Apple tree of the Spartan variety: a ruddy apple, like in a fairy tale

When choosing apple tree seedlings, various factors and characteristics are taken into account:

  • Taste of the intended fruits;
  • Susceptibility to disease;
  • Susceptibility to the climate of the region in winter;
  • Quantity and timing of crop ripening.

Probably the most famous and in demand on the market for temperate climates is the summer hybrid “Elena”. Its fruiting begins even earlier than the White filling.

In addition to the fact that summer varieties have a special aroma , they are also rich in sugars. This is especially felt when eating an apple straight from the branch.

It is the Elena apple tree that is a prominent representative of summer apple trees, which we will dwell on in more detail.

The variety was developed at the very beginning of the 21st century by Belarusian breeders, which gained great popularity thanks to :

  • Juiciness,
  • Excellence of taste,
  • Subtleties of apple aroma.

Description and characteristics

This crop was obtained by artificial hybridization of summer varietal species, where “Early Sweet” was taken as the mother tree, and “Discovery” as the second.

And not in vain. Both apple trees were distinguished by excellent ratings for taste and, accordingly, the hybrid turned out with excellent indicators of this characteristic, surpassing even its ancestors in juiciness and aroma:

  • The apple at technical maturity is light green in color, when filled it is pinkish-red, reminiscent of a faded blush.
  • A large number of large subcutaneous points create an original appearance for the apple.
  • Medium-sized fruits - 120-150 g. With a large harvest, a decrease in size is possible.
  • The pulp, which has a granular structure, juiciness, aroma, has a sugar content of up to 11%, which indicates a wonderful rich flavor bouquet .

According to the qualitative composition of the fruit:

  • Dry matter – 13%;
  • Acid content – ​​0.36%;
  • Sugar – 10.86%;
  • Vitamin C – 6.7 mg/100 g;
  • Pectins – 0.78%;

Taste characteristics are lost when apples are overripe.

Advantages and disadvantages

a plus :

  • tasting taste,
  • Early fruiting
  • Excellent presentation,
  • Winter hardiness
  • Scab resistance.

A disadvantage or disadvantage is considered to be crumbling and low shelf life.

Some lovers consider the taste of “Elena” to be bland, which is typical of purely sweet hybrids.
Important! The juiciness and sweetness do not last as long as we would like. The shelf life without loss of taste is a maximum of three weeks in a cool place. Then the juiciness disappears, and the fruit becomes tasteless.

Tasting assessment

If the fruits are allowed to fully ripen on the branches, then red inclusions are noticeable in the pulp, giving the fruit a special value and a sour-sweet aroma.

A rating of 4.8 is a very good indicator on a five-point scale.

Tree height and crown features


  • Low-growing, compact, growing up to three meters tall.
  • The crown has a pyramidal shape and is slightly thickened.
  • The branches are slightly lowered, but the tips point upward.
  • The bark is grayish-green.
  • The leaf resembles an oval shape with a smooth surface, has small serrations along the edge, is richly green on the outside and grayish on the inside.
  • The edges of the branches are very densely covered with foliage, which is completely absent closer to the trunk.

Self-fertility and productivity

The apple tree variety Elena is bisexual and does not require pollinators .

Apple tree Elena gives:

  • Annual,
  • Stable,
  • Large harvest, resulting in abundant fruit set.

Fragrant flowering attracts a huge number of insects, which further affects the high yield, reaching 25 t/ha.

Apple tree blossom.

Winter hardiness

Relatively winter-hardy variety . Tolerates winter well in temperate climates. Does not require insulation of the root system.

Disease resistance

Although the apple tree is resistant to many types of diseases , fungal diseases sometimes occur, which can destroy the tree.

Most often, such a hybrid is subject to diseases : powdery mildew, milky sheen. Scab resistance is average.

Origin and zoning

The apple tree variety “Elena” was created by specialists of the Belarusian Research Institute of Fruit Growing (now RNPD Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Fruit Growing”) through intervarietal hybridization. “Previously sweet” of the Belarusian selection and English “Discovery” were used as parent forms. The new variety was submitted for state testing in 2001.

“Elena” was obtained by crossing the “Early Sweet” (pictured left) and “Discovery” (right) apple trees.

Like other varieties of crops bred by Belarusian breeders, “Elena” performs best in areas with a temperate continental climate. In 2007, the variety was officially included in the State Registers as recommended for cultivation in the North-Western and Central regions of Russia and in all regions of Belarus. The apple tree is more suitable for home gardens; it is practically not grown in industrial gardening due to the short shelf life of the fruit.

Features of planting and care

For a good, complete harvest, it is necessary to create adequate flowering, which will attract a large number of pollinating insects.

Therefore, spring feeding of the plant with organic matter, as well as mineral fertilizers, is a mandatory stimulator of fruiting.

In summer, apple trees need to be watered abundantly.



It is best to plant or transplant seedlings after the leaves have fallen.

The root system will have time to recover after planting before spring and, with the beginning of the growing season, will begin to supply all the necessary nutrients to the tree.

Spring planting must be done before the buds open - in the very early spring. Spring planting requires abundant watering for the young plant.


The preferred soil for planting seedlings is slightly acidic loamy chernozem, to which it responds with good fertility.

It is also unpretentious to other soils, but the main thing is that the acidity is not increased and there is enough nutrition , especially nitrogen, which is important for development and fruiting.

Attention! It is not recommended to grow young seedlings in places where fairly old plantings grow in order to avoid intertwining of root systems and blocking sunlight by the crowns.

To do this, prepare a planting hole 80*80*80 cm in advance.

The bottom of the pit is filled with organic matter (humus or compost). Within 7-10 days, the pit warms up, the organic matter begins to act, then the seedling can be planted without fear of frost and poor rooting.


The required distance between low-growing crops must be at least three meters. This provides it with sufficient illumination, freedom and convenience for the gardener during processing.

Planting apple trees in spring. Maintain the correct distance between trees.


Although the hybrid is unpretentious in growing conditions, its responsiveness will be better when planted in a sunny open area .

It gets along well with other relatives , which has a fruitful effect on joint assistance to each other during pollination by insects.

Agricultural technology

This hybrid , like all apple trees, prefers loamy soil .

For heavier clay conditions, it is required:

  • Additional application of peat,
  • Rotted compost,
  • Coarse sand, which ensures soil breathability.

It is unacceptable to plant the plant with nearby groundwater.

In this case, they are planted in elevated places.

Advice! The branches, under the load of fruit, hang down to the ground, so they need supports or tied to supports.

Pruning and crown formation

Pruning basically involves removing damaged branches and inward growing branches. Due to the slightly thickened crown, shaping is not required.

Pollinator varieties

The apple tree is bisexual, so it does not require pollinators .

The main pollinators are insects, which are attracted by the aroma of flowers and multiple blooms.

Varietal characteristics of Lyubava strawberries

According to some gardeners, this variety is superior even to the so famous “Queen Elizabeth 2”, it has proven itself so well, mainly due to its ability to withstand frost.

In terms of its winter hardiness, Lyubava surpasses all foreign and many Russian selections; its advantages are also considered:

  • early ripening of berries, fruiting before severe frosts;
  • average drought resistance and good heat resistance;
  • excellent resistance to fungal diseases of foliage (powdery mildew, brown spot);
  • successfully resists the attack of the transparent strawberry mite;
  • the berries ripen quickly and are well preserved on the bushes;
  • forms a harvest on mother bushes and barely rooted rosettes;
  • well suited for vertical growing method;
  • the second wave of fruiting is continuous and long-lasting.

The disadvantages include, perhaps, the fact that Lyubava produces an average amount of whiskers; for propagation, only well-developed rosettes should be taken; the planting material obtained is not enough.

Features of ripening and fruiting

"Elena" produces an annual, stable, large harvest, which results in abundant fruit set.

Bag of apples.

Beginning of fruiting

Fruiting is possible already in the second year after planting, although not so much. Usually 10-15 apples.

The most abundant time of fruiting is from the fifth year of life. This mainly depends on the region of growth, soil, conditions, and care of the plant.

Terms of flowering, ripening and storage of fruits

During the flowering period, which occurs in late April or early May, white flowers are collected in groups that emit a sweetish aroma, which attracts numerous insects.

Maturity at which the harvest can be harvested occurs already in mid-July, indicating that the hybrid is one of the first to produce apples ready for consumption.

The collection ends in August.

Storage in a cool place or cellar does not exceed three weeks.

Features of fruiting

To prevent the fruits from becoming smaller , it is necessary to thin out the flower stalks during the flowering period.

Then the apples will correspond to the characteristics of the variety.

A feature of the species can also be considered the uniform size of apples with uneven ripening.

Pest varieties

Despite its resistance to most diseases, the Lyubava variety is susceptible to a number of pests. When attacked by the strawberry or strawberry pest, the foliage of the berry begins to curl. You can get rid of the disease by removing the affected areas of Lyubava and burning them away from the main crop. Mites also lay eggs on the plant's foliage. This is why they become covered with wrinkles and the yield drops significantly. To prevent both types of pests, experienced summer residents recommend using the Iskra product.

Using these tips, you can get a high-quality harvest of the variety and enjoy strawberries without being attacked by pests.


Growing in regions

Basically, this hybrid is adapted to the temperate climate that exists in central Russia and Belarus.

Since it was bred in Belarus, it is winter-hardy for these latitudes, ripening at the end of July.

But this in no way prohibits the cultivation of this crop in other latitudes. In a different climate, additional conditions will be required and the yield may decrease.

If this applies to the Siberian regions, then when the soil freezes, it loses many nutrients and microelements.

Therefore, when grown in such harsh conditions, it is necessary to feed the plant in a timely manner , creating less harsh conditions for it in the winter season.

This is done by abundant mulching for the winter or increasing the snow cover around the trunk, which does not allow the roots to completely freeze out.

In the southern regions there are no problems with winter hardiness, but periodic, abundant watering and preservation of the ovaries is required if they are exposed to extreme heat.

If timely watering is not observed in hot climates, the soil quickly dries out, which creates difficulty in absorbing nutrition. Due to lack of nutrition, the color disappears, and the ovary does not form.

Important! Problems with watering exist only in the southern regions. In temperate latitudes, natural irrigation in the form of rain is sufficient.

Timely measures will give good yield.

Characteristics of the strawberry variety Darselect

The variety is moisture-loving, although it tolerates 40-degree heat. At temperatures above 30 °C, strawberries need drip watering. When approaching 40 °C, the plant should be shaded with a net or reflective film. Without such measures, berry loss may occur.

Darselect strawberries easily tolerate heat, but when the temperature rises to 40 °C, the bushes need to be shaded

The variety is not frost-resistant. Low snow winters and frosts below 20 °C force gardeners to cover their plantings to protect them from freezing.

Advantages of the variety:

  • large fruits;
  • rich dessert taste;
  • high transportability;
  • resistance to heat;
  • Suitable for commercial cultivation.

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • reduction and deformation of fruits towards the end of fruiting;
  • the need for constant watering, especially in dry summers;
  • with a lack of moisture - separation of the stalk along with the pulp, the appearance of voids inside the berry.

Video: Darselect - guest from France

Care and diseases

This crop, like any plant, requires certain care. From the beginning of the spring until late autumn, it requires attention and timely care measures .

They include:

  • Inspection of the crop to identify damage during the winter period.
  • Eliminate damage and take measures to treat it.
  • Spring pruning, treating cuts with antibacterial drugs.
  • Removing tree-trunk weeds and ensuring access of oxygen to the root system by loosening the soil of the tree-trunk circle.
  • In the first 2-3 years, carry out autumn watering of seedlings.
  • If flowering is too abundant, in order to reduce the load on the branches, the most loaded branches should be removed from part of the peduncles.
  • Cover the root system for the winter with insulation, humus or other methods.
  • Treat with pest control products in a timely manner. The disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Feeding fruit trees and shrubs in spring.
To protect it from fungal diseases , you need to take the following series of measures:

  • Cut out all damaged parts (foliage, branches) and burn them.
  • In early spring, before the buds open, treat the affected trees with urea.
  • Once the flowers have faded, spray with an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate and soap. Soap is necessary for the drug to adhere to parts of the plant.

If black cancer or cytosporosis damage part of the branches, then they need to be removed, and the cut areas should be disinfected and treated with healing preparations.

And the tree trunk circle is fertilized with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Then they are watered to evenly distribute the fertilizer in the root system.

Attention! A completely damaged tree is dug up and burned.

Like any other crops, it can be attacked by neighbors or nearby diseased plants:

  • Aphid,
  • Codling moth or hawthorn.

Usually they are not difficult to deal with.

To do this, the tree must be sprayed with insecticides . If the aphid colony is not numerous, then it is quite possible to get by with Bordeaux mixture treatment.

  • When there is a large infestation of aphids, karbofos is used. Treatment with a decoction of wormwood gives a good effect.
  • The process of removing hawthorn consists primarily of removing its nests and treating the apple tree with the drug “Aktar” or “Aktellik”.
  • A more problematic process is the fight against the codling moth. It consists of searching and removing all damaged ovaries and treating the entire crown and trunk with Enterobacterin.
  • Spraying must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to damage the fruits and avoid their death.

Apple codling moth.
The first treatment is carried out in early spring, then at the time of invasion of the main mass of pests - immediately after flowering.

Attention! Do not spray when apples are ripening.

Autumn treatment is carried out mainly for prevention . If you do not treat the trees, then the rest of the care will simply be pointless.

Of course, such diseases or pests do not always exist. But with proper preventative measures, such problems will not arise.

Is it possible to plant a blue spruce and an Elena apple tree next to each other?

It is forbidden. Conifers will acidify the soil, which will negatively affect the harvest and development. In addition, the ingress of resins from conifers harms the root system.

To ensure that you have tasty and juicy fruits on your table in the summer, “Elena” is the best confirmation of this. The main thing is to provide proper care and create the necessary conditions.

Description of strawberry bushes of the Lyubava variety

Lyubava strawberry bushes are spreading, of medium thickness, well leafy. The leaves are medium in size, beautiful green in color, without spots, shiny, slightly ribbed, slightly concave, not pubescent. Throws out a lot of flower stalks. The second wave of flowering is abundant, the bushes are literally strewn with large white flowers. The mustache also, without having time to develop the leaf and root apparatus, throws out strong peduncles that bloom and set fruit. The height of the peduncle reaches the level of the foliage or higher.

Reviews from gardeners

Vladimir: Three years ago I planted a seedling of “Elena” after studying the photo and description of the variety. It was a complete surprise that in the second year there was already a small harvest . The apples are very tasty and juicy. Although they write that they are of medium size, it seemed to us that they were quite large.

Svetlana: We have been growing this variety for about 7 years. The variety is very promising. The only drawback is that the fruits ripen on the branches and fall off.

Tatyana: The tree grew beautiful and small, the same as I found in the description in the photo. For our Moscow region, winter hardiness is quite normal. I really like the taste and high yield of the variety .

Igor: We have been growing Elena for many years now and every year there is a large harvest of wonderful apples. Although they don’t last long, we drink juice and compotes all winter.


The Lubava strawberry does not produce many tendrils, but they may begin to bloom before they have roots. The variety is propagated by layering and dividing bushes. Due to intensive fruiting, plants bear fruit abundantly only for a couple of seasons, then they need to be replaced with young ones.

Expert opinion

Zarechny Maxim Valerievich

Agronomist with 12 years of experience. Our best country expert.

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Plants can also be propagated by seeds, for which they are collected from ripe large berries, soaked and sown in loose soil in March. Seedlings are sent to the garden when they develop 5-6 leaves.

Rules of agricultural technology

Apple tree Elena: photo of variety

As you remember, you need to care for the Elena apple tree, observing all the rules of agricultural technology. Therefore, you need to carefully inspect the plant throughout the growing season. And also carry out certain procedures and activities in a timely manner. In early spring, you will need to inspect the tree's crown to identify any damage. It is no secret that it is in early spring that many pests wake up and attack weakened plants. So you should not forget about preventative treatments.

Also, not all shoots overwinter successfully, so many branches become damaged and become diseased and dry. Therefore, they will need to be trimmed or treated in time. In spring, sanitary pruning should be carried out to remove all diseased shoots. However, do not forget to treat the cut areas with any antibacterial drug. Either crushed coal or garden pitch. Don't forget to remove fallen leaves from the garden. And also remove weeds that interfere with plant development.

In order for oxygen to better reach the root system and moisture to remain in the soil longer, the soil around the trunk should be loosened. If necessary, the ground should be mulched. Sawdust and straw are used as mulching material. And also dry grass. Young seedlings will also need to be watered intensively in the fall so that the plants enter the dormant state the most protected. If the apple tree blooms too much, you will need to remove the flower stalks. So that the fruits do not become smaller over time, and the load on the branches is distributed evenly. For the winter, you should not forget to cover the tree trunk circle with the help of various insulation materials. Sometimes the top layer of soil is covered with humus or compost. So that the plant can overwinter better.

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