Abbot Fetel pear variety, the fruits of which have gained popularity among many peoples




Delicious fruits of this variety last until the new year. They bear fruit annually, without frequency or change. I'm very pleased with the tree!


Moscow region

Someone told me that the variety is unpretentious. But this is not entirely true. There was a year when the tree froze and often got sick. I tolerate it because the harvest is delicious, it lasts a long time and is enough for compote.

Irina Pavlovna


I have several varieties growing at my dacha, Abbot too, and he is a pollinator for both summer and winter, partly because it blooms profusely and for a long time. I mainly store pears in the cellar.



I love the Abbot variety; I used to constantly buy fruits at markets, but now I planted them in the garden myself. The tree is 4 years old and has only bear fruit once so far, but we collected 2 buckets. I'm pleased with the taste.

Ripening time and yield

The cultivar harvest ripens in the first ten days of September. However, fruit harvesting often begins 1–2 weeks before reaching full maturity.

A full harvest begins to be harvested at 7–8 years of age.

A healthy tree begins to bear fruit after 4 years . For the next 6–8 years, it pleases plot owners with stable harvests of sweet and beautiful fruits.

According to gardeners, the yield of the variety is slightly above average, but all this is compensated by its excellent taste. You can increase your yield by planting a tree near natural pollinators.


In order for a tree to develop properly, there are a number of requirements for the correct planting technology. Follow the link to learn more about the peculiarities of planting the Abbot Fetel pear variety.

How to plant a pear tree correctly

At what distance to plant pears?

How to choose pear seedlings

How to replant a pear

Pear growing technology Abbot Fetel

The correct technology for planting a pear is the key to its active growth and obtaining a generous harvest of tasty, large fruits. For planting, it is best to use Abbot Fetel pear seedlings that are at least 1-1.5 years old, preferably with a closed root system.

You can start planting a tree twice a year - in early spring or in autumn, before the first frost. For pears, it is advisable to choose areas with fertile, breathable soil with medium or neutral acidity.

Sapling planting scheme:

  1. Each tree will require an area of ​​at least 8-10 square meters. When planting several seedlings, a distance of 4-6 m should be left between them.
  2. Prepare planting holes with a depth and diameter of 80-100 cm.
  3. Pour garden soil into the bottom of the hole and form a small mound.
  4. Drive a wooden stake next to the hole, since the pear branches require garter due to the weight of large fruits.
  5. Lower the seedling into the hole, onto a mound, and carefully straighten its roots, being careful not to damage it.
  6. Make sure that the root collar of the seedling is located above the surface of the ground.
  7. Fill the hole with garden soil.

After planting, compact the soil around the pear, dig a small ditch and pour water into it. Mulch the tree trunk with compost, grass clippings, fallen leaves or other organic material.


There are a number of care features that must be observed when using the Abbot Fetel variety. They relate to watering, fertilizing, pruning, and preparing for cold weather. You can read more about the rules of agricultural technology in the selection.

How to care for a pear Pruning a pear Pruning a columnar pear Treating a pear from diseases and pests Feeding a pear How to water a pear

Beneficial features

Abbot Vettel, like other varieties of pears, has health benefits. Their systematic use will strengthen the body’s protective functions, speed up metabolic processes, improve the condition of the skin and hair, and increase the overall tone of the body.

The medicinal properties of Abbot pear include:

  • Prevention of cancer, stroke, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Increase in hemoglobin.
  • Elimination of puffiness.
  • Stimulation of the pancreas.
  • Reducing bad cholesterol levels.

Speaking about health benefits and harms, it is worth mentioning that Abbot pear has a laxative effect, which is important to consider in case of gastrointestinal problems. The fruit is useful for constipation, but its excess in the diet can cause bloating, increased gas formation or cramps.

Abbot pear is recommended to be eaten during pregnancy. The fruit is rich in potassium and folic acid. Nutrients are necessary for normal fetal development

Vettel fruits are excellent helpers in the fight against depression, which is important for expectant mothers

Diseases and pests

The Abbot Fetel pear variety is distinguished by good immunity to diseases and harmful insects. But in some situations, conditions of increased risk and mass infestation, trees may suffer.

In the selection you can get acquainted with common diseases of pear trees and pests.

Dangerous Pear Pests

Pears often suffer from pests, they affect the leaves, bark and fruits.

In this article, we have selected 11 of the most harmful insects that harm pear trees, and also ways to destroy them.

Diseases of pear trees

To get what they cherish, gardeners have to work hard, and the reason for this is pear diseases.

Read about 19 common pear diseases and how to combat them.

Main characteristics and description of the variety

The Abbot Fetel pear, developed in 1869, was named after its creator, the French Abbot Fetel. This variety quickly gained popularity not only in its native France, but also in other southern countries - Italy, Spain. Here it is grown not only in private plots, but also on an industrial scale.

Features of the variety:

  1. A medium-sized tree, no more than 3-5 m in height.
  2. The root system is branched and can reach up to 7-8 m in depth.
  3. The crown is broadly pyramidal, densely covered with foliage. Branches with gray bark are located at an upward angle relative to the trunk.
  4. The leaf blades are large, oval-shaped, light green in color.
  5. The first harvest can be harvested 4-45 years after planting the seedlings. One tree can bear fruit for up to 20 years.
  6. The fruits ripen in the second half of August or early September.
  7. The fruits are large and oblong, weighing up to 200-380 g. Covered with thin, slightly rough greenish-yellow skin.
  8. The pulp is snow-white or slightly creamy, juicy and sweet.

Thanks to its high winter hardiness, the Abbot Fetel pear tolerates air temperatures down to -18°C, which makes it possible to grow it in all regions of Russia. But in severe frosts, the tree needs additional insulation.

Preparing for winter

The variety's resistance to cold is mediocre. They are grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation and further south. But at the same time, it is necessary to prepare the tree for cold weather. These are several actions:

  1. Feed the tree with fertilizers in the tree trunk circle.
  2. Pruning, spraying, and whitening the trunk.
  3. Insulate the tree trunk circle with spruce branches.
  4. Wrap the tree with non-woven material, burlap or film.

In the spring, during the first warm days, you need to remove the cover so that the bark does not rot.

Guest from France

The Abbot Vettel pear variety can be found in France, sunny Italy, and Spain. These countries cultivate trees on an industrial basis for early autumn harvest. The taste and commercial qualities of fruits, the possibility of long-term storage and transportation are highly valued.

The pear tree is characterized by medium growth, reaching a height of 3-5 m. The lush crown has a wide pyramidal shape. Frost resistance is average, but high adaptive abilities make it possible to grow pears even in central Russia, although they are more common in the south.

The fruits ripen in the first ten days of September, however, they begin to be collected 1.5-2 weeks before the due date. The first harvest can be expected within 4 years after planting. Maximum fruitfulness is achieved by the tree after 7-8 years. Due to the self-fertility of Abbot, the pear will not require additional pollinators on the site. But experienced gardeners note an increase in yield when planted near other varieties of pears. The average yield is hidden by the high quality of the resulting product.

Fruit characteristics

The harvested crop is stored for 3-4 months in a cool room with good ventilation. Description of fruits:

  • The harvest is large in size. The weight of the fruit is 200-250 g, some specimens reach 400 g;
  • the skin is thin, rough. The surface is painted in greenish-yellow tones with a slight blush on the sunny side;
  • the pulp is juicy, with a pronounced aroma, very tender, white or creamy when cut;
  • Less acid than an apple makes the pear taste sweeter. Tasters note spicy notes;
  • The fruits are universal - suitable both for direct consumption and for preparing preserves.

The abundance of vitamins, microelements, fiber, pectin, tannins has made the pear a favorite fruit for dietary nutrition. The light carbohydrate content allows even diabetics to enjoy the tender pulp.

Characteristics of the Abbot Vettel pear in the table
  • fetus
mass, g200—250
colorgreenish-yellow with blush
pulpwhite or cream, juicy, tender
tastesweet with spicy notes
maturationearly autumn
storage, days90—120
  • tree
dignitydisease resistance, excellent taste, transportability, high shelf life of the fruit
Entry into fruitingAfter 4 years

You can see photos of luxurious fruits below.

Advantages and disadvantages

The French guest has undeniable advantages - self-fertility; stable yield; excellent taste; long-term storage of the fetus; presentable presentation of fruit; resistance to scab, black cancer, bacteriosis, rot.

The cultivar also has disadvantages: average yield, low winter hardiness.

Irrigation activities

When growing Abbot Vettel pears in home gardening conditions, the implementation of correct irrigation measures is of great importance:

  • the first and abundant watering of pear plants is carried out immediately after planting the seedlings in a permanent place;
  • in the future, the frequency of watering fruit plantings is influenced by the weather conditions in the cultivation region and the stage of plant development;

  • During dry periods, it is recommended to water young plants at least once a week with warm water, at the rate of one bucket of water for each plant;
  • Fruit-bearing pear plantings can be watered three times during the entire growing season, always before flowering and after flowering;
  • when watering, moisture should penetrate into the soil to a depth of approximately 70-80 cm;
  • Adult plants can be watered either by sprinkling or by watering in specially equipped grooves.

To maintain optimal soil moisture after watering and reduce water consumption rates, it is recommended to mulch the soil with humus or a layer of peat.

You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about the varietal characteristics of the Zabava pear.

Which regions is the variety more adapted to?

Abbot Vettel was originally grown only in southern countries. Now this variety has begun to be planted in the Central region of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Pear has adapted well to life in the Middle Latitudes. True, the tree needs to be insulated for the winter.

Having successfully overwintered, the tree awakens in the spring, bears fruit in the summer and ripens in the first half of September. Fruits are picked from the tree while still unripe. Dense and healthy fruits are removed along with the stalk. During harvesting, it is advisable not to scratch or drop pears, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate. Store fruits in a dark, dry, cool room, at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Diversity and general varietal characteristics of the Bere family

The large Bere pear family includes dozens of varieties that are popular in many regions of the world and are widespread, especially in Europe. Most of them have taken root in our country - mostly in the Central Black Earth region, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, and western regions. They are also successfully cultivated in Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. All varieties of Bere have gained popularity due to their outstanding characteristics in comparison with other types of pears. Some of these served as the basis for selection both abroad and in Russia.

Bere pears are typically vigorous trees with a tall pyramidal crown that becomes broad and somewhat asymmetrical over the years. The shoots and trunk of the tree are thick, with a predominant grayish color of the bark. They have large ovate leaves. It blooms relatively late, so the inflorescences are not subject to return frosts.

Like most pears, this variety prefers fairly warm climates and is demanding in terms of growing conditions. A detailed description of the variety helps in choosing the best option for a specific cultivation region.

History of the origin of the pear

The Williams pear was bred in the southern part of England by the scientist Wheeler, who used varieties that had been lost to date to hybridize the new tree. This happened at the end of the 18th century. The species was named in honor of R. Williams. He introduced the new pear at a meeting of gardeners in 1816. Then the plant began to be cultivated in France and other European countries.

It came to the Russian Empire in 1861, where it was spread throughout the southern provinces of the country by gardener N.P. Makukhin. There are several varieties of pear hybrid. But the most famous of them, obtained through long-term selection of varieties: Williams Winter (Cure), Bon-Chrétien, Barlet, summer red Duchess.

All these pear trees were tested in 1946-47 and included in the State Register of Fruit Crops of the North Caucasus, Rostov Region, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. The Primorsky variety, which is now distributed throughout the Black Sea coast of Russia and Ukraine, was specially developed for Crimea.

Pear Williams

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