Stella cucumbers: characteristics and description of the variety. Cucumber Stella: reviews, photos, reviews, growing secrets

Cucumber Stella F1 arouses keen interest among farmers. Cucumber is actively cultivated in open and closed beds, at home. Highly commercial greens are suitable for further sale.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalMid-early (46-55 days)SaladVery long - more than 20 cmHybridSmoothParthenocarpic

Description of the cucumber variety Stella F1

Cucumber Stella F1 belongs to hybrids with medium-early ripening periods and is part of the group of highly productive parthenocarpics.

Features of the hybrid from the originator “Siberian Garden”:

  • precocity;
  • good indicators of parthenocarpy;
  • many female inflorescences;
  • medium-sized strong bushes;
  • indeterminate growth of central shoots.

Long, smooth fruits have a presentable appearance. They are used primarily for salad purposes, for preparing fresh cuts and snacks.

  • length 20-25 cm;
  • weight in the range of 150-270 g;
  • diameter up to 4.5 cm;
  • the skin is smooth, with small grooves;
  • the color is rich green;
  • the flesh is crispy, juicy, tender.

The taste has pleasant notes of sweetness and a fresh aroma.

The Stella cucumber from Semko and Sib Sad is perfectly adapted to cultivation in various conditions - from southern to northern.


The plant reaches 1.5 meters in length. The bush forms up to 8 fruits in one node. This variety is very thermophilic. The bush has a small degree of branching. 56 days after sowing, the fruits can already be harvested. The plant does not need pollination. Flowering type: female only. Stella F1 should be grown only on well-fertilized and fertile soil


The average size of the fruit is 23 cm, and the weight is around 165 g. The Stella F1 cucumber is characterized by a very smooth, thornless peel on the outside and crispy pulp on the inside. There are practically no tubercles on the peel. This variety is known for its positive description of taste. It is perfect for making salads and is also good in canned form. Stella fruits (F1) have a pleasant taste. They also contain a lot of vitamins, and cucumber juice cleanses the stomach of toxins, since cucumber has more fiber than all other vegetables.


The following are photos of Stella cucumber:

Composition, benefits, calorie content

Since cucumber consists mainly of structured water, it is an excellent thirst quencher. The vegetable contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, H.

In addition, it includes:

  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • carotene;
  • calcium;
  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • starch.

The vegetable also contains caffeic, ascorbic and folic acids.

Calorie content per 100 g of product is 15 kcal:

  • proteins – 0.8;
  • fats – 0.1;
  • carbohydrates – 3.0.

Distinctive features

Stella F1 has good resistance to root rot, powdery mildew and ascochyta blight. The fact that the vegetable is a hybrid makes the crop productive and hardy. The fruits of this plant have an excellent presentation. Cucumbers are grown both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground.

Varietal features

Detailed characteristics and descriptions of the variety reveal a whole range of its remarkable advantages. They appear not only on Siberian soil. This is the largest of the early tomatoes and the earliest of the large ones.


Plants bear fruit well in open-air garden beds. They can be planted in greenhouses as a low compactor. The variety is extremely unpretentious and can be grown in any weather. Not too picky about agricultural technology. May suffer from late blight.

The leaves are large, dark green, and sit on thick, short petioles. The powerful leaf apparatus ensures excellent photosynthesis and works excellently for the harvest.

The tomato stem grows about half a meter in height. At the beginning of the growing season it is of a standard type, thick, stocky, erect, compressed, extremely compact, then it becomes a little spreading. Thanks to its determinacy, this tomato stops growing on its own after setting several trusses. Early pinching (before the first cluster) accelerates ripening and increases yield. No further shaping is required.


Tomato ripening time is mid-early.

The clusters begin to form quite early - after the rapid growth of 7 - 8 leaves. Further, the ovaries are located often, through the leaf, which ensures excellent yield. Each brush successfully produces 3 – 5 or even 7 tomatoes. The ovaries quickly increase in size.

Characteristics and description of the Slivka tomato variety, its yieldRead

The weight of the fruits of Pink Stella averages 130 - 150 grams. In the first brush they are much larger - 250 - 350 grams each (record even 400 - 500). On the upper clusters, the tomatoes in shape and size resemble the fruits of the Fighter (Buyan red) variety with a weight of 70 - 90 grams.

The color is uniform, without a green spot on the stalk. The color is very beautiful, appetizing - light crimson or deep pink. The skin is not too tough. The flesh is pink, has medium density - moderately fleshy, moderately juicy. There are very few seeds and they are small. The taste of tomatoes is excellent - dessert, sweetish.

The yield of the variety is stable over the years. Pink stella bears fruit well in any summer, despite natural disasters. Tomato clusters set successfully and grow quickly in a variety of weather conditions. The minimum return per square meter is 7 kilograms. It’s realistic to get one and a half times more.


Pink Stella is the most unpretentious of the sweet salad varieties. The tomato is ideal for consumption in its natural form in fresh vegetable salads. The only drawback of the variety (inherent, however, in all delicious salad varieties) is the low shelf life of ripe fruits. Green tomatoes ripen well, but they are not stored ripe for long.

In terms of size and shape, Pink Stella tomatoes from the top clusters are quite suitable for pickling and pickling. True, due to the thin skin and delicate consistency of the pulp, the fruits often burst when heated. The most successful way would be to preserve tomatoes in pieces in gelatin - this is just for meaty varieties. The thick juice is tasty and sweet: if you have a large harvest, you cannot let it spoil. You can make “horseradish” (“horloder”) or cook ketchup or tomato paste.

Hybrid characteristics

The cucumber hybrid Stella F1 is a salad crop, as the fruits are more than 20 cm. It was bred in Russia for cultivation in the Volga region and the Caucasus. Growing in the Central Black Earth region is also allowed.

The central lash reaches three meters, so it must be tied up. There are many side branches, which also makes harvesting difficult if the stems are not tied up. The fruits are smooth and juicy. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. If you don't pick cucumbers in time, they won't outgrow.

Here are the main advantages of this culture:

  • good resistance to most known diseases;
  • fruits tolerate transportation well;
  • high productivity;
  • good seed germination rates;
  • long-term storage of crops;
  • excellent taste characteristics;
  • beautiful view;
  • resistance to stress.

The only drawback:

  • lies in the need for fertile soil. If there are not enough minerals, the yield will drop sharply. Under favorable conditions, you can collect up to 28 kg per square meter.

Flowering and ripening times

Female type flowering that does not require pollination. The ripening of the variety is mid-early. The first fruits begin to be collected from the 65th day from emergence.


Thanks to the bunch fruit setting and their large size, rich harvests can be collected. The yield of the variety is 23 kg per 1 m², but can reach 27 kg. The yield of the harvest is “friendly”.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • precocity;
  • remarkable performance;
  • excellent taste and product characteristics;
  • stress resistance;
  • friendly return of the harvest;
  • suitable for all types of cultural rotations;
  • resistance to a complex of infections - bacterial, fungal;
  • alignment and beautiful appearance.


  • the need for planting in fertile soil.


The presented variety can boast of outstanding positive qualities that make the described cucumber one of the most attractive representatives of this crop on the market. Among the main advantages of the Stella f1 hybrid:

  1. productivity - painstaking care and generous fertilizers will allow you to harvest up to 25 kg/m² of high-quality harvest;
  2. excellent taste - cucumber is irreplaceable in summer salads, it has a light sugary aftertaste and has a great crunch;
  3. marketability - the greens are smooth, whole, neat, large and shiny, they are immediately noticed in the window;
  4. good immunity - Stella is immune to cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew and cladosporiosis.

Description and characteristics

The cucumber variety Stella is a parthenocarpic mid-early hybrid, obtained by breeders of the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing in 1984 and recommended for cultivation in greenhouses in the Northern, Northwestern, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions. The variety is characterized by resistance to ascochyta blight, root rot and powdery mildew. This hybrid is thermophilic and does not like sudden weather changes.

Did you know? Cucumber is the lowest-calorie fruit - 100 g of product contains no more than 15 kcal. Glycemic index 20.

Description of the bush

This cucumber variety produces a medium-sized bush that has few branches. Its lashes grow long, up to 1.5 m. The leaves are green in color and heart-shaped. The plant is medium-pubescent with white pubescence. Up to 8 fruits can be tied in a knot. Characterized by a long fruiting period.

Fruit characteristics

Cucumbers of the Stella variety have the shape of a cylinder with a smooth surface without spines and with slightly pronounced tubercles. The length of the fruits with a diameter of 3.5–4.5 cm is in the range of 20–25 cm, and their weight is 150–274 g. Zelentsy have excellent taste. They have juicy, crispy flesh, small seeds and thin skin. They are recommended for fresh consumption. They are sometimes used for preservation in cut form.

Did you know? The ancient Romans grew cucumbers for year-round consumption. So in winter they could also treat themselves not only to salted vegetables.


Thanks to the bunch fruit setting and their large size, rich harvests can be collected. The yield of the variety is 23 kg per 1 m². The yield of the harvest is “friendly”.

Flowering and ripening times

Female type flowering that does not require pollination. The ripening of the variety is mid-early. The first fruits begin to be collected from the 65th day from emergence.

Pros and cons of the variety

  • high productivity;
  • no need for pollination;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • excellent presentation of vegetables;
  • excellent taste.
  • the size of the fruit is not suitable for preservation in its entirety;
  • impossibility of procuring your own seed material.

Features of agricultural technology

The Stella F1 cucumber hybrid is not very demanding, so it is not difficult to grow.

Here are the basic rules of agricultural technology:

  • Germinate seeds at home. They should be kept at a temperature of about 25 degrees for up to 35 days. The soil should always be moist. It is better to plant in peat pots so that the sprouts are strong.
  • Planting should be done in moist soil so that the roots are better strengthened in the soil. Seedlings must have at least 3 true leaves.
  • No more than three seedlings are placed per square meter.

There are some useful tips from gardeners:

  • This crop needs to be watered every other day. About 10 liters of water are used per square meter.
  • The soil should not dry out more than 2 cm. Otherwise, bitterness will appear.
  • If it is not possible to come to your garden plot several times a week, you should use a drip irrigation system.
  • It is better to harvest every day or every other day, so that minerals are spent on new ovaries, and not on increasing the size of existing cucumbers.
  • After watering, be sure to loosen the soil to remove weeds. This will preserve nutrients for the crop.
  • Soil acidity should not be more than 6.5.

These tips will increase crop yield.

Features of cultivation

Cucumbers of the Stella variety can be sown immediately in protected soil. To obtain an earlier harvest, the seedling method is used.

Important! Cucumbers should not be replanted in the same place or after other pumpkins. The best predecessors are potatoes, tomatoes, legumes and green manure.

Planting cucumbers in seedlings

For planting, take seedlings 26–30 days old. At this time, the plant should form 3-4 true leaves. Overgrown specimens may lag behind in fruiting. The soil for cucumbers should be fertile and loose. It should be prepared in advance. In the spring, mineral fertilizers are added, for each square meter - 40 g of superphosphate, 15 g of ammonium nitrate and 25 g of potassium salt.

During autumn digging, manure is added - 4–9 kg per 1 m², depending on the type of soil. Planting is carried out when the daytime air temperature reaches +22…+24°С, and at night it is at +17…+18°С . When planting seedlings, maintain a gap between rows of 1-1.2 m, and between plants - 25-35 cm. There are 2-3 plants per 1 m². It is better to plant in the evening.

Find out more about planting cucumbers in open ground.

Holes for plants are formed so that the seedling material, along with the root system and a lump of earth, can be placed freely. Before planting, 3–4 hours before planting, the seedlings are moistened abundantly. Afterwards, the plants are carefully removed from the container and planted together with the soil in the prepared holes. Then the seedlings are covered with soil 2–3 cm above the root collar, compacting the soil.

If the seedlings were grown in peat pots, then planting is carried out together with them - the pot is placed in a hole and covered with soil two to three centimeters above its upper edge. After planting, watering is carried out at the rate of 1–2 liters per 1 hole.

Video: planting cucumber seedlings in open ground

Planting cucumbers with seeds

Cucumbers of the Stella variety are sown when the soil warms up to +15...+18°C. This time usually falls at the end of April - beginning of June, depending on the climate and region. 3 pieces of seed material are placed in the holes, with an interval of 10 cm from each other. The distance between rows is maintained at 35–40 cm.

The first shoots appear 6-8 days after planting. If the packaging does not indicate that the seeds have been treated, then they should be disinfected. To do this, the seeds are kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then you should rinse and dry, spreading it on a napkin.

Important! When planting seeds in open ground, they must be dried, since in soil that is not completely warmed up, the planting material may begin to rot.

Planting cucumbers Stella F1

Stella f1 prefers enriched soil - rich chernozem, or airy, crumbly sandy loam soil. It is better to plant the variety on a plain or hill. The area for cucumber is chosen to be flat or on a hill, well protected from the winds.

Landing dates

When choosing the optimal time, you need to take into account that Stella is a late and, at the same time, heat-loving hybrid. Planting of the variety begins in greenhouse conditions in the second half of April, in open ground - in mid-May.

The soil for the cucumber should already warm up to 11°-12°, the air temperature should be at least 19°-20°, otherwise most of the plantings will freeze.

Soil preparation

Stella f1 requires serious work on the site for the future harvest. In the fall, the soil where the cucumber will grow is dug up to a depth of 50 cm, replacing the top layer. After which the area is fertilized with mullein or wood ash. In the spring, 3-4 days before planting the seeds of the variety, the soil is dug up again - this time shallowly, weeded and humus or peat is added to the area under the cucumber.

Planting by seedlings

The seedling method produces a harvest 14 days earlier than direct sowing in the ground.

Before planting seedlings, the seeds are poured into a fabric bag and placed in a nutrient solution (1 teaspoon of nitrophoska and wood ash are mixed in 1 liter of water) for 12 hours. At the end of the specified time, the seeds are washed several times with clean water, placed on a damp gauze cloth and left for 2 days at a temperature of at least +20°C. 24 hours before planting, the grains are placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2...+3°C.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out throughout April. To do this, use small containers up to 12 cm in height. Soil for these purposes can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently.

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • 1 part small sawdust;
  • 2 parts humus;
  • 2 parts peat.

In 10 kg of composition mix 1.2 tbsp. l. nitrophoska and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash. All this is thoroughly mixed and distributed into containers. Plant 1 seed in one pot with prepared soil and lightly moisten it. When two true leaves appear, the seedlings will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location.


Stella seedlings are ready to be transferred to the ground 31-32 days after planting, after a week of hardening and treatment with a solution of manganese or copper sulfate. At this time, 3-4 leaves should bloom on the sprouts of the variety. The cucumber is buried 4-5 cm, pouring a 2-3 cm mound of earth on top.

After planting, the beds are watered abundantly, and in the evening, Stella f1 is covered with film so that the seedlings are not destroyed by night frosts.

Planting by seed

Before sowing, careful preparation of not only the seeds, but also the soil is carried out. Since cucumber germinates well, most gardeners plant the seeds dry, but to be sure they are pre-treated.

The first step is to calibrate the seeds: even, large seeds without dark spots are selected for planting. Next, they are disinfected with the drug “Fitosporin”, following the instructions on the package. Potassium permanganate is also used to process grains. 1 g of potassium permanganate is stirred in 100 g of water. The seeds are placed in the solution for 20-30 minutes.

The next stage is germination. The grains are wrapped in damp cotton cloth and placed in a container, which is wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in a warm place with an air temperature of +22...+26°C. Seeds are germinated within 1-2 days.


Seeds are sown for seedlings from mid-March, 30-32 days before the planned transplant to a permanent place. Planting depth is 1-2 cm. The boxes are covered with film before germination to maintain humidity and temperature of 26-27 degrees.

Features of caring for seedlings:

  • irrigation through a spray bottle;
  • fertilizing with nitroammophos, organic solutions with 1-2 leaves and then at intervals of 14 days;
  • hardening 7-8 days before transplantation.

Sowing in open beds begins in the last week of May. The surface at a depth of 3-4 cm should be heated to 15 degrees.

Caring for cucumbers Stella F1

To get a high yield, it is necessary to organize proper care for this plant crop.


Before flowering begins, watering is carried out once every 5–7 days, at the rate of 3–6 liters per 1 m². From the moment of flowering, watering is increased, it is carried out every 2-3 days. At the same time, 6–12 liters are consumed per 1 m². The water temperature for irrigation should be warm and within +20…+25°C. Cold water can negatively affect the crop.


To get a good harvest, you need to fertilize 5 times during the entire growing season. For this purpose, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are used. The first application of fertilizers is carried out at the initial stage of color appearance. For feeding, use the following solution: mix 250 ml of rotted mullein in 10 liters of water, as well as 1 teaspoon each of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Mullein can be replaced with sodium humate (1 tbsp). During the fruiting period, fertilizing is carried out 4 times. At the beginning of fruit formation, use a solution - take 1 tbsp per 10 liters of water. l nitrophoska and 250 ml of rotted chicken droppings.

For all other fertilizers, use the following composition: one teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 0.5 liters of rotted mullein are dissolved in ten liters of water. The break between feedings is 14–15 days. For 1 m² of planting it takes about 5 liters of this solution. Rotted chicken droppings or manure can be replaced with humic fertilizers such as “Breadwinner”, “Fertility”, “Ideal” or sodium humate.


Stella f1 earths up once every 4 days, and also during periods of sensitive cold in the open ground. The cucumber is sprinkled with soil a little less than 1/3 of its height. Mulch (hay or peat) from the rows is thrown around the variety bush. In addition to hilling, the cucumber needs regular weeding - once every 4-5 days, as well as loosening after each watering.


Another name is stepsoning. All shoots that are located above the 3rd and 4th leaves of the young plant must be removed. This is necessary for the development of a good root system.

Because branching is average, you need to pinch the top of the main stem. If the bush is actively bearing fruit, pinching is not necessary.

Tying up

To ensure that cucumbers grow well, they are tied to trellises. To do this, strong stakes 1.5-2 m high are driven into the ground. A rope is pulled between them - twine.

Then the cucumber lashes are tied up. They need to be supported under the first leaves. The twine needs to be twisted around the bush clockwise.

Possible difficulties

The beds with the self-pollinating hybrid Stella F1 are systematically weeded. While the plants are still young, the soil is carefully loosened, at the same time removing weeds. In the future, the procedure is repeated once a week. For the crop, timely harvesting is important, since heavy fruits place a large load on the plants.


Stella f1, judging by the description, is a rather capricious variety and demanding of agricultural technology. It requires frequent, nutritious feeding, regular loosening, warm watering, periodic hilling and weeding. To prevent pests from getting the cucumber, the plantings should be carefully inspected and preventive measures taken.


Water the cucumber once every 2 days, in the evening, after sunset. For 1 m² you will need about 6 liters. liquids in good weather, 7 l. - in a drought. During the rainy season, watering is reduced to once every 3-4 days. Water the variety with water left in sunlight for 20-30 minutes, the optimal temperature is 23°-25°.

Garter and bush formation

Stella requires special attention to the shape of the bush so that the harvest is friendly and abundant. As the variety grows, do the following:

  • The bush is pinched at a level of 1.5 m.
  • The lashes are tied vertically to trellises or metal mesh.
  • The bush is formed into a central stem, lateral branches are removed at a length of 10 cm.
  • The cucumber is blinded in the main stem up to the 4th leaf.

In greenhouses, it is especially important that the bush does not branch and the leaves do not touch the ground

Top dressing

Generous feeding is the main guarantee of a rich harvest of such a variety as Stella f1. The bushes are fertilized 5 times per season. The first feeding is before flowering. Fertilizer - mullein solution with the addition of urea and potassium sulfate. In further fertilizing, organic and mineral mixtures are applied to the cucumber in turn.

Among organic materials, Stella prefers urea, chicken manure and compost. The following mineral fertilizers are selected: nitrophoska, sodium sulfate, potassium salt, superphosphate.


Stella f1 earths up once every 4 days, and also during periods of sensitive cold in the open ground. The cucumber is sprinkled with soil a little less than 1/3 of its height. Mulch (hay or peat) from the rows is thrown around the variety bush. In addition to hilling, the cucumber needs regular weeding - once every 4-5 days, as well as loosening after each watering.

Harvesting and application

You can harvest cucumbers of the Stella variety from the second half of June until the end of August, as they ripen, when the greens grow to the desired size. They are great for fresh consumption. Cucumbers can also be used for preservation (in pieces).

Did you know? Since ancient times, cucumber juice has proven itself as a skin whitening and wrinkle smoothing agent. It is still used in the cosmetics industry and home skin care.

Fresh vegetables are stored for no more than 2 days in room conditions, then they gradually begin to wither. They can stay in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment or in a bag with air holes for 5 days. In the cellar, when stored in boxes and at a temperature of +6...+8°C, storage can be carried out for up to 10 days.

It is recommended to grow cucumbers of the Stella variety in a greenhouse in different ways (from seeds or seedlings). The fruits are best consumed fresh. Caring for the plant is not difficult, and the yield and taste of the fruit are at a high level.

Reviews from gardeners


37 years old, Voronezh

“I have been growing the cucumber hybrid Stella F1 for several years now. I can say that I am completely satisfied with the yield and taste. It's ideal for salads and canning, but canning requires making salads. Fortunately, there are many recipes on the Internet. This hybrid is easy to care for, but with a lack of moisture, bitterness appears. Therefore, in order not to go to the dacha every day, I installed a drip irrigation system. I apply fertilizer every 15 days.”


53 years old Stavropol

“I have been growing the cucumber hybrid Stella F1 for several years now. It has to be watered almost every day, but this is normal for any cucumbers. It’s good that we live close to the dacha, so this does not cause problems. The harvest is good, the cucumbers themselves are delicious. We make salads from them, including for the winter.”


48 years old, Krasnodar

“I know the cucumber hybrid Stella F1 well. I have been growing it on my plot for several years now. It produces good yields, but requires a lot of fertilizer. Considering that I grow fruits for several families at once, the yield indicator is very important for me. The seeds are inexpensive. By the way, you have to buy them every year, since it is impossible to get them from fruits.”

Diseases and pests

This variety rarely gets sick. Due to Stella being an F1 hybrid, the variety rarely gets sick, but this can happen. For every pest or disease there are several ways to combat it. It is also important to observe the dosages of the drugs used for treatment so as not to harm the bush.


During plant growth, pests may occur. The appearance of pests on plants is normal, since harmful insects often attack plants during the fruiting period.

  1. A whitefly is a small white midge. Drinks plant juice and leaves behind sooty mushrooms and wilted leaves. A solution of garlic and water (150 grams of garlic per 1 liter of water), which is sprayed on cucumbers, helps against whiteflies, but it is better, of course, to use some branded sprayers.
  2. Aphids are small green bugs. She likes to settle in colonies on leaves and eat them. Aphids reproduce very quickly. The consequences of its sabotage are wilting of leaves. A solution of wood ash, soap and water helps against aphids (add 50 grams of wood ash and 20 grams of soap to 2.5 liters of water).
  3. Spider mites are small mites. They leave behind webs under the leaves where they sit. Ticks eat leaves and bring all sorts of infections. Spraying a soap solution (a tablespoon of soap per 1 liter of water) on the back of the leaves helps against them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mid- and late-ripening cucumbers have several advantages over super-early and early varieties:

  1. Plants grow for a long time in open beds, so they have a more developed root system. Through it, more nutrients are supplied to the cucumbers. They accumulate in fruits and improve their taste.
  2. The structure of the fruit becomes less vulnerable to external damage, promotes longer storage, and vegetables are not damaged during transportation.
  3. Late varieties can be eaten fresh and stored for the winter, unlike early cucumbers, which do not last more than 2-3 weeks.
  4. Cucumbers of the latest ripening periods bear fruit from July until the first cold weather (October). They keep well in basements, cellars or in the refrigerator for another 2-3 weeks.
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