Growing cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar in 2022

Cucumber is the first “serious” vegetable to appear in garden beds every season. Some people grow it as needed, while others check all their actions against the Moon. For you - our recommendations based on the Lunar calendar 2022.

Cucumbers are not as difficult to grow as, for example, tomatoes or eggplants. However, even experienced summer residents do not always turn out the way they want: sometimes bitter, sometimes empty inside, sometimes crooked. Perhaps growing cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar will help avoid these troubles.

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When to sow cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar in 2022

To get an earlier harvest, many summer residents grow cucumbers using seedlings. The time for sowing cucumbers depends on when you are going to plant them in a permanent place, in the ground or in a greenhouse. Approximately 30 days should pass from sowing to planting.

To make the seeds germinate faster, they need to be soaked first. Place the seeds in a damp cloth and leave in a warm place. Remember to ensure that the material does not dry out. In a few days they will hatch. After this, you can sow the seeds in the ground. Within a week, shoots will appear.

According to the lunar calendar, the most favorable days for sowing seeds are the days when the Moon is in the constellations Cancer and Pisces.

Favorable days for sowing cucumbers for seedlings
March: 1, 4-6, 10-12, 27-28. April: 1-2, 5-7, 28-29. May: 2-6, 25-26, 30-31.
  • Sowing cucumbers for seedlings

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What to do after germination

This is a very important stage, because you need to create optimal conditions for seedlings. Not only its quality, but also the future harvest depends on this.


It is necessary immediately after germination to lower the growing temperature to 15-18°C. Otherwise, the seedlings will begin to stretch out and the quality of the seedlings will decrease significantly. Then, after about 5 days, the temperature is again raised to 20-22°C during the day and at least 15° at night and the plants are kept in such conditions until planting in the ground.


Starting from the first day of emergence, it is necessary to ensure a day length of at least 14 hours. In the winter months, you can't do without lighting. In the morning the lamps are turned on at 6.30 and in the evening they are turned off at 20.30. During the day, when the bright sun is shining through the window, the lamps can be turned off.

Watering and fertilizing

Cucumber does not tolerate drying out of the earthen clod. Watering should be regular and plentiful, but without a “swamp”. The cups should be in a tray where excess liquid will drain. It is allowed to slightly dry the top layer of soil in the cup to prevent the appearance of blackleg. But in the depths of the substrate, the soil must be constantly moist.

There is no need to feed the plants if fertilizers were added when preparing the soil. Foliar feeding with Kristallon, Kemira or Fertika is carried out once in the phase of the first true leaf. You need to carefully read the instructions and prepare a solution for foliar feeding. You can take not the full dose indicated in the manual, but half, if the plants feel good. This can be determined by the condition of the leaves. If they are small and have a light green color, then feeding is necessary.

Is it possible to pick cucumber seedlings?

You can definitely answer this question in the negative. Cucumber has a weak, shallow root system. When transplanting, root hairs will inevitably be damaged, and their restoration ability is low. Therefore, cucumbers are either planted in separate containers, or seeds are sown directly into the ground.

When to plant cucumber seedlings according to the Lunar calendar in 2020

If you grow seedlings in a common container, as the root system grows, the young plants begin to interfere with each other and need to be planted out. This process must begin when the first pair of true leaves appears (or begins to appear) on the seedlings.

The best days for any transplants, including picking, are the days that come immediately after the new moon and full moon.

Favorable days for picking cucumber seedlings
March: 2-6, 9-10, 15-16, 19-26. April: 1-2, 5-6, 11-12, 15-22, 25-29. May: 2-3, 6-10, 13-19, 23-26, 30-31. June: 3-4, 7-8, 12-13, 19-20, 22-23, 26-27.

Selecting cucumber seeds for sowing

The timing of the beginning of fruiting and the size of the harvest depend on the quality of the seeds. You cannot purchase seeds from random sellers. There is a huge risk of buying low-quality, expired, unknown varieties. It is best to buy hybrids from trusted companies to avoid mis-grading. It is better to collect your own seeds of varietal cucumbers for sowing. It must be remembered that seeds germinate and grow fully after 3–4 years of storage, and remain viable for up to 5–6 years. For sowing, healthy seeds without damage are selected. Empty, broken, or irregularly shaped items should be sorted and discarded.

Full-weight and one-dimensional seeds without visible damage are selected for sowing.

We plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground according to the Lunar calendar in 2022

The time for planting cucumber seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse depends on the date of sowing the seeds. This usually happens after a month, when 2-4 true leaves appear on the plant. Depending on the air temperature, cucumbers can be planted in a bed under a film or, if warm weather has already set in, immediately without shelter.

Like any transplant, planting cucumber seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse according to the Lunar calendar is best done in the first days after the full moon and new moon. The most fertile signs, promising a rich harvest, are Cancer and Pisces. Also recommended for this purpose are days when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio.

Favorable days for planting cucumber seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse
April: 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 18-19, 24-29. May: 2-3, 6-7, 11-12, 15-17, 23-26. June: 1-4, 7-8, 12-13, 17-18, 22-23, 26-29.
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How to plant everything correctly

What soil is best to grow in?

The quality of seedlings directly depends on the composition of the soil in which they are planted. You can buy ready-made soil, but it’s better to prepare it yourself. Cucumbers grow well in light, loose, moisture-absorbing soil. It should not be too nutritious so that the plants do not stretch. It is assembled from several components:

  • Neutral peat - 1 part.
  • Sod land - 1 part.
  • Compost or humus - 1 part.
  • Rotted sawdust (scalded with boiling water before adding) - 1 part.
  • River sand -0.5 parts.
  • Furnace ash of deciduous trees - 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of mixture.

If you add hydrogel to the soil for seedlings, 1 tablespoon of soaked granules per 0.5 liters of soil, the number of waterings will be halved and the plants will be provided with constant moderate humidity.

Features of containers and planting seeds

For cucumber seedlings, it is especially important to maintain the integrity of the root system. If, when transplanting grown seedlings, the delicate suction roots are damaged and are not restored, the development of the above-ground part will stop until new roots grow. Therefore, plants planted later directly into the ground with seeds often outstrip the seedlings in development and fruiting. Containers for cucumber seedlings must ensure the integrity of the roots during transplantation. Peat-humus or paper pots are suitable for this, which, dissolving in the soil, allow the roots, after being transferred to a greenhouse or garden bed, to continue their development without delay for recovery.

A paper cup made from an old newspaper will protect its roots from damage when replanting a plant.

The simplest and most affordable containers for seedlings can be made from old newspapers, folded in 3-4 layers, wrapped around a jar. The resulting container is filled 2/3 with soil mixture and watered. A seed with a root that has hatched is very easy to damage. Therefore, they take it carefully with tweezers, place it on a damp surface and sprinkle it with soil on top, deepening it by 1.5–2 cm. After that, water it again. Before emergence, the room temperature should not be lower than 23°C.

When to feed cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar in 2020

Both cucumber seedlings and plants planted in open ground or a greenhouse need feeding. The first time you need to give the seedlings an additional portion of nutrients is approximately 5-7 days after picking. When the cucumbers begin to grow in a permanent place (in open ground or a greenhouse), they will also need fertilizers: during the flowering period, during active fruiting and in its second half (this way we will make the time for the appearance and growth of fruits longer).

The greatest effect is achieved by feeding carried out on days when the Moon is visiting the constellations Cancer, Pisces, Libra and Scorpio.

Favorable days for feeding cucumbers
March: 4-6, 9-14. April: 1-2, 5-10, 13-14. May: 2-7, 11-12, 25-26, 30-31. June: 1-4, 7-8, 21-23, 26-30. July: 1, 4-6, 19-20, 23-28. August: 1-2, 15-16, 19-25, 28-29.

Landing Features

The work is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare and dig up the bed, select the best seeds and disinfect them to improve germination. When sowing, it is important to adhere to the recommended pattern without placing seed too often. Improper planting reduces yield. When the shoots appear, they are provided with proper care.

Seed preparation

Cucumber seeds remain viable for 8 years. But for planting, only seed material aged from 2 to 4 years is taken. It is better to buy coated seeds. They do not require pre-treatment or any preparation before sowing. Seeds collected independently must be disinfected before being lowered into the ground.

Watering cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar in 2022

Cucumbers at different stages of development need different amounts of moisture. At the very beginning of growth, if the weather is dry and hot, the plants need daily watering. When the ovaries appear and fruit picking begins, the amount of water is reduced, but still watered quite often - once every 2-3 days. Towards the end of the cucumber season, plants are moistened very rarely - once every 1-2 weeks.

Do not forget that cucumbers should be watered regularly and with warm water - 25-28°C. If these conditions are not met, cucumbers begin to produce cucurbitacin, a substance that causes unpleasant bitterness in fruits.

Watering according to the Lunar calendar is possible both on the waxing and waning Moon, but it is better to carry it out at a time when the Moon is located in “wet” signs - Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra.

Favorable days for watering cucumbers
March: 1, 4-6, 9-14, 22-23. April: 1-2, 5-10, 18-19, 23-24, 28-29. May: 2-7, 15-17, 21-22, 25-26, 30-31. June: 1-4, 12-13, 17-18, 21-23, 26-30. July: 1, 9-10, 14-15, 19-20, 23-28. August: 5-7, 10-12, 15-16, 19-25.
  • How to water cucumbers correctly for a good harvest

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We fight diseases and pests of cucumbers according to the Lunar calendar 2020

The fight against numerous diseases and insect pests of cucumbers begins immediately after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds and soil is also recommended in order to maximally disinfect them from pathogens of various infections that may be present there.

According to the Lunar calendar, the first days of the second and fourth phases of the Moon are considered the best for treating cucumbers against diseases and pests.

Favorable days for combating diseases and pests of cucumbers
April: 11-17, 20-22, 25-27. May: 8-14, 18-19, 23-24. June: 5-11, 14-16, 19-20. July: 2-8, 11-13, 16-18, 29-31. August: 1-4, 8-9, 13-14, 26-31.
  • Calendar for treating cucumbers against diseases and pests

    At every stage of cultivation, cucumbers need our help. Proper care of them will help you get a good harvest.

Folk signs for growing cucumbers

There are many folk signs that, according to experienced gardeners, help to grow a good harvest of cucumbers.

Here are a few of them:

  • Men or boys need to sow cucumbers, since this is a “male” vegetable;
  • Sowing and planting cucumbers is carried out without the presence of strangers who can jinx the plants and crops;
  • It is impossible to plant cucumbers on Wednesday and Friday, as bitterness will be felt in the fruits;
  • May 19 is considered the day of Denis the cucumber, which promotes friendly sprouting of cucumbers. If the weather is strong in the morning on this day, expect a good harvest. If after rain in the morning the day is clear and warm, there will be an even larger harvest;
  • Cucumbers need to be sown and planted in the ground after the flowers have appeared on the apple trees. If planting is planned for May 21, the cucumbers will be crisp;
  • Residents of the northern part of the country used to sow and plant cucumbers on May 27 - the day of St. Isidop. If this day is clear, then a large harvest is expected;
  • in other regions of Russia, sowing and planting of cucumbers is carried out when dandelions bloom.
  • On June 5th we celebrated the day of Leonty the Cucumber. This day was considered the last possible day for planting cucumbers.
  • the first harvested cucumbers of the new harvest are not shown to others;
  • the first cucumber is buried in the ground, sacrificing it to Falale - the patron saint of gardeners, who guarantees a good harvest;
  • Later, they began to give the first cucumber to the boy so that the beds would be productive.

By adhering to these signs, the likelihood of a good harvest increases. Experienced gardeners know and stick to them.

When to weed according to the Lunar calendar 2022

All summer residents know that weeds are the worst enemies of cultivated plants, which, if people do not intervene, often win the fight for space in vegetable beds. To prevent this from happening, regular weeding of the beds is necessary.

The lunar calendar advises pulling out weeds during periods when their roots are most weakened. This happens at a time when the waning Moon is in the constellation Capricorn.

Favorable days for weed control
April: 11-12, 15-17, 20-22. May: 8-10, 13-14, 18-19. June: 5-6, 9-11, 14-16. July: 2-3, 7-8, 11-13, 29-31.
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