English Williams pears in all their glory

Pear Williams.

Description of the variety

Williams is a representative of the group of summer ripening varieties. This variety is widespread in many countries, such as:

  • Switzerland;
  • England;
  • Austria;
  • Germany;
  • Moldova;
  • Ukraine;
  • Russia;
  • Georgia;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Kyrgyzstan.

Characteristics of wood

The trees are compact in size. The growth of an adult pear rarely exceeds 3 meters. The crown is wide-pyramidal, spreading, with drooping branches. The crown density is high. The bark on the trunk and shoots is gray. The leaves are dark green, large, and oval-shaped. The leaf plate is smooth. The flowers are large and white.

Pear Williams.

Description of fruits

Pears are large and can weigh around 170-180 grams. The fruits are oblong, with pronounced ribbing. At the stage of consumer ripeness, pears acquire a beautiful yellow color, with a light pink blush.

The taste of the fruits is sweet, juicy, with pronounced oiliness and slight sourness. They also have a pleasant, nutmeg aroma.

Agricultural technology

For active growth and fruiting, it is necessary to properly care for the crop. Namely:

  • Watering should be regular, especially during the dry season. In the first 3 years, the pear is watered abundantly every month. The area around the trunk should not dry out. In case of excessive precipitation, watering is briefly reduced. They completely stop irrigating the tree before frost.
  • Regular weed control.
  • Mulching will help retain moisture in the tree trunk circle.
  • Fertilizers are applied three times a year. In the spring, Williams is fed with nitrogen substances, in the summer with mullein, and in the fall with potassium-containing preparations.
  • Pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. To prevent branching, branches are shortened by 40 cm every year. In addition, weakened or diseased shoots are removed for sanitary pruning.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has a large number of positive qualities.


  • compact dimensions of the tree;
  • precociousness;
  • high and regular yield;
  • large fruit;
  • dessert taste.


  • inability to self-pollinate;
  • poor frost resistance;
  • weak immunity.

Forms and subspecies

There are several subspecies of Williams, namely:

  • Williams winter .
    The variety is also known as "Cure". The harvest is harvested in September and stored for about two months. The taste of the variety is mediocre. Pear Williams.
  • Williams summer. This subspecies is the most popular due to the taste of pears and good yield.
  • Williams red . A distinctive feature of the subspecies is the beautiful dark red blush that covers most of the fruit.

Review of the variety Williams Rouge Delbara

Stepan Kuzmich, 64 years old, Tver region

I tried several times to plant independent seedlings of this pear, but they froze in the first winter (we live in the center of Russia). Therefore, I abandoned these attempts and grafted the cutting onto the crown of the Yurate variety (somewhere, at a height of two meters from the ground). Although the winter hardiness of the Williams pear is poor, it blooms late, so return frosts do not affect flowering in any way. Even in bad and rainy weather, the tree is well pollinated, and many ovaries appear on the shoots. In my opinion, these are the most delicious pears I have ever tried. Rouge Delbara is a mutant, so it is prone to discoloration - branches with lightened or striped fruits appear on the tree every now and then. Such shoots need to be pruned to preserve the variety. I consider the strengths of the variety to be the compactness of the trees and the early fruiting of Williams, high yield and excellent taste of the fruit. One of the disadvantages is the weak frost resistance of young trees.




My parents have had this pear growing at their dacha for about 30 years. The tree is small, but there are always a lot of fruits on it. The pears are large and very juicy. Mom makes jam from them that you just can’t stop eating.



The pear tree often gets sick and after rain almost always appears scabbed on it, so it is necessary to spray it frequently with antifungal agents. The good news is that the trees are low-growing and it is not difficult to process them.



I love summer Williams, it's so tasty and sweet. Although the pears don’t last long, we manage to make jam and even make dried fruit. I’m quite happy with the tree, sometimes leaf rollers and flower beetles live on it, I need to protect it from them.

Characteristics of Williams pear

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The first fruiting of the Williams pear can be observed 3-6 years after planting. This indicator depends on where the tree is grown and how it was planted. Of course, the fastest way for a pear to begin to produce fruit is if it is grown by grafting rather than by planting a seedling.

  • Pollinators are necessary for this variety, since the tree itself is self-sterile. So they plant it next to pollinators like Olivier de Serre, Forest Beauty, Aleksandrovka, Clapp’s Favorite.
  • Productivity is high. From a young tree that is not yet 10 years old, you can collect up to 35 kg of fruit. More than 150 kg of pears are harvested from an adult tree per year.
  • The taste of Williams pear is rated by tasters at 4.8 points on a 5-point scale.
  • Frost resistance is low. The tree will grow best in the southern region, but Williams pear can also be grown in the central part of Russia and Ukraine.


If there are no other varieties on the site besides the Williams pear, the crop will not bear fruit. This is a self-sterile species; in order for ovaries to appear, the tree needs pollinators nearby.

The pulp is creamy, tender, oily, the seeds are brown, oval, small

  • The tree does not tolerate drought well. Dry air and soil can lead to the loss of a significant part of the crop.
  • Disease resistance is low, which is important to consider when growing. If the tree is not treated regularly, it may die.
  • Transportability is average. To transport pears over long distances, it is better to remove them from the tree before they are fully ripe, while they are still hard.
  • Product quality is high. Not only does pear taste beautiful and sweet, but it also has a rich aroma.

Williams pear has three subspecies. There is Williams Summer, Winter and Red. Summer Williams, as the name implies, bears fruit in the summer, Winter is a late variety, and Williams Red is distinguished by the bright red color of its fruits.


The pear is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it can show maximum productivity only on fertile soil. Detailed instructions and useful information on planting seedlings of the Williams variety can be found in the articles selected below.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

At what distance to plant pears?

How to choose pear seedlings

How to replant a pear

Climate and growing regions

The Williams variety is intended for planting in regions with a mild, warm climate. The plant is often found in the gardens of Crimea, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, North Caucasus, as well as in the CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia, Abkhazia, Ukraine).

Despite the fact that the frost resistance of trees is low, there are gardeners who grow the plant even in the northern regions. In this case, every autumn the trees require careful insulation to protect them from freezing.


The variety does not require special care, but to maintain the health and strong immunity of the plant, it is necessary to water and feed it in a timely manner. More materials on the topic of growing Williams pears can be found by clicking on the links below.

How to care for a pear Pruning a pear Pruning a columnar pear Treating a pear from diseases and pests Feeding a pear How to water a pear

Fruit ripening and storage

Williams pears are already at the technical maturity stage by the end of August. From this time you can begin to remove them from the branches. Fruits are removed together with the stalks by hand, carefully placed in ventilated boxes, discarding damaged or dented specimens. If it is not possible to place it in a container in one layer, then paper or soft cloth is placed between the tiers.

You can store the harvested crop fresh in a refrigerator drawer (compartment for fruits and vegetables) or a cellar. The optimal temperature is 0-+5 C°. After reaching custom maturity, the fruits are used for food or preparation.

Diseases and pests

The variety is moderately resistant to diseases and pests. Therefore, to eliminate the risk of infection, preventive measures should be carried out regularly. The rules for carrying out preventive measures can be found in the selection of articles listed below.

Dangerous Pear Pests

Pears often suffer from pests, they affect the leaves, bark and fruits.

In this article, we have selected 11 of the most harmful insects that harm pear trees, and also ways to destroy them.

Diseases of pear trees

To get what they cherish, gardeners have to work hard, and the reason for this is pear diseases.

Read about 19 common pear diseases and how to combat them.

Possible problems in growing

When growing a pear tree, you may encounter some problems:

  • Susceptibility to diseases and pest attacks. Do not neglect prevention from diseases and insects.
  • Low winter hardiness. Before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to wrap young seedlings.

Those gardeners who have not yet planted a Wilms pear on their plot have a good opportunity to acquire one. The variety has earned fame and recognition from summer residents all over the world for its unpretentiousness, high yield, taste and beneficial properties. With proper care and following simple basics of agricultural technology, the crop will delight you with a rich, aromatic harvest every year.

Advantages of the Duchess summer pear variety

Of the main advantages of the Williams pear, mention should be made of:

  1. early pregnancy;
  2. stable abundant fruiting;
  3. large fruit size;
  4. good taste and marketability of ripe pears;
  5. versatility of purpose of the harvested crop.

The main disadvantages of the variety are:

  1. low frost resistance of Duchess summer pear;
  2. poor resistance to drought;
  3. self-sterility;
  4. low resistance to a number of diseases and pest attacks.

History of the origin of the pear

The Williams pear was bred in the southern part of England by the scientist Wheeler, who used varieties that had been lost to date to hybridize the new tree. This happened at the end of the 18th century. The species was named in honor of R. Williams. He introduced the new pear at a meeting of gardeners in 1816. Then the plant began to be cultivated in France and other European countries.

It came to the Russian Empire in 1861, where it was spread throughout the southern provinces of the country by gardener N.P. Makukhin. There are several varieties of pear hybrid. But the most famous of them, obtained through long-term selection of varieties: Williams Winter (Cure), Bon-Chrétien, Barlet, summer red Duchess.

All these pear trees were tested in 1946-47 and included in the State Register of Fruit Crops of the North Caucasus, Rostov Region, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. The Primorsky variety, which is now distributed throughout the Black Sea coast of Russia and Ukraine, was specially developed for Crimea.

Pear Williams

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