Rogneda pear: an early ripening aromatic crop in the garden

Rogneda pear: variety description and characteristics

Rogneda pear: photo of the variety

The Rogneda pear variety ripens in early autumn, bred by Russian breeders, the resulting hybrid came from Tema and the beautiful Lesnaya. Thus, from crossing this variety received all the highest qualities.

The Rogneda pear is young; in nineteen ninety-seven the fruits were tested, and in two thousand and one the pear was entered into the State Register in the center of Russia. This crop is the highest quality of all in the central territory of Russia.

The size of the Rogneda pear variety reaches up to four meters, maybe higher. Because of its stem, the variety is convenient, there are not many leaves, the crown shape is circle or oval. The trunk is not rough, the skeletal branches are grayish brown. The fruits are mixed, but in large quantities, the fruiting is ring-shaped.

The leaves are oval, small, ribbed at the edges. The color is rich green. The cuttings are average.

Inflorescences take place in the middle period. But the flowers are resistant to changing degrees in the spring.

After the seedling is planted, you need to wait three to four years, then the fruits will appear.

In appearance, the fruits are in the form of a circle. The size is about one hundred and twenty grams. The skin of the fruit is glossy, strong, but not plump. The fruits are light yellow in color; when the fruit is completely ripe, a reddish spot appears on one side, in the form of a blush. You can also notice small slips of a dark green color. The contents inside the fruit are yellowish in color, practically not grainy, and juicy.

In terms of appearance, Rengena gets four point two points for her attractiveness. Taste qualities: tasty, sweet, with a hint of sourness, but this is practically not noticeable. It smells delicious, reminiscent of nutmeg.

What is included in Rogneda pear:

  • Dry elements - from thirteen percent;
  • Sugar - from seven percent;
  • Acids - from fifteen hundredths percent.

Unlike others, this variety has good bud opening, which can rise to seventy percent, and also a small formation of growth branches of about ten percent.

Features of cultivation

Landing rules

The variety is not at all picky about the soil composition; the pear will grow well in both sandy and heavy loamy soils. But when choosing a location, despite the cold resistance of the trees, it is best to give them a sunny place, hidden from the winds.

The tree's modest-sized crown and not very spreading horse system allows them to be planted at a distance of four meters, instead of the usual six. It is enough to step back three meters from houses, outbuildings and fences.

An important point in planting is preparing the pit. This work is carried out 3-4 months before transplanting the seedlings. The depth of the hole should be at least 60 cm and the width more than 80 cm. Such a hole should be filled two-thirds with fertile soil mixed with fertilizers and left for a long time. This is done so that the soil naturally settles and the minerals dissolve and take on a form that is easily accessible to the pear.

It should be taken into account that only after two years the young seedling will be firmly fixed in the planted place with the help of its own overgrown roots, and until that time it needs good support. Therefore, a wooden or metal stake is driven into the planting pit, stepping back a little from the center, to which the pear is tied after planting.

The remaining stages of planting work are identical to the simple algorithm for replanting any fruit tree.

Advice! To make it easier to distribute the roots of the seedling, nutrient soil is poured at the bottom of the planting hole in the form of a mound, and the root system is evenly distributed around it.

Pear Rogneda: advantages and disadvantages

Pros of Rogneda pear:

  • Big harvest;
  • The fruits grow quickly;
  • Resistant to cold seasons;
  • Carries diseases and rodents;
  • Resistant to transportation;
  • An excellent variety for mixing to create new hybrids.

Disadvantages of the Rogneda pear variety:

  • It produces fruits according to periods;
  • Fruits may fall off due to overripeness;
  • Doesn't attract much attention.

Rogneda pear: planting varieties

Rogneda pear: photo of the variety

The Rogneda pear does not like to be transplanted from place to place, so the area for planting must be determined immediately.


Do not plant seedlings in heavy clay soil; sand will not work either. Therefore, choose black soil as well as loamy soil; such soil will be much more comfortable for the development of pears than others.

There should also be a minimum amount of acid in the soil. But if they are much higher than pH six, then this is not a problem. Dolomite flour can help, as well as lime. You need to add them when you hill up the soil from five hundred to six hundred grams per square meter.

The place for planting should be illuminated, but not with direct sunlight; you can choose a place where there is a little shade. Because ultraviolet light can burn the leaves of young trees. It can be planted in the south or east of the greenhouse. It is important to close the tree from drafts in winter; you can make a fence. But there should also be ventilation.

Make sure that there is no stagnation in the soil, otherwise the roots may rot and the crop will die.


In order for a seedling of the Rogneda pear variety to take root in the soil, it must be chosen correctly. The best option is when the seedling is already one to three years old. It is important to choose a seedling and know some criteria:

  • The trunk and branches should not be rough, and there should be no injuries.
  • The roots are moist, alive, so that there is no rot, injury, or error. It is important that there are three dense roots, small thin roots in the form of a cobweb should grow on them; such roots quickly adapt when planted.
  • The crop should have branches from three to five, their size should be from thirty centimeters. The size of the seedling itself should be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty centimeters. there should be bark on top.

When transporting the plant, wrap the roots in damp fiber to prevent the roots from drying out.

Attention! If you want not to make a mistake, but to be sure that your tree will take root, buy seedlings in special garden stores.


The planting time for the Rogneda pear variety is autumn and spring. The climate where the crop is grown also has a greater influence on how well the holes are prepared for planting.

  • Planting in autumn is done in the first days of October, during this period the leaves finish falling and the secretion of juice decreases. Also, if the weather is warm, then this is a plus; the roots of the seedling can take root even faster.
  • In the spring, gardeners quickly plant seedlings before the sap begins to flow, this happens in mid-spring. In the spring, plants quickly take root in a new place. At this time, the seedlings gain strength, become denser, stronger, this helps them survive the winter of the next season.

In the south, planting most often occurs in the autumn. And where it is colder, it is better to plant in the spring.


Holes for planting are dug in advance for planting in the fall, they are dug a month in advance, and for planting in the spring, they are dug in mid-autumn so that the soil is compacted so that the planted bush does not sink into the ground. The holes are made depending on the size of the seedling; standard sizes are a width of one hundred centimeters and a depth of seventy centimeters.

  • After digging a hole, leave the soil saturated with organic matter aside. Next, you need to mix the same soil with manure, with saltpeter from eighty grams, and also add potassium up to one hundred and fifty grams.
  • It is necessary to place a support, stepping back thirty centimeters from the edge to the center.
  • The first layer should be a pea-shaped nutrient mixture.
  • Next, we place the seedling so that the roots are distributed throughout the pea, then fill it with the rest of the mixture.
  • Do not forget! The neck of the roots should be on the surface of the ground, a distance of five to seven centimeters.
  • The soil must be compacted; the seedling should not wobble, but stand firmly in the soil.
  • As soon as the plant is planted, you need to cut off ninety percent of the leaves so that the moisture doesn’t just go away. Attach the seedling to a peg.
  • Next, we make a near-trunk circle at a distance from the tree from three to thirty centimeters. Then place two to three liters of water there.
  • Once everything is done, you should cover the soil with a layer of mulch, you can do this with peat or dry leaves.

There are cases when the roots of a crop are not wrapped in a small mesh of other roots; in this case, you need to take a seedling and leave it to soak in organic matter, clay or water for two to three hours.


The Rogneda pear can pollinate itself, but for a larger harvest, you can plant a couple more crops next to the tree. You will notice for yourself how much your harvest has increased, and which fruits are of high quality. Therefore, you can plant the following varieties nearby: Vidnaya, Chizhovskaya, Pamyat Anzina.

Rogneda pear: variety care

Rogneda pear: photo of the variety

Like all crops, the Rogneda pear variety also needs regular and proper care. do not disturb! No special care is needed. As they say, caring is the same as caring.

  • CUT

If you carefully and regularly cut the shoots, the quality and quantity of the fruit will noticeably increase.

The main thing is the crown of the tree, it must be correct. This procedure must be done in a certain sequence after planting for four years.

  • In order for a one-year-old seedling to plant fresh branches, you need to cut off one-fourth of it in size.
  • When the tree becomes a year old, only the central branches, also three or four dense, are left, the rest are cut off. The cut area is treated with a special agent. The first layer is cut by a third, in the center it is cut so that the branches are twenty centimeters higher than the lateral ones.
  • In the third year, the second layer develops on the tree. Therefore, at a distance of fifty to seventy centimeters from the first layer, two strong branches are used and cut evenly. The shoots between the two layers are cut shorter, and the excess ones are cut off. In the center, the conductor is cut off from ten to twenty centimeters.
  • When the tree reaches four years old, another layer appears. The distance from the last layer should be from forty centimeters. Excess branches are cut off, and those that grow between the layers are cut short. Then, after a few years, the top of the tree will stand straight, and the center of the conductor will be cut off.

This process is done in the spring, in the middle of spring, until the juice begins to move. The weather should be warm from eight degrees.

In the future, it is recommended to cut off excess branches, dry, infected, or cracked. When the branches are cut, more oxygen enters them through the cut points, and there is also less density, so there is more lighting. The tree will also become stronger, its immune system will fight viruses and rodents.

Trees that are already old are cut down to rejuvenate. In such a tree, fruit growth is restored.


The Rogneda pear is drought resistant, but not for long. Therefore, moisture is necessary for the tree, especially for young shrubs.

For greater development of the tree, it is watered four to five times in thirty days. For one watering, up to two buckets of water are poured into the tree trunk circle, one bucket in the morning. And another in the evening. You can also install a hose in the form of rain, this method is even more favorable for the variety. Water drops into the soil, to each root.

It is important to moisturize the Rogneda pear variety at such moments:

  • Before the culture began to bloom;
  • While the fruits are developing. During this period, buds are laid for the next ripening. If the variety is not moistened, the yield level will drop.
  • As soon as the harvest was harvested. If the weather is dry during the harvest period, it is necessary to saturate the soil before the winter season.

As soon as you are ready to moisten the soil, look at the forecast to see whether there will be precipitation or not. When it rains, moisture will always decrease so that there is no stagnation in the soil. Monitor groundwater.


After precipitation, the soil in the circle must be covered with mulch. This will prevent the soil from rotting. As soon as you have dug up the soil, mulch the soil, this way there will not be a large amount of moisture evaporating, and the weeds will grow more slowly.


Once the seedling has been planted, there is no need to feed the plant at first. Then you need to monitor how the ground is. If it is not fertile, then it is nourished. If you grow in sand, then you need to nourish the soil every season.


Pear Rogneda tolerates the winter period calmly. There is no need to insulate older trees. Only young shrubs or those with weak roots should be mulched.

Before frost, you should dig a ditch around the tree, remove all weeds, fallen fruits, and branches. Next, put horse manure or organic matter into the cleaned circle, then fill it with soil. This layer will insulate the tree roots throughout the winter.

The trunks of young trees are covered with Agro cloth, which allows oxygen and moisture to pass through. Roof materials and plastic are not used. In this case, the tree will rot.


Most gardeners do not use this procedure. If you whitewash in the spring, you can protect the tree trunk from direct ultraviolet radiation, and in the autumn - protection from the cold. The trunks are also bleached to combat insects and viruses.

This mixture can be purchased at special gardening stores, or you can make the mixture yourself. For this we need one and a half kilograms of clay, two kilograms of lime, ten liters of water. Mix everything. The solution is ready!

Reviews from gardeners

This late-ripening pear variety is excellent for growing in the middle zone. And the highlight of this pear variety is its taste, reminiscent of the taste of southern pears. Ripe pears are golden yellow with an orange-red tint. These pears can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2.5 months.

Vasily Petrovich

This year we had 2 first fruits on Rogneda, so red and growing in pairs, like cherries. And at the end of summer they fell off without ripeness. But still interesting.


In four years, my Rogneda from a grafted cutting (on an Ussuri pear) has grown to almost three meters in height and is not going to stop yet. The first harvest was in the fourth year of life - this is normal, two dozen pears ripened, not very large, but sweet and pleasant to the taste.


Rogneda is a variety resistant to cold and scab, characterized by early fruiting, productivity, excellent taste and presentation of the fruit. Today Rogneda is one of the favorite varieties of many gardeners.

  • Author: Anna Gradskaya
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Diseases and pests

Rogneda pear tolerates many diseases and rodents well. The plant is not even affected by scab; the fruit does not rot. But it all depends on care; if you don’t look after it, the plant may die.


The Rogneda pear bears fruit after four years of planting. From one tree you can harvest from fifty to one hundred kilograms of crop.

But this variety has fruits in every period, so the ovaries are cut off as soon as the inflorescences fall off at the beginning of summer.

It is already possible to harvest at the end of summer; the harvest should be when the fruits are not quite ripe, then they are placed in the cellar, thus ripening the fruits already taken from the tree. a pear that is overripe falls from the tree, thus you can lose a large number of fruits.

You need to eat fresh fruits. They contain a large amount of vitamins: pectin, fiber, acids, a large amount of vitamins, minerals.

Rogneda pears are used in the treatment of colds, and can also be used for cardiovascular diseases. It also boosts the immune system quite well.

Since the yield is high, the fruits are cooked, for example, jam, jam, juices, or dried fruits. The pear can lie in the cellar for up to thirty days. And in the refrigerator for up to sixty or eighty days.

Hereditary traits

What hereditary characteristics of “Rogneda” did G.P. Rylov regard as advantages?

First of all:

  • frost resistance and invulnerability to frost;
  • complex resistance to the main types of Rosaceae diseases;
  • early dates of fruiting (in the 3rd year);
  • original taste with notes of nutmeg;
  • high yield (50 kg per tree);
  • marketability and good shelf life of fruits (up to 2 months at low temperatures);
  • low demands on the agricultural background;
  • breeding prospects.

The following can also boast of unpretentiousness: Bere Russkaya, Quiet Don, Skazochnaya, Svarog and Larinskaya.

From its European parent, “Rogneda” inherited fruit shedding when ripe. And in the process of variety testing, another inherited quality was revealed: irregular fruiting.

A ripe pear is torn from the tree due to the softening of the junction with the cutting. Therefore, picking pears, if you allow them to ripen completely, is a simple matter. This is where the popular expression about the occupation of idlers comes from: “poaching pears.”

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