An interesting and fresh new product for planting - the Cypress tomato: photo and description of the variety

Cypress tomatoes: variety description

Variety nameCypress
general descriptionMid-season determinate variety
Ripening period100-105 days
Average weight of tomatoes80-120 grams
Productivity of the varietyup to 25 kg per sq.m
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistance Resistant to major diseases

This is a mid-early tomato, from the moment the seedlings were planted until the first ripe fruits, 100-105 days pass.
The plant is determinate, standard. The bush is medium-sized from 80-95 cm. It grows well in unprotected soil and in greenhouse shelters. It has complex resistance to diseases and pests. The fruits are red, round in shape, not very large, weighing from 80-120 g . At the first collection they may be slightly larger than 120-130. The number of nests is 3-4, dry matter contains about 5-6%. The collected fruits ripen well if picked slightly unripe and can be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Cypress80-120 grams
Grapefruit600-1000 grams
Lazy300-400 grams
Andromeda70-300 grams
Mazarin300-600 grams
Shuttle50-60 grams
Yamal110-115 grams
Kate120-130 grams
Early love85-95 grams
Black Moor50 grams

Description of vegetable crop

Tomato Cypress - late ripening. The first harvest occurs at the end of summer, but fruiting continues for quite a long time, until the first frost.

Description of the variety:

  • determinate bush, standard type;
  • The average plant height is 80–90 cm;
  • tomato is heavily leafy;
  • the leaf is large, dark green in color;
  • the fruits are arranged compactly.

The description of the variety also includes the location of the fruits. They fit quite compactly to the trunk of the plant and hang from it in beautiful clusters.


This variety is very young and became the discovery of the 2015 season. It was bred in Russia and received state registration as a variety for open ground and greenhouses in 2013. It has positive reviews from those who have tried it.

Judging by the characteristics, this variety is best grown in open ground in the south; in the middle zone it is better to cover it with film. The optimal regions for cultivation are Belgorod, Voronezh, Astrakhan, Crimea and Kuban. In the northern regions it grows only in heated greenhouses. But we must remember that in a cold region, the yield decreases and the taste of tomatoes deteriorates.

Those who managed to try this variety appreciated its fresh taste. Very good in preserves and barrel pickles. This variety can be used for lecho. Juices, purees and pastes are very good thanks to the combination of sugars and acids.

With good care it was possible to get up to 7-8 kg. from one bush . With a recommended planting density of 3-4 plants per 1 sq.m, you can get up to 25 kg. This is a very good indicator, especially for such a medium-sized bush.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Cypressup to 25 kg per square meter
Tanya4.5-5 kg ​​per square meter
Alpatieva 905 A2 kg per bush
Dimensionless6-7.5 kg per bush
Pink honey6 kg per bush
Ultra early ripening5 kg per square meter
Mystery20-22 kg per square meter
Wonder of the earth12-20 kg per square meter
Honey cream4 kg per sq.m
Red Dome17 kg per square meter
King of the Early10-12 kg per sq.m.

On our website you will find a lot of useful information about growing tomatoes. Read all about indeterminate and determinate varieties. And also about the intricacies of caring for early ripening varieties and varieties characterized by high productivity and disease resistance.

Planting and care

Hybrid tomatoes are grown in seedlings. If the owner of a personal plot decides to grow the Aristocrat variety, then the seeds will need to be purchased every year from a specialized store. You can collect them yourself, but the tomatoes will not grow, since the hybrid group does not retain the characteristics of the mother bushes. Seeds of this variety do not require treatment for most possible diseases. Tomatoes are quite resistant to tobacco mosaic, late blight and fusarium.

To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in early March. To do this, prepare boxes or other suitable containers. The soil must be fertilized with a peat mixture; after sowing the seeds, the boxes are covered with film and placed in a warm place. For faster germination, the soil must be regularly watered with water at room temperature. As soon as the seedlings have two true full leaves, they need to be planted in a separate container. Disposable cups or cut-off plastic bottles are suitable for this.

Plant care includes the following actions:

  • timely weeding;
  • regular watering;
  • loosening the soil and removing weeds;
  • treatment with copper-containing preparations;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Tomatoes must be tied to supporting sticks or rods. You also need to trim off excess branches and leaves. These actions will allow you to get larger and more elastic fruits, and this will also have a positive effect on the amount of harvest obtained.

Features of cultivation

Among the features of the Cypress variety are its excellent productivity, high resistance to diseases, and tolerance to lack of moisture. It is also worth highlighting the shelf life of the fruit and good transport tolerance.

If you grow “Cypress” in a greenhouse shelter, then the bush should be formed into three stems, in open ground into four. The trunk needs garter, and the branches need supports, as they can experience very strong loads under the weight of the fruit. At all stages of growth it responds very well to complex feeding.

You can learn more about fertilizers for tomatoes from the articles on the site.:

  • Organic, mineral, phosphorus, complex and ready-made fertilizers for seedlings and the TOP best.
  • Yeast, iodine, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, ash, boric acid.
  • What is foliar feeding and when picking, how to carry it out.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Cypress tomato is a new vegetable crop, so it is currently irrational to talk about all its pros and cons. However, the description of the variety guarantees such positive qualities as:

  • consistently high productivity;
  • good transportability;
  • high immunity to infections;
  • drought resistance;
  • long shelf life.

At the moment, no tangible deficiencies have been identified in the culture. But in order to increase the quality of the Cypress tomato according to the recommendations of experts, it is worth adhering to several rules in agricultural technology.

IMPORTANT! Cypress tomatoes have a fairly long shelf life. When green fruits are picked, they ripen successfully at home.

Diseases and pests

No special problems with diseases were identified in the “Cypress” variety during the 2015 season. With good care, this is a very strong plant. Regular watering, ventilation of greenhouses and application of fertilizers, such measures will protect you from troubles.

Rare cases of tobacco mosaic and brown spot have been noted. It is not easy to deal with mosaic; you need to cut off all the affected shoots of the bush, and wash the cut areas with a light solution of potassium permanganate. Against brown spotting, use the “Barrier” product, and then reduce the humidity of the environment and increase air circulation. If your tomato grows in a greenhouse, then get ready for an uninvited visit from the greenhouse whitefly. The drug “Confidor” is successfully used against it.

Deep, thorough weeding of the soil and treating it with a water-pepper solution, which is poured into the pest’s habitat, will help against mole crickets in open ground. Spider mites can be washed off with soap and water until all signs of the pest disappear.

Video: Kumir variety tomatoes

In dry soil with excess nitrogen, a tomato can develop blossom end rot.
It needs to be combated by generous watering, reducing nitrogen levels and fertilizing with potassium. Therefore, tomatoes should not be planted after peas and other plants that enrich the soil with nitrogen. Another nuisance that sometimes appears in open soils is late blight. For primary protection, use the drug "Barrier", and if the disease has already spread - "Barrier".

tomato Glacier - description and characteristics of the variety

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