Lapis lazuli for weeds - instructions for use and consumption rates of the drug

Herbicide properties

A weed-free garden is a pipe dream for many. Nobody wants to do extra weeding. Weeds greatly influence the quality and quantity of the future harvest.

To combat them, Lapis lazuli has proven itself to be effective. This herbicide has a selective spectrum of action and actively destroys weeds.

Herbicide Lapis lazuli

The main feature of the drug: it fights only weeds, it does not damage the main crops.

Lapis lazuli SP against weeds protects potatoes and tomatoes. The drug has soil activity. The active ingredient is metribuzin, which suppresses the photosynthesis of weeds, having a detrimental effect on leaves, roots and young shoots, due to which they die.

This action helps to quickly destroy growing weeds and suppress only the germinating seedlings of the second wave of weeds.

The product acts on all major perennial weeds and prevents annual weeds from developing. The drug lapis lazuli instructions for use, which clearly indicates the consumption rates, destroys even the most aggressive destructive plants:

  • ambrosia
  • shiritsa
  • quinoa
  • pigweed
  • thistle, etc.

The destruction of weeds occurs when they have not yet emerged, and after their germination within 10-20 days.

In what cases is it better not to use the product?

A selective agent of herbicidal activity is “Lazurit”, an effective assistant in the fight for the cleanliness of plots for growing nightshade crops.

Contraindications to the use of the herbicide are:

  • low plant immunity after stress (transplantation, drought, frost, pest damage);
  • use on crops sensitive to the active element;
  • on sandy soils with low humidity;
  • the drug is not intended for application using aviation;
  • There is a ban on working with Lapis Lazuli near fish farms, drinking springs, and open water bodies.

A protective waterproof suit is provided for working with the drug.

Lapis lazuli treatment and cost rates

Let's look at the weed control agent lapis lazuli and how to use it, and study the cost rate.

Treatment with Lapis Lazuli

The first treatment is carried out when the crop has already been planted. It is necessary to treat the soil with a herbicide solution. It is forbidden to turn over the soil after the procedure.

If there is a little rain, it will facilitate the penetration of the substance into the soil. And if there was a downpour, it could wash away the product and it would lose its effect. Drought also reduces the effect of the drug. So, keep an eye on the weather before applying.

The calculation of lapis lazuli against weeds per 1 hectare is as follows - 10 g per 3 liters of water.

To spray one hectare you need: 200-300 liters of potato solution; 300-400 l for seeded tomatoes; 500 l – tomato seedlings.

It is allowed to cultivate the soil and sprouted potatoes and risen tomatoes. The second treatment is carried out when the tops do not exceed 5 cm. Because potatoes and tomatoes in the early stages of growth are resistant to the effects of the drug.

Spray the product on the stems and leaves in dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning or evening.

Minimum doses of the drug are used to treat early potatoes.

The maximum consumption is intended for late potatoes on dense clay soil. Max. the concentration should not exceed half a percent of the active substance.

The herbicide protection lasts 1-2 months, during which time your crop will have time to get stronger.

How does it work

When lapis lazuli is added to the soil, the process of stopping photosynthesis in weeds begins and they die. Even if some seeds remain, they do not have time to germinate - at this time the root system of potatoes or tomatoes develops. Their roots do not allow weeds to grow through; the weeds remain in the ground, and under the influence of the herbicide they die there too. They rot in the ground, creating additional nutrition for the soil. This effect of the drug continues for 1-2 months, so it is useless to apply it “for prevention” in the fall; by spring its effect will stop anyway, and the surviving weeds will still germinate.

When used correctly, the fruits contain no harmful substances; they do not differ in taste and quality from those that have not been processed. In beds cleared of weeds, fruits develop faster, are larger and healthier, and are less sick. In the soil itself, other pests also disappear - shrews and wireworms, which damage the root system of plants, and this also increases productivity.

When using, you must keep in mind the quality of the soil itself; the amount of use of the drug depends on this. For earlier varieties on sandstones it is required less than for later varieties or on heavy clay soil. Also, you should not use it during flowering plants.

On heavy soils or peat bogs, spray the plantings with herbicide after the weeds have emerged.

Consumption rates for tomatoes

The table below shows the application rates for tomatoes.

Culture, processed objectHarmful objectConsumption rate of the drugMethod, processing time, application featuresFrequency of treatments (waiting period)
TomatoAnnual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds20 g/10 l waterSpraying crops in the phase of 2-4 leaves of the crop. Working fluid consumption: 3 l/100 m² 1(60)
10 g/10 l water + 10 g/6 l waterSpraying crops sequentially in the phase of 1-2 and 3-5 leaves of the crop. Working fluid consumption: 2 l/100 m² and 3 l/100 m2. 2(60)
Tomato seedlings10-12 g/3 l waterSpraying the soil before planting seedlings in the ground. Working fluid consumption: 3 l/100 m². 1(60)
10 g/3 l waterSpraying weeds 15-20 days after planting seedlings in the ground. Working fluid consumption: 3 l/100 m².

Pros and cons

A modern drug with herbicidal activity has clear advantages among its analogues:

  • high ability to penetrate through roots and leaf surfaces, thanks to active nanoparticles of the active element;
  • increased penetration rate;
  • activity against a wide spectrum of dicotyledonous weeds;
  • prolonged protection of crops from a second wave of weed germination;
  • ease of preparation of a ready-to-use solution and its use;
  • profitability due to fractional use;
  • affordable pricing policy, low drug consumption.

The disadvantages of long-term uncontrolled use include the ability of the active element to accumulate in soil layers. If the dosage and the rules for preparing the solution are observed, the product does not have an adverse effect on the environment.

Instructions for use

For a high yield, lapis lazuli alone is not enough. The soil must be well fertilized. Then the herbicide will be more beneficial.

It is imperative to follow the instructions for use for lapis lazuli herbicide. This will increase the effectiveness of the drug.

The drug is used according to the instructions. The concentrate must be diluted in a small amount of water to about 1 liter, stir well, and only then add the required amount of water. The diluted composition must be used immediately, it cannot be stored, it will lose its properties.

It is important to observe:

  • processing times
  • exact concentration of herbicide lapis lazuli
  • its consumption
  • waiting for the solution to take effect
  • security measures.

Among all herbicides, lapis lazuli is the only one that has received approval for household use.

The soil remains weed-free for a long time. Thanks to the drug, when it gets colder, potatoes and tomatoes are not so susceptible to late blight infection. The harvest does not suffer from this disease and lasts longer.

Gardening work on the treated area should be carried out after 3 days, not earlier.

The shelf life of water-soluble packaging of the drug is 3 years, in regular packaging it is stored for 5 years.

How to use Lapis lazuli against weeds

The herbicide lapis lazuli is available in powder form. The portion required for one treatment should be diluted in water and mixed. You must work in a protective suit with long sleeves and safety glasses. A respirator or medical mask is also required.

To prevent it from spilling onto the ground, where it will be difficult to collect, you need to prepare it using protective sheets. You can also prepare it in a small container, and pour the prepared solution into a container from which you will then spray.

It can be used in two ways

  • Single spraying

With this method, the soil is cultivated even before germination. The planting material should be deep enough in the ground so that the planted plants are not strongly affected by the herbicide.

Before spraying, you need to loosen the soil thoroughly and wait a few days for it to settle a little. Tillage work should be carried out in calm weather so that the herbicide particles do not fall on other beds and damage them.

With this method, the material consumption will be 0.7-17 kg/ha, depending on the soil.

  • Double use

This is another way to process fields. With it, spraying is carried out for the first time when the first shoots appear, wait until the shoots rise by 5-10 cm, and spray again.

When using, you must strictly follow the instructions for use; prepare the solution immediately before use. It cannot be stored, its vapors are toxic. The prepared solution should be used immediately, the excess should be diluted with water and poured into the sewer. They cannot be mixed with soil or humus.

  • When planting tomato seeds, the concentration of lapis lazuli is reduced by half than when planting seedlings.
  • After treating the soil with lapis lazuli, you should not go out to the site earlier than 3-4 days later.
  • If your potato or tomato plantings are sick, it is prohibited to use any herbicides on them in any concentration - the active substance can get into the fruits and make them toxic.


Unfortunately, they also exist, although they are few.

  • The seedlings were planted early and the stems were damaged by frost. The plant is weakened, and the herbicides are quite aggressive; they will harm diseased shoots.
  • Varieties sensitive to herbicides have been planted. Their growth and development may stop after tillage.
  • For a small area, it is still better to use lapis lazuli as a last resort when others do not help.
  • Lapis lazuli is toxic to bees and should not be used near an apiary. In windy weather, its nanoparticles can fall on other plants and damage them. When using it, the hives must be moved to a distance of at least 2 km so that the bees cannot reach the treated areas.
  • Poultry should also be isolated - lapis lazuli is also toxic to them.
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from working with herbicides - the child’s central nervous system may be damaged.
  • Children under 16 years of age should not work with the drug - it will have a harmful effect on their nervous system.

Precautionary measures

Although the drug has a third protection class, when working with it, you must not forget about safety.

  1. The weed killer lapis lazuli is toxic to bees. They should not be at the treatment site for 3-4 hours after completion. Do not spray near hives. Their safe distance is 2-3 km.
  2. The procedure is performed in the absence of children and animals.
  3. When the wind is more than 5 meters per second, spraying is also prohibited; the substance easily scatters over long distances.
  4. When performing processing, be sure to wear protective clothing, a respirator and gloves.
  5. The herbicide should be stored in a cool place, away from children, animals, water and food.
  6. Smoking is prohibited while spraying, as lapis lazuli is flammable. You can't eat or drink near him.
  7. To prepare the solution, use separate containers. And do not mix lapis lazuli with other pesticides.

Growing crops is not easy. You need to make an effort, spend time and money. Lapis lazuli will save you from exhausting weeding. Long-term tests have tested and confirmed the high effectiveness of the drug in weed control.

Mechanism of action

The active ingredient of the herbicide Lazurit 70% metribuzin (at a concentration of 700 g/kg; formula in the figure below) belongs to the chemical class of triazinones - unsymmetrical triazines. In plants - objects of elimination - metribuzin suppresses photosynthesis, causing weeds treated with Lapis Lazuli to wither and die. Quite slowly: the effect of the drug appears 2-5 days after treatment, but Lapis Lazuli is effective at all phases of weed development, and thanks to its ability to linger in plant tissue for a long time, germinating weed seeds can grab it “in reserve” for future leaves.

Chemical formula of metribuzin - the active substance of the herbicide Lazurit

Where does the high selectivity come from, since it suppresses photosynthesis? The fact is that the mechanism of plant photosynthesis is still not completely understood. When/if this happens, humanity will face a revolution, perhaps greater than after the invention of the wheel. In the wild, the movement is predominantly back-and-forth. The widespread use of rotational movement has given people a powerful, but generally auxiliary means of realizing their aspirations - technology. But photosynthesis ultimately feeds all life on earth. And the method of nutrition of consumers, which are all animals without exception, is one of the most important factors determining the nature of their nervous activity. Higher animals (and you and I) have their psychology. So synthetic food products, no different from natural ones, are only a small grain of what awaits us when photosynthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), a common “fuel” for all living things, is carried out in the laboratory without the participation of living plants.

Note: “consumer” means a consumer of something. Its producer is the producer.

But let's get back to the topic. Empirical data indicate that the mechanism of photosynthesis in plants that go through their entire life cycle in one growing season (annuals) and perennials that bear fruit repeatedly or in the next year(s) differs in some ways. Exactly what it is is still more obscure than clear, but the associated manifestations in physiology have been precisely established and make it possible to create drugs that have a strong effect on annuals and are “insensitive” to perennials. Or vice versa. Nothing surprising. Ohm, Lenz and Kirchhoff had no idea about electrons, ions, or what electricity really was. However, electricians still successfully use the laws they established, because under normal conditions, deviations from them are impossible - this is clear from the “deep” theories developed later on the basis of precisely established facts. Confirmation of a theory is the observation of new facts predicted by it, previously unnoticeable or seemingly irrelevant. This approach in science is called phenomenological - while it is not clear what is “inside”, let’s take a closer look at how it manifests itself “outside”; Then we’ll understand where everything comes from here. The phenomenological method of cognition is the most powerful engine of science and is unlikely to ever lose its importance.

But are potatoes and tomatoes annuals? No. In nature, in the wild, they are tropical and subtropical polycarpic perennials, i.e. bearing fruit annually. However, at the time of fruiting, these vitally important food crops enter their first year, and wild potatoes and tomatoes in their homeland grow in quite harsh conditions (high mountains, sudden changes in temperature, humidity, etc.), which is why in temperate latitudes it is possible to cultivate them as annuals, as long as there is enough insolation. This also includes vegetable (sweet) peppers, cucumbers, melons, watermelons and other pumpkin plants - the physiology of all these plants is also “perennial”. But the last ones on the list are “trained” to live for one season through centuries-old selection, they are already “almost annuals,” so Lapis lazuli cannot be used on them - it will dry out, like weeds. But potatoes and tomatoes, by the standards of biological evolution, are newcomers to culture, having almost completely retained their “perennial life,” and they “do not sense Lapis lazuli.”

Note: in the late 40s - early 50s, at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV), a real perennial tomato tree with a lignified trunk, continuously bearing fruit, was demonstrated in a greenhouse. However, the ratio of its yield to maintenance costs was such that it was not worth mentioning about profitability.

What does "T" mean?

The weed killer Lazurit T (on the right in the figure below) is designed specifically for use on tomatoes in dachas and small garden plots. Lapis T differs from “simple” only in the packaging size: in a bag 5 g instead of 20 g. Both Lapis are completely interchangeable; You need to purchase the drug for yourself based on the area being treated in order to obtain the minimum cost of treatment.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The manufacturer strongly recommends storing the products unpacked, in specially designated areas, away from sunlight and open fire. The temperature range is from -9 to +38 degrees Celsius. Under favorable conditions, the product retains its properties for 5 years. The prepared working mixture must be used within several hours after mixing. If the packaging is not sealed, the shelf life ranges from 4 to 24 hours.

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