Tomato Cadet: description and characteristics of the variety, reviews from summer residents with photos

Cadet - variety of tomato plant

Information on admission of Tomato Cadet from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 48268, registered 2007-09-18. The Tomato Cadet variety was included in the register of those approved in 2008. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Tomato Cadet variety is:


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Description of the tomato variety Cadet, its characteristics and recommendations for growing

Tomatoes are a valuable plant crop that has gained recognition throughout the world. The demand for tomatoes is associated with their beneficial properties, good taste and ease of cultivation. Tomato Cadet is one of the worthy representatives of the nightshade family. The work of Russian breeders from a large agricultural company has found its admirers in different regions of the country.

General information about the variety

The variety is included in the State Register and is recommended for cultivation in protected and open ground, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. Appearance and characteristics of the variety:

  • Mid-ripening, the berries are ready for picking in 95–100 days.
  • Determinant.
  • The average yield is up to 4 kilograms of tomato per square meter.
  • Low-growing, the bush reaches 50 centimeters in height.
  • Compact.
  • Powerful stem.
  • The peduncle is without articulation.
  • Simple inflorescence.
  • Simple, medium sized foliage.
  • There is no articulation with the stalk.
  • Not prone to cracking.
  • Immunity to many nightshade diseases.
  • It is stored in its marketable form for a long time.
  • Does not require complex care measures.
  • Withstands transportation without loss of presentation.

Reviews from gardeners confirm the high yield of the variety and note the taste benefits of the fruit. Description and technical information about the berries:

  • Cylindrical shape.
  • Smooth.
  • Medium density.
  • Light green color until ripe.
  • Red color when mature.
  • The number of nests is from 2 to 3 pieces.
  • Light weight, up to 60 grams.
  • Good taste.
  • Persistent tomato aroma.

The originator classifies the plant as a salad variety. Ripe berries are suitable for whole-fruit canning and fresh consumption. Sweet fruits are added to vegetable salads, used to decorate dishes and for independent consumption.

Recommendations for cultivation

For the plant, the seedling planting method is preferable. Strong seedlings grow if the following rules are observed:

  • Plant seeds in the soil 1.5 centimeters deep.
  • Maintaining room temperature from 20 degrees.
  • Creating a greenhouse effect upon the appearance of the first shoots.
  • Regular watering with warm water.
  • Place containers with seedlings in a well-lit place.
  • Hardening before planting in a greenhouse or open ground.

IMPORTANT! Young seedlings should receive a large amount of light, with a day length of at least 16 hours. Tomato variety Cadet is unpretentious in care

The low-growing plant is planted densely, up to 6 seedling bushes per square meter of land. Recommendations for further care include timely watering, loosening and removing weeds. Tomato responds positively to fertilizing

Tomato variety Cadet is unpretentious in care. The low-growing plant is planted densely, up to 6 seedling bushes per square meter of land. Recommendations for further care include timely watering, loosening and removing weeds. Tomato responds positively to fertilizing.

Gardeners' opinion

Good day! Last summer, a neighbor at his dacha discovered a tomato of the Cadet variety for me. The plant is compact and has good yield. The height of the bushes is only 40–50 centimeters. The fruits can be harvested at the same time. The berries are small and very sweet. I make beautiful preparations out of them and can them entirely. I didn’t find any cons for myself.

Anastasia Galakhova, 53 years old

Greetings to all gardeners! For lovers of sweet and miniature tomatoes, I recommend the Cadet variety. The plant is not capricious, shows decent results if simple rules of agricultural technology are followed. The fruits are dense, regular in shape and very tasty!

Valentin Syromyasov, 63 years old

Description of the variety

The Kasamori F1 tomato entered our market relatively recently, but thanks to its characteristics it has already become popular. Is a hybrid. Registered in 2010. The seeds are produced by the Japanese company Kitano Seeds.

Tomato is classified as indeterminate. Tomato bushes grow up to 1.5-2 m. The plant is powerful, but compact. Internodes are shortened. The hybrid is very early in ripening time. Harvesting is carried out already on the 95-105th day from the moment of emergence.

This tomato is large-fruited. The average weight of tomatoes is 300 g. But they practically never come in less than 200 g. In some cases they grow up to 500 g. The tomatoes are very beautiful, this can be clearly seen in the photo. The fruits are dense, with a smooth and even surface, with a sugary taste. The color is rich pink with a raspberry tint.

The main characteristics of a tomato can be seen in the table:

According to ripening time
By type of growth
By type of use
By growing method
Fruit weight (g)
Productivity (kg/m2)
Ripe fruit color
Fetal characteristics
Early ripeIndeterminantSalad typeFor film greenhouses270-30010-12PinkFlat-round, smooth, dense, up to 6 pieces per brush.

Harvesting and application

Collection begins from the end of June - beginning of July. Ripe vegetables are picked one at a time, as they do not ripen together, not in whole clusters. The fruiting of the crop is extended, which makes it possible to consume fortified ripe vegetables for a long time.

The species belongs to the salad category, so its main purpose is to eat fresh. The fruits are great for a variety of salads, appetizers, hot and vegetable dishes. They do not lose their taste when baked with meat.

They are also suitable for canning in pieces. Sometimes, for a variety of colors, pink vegetables are mixed with red ones, which looks very colorful and appetizing.

Tomatoes are processed into tomato products: juices, ketchups, pastes.

Ripe vegetables cannot be stored for long-term storage. They are recommended to be used within 10 days. Otherwise, they will not retain their marketable appearance and will lose their taste.

The most productive tomatoes

Of course, most of all any gardener is concerned with the question: “Which varieties will bear fruit better?” After all, rarely for anyone are the best varieties of tomatoes those that have an exotic appearance, as in this photo, for example.

Feedback from gardeners who grow the same tomatoes every summer helped us compile the TOP 10 most productive varieties and hybrids.


An early-ripening determinate tomato that allows harvesting already on the 95th day after planting the seedlings for seedlings.

A distinctive feature of the hybrid is its unique durability and fertility. With a bush height of only 35-45 cm, up to 10 kg of crop can be harvested from each square meter of plot.

The bushes are so compact that they do not need to be tied up, much less pinched. Even in extreme heat, fruit set is very high.

Tomatoes are colored red. Their shape is perfectly even - a circle or a small oval. The weight of each fruit is 50-70 grams. The size, density of tomatoes, and the thickness of their peel are excellent for canning whole fruits. But even fresh tomatoes are very tasty - juicy and aromatic.

"Snow Leopard"

Mid-early tomato - ripens on the 105th day after planting. The bushes are small and compact. The plant is resilient and therefore suitable for growing in the north of the country.

The height of the bushes is 50-60 cm; they do not need to be pinched, but they must be tied to a support. The tomatoes are round, with slight ribbing. The pulp density is average. The taste is high. Tomato weight is 200-300 grams. These tomatoes are very tasty fresh, but they are also suitable for processing and canning.

The plant withstands low temperatures due to early ripening and is not afraid of late blight and frost.

"Rio Grand"

This variety is a medium-late variety - the fruits ripen by the 115th day after planting. The bushes are medium-sized, determinate type. The height of the plants reaches 100 cm; they must be tied up and partially pinched.

Rio Grands are shaped like a plum, bright red in color, and have dense flesh. They have a sweetish taste, are very tasty and aromatic. The weight of each tomato is on average 120 grams. Thanks to their thick skin, tomatoes can be transported and stored for a long time, and are excellent for whole-fruit canning.

The variety is valued for its unpretentiousness, resistance to extreme heat, infrequent watering, and high yield.

"Eternal Call"

Early ripening determinate tomatoes, the height of which reaches 70 cm. The tomato is characterized by high yield and large fruit size; the bushes must be firmly tied to a support.

The tomatoes are round, slightly flattened. Their color is bright red. The weight of each tomato can reach 900 grams, on average it is 500-600 grams. The tomatoes are very juicy, fleshy and sweet. They are wonderful in sauces, tomato, and fresh salads.

From each bush you can get up to six kilograms of harvest.


Small bushes of this variety reach only 40 cm in height. The fruits ripen on the 120th day after planting.

Small tomatoes are dark red in color, have an elongated shape and a dense skin. The weight of each tomato is approximately 40-75 grams. These tomatoes have excellent taste, with a pronounced aroma. Fruits are excellent for canning and pickling.

Plants resist common diseases and low temperatures.


A variety intended for open ground. Tomatoes ripen on the 120th day after planting, so they have a pronounced taste and strong aroma.

The bushes are small, compact, their height reaches 80 cm. The fruits are very tasty, have a round shape, and a glossy surface. The weight of one tomato is 150 grams. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. It is good to use tomatoes for canning in their entirety, for preparing fresh salads.

Review of the Astrakhan tomato

Stepanova I.V., 63 years old, Stavropol

I live in Stavropol, here there are very dense soils and hot summers. It is difficult to choose good tomatoes for such conditions, but “Astrakhansky” is ideal. Neither strong heat, nor wind, nor drought affect the tomato yield - in any case, I collect about four kilograms of vegetables from each bush. Tomatoes are great for pickling and have an amazing taste when fresh. Another advantage is that the variety is not afraid of diseases, such as blossom end rot, TMV, and Egyptian broomrape. I recommend “Astrakhanskiy” to everyone as a win-win option that produces consistently high yields.

Advantages of the variety

An early ripening tomato begins to bear fruit 85-105 days after emergence. The description of the variety indicates the possibility of cultivating the plant in open ground and greenhouses. Tomatoes have excellent immunity to viral and fungal diseases of nightshade crops.

The determinate plant reaches a height of 50 cm during the growing season. The powerful stem does not require additional support, the leaves are simple and of medium size. Simple inflorescences form on the bush.

Tomatoes have an elongated oval shape, a glossy surface, dense skin and pulp. When cut horizontally, 2-3 seed chambers are observed. The fruits are light green in color before ripening; during ripeness they acquire an intense red color.

Ripe tomatoes can withstand transportation over long distances. In cooking, the fruits are used fresh, for canning and as ingredients in various dishes.

General characteristics of the tomato Funtik f1 and description of the fruits of the hybrid variety

Many gardeners organize tomato yield competitions.

If a summer resident wants to surprise his neighbors, he should pay attention to the Funtik f1 tomato. These are large tomatoes that give a very good harvest

Their taste is simply excellent. Despite the fact that tomatoes are quite large, they have a universal purpose and are suitable for various uses. But still, Funtik tomatoes have gained the greatest popularity as an ingredient in salad. Their delicate sweet taste makes them an ideal addition to summer vegetable appetizers.

Funtik is a hybrid, so only original seeds purchased from the manufacturer should be used for cultivation. In this case, you can get ideal fruits with good weight and excellent taste. The Funtik variety was specially bred by Russian specialists. It has universal characteristics, so it is suitable for both open ground and greenhouses. The yield will be high in any case.

Description of the variety

This hybrid is classified as an indeterminate type. This suggests that the plant can have unlimited growth, so it should be pinched at the top. It is advisable to do this when the tomato reaches the 2 meter mark.

If you do not carry out the pinching procedure, the plant can stretch above 2.5 meters. In greenhouse conditions, the tomato can be even larger. But this has a bad effect on yield, since the tomato gives a lot of energy to the greens instead of saturating the fruits.

The plant grows very tall, but not too spreading, so the planting pattern for the bushes can be quite dense. You can place 6 tomatoes per 1 m².

Hybrid Funtik produces a large number of fruits. They are formed on brushes, of which there can be up to 12 pieces on each bush. There are 6 large tomatoes in one bunch.

The big advantage is that the plant produces all its fruits at once. This is convenient for those who grow tomatoes for canning. The productivity of the Funtik hybrid is very high. With proper agricultural technology, gardeners harvest up to 10 kg of delicious tomatoes from each bush.

The highest yield is observed with proper care of tomatoes. They must be well fertilized, weeded and moderately watered. As for spraying against diseases, it will not be superfluous for preventive purposes. But the manufacturer assures that this hybrid is highly resistant to late blight, verticillium and tobacco mosaic.

Fruit characteristics

The characteristics and description of the variety indicate that these tomatoes have a universal purpose and can be suitable for any type of use.

The tomatoes turn out quite large. Their average weight is 230 g. The color of the fruit is red, and the taste is sweet and very pleasant. Large tomatoes are not very convenient to preserve as a whole, but Funtik fruits are quite suitable for juice, sauce or tomato paste. In addition, they are considered an excellent addition to summer vegetable salad.

The fruits of this variety have a fairly dense skin, so they can be easily transported even over long distances without the risk of losing their presentation. Moreover, tomatoes are stored in a cool place for a very long time. If you harvest in August, you can enjoy the pleasant taste of fresh tomatoes until mid-autumn.

Reviews about the Funtik tomato are extremely positive.

Veronica, Shakhty: “Excellent tomato, I have never seen such a productive tomato. To the envy of all my neighbors, I collected 10-12 kg per bush! The fruits are very tasty, aromatic, fleshy and elastic. Do not crack during ripening and storage. They can lie there for a long time!”

Marina, Moscow region: “I grew it in a greenhouse. The bushes were not sick, the yield was as stated by the manufacturer. I used tomatoes mainly for pasta and salads. In general, it was not possible to preserve it; the fruits grew too large!”

Stress and heat resistant tomato "Infinity" F1: features of growing tomatoes and description of the variety

Scientists and breeders are constantly developing new beautiful varieties of tomatoes. These include the Infiniti hybrid. Thanks to his qualities, he is gaining more and more fame and love.

The Kharkov Institute of Melon and Vegetable Growing of the UAAS has developed the tomato variety “Infinity” f1, which is recommended for greenhouse cultivation throughout Russia and for open ground in the Central, Volga and North Caucasus regions.

  • Basic data
  • Method of use
  • Productivity of the variety
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
  • Growing Tips
  • Pests and diseases

"Infinity" is an F1 hybrid plant. Belongs to semi-determinate, medium-branched varieties. The bush can reach 1.9 meters in height, not standard. Fruit ripening is early, occurring 90–110 days after germination.

Suitable for growing in both greenhouses and open soil. "Infinity" is resistant to a whole range of diseases. It is not affected by tobacco mosaic, Alternaria, root and blossom end rot.

Tomato “Infinity”, description: the fruits are large, round, with slight ribbing, weighing on average 240–270 g. Covered with a thin, smooth skin of a rich red color. The pulp is granular and dense. The fruit is multi-chambered, their number can vary from 6 to 12 pieces.

The vitamin C content is about 30 mg, dry matter 5.3%, sugar 2.9%. The fruits have excellent transportability and a long shelf life. They can remain in a cold place for several weeks.

Method of use

Infinity tomatoes can be subjected to any culinary processing or consumed fresh as a component of salads. It is not used for canning in its entirety, since due to its large size, the entire fruit will not fit through the neck of the jar.

Productivity of the variety

"Infinity" is classified as a high-yielding hybrid. On average, you can get 16.5-17.5 kg of tomatoes from one square meter of planting.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Infiniti hybrid has many undoubted advantages:

  • endurance to prolonged heat;
  • resistance to fruit cracking;
  • wonderful taste properties;
  • immunity to most viral and fungal infections;
  • excellent yield;
  • high stress resistance;
  • Easy to transport.

The tomato retains its characteristic taste even when grown in a greenhouse. The fruits are distinguished by their ripening at almost the same time.

The disadvantages include:

Growing Tips

It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in the second half of March and the first ten days of April. Seedlings need fertilizing with mineral fertilizers at intervals of 10–12 days. In May-June, the bushes can be transplanted outside, maintaining a distance of 30x35 cm.

Like other semi-determinate plants, "Infinity" produces many fruits to the detriment of the development of roots and green mass. As a result, shoot growth may stop.

To avoid this, you should regularly introduce fertilizing - both organic and mineral.

The bush requires pinching. Usually, all excess shoots are removed, forming a bush from one main and one side stem. Be sure to tie the bush to a trellis so that clusters of large fruits do not break the shoots. Watering is done regularly, at least once a week, more often in dry weather.

Pests and diseases

The "Infinity" variety is very resistant and rarely susceptible to disease. If humidity is constantly high, it may suffer from late blight. For prevention, bushes can be treated with fungicides such as Ditan, Ridomil Gold, Bravo, Quadris. They are also suitable for treating illness.

Among the pests, the most malicious are cutworm caterpillars. They actively eat leaves and fruits. Chemical insecticides such as Arrivo, Decis, Proteus will save you from these insects.

The “Infinity” variety can be recommended for cultivation by both experienced gardeners and beginners. It is resistant to unfavorable factors, unpretentious and gives an excellent harvest, subject to intensive fertilizing.

Description, characteristics and photos of tomatoes

The Currency tomato can withstand night frosts and daytime heat, prolonged rains and droughts, although this affects the volume of the harvest. At the same time, the Currency tomato is widespread in the central and southern regions.

Currency is a medium-growing determinate variety that does not grow higher than 60-80 cm, which is quite a lot for tomatoes in its category. The stem of the plant is strong, but without a garter it easily breaks under the weight of ripe fruits. The leaves are densely planted; in summer they protect the stems from the scorching rays of the sun.

The currency tomato boasts excellent immunity to the vast majority of diseases:

  • phytophotosis;
  • rot;
  • septoria and others.

But if there are mistakes in care, even he is not immune from diseases.

Recommendations for cultivation

It is generally accepted that early varieties of tomatoes are less tasty because they do not receive enough sunlight. But if you follow some recommendations on agricultural technology, the likelihood of getting the first tasty fruits increases.

Thus, seedlings of early tomatoes require special attention. Sow seeds 5-6 weeks before the last expected frost. After 2-3 weeks they are transferred to larger boxes so that the roots can grow without interference.

Young tomato bushes need a lot of light. They must be exposed to the sun for at least 16 hours. If there are few sunny days in the region, then fluorescent lamps must be installed indoors.

The area where it is planned to grow tomato bushes later should be illuminated by the sun for at least 8 hours a day.

Place a handful of compost, manure or other organic fertilizer at the bottom of the hole. A little mineral fertilizer is added to the ground before planting to stimulate the growth of the root system.

Bushes are planted at such a distance that they can freely receive their portion of air and light.

This is especially important for early varieties of tomatoes.

In a greenhouse, it is recommended to plant 2-3 plants per 1 m². Up to 3-4 bushes can be placed under a film or in open soil per 1 m². The stems of the Morozko variety have a small number of leaves. A bush is formed into 4-5 inflorescences, the lower ones are considered the most fruitful.

The duration of ripening depends on how many fruits have formed on the bush: the more tomatoes, the more time it will take for them to ripen. However, with correct and timely pinching, the maturation process is accelerated.

This variety is suitable for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in the open air.

For good flowering and filling of tomatoes, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture. The intensive irrigation regime ends only immediately before harvesting. This will preserve the maximum amount of sugar and flavor in the tomatoes.


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How to care for tomatoes in greenhouse conditions

In a greenhouse, tomatoes actively need watering. You need to dry the soil twice a week, and in hot weather - once every two days. It is necessary to ensure that the soil for Kasamori tomatoes is loosened and weeded on time. Weeding is an important point in caring for plants, since weeds can harbor pests and diseases.

Greenhouse soil will be worth ten points if you mulch it with sawdust or peat. Form bushes by removing excess leaves from the stem. Bouncing of stepsons must be carried out while their size is more than 2.5 cm. To give shape, you need to use disinfected tools. To support heavy brushes, use a tie.

Tomato Cadet - description and characteristics of the variety

The beneficial properties of tomatoes have been known since ancient times. Gardeners value this vegetable crop because of its ease of care, high yield and versatility in use. Tomatoes can be used for canning, for making sauces, tomato juice and paste. Not a single full-fledged banquet can pass without these products.

Tomatoes of the Cadet variety are an excellent representative of mid-season vegetable crops. Novina can be harvested 95-100 days after the first shoots appear. The type is quite unpretentious to various climatic conditions and is excellent for growing in open ground and in greenhouses.

Description of the variety

  1. The low shrub barely reaches a height of 50 cm. This is a clear advantage for facilitating the physical work of gardeners.
  2. There is no need to tie the bushes to the support and pinch the top to block growth.
  3. From one square meter you can collect 4-5 kg ​​of beautiful fruits.
  4. The fruit is cylindrical, smooth.
  5. The skin is strong and dense, does not crack, which is why tomatoes are perfectly stored and used during transportation without losing their marketable appearance.
  6. When fully ripe they acquire a Biebrich color.
  7. When cut, the presence of 2-3 seed chambers is observed.
  8. Copra is of medium density, with a pronounced tomato taste.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

It is recommended to grow this variety using seedlings. In the middle of Marfa you need to prepare a suitable container, soil and seeds. In order to prevent future plants from becoming infected with fungus and to protect them from pest invasion, seeds and soil should be disinfected.

Seeds can be kept in a manganese solution. The soil can be poured with boiling water and then calcined in a hot oven for about 2 hours. After this, sowing of seeds begins to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. To create a thermal greenhouse effect, the sump is covered with film and put away in a warm place with access to sunlight.

Watering should be done as often as necessary.

After the emergence of seedlings, the plants need to be pruned. For this they are placed in a separate container. Before you plant tomatoes in a garden or greenhouse, you should harden off the seedlings.

After several days, the seedlings are taken out into fresh air and left for several hours. Immediately before planting, you can leave them together outside. Be sure to add complex fertilizers to the prepared holes.

This will help produce larger fruits. One square meter should accommodate 6 bushes.

Running for tomatoes

Unpretentious plants do not require complex care. It is enough to carry out timely feeding with organic fertilizers, loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weeds.

Watering should be done little to no more than once a week, depending on weather conditions. You need to pour with warm, settled water.

Fertilizing is applied three times during the early summer season, immediately after planting seedlings, before flowering time, and when fruiting begins.

Although the Cadet class is considered quite resistant to various diseases and viruses, it must be treated preventively with insecticides. To create a balance of moisture and air somewhere near the roots of tomato bushes, you can mulch the soil. For this purpose, last year's leaves or grass are suitable.

The Student tomato variety is perfect for growing throughout the country. Pomona gifts are excellent for all types of processing. Fresh ass will enrich the human body with nutrients and beneficial substances. Experienced summer residents and gardeners with experience speak only positively about this variety.

Agricultural technology for growing tomato Village

Usually this variety is grown by seedlings.
In this case, it is possible to obtain a harvest earlier than the period indicated in the description of the hybrid. Also, vegetable growers in regions with a short summer period are engaged in growing the Derevensky tomato through seedlings, so that the entire crop has time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Planting seedlings

You can plant seed material in containers - low, but wide and long enough, or a couple of seeds at once in separate cups to avoid picking in the future. If planting containers are used for growing seedlings annually, they should be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting.

Soil for planting Rustic tomatoes can be purchased at a specialized store for growing vegetable seedlings, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take an equal amount of garden soil, humus and compost, add wood ash, and mix everything thoroughly. To disinfect soil prepared at home, you need to spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


Since this tomato is a hybrid, it is useless to collect seed material from plants, since the grown plants will not have parental qualities. Therefore, for planting, you will have to purchase seeds annually from specialized stores.

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds purchased in a store is carried out by the manufacturer, so before planting the seed, it is enough to soak it for faster germination.

The prepared soil is laid out in containers, moistened and grooves 1.5 cm deep are made at a distance of 3.5 cm from each other.

It is advisable to place the seeds in furrows at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other. After planting, the containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in warm, bright rooms for germination.

Before seed germination, containers should be periodically ventilated and the soil should be moistened with a spray bottle.

After the emergence of seedlings, the polyethylene is removed, and the containers are transferred to a bright room with an air temperature of about 15-17 degrees Celsius for two days.

The soil in the containers must be constantly moist, otherwise the tomato roots will develop more slowly.

Picking tomato seedlings

Picking seedlings of this tomato is carried out only if it was planted in large containers. Tomato seedlings are ready for this procedure when at least 2 true leaves appear on them. In this case, weak seedlings are removed.

The seedlings are planted in separate containers; the composition of the soil in the cups should be the same as in the containers. When transplanting, seedlings should be buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

Transplantation to a permanent place

About a couple of weeks before transplanting the Derevensky tomato seedlings to a permanent place, you should begin to harden them. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken out into the fresh air - at first for a short time, but gradually increasing the time the plants stay outside.

It is necessary to transplant healthy seedlings into garden beds when the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

The beds for planting Derevensky tomatoes are prepared in advance: they are dug up, organic fertilizers and wood ash are added.

No more than 4 plants should be planted on each square of area. Immediately after planting, the seedlings should be watered.

Excellent varieties of tomatoes! Tomato Irishka F1 Tomato Korolevich Tomato Lady fingers

Tomato Summer resident

photo by V. Medvedev

An early, low-growing, productive, unpretentious tomato variety for open ground.

The bush is of a determinate type, 70-80 cm high. It is recommended to form it into 3-4 stems. The tomato sets fruit perfectly in any summer. The bush is simply strewn with fruits. The variety is early ripening, but bears fruit for a long time, yielding until September.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round, of medium density, red in color at ripeness, the taste is good, tomato with sourness. The weight of the fruit is usually about 100 grams, rarely up to 150 grams. These tomatoes are universally used - suitable for making juices and sauces, fresh and winter salads.

The Dachnik tomato variety is included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region for cultivation in open ground.

Features of growing tomatoes Summer resident, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Picking of seedlings is at the stage of two true leaves. Plants are planted in a permanent location when the threat of return frosts has passed.

Recommended planting pattern: 70 x 30 - 40 cm. Planting density: 6-8 plants per 1 sq.m.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

Summer resident tomatoes on video

If you grew Dacha tomatoes, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit were in your climatic conditions. How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Would you grow these tomatoes again and would you recommend them to others? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this variety of tomatoes and evaluate its taste. If possible, attach to the comment a photo of the entire bush as a whole or individual fruits that you grew. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Summer Resident tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Reviews about the variety Cadet

  1. Valentina, 46 years old:
    I have always loved experimenting with different varieties of tomatoes in my summer cottage. This year I decided to plant the Cadet variety. I was pleased that the bushes were quite compact and low. I didn't tie them up. Despite this, the bushes fruited well, and the harvest exceeded all my expectations. The fruits themselves are very tasty, not watery. Perfect for canning. Fresh tomatoes, thanks to their strong and dense skin, lasted almost until the New Year. I highly recommend growing this variety.
  2. Afanasy, 53 years old:
    I have been gardening for more than 6 years. I always planted tomatoes in a greenhouse, hoping to get a richer harvest. This year, on the advice of a neighbor, I planted the Cadet variety right in the garden. All summer I looked after it, fertilized and watered it. When I saw that it was possible to get a good harvest of tomatoes on the ground, I was surprised. Now I'm thinking of growing tomatoes in two ways.

Yellow giant tomato - description and characteristics of the variety

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite its not entirely universal use in cooking, Pandarose has enough positive characteristics that can interest many tomato lovers:

  • possibility of propagation without seedlings;
  • ease of care;
  • immunity to diseases and pests;
  • high fruiting rate;
  • good adaptation to any weather conditions;
  • excellent taste and color of vegetables;
  • commercial appearance.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the plant requires pinching and gartering;
  • fruits cannot be stored for long periods of time;
  • seeds do not retain parental genes.

Tomato Samokhval - description and characteristics of the variety

The Samokhval tomato belongs to the nightshade varieties of Siberian agronomy and has been leading the championship among vegetable farmers for a long time. Thanks to social surveys of agronomists, we know exactly what specific characteristics a given variety has.

Characteristics of tomato

Samokhval is a tomato hybrid, which is a rather interesting mid-ripe type of agronomy. According to information provided by competent specialists, the fertile stage of a tomato, from the first sprouts of the variety to the ripe fruit, is approximately 100-120 days. According to its color variety, Samokhval is included in the category of yellow-fruited and orange crops.

Special characteristics of Samokhval:

  1. The number of fruits - the harvest from one bush exceeds four kilograms.
  2. Fruiting is positive.
  3. Cultivation - the variety is not picky and has good yield, both in greenhouse conditions and in greenhouses and in open ground.
  4. Immunity – resistant to fungal infections (fruit rot), viral infections (tomato mosaic), and necrosis bacteria.

The most favorable soil for cultivating the Samokhvala variety is:

  • Russian territory (excluding the northern part).
  • Ukrainian territory.
  • Territory of Belarus (excluding the northern part).

This tomato variety belongs to the low-growing classification. On open soil, Samokhval reaches a height of one and a half meters, in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions - no more than 115-120 centimeters. This type of tomato belongs to the average type in terms of the number of leaves on the trunk. As for shoot formations, it is a very pronounced type. The leaves of Samokhval are fleshy and dark green in color. The initial cluster with fruit is formed no lower than the ninth leaf, which is a positive feature. The distance from the crop to the ground is significant, which means that the fruits are not subject to rapid rotting and are protected from small pests. The next clusters with fruits begin to form no earlier than after three leaves. There are 4-5 tomatoes per fertile bunch.


Brief description of the fruit:

  1. The shape is fleshy, heart-shaped.
  2. The peel is smooth; stripes in the form of a mesh are rarely formed near the stem, for example, like a melon.
  3. When fully ripe, they acquire a bright yellow, sometimes orange color.
  4. The presence of seeds is not large.
  5. The pulp is tender, sugary.
  6. Smell and taste with the same sugary admixture.
  7. This tomato weighs approximately 250 grams.

Hybrid tomatoes have a special purpose. They are best used fresh and in salads. The versatility of this tomato lies in the fact that it is also well suited for canning. Pediatricians advise young mothers to use this variety for their diet and for the diet of the baby. Firstly, sugar substances predominate in it, acids are reduced to a minimum, and secondly, there is no bright red color - this point is very important for nursing mothers. I also recommend using the fruits of Samokhval for dietary nutrition.

Methods of breeding the variety

Before planting seedlings in the ground, the seeds are sown in greenhouse conditions 60-70 days in advance. Before sowing seeds, they must undergo a certain treatment with a manganese solution and a growth stimulant. It is necessary to sow seeds in specially prepared soil, scattered in boxes. The seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of at least 2 centimeters. At the end of sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with earth (it is very important not to compact the soil) and lightly sprayed with water at room temperature. The ideal temperature for seedling growth is approximately 24-26 degrees above zero. After the first two leaves appear, the seedlings are moved to pots filled with peat. Experienced farmers call this procedure picking. In the period from the moment of sowing the seeds to planting the seedlings, Samokhval must be fed with universal fertilizer at least three times. Planting of seedlings can be done in two stages:

Planting seedlings can be done in two stages:

  1. In greenhouse conditions - mid-May.
  2. In open ground - early June.
  3. The distance between tomato bushes should not be less than one meter.

Due to its considerable height, experienced experts advise making a support for the trunk after planting. And most importantly, do not forget about feeding the variety.

The self-praise tomato will bear fruit even if for some reason the agricultural technology was not followed. The only threat to careless vegetable growing is less harvest and less weight.

Bush care

Recommendations for further care of “Millionaire”:

  • It is recommended to use warm water for irrigation. Water not often, but abundantly, preferably in the evening;
  • After each irrigation, the bushes need hilling, and the row spacing needs to be loosened. These procedures contribute to the full delivery of moisture and nutrients by the root system to the fruits and leaves of the crop;
  • Throughout the entire growing season, 2-3 feedings are carried out using mineral complexes and organic fertilizers;
  • The formation of a tomato bush is carried out in one stem. Stepsons are also carried out regularly, since stepsons can cause you to lose a significant part of the crop;
  • If necessary, when growing tomatoes, use a horizontal or vertical trellis. In the future, this will greatly facilitate the collection of ripe tomatoes;
  • To increase the natural immunity of the crop, the soil near the root system is mulched using any available material. Pine needles or wood chips are perfect as a mulch layer;
  • In cloudy weather, the flowering process is delayed. To improve fruit formation, tomato bushes are sprayed with a 0.02% boric acid solution. If weather conditions remain the same, then after 2-3 days it is necessary to re-treat the bushes;
  • As soon as the fruits are fully formed and filled, the leaves that are located on the lower clusters need to be torn off.

When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is important to pay special attention to temperature conditions. The temperature in the greenhouse structure should not exceed +30 degrees. High temperatures and high humidity have a negative effect on the plant

The leaves begin to curl and the ovaries fall off. The room must be regularly ventilated

High temperatures and high humidity have a negative effect on the plant. The leaves begin to curl and the ovaries fall off. The room must be ventilated regularly.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

The variety is recommended to be grown in seedlings. Sowing of seeds is carried out in mid-March. Seed material is placed in prepared containers with soil to a depth of 1.5 cm and watered with warm water. The container is covered with film on top to create a greenhouse effect.

To ensure the simultaneous emergence of sprouts and the formation of strong seedlings, the temperature regime is maintained and fertilizing is applied regularly. When growing seedlings, maximum lighting is required. To extend daylight hours up to 16 hours, fluorescent lamps are used.

The Cadet variety is demanding on lighting. Heat and air humidity determine plant development and yield. At high humidity, pollination deteriorates, flowers fall off, and stems stretch.

Recommendations for caring for the crop include timely watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds and biological pests. For cultivating the Kadet variety, the best soils are sandy loam, light loamy soils with a high humus content.

To create a balance of air and moisture near the root system and ensure drip irrigation, it is recommended to mulch the soil. Last year's grass, leaves, and non-woven black fiber are used as mulch.

Characteristics and description of the tomato "Yuvel"

Every year a lot of new varieties appear on the gardening market. Breeders are working to develop hybrids that delight with their productivity, high immunity, attractive appearance and excellent taste characteristics.

But there are varieties that do not need any intervention. Many have been used not just for years, but even for centuries. One of these long-known to gardeners is the Yuvel tomato.

What are its advantages, as well as what needs to be taken into account when growing, we will consider further.

Description of the variety

The Yuvel tomato variety has been known since 1920. It was developed in Canada, but quickly spread throughout the world. In general, many American tomato varieties are large in size, and Yuvel is no exception. The fruits reach a weight of up to a kilogram and this is not the limit. The shape is ribbed, uneven. In some ways, Yuvel is reminiscent in appearance of the Beefsteak and American Ribbed tomato varieties.

But not only the size of the fruit is considered an advantage of this variety. Tomatoes have a truly amazing aroma that can turn any ordinary dish into a culinary masterpiece. The tomato has a rich taste, the pulp is very juicy. It can be used fresh, as well as for preparing a variety of sauces and homemade preparations.


The Yuvel tomato produces very tasty tomato juice, and there is minimal waste during its preparation. Be sure to try it!

Perhaps the only drawback of this variety is that the tomatoes cannot be rolled up whole for the winter. The sizes are too big.

The plant is indeterminate, the bushes grow very tall, from 1.5 to 2 meters, and require mandatory staking and shaping. It is best to make 2 main stems. Moreover, each one will need to be tied up well and even in several places.

For the Yuvel tomato, you need to prepare supports in advance and think about how you will attach the stems. They are quite juicy, if you use thread or rope, you can damage them.

Main characteristics

The variety is intended for cultivation in the southern region. Only in a consistently warm climate is it able to produce a good harvest in open ground. In the middle zone, it needs a greenhouse or a good greenhouse.

A fairly large number of ovaries are formed on the bushes, but some of them will have to be removed, leaving the healthiest ones. The fact is that the fruit first grows to the required size, and only then begins to turn red as it ripens.


Tomatoes can be picked half-red and left to ripen at home or in a shaded gazebo. The main thing is that there is a sufficient amount of fresh air and no direct sunlight.

From one bush you can collect up to 15 kg of fruit, so it is not worth growing a large number of seedlings. 5-8 bushes are more than enough for a large family.

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Multi-colored namesakes

You can find several varieties of Mikado tomatoes on the Internet and in garden stores.

If you are interested in the Mikado variety, you can find on the Internet and the shelves of specialized stores not only a pink tomato with the same name, but also yellow or gold, orange, red, black. They are produced by different manufacturers, or even do not have any identification marks on the packaging. There is no guarantee for the gardener. In addition, there are no official descriptions and characteristics of these tomato varieties. These varieties of tomatoes differ not only in the color of the fruit, but also in the timing of ripening, and some other characteristics, and sometimes even in the spelling of the name. Let's talk about them briefly.

Mikado red

Mikado red - medium ripening tomato

Mikado red is described as a variety with a medium ripening period (up to 110 days from germination). The bushes are low, from 80 to 100 cm. The fruits are round, red or burgundy. They weigh up to 270 grams. Inside each tomato there are 8-10 chambers with seeds. Tomatoes are universal in purpose - they are used as salad tomatoes, processed into tomato products and for homemade preparations. The plant resists diseases well and requires pinching. Mikado red will give birth better in the southern regions; to the north it can only grow in a greenhouse.

Review of Mikado red

Mikado orange

Mikado orange matures in approximately 120 days after germination

Orange Mikado is described as a medium-late ripening tomato - 120 days from germination to first harvest. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters. The fruits are flat-round, yellowish-orange in color, weighing 200–400 grams. The direction of use is universal - fresh, in the form of tomato products and home canning.

You can find online a description of the Mikada orange tomato from, which is positioned as a mid-early - from 100 to 105 days before harvest after germination, a large-fruited (weighing 250-350 grams) variety of salad tomatoes, resistant to nightshade diseases. The nature of plant development is indeterminate. Yield 10–12 kg/m2. It can be grown both in protected and open ground.

Review of tomato Mikado orange

Mikado yellow

Mikado yellow ripens in the mid-late period

Mikado golden or yellow is described as a mid-late variety (first harvest 130–140 days after germination). The bushes are tall from one and a half to two and a half meters. The tomatoes are yellow, they weigh 300–600 grams and have an excellent taste. Tomatoes are consumed fresh; they can be stored for quite a long time without losing their quality.

Tomato variety Mikado yellow - video

Mikado black

Black Mikado ripens in the middle or mid-early period

Black Mikado is described as a mid to early ripening variety. It can be grown in open or closed ground. The plant is standard, indeterminate, rises to 1.5–1.7 meters. On the lower clusters, the fruits are larger and can reach 0.3–0.4 kg, so not only the plant itself, but also the lower clusters need tying. The bushes need to be pinched. Tomatoes are burgundy-pink to burgundy-brown. Inside they are dark crimson with a greenish filling of the seed chambers. The taste is sweet with a little acid. Mikado black is mainly consumed in the form of salads.

Video about the tomato variety Mikado black

Mikado Sibiriko

Mikado Sibiriko - a variety of Siberian selection

This tomato was bred in Siberia and is therefore adapted to more severe growing conditions, including in open ground. Originator: “Siberian Garden”. Pink heart-shaped tomatoes Mikado Sibiriko (sometimes spelled Siberiko) are medium-sized (about 1.2 meters in the garden, 1.5–1.8 meters in the greenhouse), large-fruited (up to 0.6 kg) and productive. The taste is good. Requires garters and pinching.

Video about Mikado Sibiriko

In general, all varieties of Mikado tomatoes may be of interest to gardeners in different regions. The main question when choosing one form or another of these tomatoes is the correct choice of seeds. It is still better to purchase them in specialized or branded stores, where the likelihood of purchasing low-quality seed material is much lower than on the market. You can, of course, communicate with gardeners on the forums. Here, too, the likelihood of misgrading is small. Most likely, the seeds sent will correspond to the description in the topic.

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