Potato Gornyak: description of seed potato variety, characteristics, agricultural technology

Characteristics of the variety

Gornyak is a mid-early table variety. The growing season of the crop lasts 65-80 days. The shape of the tubers is round, the shell is yellow. On the surface there are small eyes located at an average depth. The weight of the potato reaches 90-140 g. The tubers have high shelf life - up to 97%.

The pulp of the root vegetable is light yellow in color, culinary type B (suitable for making soups, boiling and frying). The starch content is in the range of 14-19%. Protein percentage – 2.56-3.46 g/100g.

Goryanka's bushes are tall. They are abundantly covered with medium-sized leaves. During flowering, white corollas form on the green part of the crop. The root system of the plant is very well developed. One bush, on average, produces 12-18 large root crops. Thanks to these characteristics, up to 60 tons of products can be collected from 1 hectare of plantings.

The variety has fairly strong immunity. The miner is protected from diseases and pests such as:

  1. Potato cancer.
  2. Golden cyst nematode.
  3. Common scab.

It has average resistance to late blight fungus.

Gornyak potato variety. History of potatoes

Gornyak potatoes have their own unique description of the variety, photos and reviews. This information can be found in this publication. All of us are familiar with the following saying - potatoes are the second bread. Without this vegetable it is very difficult for us to imagine many different dishes. Potatoes are either the main part of any dish or eaten as a side dish. It is believed that we owe the appearance of potatoes on the Russian table to Peter the Great. But still, people in our country began to eat this vegetable only in 1839. And before this period, everyone perceived the vegetable as an ornamental crop.

Juicy variety.

Around the same time, breeders began to focus on potatoes. Grachev E.A. was able to achieve great success. Thanks to his work, such a variety of potatoes appeared in Russia - like an early rose. It is still very popular among vegetable growers in our country. You can easily find it in garden plots.

Academician N.I. Vavilov played a significant role in the development of new potato varieties in Russia. This is a very famous scientist. Thanks to him, many discoveries were made in breeding science. Without exception, all varieties bred are immediately entered into the state register.

Today, the state register contains 426 types and varieties of potatoes.

The oldest type is the Lorch cultivator variety. It can be grown in 12 climatic zones of Russia. This zoning is the main feature of our large country, since each of the territories has its own parameters and weather conditions. They should definitely be taken into account when choosing a particular variety for cultivation.

Characteristics of potatoes

Description of the Gornyak variety

Miner potatoes were able to take their rightful place in the vegetable growing of our country. The characteristic has the following properties:

  1. The variety is mid-early. Its ripening time ranges from 65 to 80 days.
  2. Starch content. Is the main characteristic of potatoes. it ranges from fifteen to seventeen percent.
  3. The vegetable has a round shape. The average weight of one tuber ranges from one hundred to two hundred grams. But in some cases it can reach 1 kg. Basically, from one potato bush of this variety you can collect from seven to twelve tubers. The peel of the vegetable is yellowish in color, the flesh has a light yellow tint.
  4. Good yield of the variety. From 1 hectare you can harvest from 170 to 270 centners of potato crop. The biggest record was recorded. it amounted to 465 centners.
  5. Potatoes of the Gornyak variety have excellent qualities for the consumer: wonderful rich taste. This feature of the vegetable allows it to be used in cooking. It is mainly boiled or fried. In this case, the taste of potatoes only gets better.
  6. The ability of the variety to be stored for a long time. The shelf life level is 98 percent. This variety is used in cooking. But due to the high starch content in tubers, potatoes can be used in the chemical industry and pharmaceuticals. We recommend growing this variety in the Ural and Volga-Vyatka regions. In this case, high yields of potatoes of this variety are noted in other climatic zones of Russia. this, in turn, allows us to say about excellent adaptation to the harsh climatic conditions of our country.

Growing rules

Potatoes are a rather non-capricious crop. However, when growing potatoes, you need to follow a number of simple rules in order to get the most out of them:

  • Choose only high-quality planting material. If you purchase seed potatoes from specialty stores, they will most likely be of the highest quality. If you select it from your own harvest, then you need to approach this process with all responsibility. Firstly, it is advisable to select medium-sized tubers (70-80 g). Secondly, there should be no stains, insect tunnels, cracks, growths, etc. on the surface of the potatoes.
  • Plant tubers only in fertile soil. The soil needs to be prepared in the fall, after harvesting. The area is cleared of agricultural residues and weeds. Then it is plowed/dug up and fertilized with organic matter.
  • Tubers can only be planted in well-warmed soil. The soil temperature should not be lower than +8-10 C to a depth of 10 cm. At lower temperatures there is a risk of death of planting material. At best, the tubers will develop worse. Previously, our grandmothers used to navigate by birch trees. If the buds have begun to bloom on the tree, then you can start planting potatoes.
  • Not planting potatoes is too crowded. Ideal layout: 40x70 cm. The wider the row spacing, the easier it will be to carry out hilling, and the better the natural aeration will be.
  • Water potatoes at least three times during the growing season. It is imperative to water during the flowering phase. It is advisable to adhere to the following scheme: the first watering before the start of flowering, when the tops have grown to 10-15 cm. The second watering immediately after the start of flowering, and the third - before its end. You can’t water potatoes before the tops appear, just as you can’t water them after flowering. The second rule is explained by the fact that after flowering, a period of high activity of late blight begins, and high humidity is an ideal environment for its spread.
  • Be sure to cultivate the culture. Many people neglect this procedure. But it is one of the most important procedures that increase potato yields. One hilling can increase the number of potatoes in the holes by 20-30%. This is achieved due to the fact that during hilling, additional stolons are formed on the stems, on which, in turn, tubers are formed. In addition, hilling has other positive effects. When hilling, weeds are removed and the soil is loosened.
  • After each watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil. After watering, especially if it is done very rarely and it is hot outside, an earthen crust forms that does not allow oxygen to pass through well. Oxygen is an important component for good crop development. In addition, it is difficult for root crops to develop in dense soil; they often become deformed, losing their attractive, even appearance.


We plant the best varieties

There are two planting methods, among which every gardener can choose the appropriate one.

Growing from seeds

The seed material is soaked in warm water with the addition of solutions of microelements for a day or two. This helps speed up their hatching, after which the seeds can be sown.

The best time for this is considered to be the end of March. Seeds are sown in special containers, maintaining a distance of 5 cm between adjacent plants and ten between rows. They should not be buried very deeply (about 0.5 cm deep). Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied first approximately 3 weeks after sowing, and after 1.5 months the seedlings are hardened off, after which they are planted in the garden bed.

It is necessary to take into account that at the time of planting, the plants must have at least five leaves, and the air temperature outside should not fall below five degrees.

Growing from tubers

Tubers for planting must be obtained 1.5 months in advance. They should be treated to protect the plants from disease and placed in a well-lit area to germinate.

The best place for planting will be an area with fertile soil and good sunlight. It is better to loosen the soil in advance. The planting depth starts from 10 cm.

Collection and storage of root crops

Some gardeners do not wait until the tops dry out, but mow them immediately after flowering. However, many years of experience show that if you mow the tops immediately after flowering, the yield drops by 15-20%. For this reason, the tops should be mowed no earlier than 7 days before the planned harvest. In this case, the yield will not suffer, and the tubers will be maximally adapted to long-term storage.

Nowadays the method of “drying the tops” with chemicals is also often used. Copper sulfate is most often used. The bushes are treated with the solution 7-12 days before harvest. Farmers note that after treating the crop with copper sulfate, the harvesting process is greatly simplified, since the tubers are more easily separated from the stems.

We recommend reading: “Description of the Cornflower potato variety”

After harvesting, the tubers need to be dried for several hours. Only after drying can you start sorting. During sorting, damaged tubers are separated from whole ones, and seed material is also selected for spring planting.

Store potatoes in wooden or polymer boxes. When storing, it is recommended to leave gaps between the box and the storage wall so as not to interfere with natural aeration.

Potato diseases

The most common potato diseases are fungal and bacterial rots: late blight, rhizoctonia, macrosporiosis, blackleg and others.

General control measures are: pre-planting treatment of tubers with tank mixtures, including biofungicides phytosporin-M, binoram, gamair, alirin, planriz and others.

During the growing season, it is necessary to treat the bushes with the above listed biological products, and you can also use Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution, according to the recommendations. The use of biological products can be started from the sprouting phase of potatoes and sprayed during the summer every 10-12 days until harvesting.

Treatment of bushes with copper-containing preparations begins with the growth phase of bushes, single budding and is carried out once a month. The last treatment is carried out 2-3 weeks before mowing the tops before harvesting. The area of ​​the diseased plant (after its removal) must be powdered with a mixture of ash and copper sulfate at the rate of a teaspoon of the drug per glass of ash.

It is useful to treat the soil and potato bushes (young ones are more effective) several times during the summer before hilling them with wood ash. The soil can be powdered with chalk.

Potatoes often develop non-parasitic diseases associated with violations of agricultural management techniques (feeding, watering) or climatic conditions (prolonged rains, low temperatures, dampness). They do not accumulate in soil and plants and do not spread to healthy plantings. With a change in weather to more favorable conditions and optimization of agricultural technology, diseases disappear.

Colorado potato beetle larvae on potatoes. Daniel


Lyudmila Ivanovna, Voronezh, 49 years old.

Last year we planted the Gornyak variety. What can I say. The bush is an erect type, during the flowering period a lot of flowers are formed, but there are few berries, despite the abundance of flowers. When harvesting, 1 hole contained up to 9-10 large potatoes weighing at least 110 g. The tubers were tasty, of medium boilability. Personally, we liked the variety.

Dmitry Yurievich, Kyiv, 54 years old.

We have been growing this variety for two years now. The yield is high, getting better and better every year. We grow it in normal home conditions, water it 4 times per season, and hill it up 2 times. We fertilize the garden only in the fall. This year the tubers were a little scabbed, although there were no problems that year. But not critical. The tubers themselves are large, smooth and tasty. Gornyak goes perfectly in puree.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

A description of the Gornyak potato variety would be incomplete without indicating its advantages and disadvantages. Gardeners note as advantages:

  • Excellent taste;
  • High yield of marketable products, which makes it easy to sell on the market, and therefore grow for commercial purposes;
  • Speed ​​of ripening;
  • Ability for long-term storage (keeping quality reaches 96%);
  • High content of the main beneficial substance in potatoes - starch;
  • Resistance to various diseases and pests.

The disadvantages include the laboriousness of preparing planting material, but this is more than compensated for by the large volume of harvest.

So, Gornyak potatoes ripen 65-80 days after planting, which allows those who grow them to access the beneficial substances contained in them quite quickly. This variety is used mainly in cooking due to its taste characteristics. To obtain a high-quality harvest, labor-intensive preparation is necessary, but it is not demanding in terms of care. But if all growing recommendations are followed, the weight of one tuber can reach 100 grams.

Productivity guaranteed

It doesn’t take much effort to grow Gornyak potatoes. The characteristics of the variety, as well as reviews, indicate that this event is not troublesome. Caring for potatoes is very easy. First of all, you should loosen the soil from time to time using a rake and remove weeds in a timely manner. This will help significantly facilitate the appearance of the first shoots.

After the shoots reach 15-20 cm in height, they need to be hilled to ensure good development of the root system and the formation of the future harvest. As a rule, the natural level of precipitation is sufficient for potatoes. But if there is a drought, we advise you to provide the potato bushes with more than three liters of moisture per plant. Potatoes should be fed three times:

  • The first time at the moment of growth of the tops.
  • The second time - at the moment of formation of buds.
  • The third time - at the moment of flowering of the plant and the formation of ovaries.
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