must leave the greenhouse as soon as the wick smoldering process begins. The door closes tightly.
  • After 3 days, the greenhouse door is opened, all the vents and windows are thrown wide open. Ventilation takes a long time. The smell of sulfur should completely dissipate.

Arguments for a closed door

Animals will not enter a closed greenhouse.
It is recommended to close greenhouses in the northern regions of the country. In these areas, significant gusts of wind along with winter frost tear off polycarbonate sheets and tear the film into pieces.

Proponents of the closed door argue:

  • a closed door protects against heavy snow and gusty winds;
  • wild and domestic animals do not penetrate inside;
  • there is no way to rob the premises, take out equipment, or break the frame of the beds.

A room closed for a long time without fresh air flows accumulates condensation from internal evaporation, so mold develops in the greenhouse. Stagnant, humid air will ruin the wooden parts of the greenhouse frame; even antiseptic preparations will not help. A green coating appears on polycarbonate, which is difficult to remove from the surface. In this regard, the greenhouse must be properly prepared.

Before closing for the winter, the following activities are carried out:

  • sweep away garbage, organic matter, remains of stems and leaves of vegetable crops from the premises;
  • check insect nests in corners and crevices and remove them;
  • seal all cracks outwards, preventing drafts;
  • wipe washable surfaces with a damp cloth;
  • elements of the beds (sides, decking) are treated with a soap solution after removing the soil;
  • the wood is impregnated with antiseptics;
  • the room is disinfected by fuming it with sulfur, spraying it with a solution of bleach;
  • steel elements in the structure are painted with oil paints and pentaphthalic enamels.

In winter, the surrounding area is cleared of snow to reduce the absorption of melt water and reduce the influence of soil moisture on the fencing elements. Iced snowdrifts melt slowly, reducing the rate of soil heating after winter with the onset of spring.

Cons of an open greenhouse

However, you should not think that leaving the room open will only bring benefits. Unfortunately, this action also has several negative consequences that you should be aware of.

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  1. If there are strong gusts of wind in winter, the frame of the building will break because of this, and it may fly across the site if it is poorly secured.
  2. Since polycarbonate becomes very fragile due to sub-zero temperatures, as soon as a serious problem occurs, the greenhouse will be completely damaged.
  3. The open space attracts uninvited guests - cats, dogs, mice and hares, who can enter there and leave “gifts” that will greatly “delight” the owners later in the winter.

Condensation in a greenhouse

Polycarbonate can crack due to frozen condensation.
Reasons for the appearance of condensation in a greenhouse in winter:

  • In winter, the sun warms up the walls of the greenhouse a little, and drops appear on the ceiling and walls due to the difference in internal and external temperatures;
  • Unharvested parts of plants emit carbon dioxide, and the remaining moisture evaporates and settles on the internal surfaces.

At first glance, drops on the polycarbonate surface are harmless, but they cause harm in the form of powdery mildew, mold, late blight, root rot, and spider mites that have settled inside. These microorganisms will survive the cold inside a closed greenhouse, and in the spring they will harm crops with renewed vigor. High humidity causes the metal frame to deteriorate and the polycarbonate filling of the roof to become moldy.

Drops of water on the walls of the greenhouse begin to expand when they freeze, so the top layer of wood, polycarbonate, cracks. If the greenhouse is closed, there will be more such water particles, and the danger of destruction will increase.

Experts recommend opening a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter to reduce the destructive effects of condensation and microorganisms.

Recommendations for installing polycarbonate greenhouses. When is the best time to install a greenhouse?

Polycarbonate greenhouses are structures that are built for many years of operation and require constant care; the winter months are no exception. Busy gardeners want to know whether to close the greenhouse for the winter or leave it open?

After all, proper care will significantly extend the life of the materials from which it is made, which will allow you to continue growing herbs, vegetables or flowers. It is also important that in winter the soil accumulates a sufficient amount of moisture and undergoes natural disinfection, without the intervention of chemicals.

Should I close the door in a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter: pros and cons

Preparing a greenhouse made of polycarbonate and other materials for winter raises some questions. How to treat its walls, soil, and most importantly, whether to leave the door open or locked. In the article I will share my own experience in preparing a greenhouse for winter and talk about whether it is necessary to close the door in it.


Immediately after removing the last fruits, order is restored in the greenhouse. It is necessary to carefully remove all plant organic remains (tops, roots, stems, leaves, damaged or rotten fruits, etc.). Then it all needs to be burned.

The greenhouse needs to be tidied up

Equipment used during the growing season (buckets, pots for seedlings, boxes, etc.), as well as devices (ropes for tying, stakes, supports, etc.) are removed from the greenhouse for disinfection.

How to prepare a greenhouse for winter: answers to all questions

The greenhouse must be prepared for winter as soon as the last harvest has been harvested from it. In winter, the greenhouse must also work - preserve useful elements in the soil and create conditions for rotting organic matter.

What needs to be done so that in the spring you get loose, warm soil in which you can plant vegetables 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule? Get rid of pathogens (tomatoes often leave behind a fungus called late blight), apply fertilizer and preserve the greenhouse until spring.

Tip: Don't let the soil sit bare after harvesting. Sow it with green manure - they fertilize, structure and enrich the soil with microelements.

Structural weakening and breakage

It is important to check the strength of the structure and strengthen the door hinges.
The safety of the moving parts of the structure, for example, window sashes and door panels, is important. Open doors and windows are affected by wind, snow, and wet rain.

Breakdowns and their causes:

  • unfixed sashes of window frames come off in strong winds, and the glass in them breaks from the impact;
  • unstrengthened entrance door panels will flap during whirlwinds, blizzards, and may break;
  • the open elements are affected by the force of gravity from the adhering and frozen snow, they sag under the weight;
  • weakened hinges work successfully in good weather, but in extreme frost conditions, they cannot withstand snowstorms and bend;
  • if thin polycarbonate is installed, the sheets may crack when struck by icy particles;
  • During a hurricane, a greenhouse can fly to a neighboring site and the frame will break.

They prepare the structure for wintering before opening the doors and transoms of the greenhouse. If possible, the owner should remove the window sashes and door panels. Otherwise, they are secured to prevent them from being blown out by the wind.

Window transoms are tied in the open position, and a support is placed under them to support the snow mass. The doors are fixed to the wall and pegs are driven into the ground. Wooden spacers are placed inside so that the snow stuck on the roof does not push through the roof. Check the awnings, if the screws are loose, tighten them. The open ends at the cut of polycarbonate sheets are covered with plates so that moisture and snow do not get into the honeycombs.

Installation of windows with automatic opening

Window with automatic opening
Transoms with periodic automatic opening are used in greenhouses in winter. This is an improved vent model. The system will require an electrical power source.

When the temperature rises to the set value, the sensor and thermostat activate the engine. The motor, using a system of levers, moves the sash. When the temperature drops, the automatic device also operates, the lever lowers the transom, and the window slams shut.

The machine is selected depending on the square footage of the greenhouse and the dimensions of the window sash:

  • For heavy transoms installed on the roof, a powerful unit is purchased, since it is difficult to lift such a structure; for this purpose, hydraulic oil-type engines are used.
  • For side and not too heavy ceiling sashes, pneumatic units are chosen.
  • The opening of light side windows can be controlled by a drive based on bimetallic plates.

A certain number of transoms are required for ventilation to be successful in winter. To do this, there is one opening opening per 2 linear meters of the greenhouse walls. It is better to place them in a checkerboard pattern on both sides.

The total area of ​​the opening sashes should be one fourth of the glazing area. If the greenhouse is divided into parts by partitions, ventilation is organized in each of them.

How to leave a greenhouse open for the winter

And now, when the preparation for the cold period of time is completely completed, you can begin the final part - leaving the greenhouse open. After all, you can’t just open it and leave. Doors, for example, need to be properly secured so that even the strongest wind cannot break them. If there are windows that you want to leave open, they need to be propped up, as snow can cause damage to them when it melts.

And it is advisable to strengthen the frame of the structure itself with the help of reinforcing beams, which will need to be placed inside the greenhouse. And if everything is done correctly, the room will withstand any weather disasters, and in the spring you will not have to waste your precious time on cleaning and disinfecting the structure.

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