Unprecedented harvests of tiny cherry tomatoes - Sweet Million tomato: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews of seeds

The unique Sweet Million variety can make your dream of millions come true. Neat cherry trees cover the bushes from top to bottom. There are so many of them and they are shaped and sized like cherries. The taste is very sweet and tender.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsSmallVarietyRound

Description and characteristics of the variety

The variety is included in the group of non-standard indeterminates. This means that the shoots are tall and prone to endless vegetation.

Sweet Million cherry tomatoes ripen early - 90-98 days from germination. Fruiting is amicable with neat clusters.

Description of bushes:

  • shoot height 1.8-2.5 m;
  • tomatoes on a bunch from 15 to 30;
  • the number of clusters varies from 7 to 10;
  • require shaping;
  • pinching of the main stems is required.

When fruiting the bushes look very attractive with glossy colorful cherry blossoms.

Description of fruits:

  • average weight 20-30 g;
  • shape like a cherry;
  • color deep red;
  • the pulp is tender juicy;
  • the skin is strong;
  • sugars 5%.

Cherry tomatoes are used for salads, cocktails, and food decoration. Prepared for the winter in canned form.

Origin of tomato

The variety was bred by domestic breeders from the leading agricultural sector. Designed for gardens and farms. Planting in greenhouses is preferable, but open beds are also possible.

Agricultural technology varieties

We sow seedlings

“Sweet Million” tomatoes are sown early if there is a warm greenhouse. The age at which seedlings can be planted in the ground should be about 55-65 days. If you have a warm greenhouse, then the transfer will be in April, count the days from this moment. Next, look at the lunar calendar and choose a date.

A week before sowing, you pickle the seeds in manganese, wash and dry. For even greater immunity, you can soak them in a stimulant for a day. It is best to buy the soil already prepared and balanced, but it also needs to be poured with boiling water. Sowing is carried out at a depth of 1 cm, under the film. In the phase of 4-5 leaves, they are picked into a separate container. After two weeks, nitrogen fertilizer is applied. Water with warm water as the soil dries.

Transfer to the street

Seedlings need to be hardened off within two weeks if the greenhouse is unheated. In this case, the transfer will be in May. In the greenhouse, the soil is also prepared - they dig it up, remove the remains, add humus, ash, and mineral fertilizer to each hole. 2-4 plants are planted per square meter. The support is immediately installed. After the seedlings are watered, you can cover the soil with mulch. For two weeks she only needs water and a ventilated greenhouse.


Fertilizer is applied approximately 4 times - after planting, 10-14 days later, here you can use urea or nitrogen fertilizer. After flowering, use a complex preparation. Further, during the period of fruit set and fruiting. You can use organic matter. The bushes are formed, as we have already said, into two stems; all other stepsons must be removed as they appear.

Tall bushes require a lot of water; after watering, the area is loosened. Once a week, to prevent diseases, use a weak solution of manganese as a spray, and sprinkle the soil well with ash. We have already told you about insects and harvesting on time. According to reviews, “Sweet Million” cherry tomatoes take root very well and there is not much hassle with them. So don't be afraid to grow them.


From 1 m2 the harvest is harvested in a volume of 5-7 kg.

Origin of the Sweet Million tomato

The author of the variety is known even to novice gardeners. This brand today produces varietal and hybrid seeds of vegetable and flower crops, with an assortment of more than 3,500 items. The company was founded in 1989 and is engaged in breeding and sale of seeds, fertilizers, and garden tools. The Moscow region has its own breeding base.

Aelita regularly adds its new varieties and hybrids to the State Register of Breeding Achievements. An application for testing and registration of the Sweet Million tomato was submitted to the State Commission in 2000. The variety has been tested and approved for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Features of cultivation and storage

The soil is dug up in advance and applied per 1 m2:

  • compost bucket;
  • 1 glass of ash;
  • 30 g superphosphate.

Transplantation time – the age of the bushes is 50-60 days.

No more than 2-4 plants are planted per 1m2. They form 2-3 shoots as they grow. Stepchildren are removed regularly. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week - guided by the drying of the soil. Feeding is needed 2 times a month. Be sure to apply fertilizers:

  • when flowering;
  • at the tying stage;
  • when ripe.

Varietal characteristics


“Sweet Million” has an impressive height - up to 2.5 meters in a greenhouse, up to 1.8 meters on the street. Type – indeterminate. Requires pinching and bush formation. It is better to form this variety into two stems, leaving the main and stepson in the first axil. All other stepsons are removed, and some of the lower leaves also need to be removed. The inflorescences of the bush are simple, strewn with red fruits from top to bottom.

To grow the variety you will need a trellis around which the stem will be twisted.

The leaves are dark green, their number is medium. During fruiting, the beds look very decorative, as the stems are covered with compact tomatoes, smooth and glossy.

“Sweet Million” ripens very quickly, but it is better to pick the tomatoes on time, and it will take about 40 minutes to fill a bucket.


The fruits of the “Sweet Million” tomato, as confirmed by reviews, are very tasty. You see a photo of who planted the variety. They are smooth, symmetrical, shiny. Their weight is only 20-30 grams; for comparison, cherries are only 2-3 times smaller. The fruits are well stored, the average yield per square meter is 7-8 kg. The fruits are juicy, tasty, convenient to preserve in small jars, you can decorate dishes and simply eat them fresh.


In terms of ripening time, “Sweet Million” can be classified as an early species - you will collect the first harvest 90-100 days after the seedlings emerge. If the greenhouse is warm, then the seedlings are transferred already in April; at the beginning of summer or at the end of May, the tomatoes will begin to ripen. As they said earlier, the process is friendly.

Agricultural technology

Tomatoes bear fruit well in light, highly fertile soils. The crop is planted in sunny areas.

Before planting seeds, they must be soaked in potassium permanganate, then rinsed in warm water and dried or kept in a growth stimulator for 12 hours.

Seeds must be planted in peat pots or other small containers. This is done in the first week of March. The seedlings should remain in the pots for about 60 days, during which time their root system will become sufficiently strong and the first leaves will form. It is necessary to harden young plants before planting them in the ground. The pots with sprouts are taken outside or the room where they are located is ventilated.

Planting in open ground or a greenhouse is carried out in the second half of May. Before picking the crop, prepare the soil for planting. It is necessary to dig up the land, remove weeds, last year's leaves and roots, and fertilize the soil with humus and wood ash. Planting of seedlings is carried out using the strip method, maintaining a distance of 20 centimeters between seedlings. There should be no more than 3-4 crops per square meter of land.

Growing seedlings is not such a complicated process that requires compliance with just a few rules:

  • regular watering;
  • 2-3 feedings;
  • loosening and weeding of the soil;
  • ventilation of greenhouses.

Watering tomatoes

The culture needs daily watering. For good growth and the formation of a strong root system, it needs a lot of moisture. The water should be warm, kept in barrels or buckets. The soil under the bushes also needs to be regularly loosened and weeded.

The first feeding is carried out with organic substances, using bird droppings and mullein diluted with water (10 l.). The second and subsequent feedings are made from mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers are mixed with wood ash for better absorption by plants. Liquid fertilizers are applied at the root every ten days.

Experienced gardeners recommend pinching the plant as needed. For gartering, horizontal or vertical trellises are used, as is convenient for you. Some make a special wooden structure to support the fruit clusters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomato Kirzhach: characteristics and description of the variety

The culture surprises with its unusual appearance and brightness, but it has not only advantages.


  • the variety is not demanding in care;
  • abundant fruiting;
  • simultaneous maturation;
  • few leaves;
  • well preserved;
  • has a beautiful appearance;
  • The fruits are rich in beneficial vitamins.

Garter of tomatoes in a greenhouse


  • requires garter to trellises;
  • greenhouse planting;
  • the crop is exposed to diseases and insect attacks;
  • the need to form a bush.

Sometimes a crop needs protection from slugs and caterpillars; green vegetation is affected by fungal and mold infections. The fruits suffer from surface rot. To avoid troubles, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the greenhouse. Disease control is carried out using high-quality insecticides.

By following all the rules of agricultural technology and listening to the advice of experienced breeders, every summer resident will understand that he is a millionaire in his garden. The variety is not just healthy and tasty, its fruits look beautiful in decoration.

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Planting in a greenhouse, care

The method of growing tomatoes is the usual one, through seedlings. Seeds are planted in March in nutrient soil. After sixty days, the finished seedlings begin to be transferred to a heated greenhouse. Planting usually occurs in early May. It is better to plant the tomato variety in closed ground using a strip method, at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. There are usually three bushes per square meter.

In order not to have to worry about pegs for gartering tomatoes, use a trellis, horizontal or vertical. In order to make the device, posts are dug in and wire is pulled between them. You can make a structure from wooden slats.

The description of tomato care includes:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding.

Vegetable plants are watered moderately, a little less often than cucumbers.

The bushes are first fed with organic matter - mullein and bird droppings diluted in ten liters of water. Then the emphasis is on mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Phosphorus is better absorbed by tomatoes from wood ash. Every ten days it is necessary to apply liquid fertilizer.

After watering, the soil must be loosened, making sure that a crust does not form on the top layer of soil. Otherwise, the vegetable will not receive enough nutrients.

Weed the tomato plantings as needed.

Diseases and pests

The producer of tomato seeds “Sweet Million” indicates the high resistance of the variety to late blight. But this does not cancel all preventive measures to prevent this disease:

  • Seeds must be soaked in potassium permanganate before planting, as indicated on the package.
  • Greenhouses and greenhouses should be ventilated regularly.
  • Strictly observe the regime of watering, as well as weeding and loosening of plants.
  • A one-time treatment of tomatoes with late blight preparations will not hurt.

Another disease that occurs when agricultural practices are violated is surface rot on tomatoes. This disease can be avoided by increasing the distance between plants in advance. Do not create dense plantings; tomatoes should be well ventilated.

Of the pests, the “sweet million” is affected, perhaps, only by the spider mite. You can fight it using folk remedies - spraying with infusions of garlic, onion, dandelion, or treating it twice with special anti-tick drugs per season. The first signs of a mite are the appearance of whitish dots on the leaves. When the infection is full-scale, the plants become covered in spider cocoons.

“Sweet Million” tomatoes will decorate your garden and be a favorite treat for your household and guests. Children and adults will like bright juicy sweet tomatoes in salads and just like that - as a healthy tasty food.

Pros and cons of the “sweet million” tomato

The advantages of the “sweet million” variety include:

  • High seed germination.
  • Development of strong seedlings.
  • Undemanding to soil.
  • Early ripeness and smooth ripening of fruits.
  • Long fruiting period - until frost.
  • Abundant fruiting.
  • Excellent taste.
  • Long keeping quality.

The disadvantages of the variety are also obvious:

  • Increased requirements for pinching and bush formation.
  • Increased area for one plant.
  • The need to install durable trellises.
  • Not 100% disease resistant.
  • Greenhouse cultivation is preferred.

Tomato variety “Sweet Million”: description with photos and reviews

Never grown cherry tomatoes, but always wanted to try? Many gardeners do not plant tomatoes without knowing which variety to choose. For beginners, it is better to choose the Sweet Million tomato variety. The variety has gained recognition among many farmers due to its incredible characteristics. The plant is characterized by an early period of development during the growing season. Capable of producing many clusters of small red fruits. Sweet Million tomatoes have a rich flavor that makes them ideal for cooking, including salads and snacks. While Sweet Million bushes do not reach the same height as many other cherry tomato varieties, the plant does need good care.

Appearance of the bush and fruits

The Sweet Million tomato forms a medium-sized indeterminate bush. Its leaves are medium in size and green in color. The first inflorescences form above the 8th or 9th leaf. Then they are laid after 1–2 sheets.

The clusters contain up to 20 small fruits of round shape and sweet taste. On the outside they are covered with thin and shiny skin. Ripe tomatoes weigh about 15–20 g and have a bright red color, containing 2–3 seed chambers inside.

Each cluster contains up to 20 small, ripening tomatoes.

general information

Agree, the variety has an interesting name. This is all thanks to the fact that the bushes are covered with small tomatoes from below to the very top. There are an infinite number of them, because “Sweet Million” is high-yielding. Tomato gives the best performance in greenhouse conditions; many summer residents grow it under film or in warm greenhouses. Here you can collect record harvests - up to 12 kilograms or more. But residents of the south, as well as many regions of temperate climates, noted that the bushes grew well outside. There are those who grow the variety specifically as an ornamental one.

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