Cool peppers: the five best thick-walled hybrids

How many sweet pepper plants should a gardener plant in his garden?
And at the same time not to make a mistake with the choice of variety? It would seem that the task is not easy. However, following folk wisdom, we can say with confidence: “There are never too many peppers.” There can never be too many peppers!

We suggest choosing 5 hybrids of thick-walled peppers from the agricultural company “Partner” at once. These are: the powerful red 'Partner F1', the amber-yellow 'Tavignano F1', the deep orange 'Allar F1', the elegant 'Vesta F1' and the mighty 'Livadia F1'.

You will not regret it! Even by planting just a few plants of each hybrid, you will reap a bountiful harvest. All summer long at the dacha, fresh sweet fruits will decorate your meals, and original preparations will delight your family and many friends with their excellent taste during the long winter.

Cool new product - 'Partner F1'

Let's start the story about the new products of our selection with the coolest pepper.
This is a mid-season hybrid 'Partner F1'. A powerful plant reaches 120-140 cm in height. The fruits are bright red, cube-shaped, large, up to 12 cm long with a diameter of 9 cm. And the wall thickness is very steep - 1.2 cm guaranteed! The yield is excellent - more than 8 kg per 1 m² in open ground. And in the protected version there is even more - up to 14 kg. 'Partner F1' is a new selection. The weight of one fruit is decent - up to 250 g. The taste is sweet and the flesh is tender. As soon as you cut the fruit, the juice immediately comes out in fragrant droplets. And I want to try it: when fresh, this pepper is no worse than an apple, but has much more benefits. You can learn more about this wonderful hybrid by watching our video “Partner F1” pepper to all peppers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the many similar varieties of Trebia F1 pepper, the following worthy characteristics stand out:

  1. The plant is not affected by several particularly dangerous diseases.
  2. The bushes have an optimal height for greenhouses and open ground.
  3. In terms of productivity, pepper is superior to many thick-walled varieties.
  4. The fruits can withstand long-term transportation without loss of taste and quality.
  5. Cooks have the opportunity to choose how to use the vegetable.
  6. Ripe peppers can be stored for a long time after harvest.

Early ripening pepper 'Vesta F1'

The earliest ripening and most elegant in this company is the hybrid 'Vesta F1'.
Already 65 days after planting the seedlings, you can harvest ripe peppers. They are elongated conical in shape, smooth, glossy, all even and absolutely identical. They reach a length of 14 cm, a diameter at the base of 7 cm. The average weight of the fruit is 160 g. At technical ripeness, 'Vesta F1' peppers have a milky white color. This is an ideal hybrid for preparing the favorite dish of Russians - stuffed peppers. The color of ripe peppers is soft red, and when technically ripe the fruit is even more beautiful - pale green, almost milky white. In a saucepan, stuffed with minced meat and topped with sour cream, red and white fruits look great. To get to know this hybrid better, watch the video The best pepper for stuffing 'Vesta F1'.

The largest hybrid 'Livadia F1'

The largest pepper in the current collection is the mid-season hybrid 'Livadia F1'.
From planting seedlings to the biological maturity of the fruit, 75-80 days pass. The plant is powerful, up to 140 cm in height. The dense red fruits are huge, prism-shaped, up to 10 cm in diameter and up to 18 cm long! Pepper 'Livadia F1' can hardly fit in the palm of your hand! The thickness of the walls of this giant is 1-1.2 cm. And the weight, of course, is heroic - 350-380 g, and this is not the limit. 3 fruits – already a kilogram! And the yield is excellent: in open ground you can harvest up to 8 kg per 1 m², and in a greenhouse – all 14 kg. This pepper is especially good for freezing. We also made a video about it, where we show it in detail. See Size XXXL. Very large pepper 'Livadia F1'.

Description of the variety

Pepper Trebia F1 is a hybrid that is suitable for planting in greenhouses and garden beds without protection. Its bushes do not reach a meter in height and have powerful, strong stems. The leaf blades of the plant are medium-sized, with noticeable wrinkles, and ovoid in shape.

Attention! The originator of the variety is Sakata. In Russia, seeds are distributed by agro.

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The fruits of the hybrid resemble a ribbed cylinder. The photo with ripe vegetables shows that the pepper, during biological readiness, takes on a rich sunny color, which is radically different from the color of the unripe fruit - dark green. The walls of the vegetable are more than 8 mm, the weight is above 300 g. Pepper contains 3–4 seed chambers.

Type of growth, bush heightStandard, 60-80 cm
Ripe fruit colorYellow
Planting scheme3 – 4 bushes per 1 m2
Weight, length and shape of the fruit300 - 500 g, 12 - 25 cm, cylindrical
Ripening period, yieldMid-season (110 – 120 days). More than 14 kg/m2
Drop off pointexhaust gas/greenhouse/greenhouse
DiseasesResistant to blossom end rot, tobacco mosaic virus, insensitive to verticillium wilt
By type of useUniversal
Flowering typeMixed

Mid-early yellow pepper - 'Tavignano F1'

Yellow-fruited peppers are not left unattended.
Bushes of the hybrid 'Tavignano F1' of mid-early ripening grow powerful, 120-130 cm in height. The fruits of 'Tavignano F1' are very sweet and juicy. The peppers are cube-shaped and have a very beautiful rich, dense yellow color, 9 cm long, 12 cm in diameter. The sweet fruits are somewhat reminiscent of apricots. Very tasty and juicy, they begin to ripen earlier than everyone else. And they ripen and ripen... continuously and in any weather. From a bush we collect 2.5 kg of large fruits, each weighing 250-300 g. You can see with your own eyes the excellent harvest of this hybrid by watching the video The sun's favorite bright yellow sweet pepper 'Tavignano F1'.

Very productive hybrid – 'Allar F1'

And today’s parade of cool peppers is completed by the early-ripening hybrid ‘Allar F1’.
It turned out to be very fruitful: it gives us its deep orange fruits until late autumn. The peppers are cube-shaped, sweet in taste, with thick (up to 1 cm) walls and tender flesh. Very juicy! The early ripening hybrid 'Allar F1' is very productive. The fruits ripen until late autumn. The fruits are heavy, weighing up to 230 g, so the yield of 'Allara F1' in a greenhouse is at least 14 kg per 1 m². And this hybrid feels great in open ground. In the next video you will see this incomparable pepper in all its glory.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Pepper Trebia from is a mid-season adapted hybrid. Bell peppers are flexible and are cultivated in different conditions throughout the country. In the south and in the middle zone - without covering film, in the north - in greenhouses.

Peppers are widely used in cooking. They are stuffed, added to salads, boiled, baked. The preparations make especially tasty assorted lecho.

What are the signs of fruits:

  • average weight 200-250 g;
  • maximum weight 300 g;
  • pericarp 8-10 mm;
  • prismatic shape;
  • sweet taste with slight sourness;
  • dense, meaty texture;
  • yellow color with gloss.

Plants grow up to 60-70 cm. The bushes are standard, moderately branched and leafy. The stems are strong, strong, and do not break.

We reveal all the secrets of a rich harvest

All peppers from this line are resistant to the main diseases of nightshade crops. These hybrids feel good both in open ground and in various greenhouses. However, we have our own secrets, and we, of course, will share them with you! We know how to grow beautiful peppers

  • First, take soil preparation seriously. Add a lot of humus, sand, peat, improving the structure and increasing fertility. Make the soil light and nutritious.
  • Secondly, be sure to soak the seeds before sowing. This will increase the energy of their germination and increase germination.
  • Thirdly, plant seedlings in the ground on time, do not allow them to overgrow, your future harvest greatly depends on this.
  • Fourth, water the pepper 2 times a week, but generously, soaking the soil to the entire depth of the root layer.
  • And fifthly, remove weeds on time, otherwise the yield is greatly reduced and pathogens actively multiply.

Features of agricultural technology

This pepper is one of those plants that is cultivated using the seedling method. To obtain high yields, you need to follow general agrotechnical principles:

  • Before sowing, germinate seeds at a temperature not lower than 26 degrees;
  • keep seedlings in protected conditions until they reach the age of 60 – 70 days;
  • place peppers on pre-fertilized beds with neutral soil acidity;
  • water the bushes as the top layer of soil dries;
  • feed the crop with complex mineral fertilizers (at least 3 times per season).
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Planting seedlings in a greenhouse/greenhouse
Planting seedlings in exhaust gas
February MarchMayThe beginning of JuneUntil the first forkEarly August - October
Farmers who planted Trebia F1 pepper give it positive reviews. Brief examples of some of them:
  • I consider this hybrid to be the best of the best. The pepper is large and easy to transport. Bushes do not die due to temperature changes - a gardener under the pseudonym “Tiu”.
  • The fruits have walls more than 1 cm and weight reaches 0.5 kg. The plant is heat-resistant - gardener Darina.
  • The pepper is very large, without a garter the bushes will not support its weight. After cutting ripe vegetables, new ones are quickly formed, the harvest can be harvested until the very frost - a summer resident from Voronezh.
  • The variety has excellent yield - Tatyana from the Irkutsk region.

Pepper Trebia F1 is a young hybrid that is quickly gaining the attention of gardeners. It has beautiful large fruits suitable for various culinary uses.

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Salad “Cool peppers”

Did you like our new thick-walled pepper hybrids?
Plant a little of everyone and you won’t go wrong. Each hybrid of these five is interesting in its own way, but together all these peppers are good, as, for example, in our signature salad. The main ingredients of the salad are multi-colored thick-walled peppers . Take one at a time: red pepper 'Partner F1', yellow 'Tavignano F1', orange 'Allar F1', 'Vesta F1' in milky ripeness and green 'Livadia F1'. Add the remaining ingredients according to your taste.


  1. Cut the fruits into small cubes or strips, add pitted olives cut into quarters.
  2. Chop a few hard-boiled eggs and finely chop a bunch of dill.
  3. In a separate bowl, prepare a thick salad dressing. To do this, mash the cheese into a paste, add sour cream and mayonnaise. If it turns out too thick, then dilute everything with cream.
  4. Mix, place in a beautiful dish - and you can enjoy this peppery delicacy, snacking on Borodino bread and drinking tomato juice.

It is much more effective to use halves of cube-shaped peppers as salad bowls.
After emptying, you will also eat such “dishes” with great pleasure. Bon appetit! We invite you to purchase seeds from our wide variety of new hybrids.

Vasily Ivanovich Blokin-Mechtalin, general director of agro

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