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Description of the variety
Eggplant "Baghira" F1 is a high-yielding, highly productive, early ripening hybrid. The variety is intended for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses. In order to obtain a bountiful harvest, it is recommended to grow eggplant “Baghira” F1 in greenhouses.
The eggplant fruits of this variety have a delicate and excellent taste. They are used in salads, canned, pickled, and made into excellent caviar. The vegetable has excellent transportability, can be stored well for a long time, maintaining a beautiful appearance.
The eggplant variety "Baghira" F1 is resistant to most diseases.
The most productive and best varieties of eggplant for the greenhouse
The heat-loving culture does not tolerate hypothermia. Therefore, in order to grow as many fruits as possible, you should adhere to optimal temperature conditions. The best option would be a heated greenhouse, suitable for both early and late varieties in regions with frequently changing climates.
The list of the best productive hybrids with the F1 mark remains:
- Bagheera;
- Maxik;
- Farama;
- Nutcracker;
- Roma;
- Airship;
- Hippopotamus;
- Airship.
Among the classic breeds, for several years the following have been distinguished:
- Sperm whale;
- Blue nose;
- Colors of summer;
- Solomon.
Characteristics of the variety
The hybrid "Baghira" F1 begins to delight gardeners with the first fruits already on the 95-105th day:
- The variety is tall; with proper care, the height of the plant can be 120 cm in greenhouses, and 70 cm in open ground.
- The laying of the first fruit occurs after the formation of 8-9 leaves.
- The yield of one plant bush is from 2.5 to 3 kg.
- The fruits have an elongated oval shape, the length of the vegetable varies from 12 to 20 cm, the diameter from 5 to 8 cm. The weight of the fruit is from 250 to 300 grams.
- The color of the eggplant skin is dark purple, the surface is glossy. The pulp is medium density, white with a green tint, practically without bitterness. There are no thorns on the plant or the fruit calyx.
The best varieties of eggplant for a polycarbonate greenhouse, reviews by region
Many gardeners divide varieties according to regional characteristics. Depending on weather conditions, the breeds may or may not be suitable for growth, both outdoors and indoors. Before sowing, you should listen to the recommendations left in the reviews of summer residents who have a plot in the neighborhood.
Based on the survey, we have compiled a short list of the best varieties for each region.
For Siberia
Cold weather allows planting of both early and late varieties in greenhouses made of polycarbonate and glass, including additional heating of the soil. Among the frost-resistant varieties that can easily withstand sudden changes in weather, there are:
- Scorpio (F1);
- Clorinda (F1);
- Don Quixote;
- Siberian argument (F1);
- Northern Blues (F1);
- Don Quixote;
- Purple Wonder (F1);
- Black magic (F1).
For the Urals
Another cold region, for gardening in which you should use only proven seeds that are resistant to temperature anomalies and various diseases. The list of the best includes such breeds as:
hybrids (F1):
Northern blues, Generalsky, Ural Express, Boyarin, Bard Festival.
among the classics
, which has taken root in the last few years, one single variety can be distinguished - Black Opal.
In central Russia and for the Moscow region
For a vast area with a temperate climate, choosing the “best” variety is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Among the best are several traditional varieties and hybrids that are resistant to diseases and temperature changes.
The top 9 included:
- Nutcracker (F1);
- Purple Wonder (F1);
- Philemon;
- Lolita (F1);
- Behemoth (F1);
- Romantic;
- Bagheera (F1);
- Sperm whale;
- Don Quixote.
In the Leningrad region
In cool, damp climates they get along best with:
- Dervish (F1);
- Tsakoniki;
- North;
- Mocha;
- Scorpio (F1);
- Purple Wonder (F1);
- Cotillion (F1).
The main feature of growing eggplants is that they grow well and bear fruit only in warm and humid conditions. They are more heat-loving than peppers and tomatoes. The temperature required for rapid emergence (after 10-12 days) should be at least 20-25 degrees, and for plant growth and development - 25-30 degrees. Frosts and temperature changes are detrimental to eggplants.
- If the plant is not properly watered, the flowers and ovaries fall off, and the fruits do not ripen.
- Excess moisture contributes to the development of diseases.
- It is better to grow eggplants on chernozem soil or light loam.
- Plants love timely feeding with organic and nitrogen fertilizers.
Growing eggplant seedlings
Eggplants "Baghira" F1 are grown mainly in seedlings:
- Eggplant seedlings tolerate transplantation very poorly. Therefore, eggplant seeds must be sown in a nursery or special pots measuring from 7x7 to 9x9 cm. Fill the pots with store-bought or self-prepared nutritious soil.
- The soil is prepared in a ratio of 6:1:4, where, respectively: turf soil, sand, humus. To 10 liters of the prepared mixture add 20 g of phosphorus, 10 g of nitrogen and 5 g of potassium fertilizers.
- Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in a growth stimulator (Ecosil, Emistim, Acrobat MC). This will increase seed germination. You can increase germination using the old proven method: soak the seeds in water for 2-3 days until they germinate.
- Make 4-5 holes 2 cm deep in a pot and place one seed in them, sprinkle with soil and water generously with warm water.
Seeds are sown in the ground 50-70 days before planting seedlings. After the seedlings emerge, one of the most developed plants is left in the pot.
After the formation of 2 leaves on the plant, the first feeding is done, and after two weeks - the second. To make fertilizer, add 100 g of superphosphate, 50 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium salt to 10 liters of water. This volume is enough to process 3 m2 of nursery.
3 weeks before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they are hardened, and the growing conditions are brought closer to natural ones.
Seedlings are ready for transplanting into a greenhouse or open ground if they have:
- 7-9 true leaves,
- developed root system,
- stem 5-7 mm thick
- height of at least 10 cm.
Seedless cultivation of eggplants
In warm regions, eggplants can be grown without seedlings, by sowing seeds in open ground:
- In a specially designated, well-warmed by the sun, fertilized area of the garden, rows are made with row spacing of 70 cm or two strips of rows with a distance of 45 cm between them, and 80 cm between strips.
- Holes 2-3 cm deep are made in the rows and sprouted seeds are placed in them. Carefully cover with soil and water abundantly. The soil temperature during and after planting should be at least 15 degrees.
- After germination, the plants are broken through, leaving a distance of 25-30 cm between the bushes.
Eggplants for open ground - what’s special
The varietal characteristics of ground eggplants are as follows:
- for planting in open beds, choose the most heat-resistant varieties, with high immunity to dry rot, and tolerant of temperature changes;
- most often these are medium-sized representatives of eggplants - the height of the bush is 0.5–0.7 m;
- Such cultivars are characterized by stable yields, but their fruiting period is shorter than that of greenhouse eggplants.
Early eggplants
Early ripening cultivars begin to ripen 95–100 days after sowing - this is ideal for open ground in central Russia. Most early-ripening ground eggplants grow no more than 0.5–0.6 m in height.
Table: some varieties of early eggplants
Name | Productivity, kg/m2 | Description of the fruit |
Purple ball | 4,5 |
Salamander | 7,5 |
Mishutka | 8,4 |
Fatty F1 | 5,1 |
Faith | 2,9 |
King of the North F1 | 7–12 |
Dwarf early 921 | 5,7 |
Bomb carrier | 8 |
Janissary F1 | 7,7 |
Last year was cold, eggplants set later and the yield was lower. I raised Clorinda, Mishutka, Vera and the King of the North. In such conditions, the King of the North looked like a “king” and did not disappoint.
Photo gallery: some early ripening eggplants listed in the table
Eggplant Vera is an early ripening variety and is ideal for those gardeners who do not want to wait a long time for the fruits to ripen
Tolstyachok's yield is low, which does not allow the variety to be used on an industrial scale.
King of the North F1 is a hybrid popular in many parts of our country
The Mishutka variety has plump fruits with delicate pulp - they are good for stewing and preserving
A small number of seeds is one of the main advantages of the Salamander variety
Video: review of early eggplant varieties
Mid-season eggplants, which are most often chosen by gardeners
The best option for a summer resident may be mid-season cultivars - their harvest can be harvested approximately 120 days (plus or minus a week) from the moment the seeds are sown. This variety is the most drought-resistant and heat-resistant. These are mainly determinate type eggplants, the height of the bush does not exceed 0.6 m.
Basic types of eggplant care:
- Weeding.
- Watering and loosening.
- Feeding and bush formation.
Weeding is carried out periodically between the rows and in the rows themselves when weeds appear.
Watering and loosening
Eggplants love air humidity and abundant watering. They are especially needed during active growth and fruit formation. If the plant is not properly watered, the flowers and ovaries fall off, and the fruits do not ripen.
After the moisture has dried, the resulting dry crust must be loosened. It binds the plant and affects the development of the bush.
You need to loosen the soil carefully so as not to damage the eggplant roots.
Top dressing
Eggplants need to be fed 3 times per season. These can be either folk (organic fertilizers) or ready-made complex store products:
- The best first bait will be mineral; for this, dissolve 20 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and water it in a volume of 0.5 liters for each bush.
- The ideal option for the second feeding is organic: 1 kg of cow manure is diluted in 10 liters of water. Infuse the resulting solution for one week, after which 0.5 liters are watered under each plant.
- The third feeding can be mineral and organic. Urea is good for this purpose. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. fertilizers and water 1 liter per bush.
Bush formation
Eggplant bushes are formed into one, two or three (or more) stems. The amount of harvest depends on the formation of the bush. Eggplants are formed into one stem if:
- The plant did not tolerate planting well, is weakened, and poorly developed.
- There is not enough space in the greenhouse or thick planting is allowed.
- There is not enough light for the plants to not shade out the others.
The formation of a bush begins on the 14th day after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, when the plant reaches a height of 30-35 cm.
The process of forming into one stem consists of removing part of the lower shoots and flowers (ovaries) with their gradual increase and pinching to the top of the plant. Thus, the crown of the bush and the formation of the ovary are formed.
Yellowing of cucumber leaves occurs for many reasons. In this article you can find out why the leaves and fruits of cucumbers turn yellow.
When forming into two stems, pinch the top of the plant to allow side stems to grow. The two most developed side shoots are left, all the stepsons below them are removed. After 15-20 days, formation continues, part of the shoots and ovaries on these two stems are removed, with a gradual increase in shoots and pinching them to the top of the bush to form a crown and ovary.
Expert opinion
Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for more than 30 years
Formation into three (or more) stems is similar to the development of a plant into two stems, except that after the formation of two stems, the development of skeletal branches begins two weeks later. One shoot is left on the stems, and the rest are pinched after 2 leaves. At the same time, the ovary is preserved for the formation of the fruit.
With further branching, the process of preserving one shoot and pinching is repeated. This is done to form the crown of the bush, and conditions are created for the development of fruits. Before harvesting, the stems are pinched to stop the development of the plant crown and direct nutrients to the fruits.
The “Baghira” F1 eggplant variety is tall, and in order to prevent the fragile shoots from breaking under the weight of the fruit, a trellis is stretched over each plant, to which the bushes are tied.
Diseases and pests
The eggplant variety "BAGIRA" F1 is resistant to the most common diseases. Diseases develop extremely rarely, but if this happens, the plant must be dug up, the soil must be disinfected with copper sulfate or potassium permanganate, and the plant must be burned. Prevention of diseases is disinfection of the soil and treatment of seeds before planting.
Has the Colorado potato beetle attacked your eggplants?
Not really
The most dangerous pest of the Bagheera F1 variety is the Colorado potato beetle. In small areas, you can fight the beetle manually by collecting it and destroying the larvae deposited on the leaves. If this does not help and pests have infested the eggplant bushes, it is necessary to treat the plant with chemicals or folk remedies (dusting with wood ash, spraying with wormwood infusion).
Reviews 2022 about the best varieties of eggplant for greenhouses
On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about varieties of heat-loving plants. Eggplants are divided into high-yielding varieties, breeds resistant to various diseases, distinguished by excellent taste and even duration of fruiting.
- Marina Alekseevna, 41 years old
Based on the experience of last year, I can highlight several varieties that brought a good harvest in my garden. Among the many tested ones, the best include: Bibo (F1) and Filimon. But I didn’t like Alekseevsky and Behemoth. Despite the fact that the packaging says about high yields, with proper care I could not get what was promised.
- Victoria Leonidovna, 55 years old
I have been choosing the Scorpio (F1) variety for several years now. And although it can only be grown in a greenhouse, and a lot of time is spent on care, the size of the harvest justifies the complexity.
- Egor Maksimovich, 29 years old
My wife and I have been growing eggplants in our garden for our own pleasure for several years now. The Lolita (F1) and Farama varieties have taken root the most.
The photo shows the appearance of beautiful eggplants of the “Baghira” F1 variety.