How to plant an apple tree in summer: instructions for beginners

Gardening experts recommend planting fruit trees during the period when they are dormant.

Depending on the age of the tree, early spring and mid-autumn are considered the best times.

Carrying out work at the recommended time is good, but what if there is no such opportunity, and you can only plant an apple orchard in the summer? Should I wait until next year and skip the season? Is it possible to plant apple trees in summer?

You can plant young apple trees in the summer. Knowing how to plant an apple tree in the summer, taking into account the most common mistakes, you can help the tree endure planting without any problems.

And proper care after planting will allow your apple trees to take root well before the onset of cold weather.

Why are gardeners afraid of summer planting apple trees?

Planting in spring and autumn has a number of advantages over summer planting.

Pros of spring planting:

  • The flow of sap in the body of the young tree has not yet begun, the apple tree is just beginning to wake up, so the process of root restoration takes place more organically;
  • After winter, the soil is sufficiently moist and nutritious, which facilitates rapid establishment of the seedling;
  • The young tree will have almost six months of the warm season to take root.

Autumn advantages:

  • Warm soil has a positive effect on the injured root system;
  • The lush growth of shoots and foliage has ended , the fruits have swelled, the apple tree does not need to spend a lot of energy feeding the crown, it can direct energy to restoring the roots;
  • The autumn seedling will not be pampered - frosts await it ahead: such hardening stimulates the development of healthy immunity and lays a good foundation for further growth.

What happens to the seedling in the summer?

  • The summer seedling is actively growing and developing; damage to the root system at this moment will require a redistribution of vital forces;
  • The soil in summer is dry and not rich in nutrients, which can negatively affect the development of a young tree;
  • In a hot, dry summer, a planted apple tree may not have enough strength to fight the scorching sun, and it may die.

This is interesting! Considering the risks, you can successfully plant apple trees in the summer. The main thing is to know how to overcome these negative factors.

Landing dates

You can plant an apple tree on your site in spring or autumn. The choice of timing primarily depends on the climate zone:

  • in northern regions, spring planting is preferable, allowing plants to have time to take root during the summer and prepare for the early onset of cold weather. The most suitable period lasts from late April to mid-May;
  • in the south they are often planted in the fall, throughout October. In spring, planting work is carried out in the first half of April;
  • in central Russia, apple tree seedlings are planted in the spring, starting from the second half of April (depending on the weather: if the spring is long, the dates shift to late April - early May), and in the fall from mid-September to mid-October.

For autumn planting in temperate climates, varieties with high frost resistance are better suited.

Planting an apple tree in summer

When planting an apple tree, you must take into account that summer is different. Therefore, we must try to choose days when the weather will not oppress the young, fragile tree .


In June, two periods can be distinguished when conditions allow for successful planting of apple trees:

  1. The beginning of the month , if the spring was cold and protracted. Sometimes spring does not come into its own for a long time; return frosts are possible even in mid-May. Under such conditions, the beginning of June can be quite cool. Fruit trees begin to vegetate late . If summer began this way, the conditions for planting apple trees will be close to spring.
  2. The end of the month. This time is determined by the physiological processes that occur in the tree's body . This period marks the start of shoot maturation. Young green shoots begin to become coarse and woody. The apple tree has not yet expended a lot of energy on ripening the fruits, and the main leaf mass has already been formed. The process of regeneration of the root system in such conditions will be less painful for the tree.

Planting should be done before the green shoots become woody.


IMPORTANT! It is better not to plant apple trees in July. The weather is hot throughout almost the entire country. The peak of heat usually occurs in the middle - second half of the month. This period is absolutely not suitable for planting.

Don't count on any day being rainy or cloudy. The heat will return much faster than the roots of the tree will begin to actively work. The branches and leaves of a young apple tree will dry out quickly; the injured root system will not be able to cope with such a load. There is a high probability that the tree will die .

The only time when it is possible to plant an apple tree in July is the very beginning of the month , literally the first 5-7 days. At this time, the period of woodiness of young growths, which began in June, had not yet ended.

The earlier the planting is done from the beginning of the month, the better for the apple tree.


ATTENTION! Planting an apple tree in August is unlikely to be successful. The air is still too hot. The leaves of a young apple seedling have to evaporate a lot of moisture to the detriment of root restoration.

A tree planted during this period is guaranteed to be very sick . Even if it takes root before frost, do not delude yourself. The plant is unlikely to survive until spring.

It is for this reason that when purchasing autumn planting material, it is not recommended to buy seedlings from nurseries that were dug up before October.

of a young tree must mature properly on annual growths , otherwise the very first severe frost will damage the branches.

If you plant an apple tree in August, then before the onset of cold weather the seedling will not be able to stock up on enough nutrients to survive the winter.

Apple trees planted in summer will most likely suffer for a long time.

Choosing an apple tree seedling

Each variety has its own characteristics. One of the defining qualities is resistance to frost.

  1. Among the early ripening varieties there are: Early sweet and White filling.
  2. Of the mid-season varieties, Uralets is especially popular. These apples have an impressive aroma, bright color, and sweet and sour taste.
  3. Antonovka is a representative of late varieties. Juicy fruits can be stored for a long time.
  4. Saplings from varieties such as Veteran, White Anise and Velvet can withstand severe frosts.

Choosing a tree is the first stage. Its importance is difficult to exaggerate. The algorithm is quite simple:

  • Find out which varieties are suitable for growing in the region.
  • Contact a nursery, or, if there is none, contact a gardening organization or private owners.
  • Buy a seedling. To do this, you need to determine such indicators as the fruiting period, the level of the rootstock, soil characteristics, the depth of groundwater, the age and general condition of the plant.
  • The cost largely depends on the “packaging”. The root system can be left open or placed in a special container. The latter option guarantees the required moisture and preservation of the shoots.

Seedlings are placed in soil as soon as possible after acquisition to prevent the root system from dying from drying out.

How to plant an apple tree in summer: step-by-step instructions

In order for the process of forming a young tree to be successful, when planting you need to adhere to several simple rules:

Step one: select seedlings

In order for your apple orchard to enjoy a good harvest, you need to choose the right planting material.

Selection criteria:

  1. Place of growth. In the central and northern regions, seedlings grown in southern latitudes are often sold. They look beautiful and are well leafed. However, harvests may not be expected from them at all. There is a high probability that they will be gone after the first winter. Choose apple tree seedlings that have grown in your region. At the time of purchase, pay attention to the level of vegetation of trees in nature. If the seedlings are much ahead of them in development, it is worth looking for other planting material.

    Pay attention to the vaccination site.

  2. Fruiting dates . If you plan to eat fresh apples, choose summer varieties. Autumn varieties are well suited for processing. Winter - for storage.
  3. Age.
    HEALTHY! Optimal age for seedlings: 1-2 years. In an annual tree, the crown consists of almost one trunk. A two-year-old seedling can have up to 3 branches.
  4. Potential growth. The taller the tree, the deeper its roots go into the ground. If the groundwater level in your area is high, you should give preference to medium-sized and dwarf rootstocks. You can also plant apple trees on artificial hills.
  5. Quality of planting material. The bark of the seedling should not be damaged. The main root and white sucking roots should not be rotten or dried out. The vaccination site should be clearly visible. It is better if it is located at a level of 10-15 cm from the root collar of the seedling.

Watch a video about planting an apple tree:

ADVICE! A correctly selected seedling is the first step towards obtaining a bountiful and healthy harvest.

Step two: choose a landing site.

It is important to choose the place where the apple tree will grow once and for all. Ideal when you have a thoughtful garden layout . If there is no general plan, it is worth assessing the capabilities of your site and the planting location.

The chosen place should be sunny or semi-shaded; buildings and tall trees should not interfere with the normal development of the seedling. It is advisable that the place be windless, especially protected from northern winds.

Particular attention should be paid to the distance at which the apple tree should be planted from buildings and other plants.

The buildings

The roots of an apple tree require a lot of space, not only in depth, but also in diameter.

If you don’t want to constantly repair the foundation of your house or garage, you need to plant the apple tree no closer than 3 meters so that the roots have enough room to grow.

Underground communications

Underground sewer pipes, gas and water lines, wires and cables can also be damaged by apple tree roots .

You also need to retreat 3 meters from them.

Other plants

When planting apple trees at intervals of less than two meters, the trees will interfere with each other. The leaves will not have enough light, the fruits will not have enough vitamins for ripening. In addition, crowded spaces create conditions for fungal infections and pests .

Opinions about the distance between apple trees are different, and range from 2.5 to 5 meters. Previously, this indicator for gardeners was regulated by GOST, which advised planting apple trees at a distance of 5 m from each other. Then, even when they grew, the trees did not crowd each other.

Today, apple trees are grown on different rootstocks , and it depends on them at what distance to plant apple trees.

  • So, for columnar varieties, half a meter is enough.
  • For apple trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks - 2-3 m.
  • Medium-sized and tall apple trees should be planted, leaving an interval of 4-5 m.

When choosing a place to plant, you should imagine in advance how the crown will grow .

Rules for planting vigorous trees.

This way you can assess whether the new apple tree will shade other plants: flowers, vegetables, shrubs. This analysis will allow you to correctly position the tree.

Step three: preparing the landing hole

Having decided on the location of the apple tree, you can begin preparing it.

A planting hole should be made for a new seedling. Since fertilizers are added to it, the hole for planting an apple tree in the summer must be prepared in advance so that the roots of the young apple tree do not burn.


  • For summer planting of a young apple tree, a hole is usually dug about half a meter in diameter, 60 cm deep;
  • The soil is being prepared for backfilling.

Watch a video about preparing the pit:

IMPORTANT! Nutrient soil for backfilling apple trees in summer consists of top fertile soil layer with the addition of organic fertilizers and mineral additives.

Humus, peat, rotted straw, hay, compost or vermicompost can be used as organic fertilizer

You don't have to choose just one. You can use a mixture of available organic samples .

When planting apple trees in summer, phosphorus and potassium are needed in addition to organic matter as mineral fertilizers

There are a large number of complex mineral fertilizers on sale.

Planting an apple tree in the ground.

If a ready-made composition is chosen as a mineral fertilizer, it is dosed according to the instructions .

For summer planting, you can use a mixture of superphosphate (200g), ash (0.5l) and potassium sulfate (100g) as a fertilizer.

  • Part of the soil is poured into the hole, filling it about a third ;
  • A 1.5 meter stake is driven into the center, a meter of which goes underground, half a meter remains above the ground;
  • The hole is spilled with plenty of water ; you will need to water the hole again before planting.

Step four: planting an apple tree

The technology for planting a seedling depends on whether it has an open or closed root system.

ADVICE! When choosing between a seedling with an open and a closed root system for summer planting, you should give preference to the latter. The container in which the seedling grows makes it possible not to plant, but to transship the apple tree. This is a procedure that is more gentle on a young plant.

How many apple trees to plant on the plot

Most varieties of apple trees are self-sterile, that is, they are not able to set fruit without cross-pollination with another specimen. Therefore, it is undesirable to plant just one apple tree on a plot: of course, you can hope that it will cross-pollinate with the neighbors, but it is better to have several of your own trees. This is also more convenient: the harvest is larger, and you can choose several varieties with different ripening periods - from early to late. Early varieties can be eaten or processed into juices, jams and other homemade preparations, while late varieties are usually grown for long-term fresh storage.

The maximum number of apple trees that can be planted on a plot is determined by its area. So, on 500 m2 minus the area occupied by buildings and a vegetable garden, 8-10 apple trees on a tall rootstock, 12-15 trees on a semi-dwarf rootstock, or 20-26 dwarf trees will fit.

Distance between apple trees:

  • Tall rootstock - 5-8 m, depending on the characteristics of a particular variety;
  • Medium-sized rootstock - 3-4 m between two plants and 6 m between rows if there are a lot of apple trees;
  • Semi-dwarf and dwarf rootstock - 3-4 m between plants and about 5 m between rows.

How many apple trees to plant on the plot


Transshipment is a method of planting plants in which the earthen ball is not destroyed:

  • The planting hole is completely filled with soil, a hole is made in it, slightly larger than an earthen ball of an apple tree;
  • The seedling is brought to the planting hole;
  • You need to take the apple tree by the trunk, do not turn it over;
  • Lightly knead the sides of the container;
  • Remove the container above the planting hole by gently pulling it down;
  • Place the seedling in the hole;
  • It is necessary to fill the apple tree with fertile soil to the same level to which it was filled while growing in the container;
  • Gently compact the soil;
  • Secure verticality with a stake.

When to dig a hole for an apple tree

In the literature you can find a recommendation to prepare planting holes in the fall - for spring planting and in the spring - for autumn planting. It is clear that an ordinary summer resident does not always plan his work so clearly, and besides, there is always the possibility of buying an “unplanned” seedling during the planting season. If necessary, the planting hole can be prepared urgently - right before planting the seedling, but it is still advisable to do this a little in advance, at least a month in advance, and only then go for planting material.

When to dig a hole for an apple tree

How to plant an apple tree in the summer with an open root system

  • The seedling must be soaked in a root former (Kornevin, Heteroauxin, etc.) for a day;
  • If the roots have dried out or rotted, the damaged areas must be trimmed;
  • Place a mound of fertile soil inside the planting hole;
  • Place the plant on its top, straighten the roots;
  • Fill the seedling so that the root collar is 5 cm above ground level;
  • Lightly compact the soil around the roots;
  • Tie the tree to the stake.

Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree correctly:

How to increase the survival rate of a seedling after planting?

It is worth considering that seedlings, no matter how carefully you care for them, will not take root well if you plant them in early autumn with their leaves together. In this case, the foliage will draw nutrients from the roots. If the seedling is also poorly watered, it may even die.

In addition, fruit trees must be planted in well-lit areas no closer than 3 m from the neighbor’s fence.

To make it easier for a seedling to “move” to a new place, several procedures can be carried out.

Pruning the roots of an apple tree seedling

If the root system of a seedling resembles a washcloth (the roots are bruised and look unpresentable), most likely they will not take root well. In this case, it is advisable to cut them at a right angle.

Frayed roots can be trimmed at right angles before planting.

Trimming the above-ground part

If the root system is clearly weakened, and the upper part of the seedling, on the contrary, is strong, it is a good idea to balance them.

To do this, it is necessary to carry out pre-planting pruning of the seedling - thinning and shortening the branches.

  • Pruning fruit trees in spring - tips for beginners and more

    Schemes, photos and videos of spring pruning of garden trees.

Soaking the roots of the seedling before planting

Before planting the apple tree in the soil, it is a good idea to soak the roots in a nutritious mash: manure, soil and a little root formation stimulator (for example, Kornevin).

To do this, you can either dig a hole in the area and add water, manure and the drug there, or dilute all the ingredients in a bucket of water.

The consistency of the mash is like thick sour cream. Don't make it too liquid.

The seedling should stand in this solution for at least half an hour to an hour. Better - a few hours or overnight.

Abundant watering of apple tree seedlings after planting

Another way to improve the survival rate of a seedling is to water it abundantly, even if the weather outside is humid. 3-4 buckets (30-40 l) of water are poured under one tree.

In addition, it is a good idea to form a side of soil around the planting hole, which will retain water at the roots when watering.

To trim or not?

It is often recommended to prune the tree after planting to balance the size of the crown and root system. When planting in summer, this should not be done .

There is a way by which you can restrain the growth of the vegetative part and free up strength for better root formation. This is pinching - shortening growth .

In late spring - early summer, green shoots begin to grow on the apple tree. If the summer planting of an apple tree is carried out in early June, the thin ends of such shoots need to be shortened by carefully pinching them off with two fingers. This can only be done while they are still green and the process of wood formation has not begun.

Later, before the onset of cold weather, there is no need to trim or pinch the new apple tree.

Watch a detailed video on how to properly pinch a shoot:

Advice from experienced gardeners

A few practical recommendations that will help when growing apple trees:

  1. Landing should be carried out based on weather conditions.
  2. Before planting bare-rooted seedlings, be sure to inspect and subsequently remove problematic rhizome fragments.
  3. After trimming the aboveground part, always treat the cuts with copper sulfate, and then seal them with garden varnish.
  4. A few weeks before the expected frost, mulch the soil and whiten the trunk. In cold regions, seedlings must have their trunk and skeletal branches insulated with burlap or agrofibre.
  5. Carefully monitor soil moisture during the first year of the plant's life in a new location.

Did you know? The life cycle of wild apple trees can be 200 years. The most interesting thing is that even at this age, wild birds are able to retain the ability to bear fruit.

Apple tree plantations require special care in the first years after planting. However, if you carefully follow the rules of agricultural technology, after a short period of time, you will be able to get a full harvest of apples.


ATTENTION! Watering plays an important role when planting apple trees in summer. At this time, it is important to cause as little damage to the root system as possible. Do not compact the tree trunk of the seedling too much. The soil compaction that a young tree needs is done by water.

After the apple tree is planted, a mound 10-15 cm high is created around it at a distance of 70-80 cm from the trunk. This technique sets the boundaries of the tree trunk circle , inside which fertilizers can later be applied and watered.

When planting in summer, you must carefully pour at least 3 buckets of water inside the circle. This must be done gradually. After each bucket, the earth will settle.

It is necessary to add soil to ground level each time . Before adding soil, you must wait for the top layer of soil to dry.

As soon as the soil stops sinking, watering can be stopped.

An important component of summer planting is mulching the circle around the trunk. For the first layer you can use compost, vermicompost, humus. When backfilling, you need to step back from the trunk by 5-7cm. The second layer is hay, straw or mown grass.

The apple tree is planted . It's time to help the tree overcome the risks of summer planting.

Preparing the planting hole

It is recommended to prepare the hole for autumn planting of an apple tree no later than 3-4 weeks before the procedure. Spring planting also means preparing the hole in the fall. This process consists of several steps:

  • formation of a hole 60-70 cm deep and the same diameter;
  • combining the soil removed during digging with fertilizers and placing it at the bottom of the hole.

Important! To obtain a fertile composition, the soil from one hole is mixed in equal parts with peat and humus, and 1/2 a bucket of wood ash and 300 g of superphosphate are added.

Features of planting in different types of soil

Since sandstones do not hold water and are not rich in nutrients, it is recommended to create pits as large as possible in this type of soil. In the future, the planted apple trees will need frequent feeding.

To plant apple trees in clay soils, you need holes the same size as for sandstones. In this case, the diameter should be about 150 cm, and the depth should be approximately 70 cm. The resulting hole is lined with a drainage layer: expanded clay, broken brick or crushed stone. To prepare the nutrient mixture, up to 25% of coarse-grained river sand is added to the usual recipe; this solution will provide the soil with a looser structure.

Sequence of planting apple tree seedlings in rocky soil :

  1. Preparing a hole with a depth of 60-70 cm and the same diameter (a larger size is acceptable).
  2. Formation of two trenches perpendicular to each other with a length and depth of up to 40 cm, passing through the center of the pit.
  3. Place the nutrient mixture into the well.
  4. Production of vertical fascines from rods with a length of 40 cm and a diameter of 3 cm.
  5. Installation of fascines along 4 trench arms so that the distance between them and the center of the pit is at least 60 cm.
  6. Planting a seedling.

Further care

In order for the tree to take root, it is important to properly care for it after planting. If the apple tree was planted in the fall, pruning is carried out .
Only the main trunk, 60 cm high, is left, making a cut above a healthy bud. For the first 2 months, the plant is watered weekly with plenty of water at room temperature. On hot and dry days, the amount of watering is increased to 3 times a week. The next day after moistening, the soil is loosened. In the first year, be sure to remove all weeds.

To prevent diseases and pests in spring and autumn, the tree is sprayed with a solution prepared from a bucket of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate, or fungicides.

With proper preparation and planting, you will not need to feed the plant for the first 3 years. Then fertilizers are applied 4 times a year.

Preparatory work

To grow a healthy, strong tree, it is important not only to plant it correctly and provide good care, but also to pay enough attention to the preparation for planting.

Selecting and preparing a seat

For the apple tree, choose a well-lit and ventilated area. It should be protected from the winds by the walls of buildings or tall trees planted on the north or north-west side. The apple tree should not be shaded.

Wetlands and areas with groundwater closer than 2 m are not suitable. If possible, the apple tree is planted on a hill. South, southwest, southeast sides are best suited.

The distance from fruit trees to fences and neighboring buildings is regulated in each area differently. Usually this is about 4 m. The distance to communications should not be less than 3 m, otherwise the roots of the plant will destroy them.

Apple trees grow best in loose, fertile soils (loam, sandstone, black soil). The soil should be slightly acidic and non-saline.

The site begins to be prepared at least 6 weeks before planting. The soil is cleared of debris, leaves, plant debris, dug up and leveled. Fertilizers are applied to the entire site or individually into planting holes.

The soil on the site is not always suitable for apple trees, but in most cases this can be corrected:

  1. Close occurrence of groundwater . The problem is solved by choosing the right variety. If the depth is more than 1.5 m, semi-dwarf varieties are suitable; at 1–1.5 m - columnar and dwarf plants. Another option is to make a mound for the apple tree.
  2. Sandy soils. Such soil is unable to retain nutrients and moisture. To level out this drawback, holes are dug with a depth and a diameter of 1.2 m. A 20 cm layer of clay is placed on the bottom, the rest of the space is filled with a mixture of black soil, rotted manure and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1. In sandy soils, the apple tree requires frequent feeding.
  3. Clay soil. The soil promotes moisture stagnation. In such conditions, the diameter of the planting pit should be 1.2 m, and its depth should be 15–20 cm below the beginning of the clay layer. The bottom of the pit is covered with drainage (layer thickness - 15–20 cm). The rest of the volume is filled with a mixture of chernozem, humus, peat and river sand (3: 1: 1: 1.5).
  4. Peat soil . Peat usually indicates close groundwater. It is better to check this parameter. High acidity, which is characteristic of such soil, is reduced by adding dry lime. To improve the composition of the soil, 4 m³ of river sand is added per 100 m². Fertilizers are applied: per 1 m² - 6 kg of humus, 200 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of ash.

Preparation and selection of planting material

First, it is important to learn how to choose quality seedlings:

  1. The plant should not have spots, damage, cracks in the bark, growths, or other signs of diseases and pests. The branches should be flexible, not dry.
  2. Age - no older than 2 years . Usually one-year-old planting material is used. To determine age, look at the number of branches. One-year-old seedlings do not have them, two-year-old seedlings have 3 branches.
  3. Height - within 1–1.5 m. Tall apple trees will grow higher than dwarf ones. It is not recommended to take trees that are too tall or short: this indicates improper care.
  4. The roots should not stick out from the earthen clod . It is important that the percentage of broken roots is minimal. If the earthen ball falls apart, it means that the tree was planted in a pot shortly before sale.
  5. It is not recommended to choose foreign varieties, as they take root less well. It is better to choose zoned ones, adapted to the local climate.

Preparing a seedling consists of spraying its above-ground part with a solution of copper sulfate, watering it with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and a growth stimulator.

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