Tomato Sasher: description and characteristics of the variety, yield with photos

It is possible to do what you love and get amazing harvests of exotic fruits. To do this, it is enough to choose suitable hybrid varieties, such as the Sasher F1 tomato. Its highlight is its black color and wonderful taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningBlackAverageHybridRound

Tomato Sasher F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Virtues and disadvantages of a hybrid

  1. High productivity - up to 25 kg per plant, on average 20.
  2. Resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Resistant to many diseases common to tomatoes.
  4. Low rigor in care.
  5. Friendly ripening of fruits (advantage only for commercial production).
  6. Enormous shelf life and good transportability.

The disadvantage (when growing for yourself) is the short period of fruit collection.


Plant height from 60 to 100 cm. The fruits are round. In each cluster, 5-7 fruits are formed in a continuous flow from 150 to 170 g. The skin and pulp are dense. The color is ruby ​​brown. The pulp contains many carotenoids and, given the brown shades, anthocyanins. Aunt and other pigments have an antioxidant effect on the human body, as a result of which they help prevent atherosclerosis and cancer. These substances, especially carotene and lycopene, are contained in most varieties, however, their increased content in the fruits of such hybrids as Sacher enhances their production. The fruits are best used for salads.

A number of shoots are formed on the plant. The leaves are large and dark green in color.

Features of cultivation

It is recommended to form the bush into 2-3 stems. When planting in open ground in an area of ​​opportunity, choose a place that is protected from the winds and well-lit.

  1. Sowing the seeds should be done approximately 2 months before planting the seedlings at the fruiting site. It is usually recommended to sow superelite with a depth of 1.5 cm. Immediately after sowing, it is advisable to place the cryogenic container with the crops in a place with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. After germination of most of the seeds, it is best to take them to a cooler place with a temperature of about 17 degrees.
  2. After the appearance of two true leaves, it is recommended to plant them in separate glasses.
  3. For weak growth, fertilizing with organic or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizer is advisable. In particular, with organic fertilizers you can use an extract from vermicompost, and for mineral fertilizers, potassium or calcium nitrate, Fertika, Aquarin are suitable. To accelerate development, it is advisable to use biological products of the EM series, for example Baikal EM1, Vostok EM1 River, special stimulants such as Zircon, Silk.
  4. Seedlings should be planted when they are 55-60 days old; some vegetable growers recommend planting 1 cluster of flowers during the flowering period, but this indicator is not mandatory. The exact calendar dates for planting should be determined taking into account the weather and climatic conditions of your area.
  5. It is recommended to drag the plants before planting. Ant. remove humus at a dose of 5-10 kg/sq. m. Some gardeners recommend applying 10-15 g/sq.m. m, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium magnesia, is it really 100-150 g/sq. m of ash. After applying fertilizers randomly, it is advisable to chisel the soil with a flat cutter or shallow digging with a pitchfork.
  6. The planting itself is best done, if possible, according to the 60-70 cm pattern.
  7. In greenhouses, plants need to be tied to trellises, and in open ground - to stakes.
  8. Before the 3rd cluster of flowers blooms, I would like to do without applying nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After the onset of this phase, regular (every 10-14 days) fertilizing with complex fertilizers, such as Zdraven, Mortar, is usually desirable, which can sometimes be replaced with extracts from vermicompost, aging, Gumidar, Gumistar. When choosing fertilizers, it is important that the potassium content is greater than nitrogen.
  9. When a physiological form of blossom end rot appears, fertilizing with a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate may be necessary.
  10. To increase fruit set, it is advisable to use microfertilizers containing boron, as well as preparations containing gibberellins, take Ovary, Bud. To enhance flowering, foliar fertilizing with superphosphate extract and microbiological fertilizers of the EM series can be useful. Except from this moment, and sometimes even earlier, regular removal of excess stepsons is required.

Patronage of plants

Plants of this hybrid are considered resistant to many diseases. Nevertheless, with a large amount of infection, it is desirable to stimulate the plant’s defense mechanisms, at least using immunity inducers, such as Immunocytophyte.

Tomato plants can be damaged by wireworms, whiteflies, Sovdepiya caterpillars, and, less commonly, the Colorado potato beetle and slugs. To protect against wireworms, there are purely chemical and biological preparations. Nemabact is one of the last resorts. It is recommended to spray the oncoming whitefly with Inta-vir or Iskra.

Video: Sasher F1 eggs

Advantages of the variety

Despite the fact that Sasher tomato seeds appeared on Russian shelves relatively recently, the variety has already become a favorite among many gardeners. Reviews from summer residents confirm the early ripeness and high yield of the crop, which is 25 kg per bush.

Additional advantages of the variety:

  • Tomatoes are grown in film shelters 2 times a year: in spring and autumn.
  • The plant is resistant to temperature changes and sudden cold snaps.
  • The hybrid is immune to tomato diseases and root rot.
  • Ease of care saves time for gardeners.
  • Harmonious ripening of fruits.
  • Harvesting in a short time.
  • The commercial quality of tomatoes increases their demand in the consumer market.
  • The universal purpose allows you to consume tomatoes fresh and use them in cooking.
  • Long shelf life and transportability allow tomatoes to be transported over long distances.
  • Trending Pilaf with chicken and shrimp

    These and additional qualities distinguish the Sasher tomato from other hybrids of Russian and foreign selection, which contributes to its rapid popularity.

What are beef tomatoes: features, description of varieties

Large, fleshy tomatoes with thin skin, many chambers, and a high content of dry matter and sugar were previously called salad tomatoes. Then the English name beef appeared, translated as beef. It became popular and quickly took root in Russia. Beef tomato is planted even in small areas, as it is ideal for fresh consumption.

Characteristics of beef tomatoes

There is no clear classification of tomatoes by fruit size, at least not yet. This is probably due to the fact that the size of the tomato is variable. They become smaller when grown on saline soils, excessive fertilizing, lack of pinching and fruit rationing. Increase in size is facilitated by:

  • timely and correct formation of bushes;
  • control over the load of tomatoes with fruits;
  • moderate competent feeding with a predominance of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen;
  • favorable weather - warm, but not hot (more than 30° C), without temperature changes;
  • attracting bees to the site during flowering;
  • high groundwater level or frequent watering.

Definition of beef tomatoes

What beef tomatoes are, different seed companies interpret in their own way. Usually, a larger or smaller limit mass is indicated so that as many of their varieties as possible can be called beefsteak.

The generally accepted criteria indicating that tomatoes belong to the beef category are as follows:

  • fetal weight – 150 g or more;
  • the volume of the middle pulp is larger than the seed chambers and their contents;
  • nests – at least 4;
  • the pulp is fleshy, often with a granular structure;
  • the content of dry matter and sugar is higher than in other varieties;
  • the surface is usually slightly ribbed, less often smooth;
  • a small number of flowers (compared to other varieties);
  • the shape of the tomatoes is flat or round;
  • the skin is often thin, which reduces transportability and keeping quality, but hybrids with strong, dense covers have already appeared.

Beef tomatoes contain 2-3 times more useful substances than ordinary varieties. This is due to the fact that large fruits take longer to ripen. Consequently, they have more time to accumulate vitamins, pectins, monosaccharides, and microelements.

The color of the fruit can be any. Red beef tomatoes produce thick juice, which is suitable for preparing first courses. Pressed yellow and pink tomatoes have very little acid. They are rarely used for borscht, and the jars are regularly inspected for bloating.

Recommendations for cultivation

Reviews from gardeners about the Sasher F1 tomato indicate that the crop is capable of producing early fruits even in extreme conditions. However, in order to increase the amount of harvest, you need to know several rules of agricultural technology.

So, according to the recommendations of experts, when growing a variety you should adhere to the following technology:

  1. The site for plant growth is selected in a place protected from the wind, with good lighting from all sides.
  2. The soil at the planting site should be loose and fertile.
  3. Seedlings are planted at the end of April, according to a 60x70 cm pattern.
  4. The bush needs the formation of 2-3 stems.
  5. To prevent the plant from breaking under the weight of the fruit, it needs to build a support.
  6. During growth, tomatoes are fed with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers.
  7. The variety responds well to regular watering and loosening the soil.

As you can see, agricultural technology is simple and does not require any effort. However, by following the above technology, it is possible to increase not only the yield of the variety, but also the quality of its fruits. Beautiful and fragrant fruits will appeal to both households and buyers at the vegetable market.

photo by Maya Zhuravel

Tomato Sasher

photo by Maya Zhuravel

Description and characteristics of tomato Sasher F1, reviews, photos

Early ripening, indeterminate, dark-fruited, racemose, very productive tomato hybrid.

The bush is tall, powerful, and requires tying to a trellis. Recommended for growing in greenhouses in the middle zone and in open ground in the southern regions. It is best to form a plant with 1-2 stems. The fruits are collected in clusters of 5-7 pieces, the ripening of the fruits is uniform.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are smooth, even, dense, brown-red in color at maturity, weighing 150-170 grams, high taste. The unique color of the fruit is due to the high content of lycopene (a carotenoid pigment, which is a powerful antioxidant, and when consumed, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and cancer).

These tomatoes retain commercial quality for a long time after harvesting.

Advantages of the hybrid : high resistance to characteristic diseases and pests, high fruit set under extreme growing conditions.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 4 plants per meter of land.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, we recommend installing a drip irrigation system - this will save your time and effort, as well as increase plant productivity and reduce the risk of late blight.

Sasher tomatoes on video

If you grew Sasher f1 tomatoes, please write what you liked about them and what perhaps disappointed you. What was the yield and taste of the fruit under your conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Sasher tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Planting and care

Soviet is a full-fledged variety, so you can not only buy seeds, but also prepare them yourself. They begin to sow tomatoes for seedlings in March in order to obtain bushes with a fully formed, viable root system by the second half of April. In comfortable conditions, plants achieve the required development in 2.5-3 months.

The variety is equally suitable for greenhouses and open ground. In both cases, it is recommended to form tomato bushes with 1 or 2 main stems. Shoots require regular pinching, as well as garters to trellises or support.

Flowering of the Soviet tomato begins after the appearance of 9 true leaves. Future fruit clusters are formed every 3-4 shoots. To avoid weighting or small fruit on 1 plant there should not be more than 7 inflorescences, evenly spaced along the height of the bush.

For active growth and fruiting, Soviet tomatoes require constant feeding with phosphorus and potassium compounds. The plant does not tolerate drought well; watering the bushes should be regular, but not excessive. Beds mulched with sawdust, hay or straw effectively retain moisture.

Description of the Sasher F1 tomato and reviews from gardeners

Many summer residents ask how to grow the Sasher F1 tomato, reviews of which they find on forums on the Internet. Gardeners call the variety exotic, which is due to its unusual black color and resistance to pests, diseases, and temperature changes.

The variety was created by breeders of the Turkish company Yuksel Seeds (Yuksel Seeds), who experimentally managed to obtain an early-ripening, indeterminate type of tomato. Its main characteristics include: high yield, dark fruit, and cluster. You can grow bushes with tomatoes in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The place where seedlings are planted does not affect the yield.

Characteristics of the Sasher variety

Sasher F1 is a genetically healthy variety because it withstands the effects of any parasites or diseases. It grows best in the middle regions of the country, where it is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses, and in the southern regions. There, the Sasher variety can be safely planted in open ground. If the growing conditions are extreme, then this does not affect the setting, which still allows you to get a high yield from each bush.

The main characteristics of this hybrid type of tomato include:

  1. The bush grows very tall, so it must be tied up during growth. It is best to use trellises and support pegs.
  2. The plant must be formed into 2 stems to get more fruits.
  3. The fruits are formed in clusters on which 5 to 7 tomatoes ripen.
  4. Fruit ripening occurs evenly and smoothly.
  5. Tomatoes are covered with smooth, glossy skin.
  6. The fruits are dense.
  7. Tomatoes are oval, even in shape.
  8. The weight of 1 tomato varies from 150-170 to 250 g.

When tomatoes ripen, they become a dark brown-red color. This is due to the fact that the fruit contains a large amount of lycopene, a special carotenoid pigment. It is recognized by doctors as a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and atherosclerosis. The Sasher tomato can be stored for a long time if the fruits are placed correctly after picking from the bushes.

Growing and care

To obtain a decent harvest in the Northern latitudes, the “In Memory of Korneev” tomato should be grown in greenhouses and in greenhouses, in the South - in open ground. But to prepare seedlings, it is advisable to follow a number of recommendations from experienced breeders:

  1. Be sure to treat the seeds in a specially prepared solution that stimulates the growth of sprouts.
  2. To plant seedlings, prepare the soil for tomatoes in advance with complex fertilizers.
  3. Plant the seeds in separate containers, where the so-called “peat hills” will already be made.
  4. Each seed should be planted approximately 1 or 2 centimeters deep, so make holes with this distance in mind.
  5. After sowing the seeds, do not forget about regular watering.
  6. You need to grow seeds at a temperature of about plus 21 degrees Celsius, preferably indoors.
  7. Apply the first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers after the sprouts emerge.
  8. 7 days before you plant the seedlings, do not forget to harden them.
  9. Also, you need to provide the sprouts with a good source of constant lighting.

Important! The seeds of “In Memory of Korneev” need to be planted together with a peat pot in the soil two months from the moment they were planted.

Tomatoes “In Memory of Korneev” are entirely adapted to grow under agrofibre films, but nevertheless, to get an excellent harvest you need:

  1. Plant the seedlings according to a certain pattern: 40 by 50 centimeters from each other.
  2. Before planting, prepare the soil (fertilize with prepared compost).
  3. Regularly carry out irrigation work only with settled and warm water, depending on the temperature outside (the best watering will be in the evening).
  4. Feed tomatoes at least four times from the moment they are planted in the ground.
  5. Do not forget to tie up young stems that begin to droop with fruit, otherwise they will bend towards the ground and there is a chance that they will break under the weight.
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