Features of growing Natchez blackberries: planting time and care rules

The blackberry bush grows in the wild and is famous for its qualities as a medicinal plant. But over the past 2 decades, the crop has been domesticated and new interesting varieties have been developed.

At the same time, the medicinal properties remained, but the taste and some characteristics changed.

Natchez blackberries are a thornless crop. Easy to care for, undemanding to maintenance. The young variety has not yet gained popularity due to age and insufficient coverage in horticultural literature.

How to plant crops in open ground correctly

This is not to say that the planting pattern or methods of the Natchez variety are different from other types of blackberries. It is important to choose the right place for planting and carefully approach care measures during preparatory work.

Recommended timing by region

Natchez blackberries can be planted only in spring at a stable above-zero temperature of at least 5 degrees. Frosts on the ground are not allowed to prevent freezing of the young root system.

The standard recommendation for planting planning for the Natchez variety is April. The beginning or middle of the month depends on the climate. But be sure to do it before the buds swell.

Autumn planting work is not allowed. For this type of blackberry to take root, it takes at least 2.5-3 months. Therefore, she will not have time to take root.

Choosing a landing site

When choosing a place for planting, it is worth remembering that the crop is perennial and will develop in one place for more than 20 years. Therefore, they pay attention to their neighbors.

It is advisable that there are buildings and trees nearby that will create partial shade during the sun.

Getting plenty of sunshine in the morning and evening is important for Natchez. Otherwise, the taste of the fruit will deteriorate, acquiring a sourish and bitter taste.

Blackberries do not tolerate wind or drafts. Therefore, nearby buildings will help here too: they will ensure a quiet “life” for the plant and prevent branches from breaking off.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Before purchasing a seedling, check the root system, trunk and branches, if any. If there is damage, breaks, or signs of infection, the shoot must be disposed of.

Mandatory condition: the roots of young blackberries must be in an earthen coma or in a container for ease of transportation.

Disembarkation scheme

The planting pit is prepared at least a week before the intended event. Before planting Natchez blackberries you need to:

  • remove weeds and plant debris;
  • loosen the soil;
  • check the acidity of the soil, apply mineral fertilizers if necessary.

The top layer is removed to the side to be used for instillation. A hole is dug 2 times larger than the seedling's lump of soil. Approximately 50 by 50 cm.

Row spacing is about 2-2.5 m. Depth = 60 cm, taking into account the drainage layer. Material for drainage: small fragments of slate or brick, sand, crushed stone.

Planting is carried out using the transshipment method. Soak the earthen lump well and carefully remove it from the container. The root system along with the soil is straightened by hand, and the seedling is sent to the center of the hole. The growth point does not deepen.

After the blackberry shoot is covered, all that remains is to water and mulch the root zone. For improved rooting, the first shoots are pruned to 30 cm.

Description and characteristics of the Natchez blackberry variety

An early-ripening dessert variety, Natchez is considered quite young. It was developed and patented by John Clark in the USA in 2007 at the University of Arkansas for Science.

Natchez blackberry bushes are thornless and semi-erect. At the beginning of growth, the vertical direction of the shoots is noted, after which they take a position characteristic of creeping varieties. Under the weight of the fruit or from a strong wind, they bend down, so they need support.

The growth vigor of the shoots is high, their length reaches 4–6 m. The flowers are white, with 5–6 petals. Flowering in mid to late May depending on the region.

Natchez blackberry shoots are powerful, with many stepsons

When fully ripe, Natchez blackberries become a rich dark blue, almost black color. The taste of the berries is sweet, with subtle sourness and a subtle blackberry aroma. There is a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. The berries are very juicy, the drupe seeds are small. The fruits are elongated, cylindrical, moderately dense, heavy, with a pronounced shine.

The size of the berries of the first harvest reaches a length of 3.5 cm and a weight of up to 14 g. With subsequent harvests, the fruits reach the size of a matchbox (about 5 cm) and weigh up to 22 g. The berries are collected in clusters, each of which contains 10–30 things. When fully ripe, the detachment is easy and the sepal dries out.

The main advantage of Natchez blackberries is their large berries with wonderful taste and presentation.

Distinctive features of the variety:

  1. The first and main distinguishing feature from other varieties of blackberries is the early ripening of the fruits.
  2. Despite the juicy and soft consistency, the berries tolerate transport well and retain their presentation for up to 14 days.
  3. When ripe, the fruits stay firmly on the branches and do not fall off.
  4. Natchez blackberry leaves also differ from other blackberry varieties. They are light green in color, with finely jagged edges and a terry surface.

How to water blackberries correctly

The root zone of Natchez blackberries should always be kept moist. A short drought will not harm the plant, but it is better not to test the crop’s immunity.

Overmoistening is also not acceptable, as it leads to root rot and death of the plant.

The watering standard is 3 buckets once a week. If it rains, check the bottom layer of soil first to make sure it is moist.

During flowering, the frequency of watering is increased to 3 times a week.


Reviews from gardeners about Natchez blackberries show its superiority over other cultivars. It would seem that this is the ideal dessert variety. But there's no need to rush. Only those who choose blackberries with maximum information will not be disappointed. Therefore, we advise you to read this chapter carefully.

Main advantages

Natchez is not a drought-tolerant variety. However, the entire culture is moisture-loving and requires regular watering. The bush tolerates heat well, but berries at temperatures higher than 35⁰ C require shading.

Winter hardiness of Natchez blackberries is also not the best. It tolerates frost no more than -14⁰ C. Moreover, the shoots withstand low temperatures quite well, but the flower buds freeze out. However, Natchez blackberries very quickly grow green mass and recover. But a frozen bush will not produce a harvest, so it will have to be covered even in the southern regions.

But the transportability of the berries of the Natchez variety is high, which is rare for blackberries with juicy fruits. There are no thorns on the shoots.

Growing Natchez blackberries requires some effort; they are not unpretentious. The choice of soil should also be approached responsibly - not only the quantity, but also the quality of the berries depends on this.

Flowering period and ripening time

The Natchez blackberry variety is one of the earliest. Depending on the region, it blooms from mid to late May. Fruiting is extended, lasting 35-40 days, sometimes longer. The beginning of berry ripening depends on the climate; in the south it is mid-to-late June. Natchez blackberries in the Moscow region ripen by mid-July.

Yield indicators, fruiting dates

The yield of Natchez blackberries is the highest among the dessert varieties of the Arkansas collection. From one adult bush you can collect 15-20 kg of berries. If we take into account the early fruiting and the absence of thorns, we can consider that the Natchez variety is close to ideal.

But not everything is as simple as enthusiasts would like. Replacement shoots in Natchez blackberries do not form well. Therefore, to obtain a high yield, it is grown in a two-year cycle. This means that during the fruiting season, all young shoots are cut out. In the spring of next year the bush will be “naked”, it will produce more new vines, but there will be no berries at all.

Area of ​​application of berries

Natchez blackberries are a dessert variety - their berries are tasty and sweet. They are suitable for fresh consumption and making desserts. But the preparations made from it are “not very good” - here the sweet taste of the fruit plays a cruel joke, since jams and juices turn out “flat” and too sugary. But Natchez blackberries can be used for prefabricated compotes, multi-juices and assorted jams.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Like other blackberries, the Natchez variety is disease resistant and is rarely affected by pests. But preventive treatments need to be done, and you need to plant them away from nightshade crops, raspberries and strawberries. The ideal distance is at least 50 m; if possible, it should be maintained.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natchez blackberries have both advantages and disadvantages. However, the same applies to other varieties; the ideal does not yet exist.

The undeniable advantages include:

  • Early ripening of berries.
  • High yield.
  • The berries are large, beautiful, with a high tasting score (4.6 points).
  • The transportability and keeping quality of the fruit are very good.
  • Natchez blackberry vines produce many side branches and fruiting branches.
  • No thorns.
  • The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • Dry picking of berries.
  • Long-term fruiting.
  • The berries are well attached to the stalk and do not fall off. If they are overripe, the taste and commercial quality do not deteriorate, so if necessary, you can delay harvesting. This is especially important for summer residents who come to the site once a week.
  • If the bush is still frozen, you don’t have to be afraid of losing the variety - it has a high regenerative ability.

Disadvantages include:

  • Low frost resistance of the variety.
  • At temperatures above 35⁰ C, the fruits are baked.
  • Natchez blackberry shoots do not bend well and can not only break, but also crack.

Feeding scheme by season

Natchez blackberries have characteristics due to which the first feeding occurs during planting of the seedling. Complex types of fertilizers are poured into the pit. A mixture of:

  • superphosphate – 100 g;
  • humus – 5 kg;
  • potassium – 60 g.

The mixture is added in small quantities to the drainage layer and the discarded soil for planting (only 2/3 of the part is used, the rest is covered in its pure form).

Throughout the season (depending on the condition of the soil), three feeding procedures may be required:

  1. After waking up. Nitrogen-containing substances of organic or chemical origin are used.
  2. Before flowering, add mullein or bird droppings.
  3. After the harvest. Potassium-phosphorus supplements are needed.

Agricultural technology for growing blackberries

The result of caring for blackberries is noticeable in the quantity and quality of the harvest.

Natchez is watered once a week, adding 4 to 5 buckets of water. At the moment of formation of the ovaries and during the ripening period of the berries, the volume of water increases 3 times. Watering is carried out twice a week.

Feeding is carried out 4 times per season:

  1. In the spring before the buds open. The area of ​​land around the bush is covered with humus or ammonium nitrate, and then dug up.
  2. Before flowering. Bird droppings or mullein are used as fertilizer. The mixture is diluted in water (10-12 l).
  3. After fruiting. The surface of the soil is sprinkled with a mixture of superphosphate and wood ash. Then loosening is carried out.
  4. Before wintering.

Feeding is mandatory, as it increases the resistance of immunity to diseases and gives the strength to bear fruit.

Trimming and tying to support

Natchez is a variety of blackberry that produces long shoots. The bush is pruned twice a year. It is recommended to remove branches in early spring before the buds swell. The suitable period is the end of autumn, when the bush has shed all its leaves.

Blackberries can be grown without tying them to a support. Under the weight of the berries, the branches bend toward the ground and may break. Therefore, it is better to grow Natchez using stakes or trellises.

Protection from diseases and pests

For the purpose of prevention, certain measures are taken to combat common diseases. Blackberry infection occurs through other fruit bushes and trees. Bordeaux mixture will help with rust. The affected leaves are removed, and the garden area is cleared of weeds.

Tobacco dust will rid Natchez of pests that love to attack the root system. The composition is mixed with water, after which all the bushes are watered with the liquid. This is how they fight mole crickets and Khrushchev.

Tobacco along with laundry soap is a good remedy against aphids. 250 g of ash is added to a bucket of water and left to infuse for 3 days. Afterwards, the liquid is filtered and mixed with the same amount of water.

The soap is grated and also added to the solution. The resulting liquid is sprayed onto the bushes. The time for the procedure is spring (before the leaves bloom) and summer (before fruiting begins). You can prevent the appearance of mites on branches using the mulching procedure.

Preparing for winter

Bare branches bend to the ground and are covered with insulation on top. It could be:

Natchez is a variety of blackberry that is suitable for growing in the garden around the home and for commercial production. The berries are easy to pick, and gourmets will enjoy the aroma and taste of the fruit. Despite the fact that the variety was recently bred, it is a favorite among other representatives of the culture.

Natchez is one of the most common blackberry varieties in Europe and the USA. Industrial companies, as well as private gardeners, appreciated the merits of the variety just a few years after its appearance. People fell in love with Natchez for good reason: it is characterized by its incomparable taste, as well as its large size. Indeed, such blackberries are considered one of the largest. As for caring for the plant, this variety does not require anything special. Standard farming practices, a little care, and you will have a wonderful harvest of delicious Natchez blackberries.

Performing trimming

Natchez blackberries are a fairly high grade, which requires mandatory pruning and gartering on trellises. Of the 5 options for pruning shrubs, only two are necessary.


The first time blackberries are pruned is after planting. This will help increase the flow of microelements directly to the roots and trunk.

But proper care means preventing infection and the appearance of pests, and not waiting for signs of a problem to appear.

Sanitary pruning takes place annually in spring and autumn. The bush is carefully inspected to identify problem areas. Branches with damage, breaks, or the slightest hint of disease are cut.

Do you carry out sanitary pruning in spring and autumn?

Of course not


The procedure is planned no more than once every 2-3 years. Leave up to 8 shoots. The strongest are chosen. Old, dry and broken ones must be cut off.

Pinching will be required at a height of 1.5 m. This maneuver is designed to enhance branching on the sides. The procedure is necessary, since Natchez bushes quickly.

The growth on the sides must be shortened. The cut is made up to 30 cm, while for other blackberry varieties up to 40 cm. This manipulation helps to remove the load of berries and helps to increase them.


To prevent the bush from spreading, a garter is made. A trellis is constructed, at least three tiers. The height of such a support should be from 2 meters.

There is no need to separate branches to determine old and young branches. The garter is carried out from the moment the lashes form, so that the blackberry gets used to the suspended position.


Natchez seedlings in the Central region are recommended to be planted in the spring, since the variety is not highly winter-hardy and, without having time to take root well, may die in the winter. Planting is done in April, before the buds open.

How to choose the right place

For high yields of Natchez brambles, a careful approach to the selection of growing conditions is required:

  • a well-ventilated, sunny place (but not too hot) and protected from strong winds;
  • fertile loamy or sandy loam soil with mandatory drainage; poor soil will lead to loss of sugar content and dominance of sour notes;
  • slightly acidic or neutral soil reaction;
  • The groundwater level is no closer than 1.5 m from the surface.

Wrong choice of location and subsequent replanting of the bush lead to the loss of 2 years of fruiting.

Rules for planting blackberry seedlings

The place for planting Natchez cuttings is prepared in advance - root weeds should be dug up and removed. It is best to plant bushes in a row under a trellis: planting holes 50 x 50 x 50 cm are placed at intervals of 1.5...2.5 m in the row.

  • the surface layer of soil is selected and set aside;
  • 2/3 of the hole is filled with a mixture prepared in advance: 1/2 bucket of rotted manure, 150 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride;
  • fill the hole to the top with soil set aside, mix the soil and fertilizers;
  • the prepared seedling is lowered into the hole, the roots are straightened; half sprinkle with loose soil and compact the soil with your hand;
  • form a hole and carefully water 7 - 10 liters. water;
  • the seedling is shortened to a height of 30 cm;
  • the hole is mulched with 5-7 cm of humus, peat or straw

Preparing for winter

High-quality insulation is the key to the successful awakening of blackberries. Burlap, agrofibre, hay or sawdust, humus or corn leaves are used.

When wrapping with polyethylene, holes are made in the material for improved air flow, which will prevent the appearance of mold on the branches.

The blackberry lashes are removed from the support and wrapped in the selected material. Placed on plant litter. Rodent repellent is placed around the plant.

Reproduction methods

Natchez blackberries cannot be propagated from seeds. From the experience of gardeners, two most productive options for propagating the variety are known.

Apical shoots

In a method called pulping, Natchez blackberries reproduce faster and better. The apical shoots are used. The method involves digging up branches in the spring.

Standard care is provided throughout the season. In the fall, carefully dig it up and place it in a container with substrate. Planting is possible only in spring.


The method for getting new bushes is not the best, but you can try it. Cuttings are taken from roots. Prepared in the fall. For storage, sand is prepared, where they are buried. Watering is in progress. A shelter is created.

When the true 3 leaves appear, the film is removed and the blackberry cuttings are transplanted into a soil mixture of perlite, peat, soil and sand.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Natchez is a strong variety that can resist most diseases of fungal infectious origin. When the protective function decreases, the plant is affected by:

  • rust;
  • root pests;
  • mites, aphids.

Immunity deteriorates due to excessive feeding or, conversely, lack of feeding.

To prevent infestation, fertilize as needed after checking the condition of the soil. And also carry out regular preventive treatments with fungicides and insecticides.

Harvest and storage

Not all blackberry varieties can be transported and kept on the bush after the berries ripen. Natchez retains its taste and appearance perfectly if the fruit is left for a week. Berry picking lasts for a month (sometimes more).

Harvested blackberries can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6-7 days. Even after this, transportation will be successful without damage or deformation.

Natchez fruits are used as a decoration for desserts and are excellent frozen. According to some housewives and gardeners, jams made from berries turn out to be cloying due to the increased level of sweetness.

To make the taste less intense, add more sour types of blackberries. Suitable for making wine drinks.

Advantages of the variety

Bred in 2007 (USA, University of Arkansas), the garden shrub is a close relative of the raspberry; it immediately appealed to many gardeners for the following qualities:

  • wonderful, pronounced, refreshing, slightly sour taste of the fruit - large, about 4 cm in length. Sometimes the first berries have a pleasant, bitter coffee-like aftertaste;
  • early ripeness. Natchez blackberries produce large black fruits while other varieties are still in the ripening stage;
  • the absence of thorns is a factor conducive to acquiring such a thornless variety on your own plot;
  • high transportability and preservation of the presentation of blackberries for a week.

The variety received its name in honor of the Natchez Indian people, who in ancient times lived in the valley of one of the greatest rivers in the United States - the Mississippi.

Additional tips and care tips for beginners

In fact, growing the Natchez blackberry variety is not difficult. But there are little secrets that experienced gardeners will tell you about:

  1. The presence of mulch in the tree trunk circle is a prerequisite. It helps maintain moisture after watering for a long time. It is not always good to use peat, since the material contributes to acidification of the soil.
  2. It is better to use drip irrigation. It is efficient and economical. It will also help prevent the berries from caking.
  3. In winter, rodents severely damage the trunk and branches of blackberries. Therefore, a burlap shelter may not save you. Additionally, cover with slate or other dense material.

Plant care

Proper care involves timely pruning, fertilizing, watering, preventing diseases and pests, as well as shelter for safe wintering of the plant.


Natchez blackberries like moist soil but do not tolerate heavy watering. It is enough to water the bushes once a week at the rate of 4–5 buckets of water per bush. During the period of ovary formation and fruiting, the plant needs regular watering - every 2-3 days at the rate of 20-30 liters of water per bush.

Important! Although blackberries are drought tolerant, the soil should not be allowed to dry out too much.


Semi-erect blackberry bushes, which include the Natchez variety, are grown using a support or mounted on a trellis with a top wire height of 1.7–1.8 m from the ground surface.

Since the Natchez variety has a low shoot replacement capacity, it is recommended to prune once every 2 years. New shoots should be removed so that the fruiting of the plant does not decrease. Old, damaged branches, on which berries are no longer expected, are also pruned using pruning shears. To get a good harvest, one bush will need 6–8 fruiting stems, so thinning is necessary. The side branches are shortened by 30 cm.

After pruning, the blackberry branches are strengthened on a trellis in the form of a fan. This placement will ensure good ventilation and access to sunlight to each stem.

Shelter for the winter

There are many ways to cover blackberries - it is very important to avoid freezing of the shoots.

After the shoots are laid on the ground, corn leaves can be used as a covering material. The branches are insulated with them, and then a thick plastic film is laid on top. Considering the resistance of blackberries to damping, sawdust and humus can be used as insulation for them. Also popular are insulation options with hay, vegetable tops or straw.

The main purpose of the shelter is to protect blackberries from severe frosts during the snowless period.

Some gardeners prefer to use the leaves of fruit trees for shelter, but this option is undesirable - the leaves in the fall contain a large number of microorganisms dangerous to the plant.

Preparing plants for wintering also involves carefully removing two-year-old branches that have already bear fruit, damaged parts of the plant, and mulching the ground near the roots with peat or dry sawdust.

Overwintered annual shoots in the spring are freed from insulation and tied to a trellis. Branches damaged during the winter are cut off.

Video: blackberry shelter for the winter

Top dressing

The Natchez blackberry variety needs feeding 3-4 times a year:

  • in the spring before the buds open,
  • during the growing season;
  • after fruiting;
  • before leaving for the winter.

Table: what you need to know about fertilizers

Name of fertilizer Quantity/proportions Deadlines for depositing Method of application
Compost or humus 6–8 kg per 1 bush Every year in the spring before the buds open Under a bush when loosening the soil
Ammonium nitrate 50 g per 1 bush
Fresh mullein

Bird droppings

10 l (1 part mullein to 5 parts water)

1 bucket (1 part litter to 10 parts water)

Every year in the summer before flowering Pour it under a bush
Wood ash


500 g

100 g

Every year at the end of summer (after fruiting) Apply to the top layer of soil
Organic mulch Layer 5–8 cm Before the first frost Around the bush in the formed hole

Diseases and pests

The Natchez blackberry variety is resistant to most diseases and pests, however, for preventive purposes, certain measures should be taken to combat the most common diseases that can be transmitted from raspberry bushes growing in the neighborhood.

To prevent blackberry bushes from being affected by rust, it is advisable to treat them with a solution of 1% Bordeaux mixture. All affected foliage is removed, and the soil around the bushes and between the rows is carefully treated to remove weeds.

To prevent the disease anthracnose and septoria, to which the Natchez variety is moderately susceptible, 1% Bordeaux mixture also helps a lot, and mulch in the form of straw manure or peat is applied under the bush at the rate of 3-4 kg per plant.

In order for blackberry shoots to grow and develop properly, the plant should not lack fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Timely feeding enhances blackberry growth and increases resistance to disease.

For pests that attack the root system of blackberries (mole crickets and beetles), the plant should be watered with a solution of tobacco dust.

The same solution is used to treat bushes against aphids. To prepare the solution, take 200 g of tobacco dust, dilute it in 10 liters of water and leave for 2-3 days. Then the infusion is carefully filtered and mixed with the same amount of water. Before spraying, you can add laundry soap to the finished mixture at the rate of 5 g per 1 liter. This infusion is also effective in the fight against larvae and caterpillars. Spraying is carried out in the spring (before the leaves bloom) and in the summer (before fruiting).

To combat blackberry aphids, mites and sawfly varieties that infect blackberry leaves, you should thoroughly mulch the soil in spring and autumn with humus or peat (a layer of at least 8 cm), and in the summer, spray the plant after flowering with a solution of tobacco dust. For this purpose, you can also dissolve 100 g of carbolic soap in 15 liters of water.

Blackberry pests in the photo

Khrushch Sawyer Medvedka


Georgy Dmitrievich . Natchez planted 5 years ago. I live in a warm region, so I was not afraid of possible problems. Before preparing for the winter season, I insulated the roots, and the next year the blackberries were transformed. Today the harvest is high. But I want to point out: Natchez loves fertilizer. Especially if you grow not one, but several bushes.

Zhanna . I love sweet blackberries. That's why Natchez is a godsend for me. Without hesitation, I planted several bushes on the site. I didn’t notice any particular difficulties during cultivation. The only thing you shouldn’t forget about is watering. The variety drinks excessively. Therefore, I carry out the procedure almost every 2-3 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to gardeners, Natchez blackberries are one of the best and most popular varieties for private and industrial cultivation. This popularity of culture is due to its many advantages and positive qualities:

  • excellent taste and presentation of the fruit;
  • good transportability and preservation of berries;
  • early ripening;
  • extended fruiting period (up to 6 weeks);
  • high productivity (the formation of multiple clusters containing more than 2 dozen large berries allows you to collect high yields from a small area of ​​land);
  • the absence of thorns on the shoots, which greatly facilitates harvesting and caring for the crop;
  • relatively high resistance to disease.

The variety has much fewer disadvantages, but they also exist. First of all, this is low winter hardiness. The root system of the plant can tolerate temperatures down to -14 °C, so it requires shelter for the winter. The plant also reacts poorly to sudden cold snaps - a sudden drop in temperature to -15–20 °C leads to freezing of the buds and, accordingly, loss of yield next year.

Another disadvantage of the variety is the crop’s high demands on sunlight - a bush can produce good yields only if it is planted in an open, sunny area where it is provided with proper care. In the shade, blackberries grow small, tart in taste and not juicy enough.

Also, many gardeners note such a disadvantage as the fragility of the branches. The fact is that the shoots of Natchez blackberries are already thinner than those of other varieties, and since the berries are quite heavy, the branches often break off under their weight. To prevent this, it is necessary to install supports during the fruiting period, which somewhat complicates the care of plants.

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