After which it is better to plant bell peppers next year, the best predecessors

Crop rotation rules and the role of crop rotation

Crop rotation plays a huge role in the health of soils of various types. The soil should not be depleted by monoculture. If the plants belong to the same botanical family (onion, pumpkin, cruciferous, nightshade and others), ideally it is advisable to return the crops to their original place of growth no earlier than after 4 years.

Then, pathogenic organisms that are dangerous for these crops do not accumulate in the soil. There is also a lower concentration of pests for all plants. But gardeners do not always have enough space in reserve, and the crop rotation period is reduced to 3 or even 2 years.

It is worth paying attention to growing its companion plants at the same time as pepper. They do not oppress in any way, but on the contrary, help him grow.

Pepper's predecessors

As with any crop, successful cultivation of pepper requires crop rotation. But after what crops are peppers grown? Every summer resident and gardener should ask himself this question immediately before planning planting. The overall health of the plants, the size of the vegetables and yield indicators will directly depend on this. And, of course, the gardener needs to know what to plant after the pepper so that the selected crops do not get sick and produce a bountiful harvest.


After growing such a common crop as cucumbers, it is quite possible to grow it. These are plants belonging to different families, and they do not have common diseases. Before planting, you need to add enough complex mineral fertilizers to the soil, dig deep and spill with water.


Cabbage belongs to the Cruciferous family, and peppers belong to the Solanaceae family. Therefore, after growing cabbage, you can safely plant it and expect good harvests in the season.


A good precursor crop for growing is onion. Peppers will hurt less, thanks to the medicinal phytocides of onions. In addition, it is a good companion plant; they can be planted together.


Phintocides, both garlic and onion, perfectly fight various pathogenic fungi in the soil. In particular, they protect against such a dangerous fungal disease as late blight. Therefore, garlic is an excellent precursor for growing.


Various root vegetables (radish, radish, beets and others) do not pose any threat, like their predecessors. One “but” - root vegetables, when ripe, remove a lot of nutrients from the soil.

See also

Description of hot pepper Ram's horn, cultivation and care


Annual legumes

Annual legumes will be an excellent predecessor, as well as a companion plant, when grown. These are bush beans, green beans and broad beans. In addition, beans are a good green manure; their stems can be embedded in the soil - as they rot, they saturate it with nitrogen.

Perennial herbs

Pepper grows and develops without problems on soils on which various perennial herbs were grown. But careful cleaning of the soil from their rhizomes is required.

Green manure

The best, simply excellent option would be green manure. Their second name is green fertilizers. These are annual plants characterized by rapid growth of vegetative mass. By rotting, they enrich the soil with useful substances, in particular nitrogen.

Green manure improves the structure of the soil and also suppresses weeds in the area, preventing them from developing.

And such green manures, for example, as white and yellow mustard, add to all their benefits the ability to fight many diseases and pests. In particular, they repel such a dangerous pest of the root system as Khrushchev. Green manure also enhances the effect of fertilizers and accelerates microbiological processes in the soil.

Excellent green manure predecessors will be: peas, alfalfa, clover, white and yellow mustard, lupine, rapeseed, rye, phacelia, buckwheat.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse

What can be planted after cucumbers in open ground?
You can grow a rich harvest in 2022 using crop rotation rules. In any case, no matter what plants are cultivated after cucumbers, the soil must be mixed with manure and wood ash before planting seedlings. In this way it will be nourished with useful substances. The most controversial question is whether it is possible to plant tomatoes after cucumbers. Some gardeners believe that it is possible. Others adhere to the idea that these vegetables can only be grown nearby.

After what can you plant garlic? Is it possible to cultivate it after cucumbers? Garlic can be cultivated after cucumbers. Cucumbers are also grown next to the spice. The garlic smell can repel insects from cucumber seedlings.

It is best to plant beets after garlic. These two crops feed on different micronutrients. You can also grow legumes after garlic. Garden strawberries will feel good next to the garlic beds.

Some gardeners prefer to plant corn and sunflowers next to cucumber beds. You can also plant bell peppers next door. These two plants have a lot in common in growing and caring for them.

You can plant strawberries in former cucumber beds. Garden strawberry beds will need to be sprinkled with wood ash before planting. Make shallow holes, mix the soil with manure and plant strawberry bushes.

What plants should I plant tomatoes after? It is better to plant tomatoes after:

  • Dill;
  • Parsley;
  • Basilica;
  • Coriander;
  • Legumes;
  • Spinach;
  • Eggplant.

Plant tomatoes after onions and garlic. It would be good if valerian is planted next to the tomatoes. Its smell is not tolerated by many insects that like to spoil tomato bushes and feed on the fruits.

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Unlike open ground, growing crops in a greenhouse or greenhouse is much more problematic. This is due to the fact that there are much fewer nutrients in the soil and it is not fertilized naturally.

If the greenhouse is large in size, then every year the location of the cucumber beds can be changed, but not every gardener can afford this. To solve this problem, green manure plants can be used.

Green manure plants:

  • Mustard;
  • Clover;
  • Lupine;
  • Wheat;
  • Buttercup;
  • Maslenitsa radish.

These plants not only enrich the soil with nitrogen and other microelements necessary for active growth and the formation of ovaries and fruits. They also destroy harmful substances. You can sow green manure in August, when the entire harvest has been harvested.

The main thing is to organize the space correctly. You can select crops so that several crops grow in one bed. For example, onions and garlic. Next year, plant two other crops in this area.

Every experienced summer gardener knows that different crops take different nutrients from the soil and in different quantities. If you plant cucumbers in one place for at least two years in a row, this will lead to soil depletion.

To plan future joint plantings and further crop rotation, it is necessary to understand what nutritional needs your future neighbors have. According to their requirements for soil fertility, plants are divided into three types:

  • cucumber and its closest relatives: pumpkin, zucchini, squash and melon - love very fertile lands. Corn, celery and some nightshades (tomato, eggplant, pepper) are located in the same food niche;
  • All types of cabbage, including bok choy and chard, as well as spinach, lettuce and green crops, are plants with moderate requirements:
  • Root vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, radishes, turnips, radishes), onions and garlic are also not picky and can grow in poor soils.

And there is one group of plants that do not deplete, but enrich the soil - legumes. Beans and peas, due to the special properties of the root system, are able to bind inorganic nitrogen from the soil, replenishing depleted reserves of nitrogen compounds.

When rotating crops, it is important to pay attention to nutritional requirements and improving fertility

What can you plant next year after pepper?

After the end of the season, you need to carefully remove the plant parts from the area. Leaves, stems, remaining fruits - all of them can be sources of diseases for future crops. After the last harvest, the bushes are pulled out of the ground along with the roots, taken outside the site and destroyed.

It is advisable to spray the area itself with a fungicide; alternatively, Fundazol works well. This will prepare the soil for growing other crops and help them stay healthy throughout the season.

Open ground

In open ground conditions, it is necessary to liberally add mineral and organic fertilizers to the soil. Pepper quite actively takes nutrients from the upper layers of the soil. It would also be a good idea to chemically treat the soil after growing it.


Carrots develop well on the site after growing pepper, but subject to maintaining a high agricultural background and abundant application of fertilizers to the soil.


Beets will grow well in soil that grew nightshades last season. But pre-planting application of mineral fertilizers and organic matter to the soil is necessary. The emphasis is on phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.


You can grow radishes, as well as related radishes, without any problems. The main condition for the success of such planting will be the application of a large amount of mineral fertilizers in the fall. This will help the root crops grow to a good size and the gardener to reap a rich harvest.


Bulbous crops also develop normally. And thanks to their beneficial properties, they also improve the soil for future plantings of other crops.


After nightshade crops, greens also grow well. One of the factors for a bountiful harvest is the addition of a sufficient amount of organic matter in the fall.


The beans also feel good - the vines grow quickly, the pods do not lose size. And planting bushes into the ground at the end of the season will enrich the soil with nitrogen.

See also

Description of sweet bell pepper Winnie the Pooh and growing in the garden and on the balcony


Cereals and clover

Cereals and clover develop normally, practically without being affected by diseases. A big plus is that they suppress the growth of weeds on the site.


Growing vegetables in a greenhouse using crop rotation is not much different from growing them in open ground.


Root crops, in particular radishes, can be grown without problems after nightshade crops. It is worth paying attention to the dosage of fertilizers.


You can also plant cabbage, which belongs to a different plant family. Moreover, both ordinary cabbage and Savoy, broccoli, Peking and cauliflower will grow well.

Neutral crops

Some crops are neutral towards their predecessors in crop rotation. That is, they do not receive any disadvantages or advantages during the growing season.


It will not be a problem for radishes to grow in soil where peppers previously grew. But it requires applying fertilizers to the soil in large quantities.


Celery grows without any negative consequences on soils where pepper was previously grown.


Like many root vegetables, carrots are neutral to this predecessor. The main thing is to saturate the soil with the necessary minerals.


Turnips easily tolerate predecessors from the Solanaceae family. You just need to ensure the regular application of complex fertilizers.

Lettuce and spinach

Various lettuces (leaf, capitate), arugula, chicory, and spinach can easily be grown after pepper.


Spicy herbs are neutral to it. They actively grow, maintaining their beneficial and aromatic properties.

What to plant next to bell peppers in open ground

What to plant after potatoes. predecessors of potatoes

There are several friendly crops that have a good effect on the development of sweet bell peppers:

  • Several rows of corn are planted along the north side of the property. Tall stems will protect the bushes from the winds and will not shade;
  • Eggplant and pepper go well together. These plants require almost the same care, which greatly simplifies the care of the beds. However, vegetables are affected by the same diseases, so to harvest a good harvest, high-quality preliminary disinfection of the soil and planting of healthy seedlings is required;
  • Planting ornamental plants around the perimeter of the beds has a beneficial effect on the pepper harvest. Marigolds, cloves, and chamomile have a rich aroma that repels pests. At the same time, the pleasant smell attracts pollinating insects;
  • outdoors, sweet varieties of the crop are good friends with tomatoes planted in the neighborhood.

A popular solution is to arrange mixed beds. The technology is simple - rows of pepper bushes are placed at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. Other crops are planted between the rows: marjoram, basil, thyme, spinach, onions. Combining plants in the garden will naturally protect the capricious vegetable from pests, since the aromatic substances of herbs will repel pests. And phytoncidal plants (onions, garlic) will prevent the appearance of dangerous bacteria in the soil.

What not to plant after pepper

After cultivating pepper, both bell (salad) and hot (chili), not all types of plants in this area will grow and develop successfully. Firstly, these are species belonging to the nightshade family.

Potato and tomato

But planting tomatoes will only create problems. These are related plants belonging to the Solanaceae family. The tomato fruits will be deformed, will not reach the desired size, and the tasting characteristics will decrease. The same situation is with another relative of pepper – potatoes. There will be nothing good in planting after pepper, and there is a high probability of an outbreak of fungal diseases.


It is highly undesirable to plant eggplants. These 2 types of plants create unbearable living conditions for each other. And you can’t achieve any great harvests from eggplants with such planting.

Pepper: bell and capsicum

Planting pepper after pepper will not improve plant health, yield or fruit size. And it doesn’t matter what kind – spicy, Bulgarian (salad). If you can’t change the location, then you can plant. But then you need to seriously approach the issue of applying fertilizers and regular chemical protection from diseases and pests.


Tobacco is also a nightshade crop. Therefore, planting after pepper will increase the likelihood of diseases; tobacco leaves will become sharply bitter when smoked.

Criteria for a favorable bed

Keeping all of the above in mind and looking at your beds, you can easily decide where it is best to plant garlic before winter. A bed with cereal crops (excluding oats and barley) is perfect - the long roots have already done preparatory work with the soil during the season, the stems and leaves have enriched the top layer with organic matter, without touching its substances useful for fertility.

Before winter, you can plant garlic where cucumbers, zucchini, and squash grew. They also have long roots, and their pests and diseases will not disturb the plant at all. The beds after strawberries and wild strawberries are suitable for him. If you grow garlic even among these berries, then everyone will be better off from this neighborhood. Without any doubt, you can grow winter garlic after cauliflower and white cabbage, pumpkin, celery, legumes and all sorts of herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro).

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