Taiga grapes: variety description, photos and reviews from gardeners

Fruits and berries » Grapes



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Kira Stoletova

Taiga grapes are one of the most productive varieties. It is not picky in care and is grown both in the southern regions and in areas with low temperatures. The variety is often confused with the hybrid Taiga Emerald, but these are two different types of crops. With proper zoning, Taiga grapes produce stable yields.

Characteristics of Taiga grapes

Description of Taiga grapes

Taiga grapes are a frost-resistant variety that can withstand temperatures down to -32-38 degrees. The bushes are very powerful, the vine grows quickly, growing up to 5-6 m in a season. The flowers are female and are excellent pollinators. The clusters are small, cone-shaped, weighing 150-300g.

The berries are round, beautifully regular in shape and blue-black in color. The sugar content of the variety's berries is about 20%, excellent for making red wines and juices.

The taste of the berries is quite pleasant with a slight aftertaste of nutmeg. The ripening period of the variety is early, from 95 to 110 days. It has a high yield of about 100 kg per bush, with proper care. The clusters of the Taezhny variety can hang until frost without losing their taste. The variety boasts immunity to almost all diseases.


Valentina Sergeevna, Bryansk:

Although I don’t live in the north, I don’t live in the southern regions either. We rarely grow grapes - few varieties bear fruit in cool climates. Well, at my neighbors’ dacha I saw the Taiga variety with black berries. I became interested and learned how to grow it. And here is the result - there are already three bushes of this grape growing on my plot.

I am completely satisfied: the vine does not freeze in winter, is very stable, bears fruit well and early. The berries have a wonderful taste; you can eat them fresh and prepare them for the winter.

Grigory, Irkutsk:

In Siberia, most summer residents do not even dream of growing grapes. If it weren’t for the “Taiga” variety, I wouldn’t have dreamed of it either. But this variety completely changed my ideas about grapes, about a southern, heat-loving culture.

The shrub overwinters well - under cover, of course. Withstands frosts without freezing. Fruits well and is resistant to diseases and pests. Basic care. I advise all northerners to plant this hardy vine.

Pros and cons of the variety

Taiga, one of the popular varieties among summer residents and winemakers of northern latitudes. Has a number of advantages.


  1. Frost resistance.
  2. Early ripening of grapes.
  3. Easily propagated.
  4. High yield.
  5. Pleasant berry taste.
  6. Used in winemaking and homemade preparations.
  7. Immunity to diseases.
  8. Powerful and strong Taiga vine.
  9. Easy to care for.
  10. Acclimatization to any weather conditions.


Taiga grapes do not have any negative qualities as such. But do not forget that the taste of the berries is not particularly refined and its main direction is processing into wine.

Is regrading possible?

There is another variety with the first word taiga - “Taiga emerald”. Often, winegrowers are confused about whether they are the same variety or different ones.

“Taiga Emerald” is a variety bred by Nikolai Tikhonov and it differs from “Taiga” and has a light green berry. However, many publications, without understanding the characteristics, do not bother to look for differences and mislead people.

In addition, there are many grapes similar to this variety. Sooner or later, clarifications begin to arise about “this one” or not “that one.” This situation is difficult to understand. But, in any case, the answer is the same - if you like it, grow it and use it, if not - uproot it and plant it with promising, good varieties.

Landing rules

Planting Taiga in the northern regions requires special technology and care. Although the grapes are considered unpretentious in care, like “Alpha”.

Time and place of landing

The main thing when choosing a place and planting Taiga is to take into account the following rules:

  1. Planting seedlings or cuttings of Taiga grapes is carried out in the spring. Since if planted in the fall, the seedlings will not take root and will not get stronger before the cold winter, which will lead to the death of young shoots.
  2. Choose the warmest and sunniest place for the variety. You can use the south side of the house or buildings, which can protect the Taiga bushes from icy winds.

Different soils are suitable for planting grape seedlings, the main thing is that there is no waterlogging or waterlogging.

Selection of seedlings

Taiga seedlings have a 100% survival rate; it is better to choose and buy from vineyards or nurseries. How to choose:

  • The more roots, the faster and better the plant will develop. The roots should be thick and white on the medium.
  • The barrel is undamaged. The vine must have at least 3-5 buds. If you lightly press a kidney with your finger and it remains in place, it means it’s alive.
  • The number of vines is one or two. The length is at least 30-40 cm. The thicker, the stronger.
  • The Taiga seedling must be grafted. The grafting protects against phylloxera and increases the percentage of yield.

Before planting, soak in warm water with growth stimulants for 12-24 hours.

Planting in open ground

Grape seedlings quickly take root in a new place. But experienced gardeners recommend adhering to the following technology:

  1. Dig a hole or trench if you are planting several bushes of Taiga grapes. Since the variety has a highly branched root system and a powerful vine. The ideal pit size should be 100x100x100 cm.
  2. Place river sand, gravel or crushed stone at least 20-25 cm thick at the bottom of the hole.
  3. The following layer of wood shavings or sawdust is recommended, 10-15 cm thick.
  4. Cover everything with black film and leave for 7 days.
  5. The soil that has been dug out of the hole requires the addition of fertilizers. For the variety, the optimal complex would be: 20 liters of humus or compost, 500g of ash and 200g of wheat. Mix everything and cover with film to warm everything up.
  6. Before planting the Taiga seedling in one day, the mixture is laid out in a hole.
  7. Make a hole 25-30 cm deep and plant a seedling there.
  8. Send the remaining soil, tamp it down and water the young grape seedling well.
  9. Install a trellis, tie up a variety of seedlings.

If several seedlings of the Taezhny variety are planted, the distance between pieces is at least 1.5 m, the distance between rows is about 3 m.

Care methods

For a generous harvest of Taiga grapes, you need to correctly and competently observe all care conditions. It is important to remember that the variety germinates in cold climates with short summers.


Timely watering is very important for the plant. This especially needs to be done for the first time 4-5 months after planting. Adviсe:

  • If the weather is hot outside, the Taezhny variety is moistened every other day.
  • During the rainy season, the variety is not irrigated.
  • If the weather is humid and damp, watering should be done once every 8-10 days.

After the first year of Taiga's life, the watering rules need to be changed. The main thing is to avoid drought or waterlogging. Therefore, watering the grapes can be done once a week in good weather. The older the plant, the less frequently it can be moistened.

Top dressing

The Taiga grape variety can be fertilized infrequently. During the season, 2 feedings are enough. In autumn, it is advisable to add organic matter in the form of manure, compost, humus. In the spring, before the sap begins to flow, add mineral fertilizers in the form of phosphorus and potassium for the grapes.


For this variety, pruning is very important; it is carried out 2 times a year in spring and autumn. The grape vine grows quickly, without pruning it, reaches 5-8 m. It serves perfectly as decoration in the landscape of the site, also on pergolas and arches. Therefore, you need to decide what you want to see Taiga grapes for next spring; the type of pruning will depend on this.

Popular types of pruning:

  • The right method.
  • Cordon scheme.
  • Guyot type.

Fruiting grape bushes need to be pruned by 5-8 buds. It is also advisable to remove all weak and dead shoots of the variety in the spring. Leave no more than 3-4 clusters on one vine. In the summer, remove all young and unnecessary stepsons. In autumn, pruning of Taiga grapes is carried out by removing dry branches so as not to injure the bush before frost.


Reviews from winegrowers indicate a very high yield of the variety. There is evidence that the record for a grape bush is 112 kg.

An eight-year-old grape bush can produce about a hundredweight of ripe berries in the conditions of central Russia.

  • Winegrowers share information that fruiting begins in the fourth year and amounts to about 3 kg.
  • Already in the fifth year the yield is 15 kg, the sixth - 20 kg, the seventh - 60 kg, the eighth - 100 kg.
  • Describing the harvest, the winegrower shared information that this bush has great growth power and is formed on an arbor.

The fact that climatic features also influence yield is, of course, a determining factor. That is why even northern regions may have yields significantly different from those described in the article.

Bush formation

The power of the bush will impress any winegrower. He strives with all his might to conquer territories and give away his harvest.

This grape variety is often used for decorative purposes, covering the walls of buildings with it.

Describing their bushes, winegrowers say that a sleeve of 8 m is absolutely not the limit. By spreading two in each direction, the vineyard can cover a fairly large area. Often, amateurs shape this variety so that it covers entire walls of the house and reaches balconies and attics. This task is completely feasible. Many experienced winegrowers believe that this variety is intended precisely for such a decorative purpose.

The enormous growth power captivates those gardeners who choose the variety for the sake of landscaping their estate. By planting bushes from these grapes, it is easy to form green rooms on the site and carry out work to limit and demarcate the space.

When planting this variety, it is necessary to take into account that limiting its growth later will be very problematic. Therefore, if behind it there is something that needs sunlight and ventilation, then it is better to refuse planting.

Diseases and pests

The Taiga variety is very resistant to diseases. The only thing is that the bush is vulnerable in the first year of development and can catch mildew. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out treatment with Bordeaux mixture.

Alternaria blight

The appearance of silvery spots on the leaves and berries of the variety. The fruits begin to crack. The main factor of the disease: humid heat. Activity:

  • Treatment with fungicides and Bordeaux mixture.
  • The drug "Trichoderma Verde".


Mostly old bushes are affected. The wood becomes rotten, the fruits darken and wrinkle. Occurrence factor: wounds on grape bushes. Activity:

  • Rejuvenate the bush, completely cut off all the old vines.
  • Processing and disinfection of tools during work.


During the growing season, plaque forms on the leaves, premature leaf fall begins, and the fruits lose color. Activity:

  • treatment with preparations that contain copper should be carried out during the first ten days of the growing season.

You need to carefully monitor the grapes at all stages of their life and fruiting. In case of illness or pests, carry out treatment in a timely manner.


The taiga grape variety is a fairly strong crop. It is little susceptible to disease. The most serious Taiga disease, mildew, affects grapes only in the first year of growth. As you know, the more sour the taste, the greater the chance that these grapes will not be affected by diseases. Due to the fact that the Taiga variety is quite acidic, there is no need to worry too much about protection against disease.

Mildew is a very common disease caused by a fungus. Externally, it can be seen by yellow spots. In this variety, when affected, a milder form of the disease is observed - the spots are small, the leaf becomes with an oily sheen. Spots form on large berries, they turn black and fall off. In the first year, it is advisable to further protect the crop by pre-treatment.

You will not regret if you decide to buy Taiga grapes! You can make excellent wine and juice from it. By planting grapes near the gazebo, you will reliably protect yourself from the sun with large green leaves. The Taiga variety is quite unpretentious and does not require special protection from diseases.

Storage and harvesting

The Taiga variety is an early type of grape with high yield. Up to 100 kg is harvested from one bush for the 6-7th year of grape life. Bunches of grapes can last until the first frost without losing their flavor.

Taiga is transportable and can be stored for a long time. The main purpose is processing into wine and juices.

An ideal option, Taiga grapes, for growing in the northern regions of the country. Frost resistance, generous harvest, and ease of care make the variety one of the most popular and in demand among beginners, experienced gardeners and winemakers.

History of selection

The birthplace of the Black Emerald is the United States, California Agricultural Laboratory. It was developed by crossing the varieties FRESNO A69-190 and FRESNO C84-116 by breeders David Ramming and Don Tarailo. Their goal was to create early and frost-resistant sultanas.

Indeed, Black Emerald is one of the fastest ripening seedlis. From the USA it came to Ukraine, and then spread throughout the southern territories of the former Union.

The following varieties also come from America: Buffalo, Witch's Fingers and Alpha.

It feels best in the Lugansk region and the Black Sea coast. It is afraid of more northern territories because of its heat-loving nature.

The taiga emerald was bred in the Far Eastern region through amateur selection, but by a very famous scientist - professional and candidate of science, Nikolai Tikhonov. Nikolai devoted his entire life to grapes, creating more than 20 new varieties; he was one of the students of the world-famous Ivan Michurin. When the taiga emerald became one of the results of his work in 1958, this form quickly gained popularity and became one of the most famous in Primorye and throughout Russia.

The basis for its creation was a self-pollinated seedling of the American species Minnesota, which is why it is also often called Minnesota seedling or Tikhonov No. 9. It has become widespread in all regions with cold climates.

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