Tomato pests - common diseases and pest control methods. Tips for planting tomatoes in open ground and in a greenhouse (135 photos)


This butterfly can destroy plantings in a month. She leaves her eggs on the leaves, from which caterpillars emerge. They suck the sap from the plant, which gradually withers. They are covered with a black coating due to a fungus carried by the butterfly.

To combat insects use:

  • "Condifor";
  • "Aktar";
  • "Fitoferm";
  • "Tsitkor";
  • "Pegasus".

It is necessary to spray once a week.

We recommend hanging sticky tapes near the plantings.

Among the folk remedies for pest control on tomatoes, infusions of garlic or onion peels are suitable.

Useful tips

  • It is not recommended to plant tomatoes next to potatoes and in their place, as well as in place of peppers and melons. If the previous plant becomes ill, something can only be planted in its place after a few years.
  • It is advisable to plant nightshade bushes at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and rows at a distance of a meter.
  • Frequently disinfect equipment and hands after planting each plant to avoid the transfer of possible pathogenic bacteria.
  • Ensure good air circulation by keeping the greenhouse windows open.
  • Trim tall stems so that all the nutrients go to the fruit.
  • Disinfect the soil to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • Remove contaminated soil from the planting site.
  • Periodically loosen the soil, remove larvae and eggs of harmful insects.
  • Treat the ground before planting with solutions of potassium permanganate and ash.
  • To lure a mole cricket, you need to make a trap out of beer or manure.
  • Spray the bushes with a mixture of milk and iodine to reduce the risk of fungal infections and pest attacks - insects are lactose intolerant.

Gray rot on strawberries: methods of control

These are the main pests of tomato seedlings and the methods of controlling them that gardeners use to preserve the harvest. Knowing how to detect them and how to treat tomato seedlings against pests, you can take timely measures. To prevent infection, it is recommended to carefully prepare the soil for planting and create comfortable conditions for young plants.

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Colorado beetle

Another pest of tomatoes in open ground. The insect is able to overwinter in the soil.

The female lays larvae that chew the leaves. They can eat the entire bush in 4 days, especially in seedlings.

They fight pests immediately as soon as the first eggs on the leaves or the beetles themselves are noticed. Leaves with orange larvae usually curl and then get chewed off. The first aid for such plants is to collect eggs and beetles by hand.

Plants are sprayed with solutions:

  • "Prestige";
  • "Lightning";
  • "Spark";
  • "Intavir".

An infusion of wood ash as a folk remedy is also an excellent insect repellent.

Tomato diseases with description and treatment

Tomato diseases have a different nature and are divided depending on the type of pathogen into: fungal, bacterial and viral. Each case has its own set of symptoms and its own treatment methods.


Fungal diseases on tomatoes are the most common. They are not very successfully treated, so it is better to think about preventive measures in advance. The first treatment should be carried out at the seedling stage, and spring disinfection of the soil is also necessary. Tomatoes can suffer from the following fungal diseases:

Late blight

The disease flares up abruptly, and it is rarely possible to cope with it after symptoms appear. However, if measures are not taken, the entire harvest may be lost. Late blight manifests itself in the formation of black areas on the aboveground part of the bush, subsequently the spots begin to rot. There are hybrids and varieties that are resistant to this fungus.

Folk remedies include spraying the stems and leaves with garlic infusion or iodine solution (40 drops of tincture per 10 liters of water) as a preventive measure. When symptoms appear, drugs such as Quadris, Agat-25, and Strobi are used.

Alternaria (dry spotting)

The disease manifests itself much earlier than late blight. Its manifestations can be noticed soon after planting seedlings in open ground. Tomatoes can also suffer from Alternaria in a greenhouse.

Symptoms appear on the vegetative part of the plant. On fruits, the lesions appear as depressed round spots of a dark brown color; later a black coating appears. On stems, spotting appears as dry stripes, and on leaves as dry, round areas.

At the initial stage, the disease can be confused with late blight, but later, with Alternaria blight, the leaves begin to turn yellow.

To reduce the risk of damage, it is necessary to follow the rules of crop rotation and apply potash fertilizers in a timely manner. You need to start treating dry spotting as early as possible. For this purpose, fungicides are used: “Quadris”, “Tanos”, “Tatu”, “Acrobat-MC”. A total of 3-4 treatments with drugs are carried out.


The disease affects only ripe fruits. If you do not harvest the crop in time, you can lose it completely. The disease occurs mainly in regions with a humid climate. The fungus can also affect other crops of the nightshade family.

Pathogenic spores are spread by watering or during rain. Due to its late manifestation, the disease is recognized in the final stages. Before this, the fungus lives on the leaves without revealing itself. On ripe fruits, depressions first appear, then cracks appear and rotting begins.

As preventive measures, seeds are treated with potassium permanganate or fungicides, weeds and plant debris are removed from the garden, watering is maintained, bushes are periodically sprayed with antifungal drugs, and stems are tied to a support, preventing the fruits from touching the ground.

To destroy fungus in the soil and on plants, the following drugs are used: “Tiovit Jet”, “Quadris”, colloidal sulfur. Folk remedies against this disease are not effective; instead, opponents of chemistry can use biological products: Fitosporin-M, Alirin-B, Gamair.

Septoria (white spot)

An outbreak of the disease can lead to the loss of half the harvest. The fungus first attacks the old leaves that grow closest to the ground. Initially, small brown spots appear, which over time change configuration, increase in size and merge with each other. At the last stage of the disease, the leaves dry out and fall off.

Disease prevention measures are standard - cleaning the greenhouse in the fall, following crop rotation rules, and disinfecting seeds.

Alas, in the active phase the disease cannot be cured with chemicals and folk remedies. Specimens severely affected by septoria are destroyed. At the initial stage, treatment with Bordeaux mixture, or 0.5 percent copper oxychloride, can help.

Gray rot

A dangerous fungal disease that peaks during fruiting. Poses a serious threat to the crop. Initially, brown weeping spots appear on the above-ground parts of the tomatoes, which are soon covered with a gray fluffy coating consisting of fungal spores. Often the pathogen penetrates tissues after they are damaged (for example, during pinching).

Cold temperatures and high humidity contribute to the activation of the disease. On the collected fruits, the presence of gray rot can be noticed by whitish concentric circles. If you leave such tomatoes in a box, they can become a source of contamination of healthy fruits.

To prevent the spread of the disease, you need to pick off diseased leaves in a timely manner so that the fungus does not move into the stem tissue. Immediately after this procedure, the plants are treated with a Trichodermina suspension. For prevention, you can spray the bushes with garlic infusion in advance. When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, you need to try to reduce air humidity.

Cladosporiosis (brown spot)

The disease affects greenhouse tomatoes and is almost never found in open ground. The disease first becomes active in the flowering phase, manifesting itself by the appearance of light green spots on the leaves; if control measures are not taken, especially rapid development of the fungus occurs during fruiting. Temperature fluctuations contribute to the appearance of cladosporiosis on tomatoes.

For preventive treatment, use 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride. To prevent an outbreak of the disease, you can use biological products: “Fitosporin-M”, “Integral”; in case of pronounced symptoms, use broad-spectrum fungicides: “Hom”, “Abiga-Pik”, “Poliram”. The greenhouse where cladosporiosis was discovered must be disinfected in the fall with a solution of copper sulfate.

Often fungal diseases occur due to improper care, which weakens the immunity of tomatoes. Be sure to follow agricultural practices and use preventive measures in a timely manner, then you may not have to face such problems.

Brown spot of tomatoes: video


The prevalence of bacterial diseases of tomatoes depends on the region. The most common types found in Russia are: bacterial canker, stem necrosis, black spot and bacterial spot (mottling). Pre-planting seed treatment, applying balanced fertilizers, adjusting humidity and air temperature in the greenhouse, and controlling weeds and pests will help as preventive measures. Let's look at the symptoms of these diseases and possible treatments:

Bacterial cancer

The disease affects plants through the vascular system, initially manifesting itself as wilting of the lower tier of leaves. The leaf blades begin to turn yellow and curl at the edges. The full cycle of the disease takes one and a half to two months, and eventually the bush dies. The fruits on the affected specimens take on an ugly shape, and the seeds lose their viability. White spots appear on diseased fruits, which turn yellow as the tomatoes ripen.

This symptom is known to gardeners as “bird’s eye.” The pathogenic bacterium penetrates the plant tissue through damaged areas. The risk of disease will be reduced by pre-treatment of seeds and soil. It is recommended to remove diseased plants in a timely manner so that they do not infect healthy plants. During the growing season, it is advisable to periodically treat the bushes with copper-containing fungicides.

Stem necrosis

A predisposing factor is a violation of agricultural technology. Initially, small brown spots appear on the stem, a little later they crack and the bush begins to fade.

Temperature changes that cause condensation, as well as excess nitrogen fertilizers, contribute to the disease. The leaves of affected plants appear to have lost turgor, although the green color remains. At a late stage of the disease, voids with a brown core are visible through cracks in the stem.

At the time of fruiting, the affected plants are already close to death. The spread of the pathogen from diseased plants to healthy ones occurs through contact. To date, there are no disease-resistant hybrids or varieties, so it is necessary to take care of prevention. Affected plants are removed from the garden along with a lump of earth.

Black spot

A dangerous disease begins to manifest itself with the formation of small black spots on leaves and young shoots. If growing conditions favor the disease, the spots merge with each other, the leaves curl and dry out completely. On the stems and petioles, the spots have an elongated shape. If the disease affects the fruits, they stop increasing in size and rot.

At low temperatures, the disease develops more slowly.

Pathogens enter through small wounds and cracks on the plant. There are currently no varieties resistant to black spot. Biological drugs and folk remedies for this disease are not effective. From “chemistry” they use “Oxychom”, 1% Bordeaux mixture, “Acrobat”. As a preventative measure, seeds are treated with Trisodium Phosphate.

Bacterial mottling

The disease affects tomatoes only in open ground. The initial symptom is the appearance of small oily spots that turn brown over time. Then the leaves curl and die. High humidity and low temperatures contribute to the spread of the disease. For treatment, copper-containing fungicides and the biological product Fitolavin-300 are used.

Since the spread of bacteria is facilitated by harmful insects, it is necessary to combat the vectors. When preparing seeds yourself, they are collected only from healthy plants. If there have been outbreaks of bacterial diseases in the current season, the land is given over to other crops. It is recommended to return nightshades to the same area no earlier than after 3-4 years.


Viral diseases are insidious because there are no effective treatments against them. It is better to pay attention to preventive measures, which include treating seeds and soil before planting, pest control, destruction of diseased plant specimens, and weed eradication. The most common viral diseases of tomatoes include the following:


Infection occurs through infected seeds. Mosaic often develops in tomatoes grown in open ground. A mosaic pattern appears on the leaves of a diseased plant, and yellow spots appear on the fruits. For prevention, summer residents suggest using a urea solution with the addition of milk. The disease cannot be treated with chemicals. Diseased bushes are uprooted and burned.

Aspermia (spermlessness)

The disease is carried by harmful insects. Its development directly depends on the plant’s immunity, growing conditions and the type of virus. Infected plants begin to actively bush, but the main stem does not develop. Tomato flowers become smaller, grow together, and can change color. As such, there is no cure for aspermia. Attention should be paid to preventive measures.

Stolbur or phytoplasmosis

Rarely found in greenhouses, the disease mainly affects open ground tomatoes. When the virus is activated, the infected plant mutates. The root system becomes brown, the leaves become small, and the fruits develop a dense consistency. Affected bushes begin to lag significantly behind their relatives in growth.

Most of the harvest can be preserved, but the taste of the fruit deteriorates. The virus that causes this disease is very active, so if there is an outbreak of stolbur next year, it is better not to use your own seeds.

The causative agent of the disease is carried by leafhoppers. It is necessary to carry out preventive treatments against pests and control weeds in a timely manner. Infected bushes cannot be treated; they are destroyed.

Tomato diseases - tomato stolbur: video

Tomato pests should be discussed separately. Often they become carriers of dangerous diseases.

Spider mite

The insect envelops the plant in a web - that’s why it was called that. It can be found on the undersides of leaves where mites take root and suck out the sap.

To combat these pests, a tincture of dandelion, horseradish, garlic and tobacco or onion and garlic peels is sprayed onto tomatoes.

Chemicals are sprayed onto the ground and bushes

  • "Carbophosphorus";
  • "Anti-mite";
  • "Agrovertin".

Rust mite

The presence of this pest on seedlings can be recognized by brown and gray-violet spots on the stems and leaves. Tomatoes have cork-like growths.

The most effective spraying agents:

  • Characteristics of tomato varieties
  • The most delicious varieties of tomatoes
  • Caring for tomatoes during flowering - proper planting, feeding and fertilizing tomatoes (105 photos)
  • "Vertimik";
  • "Atellik";
  • "Fitoverm".


The larvae of this insect (like the pest itself) infect the root system of tomatoes.

Water the plants so as not to overwater them. It is enough to keep the soil moist.

Pour a solution of table vinegar into the pest's holes.

Among the chemicals that should be buried in the ground, the following are used against mole crickets:

  • "Thunder";
  • "Grizzly";
  • "Medvetox";
  • "Rembek".


This parasite affects not only tomatoes, but also almost all other plants. All varieties of this representative feed on plant sap. The leaves become curled and deformed, and egg clutches can be found on their lower parts.

  • Pink giant tomato - 115 photos, description and characteristics of the variety. Planting rules and variety yield
  • Tomato Andromeda - description of the variety and its characteristics. Varieties of tomato and tips for choosing planting material (90 photos)
  • How to fertilize tomatoes when planting: choosing fertilizers and applying fertilizer to the hole. Tips for planting tomatoes (85 photos + video)

Insecticides used:

  • "Karbofos";
  • "Ratibor";
  • "Proteus".

Folk remedies also work well in the fight against this insect. Spray the tomatoes with infusion of wormwood, celandine, hot pepper and tobacco.

Signs of insect damage to tomatoes

The main signs that are observed when attacked by insects:

  • cessation of plant growth;
  • yellowing of some areas;
  • leaf curling;
  • general painful appearance;
  • cessation of fruit growth;
  • falling off parts of the plant or its fruits;
  • presence of unknown insects or eggs.

If you find at least one of the above symptoms on your plant, you must immediately begin diagnosing the disease and selecting a drug for treatment.

Gnawing owl

The caterpillars of this inconspicuous butterfly gnaw at night on the stems, leaves and petioles of tomatoes close to the ground.

If you find cutworm caterpillars, collect them. Spray the tomatoes with infusion of tomato tops, garlic or wormwood. Get rid of weeds in a timely manner and loosen the soil.

If traditional methods do not help, try chemicals:

  • "Decis";
  • "Arrivo";
  • "Lepidocide";
  • "Arrow".

  • What kind of soil do tomatoes like - the optimal composition of the soil for planting tomatoes and its characteristics + 100 photos
  • Is it necessary to plant cherry tomatoes - forming and growing mini tomatoes in open ground, in greenhouses and greenhouses (120 photos and videos)
  • Tomato varieties for open ground: the best productive varieties. 125 photo and video recommendations from experts


This is a bright yellow caterpillar that feeds on the roots and stems of tomatoes. Worms crawl out when it rains.

For prevention, before planting seedlings, bury raw potatoes in the ground, dig them up two days later and burn them.

To get rid of this pest, place onion peels or mustard powder in the beds with tomatoes. Apply mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Use medications:

  • "Bazudin";
  • "Diazonin";
  • "Provotox."


The tiny worm likes roots. Destroyed from the inside, they become overgrown with growths in which females lay eggs. Unfortunately, the bushes cannot be saved; they must be dug up along with the earthen ball and disposed of.

For disinfection, Ipam, Onetion, Tiazon are recommended. They should also be used to water the holes before planting samples for the next year.

May beetle larva

Khrushchev begins its activity in the spring. It lays eggs deep in the soil, from which worms hatch. They feed on the root system of plants.

To destroy them, they use folk remedies and collect them by hand. An infusion of onion peels is effective against larvae. Also, the larvae do not like the smell of elderberry, turnip and lupine.

Preventive measures

Of course, this is not a complete list of garden aggressors; the list can be supplemented with leafhoppers, leaf rollers, and cruciferous flea beetles. For the purpose of prevention, the following mandatory operations are carried out:

  • Autumn plowing;
  • Disinfect the seeds;
  • Plant repellent plants nearby;
  • Weed the area;
  • Maintain crop rotation;
  • They burn last year's tops;
  • Attract beneficial birds;
  • Wash the greens with a water shower.

After chemotherapy, vegetables can be eaten only after 20 days. The slow effect of biological products is justified by taking a sample a week later.

Traditional recipes are completely harmless to the human body; their only drawback is their frequent use. The method of destroying tomato pests is chosen based on their number and type.

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