How to care for raspberries in autumn 2022 and prepare them for winter, features of autumn care

What you need to do with raspberries in the fall

Despite the fact that raspberries are quite unpretentious in care, they should be prepared for winter.

Autumn care includes pruning, watering, treatment with insecticides and fungicides, hilling, and shelter for the winter. Each action must be carried out in a timely manner, since raspberries have their own internal biorhythm, the disruption of which affects its resistance to weather conditions and the harvest.

ON A NOTE. In addition, in the fall you can propagate the crop by cuttings, as well as plant new seedlings and expand the raspberry tree.


Before covering the raspberries for the winter, the soil is loosened a little and the final fertilizing is applied. If the soil is too dry, it is recommended to water it moderately.

Mulching is especially important in regions with harsh and little snowy winters, since there is a high risk of freezing and death of the raspberry tree in such conditions.

How to mulch raspberries for the winter?

Rotted sawdust (in no case fresh!), foliage and plant debris (for example, tops from marigolds and other annual flowers ), peat, rotted manure (ideal for remontant raspberries, but also suitable for regular ones) are used as covering materials. The optimal thickness of the mulching material is 10 cm: thanks to this layer of cover, the plants will be well protected from frost and will not become warm during warming.

When to start preparing raspberries for winter

It is recommended not to delay the preparation of raspberries for winter and begin immediately after the last harvest.

To do this, cut it a second time, slightly shortening the side branches, then cut off dry, diseased, damaged stems, get rid of the stumps remaining after pruning, water the raspberries well so that the plant has time to gain strength before wintering, after some time, if necessary, mulch the soil and fertilize it and sprayed against pests.

During leaf fall, the berries are hilled, the remaining leaves are removed from the branches, and the stems are tied and bent to the ground, carefully secured with a rope or staples.

What to do after pruning?

After pruning, the bushes need support in the form of fertilizing and watering so that they can more easily survive stress. Activities after autumn pruning of raspberries:

  • Feeding. Add compost, peat, and bird droppings solution. You can add superphosphate - 50 g, and potassium sulfate - 40 g per bush.
  • Watering. After feeding, the raspberry tree is watered abundantly. Watering rate is 50-60 liters of water per bush.
  • Spraying. Remontant varieties are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture for disinfection. Regular raspberries are sprayed with fungicides in the spring.
  • Mulching. After absorbing moisture, the plantings are covered with a thick layer of mulch. They use any organic matter, but for the winter, it is best to sprinkle the soil with pine needles - it will not only protect the plantings from frost, but also from rodents.
  • Shelter for the winter. Gardeners in the southern regions and the Middle Volga region may not cover raspberries for the winter - if the variety is zoned in these regions. In areas with harsh winters, it is recommended to cover the berry garden. To do this, the branches are tied into bundles and bent to the ground. If the winters have little snow, the plantings are covered with leaves - a layer of 30 cm. If the raspberry plant is covered with a film on top, ventilation holes must be made in it.

You can’t cover raspberries too early - they run the risk of drying out. If you delay with the shelter, the branches will become brittle and you won’t be able to bend them down.

When to stop watering raspberries in the fall

As part of proper care for preparing raspberries for winter, the last watering should occur no later than 2-3 weeks before the cold weather. To do this you need:

  1. Make sure the soil is dry to a depth of at least 5 cm.
  2. Reduce the water consumption required when watering a bush by 3 liters. With a summer norm of 15 liters. in autumn, no more than 12 liters are spent on one shrub.
  3. Water raspberries after preparatory spraying against diseases and pests, and not before it. If you water it immediately after spraying, the insecticide will go into the soil without having time to bring the desired effect.

IMPORTANT! When watering in autumn, you should not over-moisten the soil, because... Due to the intense growing season that has begun, raspberries will not have time to prepare for winter.

When is it better to prune, autumn or spring?

Autumn pruning can be replaced with spring pruning in regions with relatively warm winters. But you need to be sure of good snow cover so that the young shoots left for the winter do not freeze out. If they freeze, the gardener will suffer losses. From the point of view of raspberry plant safety, autumn pruning looks like a more reliable agricultural measure.

In general, raspberries are pruned several times a season. During the growing season, one root can produce up to two dozen young shoots. In spring, pruning is carried out for sanitary purposes and to awaken the buds. In autumn - for the purpose of forming a bush and to prevent freezing. Therefore, both options are important for raspberry growers.

Why spring pruning is needed:

  • This is a continuation and addition to the pruning done in the fall.
  • It starts immediately after the snow melts. Remove all shoots that the bush does not need - weak, diseased, frozen over the winter, broken. Trim them as low as possible, without stumps.
  • Then the tops are cut off - if the shoots were left for the winter, by 20 cm, to healthy buds. This causes the awakening of the upper buds, forming 3-6 shoots with berries. If the tops are not cut off in the spring, the berries will be small.

As you can see, spring pruning pursues its own goals, and one cannot refuse it. Moreover, it is recommended to prune raspberries in the summer. By cutting off wilted or diseased tops during the flowering period, gardeners prevent infection of neighboring bushes. Also in the summer, shoots are removed, preventing the depletion of raspberry bushes.

Pruning raspberries in the fall before winter shelter

An important component of caring for raspberries when preparing them for winter is pruning.

There are 2 main types of raspberry pruning:

  • Sanitary;
  • Formative for remontant varieties.

Let's consider both options in autumn care.

Sanitary pruning

In preparation for winter, sanitary pruning of raspberries is carried out in the fall. Pests and spores of pathogenic fungi overwinter in old, dry stems.

An important rule in caring for raspberries in the fall is to trim dry, diseased, damaged branches after leaf fall. 3-4 weeks before the final establishment of negative temperatures, each bush must be carefully examined.

If the stem is dry and brittle, then it should be cut at a height of 10-20 cm from the ground. Be sure to break out the remaining stumps with your hands, as pests like to hibernate in them.

We must remove stems with thickenings and swellings, since a dangerous pest, the raspberry stem gall midge, overwinters in them.

If the bush is too dense, then it is better to leave 5-6 strong shoots and cut off the rest. A sparser bush will receive more sunlight and produce a better harvest.

ATTENTION! It is better to leave stems that are low compared to other shoots until spring. Weak shoots will freeze over the winter, but strong shoots will continue to grow.

Formative pruning

Formative pruning is an important step in caring for remontant varieties of berry bushes.

In warm regions of Russia, remontant raspberries are thinned out, that is, sanitary pruning is carried out.

But in the middle zone, not to mention the Leningrad region or Siberia, this type of crop is recommended to be cut off completely in the fall.

Caring for remontant raspberries in the fall: rules and features

How to care for remontant raspberries in the fall? In general, care in the autumn is the same as for ordinary raspberries: you need to feed them, carry out water-replenishing watering, treat them to prevent pests and diseases, prepare them for winter (if necessary, cover them).

The main difference between caring for remontant raspberries in the fall is pruning . The procedure depends on whether you want to get one large harvest or 2 small ones next season:

1) one big harvest next year , then you need to cut the raspberries completely to ground level, without leaving stumps. After the procedure, you need to remove all plant debris and mulch the raspberries with humus or compost.

2) If you want to get 2 small harvests , then remontant raspberries need to be pruned in the fall as follows:

  • remove all thin, immature branches;
  • eliminate all two-year-old shoots;
  • You also need to cut off the tops of annual shoots that bear fruit this season.

After this, you also need to bend down the shoots of remontant raspberries and cover them (if you do not live in the southern region).

How to feed raspberries correctly in the fall, what fertilizers to apply

Autumn care for raspberries requires mandatory feeding. In the fall, it is better to feed raspberries after pruning them. There are two ways to feed. The first is mineral fertilizers. The second is organic feeding.

Fertilizing with inorganic fertilizers

Fertilizing with mineral water is carried out annually after the final pruning. Such fertilizing is absorbed slowly and does not cause increased vegetation, as happens when using organic matter. It is better to choose potassium-containing and phosphorus-containing drugs:

  • simple or double superphosphate,
  • kalimagnesia,
  • monopotassium phosphate.

Application of superphosphate

Phosphorus does not spread well in the soil, so it is better to apply phosphate or superphosphate directly under the bush in an amount of 60 g. The depth of its incorporation into the soil should be at least 7 cm. That is, the ground under the plant should be dug up before and after fertilizing with half the bayonet of a shovel.

Potassium uses

Potassium is simply vital for preparing raspberries for winter. It increases the frost resistance of the plant. Potassium magnesia and monopotassium phosphate should be fertilized at the rate of 40 g per bush. Monopotassium phosphate requires the same sealing as phosphate and superphosphate.

REFERENCE. It is better to plant raspberries in the area where cucumbers, legumes, onions, garlic, and zucchini grew before them.

How to use organic fertilizers

It is best to fertilize the plant with organic matter after leaf fall, but before frost, when it is ready for the dormant period.

In winter, the organic matter will settle down, penetrate into the soil and in the spring will allow the raspberries to actively grow and form a future harvest. Distribute a bucket of solid or semi-solid organic fertilizers per square meter of area.

Compost or humus work well. Scatter 250 g of wood ash on top. Dig up the soil with organic matter using the bayonet of a shovel. This feeding should be done once every 2-3 years.

Bending raspberries: how to do it correctly and when

Raspberry bushes are bent down on the eve of frost. This can be done in different ways. Most often, the branches are tilted towards the ground and secured with staples. You can also tie a cord along the bushes and attach the stems to it.

It is important to note that the height of the stacked shoots should not exceed 40 cm so that the crop does not freeze. Shoots peeking out from under the snow can trigger the death of the buds, since the snow cover has the lowest temperature in the upper layer.

Transplanting raspberries to a new place in the fall

After 6 years of growth in one place, it is recommended to replant the raspberries. Dig up the soil chosen for planting, get rid of weeds, and prepare holes with a diameter and depth of about 30 cm at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other.

The gap between rows should not exceed 2 meters. The landing site must be protected on the north side. It is best if it is brightly lit in the first half of the day and shaded at noon.

3 months before planting, add a bucket of compost or humus, 30 grams, per square meter of area. potash fertilizers or phosphates and 250 gr. wood ash. In order for raspberries to be better accepted after transplantation, they should be trimmed so that a petiole of about 50 cm in size remains.

Shoot height

Pruning raspberries in autumn - picture
Stems with brown trunks and thickening shoots are cut out to the very roots. Place the pruning shears at ground level or slightly deeper. If you leave hemp above the surface, insects and pathogenic bacteria will settle in them. The remaining branches are usually shortened to 2 meters to make it convenient to pick berries, but at what height to cut raspberries in the fall, you should also choose the type of berry.

Tops that are too elongated are cut off to stimulate the formation of lateral processes. There are many inflorescences on them. The sooner you pinch them, the better the trunks will branch. Some productive varieties produce the main harvest on the lateral shoots.

Treatment of raspberries from diseases and pests in the fall

Caring for and preparing raspberries for winter should include mandatory treatment of the bushes and the ground underneath them with chemicals. Each gardener chooses his own insecticides and fungicides.

However, preference is usually given to the safest and most effective drug with complex action. These can be considered Actellik and Fufanon.

After harvesting the last harvest, the bushes and the ground around them are sprayed with Fufanon solution (10 ml/10 liters of water) at the rate of 1-1.5 liters. solution for 1 bush, or Actellica (2 ml./2 liters of water) 1.5-1.6 liters each. on the bush. An alternative to these drugs can be Intavir (1 tablet per 10 liters).

HOM and Oksihom are suitable as fungicides. To prevent the growth of mosses and lichens, you can spray the ground around the plants with solutions of iron or copper sulfate.

Features of feeding different types of raspberries

All varieties and raspberry-blackberry hybrid varieties of raspberries require basic nutrition and additional feeding:

  1. organic fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting;
  2. the soil is also limed before planting;
  3. nitrogen is necessary for the development of shoots, potassium and phosphorus - for abundant fruiting;
  4. mineral complexes are used directly when planting bushes;
  5. subsequently, organomineral mixtures are used as root fertilizers.

Feeding remontant raspberries

Remontant raspberries have become popular among gardeners in recent years. Autumn pruning of individual fruit-bearing shoots and pruning of annual branches is not necessary .

The peculiarity of cultivation is quick and easy care after harvesting; the above-ground part is completely mowed.

Reference. Remontant raspberries are special varieties (Heritage, Diamond, Primara) of the crop that bear fruit on annual and biennial shoots.

This species bears fruit only at the end of summer. It is characterized by high yields and resistance to pest damage.

In mid-summer, the raspberry plant experiences a deficiency of nutrients - the plant blooms and berries form. During this period, it is important to feed the bushes with mineral fertilizers. Experienced gardeners use complex mixtures to ensure high yields.

Recipe for Green solution for foliar treatment of raspberries

The mother liquor is diluted in 2-2.5 liters of hot water:

  • metal utensils are not used due to copper-containing preparations;
  • Dissolve 50 g of iron sulfate in hot water;
  • add 100 g of copper sulfate;
  • 10 g of citric acid (to convert iron into chelate form);
  • 100-150 g of dry pressed yeast, can be replaced with the drug Rostmoment, 100 g, based on yeast - a growth and development regulator;
  • organomineral fertilizer Fitaktiv Vita, a powerful concentrate, NPK-complex with microelements and vitamins, add according to the instructions in proportions per 12 l; can be replaced with another complex liquid fertilizer, for example, Belvito.

The working solution is prepared based on 12 liters of water:

  • Bring the mixture to 12 liters of water;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • store the prepared solution for 5-7 days in a cool place without access to direct light;
  • The green mixture gradually gives a precipitate (iron and copper phosphates, yeast), stir the solution immediately before processing;
  • When using a sprayer, strain the mixture.

Raspberries are processed during the flowering period, at the beginning of fruiting.

Complex effects of the Green mixture:

  1. prevention of infectious and viral diseases during the active growth stage of the culture (chlorosis);
  2. fungicidal treatment against fungal infections (purple spotting);
  3. insecticidal effect, the repellent solution serves as a repeller of harmful insects; at the same time, it is safe for raspberry pollinators (bees, bumblebees);
  4. parallel introduction of mineral compounds - nutrition, activation of protective functions and strengthening of phytoimmunity;
  5. yeast – hormonal stimulation of growth, flowering, absorption of mineral components;
  6. safe composition (without heavy chemicals) ensures a healthy harvest without harm to health and the environment.

Feeding black raspberries

Black raspberries are a combination of blackberries and raspberries; according to their biological characteristics, this berry is classified as a blackberry; in structure it is closer to raspberries. The synonymous name for the exotic crop is chokeberry .

The peculiarity of the plant is that the stems of black raspberries are curved, strong, covered with hard thorns, and stretch up to 2.5-3 m in height.

Fact . Aronia raspberries contain ellagic acid, a polyphenolic compound, a natural antioxidant that resists the formation of cancer cells.

When planting, a nutritious dressing is placed in the planting hole:

  • wood ash;
  • humus or compost;
  • sand as a leavening agent;
  • The components are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1.

At the end of August or in September after harvesting, an organomineral mixture (based on 1 sq. m of raspberries):

  • 1-1.5 buckets of humus or compost;
  • 25-30 g of potassium salt;
  • up to 50 g of superphosphate;
  • lime or chalk (for acidic soil).

How to cover raspberries for the winter

Although raspberries grow in wild forest conditions, the selected and cultivated plants require completely different care.

If the plants are not covered in winter, they will not freeze, but due to partial dehydration they will produce a poor harvest. Therefore, before the onset of frost, after pruning and treating with insecticides, raspberries should be covered.

Before covering, carefully remove the stems from dry, not fallen leaves in the direction from the root to the branches. The shoots of the bush are carefully tied into a loose bundle so as not to be broken, which is gradually bent to the ground in three or four stages.

Do not hurry. A good cover should take about four days. The natural covering in our country is snow. If the winter in the region is snowless, then you can use a special covering material in which you need to make holes for the flow of fresh air. On the ground, the covering material will help secure the bricks tied in pairs with synthetic rope.

How to mulch raspberries

Mulch is a surface protective layer. Proper mulching not only preserves moisture and protects from cold, but also provides additional nutrition to the soil and root system.

The rhizomes of perennial raspberries are susceptible to frost; in the fall, mulch serves as a layer of insulation, retains moisture, and provides air access.

Important: the organic base of the mulch layer must be neutral in acidity ; raspberries do not tolerate alkaline or acidic environments.

For autumn mulching of raspberries use:

  • peat - can be placed on top of the snow in a layer of 7-10 cm;
  • sawdust - during the decomposition process they form humus, sawdust is poured into a hill under each bush (up to 12 cm in height);
  • compost is a safe method of covering material in cold regions; in warm climates, the lower branches can be supported; the optimal layer size is up to 5 cm;
  • straw - a covering layer of 10-12 cm will protect the root system from cold, wind and temperature changes;
  • rotted litter - a layer is laid out evenly at the base of the stems.

Attention! A layer of mulch is poured after applying fertilizer; The optimal time for mulching is that the length of new shoots reaches 30 cm.

Simple ways to mulch raspberries in spring:

  • sunflower husk – a lightweight organic material, protects roots from overheating and temperature changes, does not compact the soil, mulch layer – up to 6 cm;
  • a mixture of straw and manure is an ideal mulch for young bushes, laid in a layer of up to 7-8 cm;
  • rotted twigs, chips and shavings - slowly decomposing organic matter, crushed material that remains after pruning; a thick layer (up to 10 cm) nourishes the soil, protects against weeds, retains moisture and heat.

How to care for raspberries in different regions

Due to the large extent of our country, conditions in different regions are different. Recommendations for caring for raspberries in these regions also differ.

Northern regions of the country

The northern regions of our country include:

  • Arhangelsk region,
  • Murmansk region,
  • Krasnoyarsk region,
  • Kamchatka Krai.

Proper care of raspberries in the northern regions of our country involves choosing a frost-resistant variety of berries and timely preparation for winter.

Raspberries must be transplanted and covered in these regions in September. In addition, due to low temperatures, the soils of these places are quite poor, so you need to pay special attention to fertilizer and fertilizing.

Central Russia

The following are considered to belong to the Middle Zone:

  • Moscow region,
  • Chernozem region,
  • Middle Volga region.

Since the growing season of raspberries in central Russia is quite long, the main task of the gardener and summer resident of this agricultural region is timely watering, proper pruning and mulching of the soil.

Considering the climate characteristics of this territory, it is worth giving preference to varieties that tolerate both rainy and dry weather equally well.

Southern regions

The southern regions of our country include:

  • Astrakhan region,
  • Rostov region,
  • Crimea,
  • Krasnodar region,
  • Stavropol region,
  • Caucasus.

Considering the characteristics of the soil in these areas, raspberries here should be well fed, watered frequently and abundantly, or generally grown in greenhouses. In the south of Russia it is better to choose drought-resistant varieties that give a good harvest.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows you to increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in unfavorable climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Gardening Tips and Tricks

Tip 1. Plant raspberries where there is a lot of sun. Raspberries don't like shadows. If raspberries are in the sun most of the day, they will produce a good harvest.

Tip 2. Thanks to proper regular watering, you can increase the yield of this berry several times. Drying out of the soil leads to loss of yield.

Tip 3. Proper feeding. Raspberries are megatrophic, that is, they love abundant feeding. If you lightly feed it with chicken manure in the fall, with ash and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and with complex fertilizers in early summer, the yield will increase noticeably.

Tip 4. It is better to remove excess young shoots that appear during the growing season by cutting them off at the root. This way the nutrients will be preserved for the berries to ripen.

Tip 5. To ensure that the lower part of the raspberry is also illuminated and bears more berries, it is better to tie up the raspberry stems.

Tip 6. Correct double pruning of the shoot can significantly increase the yield. The first time it is carried out in the spring, the tops of stems that have grown to 1.5-2 m are cut off. The top 10-15 cm are trimmed. Pruning is done again in the fall. This time the tops of the side shoots are cut off.

Common mistakes and advice from gardeners

The most common mistake many gardeners make is that they do not prune raspberries in the fall. As a result, the raspberry tree goes into winter very thickened. Due to the thickening, the buds on the lower part of the plants die, and without them the harvest will be meager.

Advice from competent gardeners will help you avoid many mistakes:

  • Do not spare even two-year-old shoots - cut them at the root.
  • The tops of young shoots should be trimmed by 10-15 cm so that in the spring they will form branches ready for fruiting.
  • Next season, the buds of the new growth will turn into flowering branches. So in two years one shoot will turn into a real bush.

Double trimming

Many gardeners advise using double pruning to increase yield. Prepare your gardening tools and get started:

  • First, sanitary pruning is carried out. During sanitary pruning, dry, diseased branches are removed, and old, strong shoots are left until spring. During the winter, they help raspberries survive frosts.
  • Old trunks are removed in early spring.

Tips for pruning raspberries by age

As soon as the young shoots grow to a meter or 1.5 meters, the top is cut off by 10-15 cm.

During the summer they grow side branches. At the end of summer, the top of the main stem and the tips of the side branches are also trimmed.

In the spring, the main stem is not touched, but the top of the spring shoots is removed as soon as it reaches 1.5 meters.

Old shoots are cut off in the fall.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question: What is the difference between preparing remontant raspberries for winter?

Answer: For remontant raspberries, the preparation time depends on the ripening of the last berries. If raspberries bear fruit almost before the cold weather, then there is little time left for its preparation and all procedures should be carried out as quickly as possible. They stop watering such raspberries long before the last harvest.

Question: Do I need to burn raspberry cuttings or can they be added to compost?

Answer: Most raspberry branches dry out not from old age, but from damage by pests and diseases, so they must be burned so that an overwintering pest or fungal spores do not infect new plants in the spring.

Question: When should I trim the top of a remontant raspberry?

Answer: Pruning the top of a remontant raspberry should be done later than a regular one, because its fruiting buds, unlike ordinary raspberry varieties, are located not only on the side, but also on the top of the young shoot, so the later the pruning occurs, the greater the fruiting power of the bush.

Exact terms and conditions of pruning

Autumn is considered the best time to prune raspberries. The main thing is not to postpone this event until frost. When the harvest ends, many pests accumulate on the bushes - it’s time to destroy them by pruning and eliminating excess branches by burning. Otherwise, these shoots will be parasitized by insects that nourish their bodies before wintering.

Deadlines by region

After pruning, there is still a month and a half left before frost, during which time the plants have time to accumulate nutrients for the future harvest. Table 1 shows the timing of autumn pruning for different regions of Russia.

Table 1

Region Timing of pruning
Middle lanefrom the second ten days of August to the second ten days of September
Ural and Siberiathroughout August
South of Russiafrom mid-July to mid-October

Raspberries are pruned no later than three weeks before freezing temperatures set in.

When choosing a pruning time, consider the forecast for your area. It may be necessary to adjust the dates due to the early cold weather.

The timing of pruning also depends on the type of raspberry:

  • On ordinary raspberries, pruning is carried out after picking the berries - the exact timing is difficult to determine in advance; the onset of frost must be taken into account.
  • There is no rush to prune remontant raspberries - they bear fruit until late autumn. Typically pruning is done after the leaves have dropped.

Dates according to the lunar calendar

Pruning of raspberry bushes is carried out during the waning Moon, in the 3rd and 4th phases. During this period, the juices in the plants move from the growth point towards the roots - under such conditions pruning is most favorable. It is not recommended to prune raspberries during the full moon, new moon or on the 23rd lunar day.

In the fall of 2022, it is best to prune raspberries on the following days:

  • September 2, 5, 7, 9, 20 and 28;
  • October 1, 4, 5, 10, 29, 31;
  • November 3, 7, 8, 11, 28, 30.

The 3rd, 6th and 8th lunar days are favorable for any work, including pruning bushes.

It is not recommended to prune bushes:

  • October 1 and 28;
  • November 1st and 26th.

The best moon days for pruning bushes are in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Features of soil preparation under a bush

Particular attention should be paid to soil preparation. The soil should be loose, sufficiently moist and contain nutrients. The beds are prepared using the nesting or trench method; the latter is more often used.

The area is cleared of weeds, the old trench is restored to half a meter wide and 4 cm deep and filled with a nutrient mixture. A layer of rotted manure or compost is placed at the bottom. Double superphosphate is evenly scattered, and then vermicompost.

Watering in winter and its purposes

In August, watering is gradually reduced. In September, they need to be stopped completely so that the bushes can rebuild for the winter. If autumn is dry and warm, you can occasionally water the raspberry tree so that the soil does not dry out. In late autumn you need to carry out moisture-charging irrigation. It will help plants survive the winter, because soil moisture increases winter hardiness and protects the roots from freezing. Autumn moisture-recharging watering of raspberries is carried out before the soil freezes, so that there are 4-7 days left before frost.

Mulching the soil

Be sure to mulch the beds in the fall. Mulch will protect the roots from frost, temperature changes and snowless winters. Also, the mulching procedure will improve the composition of the soil. It is especially important for areas with frosty winters - in Siberia, the Leningrad region and the Urals.

Before covering the bushes and laying out the mulch, carefully sprinkle the root collar with earth and level the ground under each bush so that water does not accumulate in the depressions and drown the roots, causing rot. Peat, sawdust, straw and leaves are used as mulch.

On a note!

The optimal layer of mulch is 7-10 cm.

Snow retention

Snow retention is the accumulation of snow in the garden, which protects the bushes from freezing and wind, and also increases the supply of moisture in the soil by the end of winter. A suitable layer thickness is 60-100 cm. It is important to fill all the space between the plants. To prevent snow from being blown away by the wind, shields made of plywood or polycarbonate are installed next to the raspberry field.

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