Cucumber “Boy Thumb F1”: description of the hybrid variety, photos and reviews

The Thumb Cucumber is a parthenocarpic hybrid that confidently occupies a leading position in demand among gardeners. This is explained by its high yield regardless of climatic conditions, increased resistance to diseases, excellent taste and excellent presentation. The originator is the seed industry. This species was included in the State Register in 2000 and is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses, greenhouses and unprotected soil throughout the country.

A boy the size of a thumb can be raised on the balcony

History of selection and description of the variety

Thumb F1 is a gherkin and is perfect for pickling and eating fresh.
Like all gherkins, it does not soften during pickling, maintaining a crispy texture. The variety was registered in the State Register back in 2000. The originator, , positions it as intended for cultivation in the Volga region, the Central Black Earth region and the southern regions of Russia. In cooler climate zones, it is recommended to cultivate the variety in a greenhouse or under temporary film cover. Characteristics of the variety:

  • basic characteristics - an early-ripening, self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) cucumber hybrid of the first generation of excellent quality and with a large number of fruits;
  • length - up to 12 cm;
  • ripening - on day 40;
  • shape - oval, tuberculate;
  • color - bright green, lighter towards the bottom;
  • texture - slightly ribbed, with slight pubescence;
  • pulp - without bitterness, aromatic;
  • fruit weight - 60 g;
  • yield potential is good, about 10 kg/m²;
  • Disease resistance - high to mosaic virus, intermediate to scab, anthracnose, powdery mildew.

Did you know? Cucumbers, which do not require pollination, grew wild in China and Japan. But the first hybrids of this type were created only in the middle of the last century.

Medium-sized bushes bloom profusely and have a long fruiting period. Boy with a Thumb is a self-pollinating variety, prone to a bunched form of ovary formation - from 2 to 6 of them are formed at one point. In a greenhouse, it is recommended to plant 2-3 plants per m² of area, and in open ground - 3-4.


Gardeners speak favorably of the hybrid Little Thumb, characterizing it as productive and trouble-free .

Arina, Rostov-on-Don : “I’ve been planting the Little Thumb cucumber for several years now. This hybrid is the best, I don’t even consider others. Cucumbers are fragrant and crispy. Great for pickling, appetizers and salads. They are not demanding in terms of care. I plant it immediately in open ground, the seeds germinate well. The photo of the cucumbers on the packaging is true.”

Maria, Tula : “I usually read descriptions of vegetable varieties for the garden on the Internet, but my relatives recommended this hybrid to me. I bought Dutch seeds, which have a 100% germination rate. Grown in the country from May to September. Cucumbers love fertile soil and do not tolerate direct sunlight. For the first 2 weeks after planting I used covering material. We planted 8 bushes and collected at least 60 kg of fruit over the entire season. The cucumbers were consumed fresh, some were pickled.”

Fedor, Novosibirsk : “The hybrid is excellent, gherkin. Perfectly preserved. And fresh cucumbers are good: the taste is pleasant, without bitterness. We are glad. The seeds sprouted in full, I didn’t even expect such a result.”

Description of cucumbers

Boy with a Thumb is a parthenocarpic hybrid of early maturation, bred by Russian breeding and seed production.

Reference! In parthenocarpic cucumbers, fruit development occurs without the participation of male germ cells, that is, without pollination. A distinctive feature of such cucumbers is the underdevelopment or absence of seeds.

Distinctive features

Features of the Boy Thumb cucumbers:

  • this is a first generation hybrid (there is an F1 sign on the seed packet);
  • high seed germination (95-100%);
  • precocity;
  • long fruiting - more than 2 months;
  • relative drought resistance;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

Composition, properties, benefits, calorie content

Cucumber consists of 95% structured water - eating the fruit helps flush the kidneys and cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metal salts and waste.

Regular and moderate consumption of cucumbers has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, the condition of the thyroid gland, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and reduces bad cholesterol.

Calorie content of cucumber: 15 kcal per 100 g of product.


Characteristics of Boy Thumb cucumbers:

  • high yield - from 1 m² you can collect from 7 to 14 kg of fruit;
  • bushes are tall, medium-climbing, indeterminate (the growth of the main stem is not limited by the flower cluster), female type of flowering;
  • the leaves are green, slightly wrinkled, medium in size, the edge of the leaf has a slight wavy;
  • from 3 to 5 ovaries are formed in one node;
  • gherkin-type fruits, 8-11 cm in length;
  • the skin of the fruit is green, thin, with faint short white stripes, pubescence is frequent, the surface is pimply, the spines are white, non-prickly;
  • the taste of the fruit is excellent - the flesh is aromatic, crispy, without bitterness;
  • the seeds are small, barely noticeable.

Cucumber Boy with Thumb F1. Your FarmWatch this video on YouTube

Characteristics of the variety

Super early (begins to bear fruit 37-41 days after germination) gherkin “Thumb F1” belongs to the category of parthenocarpic. It does not require insect pollination to bear fruit. The ovaries grow without fertilization, and seeds do not ripen in them. Thanks to this, the greens have a very attractive appearance, almost the same size and color.

The most valuable features of parthenocarpic cucumbers include mass flowering and simultaneous filling of a large number of fruits

The plant is indeterminate (unlimited in growth), vigorous and medium-climbing. The leaves are small, slightly wrinkled, slightly wavy at the edges. The long period of active fruiting is explained by the fact that the bushes are different:

  • intense branching with a tendency to self-regulation;
  • female type of flowering (without barren flowers);
  • bunched ovaries - from 2-3 to 5-6 per node.

The number of ovaries largely depends on the lighting conditions: the higher it is, the more abundant the cucumber bouquets in the leaf axils.

Cucumber varieties are planted in the ground as seedlings or sown with seeds. Recommended planting density is 2-2.5/m2 in greenhouses and 3-4/m2 in open ground.

The tendency for self-regulation of branching in this hybrid is manifested in the fact that the massive filling of greens on the main stem inhibits the formation and growth of lateral shoots. After the end of the main wave of fruiting on the central stem, the lateral ones begin to develop intensively and produce a new crop. Hybrids with active branching, not related to the vegetative type, such as “Boy with a Thumb F1” and a number of others developed by agro (“Bogatyrskaya Sila F1”, “Buyan F1”, “Maryina Roshcha F1”, “Chistye Prudy F1”, etc. .), do not require regular formation with the obligatory removal or pinching of all side shoots.

Thanks to their remarkable pickling qualities, cucumbers of this variety have gained great popularity among gardeners.

Zelentsy are short (6-10 cm long), weighing on average 50-65 g, oval in shape without a neck, bright green in color, with small, faint light stripes. The surface is covered with sparse small tubercles and frequent (non-spiny) white pubescence. The purpose of greens is universal, the taste is excellent, there is no bitterness at the genetic level. Gherkins “Boy Thumb F1” are of high commercial quality, the yield per 1 m2 is about 10-13 kg.

An important condition for massive and long-term yield of the harvest is the need for daily collection of greens. Although they do not have a tendency to outgrow and turn yellow, by lingering on the vines, they inhibit the formation and filling of new ovaries.

In the photo - packages with seeds of the hybrid variety of cucumbers “Boy with Thumb F1” from various manufacturers, including the originator (agro)

Like all heterotic hybrids, “Tom Thumb F1” exhibits all its improved characteristics only in the first generation, and is therefore unsuitable for collecting seed material. Seeds must be purchased from producers who are engaged in original selection and monitor the quality of products. "Manul", for example, carries out careful selection, soil control, heat treatment, production and environmental testing of its professional cucumber hybrids, which guarantees that their sowing and varietal characteristics comply with ISTA (International Seed Quality Assurance Association) requirements.

Laboratory testing of seeds of this variety from Agro can be seen in the following video: //

This hybrid variety, according to reviews from most vegetable growers, demonstrates high complex resistance to cucumber mosaic virus (BOM 1), olive spot (cladosporiosis), powdery mildew and tolerance to downy mildew (downy mildew).

Direct landing in the ground

When growing cucumbers without seedlings, planting can be done in mid-May, since by this time the average daily air temperature outside reaches +15°C. Sowing of seeds is carried out in pre-prepared soil according to the following instructions:

  • Cucumber seeds, which have a slightly convex shape and are almost identical in size, should be warmed up before planting in the ground and then soaked in a damp cloth for 2-3 days. After this treatment, they will sprout several days earlier than when planted dry.
  • Place the seeds in pre-prepared holes to a depth of 2-3 cm with the nose up and not vertically, but at an angle of 45°.
    Thanks to this arrangement, the sprouts from the hatched spout will be able to quickly get rid of the seed coat and go up without bending in the ground. In this case, the root system will be able to develop parallel to the top layer of the earth and go deep down. The optimal planting pattern is 30x50 cm. If you place the seeds in the holes lying down, the sprouts will have to bend to get to the light faster. If the spouts point down, it will be even more difficult for them to germinate. Having spent all your strength on this, the sprouts will turn out weak and sick, which will subsequently negatively affect the health and strength of the bush, so the chances of a rich harvest will be significantly reduced.
  • Cover the cucumber bed with film to protect the crops from night frosts. It will need to be removed in about a week, when the first shoots appear. Some gardeners insulate the garden bed with newspapers, laying them out in several layers. To retain moisture in the soil, the area should be regularly watered on top of the newspaper. Some of it will disintegrate and remain in the ground. The remaining thick pieces of paper should be disposed of in manure, since when they decompose they will saturate the soil with micronutrients.

How to grow your own

The hybrid is easy to care for and suitable for growing in any region, on different types of soil.

Planting by seeds and seedlings

Cucumbers are grown by seedlings and seeds in open ground or in a greenhouse.

It is recommended to plant cucumbers in a permanent place after the soil has warmed to 15 °C.

Before planting seeds for seedlings or in the ground, they are soaked for some time in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Prepared seeds are planted in open ground when warm weather sets in and the threat of night frosts has completely passed. The soil is pre-prepared: mineral fertilizers are applied, loosened, and all stones and dried roots are removed.

Furrows are made in the garden bed using a stretched cord. The distance between them should be at least 60 cm. Sow the seeds in holes filled with water and fertilized with manure to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between holes is 20-30 cm.

Seed germination is high, so it is enough to place 1-2 seeds in each hole.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in soil enriched with nutrients to a depth of 1 cm. Place the seed vertically in the ground.

Important! In order for the seeds to germinate quickly, they need to create comfortable conditions. To do this, cover the ground with damp paper or a napkin, creating a microgreenhouse. After the first shoots appear, the napkin or paper is removed.

The optimal air temperature is 20-25 °C.

Caring for seedlings is simple: sufficient lighting, timely watering and maintaining air humidity.

As soon as the spring frosts have ended and the ground has warmed up, the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. The best time for central Russia is the last days of May.

Attention! For planting in the ground, seedlings that have grown to 20 cm and have at least 4-5 leaves are suitable.

The plant is carefully removed from the seedling container so as not to damage the small roots and fragile shoots. The distance between young cucumbers should be about 30 cm for free growth.

Greenhouse conditions are created for the planted seedlings: they are watered and covered with a special covering material or an ordinary plastic bottle. This way the root system quickly adapts to new conditions.

After a week, the protective material can be removed and the cucumbers can be watered with nitrogenous fertilizers.

It can be useful:

What to do with empty flowers on cucumbers in a greenhouse

How and what to feed cucumbers for their record yield

The best varieties of shade-tolerant cucumbers for the greenhouse

In greenhouses and apartments

The procedure for planting in a greenhouse is the same as in open ground. The soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate (summer) or copper sulfate (autumn). There are no more than 3 plants per 1 m². The air humidity in the greenhouse should be about 80%.

Advice! For further growth and formation of the plant, install supporting trellises.

Watering abundantly and frequently: 3-4 liters for each bush every other day.

To grow cucumbers in an apartment, it is important to follow certain nuances. The soil is taken at the rate of 5 liters for 1 stem. It is better to use peat humus or a specially prepared mixture purchased at a flower shop. If the weather is cloudy, it is advisable to provide the cucumbers with additional artificial lighting.

Important! The photoperiod should be 12 hours.

Growing and care

Vertical trellises are installed for cucumbers, and the main cucumber branch is pinched.

Water the plants with warm water. The most intensive watering is in hot weather, during flowering and fruit formation. Water in the morning or evening.

To maintain soil moisture, the roots are mulched with grass clippings or straw. Regular weeding and loosening of the soil are necessary.

In the first 2 weeks after germination in open ground or transplanting seedlings, the plant is fed with nitrogenous fertilizers. During the flowering period, cucumbers will need phosphorus-containing compounds. Foliar feeding is especially effective.

The fruits are collected regularly, at least 3 times a week.

Attention! If fruit formation is poor, the plant is fertilized with cow manure or humus.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

When growing a hybrid Thumbnail, mistakes are made that can lead to poor fruiting or no harvest:

  • improper ventilation of beds;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • excess or lack of moisture;
  • improper formation of the bush;
  • untimely planting of seedlings in the ground or greenhouse;
  • soil not enriched with mineral fertilizers;
  • lack of fertilizing during the growing season;
  • non-compliance with the planting scheme.
  • Important! You cannot plant cucumbers in the same places every year. This will significantly reduce the yield.

    Diseases and pests

    The good thing about a hybrid is that it is practically not susceptible to disease. Resistant to powdery mildew, brown and olive spot, cucumber mosaic, cladosporiosis.

    The only disease dangerous for the hybrid is downy mildew.

    In order to prevent possible diseases and pest invasions, the seeds are treated with a manganese solution before planting, the plant is regularly watered and fertilized, sprayed with fungicides, and weeds that can be carriers of infections are removed.

    Growing from seeds to seedlings at home

    Cucumbers can be grown in two ways - using seedlings and directly in the ground. In order to obtain seedlings at home, you must adhere to several planting and care rules. Features of planting seeds and transplanting seedlings are below.

    Seed preparation

    Seeds can be planted either dry or sprouted. Before using seeds, they should be treated with a disinfecting solution.

    Usually, manufacturers carry out the treatment themselves, and the seeds do not need additional disinfection, but if you bought them from an untrusted place or for the first time, it is better to carry out disinfection. Choose seeds of the same size for planting. Sowing is carried out in warm soil, at least 15 degrees.

    You can also plant prepared and sprouted seeds. To do this, they are placed in damp gauze for a couple of days and left in a warm place. After the first shoots appear, they are transplanted into the ground.

    Contents and location

    Clay containers are great for planting. You can also choose special plastic containers or pots. Stagnation of water has a very harmful effect on the growth of seeds, so containers with special holes for the drainage of excess moisture are better suited.

    The planting site should have sufficient sunlight and be in a warm place. It is best to place the container with seedlings on the windowsill. The soil should be nutritious and light.

    You can buy ready-made ones in a specialized store or fertilize any of the available ones by adding a little mineral or natural fertilizers.

    Seed planting process

    It is no different from sowing other varieties of cucumbers: the seeds are placed at a depth of about 1 centimeter, with their noses up at an angle of 45 degrees. For optimal germination, at first the ground is covered to create a greenhouse effect. After emergence, it is removed.

    Seedling care

    Caring for the hybrid is quite simple; the main thing is to maintain the desired temperature, water and monitor the amount of light.

    1. The optimal temperature at home is +25 °C.
    2. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out and provide sufficient watering.
    3. Indoor air humidity is average.
    4. Seedlings need plenty of daytime sunlight.
    5. The soil needs to be loosened from time to time, about once a week.

    As soon as the cold weather ends and a constant temperature outside is established, seedlings can be hardened off before planting. Hardening is carried out in the refrigerator, placing the seedlings there for a day or two. After this, it can be planted in open ground.

    Transplanting seedlings into the ground

    It is carried out in May, when frosts have already disappeared and the soil is well warmed up (at least +15 °C at a depth of 10 centimeters). The last days of the month are best. Seedlings are planted in the 4th week after planting the seeds, when they are already able to withstand the influence of the external environment.

    The distance between sprouts should be at least 30 centimeters. Transplantation depth is 2 centimeters; no more than 4 plants are placed per square meter.

    The sprout is removed from the pot along with a lump of earth and placed in a hole fertilized with manure, carefully sprinkled with earth. After this, watering is carried out.

    Diseases and pests

    This variety of cucumbers is very resistant to various diseases and is not very susceptible to damage by insects.

    But calcareous fungal infections of the plant are quite possible. To avoid such trouble, you should not moisten the soil too much.

    To prevent various diseases, it is also recommended to regularly spray plants with an infusion of potato tops or an infusion of beet tops.

    Ticks and caterpillars avoid such infusions, and your plant will be safe and sound.

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