A practical guide to growing garlic in a greenhouse: techniques from experienced gardeners

Growing garlic in a greenhouse is an opportunity to start a business with minimal experience in agriculture and receive a stable income.

Growing garlic in a greenhouse is easier than in open ground. You control the climate in the greenhouse, so the harvest does not depend on weather conditions. Winter varieties are protected from freezing and early germination in the event of a warm autumn and winter. Spring varieties are protected from spring frosts, so they can be planted several weeks earlier. Garlic will not rot in the event of a rainy summer. In a greenhouse it will ripen faster, and with proper care you will get a selective and rich harvest.

Read all about phytolamps on the website union-ps.com.

Advantages of growing garlic in greenhouses

Winter varieties of garlic ripen in the summer, when rain can cause rot. At the same time, a lot of crops are spoiled. This is why many people prefer greenhouse conditions.

Reference. In a greenhouse it is easier to control climate and moisture, which significantly reduces the risk of disease.

Humidity should be no more than 70%. For winter garlic, the greenhouse does not need to be heated, as this promotes premature germination. The spring variety requires a heated area. In addition, in greenhouse conditions, garlic bolting is minimized.


A very popular mid-season variety. About 100 days pass from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest.

Herman is a large-fruited garlic. But he has both medium-sized specimens (weighing up to 70 grams) and huge ones, the size of which reaches the size of a palm.

The yield is average - about 1 kg per square meter. m . The pulp is white and very juicy. The variety has increased frost resistance. It also tolerates drought well, but regular watering is still recommended when growing.

Herman can produce normal yields even in shaded areas. Taste and commercial qualities are preserved for 8 months after harvest.

Garlic varieties suitable for growing in a greenhouse

In the climatic conditions of Russia, two types of garlic are grown - winter and spring. They differ in external characteristics and method of cultivation. Thus, winter garlic has teeth of the same size, arranged in one row around the trunk inside the head. The bulb of spring garlic consists of a large number of cloves growing chaotically; the stem inside the head is not as strong as that of winter garlic.

Spring garlic is planted in the spring and harvested until mid-autumn. It reproduces with the help of tines; shoots with aerial bulbs produce only one variety of this variety.

Winter garlic is planted in late autumn and the fruits are harvested in mid-summer. This species reproduces by both aerial bulbs and teeth. But winter garlic does not store well. For these purposes, spring crops are better suited.

Let's look at several varieties of garlic that are ideal for growing in greenhouses or greenhouses:

  1. Gafurisky. Non-shooting, belongs to the mid-early varieties. The period from full germination to technical ripeness is 83–90 days. Head weight – 12-34 g, number of cloves – 16-18. The structure is complex, the flesh is dense.
  2. Komsomolets. High-yielding species with a growing season of 120 days. The mass of the bulb is up to 30 g. It has from 6 to 13 teeth. Good resistance to low temperatures.
  3. Boguslavsky. The growing season from the massive growth of cloves to the lodging of leaves is 87-98 days. A high-yielding variety with a bulb weight of 45 g. It has 6 teeth.
  4. Alcor. Ripens in a greenhouse in 87 to 98 days. The shooting mid-season variety consists of 4-5 cloves. Head weight – 13-36 g.

We will also highlight the following varieties: Gribovsky Yubileiny, Gribovsky 60, Otradnensky and Danilovsky Local.

Types of garlic

There are spring and winter varieties. The names indicate the optimal time for sowing garlic. Spring varieties are planted in greenhouses in early spring. Otherwise, the bulb will not have time to form. Winter varieties are intended for planting in greenhouses and open ground; they can overwinter under snow and germinate after the last frost.

Spring garlic - the cloves fit tightly together, there is no central trunk

It is very easy to distinguish the two types by the appearance of the bulb. Spring garlic is smaller than winter garlic, its cloves fit tightly together without a central trunk; in some varieties the trunk is soft. We are used to seeing winter garlic in stores. The head of the plant is large, with two rows of denticles, and a hard shaft.

How to care for garlic to get a good harvest

In order for the harvest to be plentiful and the garlic cloves to contain all the useful elements, the plant needs feeding. Organic fertilizers, phosphorus and potassium are used. Cultivation includes timely care, which consists of removing weeds, cutting arrows and loosening the soil.

How to prepare greenhouse soil

In a greenhouse, the soil should be more fertile than in an open area. Peat compounds, sandy and loamy soils, peat compost, sawdust and bark are suitable for growing garlic.

The soil is prepared a month before sowing: the soil is loosened and fertilized with 5 kg of humus, 30 g of superphosphate, 25 g of potassium salt per 12 m² of bed. Nitrogen fertilizers are not used.

Preparation of planting material

Winter and spring garlic is prepared for sowing in different ways. Winter crops are grown from seeds and tines:

  • the seeds are dried before planting;
  • selected cloves are kept in a manganese solution for several minutes and planted on the same day. To prepare the solution you will need 1.5 teaspoons of potassium permanganate per 5 liters of water.

Spring garlic is grown from cloves that are first processed and peeled. Further:

  • For about 1-1.5 months, the teeth for sowing are kept in a cellar or refrigerator at a temperature of 8-10ºC.
  • The seed is soaked in water for 2 hours or in a Nitroammophoska solution for 7-8 hours at a rate of 5 g per 10 liters of warm water. When soaked in water after the procedure, the teeth are wrapped in a damp cloth and a plastic bag, and then placed in a cellar or refrigerator for 1-2 days. When soaked in Nitroammofoska, the cloves are planted directly into the ground. Soaking stimulates root germination, which accelerates the ripening of the crop.

Planting garlic and caring for it during its growth process

Winter garlic is planted at the end of November, before the first frost, so that it ripens by the end of July. It does not require heating in the greenhouse. Garlic is planted 5-6 cm deep with a distance of 8-10 cm between seeds, 5 cm between cloves, 20-25 cm between rows.

Spring garlic is planted as soon as the snow melts and the soil thaws - in April or May. It requires a heated greenhouse. Plant garlic 2-3 cm deep with a distance between cloves of 5 cm, 20-25 cm between rows.

Required care:

  1. 15-20 days after sowing, fertilizing is applied. The first time - with the appearance of 3-4 leaves. To do this you will need 1 tablespoon of humate or urea per 10 liters of water. The second time - no later than two weeks after the first feeding. Dilute 2 tablespoons of “Nitroammofoski” or “Nitrofoski” in 10 liters of water. Fertility or Agricola liquid fertilizers are also suitable.
  2. The required stable humidity is 65-70%. Water the garlic as the soil dries, approximately once every 15-20 days. Watering too much can lead to plant rotting.
  3. Garlic loves light. You will need to install phytolamps in the greenhouse in case of cloudy weather. In low light, small heads will grow.
  4. The soil is loosened no more than once a month.
  5. The arrows are removed at the beginning of their ripening so that the bulbs grow large.

Harvesting and storing garlic

Overripening garlic will cause the bulbs to break apart into cloves. The harvest is harvested when the lower leaves turn yellow, the heads become distinctly shaped, and the arrows drop to the ground. After digging, the garlic is dried for about 7 days.

To prepare for storage, the tops and roots are trimmed. Some people recommend storing with the leaves, which allows the nutrients to move into the bulb. Store garlic at a temperature of no more than 3 degrees, in the refrigerator or cellar.

Greenhouse preparation

The soil for future planting of garlic is prepared a month in advance by adding nutrients. To do this, it is necessary to add at least 5 kg of humus or compost, 20 g of superphosphate and 200 g of wood ash per 1 m². During this time, the soil will shrink.

If there is no time to wait, then they compress it artificially. Before planting, the ground must be mulched. For the winter, plant tops, sawdust, straw, humus or manure are added to the soil.

Did you know? The largest garlic was grown in 1985 by California resident Robert Kirkpatrick. Its weight was 1.19 kg.

The land for planting greenery should be:

  • breathable;
  • fertile;
  • moderately moisturized;
  • rich in minerals necessary for plant growth.

The best way to prepare the soil for winter garlic is to sow green manure.

Features of growing garlic: diseases and pests

Onion or root mites cause great damage to garlic during storage. It can enter the greenhouse and infect the crop during the growing season.

This pest is heat-loving and prefers high humidity. The female lays up to 500 eggs, the larvae of which will appear in 10 days and become very voracious. 4 weeks are enough for the development of one generation.

The disease manifests itself as damage to the bottom of the garlic with depressed and brown spots that tend to turn black. The garlic cloves gradually rot.

Attention! Sowing garlic after cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers gives more guarantees of the absence of root mites. In addition, you can get rid of ticks during the growing season using Keltan or Rogor solutions 0.2%.


A mid-season frost-resistant variety that is immune to most crop diseases. After emergence, it ripens on the 115th day.

During the growing season it forms a fairly large head - about 60 grams. It contains from 5 to 7 very sharp teeth. The yield is quite high - about 2 kg per 1 sq. m .

During cultivation, it is necessary to regularly feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers. The crop also requires weekly watering.

Garlic from Moscow is well stored and is practically not susceptible to major diseases.

Planting with cloves and bulbs: what is the difference, what and when to choose

Repeatedly planting garlic cloves will lead to the accumulation of diseases. This means that you will need to improve the health of the planting material with the help of bulbs. This is the name given to the aerial bulbs that appear on the shoots. The first year they grow as single-toothed bulbs, and the next year as full-fledged bulbs.

Preference is given to three methods of growing bulbs.

Traditional way

Sowing is carried out in early October:

  1. Initially, the soil is properly fertilized, 3-5 kg ​​of humus is added per 12 square meters. m, dig up, level and make grooves of 3 cm at a distance of 12 cm from each other.
  2. The bulbs are placed in the grooves and covered with soil.
  3. Water well and at the end of autumn, coniferous spruce branches are thrown over for snow retention.
  4. By the end of July, the bulblets will grow into single-pronged bulbs, which are planted in the fall to produce multi-pronged bulbs next year.

Direct way

In the usual way, one-toothed ones are grown, and in the fall they are left to overwinter in the ground. Next spring, thin out so that there is a distance of 20-25 cm between rows and 12 cm between plants. This is necessary for the formation of bulbs of normal size.

Growing through winter

Sowing of bulblets is carried out in early June. In mid-September, they develop 4-5 leaves, a strong stem and a good root system. The next year after wintering they will grow into full-fledged bulbs.

Preparing greenhouse soil before planting garlic

Garlic grows rapidly and gains strength in non-acidic, loose, moist soil. Moisture should be moderate, not excessive, otherwise the spice plant can be damaged.

The soil must be prepared for planting. Garlic loves organic fertilizers, so one of the preparation options is mulching the beds.

For the winter, it should be fertilized with plant tops, sawdust, straw, tree leaves, humus or manure. On the eve of planting, the soil is fertilized, loosened, and watered.

Mineral compositions can be used for feeding. Apply 5 kg per 1 m2 of soil. fertilizers plus 30 gr. superphosphate and 25 g of potassium salt.

Secrets and tips

Winter garlic, which shoots at the top of the stem, forms a flower-shaped ball. Small bulbs develop on it.

Spring garlic does not form shoots.

Spring varieties are planted in the greenhouse in early spring. Late planting will affect the growing season of the plant, and the garlic heads will not form properly.

The most suitable planting depth is no more than 3 cm from the top of the tine to the ground surface. If garlic is deepened too much, it will be difficult for it to germinate. This will allow the garlic to ripen slowly and produce small bulbs.

Winter types of garlic are planted in the fall, before the onset of frost. This will properly strengthen the roots and allow the planting material to form well in greenhouse conditions. The planting depth depends on the condition of the soil and the size of the cloves.

During the active growth of garlic, increased watering is necessary, but without fanaticism. Basic care for the crop consists of periodically loosening the soil and careful weeding, good lighting, suitable temperature conditions and stopping watering during ripening.

It is important not to skip the curling of the arrows. This period is the most optimal for breaking them off. If you do this on time, the nutrients will go to the development of a large head, and not to the formation of seeds.

Reference. An infusion for processing tomatoes is prepared from the removed shoots. This treatment prevents the appearance of late blight.

In order for the garlic head to form correctly, hilling is used. This method is especially useful shortly before ripening.

Spice care

When garlic sprouts are at the stage of active development, fairly good watering is required. During the period of bulb ripening, soil moisture is practically not required. Basic care includes regular loosening of the soil for better access of oxygen to the root system, as well as weeding from weeds.

Important! From cut arrows you can prepare a good infusion for tomatoes against late blight.

When the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, it is time to harvest. If this time is missed, the bulb disintegrates. After harvesting, the garlic heads are cleared of soil and dried in the fresh air. Afterwards the spice is ready for use. Growing garlic in a greenhouse is relevant both among industrialists and amateur summer residents.

Cultivation of garlic in a greenhouse all year round as a business

Growing garlic for sale is becoming increasingly popular. This is a very profitable business - with minimal investment, profits are possible that are several times higher than the costs.

The product is highly regarded and there is demand for it all year round. This business is suitable for both retirees who have a small plot of land and farmers who grow crops on an industrial scale.


Many novice businessmen are skeptical about this idea. They believe that the demand for garlic is much lower than for other vegetables and you can’t make much money from it. But this is how people who are far from agriculture think.

Garlic is a valuable food product. Although in small quantities, it is consumed in every family, and during the conservation period, demand increases several times. In addition, in almost all CIS countries, most national and familiar dishes cannot do without this root vegetable: both Georgian pilaf and Ukrainian borscht require the addition of garlic.

Reference. About 1 ton of planting material per hectare will be required, and harvesting will exceed this amount by 10-13 times. At the same time, the cost of the product is about $1.5, and the retail price is several times higher.

Sales income depends on the quantity of products and the sales method. The highest profits come from retail sales. The price of garlic ranges from 100-150 rubles. per kg. Another way to sell products is wholesale. In this case, the cost per 1 kg is 60-80 rubles. This gives the advantage of handing over all the goods at once, without worrying about the conditions of their storage.

Keep in mind that large-scale farming will require special equipment, storage warehouses, and hiring workers, and these are additional costs. The profitability of growing winter garlic will be 70-80%, while in retail sales it reaches 150%. Judging by the calculations, the garlic business is considered stable and highly profitable.

Sample business plan

A business plan for greenhouse garlic cultivation should be drawn up in advance for implementation.

To open a business you will need:

  • renting land if you don’t have your own plot;
  • purchase or rental of equipment;
  • hiring workers;
  • purchasing planting material (which is risky to do in large quantities without prior verification);
  • planting and processing garlic;
  • sales

Initially, significant investments will be required, but after 8-12 months the business will pay off. In the following years, the amount will increase significantly, since at the beginning it is necessary to purchase tools and materials, in particular, garlic seedlings of various varieties.

Underwater rocks

Growing garlic in an open way is fraught with risks and organizational difficulties. Main disadvantages: expensive material for sowing, dependence on weather conditions, complexity of mechanization. There is a risk of purchasing a batch of planting material that turns out to be unsuitable.

Recommendations from experienced farmers:

  1. Growing garlic in one place more than three times in a row leads to degeneration of the crop. Ideally, grow garlic in the same area at intervals of 2 years so that the soil can rest, recover and be filled with useful minerals from other crops.
  2. Both spring and winter varieties will not produce more than one harvest per year.
  3. Greenhouse cultivation of garlic is unprofitable on a large scale, but for personal use it is a completely suitable option.

On a note. Garlic is even planted in the garden, as it helps fight pests.

Seasoning and medicine from ancient times

Garlic is a herbaceous perennial crop, a plant of the amaryllis family. In the Russian Empire they began to use it more than 10 centuries ago, calling the plant “combed onion”. Garlic is mentioned in inscriptions on the pyramids of Cheops and in Tibetan monasteries. Interestingly, in China, India, Korea, and Italy, the average consumption of spice per person is 8-12 cloves per day. Residents of these countries use garlic in culinary and medicinal recipes.


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