Pear Memory of Zhegalov: growing a variety with fragrant fruits

  • Posted by Albina Andreevna Knyazeva
  • Date: January 10, 2017

The new pear variety is named after the famous scientist-breeder of the Timiryazev Academy, Sergei Ivanovich Zhegalov. The fruit tree was created for the Central regions of Russia. Its value lies in its early fruiting, keeping quality of juicy fruits, and resistance to scab.

  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table
  • 3 Pear care requirements - table
  • 4 Features of seedling rooting

    4.1 Preparation for landing

  • 4.2 Landing

    4.2.1 Video: how to plant a pear tree correctly

  • 5 Feeding scheme for pear orchard - table
      5.1 Video: how to feed a pear in spring
  • 6 Diseases and pests
      6.1 Table: diseases and pests characteristic of pears Memory of Zhegalov
  • 7 Harvest
  • 8 Reviews from gardeners
  • Description of pear variety Memory of Zhegalov

    It is believed that the sweet pear dripping with juice can only be tasted in the southern regions of the country. The tender pulp does not like long journeys, and you need to eat it on the spot. But it is possible to grow fruits with excellent taste in central Russia if you select a zoned variety, for example, Pamyat Zhigalova.

    A gift from breeder Sergei Chizhov to the Central Region - the Pamyat Zhegalov variety - has been included in the register and recommended for industrial cultivation since 1990.

    The Memory of Zhigalov pear grows quickly and produces its first harvest 3–4 years after planting.

    The pear is low, the bark is colored in gray shades. The formation of the crown is easy, since the branches are not prone to lateral overgrowth.

    The leaf is dark green, leathery. Inflorescences are racemose, collected in a shield consisting of 5–7 flowers. Petals and buds are white with a honey aroma. However, to set fruit, you will need a pollinator variety and bees. Productivity depends on weather conditions during flowering of the tree.

    Fruits weighing 120–130 g, elongated in shape, are harvested in September. The pear acquires a pleasant taste after ripening for several days in a cool place.

    The keeping quality of the fruits is good; in storage at a cool temperature they can last up to 4 months without losing their taste and presentation.

    The pear variety Pamyat Zhegalova has juicy and sweet fruits

    The fruits are yellowish-green, becoming yellow with blush towards the end of storage. The yield of one mature tree is 40–42 kg. Fruiting is annual. The best pollinators are pear varieties:

    • Bergamot Moscow;
    • Yakovlev's favorite.

    Evaluation of fruits according to standards:

    • appearance - 4.3 points out of 5;
    • taste 4.0–4.4 points out of 5;
    • pulp - whitish-yellow, juicy;
    • composition - sugars - 9.3%, acids - 0.41% (soluble - 14.2%, dry - 16.5%).

    Reviews from gardeners

    Egor, 58 years old, Moscow

    The Memory of Zhegalov pear has been growing on my plot for 10 years. A tree with many leaves, grows very quickly. I learned from reviews, photos and descriptions of the Memory Zhegalov pear that it should produce fruits weighing 110 g. However, I collect fruits from 200 g. Probably, constant feeding has an effect, and I have a good place for fruit trees, always illuminated by the sun and protected from the wind .

    Olga, 35 years old, Samara

    Memory Zhegalov is a very good variety, constantly producing high yields. Last year there were so many fruits on the tree that we had to put up supports. As a result, more than 15 boxes of harvest were collected. I decided that next year few fruits would be born, but after a harsh winter, the pear again pleased me with its harvest. True, the fruits turned out to be smaller, weighing about 90 g.

    Svetlana, 55 years old, Kursk

    Several years ago I planted the Pamyat Zhegalov pear based on the description of the variety, photos and reviews on the Internet. The variety turned out to be winter-hardy and very productive. I collect the fruits at the end of September. I liked that the fruits last until January. This is usually typical for apples, but pears are quickly eaten. Next to the Memory of Zhegalov there are other trees for pollination: Cathedral and Pava.

    Pear care requirements - table

    Illuminationsunny areas
    AciditypH 6.5–7.2, humus-rich soils
    Priming. water no higher than 2 m
    Wateringdrought-resistant, in the absence of rain, water 3 times
    • In the fall, when it’s frosty, add ½ bucket of humus + 50 g of superphosphate + 20 g of potassium sulfate into the hole;
    • in spring - 20 g of ammonium nitrate.
    Planting scheme4x5 m, date - end of September, early spring.
    Reproductionseedling grafted onto rootstock
    Trimmingsanitary, molding, control


    The optimal time for planting pears in the middle zone is considered to be mid-October or the end of April. When planted in spring, the tree strengthens well during the summer months. When planted in autumn, seedlings may not have time to take root before frost, and the risk of plant death increases significantly.

    When planting in the southern regions, it is recommended to plan the procedure very early. Early spring heat poses a threat to the variety; wet autumn weather increases the likelihood of survival.

    Features of seedling rooting

    The garden is laid in a place protected from cold winds with low groundwater levels. In this case, choose a sunny slope. The soil must be moisture-absorbing, fertile and cultivated and have the following composition:

    • black soil;
    • sandy loam;
    • loam.

    Preparing for landing

    The soil for the planting hole is prepared in the fall. Contribute:

    • compost;
    • superphosphate;
    • potassium chloride.

    The earth is dug deep.

    When planting, the root collar should not be buried

    The planting hole for the tree is prepared in advance. For this:

    1. Dig a hole 60–70 cm in diameter, 1 m deep.
    2. The fertile layer of soil is set aside, 2 buckets of fresh humus are added, the same amount of sand and 200 g of superphosphate. The composition is mixed and covered with film.
    3. A bucket of water is poured into the hole and 400 g of fluff is placed.
    4. A stake is driven into the center of the hole, to which a seedling will be tied in the future.


    After 10 days, they begin planting pears. The steps of the procedure are as follows:

    1. A seedling is placed in the center of the hole and the voids are filled with nutrient substrate.
    2. When planting a young tree, the root collar is not buried. After planting, it should protrude 6–7 cm above the bud.
    3. To water, build an earthen bank around the perimeter of the hole and pour 2-3 buckets of water into the resulting “saucer”.
    4. The tree trunk circle is mulched so that a crust does not form on the surface.

    Video: how to plant a pear tree correctly

    Leave the grafting site 4-5 cm above the ground

    Burying the root collar into the ground can lead to the death of the tree. Photo:

    1. Buy a quality seedling . The root system must be developed and not dried out, the influx at the grafting site must be clearly visible (this is a guarantee of purchasing a varietal seedling, not a wild one).
    2. Dig a planting hole at least 1 m deep.
    3. Fill in 2 buckets of compost or rotted manure and a quarter bucket of ash (wood). Add mineral fertilizers: magnesium, boron, potassium sulfate for good development of the root system. Mix everything well with a shovel.
    4. Place the seedling in the hole.
    5. Fill with fertile soil so that the root collar is level with the horizon, and the grafting site is 4 - 5 cm above the level of the site.
    6. Water the seedling , using 10 - 15 liters of water.
    7. Drive a support next to the seedling and tie the tree so that the wind does not break it.

    In the video, the author shows in detail how to plant a pear. Particular attention is paid to placing fertilizer in the planting hole:

    Feeding scheme for pear orchard - table

    FertilizerApplication timeDosage
    Ureaearly spring500–600 g per 10 liters of water
    Ammonium nitrate/nitroammophoskaearly spring30–40 g per 10 liters of water
    Humusearly spring5 buckets for 10 liters of water
    Urea (foliar feeding)from early spring to late summer30–50 g per 10 liters of water
    Ureaspring (during flowering)250–300 g per 10 liters of water
    Liquid chicken manurespring (during flowering)1.5–2 l
    A mixture of superphosphate and potassiumspring (during flowering)100 g of superphosphate and 60–70 g of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water
    A mixture of superphosphate and dry sodium humatespring (after flowering)0.5 kg of nitrophoska and 10 g of dry sodium humate per 100 l of water
    Mineral mixtureautumnpotassium - 1 tbsp. l., double superphosphate - 2 tbsp. l., calcium - 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water

    Pear responds well to foliar feeding

    Video: how to feed a pear in spring

    Diseases and pests

    The pear variety Pamyat Zhigalova is almost not affected by fungal diseases. However, preventive treatment of the garden is necessary. Moreover, damage by brown leaf spot and damage by insects (pear flower beetle, leaf roller and moth) also threaten this resistant tree.

    Table: diseases and pests characteristic of pears Memory of Zhegalov

    Time of processingDiseases and pestsPreparations for treatment and their proportions
    Before the buds openWintering pests: aphids, leaf rollers, scale insects, mites and copperheads
    1. Mineral-oil emulsion (Preparation-30): 300–400 g per 10 liters of water.
    2. Bordeaux mixture 3% (300 g of copper sulfate, 400 g of lime per 10 liters of water).
    Beginning of bud breakVarious types of leaf spotBordeaux mixture 1% (100 g of copper sulfate, 150 g of lime per 10 l).
    BuddingWeevil and copperhead
    1. Against weevils: pour 300 g of tobacco crumbs into 10 liters of water and leave for 3 days, strain and use.
    2. Against the copperhead: fumigation with tobacco smoke.
    BloomLeaf-eating caterpillars, codling mothLepidocide - 50 ml per 10 liters of water (2-3 treatments with an interval of 10-14 days).
    Immediately after floweringCodling moth, aphid and sawfly
    1. Pine decoction: 2 kg of pine needles per 8 liters of water - leave for 7 days, strain, dilute with water 10 times. Use 3-4 times at weekly intervals.
    2. Burdock infusion - 1/3 of a bucket of crushed burdock leaves, pour 2/3 of a bucket of water, leave for 3 days. Used in the same way as pine decoction.
    15–20 days after floweringAphids, codling moths, honey beetles, flower beetles, leaf-eating caterpillarsWormwood infusion - half a bucket of chopped raw herb is poured into 10 liters of cold water, left for 1-2 days, boiled for 25-30 minutes, filtered and brought to 10 liters with water. Before spraying, dilute with water twice more.
    If necessaryTicksColloidal sulfur 1% - a package of the drug for 5 liters of water. Consumption for a young tree is 2 liters, for an adult tree - up to 10 liters.

    History of selection

    The Pamyati Zhegalov pear variety was bred by famous Russian breeders from the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazev, S. T. Chizhov and S. P. Potapov. In the process of developing a new variety, these specialists crossed the pear varieties Alyonushka Thumbelina and Forest Beauty.

    Breeders began breeding the variety in the last quarter of the last century. After variety testing, the Memory of Zhegalov pear was included in the Russian State Register in 1990.

    The name of this pear tree was given in honor of the famous Russian and Soviet geneticist.


    Late-ripening pear variety Memory Zhegalova. The harvest does not fall off and stays on the branches even in gusts of wind. But the third ten days of September is the end of the warm period in the central regions. Therefore, the crop must be harvested and sent for ripening. At first, the fruits are tart; they acquire aroma and juiciness during storage. The transportability of the products is good, the sales period is about 4 months.

    Fruits with excellent taste and aroma - thanks for good care

    You can enjoy fresh vitamin products for 4 months, and also make preparations. Storage at temperatures close to 0 ºC will prolong the shelf life of fresh fruits.


    Pear trees are usually pruned in the spring. Choose a time before sap flow begins and begin the procedure. The basic rule is that the air temperature should not be lower than eight degrees. Since the plant is still dormant, it will easily tolerate this operation. But it is not advisable to carry out summer pruning. Each leafy branch is important to the pear tree, and it is not unsafe to prune it. The exception is dry and damaged branches, without which the tree can easily survive. But it is still better to postpone sanitary pruning until autumn. It is performed only after the pear has gone into a dormant state, that is, after the leaves have fallen. At this time, dried, damaged, improperly growing and diseased branches are removed.

    It is important to give the plant some time to heal wounds before the onset of cold weather.

    Pruning old pears is intended to lighten and rejuvenate the tree

    Here it is important to follow the principle of the golden mean: do not spare the branches too much (sometimes it is worth removing large trunks so that the pear does not grow upward), but at the same time do not overdo it with the number of cut shoots. The maximum number of branches from which a pear can be removed in one pruning should not exceed a quarter of their total volume

    Over time, pear pruning, in addition to shaping, will also have a rejuvenating and sanitary character.

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