About the Versilia rose: description and characteristics of the hybrid tea rose variety

Rose Versilia

Among the huge number of varietal roses, there are those that are worthy of being immortalized in poetry or on an artist’s canvas - they are so attractive. This is a representative of the Rosaceae family with the melodious, downright royal name Versilia. An aristocratic-looking flower will become a true decoration of your garden and will give you aesthetic pleasure.

Description of appearance

Versilia is a crop with strong, erect shoots and dark green glossy foliage, forming a compact bush. The height of a rose varies from 0.8 to 1 meter, maximum 120 cm, subject to all growing recommendations. The width of the bush does not exceed 60 cm, but in favorable conditions it can reach 0.7 meters. Classic goblet-shaped buds are formed on powerful stems - from 1 to 5 on each shoot. Versilia flowers are quite large and very fragrant. Their diameter is 10−13 cm in the full blooming phase. The color of the flowers is simply mesmerizing, changing from a delicate and richer peach shade in the middle to milky cream closer to the edges. In general, it is quite difficult to characterize her, since the color scheme of the blossoming buds of the beauty also includes orange, powdery, honey, pink notes and the color of champagne, which combine quite harmoniously. The number of double petals in one flower is 30-40 pieces.

The sophisticated Parisian Versilia will delight you with continuous, abundant flowering from the end of spring until the first autumn frosts. The flowers of this rose are not at all afraid of rain and are resistant to fungal diseases. Although it is still worth noting that in conditions of high humidity in the autumn season, the risk of black spot and powdery mildew developing on the plant increases. The culture is a winter-hardy variety, but in winters without snow, it nevertheless needs shelter. This tea hybrid belongs to the cut variety.

Features of cultivation and care

Versilia feels comfortable in areas where there is a lot of sunlight and a light breeze. At the same time, cold drafts and exposure to direct sunlight, especially during hot midday hours, are strictly contraindicated. The rose should not be watered too often, because excess water in the soil under the plant increases the likelihood of root rot. It is optimal to moisten the soil in the summer once every 5-7 days. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced and carried out every 2 weeks.

The soil around the flower needs to be loosened regularly. For better development and flowering, it is advisable to feed the plant several times a season. For this purpose, you can use universal fertilizers for flowering crops or mineral complexes intended specifically for roses. Organic matter, such as rotted manure, will also do no harm. Keep in mind: fertilizing is prohibited during the flowering period!

Versilia prefers moist, loose soil with a pH ranging from 5.6 to 7.3. The flower is planted in a hole about half a meter deep, at the bottom of which drainage material is placed in the form of a combination of gravel and sand. The soil mixture can be made up of the following components: manure, leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3:2:2:1. Planting takes place in early May.

Throughout the entire flowering period, faded buds should be promptly removed to allow new flowers to appear on the plant.

Step-by-step care instructions

Choosing a landing site

When choosing a landing site, you should consider the following points:

  • the best place is the southern side of the site, well illuminated by the sun in the morning and afternoon;
  • the rose loves a lot of light, but if exposed to the sun all day long, it quickly fades, so it is better if the plant is in partial shade after 12 noon;
  • You cannot plant rose bushes under tree canopies, on the north side of the site, or in low-lying areas;
  • a place close to a fence or wall of a building is not suitable; the distance from them should be more than half a meter;
  • a flower bed with roses should be ventilated, this will protect the plants from pests and diseases, but protection from strong cold winds and drafts is necessary.


Versilia can be planted twice a year:

  1. In spring (late April - early May) , when the earth warms up to +10 degrees Celsius.

  2. In autumn (mid-September - second ten days of October) . It is dangerous to delay planting dates. If the autumn planting takes place earlier than the specified period, then due to the still warm weather, the rose may produce young shoots that will not have time to grow stronger before the cold weather. And if you plant later, the rose will not have enough time to take root.

What should the soil be like?

The soil for hybrid tea Versilia should be fertile and breathable, with an acid-base reaction of 5.6–7.3 pH. To improve heavy clay soils, add sand, peat, humus or compost. In too light sandy soils, add clay soil with the addition of turf soil and peat manure compost.

Seedling preparation and planting

For planting, select seedlings that have 2-4 strong green shoots growing from the grafting site. Saplings with an open root system should not have leaves, while those with a closed root system may have leaves. First of all, prepare planting holes 50x50 cm, 40-60 cm deep. 5 kg of soil mixed with humus are poured into them. So that the soil has time to settle, it is better to do this in advance, 1-2 weeks before planting day. Immediately before planting, pour a bucket of water (8-10 liters) into each prepared hole. After it is absorbed, the bottom is compacted and soil is poured.

It is advisable to shorten the shoots and remove very weak ones. Each of them should have from 3 to 5 buds. To stimulate growth, you need to trim the roots, remove long and damaged ones. The seedling is immersed in the hole so that the root collar is located 3 cm below the soil level. Compact the soil around the plant and water it abundantly.

Reference. Before planting, it is recommended to keep rose seedlings in water for 4-6 hours.

Growing conditions

For good growth and development of a rose bush, certain conditions are necessary:

  • Temperature. The plant loves moderate temperatures, without sudden fluctuations. The most optimal indicators are 20-25 degrees Celsius.
  • Watering. Too frequent watering is contraindicated for roses. Severely waterlogged soil increases the risk of developing root rot. In summer, watering is carried out once every 5-7 days, closer to autumn - once every two weeks, then, especially in rainy weather, it is gradually stopped.

  • Feeding. At least 4 feedings are carried out per season. To apply fertilizer, a groove with a diameter of about 30 cm is made around the plant, which is spilled first with water, then with liquid fertilizer. In June, before flowering begins, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers are applied. Use mineral complexes and universal fertilizers for flowering plants. No fertilizing is carried out during the flowering phase.

  • Weeding. Weeds should not be allowed to grow in both summer and autumn. They draw moisture and substances beneficial for the rose from the soil. It is better to weed in dry weather, so the weeds will dry out faster. When using a garden tool, you need to ensure that its blade does not penetrate more than 3 cm into the soil.
  • Loosening improves air exchange in the soil. Loosen the soil around the bush after watering, when the moisture is absorbed. Deep loosening is unacceptable; it can harm the roots. Adult bushes are loosened in early spring, when the soil thaws, after fertilizing, and before sheltering for the winter.
  • Mulching. This technique helps control weeds, improves soil properties and prevents soil compaction. A layer of mulch of 4-6 cm laid around the bush is sufficient.


Preventive pruning is carried out twice. In the fall, diseased and damaged stems are removed and overgrown plants are thinned. In the spring, the tops of the shoots are trimmed and stems damaged by frost are removed.

Important! When pruning Versilia roses, it is worth considering that the variety blooms on the shoots of the current year.

Formative pruning:

  1. Spring – held in the second year. Leave last year's shoots (up to 5), pruning so that there are from 1 to 6 buds from the soil surface.
  2. Summer - on old bushes, flowers are cut down to the first bud underneath, which is directed outward. This kind of pruning is not done on young bushes.
  3. Autumn - done in November, shoots of 40-45 cm are left. Shoots cannot be made shorter; their specified height is necessary for successful wintering.

Use Cases

The amazing Versilia is grown not only for cutting, despite this specialization of the variety. The hybrid is ideal for placement in gardens, flower beds, parks and public gardens for the purpose of landscaping areas. It looks great alone, but is even more beneficial when planted in groups with other roses or other flowering perennials. A bouquet of fragrant Versilia flowers with creamy peach petals will best express your sincere feelings for your loved one. Shoots with buds of this variety harmonize perfectly in compositions with pink and lilac orchids, yellow and orange chrysanthemums, as well as tea hybrids with flowers in red shades. Such a floral ensemble can be safely presented at a wedding, on a birthday, on a professional holiday, or as a business bouquet.

Hybrid tea rose Versilia: description, photos, reviews

Currently, breeders have bred more than 25 thousand varieties of roses. All of them are worthy to decorate any garden. Recently, hybrid tea varieties obtained by crossing remontant and tea varieties have become extremely popular. The Versilia rose is unusually beautiful: it has a soft peach color, personifying a symbol of tenderness and elegance, and has a pronounced pleasant aroma.

Rose Versilia: photo and description

This variety of hybrid tea roses was bred in 1996. Versilia received its name in honor of one of the suburbs of Paris, namely the city of Versailles. The plant belongs to the bush varieties of roses. The seedling is quite compact, reaching a height of 120 cm, with a girth of about 70 cm. The bush itself is not spreading, but erect. The leaves have a rich emerald color. The Versilia rose variety has an unusually beautiful shade of buds of a soft peach tone. The petals themselves are medium terry. As a rule, there are about 35 of them in a bud. The flowers are quite large, tall, goblet-shaped, up to 13 cm. The rose blooms until frost, and is frost-resistant.

Main characteristics

The Versilia rose shown in the photo was bred in the late 90s of the 20th century in France. This delicate, charming flower has been liked by many gardeners around the world. Today, peach roses can be found in parks and gardens, on city alleys and squares. However, the plant is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In order for the bushes to delight with long-lasting and luxurious color, they should be properly and regularly cared for.

Rose Versilia

Versilia rose bushes are described in the Rose Encyclopedia as follows:

  • Compact, powerful, reaching a height of 1-1.3 meters.
  • The leaves are shiny, glossy, dark green in color.
  • Each flower reaches 10-15 cm in diameter and consists of 25-35 petals.
  • The color is peach turning into soft pink and orange tones.

Selection of Versilia rose seedlings

In order for these unusually beautiful flowers to grow on your site, you need to purchase high-quality seedlings. They should be purchased with tags containing a photo and description of the Versilia rose. The seedling should have 2-3 mature shoots, a formed root system, and the bark should not be damaged. Particular attention should be paid to the root collar: its diameter should be the same size - slightly above the grafting site and slightly below, about 5-8 mm.

How to choose seedlings when purchasing

When buying seedlings of the described hybrid tea rose, you should take into account the recommendations of experienced gardeners, which include the following tips:

  • seedlings for planting are purchased in March-April; if the purchase is made a little earlier, the cuttings are stored at a temperature of +4...+5°C (in the refrigerator, in its lower section, or in the basement);
  • specialized stores sell rose seedlings with an open root system (it is packed in a labeled plastic bag with a peat mixture) and a closed one (a seedling with an undamaged root is placed in a small container); It is better to give preference to cuttings with closed roots;
  • often cuttings are sold grafted, suitable for planting only in closed ground (greenhouse, greenhouse), so you need to check with the seller for the purpose of the cutting;
  • it is important to inquire about the age of the plant, since experts recommend purchasing a rose that is no more than 3 years old (they are more viable and resistant to wintering);
  • a full-fledged seedling should have 2–4 green shoots growing from the grafting site (they should be elastic);
  • the grafting site of a young rose should not flake or peel (this indicates that the cutting is stale or has dried out);
  • seedlings with an open root system should not have leaves, since the foliage takes nutrients from the young plant, which means the bush can take a long time to take root when planted in new soil;
  • when purchasing a cutting in a container (with a closed root), the plant is allowed to have leaves, since usually the closed container contains a high-quality substrate that provides adequate nutrition to the root system;
  • you need to choose seedlings exclusively with swollen buds (this is a sign that the seedling is healthy);
  • after purchasing a seedling and when removing it from the container, you need to examine the roots in the earthen coma: they should be completely immersed in the soil, and the ball should be dense.


For the Versilia rose variety, when planting, you should choose open, sunny, but at the same time protected from the wind places. Soil requirements: it must be well moistened and drainage must be created. You can use sand or gravel as it. The planting hole should be about 50 centimeters deep, wide enough (so that the roots are located freely). Versilia should not be planted in an area where groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth. The land should be quite fertile, you can make the following composition:

  • 3 parts manure;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • 2 parts of fertile land;
  • 1 part peat.

It is recommended to plant rose seedlings in early May. Before planting, the roots can be kept in water. This way they will replenish lost moisture. If there are weak or damaged roots, they should be removed. Roses are planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. After planting, seedlings up to 15 cm high should be hilled.

In spring it is necessary to prune 1/3 of the plant. Rose Versilia, like all roses, needs timely watering. A drip system should be used. The plant needs weeding and loosening of the soil. It responds well to fertilization. In the first year after planting, seedlings do not need to be fed. Adult plants are fertilized with nitrogen and potassium; they can be watered with diluted mullein or bird droppings. It is better to stop fertilizing just before flowering. It is recommended to water once a week, more often if the weather is hot and dry. On autumn days, you should moisten the soil once every two weeks.

To form a bush, pinch the crown at a height of about 20 cm. Although the variety is considered frost-resistant, it must be covered for the winter. Rose Versilia has high immunity to diseases such as powdery mildew and black spot.

What is the difference from other types?

The main feature of the variety is its long durability after cutting. The plant lasts a long time in a vase and does not lose its original appearance and aroma. The plant is resistant to cold and sudden temperature changes. These qualities are not shared by other representatives of the Rosaceae family.

Features of care before and after flowering

The plant needs regular watering and pruning. These procedures are necessary for productive growth and the formation of new shoots. Shrub roses need to be weeded regularly to remove weeds. This approach helps speed up the appearance of inflorescences during the growing season. For productive growth, organic and mineral fertilizers are used, as well as preventative agents against diseases.

See also

Description and characteristics of roses of the Pat Austin variety, subtleties of cultivationRead

Important! After the end of the flowering period, roses are weeded, pruned and irrigated with preventative agents.

What to do if there are no buds?

The absence of buds may indicate improper care of the inflorescence. Slow growth indicates a lack of mineral components and a poorly developed root system. To correct the problem, you need to fertilize with potassium fertilizers, as well as products containing an increased level of nitrogen. After this, abundant watering should be carried out.

When and how does flowering occur?

You can see the first velvet buds on the bushes in early or mid-May. This happens after young shoots grow from the buds. The inflorescences bloom gradually. This indicator is important for progressive cutting. Rose Versilia blooms continuously all summer, even in low temperatures and cloudy weather. The end of the growing season occurs in early and mid-September.


If plants lack mineral fertilizers, they lack sun and moisture (or, conversely, excess), roses become weak and lose immunity to disease.

Powdery mildew is a very common disease of these flowers. Mainly leaves and young shoots are infected. The first signs appear on any part of the plant in the form of a small gray or white coating, which gradually increases. After some time, the plant dies. For prevention, it is necessary to do autumn pruning and burn shoots. The soil around the plant should be dug up. In early spring, you can treat the bush with a mixture consisting of 3% iron sulfate with 0.3% potassium sulfate or 3% copper sulfate.


Like any crop, roses have a lot of pests. They are especially active when the growing season begins. The most dangerous pests are sawfly larvae, caterpillars and beetles. They literally chew off leaves and flower buds, which leads to the death of plants. Aphids are no less dangerous for roses. These pests settle in a whole colony on the inside of the leaf, on the peduncle or bud. These insects suck the sap from plants, which leads to its death. Kerosene helps well in pest control: you need to take 2 grams of kerosene per 10 liters of water. You can also use Karbofos, Metathion.


Versilia versilia rose was developed in the late 1990s. in France. The flower was liked by a large number of gardeners. Peach rose is not uncommon in city parks, gardens and dachas. But behind the beautiful appearance lies regular and meticulous care. It depends on it whether the plant will please the eye with its unusual color.

Rose shocking Versilia will be an excellent garden decoration. The flowering time of a rose depends on meteorological factors. Under the most favorable conditions, it pleases the eye with its color from mid-June until the first autumn frosts.


With a successful choice of planting site and proper care, the rose will delight you with luxurious blooms all season until the onset of cold weather.

When and how does it happen?

It is difficult to say specifically when a rose will begin to bloom. Much depends on what the weather is like - cold or hot, rainy or dry. If conditions are favorable, flowering begins in mid-June and lasts until autumn frosts. Large, goblet-shaped buds are formed on strong, stable stems.

Description of the variety

The Versilia shock rose flower has an unusually beautiful peach color. It blooms profusely and for an unusually long time. One flower contains up to 30 beautiful petals of relatively large size. It retains its decorative properties for a long time. Plant height – up to 80 cm.

The buds are large, glass-shaped. The leaves are shiny, dark green. The bush is erect and strong.

The Versilia shocking plant is very resistant to rainy weather and practically does not deteriorate from drops of rainwater.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the Versilia rose variety:

  • beautiful color and very pleasant aroma;
  • significant duration of flowering;
  • large size flowers that have many velvet petals;
  • flowers grow again, which ensures their preservation almost until the onset of winter;
  • the plant is ideal for cutting flowers; in a bouquet it retains its properties for a long time;
  • significant height of the bush.

Disadvantages include the susceptibility of roses to diseases. With improper care, the following diseases develop:

  • Powdery mildew affecting leaves and shoots. Appears due to excess nitrogen fertilizers. With high humidity and insufficient moisture, plants are affected especially quickly. Sick plants are treated with foundationazole.

On a note! Proper agricultural practices help prevent the occurrence of these pathologies.

  • Rust manifests itself as changes in the color of leaves and stems. Moreover, the leaves may turn yellow and fall prematurely. Removed with Oxychom, Copper Oxychloride.
  • Black spot affects leaves. To prevent the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to destroy the affected leaves in the fall. Treatment with copper preparations helps eliminate the disease.
  • Bacterial cancer leads to root destruction. The disease appears on excessively alkaline soils.
  • Branch burn is a fungal disease that leads to damage to young branches by the end of summer. It is treated with special antifungal drugs.

Features of agricultural technology

Before planting, you need to prepare the soil. The root system adapts well if the plant is placed in warm soil. This means that you need to start planting in the warm season, when the threat of a return of spring frosts has already passed.

Important! The planting site should be chosen so that it is more than 0.5 m away from the foundation. Otherwise, the root will overheat or dry out. This may cause the plant to die. If there are plants of other varieties near the Versilia rose, you need to make sure that they are not too close.


When planting, you must ensure that the depth of the hole is no less than 0.6 m. Place half a bucket of rotted compost mixed with garden soil in the hole at half the depth. Then, after planting the rose, it needs to be watered generously.

The sequence of actions when planting a plant is as follows:

  1. A few hours before planting, place the root in a bucket of slightly warm water. This way the bush will be saturated with the moisture it needs.
  2. Then you need to very carefully remove the damaged parts and lower the bush into the planting hole.
  3. The hole is filled with a mixture of soil and humus and compacted.
  4. A small embankment must be formed around the hole to prevent water from overflowing during watering. This way it will be absorbed into the soil closer to the root.
  5. The rose should be watered with settled water at room temperature.

Important! If the temperature is expected to drop to frost, it is recommended to cover the bush with dense material.

You need to choose a sunny place to plant roses. If it grows in shaded conditions, it will grow and bloom worse.

Growing a flower

Planting seedlings and cuttings is ideal for growing roses. Planting material should be purchased from a reliable nursery. This way, an unpleasant situation will not arise when expectations do not coincide with what actually grows.

In what form is planting carried out?

Seedlings with open and closed root systems are planted in a permanent place in May. When the threat of return frosts has passed. Plants with a closed root system in containers have several times higher chances of taking root immediately. If the seedling has bare roots, then it is better to plant it the next day, soaking the roots overnight in a solution of a growth stimulator.

Rose seedlings with closed root system

If such a rare product as Versilia rose seeds is on sale, then you should not buy them. The variety is hybrid tea, which means its seeds are non-viable. And even if after a long stratification they sprout, there is no guarantee that they will grow into a plant with characteristics of the Versilia variety.

What time does boarding take place?

Depending on weather conditions, spring planting is carried out in late May - early June.

The soil must be heated to a temperature above +10°C.

If planting is carried out in the fall in mid-September, do not delay. The bush should not produce young shoots before the onset of frost; its goal is only rooting.

Selecting a location

A hole for planting is dug on the south side of the site, where there is a lot of sun throughout the day. Light shading is acceptable, but only in the afternoon.

Planting under tree canopies, as well as in northern, low-lying areas, is not recommended. It is also impossible to plant close to a fence or wall; there must be a distance of at least 50 cm.

In the flowerbed, the bush is freed from close neighbors, since it needs to be well ventilated on all sides.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil for planting is prepared loose and fertile with pH = 5.6-7.3. For looseness, peat and sand are added, and also enriched with humus and compost.

Step by step landing procedure

The process consists of standard steps:

  1. The planting hole is dug 50x50 cm in size and up to 60 cm deep.
  2. Half fill it with soil mixed halfway with humus and leave it to settle for a couple of weeks.
  3. A day before planting, a bucket of water is poured into the hole.
  4. The plant is lowered into the hole so that the root collar is 3 cm below the soil level.
  5. Cover the roots with soil, lightly tamp them down and water them generously.
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