Cucumber “Temp F1”: description of the hybrid variety, photos and reviews

Description of the variety Temp F1 with photo

Temp F1 seeds from the Siberian Garden
presented a new parthenocarpic high-yielding hybrid. The tempo is characterized by very early ripening of the fruits. Their complete formation and ripening occurs in 43 days, by which time the length of the cucumbers reaches almost 12 cm; cylindrical fruits of regular shape have a medium-lumpy surface and 4 cm in diameter.

However, many gardeners prefer to harvest a little earlier, on days 35-38, when cucumbers resemble gherkins and are no more than 5 centimeters long. Their flesh is free of bitterness and voids, crisp and dense, with a subtle, pleasant, fresh aroma.

The bushes of the determinate plant are medium-climbing, the lateral shoots are poorly developed. The ovaries are formed in the form of bunches, and up to 5 fruits develop on them. Tempo does not require formation, but some gardeners carry it out for prevention.

The crop is medium pubescent, with white spines; the dark green skin of the fruit has light longitudinal stripes.

Most gardeners practice the seedling method of growing, subsequently planting cucumbers in beds or greenhouses. Transplantation of seedlings is quite resilient and has good survival rate. Flowering begins after 3.5 weeks.

The fruiting of the hybrid is quite long - often the harvest is harvested almost before the onset of frost.

Temp is resistant to many diseases typical of all cucumbers. And if massive disease damage occurs, this is observed extremely rarely and is mainly due to the fault of the gardeners themselves.


Raisa, 54 years old, Aramil (Sverdlovsk region)

In our polycarbonate greenhouse, self-pollinating cucumbers with bunched ovaries bear fruit best. Now we plant mainly Russian hybrids Temp, Paratunka and Siberian Garland. During the season we collect at least 15-20 kg of cucumbers from each meter of area. We often eat Paratunka fresh in salads, and for preservation I like Temp the most - small, neat cucumbers that crunch perfectly and remain firm when pickled with cold water and in marinades when poured with boiling water. The jars are a sight to behold, the taste is delicious!

Alla, 42 years old, Perm

I bought Semco Junior cucumber seeds for the first time in 2014. Even in a lean year with a cold, rainy summer, Temp F1 provided us with fresh cucumbers, which were enough for food and all winter preparations. Now I always plant 7-10 bushes every season. Whole bouquets of miniature, pimply and white-spiked ovaries are knitted in the bosoms. So that the plant has enough strength to produce such an impressive harvest, I pick many greens at the age of 3-5 days as pickles and can them immediately. Their taste is wonderful - there is no bitterness at all, the seeds are small and tender, the skin is thin.

I do not pre-treat the seeds; I plant them immediately in peat pots. Germination is very high and fast, seedling survival rate in the greenhouse is good. This variety pleases with its active fruiting in our weather conditions and resistance to diseases.

Igor, 37 years old, Moscow

I decided to add my fly in the ointment to the Temp f1 cucumber barrel. It is declared as a high-yielding hybrid, but we had few fruits. The ovaries seemed to form in bunches, but often turned yellow, dried out and fell off. On each bush, out of 15-20 pieces, at best there were 5-7 left. In terms of yield, it turned out to be much weaker than other varieties. The cucumbers themselves have decent taste. It’s nice that they are all almost identical in appearance, small and even. Very suitable for pickling and preservation. The female half of our family liked them, but I'm not sure I'll plant them again.

Olesya, 39 years old, Belorechensk

In our conditions (Krasnodar region), cucumbers feel great in open ground. There are always enough insects, but we prefer not bee-pollinated varieties, but parthenocarpics, which produce bunched ovaries and a large harvest. Now our favorite is the Temp F1 cucumber. Seeds are expensive, but the quantity and quality of cucumbers pays for these costs. We stretch the trellis and let the vines curl along it, without pinching or shaping the bushes in any way. In this form, our cucumbers almost never get sick. We harvest the first harvest at the pickle stage in just over a month. In place of the picked cucumbers, new ovaries appear; the main fruiting occurs first on the central stem, and then on the side shoots. At this time, the most important thing is to establish regular watering and abundant fertilizing. Temp f1 cucumber tolerates even our heat well and no bitterness appears in the fruit. One of the most productive, ideal for canning.


The description of the hybrid notes its high yield. Moreover, no loss in quantity is observed even with shading or thickening.

Collecting pickles up to 7 cm in size produces a result of about 7 kg per 1 m², and when collecting larger fruits, within 10 cm, the weight of the harvest can increase to 7 kg per bush. This is equivalent to up to 15 kg per 1 m².

Features of cultivation

In the future, all care comes down to timely watering, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers and removing weeds.

In case of late frosts, it is necessary to cover the crops with agrofibre or use arcs with film.

Water for watering seedlings should have a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. When a crust forms on the soil surface, it is recommended to loosen the soil to improve air access to the roots. During particularly hot periods, it is recommended to mulch cucumber beds to prevent overheating of the roots and excessive evaporation of moisture. To do this, you need to make a layer of peat 3 cm thick on top.

Temp cucumbers require both organic and mineral fertilizers. In the first case, it is recommended to use 1 liter of fermented chicken manure per bucket of water, and in the second - 40 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium magnesia for the same volume of liquid. Feeding must be alternated every 10 days.

During the fruiting period, cucumbers should be collected every 2-3 days.

Positive and negative qualities of a hybrid

The Temp cucumber, included in the State Register, was bred for film cultivation. The positive characteristics include the following:

  • Very early ripening;
  • Good disease resistance;
  • High percentage of seed germination;
  • High yield;
  • No need for picking;
  • Excellent transportability;
  • Resistant to thickening and shade;
  • Good appearance and taste;
  • Drought resistance;
  • Self-pollinating;
  • The versatility of the fruit;
  • Adaptation to soil conditions.

Speaking about the disadvantages, all consumers say that the most important of them is the very high cost. Other, less significant negative qualities were also noted:

  • If the soil is highly acidic, the cucumber stops growing and withers;
  • Sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the well-being of the plant;
  • Under field conditions of growing vines, crops begin to quickly dry out, the foliage turns yellow, and the fruiting period is reduced;
  • A long period of dehydration leads to crushing of the fruit.

The consumer is very attracted by the lack of bitterness in the product, even when cultivated on difficult soils. Another important advantage is parthenocarpicity, which allows you to keep cucumber bushes on balconies and loggias.

Description of the hybrid

This type of cucumber was bred by Moscow Agro and has been included in the State Register since 2006. According to the stated characteristics of the manufacturer, Temp f1 is a self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) hybrid, which allows you to grow the crop in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, on a balcony and terrace, as well as in open ground.

The species is distinguished by its early ripening period (37-40 days). Moreover, this indicator does not depend on weather conditions, since the hybrid is very resistant to changeable weather. Ovary and fruiting are not reduced during periods of prolonged rains.

Cucumber Temp belongs to the group of indeterminate varieties. Therefore, its lashes do not stop growing throughout the season if the growth point is maintained. At the same time, each plant forms an average number of leaves and stepsons, which minimizes the work on forming the bush. The hybrid is distinguished by a bunched ovary (3-5 pieces) and friendly fruit production.

The manufacturer indicates in the description of Temp cucumbers the high resistance of the crop to common diseases such as brown spot, downy mildew, and powdery mildew. This information is confirmed by gardeners who claim that this species can be grown without preventive treatments, provided there is moderate soil and air moisture.

Planting and care

The Temp cucumber is rightfully ranked among the best short-fruited hybrids intended for growing indoors. However, many gardeners successfully sow seed in open beds and under film.

Seedless method

Growing Tempa in open areas very much depends on the preliminary preparation of seeds. These include:

  • Sorting by specific gravity, size;
  • Treatment with disinfectants;
  • Warming up and hardening.

Among manufacturers, almost half sell already processed material, so they do not need additional measures.

To get a decent harvest, just follow simple rules:

  • Prepare the soil in the fall. Clear weeds, apply fertilizer, fluff well;
  • Pay special attention to seed material. Reject empty, spoiled seeds;
  • Use the square-bush planting scheme;
  • When planting in rows, maintain a distance of 70 cm between the beds and 15 centimeters between plants;
  • Maximum planting depth – 3.5 cm;
  • After sowing, the beds are covered with film.

Seedling method

This method is practiced in the Northern and Central regions. Special boxes are prepared for the seedlings, in which they grow for a month. Then it is planted either in open ground or in greenhouses.

When transplanting seedlings, for its successful and rapid rooting, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Watering should only be done with settled warm water;
  • Daytime temperatures are maintained within +18…+22°С, and night temperatures are around +18°С;
  • The plants are fed twice with urea and superphosphate;
  • Before planting, cucumbers are hardened.

Rules of care

Like any plants, a hybrid needs care, which consists of shelter from cold weather, disease control, pest control, loosening, watering and fertilizing.

Cucumbers are protected from frost using arcs with stretched film. If you refuse to mulch the beds, special attention should be paid to regular loosening. It is carried out after each watering, after rains.

They feed Temp with minerals and organic matter - it is better to do this after watering or rain. If desired, many gardeners form a bush, but the Temp hybrid does not need this. Moreover, he does not like this procedure and endures it painfully.

Cucumbers are grown on trellises and ground cover.

Description of the variety Kurazh

Advantages and disadvantages

According to the description and reviews, the Temp f1 cucumber has proven itself when grown both in open and closed ground. But it is worth considering the existing shortcomings of the type, which will allow you to weigh the pros and cons, and on the basis of this make a final conclusion.

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • has increased resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • does not require pollination by insects;
  • characterized by uniform ripening of fruits;
  • does not taste bitter;
  • has crispy and tasty pulp;
  • is distinguished by its versatility;
  • forms fruits throughout the season;
  • does not require complex agricultural technology;
  • characterized by crop stability;
  • with sufficient watering, it can withstand temperatures up to 40-45 degrees;
  • not susceptible to powdery mildew and brown spot;
  • has average resistance to peronosporosis and cladosporiosis.

The disadvantages of the hybrid include the increased cost of planting material and the inability to collect seeds for planting next year.

Seedling method

Cucumber seedlings are grown in order to obtain the first harvest a couple of weeks earlier than when sowing seed directly into the ground. Hybrid cucumbers "Temp-f1" are grown in seedlings most often in the central and northern regions of Russia.

It is advisable to grow cucumber seedlings in special boxes for one month, and then transplant the plants into greenhouses or open ground. Cucumber seedlings are very difficult to tolerate picking, and in addition, they need to comply with the following growing rules:

  • You need to water the seedlings with warm, heated to 20-25°C, settled water;
  • the temperature during the day should be maintained at 18-22°C, and at night reduced to 18°C;
  • double feeding should be done with a solution of urea, potassium chloride or sulfate and superphosphate;
  • a week before planting, the seedlings are hardened at a temperature of 12-13°C.

Good cucumber seedlings should have a thick stem, short internodes and a dark green color.

Bush care

When the sprouts begin to form into full-fledged bushes, it is important to ensure that the vines do not begin to creep along the ground.
In order to prevent the growth of stems, a trellis is installed. Today, there are many trellis models for both row and bush plantings

Gartering of vines must be done carefully, remembering that cucumber stems are very sensitive to wounds. Do not squeeze the plant too much, this can cause disruption of the circulation of juices in the stems and the plant will die.

During the period of intensive growth, it is important to pay special attention to loosening the soil and moistening the soil, bush, and leaves. It is important to remember that watering is carried out only with warm water preheated in the sun. If an irrigation system is installed in the garden that lifts liquid from the well, watering should be done immediately after the heat subsides, but it should be warm enough outside to warm up the already moist soil

If an irrigation system is installed in the garden that lifts liquid from the well, watering should be done immediately after the heat subsides, but it should be warm enough outside to warm up the already moist soil.

How to grow your own

Temp F1 is intended for greenhouse soil. It is undemanding in terms of living conditions and care, so its agricultural technology does not present any difficulties.

Planting seeds and seedlings

Cultivation of the hybrid begins by obtaining seedlings or sowing directly into greenhouse soil.


Seeds are planted in central Russia in late May–early June, depending on weather conditions. The crop grows and develops at soil temperatures of +16...+18 °C.

Scheme of planting in a greenhouse for the seed method:

Seed depth indicator3–3.5 cm
Distance betweenin rows60–70 cm
bushes10–15 cm

Sowing technology:

  1. They dig up the soil to a depth of 10 cm. If the greenhouse has formed raised beds in boxes, the soil is replaced with fresh soil. The hybrid likes soil made from turf, peat and humus. They are combined in a 1:1:1 ratio, after which 250 g of ash and 25 g of superphosphate are added per bucket of the mixture.
  2. Form furrows 3 cm deep in the garden bed and water them generously with warm, settled water.
  3. Plant the seeds, cover with soil, mulch with a layer of peat no more than 2 cm thick.

Before the emergence of seedlings, the ground is periodically moistened with a spray bottle or watering can with a diffuser, so as not to wash away the plantings.


The seedling method allows you to get the first harvest 1-2 weeks earlier. The seeds are planted in boxes filled with moistened soil, and after 1–1.5 months the grown bushes are moved to the greenhouse.

Seedling care includes:

  1. Water as the soil dries with warm (+20…+25 °C) settled water.
  2. Maintaining the temperature during the day at +18...+22 °C, at night - +18 °C.
  3. 2 weeks before transplanting, feed the plants with a solution of 10 g of potassium sulfate, 15 g of superphosphate and 5 liters of water. The product is poured at the root.
  4. 7–10 days before picking, hardening the seedlings: they are placed in a room with an air temperature of +12…+15 °C for 2-3 hours a day.

A healthy crop, ready for transplanting into indoor soil, should have a thick, developed stem, short internodes and rich green leaves. In the beds, make holes with a diameter 2-3 cm larger than the root system, water them abundantly, move the bushes into them, add in drops of light soil and lightly compact them to give the plants stability.

Attention! The seedling method is chosen in the northern regions of Russia.

Growing in stages and care

Rules for growing and caring for cucumbers Temp in greenhouses:

  1. The lashes should not spread along the ground; to do this, they are carefully tied up, without squeezing, so as not to disrupt the circulation of juices.
  2. Water with warm, settled water, avoiding waterlogging and drying out of the soil.
  3. The soil is loosened once every 10–14 days so that a crust does not form on its surface, which will interfere with the penetration of moisture and air to the root system.
  4. Weeds are removed as they appear.
  5. To feed cucumbers, organic and mineral fertilizers are used, alternating them.
  6. After the bushes reach a height of 2 m, they are pinched. In case of strong thickening, remove excess side shoots and leaves.

Reference! New bushes are obtained from the removed side branches. To do this, the lower part of the shoots is placed in water; after 7–10 days, roots form on them. After this, the plants are planted in the ground.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When cultivating a hybrid, gardeners face some problems:

Description of the problemCausesSolution
The fruits take on an ugly shape and look more like pears than cucumbersPotassium deficiency1 tbsp. dissolve ash in a bucket of water, leave for 24 hours and use for watering (1 liter of solution/bush)
Plants develop poorly, foliage turns yellow and dries outNitrogen deficiency4 tsp. Dilute nitrophoska in 5 liters of water, add 200–300 ml of product under each lash
No ovaries
  • high air temperature in the greenhouse;
  • excess nitrogen.
Ventilate the greenhouse more often and do not apply fertilizers containing nitrogen.
Wilting cucumbersWaterlogging or drying out of the soilBring the watering regime back to normal
Small holes appear on the leavesBurns from direct sunlightShade the plantings by covering the greenhouse with transparent material

Diseases and pests

The hybrid is resistant to cladosporiosis, downy and powdery mildew, mosaic, and therefore does not need any protection. With high humidity, aphids may appear in the greenhouse, but the crop is not sensitive to such pests.

As a preventative measure, some gardeners spray cucumbers with folk remedies prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. 500 g of ash and 50 g of laundry soap shavings per bucket of water.
  2. Pass the head of garlic together with the husk through a meat grinder, pour in 5 liters of hot water, leave for 24 hours. Then strain.
  3. Cut 4 small pods of hot pepper into thin rings, add to 5 liters of water and leave for 2 days.

Reference! To repel pests, onion peels are buried between the rows.

Diseases and pests of the variety

Temp F1 is resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, downy mildew and viral mosaic.

However, diseases are still possible, and to prevent them you need to follow some rules:

  • use treated seeds for sowing;
  • do not over-moisten the soil;
  • Conduct regular plant inspections (immediately remove problem bushes);
  • If diseases are detected, remove the diseased bush and treat neighboring plants with appropriate preparations.

Harvesting and application

The first harvest of cucumbers is harvested 40 days after planting. Although the fruits of the hybrid do not acquire bitterness if they are kept on the bushes, gardeners remove the vegetables after they reach 6 cm in length to free the bushes.

Juicy, tasty pickles and gherkins are actively used in cooking. They are pickled, salted, added to winter preparations, consumed fresh and chopped into vegetable salads. Cucumbers are often used to make traditional medicine and home cosmetology.

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