A practical guide on the topic “How to sprout peas” from experienced summer residents

Pea microgreens are one of the most popular and sought-after superfoods. In addition to the fact that it has the delicate taste of young pea pods, it contains a huge amount of useful micro, as well as macroelements, necessary for every person to maintain good health and beauty. Pea sprouts are very popular with children. In my opinion, it’s great to replenish your body with healthy and tasty food from childhood.

Young pea greens contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Vitamins (A, B, C, E, P, K), as well as microelements (iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium). Moreover, all these elements are contained in greater quantities than in an adult plant. Since the seed at the initial stage of growth gives the sprout all its vital force, which it needs for future growth.

Benefits of sprouts for men and women

Peas contain a large amount of useful substances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc. And in the seedlings of this crop, their composition doubles. In addition, sprouted peas are absorbed by the body better than grains without sprouts and do not cause flatulence.
How do pea sprouts affect the body? They lower blood cholesterol, have a positive effect on the digestive system and improve brain activity. Sprouted peas are useful for diabetes mellitus, as well as for people with a predisposition to this disease. It helps regulate blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of disease.

Sprouted peas are useful for men because they have a positive effect on the functioning of the male reproductive system. It reduces the risk of prostatitis and other genitourinary diseases.

Sprouts are also very beneficial for women. Note to those losing weight: sprouted peas are a low-calorie product, which at the same time gives a feeling of fullness and promotes fat burning. It has a rejuvenating effect and removes toxins from the body.

Carefully! The main thing with consuming sprouted peas is not to overdo it. To avoid unpleasant side effects, introduce it into your diet gradually. Start with one teaspoon per day and increase the dosage to 70 grams per day over two to three months.

Benefits for children

It's understandable with adults. What about children? Can they have sprouted peas? Can. But here it is also important to monitor the amount of sprouts consumed.

In addition to the micro- and macroelements listed above, sprouted peas contain vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C and A. So, in reasonable quantities, sprouted peas will be a healthy food for a child.

Consumption of sprouted peas by raw foodists

Every living organism needs protein to be strong and healthy. Most protein is found in animal foods, which vegetarians and raw foodists avoid. Legumes, and especially sprouted peas, can easily replace meat as a source of protein and other elements necessary for the body .

Harm to health, contraindications

Sprouted peas are both beneficial and harmful, if you do not take into account the effect of the product on certain diseases. You need to know when not to use this product:

  1. It is not recommended to eat bean sprouts for acute gastritis, nephritis and inflammation of the colon (colitis).
  2. Purine compounds rich in pea shoots are harmful to health in cases of gout and urolithiasis.
  3. Fiber from seedlings during an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer will cause a deterioration in health, and its use during this period is contraindicated.
  4. Pain is possible due to increased gas formation when consuming sprouted pea seeds, especially in combination with dairy products.

Soak peas before planting

There are two diametrically opposed opinions on whether to soak pea seeds before planting. Seeds soaked before planting germinate faster than dry ones and also produce a larger yield. But caring for them is a little more difficult. Since these legumes love water, they need deep and consistent watering.
Dry peas will be able to survive in dry soil if you are unable to water them constantly. Pickled grains without the proper amount of moisture will die.

First you need to select the right seeds. They must be whole and healthy. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt in 1 liter of warm water and dip the peas into the solution. We will plant only those grains that have sunk to the bottom.

Now we can move on to soaking. There are two common options for germinating peas before planting: in water and in damp gauze.

First option: fill the peas with water at room temperature so that it covers the seeds completely. For 12-16 hours, change the water every 3 hours. This time is enough for the peas to swell and sprout a little. Next, we drain all the water, place the peas on a dry cloth, and let them dry a little.

Second option: wrap the peas in gauze and fill with water for 3 hours. After this, keep the grains in damp gauze for 3-5 days. Our peas are ready to be planted in the ground.

For the first 3 hours, peas can be soaked in a special solution. The most common of them are: “Gumate”, “Epin”, “Rizotorfin” and “Nitragin”.

Possible problems and difficulties

You don’t always get the same result as in the photo of sprouted peas at home. The following problems often arise:

  1. It was not possible to germinate the peas. The reason usually lies in the loss of germination - the seeds have been lying around for a long time, the germs of the sprouts were damaged during processing.
  2. Mold appeared - the grain was poorly washed, the water was changed infrequently, the container was left in the sunlight, the dishes were dirty.
  3. Low percentage of sprouted beans - old peas were used, no rejection was carried out.
  4. The grain spoils and does not germinate - during germination there is not enough oxygen, the absence of which causes fermentation.

Comment! The peculiarities of pea seed germination mean that it should not be sprinkled in a large layer. In such conditions, the grain overheats and does not receive enough oxygen.

Planting and caring for peas

Peas love the sun. Therefore, it needs to be planted in a sunny place, preferably protected from the wind.
The bed for planting must be prepared in the fall. To begin with , dig to the depth of the fertile layer (22-25 cm). You can fill the soil with compost and ash, or superphosphate and potassium salt.

In the spring, we cultivate the bed as early as possible: loosen the soil to a depth of about 10 cm. Add ash and 10-15 g of urea per 1 sq.m. to the soil. The latter can be replaced with 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate.

Pea grains can be sown quite early - starting from the 20th of April. Early ripening varieties can be planted until mid-summer (approximately July 10).

The day before planting, the bed needs to be leveled and watered thoroughly. Immediately before planting, water the soil again. We will plant the peas to a depth of 4-6 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 20 centimeters. Every 8-10 cm we plant two peas at once, or one every 4-6 cm. We cover the holes with peas with earth and compact them a little.

Until the seedlings appear, the bed can be covered with film to protect the seeds from birds and retain moisture and warmth. With the first shoots, the film must be removed.

The first shoots should appear 6-15 days after planting.

Caring for peas is not difficult. The main thing is regular watering, weeding and timely harvesting. A separate item that peas need is support. As peas grow, they need something to cling to to keep them from falling to the ground.

Building a support is very simple. We insert pegs 1-1.5 m high into the ground. The distance between the pegs can be 50-100 cm. Between them we stretch a large mesh or several rows of rope to form a “fence”. Our peas will wrap around it.

Depending on the variety, peas begin to bloom 30-60 days after planting. A month after this, you can harvest the first harvest.

Calories and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 g of peas is 124 kcal and contains only 0.7 g of fat, and the content of vitamins B, A, PP covers from 10 to 15% of the daily requirement for them. Nutritional value is represented by carbohydrates - 27 g and proteins - 9 g. Since the daily intake does not exceed 100 g, some products can be replaced with such a useful supplement. All that remains is to master pea germination at home and properly prepare the seeds for this procedure.

Germinating pea seeds for food: instructions

To sprout peas for food, we will need sprouting pea seeds, a colander, a container and warm water. First, place the peas in a colander and rinse thoroughly with warm water for 1-2 minutes.
Next, distribute the peas evenly along the bottom of the container and fill with water at room temperature so that its level is about 1 cm higher than the peas. Cover with a lid so that air enters the container. Place in a warm place for 12-15 hours.

After this time, thoroughly rinse the peas and container again. Leave a little water at the very bottom and loosely close it with a lid. Every 2-3 hours we spray the peas with water from a spray bottle so that they do not dry out.

After 6 hours, wash the peas again, spray them and put them in a warm place. Repeat spraying every 2-3 hours for 12 hours.

After 12 hours, wash the peas again and completely drain the water. We put the sprouted peas in the refrigerator - they are ready to eat.

Important! Sprouted peas can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days, so do not sprout peas in large quantities at once.

Seed selection and preparation

Stores sell special pea seeds for germination. You will not be able to germinate peas and cereals, and the seeds for planting cannot be eaten.

The peas should be whole, well dried, small, yellow or green.

Before germination, be sure to rinse the seeds several times with warm water.

Conditions for growing peas at home

You can grow ripe, sweet, real green peas in winter. Right on your windowsill.

To do this, we will need deep boxes or spacious pots and support for future shoots. Choose a bright place, provide the plantings with access to oxygen and stable watering.

Preparing grains for planting at home is no different from preparing for planting in open ground.

Tricks for growing peas on a windowsill

For sprouts to sprout, it is recommended to plant peas at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other in a common box. As soon as the seedlings form two leaves, they must be transplanted into individual pots (300-500 ml), or planted wider in a common box, increasing the distance between the sprouts.
Peas need light at least 12 hours a day. In winter, it is impossible to provide it with natural sunlight for such a period of time, so fluorescent lamps are used. They need to be placed at a distance of 50 cm from the pot.

Before flowering, it is enough to water the peas generously 1-2 times a week. During flowering and fruiting, increase watering up to 3-4 times a week. After each watering, do not forget to loosen the soil.

Remember that arrows that reach 10-15 cm in size need support. Pegs with a net or rope stretched between them are also suitable here, but they need to be placed at a smaller distance from each other.

During flowering, it is necessary to fertilize several times with a solution of potassium salt and superphosphate (10-15 g per 10 liters of water).

You need to harvest every 1-2 days so as not to interfere with the ripening of the next pods.

What kind of peas can you sprout at home?

To germinate pea seeds at home, it is important to choose the right raw materials. Not every product will work.

Is it possible to germinate peas from the store?

It is possible to germinate store-bought peas, but the result depends on several factors. The shelf life is especially important, since over time the seeds lose their viability. You should pay attention to the product in packages marked “for germination”. This can be found in large supermarkets and health food stores.

Is it possible to germinate split peas?

The probability of germinating halves of peas is negligible. The problem is that the sprout embryos are protected by the cotyledons. When a bean is divided into two halves, they are damaged and therefore cannot germinate. The exception is when the pea is not split down the middle, but the germ of the sprout miraculously survives in one of the parts.

Is it possible to germinate polished peas?

Polished peas are suitable for germination, but results are not always obtained. It all depends on the shelf life of the product and the features of its processing.

When grinding the grain, the seed coat, partially the aleurone layer and the embryo are removed. In this case, the ability to germinate is lost. If the embryo is not damaged, such beans can be germinated.

In addition to grinding, raw materials can undergo hydrothermal treatment. The grain is moistened, steamed for several minutes and dried. This makes it stronger and the shell more fragile. Steaming involves high temperatures, which kills the ability to germinate.

It is better not to take a polished product for sprouting for food - during processing it loses many valuable elements

Is it possible to germinate frozen peas?

It is possible to germinate pea seeds after freezing, but the result is not guaranteed. One important factor is the time when the crop was harvested. If this happens before full ripening, then it is unlikely that the grain will be germinated. The method of freezing also matters. If it was a shock, then the chances of germination are higher.

Pea sprouts in cooking

Sprouted peas are eaten in their pure form, and also added to a variety of dishes: salads, soups, purees, smoothies, stewed with vegetables and meat.

Sprouted pea salad recipe


  • radishes - 5-7 pcs.;
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - 60 g;
  • pea sprouts - 50 g.


  • juice of 1/2 orange;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • mustard - 1/2 tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the radish and cucumber into small cubes. Coarsely chop the feta cheese and add it to the vegetables along with the sprouted peas. Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Season the salad and mix well. Let the dressing soak in for about 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Properties of sprouted peas

When peas are sprouted, the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates contained in them are partially broken down under the influence of enzymes and become easy for the human body to absorb.

In addition, during germination, the content of all vitamins, antioxidants increases, and vitamin C appears, which is not found in ordinary peas. The fiber content increases significantly. Thus, when sprouted, peas turn into a food product with enormous nutritional value and low price.

Why is it useful?

Substances contained in sprouted peas increase the body's resistance, its resistance to infections and inflammation. Eating sprouted beans has a beneficial effect on metabolism and hematopoiesis, promotes proper digestion and cleanses the body of toxins. Adding sprouted peas to your diet is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the formation of kidney stones and gall bladder.

Fact! Ancient sailors knew about the healing properties of sprouted peas to prevent scurvy, and for this purpose they took a supply of bean sprouts on a long journey.

People who regularly add sprouted peas to their diet note its beneficial properties: a surge of energy, improved condition of the skin, hair, teeth, nails, increased performance, and they forget about problems with attention and chronic fatigue. Due to the strong stimulating effect of this food product, it should be eaten in the morning.

Sprouted peas help cleanse the liver of heavy metals and other harmful substances, have an anti-carcinogenic effect, and help remove radionuclides from the body.

It has been proven that sprouts have a stimulating effect on libido and reduce the risk of developing prostate diseases, thanks to the huge amount of amino acids they contain: alanine, glycine, threanine, cystine, lysine.

For diabetes

Pea sprouts will help increase the body's resistance, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. The complex carbohydrates contained in sprouted peas create a feeling of fullness for a long time without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar, which is indispensable for patients with diabetes.

However, pea sprouts can not only benefit diabetics, but also cause harm if consumed uncontrolled. Diabetes and food experiments are incompatible things. Before introducing a new product into the diet, a person suffering from diabetes should definitely consult an endocrinologist.

For gastritis

During exacerbations of gastritis, it is strictly not recommended to include legume sprouts in the patient’s diet. During the period of remission, it is useful for patients with gastritis to eat a small amount of pea sprouts.

The enriched vegetable protein contained in this product promotes the healing and restoration of the gastric mucosa. A large amount of fiber promotes active intestinal motility, removal of waste and toxins, and prevents the appearance of fatty deposits on the intestinal walls.

In addition, eating sprouted peas has a beneficial effect on the general condition of patients with gastritis and promotes weight loss, which is important for this disease.

For pancreatitis

Regular peas are strictly contraindicated for pancreatitis. Sprouted - on the contrary, is healthy and recommended for consumption in limited quantities. But with this disease, only raw sprouts are included in the menu; pea purees or soups should not be eaten.

Harm and contraindications

This product should be introduced with caution into the diet of children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and allergy sufferers. Those suffering from chronic diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract, should consult their doctor before starting to eat sprouted peas.

Recipes for dishes with sprouts for every day

Pine nuts with wheat, sesame and rye sprouts 1 cup wheat sprouts (two- or three-day old), 0.5 cup sesame sprouts (one-day old), 0.5 cup rye sprouts (two-day old), 1 cup peeled and soaked pine nuts, 1 banana . Mix all ingredients.

Wheat-plum breakfast 8 pcs. pitted prunes, 3 cups wheat germ (two or three days old), half a medium-sized apple. Soak prunes in a cup of water overnight. Mix the plums and the water in which they were soaked with the other ingredients. Add water (if required) to obtain a soup consistency. This breakfast can be prepared not only with prunes, but also with figs.

Nut breakfast 0.5 cups of sunflower sprouts (two days old), 0.5 cups of pine nuts or hazelnuts, soaked for 8-10 hours, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of soaked raisins, 1 glass of apple juice (freshly prepared), 1 glass of filtered water. Mix all ingredients in a mixer. This breakfast can be prepared with any sprouts.

Citrus-almond salad Peeled orange, half a grapefruit, 0.5 cups of orange juice, 0.5 cups of wheat germ. Stir in chopped orange and grapefruit. Mix orange juice and wheat sprouts minced through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture over the salad.

Sprouts with fruits or berries 100 g of sprouts, 100-150 g of chopped fruits or berries (apples, pears, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, lingonberries, etc.), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or sunflower oil. Mix sprouts with fruits or berries. You can add honey or sunflower oil.

Sprouts with dried fruits 100 g of sprouts, 50 g of any dried fruit: figs, raisins, dates, apples, pears, etc. Wet the dried fruits, grind them in a meat grinder and mix with the sprouts.

Sprouts with beets and garlic 5-7 tbsp. spoons of sprouts, beets, garlic, vegetable oil, herbs. Mix sprouts or their flakes in an arbitrary ratio with finely grated beets (raw, baked or steamed). Add chopped garlic, vegetable oil and herbs to taste.

Sprouts with kohlrabi cabbage 4-5 tbsp. spoons of sprouts or their flakes, 50 g of any peeled nuts or oil seeds, 100 g of kohlrabi, grated lemon or orange zest. Add ground nuts and kohlrabi, grated on a coarse grater or chopped into strips, to the soaked sprouts. Stir and season with lemon or orange zest. Garnish the dish with thin strips of lemon or orange peel.

Oat sprouts with nuts 30 g of sprouted oats, hazelnuts (almonds), dried fruit. Mix nuts, chopped dried fruits and sprouted oats.

Sprouts with cabbage and apples 4-5 tbsp. spoons of wheat sprouts, 100 g each of cabbage and apples, 200 g of curdled milk (cream, sour cream), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, half a lemon. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, add apples, cut into small cubes, sprouts and curdled milk, whipped with honey and lemon juice. Stir and serve the dish immediately.

Sprout salad with seaweed 0.5 cups lentil sprouts (three days old), 0.5 cups corn sprouts, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soaked seaweed, 1 onion, 1 red bell pepper, dill and parsley. Mix all ingredients, pour in juice squeezed from one lemon or grapefruit.

Sprouts with green peas 4-6 tbsp. spoons of wheat sprouts, 200 g of young green peas (or pre-soaked and sprouted green peas), 2-3 stalks of green onions and garlic, 200 g of curdled milk (sour cream), egg yolk, dill. Mix peas with sprouts and finely chopped green onions and garlic. Pour in yogurt seasoned with yolk and chopped dill. Stir all this and immediately serve the dish.

“Sweet wheat” salad 0.5 cups of wheat seeds sprouted for 3 days, 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, honey. Grind the seeds and add to the sprouted grains. Add honey to taste. Potato salad 2 medium-sized potatoes, 0.5 cups sprouted grains, 0.5 cups celery, 3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower seeds, half a lemon. Peel and finely chop raw potatoes, add lemon juice, sprouted grains and celery. Sprinkle sunflower seeds on top. You need to eat it right away because the potatoes darken quickly.

Soups and main dishes Soy sprouts fried with mushrooms 100 g soy sprouts, 15 g dried mushrooms, 30 g sesame oil, pepper, salt. Boil and chop the mushrooms. Grind the soybean sprouts, scald with water, immediately put together with the mushrooms in a very heated frying pan with a small amount of sesame oil, add salt, mushroom broth (20 g) and, shaking the frying pan repeatedly, fry the food, and then pour in the sesame oil, fried with allspice. .

Sprouted wheat soup 400 ml water, 2 medium onions, 2 carrots, several potatoes. Do not peel the potatoes, but wash them thoroughly and chop them finely. Chop onions and carrots. Bring all this to a boil and set aside for 5-10 minutes (you must remember that the cooking process destroys biologically useful substances). Put the pan back on the fire, bring to a boil, remove from heat and add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sprouted wheat, bay leaf and other spices to taste (salt is not advisable). After the soup has stood for 10-15 minutes, it is ready to eat.

Soaking solution

There are several types of solutions used to soak pea seeds before planting.

Solutions used to swell beans usually have a low concentration of active substances. Typically, a few drops of a growth stimulator are added to 1 liter of the swelling mixture. In this case, the temperature of the solution can be quite high (about + 45-50 ° C). This does not pose a danger to the embryo, since the solution cools quickly, and besides, swelling will occur much faster.

An increased concentration of growth stimulants does not make much sense, since only a small amount of liquid will come into contact with the embryo at this stage.

So-called biologically active solutions are used as a soaking liquid during germination. They usually contain various herbs or special preparations. In some cases, the same growth stimulants are used as for swelling of peas.

Typically, a biologically active solution is prepared as follows:

1 tbsp. l. The active substance is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water and infused for 24 hours. In this case, the water should not be too hot so as not to destroy the active substances in the solution.

If the active substance is in a liquid state, then significantly lower concentrations are used, but infusion is not required. For example, 5 ml of mullein per 1 liter of water is enough, and no more than 3 ml of aloe juice.

Attention! When using a nitrogen-fixing inoculant, you should use the instructions that came with it and follow the recommendations in it exactly!

Storage rules

Sprouts can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days in a covered container. It is best to eat them within the first 2-3 days. Before eating, they are additionally washed.

Another option for storing any sprouts is to make them into raw candies. The ingredients (dried fruits, sprouts) are finely ground, honey is added, the resulting mixture is formed into balls and rolled in nuts. Sweets are a healthy dessert, a wonderful decoration on the holiday table and can be stored for up to 5 days.

Sprouts in the form of cocktails and smoothies can be stored for no more than 12 hours.

How can sprouted young peas be useful?

With a complete refusal of food of animal origin, pea sprouts are a real godsend for the body, because during germination, proteins are converted into amino acids, which are so necessary for literally all cells of the body. Fats are converted into fatty acids, and starch into malt sugar, which greatly facilitates the functioning of the digestive tract.

Young pea shoots, like other sprouted seeds, are considered a living and nutritious food for adults and children. Microgreen sprouts contain the following components:

  • Plant-based inulin quickly lowers blood sugar.
  • Amino acids are an important building material for literally all tissues and organs of our body.
  • Compounds that have antitumor activity.
  • Useful fiber that works to cleanse the intestines of serious toxins. In addition, fiber nourishes the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial properties of young pea sprouts restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve constipation, strengthen the immune system, improve well-being and increase performance.

How many times does a pea bloom?

Pea flowers are sometimes purple, but usually white, self-pollinating, bisexual, blooming 30-55 days after sowing. The first peduncle in early varieties hatches from the axil of 6-8 leaves, and in later varieties - from the axils of 12-24 leaves. New flower stalks appear every two days or even every other day.

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