You need an early harvest, plant Ariel potatoes: description of the variety, photo, characteristics

Description of the variety

Variety nameAriel
general characteristicsproductive variety, adapted for cultivation on subsidiary plots
Maturation period65-70 days, the first digging is possible on the 45th day after emergence
Starch content13-16%
Weight of marketable tubers80-170 gr
Number of tubers in a bush10-15
Productivity220-490 c/ha
Consumer qualitiesexcellent taste, high in beta-carotene and protein, suitable for baking, chips, fries
Keeping quality94%
Peel colorlight yellow
Flesh colorlight yellow and cream
Preferred Growing Regionsany soil and climate, recommended for southern regions
Disease resistanceresistant to scab, golden potato nematode, black leg, potato rot and cancer, not affected by late blight
Features of cultivationlight, fertile soils based on sand or black soil are preferred
OriginatorAgrico (Netherlands)


Ariel is an early ripening table variety. It takes 65-70 days from germination to tuber ripening. The first potatoes are dug up 45 days after planting, but more often the harvest is postponed to the end of the growing season.

The variety is very productive ; depending on growing conditions, from 1 hectare you can harvest from 220 to 490 centners of selected potatoes. It is possible to obtain 2 harvests per year. The collected tubers are perfectly stored , keeping quality reaches 94%.

You can compare the yield and keeping quality of a variety with others using the table below:

Variety nameProductivity (c/ha)Keeping quality(%)
Queen Anne390-46092

Bushes of medium size or tall, erect, intermediate type. The branches are moderately spreading, the formation of green mass is moderate.

The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, with slightly wavy edges. The compact corolla is made up of large red-violet flowers that quickly fall off and do not form berries.

The root system is well developed, 10-15 selected tubers are formed under each bush. The amount of non-commodity items is minimal .

Ariel potatoes prefer light, fertile soil based on black soil or sand. On heavy loams, the yield is significantly reduced.

Feeding is not necessary , just add a little compost to the holes when planting. Watering and frequent hilling to remove weeds is recommended.

The variety is resistant to many nightshade diseases: potato blight, golden cyst nematode, common scab, leaf curl.

Rarely affected by viruses, with proper care it practically does not suffer from black leg or root rot. Early ripening protects tubers and leaves from late blight.

Potatoes have a pleasant rich taste . The tubers do not darken when cut and cooked, maintaining a beautiful creamy yellow hue.

Suitable for preparing a variety of dishes, from French fries to mashed potatoes. When cooked, the root vegetables do not become soft; the pulp becomes very tender and crumbly. The taste of potatoes largely depends on the amount of starch in its tubers. In the table below you can see what this indicator is for different varieties:

Variety nameStarch content
Cast iron12-15%
Svitanok Kyiv18-19%
Purple Haze14-17%


Tubers can be planted after the end of spring frosts, when the soil warms up to +10-12, and preferably up to +15 degrees. They also determine the planting date for birch trees: when the first leaves appear on them, the potatoes will not freeze.

The soil is dug up and fertilized in the fall, then repeated in the spring. In the fall, humus or compost is added (at least 5 kg per 1 sq. m). In the spring, fertilize with mineral preparations according to the instructions. Nitrophoska and wood ash are placed in the holes.

If you add ash to the holes and treat the sprouted tubers with its decoction, the harvest will contain more starch.

Tubers are germinated in a bright place at a temperature of +12-15. You can treat them with a growth stimulator.

They are planted to a depth of 8-10 cm, leaving 30-35 cm between bushes and 60-70 cm between rows.

It is recommended to renew the variety every few years, otherwise its yield drops and the bushes begin to get sick more often. To renew, potatoes are grown from seeds through seedlings. In the first season, seed potatoes will not produce marketable tubers, but the resulting small fruits can be used for subsequent planting.


Ariel is a variety of Dutch selection. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2011. Widely distributed in different countries: Ukraine, Moldova, southern and central regions of Russia.

Recommended for cultivation on farms and private plots. Planting in industrial fields is also possible.

Harvested potatoes are suitable for sale and can be transported over long distances. Tubers do not lose their commercial quality for a long time.

Magic ship Ariel, house set

Ariel at the helm of the house-ship.

A house for the little mermaid doll Ariel, made in the shape of a beautiful ship. For Barui format dolls, about 29 cm tall. Also suitable for any other dolls, not just Ariel.

Play set for dolls Ariel - 2-in-1 Royal Ship, from the Disney Princess series, Mattel.

The toy (like the packaging box) is large and very beautiful.

This is not a toy for water, the ship is not designed for sailing, it is just a playhouse for dolls, with many different accessories included (there are no dolls in the set).

House-ship in closed and open form.

The set contains 15 accessories. A bed, a table, a jellyfish chandelier, a treasure chest, and treasures. On the dish, under the lid, Sebastian is hiding.

The ship is two-level and opens up. Ariel can steer the ship while standing on the upper deck. Royal set!

A set for playing with any Barbie dolls (about 29 cm).

The closed magnificent ship is decorated with curls, waves, shells. Ariel can sail away on a journey into the open sea by controlling the captain's steering wheel (helm) on the upper deck. To open the ship, pull the central part of the ship up and open the doors to the sides. There is also a translucent blue slide along which you can slide down into the grotto, into the underwater kingdom.

Accessories include a rotating two-way mirror and a chest with various treasure decorations.

When it's time for sweet dreams, the pink princess bed and starfish pillow provide Ariel with the perfect beautiful place to rest at night.


The photo shows the Ariel potato variety:

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • good taste of root vegetables;
  • very early amicable maturation;
  • high productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • excellent commercial quality of tubers;
  • possibility of long-term storage;
  • You can get 2 harvests per year.

The variety has practically no disadvantages . Features include the requirement for soil nutrition.

We have prepared for you a whole series of articles about storing potatoes. Read detailed materials about the timing, storage in boxes, and how to do it in winter. And also everything about storing peeled root vegetables in the refrigerator.

Harvesting and storage

Ariel is harvested in mid-August, when most of the tops have already turned yellow. A week before harvesting, the entire above-ground part of the potato is cut off at the root. The collection of the elite variety, judging by the characteristics, is carried out on a sunny day so that the tubers are well dried.

Store the harvest in a cold cellar that can provide free air circulation.

It is better to place it in wooden boxes and store it away from other crops. Every 3 weeks, potatoes must be sorted and spoiled tubers must be weeded out.

Features of cultivation

The agricultural technology of this variety is not too complicated. Ariel potatoes are planted in completely warmed soil . Its temperature should not fall below 10-12 degrees. Most often, plantings are carried out in the first half of May.

The soil is thoroughly loosened and fertilized with humus. The lighter and more nutritious the soil, the larger and tastier the tubers will be. Read about how and when to apply fertilizers, as well as how to do it correctly when planting, in separate articles on the site.

Before planting, potatoes can be treated with a growth stimulant and then germinate in the light or in damp sawdust.

The latter method guarantees particularly fast germination. It is not recommended to cut the tubers ; whole root crops demonstrate greater yield.

The bushes are placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other, row spacing of about 60 cm wide is required. The tubers are buried 8-10 cm. For greater yield and reducing the likelihood of diseases, it is recommended to change planting areas every 1-2 years .

The best predecessors for potatoes are meadow grasses, flax, lupine, legumes or cabbage. The vacated fields can be sown with phacelia or oilseed radish.

Potatoes do not need additional feeding . For normal development of tubers, a single application of fertilizer during planting is sufficient.

Drip irrigation is recommended, especially when planting a second batch of potatoes. If it is not possible to install a drip system, the plantings are watered 1-2 times by hand, the soil should absorb moisture to at least 50 cm. Mulching will help to control weeds.

Harvesting is recommended at the end of the growing season. A week before harvesting, you can cut off all the tops; the tubers will be larger and tastier.

The collected potatoes are sorted and dried at the edge or under a canopy. Seed material is sorted out especially carefully and stored separately . Bushes that will become suppliers of planting potatoes are marked in advance with bright ribbons.

There are many ways to grow potatoes. On our website you will find everything about Dutch technologies, as well as about growing under straw, in bags and barrels.

Advantages and disadvantages

Ariel is not a very common variety for domestic farms, so not much is known about it. Most often, in the characteristics given by vegetable growers, it is praised for its productivity and ease of care, but they note that it is demanding on soils and is expensive.


Ariel has many positive aspects. This is an elite, prolific, nutritious and versatile potato. Here are its main advantages:

  1. productivity - based on the characteristics, this is one of the most prolific mid-early varieties in this price category;
  2. undemanding to fertilizers - Ariel potatoes do not need frequent and expensive fertilizing - standard humus or manure is enough;
  3. high marketability - small or spoiled tubers are rarely found in the Ariel variety harvest;
  4. rich in nutrients - potatoes contain 16% starch, characteristics indicate an increased amount of protein, as well as beta-carotene.
  5. excellent resistance to potato diseases: scab, golden nematode, cancer and late blight;

In general, Ariel is suitable for cultivation even by novice gardeners and does not create any special problems.


The variety does not have many negative qualities. Among the most important disadvantages of Ariel potatoes are the following:

  1. sensitivity to soil characteristics - the variety, as can be seen from the characteristics, does not tolerate loamy soils and prefers nutritious black soil;
  2. vulnerability to weeds - in order for Ariel potatoes to ripen successfully, the area with it must be weeded frequently;
  3. high price - like all elite varieties, Ariel costs a lot - 1 kg of seed material is estimated at up to 170 rubles;

Potatoes also need periodic watering and do not suffer in arid climates - moderate soil moisture is important for them.

Diseases and pests

The Ariel potato variety is resistant to many dangerous diseases : potato canker, golden cyst nematode, leaf curl, various rots, fusarium, alternaria, verticillium.

Early ripening protects plants from late blight. protect potatoes from infection . During a late blight epidemic, bushes are generously sprayed with copper-containing preparations.

Young potato greens attract pests. Bushes are often affected by the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, and spider mites; tubers suffer from wireworms.

To protect the plantings, the soil is carefully loosened, and plant remains that can become a breeding ground for pests are removed. Spraying with industrial insecticides or non-toxic biological products also helps.

As for the Colorado potato beetle, chemicals will help in the fight against it: Aktara, Corado, Regent, Commander, Prestige, Lightning, Tanrek, Apache, Taboo.

The tasty and productive variety Ariel deserves the closest attention of farmers and amateur gardeners. It is especially good for warm regions . In conditions of a long hot summer, it is easy to get 2 abundant harvests , providing yourself with potatoes for the whole year.

When growing potatoes, additional chemicals are often used to improve yields or control pests. Read all about the benefits and harms of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides in useful articles on our website.


Ariel is a fairly unpretentious variety and does not require complex care techniques. The characteristics show that it loves stable, generous watering and timely removal of weeds at the stage of small seedlings. Potatoes are also not demanding when it comes to feeding, especially on black soil.

In areas with less fertile soil, organic fertilizers will be very useful in maintaining crop yields.


For the Ariel variety, loosening is very important - it feeds the sprouts with oxygen, saves them from the cold in case of a sharp drop in temperature, and successfully fights weeds. This procedure is especially important for potatoes at the growth stage.

The first loosening is carried out, judging by the characteristics, when seedlings appear - carefully, only 7-10 cm. After this, the ground is loosened periodically, preventing a dense crust from forming around the bushes. In rainy summers, Ariel should be loosened more often than in drought. The row spacing also needs loosening to prevent weeds from sprouting.


The characteristics of the variety claim that this potato responds well to fertilizing with humus. It perfectly protects crops from external threats without harming them. Mulch is applied immediately after Ariel is planted. The humus layer should be about 15 cm thick.

This mulching will protect the elite variety from bacteria and most weeds. However, humus mulch should in no case be combined with nitrogen fertilizing - the official specification warns that this will negatively affect Ariel’s yield.


Mid-early potatoes really need hilling so that the sprouts successfully survive the most difficult stages of ripening. The first hilling should be carried out as soon as the Ariel seedlings have stretched 7-8 cm. They are covered with earth to the top to protect them from frost and bacteria.

The second time, the characteristics advise hilling already formed bushes of the variety, about 15-18 cm tall. The soil is poured to the lower level of the tops. In favorable weather conditions, this should be enough; in case of cold weather, the procedure is also carried out at the very beginning of Ariel’s flowering.

Useful video

Watch the video: technology for growing early potatoes

We also bring to your attention other potato varieties with different ripening periods:

Late ripening Mid-early Mid-late
Picasso Black Prince Blue
Ivan da Marya Nevsky Lorch
Rocco Dark-skinned girl Rowanushka
Slav Lord of the Expanses Nevsky
Kiwi Ramos Courage
Cardinal TaisiyaBeauty
Asterix Lapot Milady
Nikulinsky Caprice Vector Dolphin Svitanok Kyiv Mistress Sifra Jelly Ramona
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