An unusual tomato with juicy pulp and excellent taste - “Cornabel f1”

The breeding industry does not stand still; new hybrids of fruits, berries, and vegetables appear every year. Today we will talk about the result of the work of French scientists - the tomato hybrid Cornabel F1. It was developed by the French company Vilmorin, which has existed since 1743. Its planting material is rightfully considered one of the highest quality in Europe. Russian summer residents also note a good harvest when using Vilmorin seeds.

The Cornabel F1 variety was developed in 2003 and the French immediately fell in love with it for its productivity, unpretentiousness, good taste and versatility of use. Later, the variety became popular in Europe, and more recently it has made our compatriots fall in love with it.

And although it has not yet been included in the state register in the Russian Federation, this does not prevent it from gaining more and more popularity.

Appearance of tomatoes

Cornabelle has a rather unusual shape, reminiscent of a bell pepper. The fruits are elongated, bright red in color, with thin skin and a glossy surface.

This hybrid belongs to indeterminate tomatoes, that is, those with unlimited bush growth. In another way, such tomatoes are called tall.

This hybrid is generative in type, that is, it has an increased ability to bear fruit and a weak ability to form stepsons. Cornabelle has strong, fleshy bushes with a developed root system. But, since it grows very well, the bushes need garter, and throughout the entire fruiting period.

This hybrid sets clusters together, on average 5-6 fruits are tied in one cluster. The fruit sizes are quite large for our region - length up to 15 cm, average weight 180–200 g (large specimens weigh 400–450 g, and at the end of the season “dwarfs” weigh 70–80 g).

The pulp has excellent taste, juicy and meaty. The chamber with seeds occupies a very small part.

Agricultural technology

The agricultural technology for growing the hybrid "Cornabel F1" is determined by its belonging to indeterminate tomatoes.

This type of tomato can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Seeds, as already mentioned, must always be purchased in specialized stores.

Important! Tomato seeds can be stored without losing their viability for five to six years, and you can usually safely add a year or even two to the date indicated on the packaging as the final expiration date (a self-respecting manufacturer will always make a reserve for reinsurance). Nevertheless, it is better to purchase fresh seeds every year, because the quality of the seedlings also depends on their proper storage. Planting seeds for seedlings begins a maximum of two months before the planned planting in open ground

For residents of the middle zone, for example, you can be puzzled by this process in mid-March

Planting seeds for seedlings begins a maximum of two months before the planned planting in open ground. For residents of the middle zone, for example, you can be puzzled by this process in mid-March.

Indeterminate tomatoes begin to be sown a week or two earlier than standard ones, but overgrown seedlings are always not very good (it is better to plant seedlings in open ground before they begin to bloom).

If the tomatoes are intended to be grown in a greenhouse, you can start preparing the seedlings much earlier.

Basic mineral additives - potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, as well as organic fertilizer (peat, humus, compost) should be added to the soil mixture prepared for sowing in advance.

When the seedlings have formed 1-2 true leaves, picking is carried out - transplanting into separate cups. The presence of space at the stage of seedling formation is the key to the bush’s productivity in the future!

When the earth has warmed up to 15 degrees to the depth of the hole (10 cm), the seedlings can be planted in a permanent place, having previously hardened them by moving the cups with seedlings to the balcony or under an open window, first for a short time, and a few days before planting - for the whole night .

Usually this deadline occurs in May, but certain amendments are possible for different climatic zones. In greenhouses, conditions suitable for transplantation are created approximately a month and a half earlier.

Did you know? Tomatoes are not only a favorite delicacy for Ukrainians, but also a good source of income. Today, in two regions of the country specializing in growing tomatoes - Zaporozhye (Kamenka-Dneprovskaya) and Kherson (Tsyuryupinsk) - monuments have been erected to this wonderful vegetable, which locals rightly call the “breadwinner”.

After planting the bush, painstaking work begins on its formation, and even before that you need to worry about creating reliable supports for tall tomatoes.

It should also be borne in mind that constant pruning and pinching inevitably lead to an increased risk of the bush being damaged by various infections that penetrate into “open wounds.”

For this reason, if there is enough space on the site, many summer residents prefer to plant bushes less crowded, but then allow them to grow without any human intervention.

This method, as will be discussed below, gives a slightly smaller harvest, but requires minimal effort and is therefore quite suitable for non-commercial cultivation.

Among the features of the agricultural technology of the Dulce tomato, it is also worth mentioning the mandatory fertilizing:

  • nitrogen to increase green mass;
  • ]potassium to speed up fruit development;
  • phosphorus to strengthen the root system.

Important! An excess of potassium is dangerous for tomatoes of this variety. Firstly, it leads to an excessive increase in fruit mass, which may be too heavy for the bush itself; secondly, it prevents the plant from absorbing calcium, which enters its organs from the soil along with water.


This French hybrid is very productive in terms of yield. Typically, Cornabel harvest begins from mid-July until mid-autumn, depending on the weather.

On one bush there are 4-6 clusters, each with 5-6 fruits. If you follow all the recommendations for planting, care, watering and fertilizing, about 5-7 kg of harvest comes out of one bush.

You can increase productivity in the following ways:

  1. Formation of plants into one stem. The number of tomatoes on the bush will increase, their size will increase.
  2. Horizontal landing. With this method, each stepson will have its own root system. But this method will take up more space.
  3. The use of biostimulants, fertilizing, fertilizers. Then the “output” will be healthy bushes, with good roots and a high-quality harvest.


Sowing seeds directly into a garden bed is permissible only in the south of the country - these are the recommendations of the originator of the hybrid. In other latitudes of Russia, Kornabel F1 is grown through seedlings.

Sowing work

  1. Seedling soil is being prepared. It should contain: peat or compost, turf, rotted sawdust, mineral fertilizers;
  2. Seeds from the manufacturer have already been processed and do not require additional processing;
  3. Planting of seeds is carried out according to a 5x5 cm pattern, the depth of immersion of the seed is no more than 2 cm. Before seed germination, the crops should be kept in a dark place at +26-28 °C. It is important to cover containers to create a greenhouse microclimate with glass or film;
  4. When the seedlings appear, the glass is removed and the temperature is lowered to 22-23 °C. Next, the sprouts are moistened as needed and fertilized with a mineral composition;
  5. When the plants have 2-3 true leaves, they are planted in separate pots;
  6. 7-10 days before transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, they are hardened off.

Tomato seedlings are transplanted into the beds when the soil is warmed to +18 °C. Otherwise, the plants will “sit” in place for a long time.

Taste qualities

The most important indicator when choosing a tomato variety is, of course, taste. After all, it’s better to have a little, but tasty, than a whole cellar, but without any taste or aroma. And the Cornabel hybrid combines high yield and wonderful taste.

According to its taste characteristics, it is classified as a universally applicable tomato. Contains quite a lot of dry matter, 7% of the total mass. The skin of these tomatoes is thin but strong, which allows them to be used for salads, sauces, and canning. They tolerate transportation and storage well. The picked green “lasts” ripen well in a cool, dark place in the fall.

Preparing the soil and planting site

The French hybrid has the same preferences for soil composition and structure as well-known domestic tomatoes. Cornabelle grows well on loose, light substrates, requires good nutrition and does not tolerate acidified soil.

Choose a site for tomatoes that is maximally illuminated and protected from draft winds. In the greenhouse, the Cornabel variety prefers places near transparent walls. If tomatoes have a place in the center, they are planted more sparsely for better lighting of the bushes.

The soil is prepared in the fall by digging up the beds and adding various additives. A universal technique is to add dolomite flour and wood ash under digging to reduce acidity and increase nutritional value.

Any soil can be improved by adding well-rotted compost. A small admixture of sand, leaf humus or rotted sawdust will improve the aeration of heavy soil. Manure is applied only in the fall, in a completely rotted form - fresh organic matter burns the roots of tomatoes and excessively acidifies the soil.

For 1 sq. m of beds you can add 1 tbsp. l. potassium and phosphate fertilizers in dry form. After digging, the bed is left until spring to ensure uniform distribution of fertilizers and weathering of aggressive compounds.

Characteristics and description of the hybrid

Distinctive features

As already mentioned, Cornabel is a type of indeterminate tomato - its vine can grow indefinitely in length. But at the same time, few stepsons are formed on the trunk, which allows you to get a good harvest and makes it easier to care for tomatoes.

Fruit characteristics

The fruits are oval, but elongated, resembling bell peppers in appearance. They are bright red in color with a glossy surface. The length is about 15 cm, the weight is on average 200 g, there are “gigints” of 400 g, and “dwarfs” of 70-80 g.

Characteristics of the bush

The hybrid bushes grow well, reaching 1.8-2.5 meters, are powerful, and well ventilated. This is one of the signs of indeterminateness. The number of leaves on the bush is average, the leaves have a rich green color. But without a garter, growing a hybrid is impossible; during the growing season, much attention should be paid to the formation of the bush. Fruits in clusters, with 5-6 fruits in one cluster. There can be up to 6 such brushes on a bush.

What is this species

Searching for detailed characteristics and descriptions of the Cornabel tomato variety is one of the mandatory procedures. It is carried out even before the summer resident acquires the seeds. This is done in order to understand whether this variety is needed on the site.


  • Bush: indeterminate.
  • Root system: powerful.
  • Number of tomatoes in a brush: up to 7 pcs.
  • Ripening time: 60 days (from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground).


  • Shape: elongated.
  • Weight: 200 gr.
  • Length: 15 cm.
  • Color: red.
  • Pulp: juicy.
  • Density: high.
  • Taste: excellent.
  • Transportability: high.
  • Presentation: excellent.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Cornabel F1 hybrid.

Although breeders have tried very hard to develop the ideal variety, Cornabel has its advantages and disadvantages.

The undoubted advantages include:

  • Long fruiting period, from mid-July to mid-autumn you can harvest;
  • High yield (5-7kg per bush);
  • Independence from weather conditions;
  • Excellent fruit set;
  • The tomatoes come out with an original, beautiful shape;
  • Almost all fruits are the same size, which depends on the time of ripening and the degree of care;
  • Unique, sweet taste of tomatoes;
  • Versatility in use, suitable for salads and canning;
  • Seeds remain viable for 5 years;
  • The fruits are well stored and transported due to their strong skin;
  • The hybrid resists well the main diseases and pests of the crop, such as tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium and fusarium.

A few disadvantages include:

  • The relative complexity of agricultural technology;
  • High cost of seeds;
  • The need to tie up bushes throughout their growth.

Pest and disease control

For prevention, Cornabel tomato seedlings must be treated with a fungicide (a week before transplanting):

  • "Fundazol";
  • "Skor";
  • "Ordan";
  • "Maksim";
  • Bordeaux mixture.

In summer, the bushes can be parasitized by Colorado potato beetles, aphids, thrips and other pests. Insecticides are used to destroy them:

  • "Aktara";
  • "Decis";
  • "Biotlin";
  • "Green Soap";
  • "Fitoverm".

Cornabelle tomatoes can also be treated with folk remedies: infusion of onion peel, garlic, chili peppers, mustard powder, decoction of potato tops.

Important! Treatment should be carried out only in dry and calm weather, preferably late in the evening. After using chemicals, fruit harvesting should begin a few days later.

How to grow seedlings.

Seeds for Cornabelle need to be purchased every year. Seedlings are used for cultivation. Sowing of seeds begins 1.5–2 months before the intended transplantation to a permanent location. The usual period is the end of February - mid-March. Or the beginning of February, if you are going to plant in a greenhouse.

You need to calculate the sowing time so that the seedlings are transplanted before flowering begins.

The seeds do not require additional processing; they need to be planted in prepared soil to a depth of 2 cm according to a 5 by 5 cm pattern so that the seedlings do not interfere with each other’s growth. They are planted in boxes, cassettes, seedling containers; now in the store you can find suitable containers for every taste and budget. For picking, you need to prepare disposable cups. But pre-disinfect all containers that you will use. For example, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The next step is to prepare the soil. It should be taken into account that the soil should be light, loose, nutritious, well-retaining moisture and non-acidic. Before planting the seeds, you need to moisten it with a spray bottle.

Until the first sprouts appear, containers with seeds should be covered with film and put in a dark place. Then the film is removed, the container is taken to a bright, warm place (for example, on the windowsills). To prevent tender tomato seedlings from experiencing stress, try to eliminate all negative factors - dry air, lack of light, cold from a window or heat from radiators.

When the seedlings have formed 2 true leaves, they are picked (that is, transplanted) into separate pots or plastic cups.

10 days before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, hardening begins - they are taken out to the balcony: first for a short time, then the hardening time is gradually increased.

The nuances of growing in open ground and in a greenhouse

For growing in a greenhouse, seedlings are prepared one and a half months earlier than for open ground. If the greenhouse is heated, seedlings can be planted as early as April.

If polyethylene film is used for covering in the greenhouse, planting should be done later - in early May. At the same time, seedlings are also planted in polycarbonate greenhouses.

If there is no heating or covering material in the greenhouse, then planting is carried out at the end of May.

Despite greenhouse conditions, the variety performs better in open ground.

How to grow

Planting in the ground is usually carried out in mid-May, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches 15 degrees.

Caring for tomato beds.

The Cornabel F1 variety can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

First of all, care consists of tying up the bushes in a timely manner, choosing more powerful supports. Next, you should remove the excess stepsons so that the plant forms into one stem. Frequent pinching can lead to injury to the bush; it will simply break under the weight. To achieve good ventilation between bushes, it is better to plant them further away from each other.

Watering should be done once every 3-4 days, preferably with settled, warm water. It is recommended to add minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) along with water. But you need to be careful with the last substance, because the Cornabel variety is a generative fruit, that is, it bears a lot of fruit, and potassium also accelerates the growth of fruits. This can lead to the fact that the fruit mass will be very large, the growth of the bush and the development of roots will slow down, the branches will become thinner and the formation of new flowers will stop.

And an excess of nitrogen fertilizers causes “fatification” of tomatoes - excessive growth of green mass, leaves, and stepsons. Therefore, when choosing fertilizers for the Cornabel variety, be very careful.

In the development of hybrid bushes, balance is important; there should be a lot of inflorescences, but not too many, otherwise generative growth will manifest itself, and this slows down the development and growth of the bushes.

The following methods will help you avoid this:

  • forced increase in the difference between night and day air temperatures. This method is used only in greenhouses, by slightly heating the air at night. It is enough to increase the temperature at night by a couple of degrees for the bushes to grow;
  • The growth rate of shoots is increased by increasing air humidity and reducing the amount of ventilation. At the same time, the evaporation of moisture by plants decreases and growth accelerates. But be careful, because with high humidity fungal diseases easily develop;
  • frequent short-term watering also stimulates stem growth;
  • If the tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse, you can try to stop fertilizing with carbon dioxide. If tomatoes are planted in the ground, then more nitrogen can be added to increase shoot growth;
  • during the processing of the bush, a few additional shoots should be left to increase the green mass;
  • To reduce generative growth, you need to monitor the number of inflorescences and remove the weakest buds before flowering. In this case, only strong fruits will grow;
  • If it is possible to reduce the lighting in the greenhouse, then this also helps to reduce the number of ovaries and the growth of shoots. In greenhouses, special curtains are used for these purposes.

Experienced summer residents advise that when the first flowers appear, you need to spray the bushes with a solution of boric acid (3 g per three-liter bottle). This will prevent the flowers from falling off. Excess stepsons are carefully removed, and at the end of summer you need to hook the top of the stem above the last brush (you need to leave 2-3 leaves). If the plantings at the beginning of the fruiting period are fed with a salt solution (1 tablespoon of salt and potassium chloride per bucket of water) at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 bush, then the fruits will be more tasty, with a bright sweetness. To do this, sprinkle the ground around the plants with ash and use various fertilizers.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that Cornabel is a fairly strong variety, in particularly unfavorable periods the fruit may be damaged by diseases, such as gray rot, bacteriosis, late blight, blackleg, mosaic. If such diseases are detected, the affected leaves must be destroyed and the bushes watered with special mixtures, such as Skor, Barrier, Maxim, Fundazol.

If the beds are weeded infrequently, pests such as whiteflies, aphids, nematodes, and spider mites may appear. In the fight against them, chemicals come into play, for example, Actellik or Aktaru. Attention! The dose is calculated strictly in accordance with the instructions on the drug packaging!

Optimal growing conditions

The Cornabel variety is suitable for cultivation in any climate zone. In the southern regions, tomatoes can be grown in open ground, in the middle and northern latitudes - in greenhouses.

Tomato is a very heat-loving plant, so it feels comfortable at this soil temperature:

  • during the day – 20-22 °C;
  • at night – 16-18 °C.

At temperatures lower than 16 °C, the absorption of phosphorus and nitrogen deteriorates, and the development of the adventitious root system stops. As a result, access to water is limited. At temperatures below 10-12 °C, the roots completely stop absorbing nutrients and the growth of the tomato stops.

Comparison of Cornabelle tomato

Comparison of the Cornabel hybrid with some mid-season indeterminate tomatoes - table

Variety nameRipening time, daysFruit height, cmFruit weight, gramsProductivityPeculiarities
Kornabel F1110-115Up to 200180-2005-7 kg per bushGood fruit formation in bad weather conditions
33 heroes110-115Up to 150150-400Up to 10kg per m2Drought resistance
Concorde F190-100Up to 150210-2305-6 kg from 1 bushHigh resistance to TMV, verticillium, fusarium and cladosporiosis.
One hundred pounds110-115Up to 200200-300Up to 10kg per m2Particularly resistant to lack of heat and high humidity
Charisma F1115-118Up to 150170Up to 7 kg from one bushResistance to temperature changes and diseases

Possible diseases and pests, ways to get rid of them

Tomato Cornabel F1, description of the variety, photos, reviews of those who managed to get acquainted with the variety personally, are recommended as a crop resistant to typical tomato diseases. Infection of bushes by pests is extremely rare.

As an F1 hybrid, Cornabel has high immunity to the following diseases:

  • verticillium;
  • fusarium wilt;
  • tobacco mosaic (TM).

Relative resistance (the ability to get sick only under unfavorable conditions) is noted for the following infections:

  • late blight;
  • gray rot;
  • blackleg;
  • bacterial wilt.

As a preventative measure, spraying Cornabel tomatoes with copper-containing preparations (Bordeaux mixture, HOM) and bio-fungicides (Baktofit, Bioline) at the budding stage is used. The same treatment is repeated with a prolonged increase in humidity.

When Cornabel tomatoes thicken or weaken, an attack by pests may occur: aphids, mites, whiteflies. To combat infection, they try to use home methods. The affected areas are washed with soap or wormwood infusion.

Then the plants are sprayed with biological preparations (Baktofit, Fitoverm). If gentle methods do not help to destroy pests, the drugs Aktara and Actellik are used. Chemical treatment can be carried out only before the fruit begins to color.

Yield volume and ways to increase it

High-yielding hybrid. But if you want to get the maximum yield, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Plant bushes often, but form them strictly into one trunk. This will increase the number and size of the fruit.
  2. Horizontal landing. New stepsons grow with their own root system. They form into an independent plant and produce a harvest.
  3. Biostimulants can be used. They are not harmful to humans, and can increase the yield quite well.

See also

Description of the tomato variety Cherryfingers and its characteristicsRead

Tomato Caramel yellow

Hybrid variety bred in Russia

  • Fact:
    The variety is suitable for both private and industrial cultivation.
  • Fact 2:
    The main feature of the variety is the color of the fruit. Ripe tomatoes acquire a beautiful bright yellow hue.
  • Fact 3:
    The variety requires pinching - removal of side shoots. This procedure is best done before lunch, when it is warm and sunny outside.
  • Fact 4:
    The best site for growing tomatoes is the place where legumes, cabbage, onions, carrots or parsley grew last year.

This is also interesting!

“Yellow Caramel” F1 is a hybrid variety bred in Russia. It is suitable for cultivation throughout our country. Produces a plentiful and tasty harvest. It has a sweet taste and universal use.

a brief description of

  • Where to grow: glass and film greenhouses.
  • Bush height: 170–200 cm.
  • Ripening time: 98–105 days.
  • Productivity: 4 kg per 1 m2.
  • Fruit weight: 30–40 g.
  • Application: salads, vegetable dishes, pickling and canning.
  • Advantages: early ripening, long fruiting period, harvesting with brushes, excellent taste, decorative effect.
  • Disadvantages: tying and shaping the bush, strict adherence to the feeding regime.


"Caramel yellow" is an indeterminate plant that requires pinching off the top to limit growth. If this is not done, it will spend all its energy on developing green mass rather than fruits. It is recommended to form the trunk into 2 stems. This increases productivity.

Tomatoes ripen with long clusters. 25–30, and sometimes 50, pieces on each. The first ovary forms above leaves 9–12. The next ones are formed through 3 sheets. Under favorable conditions - warmth, light, fertilizing - indeterminate varieties can bear fruit for a long time. Giving away up to 50 harvest brushes.

“Yellow caramel” can be grown throughout the Russian Federation under film or in a greenhouse. The variety is suitable for both private and industrial cultivation. Tomatoes are universal in use. They have good product characteristics. Early ripening protects the plant from late blight infection.


The main feature of the variety is the color of the fruit. Ripe tomatoes acquire a beautiful bright yellow hue. They are covered with a smooth glossy skin. They look very beautiful and delight with a sweet taste. Tomatoes are often used as a filling agent in multi-colored assorted dishes. The skin does not burst when salted and preserved. The dry matter content is low. Therefore, “Yellow Caramel” produces thick and tasty juice.


Cultivation begins in March and is carried out according to the standard scheme. First, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant or aloe juice. Then they are sown in a container with soil to a depth of 1.5–2 cm. In the phase of several true leaves, a pick is carried out and the first fertilizing is done with mineral fertilizer.

Plants are transplanted into the greenhouse in the second half of May. The soil is first dug up, cleared of weeds and fertilized. Dig holes 12-15 cm deep in the garden bed. Water them well with warm water. Fertilizers are applied. The optimal planting scheme is no more than 3 plants per 1 m2.

Care comes down to watering, loosening, weeding. The bushes are fed with complex fertilizers 3-4 times until the fruit appears. Organic during ripening. After the appearance of the third flower cluster, the formation of a trunk into two stems begins. The variety requires pinching - removal of side shoots. It is better to carry out this procedure before lunch, when it is warm and sunny outside.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation begins in the fall. The soil is dug up well and all weeds are removed. Apply fertilizer consisting of:

loamy soil with manure;

10 kg of wood ash;

The number of mixture components is calculated for 1 m3 of soil.

When transplanting seedlings to a summer cottage, pour 1 tbsp per 1 m2. a spoonful of superphosphate and potassium-based fertilizers. The soil is carefully dug up. 20–30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium, 20 g of nitrogen-containing complexes are poured into the wells.

Pros and cons of the variety

long fruiting;

excellent taste;

unusual shape of the fruit;

resistance to viruses;

long-term storage, accessible transportation.

The disadvantages of this variety are relative. For some, gartering is a minus, but for many gardeners it is a natural process.

The price of seeds is also a little high. But a high price always goes hand in hand with high quality. The cost of one package of seeds cannot be compared with the abundance of the harvest.


Most often, all summer residents use this variety for preservation as a whole. But, besides this, they are perfectly used for preparing fresh salads and decorating the holiday table. “Cornabel” is used very well for drying. These tomatoes are very expensive in the store, so you can make them at home yourself. They retain a large number of beneficial properties and qualities inherent in fresh fruit. Versatile tomatoes, perfect on the outside and very tasty. Therefore, they are eaten without any processing, eating freshly picked vegetables from the garden.

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