The most popular in the line of early varieties is Armada potatoes: description and characteristics

History of selection

Not much is known about the history of the origin of the Armada potato variety. It appeared in Russia relatively recently, so it is not as widespread as other varieties.

According to some sources, its name is associated with the Armada - the Spanish fleet, which was considered invincible. As a result, it was defeated by English forces at the end of the 16th century.

The crop is not included in the register of selection achievements. However, many summer residents have already appreciated Armada for its high starchiness and excellent taste.

History of the variety

Potatoes, as an agricultural crop, have been valued since ancient times. Many countries call it “second bread”. Nowadays, there are many varieties of potatoes. They differ in color, taste, ripening time, preparation, etc. Potatoes of the Armada variety are early ripening. It begins to bloom in early summer.

The Armada variety became known to the world back in 1588. It was then that the British won the battle against the Invincible Armada of Spain and learned about such a vegetable as potatoes. That variety would be nicknamed Armada, in honor of the battle won. A little later, the British began to engage in the selection of varieties and brought this wild crop to a new level of consumption.

Potato Armada

Potatoes came to Russia from England. South America is considered the birthplace of nightshade. Today there is no country where this product is not used in cooking. Due to its taste and nutritional qualities, it is used as a side dish for any meat, fish, and vegetables.

In percentage terms, Armada variety potatoes contain 75% liquid, 18% starch substances, 2% protein substances, 1.5% sugar, 1% fiber, 2.5% other organic compounds.

Armada is used for food boiled with peel, cooked on coals, baked in the oven, fried, etc. This variety of potato can be used instead of wheat flour. It contains a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the human body.

Interesting. Potatoes are also used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases of the stomach and intestines; its decoction can cure some colds.

Description of Armada potato variety

The description of the variety provides data on the characteristics of the bush and tubers. The main characteristics are presented below.


The Armada potato bush is quite tall, the stems are erect and can reach 1 m. The leaves are bright green, with carved edges. The flowers are five-petaled, can be lilac, pink, purple, and sometimes have cream shades. Appear in mid-summer. About a month after the end of flowering, you can harvest.


Armada potato tubers have an elongated oval shape. The color is light yellow, the surface is smooth and pleasant. The species is marketable, which allows you to cultivate the crop not only for yourself, but also for sale.

The eyes are few, they are so small that they are almost invisible. The flesh is cream-colored and does not darken when cut. Contains a large proportion of starch - from 18% to 20%. On each Armada potato bush, from 8 to 14 root crops appear. They have medium and large sizes, weighing 160-200 g.

Tubers have an attractive presentation

Description and characteristics of the variety

Armada potatoes are part of the line of early ripening varieties. Tubers can begin to be dug up after 60-65 days. Flowering occurs in the first half of June, harvesting occurs from the 3rd decade of July to mid-August.

The bushes of the variety are vigorous, the height of the shoots is 1 m. The plants require enough space on the site and do not like being crowded.

The foliage is light, slightly wrinkled. The buds are white. The flowers are collected in inflorescences at the tops of the stems.

What are the distinctive features of tubers:

  • average weight 96-128 g;
  • round-oval shape;
  • yellow color;
  • pulp of dense texture, light yellow color;
  • the eyes are 1-2 mm deep and there are few of them.

Taste qualities are rated at a high level - 4.6-4.8 points. Potatoes are used in a variety of dishes.

The variety does not like drought; in the heat, in the absence of watering, the growth of tuber mass stops. The quality of the harvest depends on the choice of seed material. Tubers from the originator have already been treated against viral and fungal pathogens; potatoes show strong resistance to infections.

Characteristics of Armada potatoes

Potatoes of this variety have very good taste. Tubers are also valued for their attractive presentation. The culture takes root well in different regions, so it can be grown almost everywhere.

Taste qualities of Armada potatoes

Armada potatoes have a pleasant taste. Tubers contain up to 20% starch. Therefore, the pulp is crumbly and boils well. It is used to prepare various dishes and products:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • starch;
  • potato pancakes

These potatoes are also suitable for baking. But it is better not to use it for frying - the pieces do not hold their shape well.

Round, elongated tubers

Ripening time

In terms of ripening time, Armada potatoes are classified as early ripening varieties. From the moment of emergence of seedlings to harvesting, 65-70 days pass. If you plan planting for the May holidays, you can dig up the tubers in the second half of July. Therefore, in the southern regions two crop rotations are allowed.


The yield indicator is very high and amounts to 600-700 kg per hundred square meters. This is due to the large tubers that appear in abundance on every bush. To achieve such results, it is necessary to organize periodic watering and fertilization. Armada potatoes should be grown only on fertile soils with a loose structure.

Where is it grown?

Most regions of Central Russia are suitable for cultivating Armada potatoes:

  • middle lane;
  • Volga region;
  • Chernozem region;
  • southern regions.

The ripening time of this variety is short, so it can be grown in other territories, for example, in the Urals and Siberia.

Disease resistance

The Armada potato variety is quite resistant to cancer. But it may suffer from golden potato nematode. Infection with late blight, scab and other fungal infections is also possible. The plant is not resistant to Alternaria and mosaic virus.

Therefore, after the emergence of seedlings 10-15 cm high, it is recommended to treat with fungicides:

  • "Quadris";
  • "Maksim";
  • "Prestige";
  • "Abiga Peak".

Colorado beetles, aphids and other insects are controlled using insecticides:

  • "Aktara";
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Match";
  • "Green Soap"

It is advisable to carry out processing of Armada variety potatoes in cloudy weather. If it is sunny outside, spraying is planned for late evening. In this case, the weather should be without rain and strong winds.

Comparison of the Armada potato variety with other varieties in the table

VarietyRipening time (number of days before ripening)Starch (%)Productivity (c/ha)Tuber weight (g)
Number of tubers per bush
Keeping quality (%)
ArmadaEarly ripening**17-18230-37096-130
ExplosiveEarly ripening16-17156-240110-150
LatonaEarly ripening16-20400-45090-140
MeteorEarly ripening10-16210-405100-150
MollyEarly ripening11,4-13,4171-30898-142
RosalindEarly ripening12-17203-22360-115
BellarosaUltra early*12-16350-550100-200
GalaEarly ripening12-1426371-120
ColomboEarly ripening11-15230-450100-130
Queen AnneMid-early13,1-14,4393-60484-137
LabellaEarly ripening12-15176-34278-102
LeaderEarly ripening12207-25090-120

*Ultra early – 35-50 days.

**Early ripening – 50-65 days.

***Mid early – 65-80 days.

****Mid-ripening – 80-95 days.

*****Medium late – 95-110 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Armada potatoes are valued for their excellent taste and boiliness. It is used for making purees and baking together with the skin in the oven, including on a wire rack. The variety is very productive and long-lasting, so it is suitable for growing for commercial purposes.

Productivity often reaches 700 kg per hundred square meters


  • excellent taste;
  • increased starch content;
  • transportability;
  • high keeping quality;
  • resistance to certain diseases;
  • attractive presentation


  • may suffer from Colorado potato beetles;
  • at temperatures below -3 °C the taste deteriorates;
  • may suffer from Alternaria, mosaic;
  • no resistance to drought.

Agrotechnics of potatoes "Sante"

In order to reap a good potato harvest, the soil must warm up to at least eight degrees at the time of planting. It is not recommended to plant in colder soil. Air temperatures between 20-29° C are ideal for growing tubers. At higher temperatures, tuber growth stops.

The depth to which planting material should be planted does not exceed 10 centimeters. Before planting potatoes, the soil must be dug deeply and contain humus, in other words, be fertilized with humus. When cultivating the land in spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied.

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Until flowering, regular watering is highly desirable, which should be stopped by the time the tubers ripen, otherwise the potatoes may become rotten due to high humidity.

Planting potatoes of the "Sante" variety should be done at a distance of at least 30 centimeters between plants, and at least 60 centimeters between rows. After all, up to twenty tubers can grow in one nest, and if the potatoes are planted densely, this will prevent you from growing a large harvest.

When choosing “Sante” potatoes according to their characteristics, you should not discount the fact that even the most excellent in yield and disease-resistant variety may not reach its full potential if planted in an area not intended for it.

The “Sante” variety was bred and adapted for cultivation in the climatic zones of Ukraine, Moldova and central and southern Russia. In colder climates, it is worth planting cold-resistant varieties. Weather conditions such as drought or rain greatly affect the yield.

Landing rules

Planting is planned for the beginning of May, and if return frosts are possible, for the middle of the month. At the same time, they begin to prepare the soil in April. The area should be illuminated, without stagnant water. The soil is quite fertile and loose; sandy loam soil is best.

When choosing a location, crop rotation rules are also taken into account. The optimal precursors for potatoes are legumes and green manure (for example, mustard). The worst option is representatives of nightshade and pumpkin plants.

Two months before planting, the soil is dug up and fertilized with compost or humus (a bucket per 1 m2). If the soil is clayey, add sawdust or sand (1 kg per 1 m2). It is also worth considering that Armada potatoes grow well in neutral soils. Therefore, if the environment is acidic, you will need to add wood ash or dolomite flour in an amount of 200 g per 1 m2.

A month before planting, Armada potato tubers are transferred to a moderately cool room (14-15 degrees) and laid in 2-3 layers so that light falls on them. Spray with water periodically. On the day of planting, they are treated with “Prestige”, “Quadris” or another fungicide.

When planting, follow the following pattern:

  1. Make several furrows at a distance of at least 60 cm.
  2. Dig shallow holes (8-10 cm) at intervals of 30 cm.
  3. Place the tubers and dust them with wood ash.
  4. Sprinkle with soil and water.

Advice! It is better to make furrows in the direction from north to south. Then each bush will receive the maximum amount of sunlight.

The history of the origin of the potato variety "Rodrigo"

The Rodrigo potato variety was developed by German breeders. The originator is Solana GmbH & Co (Germany).

“Rodrigo” is not officially registered in the State Register of Russia.

Zoned for cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka, North Caucasus and Middle Volga regions.

The table below presents data on the yield of other potato varieties:

NikulinskyLate ripeningFrom 170 to 300 centners per hectare.
CardinalLate ripeningFrom 200 to 350 centners of potatoes are harvested from 1 hectare.
RoccoLate ripeningFrom 350 to 400 centners per hectare.
KiwiLate ripeningFrom 1 kg of planting tubers it reaches 20 kg.
PicassoLate ripeningFrom 1 hectare about 20 tons.
BorovichokEarly ripening200-250 centners per 1 hectare of land.
ElmundoEarly ripening250-350 centners per hectare.
FeloxEarly ripening250 centners per hectare.
BellarosaEarly ripeningThe harvest from one bush is 8-10 tubers.
NatashaEarly ripeningFrom 130 to 190 centners per hectare.
Forty daysExtra earlyUp to 300 centners of potatoes are harvested from one hectare of soil.
KaratopExtra earlyFrom 18.5 to 27 tons per hectare (Middle Volga region), from 20 to 43.5 tons per hectare (Northwestern region). The maximum yield is 50 tons per hectare.
RivieraExtra earlyAfter the first digging on the 45th day after the emergence of potato shoots, it ranges from 134 to 225 centners per hectare. The maximum yield by the end of the growing season reaches 450 centners per hectare.
Zhukovsky earlyExtra earlyThe harvest from one bush is up to 15 tubers.
MinervaExtra earlyFertile soils allow you to harvest the first harvest of up to 230 centners per hectare. By the end of the growing season (45-50 days), the maximum yield is achieved - up to 430 centners per hectare.
CraneMid-late640 centners per hectare.
SorcererMid-lateProductivity varies from 27 to 35 tons per hectare.
MozartMid-lateThe average yield is approximately 430 c/ha.
GrenadaMid-lateFrom one hectare you can harvest up to 60 tons of potatoes.
RamonaMid-lateThe yield is consistently average from 10 to 15 tons per hectare.
YankaMid-earlyThe average yield ranges from 195 to 315 centners per hectare.
GiantMid-earlyThe average harvest ranges from 290 to 424 centners per hectare.
TuscanyMid-earlyProductivity varies from 210 to 400 centners per hectare.
Purple HazeMid-earlyProductivity varies from 182 to 309 centners per hectare.
SantanaMid-earlyThe average yield varies from 164 to 384 centners per hectare.

Features of care

Potatoes of the Armada variety are unpretentious to care. If the soil is fertile enough and the weather is warm, it will produce a very good harvest.

Experienced summer residents recommend following several rules:

  1. In hot weather, be sure to water at least once a week. Water is poured directly under the root, using a bucket for 2-3 bushes. To keep the soil well moistened, it is also directed into the inter-row spaces. It is important to ensure that the soil is not excessively wet, otherwise the Armada potato tubers may rot.
  2. Fertilizing is applied up to two times per season. When the shoots appear, water with mullein infusion diluted 10 times with water. At the stage of bud formation, complex mineral fertilizer is given. Three weeks before harvesting, you can water it with slurry and superphosphate solution (40 g per 10 l).
  3. After watering, the soil is loosened and weeding is done if necessary.
  4. Armada potatoes need to be hilled several times a season. The procedure is carried out after mass germination and 2-3 more times with an interval of three weeks.

Hilling is necessary for the crop 3-4 times per season


According to its characteristics, Kemerovo does not require special care: the bushes need to be watered, saturate the soil with minerals, hill up and carry out preventive spraying against parasites and weeds.


Loosening of the land plot with the Kemerovochanin variety is carried out once every 2 weeks. This process helps provide the plant’s root system with oxygen. In addition, loosening ensures weed removal.

Along with loosening, the Kemerovo variety is also watered. He recommends watering using the drip method so that water gets not only into the roots, but also onto the plant itself.


Mulching of the soil is carried out, as a rule, in the autumn season, when the beds are cleared of the predecessors of the Kemerovo potato variety. When mulching, the land plot is carefully dug up and saturated with mineral fertilizers. As a rule, the soil is fed with organic matter.


Hilling up of Kemerovo potato beds is carried out 3 weeks after planting. The procedure is repeated if there is subsidence of the soil, which does not properly cover most of the bushes.

Harvest and storage

The harvest is harvested in mid-July, i.e. 2-2.5 months after the mass emergence of seedlings. Two weeks before this, they stop watering and cut off the tops. The day for cleaning is chosen to be dry and sunny.

First, the tubers are allowed to lie right on the bed to dry. Then sorting is carried out. Small specimens are sent for seeds; large specimens are preferably used first. The rest are to be stored:

  1. In the first two weeks, keep at a temperature of +15 degrees.
  2. Then they are transferred to storage, where the air is heated to +2-4 °C and the relative humidity is within 70%.

Important! The keeping quality of Armada variety potatoes is 95% (subject to storage rules). This is a very high indicator, allowing you to preserve the tubers until the next season.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Good potato yield is influenced by only two factors:

  • Good seeds;
  • Proper agricultural cultivation technology.

Seeds should be purchased in specialized stores, since seeds purchased elsewhere do not guarantee that they have been treated against viruses, bacteria and fungal diseases. Also, good yield indicators are provided by varietal seed material.

Seeds purchased at specialized sales points will cost more, but they will pay for themselves several dozen times. Since there are a lot of potato varieties, before purchasing you should decide which type of potato best suits the climatic conditions of the region in which it will be planted. Varieties are also divided into elite, table, hard, etc. You can purchase a set of varieties, which are compiled based on the same characteristics of potatoes.

According to the description of the variety, Purshinsky potatoes grow well in central Russia. This is an elite variety of nightshade, which is distinguished by its rather large fruit size. Among the elite varieties, Becker potatoes and Lauren potatoes are also distinguished by their large fruit size. The Kanadka potato variety has small fruits, but very high yields with low energy consumption. Elite potato varieties also include Danko potatoes, the description of which can begin with the fact that one fruit can weigh up to 950 grams.

In order to collect an early harvest, it is recommended to germinate the planting material. 20 days before the planned planting, the tubers are laid out in a well-ventilated area. They are turned over periodically. You can plant seedlings from a sprouted tuber. To do this, nightshade is placed in pots with a mixture of humus and turf in equal proportions and stored in a dark room at a temperature of 11°C until the first shoots appear. After green sprouts appear, the pots can be taken out to daylight.

Sprouted tubers are planted in open ground in mid-spring. If there is a threat of low temperatures, the plantings are covered with greenhouse film. The planting hole should be 8 cm deep, the distance between them should be at least 25 cm.

If the tubers are planted in the ground immediately, without using the seedling method, they are cared for immediately. The fact is that planting material desperately needs air supply, so loosening the soil should be done regularly. This agricultural crop requires hilling until the sprouts reach a height of 15 cm. Potato varieties Viscount and Darik are hilled up to 20 cm. These varieties are considered more drought-resistant.

Note! Potatoes are never fertilized directly at the root. Organics can be applied at a distance of 15 cm in diameter from the tops of the plant, after hilling, liquid fertilizer is applied between the rows at an equal distance from the plantings

As for fertilizers, potatoes respond well to nitrogen and potassium fertilizing. Liquid bird droppings can be used as organic fertilizers.

Harvesting begins after the tops are completely dry. Early ripening potatoes can be harvested already in early August. Felsina potatoes are harvested in mid-August, all other mid-season and late varieties are harvested no earlier than the first ten days of September.

Planting and growing Banba potatoes

Although this variety is undemanding, you still have to follow some rules of agricultural technology.

Preparing for landing

Before planting, you need to carry out a number of preparatory actions.

  • Selection of planting material. At this stage, damaged tubers are discarded. Soft or dried out ones will also not germinate. The ideal potato for planting should be small to medium in size. The more eyes, the better.
  • Germination of tubers. This procedure begins 3-4 weeks before planting. You can germinate under artificial light or simply place a container with planting material in a regular room. The warmer the room, the faster the process will go.

To accelerate the formation of roots, spray with stimulants (epin or poteytin). Treatment with such drugs is carried out for 2-3 days.

Immediately before planting, to protect against fungal diseases, the tubers are treated with fungicides to combat fungal diseases. Alirin-B, planriz, binoram, gamair are suitable). This will reduce the risk of scab and late blight infection.

Ideally, the site should be dug up twice: the first time in the fall, followed by the addition of ash and humus (100 g and 2 kg, respectively, per 1 m²), the second time in the spring to a depth of 27-35 cm, depending on the type of soil. The soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate or the fungicide sternifag is used. It also accelerates the decomposition of plant residues in the soil, enriching it with nitrogen.

Soil requirements

The variety prefers loam and chernozem soils. But with good feeding, like many Irish varieties, it adapts well even to acidic and saline soils.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Sprouted root crops are planted when the average daily temperature is 15 °C and there is no threat of frost (late May - early June). If you are late with planting, you can reduce the yield and starchiness of Banba.

The planting site should be in a quiet, well-lit place. Partial shade is acceptable. Banba does not like to grow in complete shade. If there is no windless place on the plot of land, then the potato beds are fenced off, otherwise the wind may knock down the young bushes.

Banba has three planting schemes:

  • ridge;
  • under the straw;
  • hole

For ridge planting you need:

  1. Dig up the area using a cultivator so that the height of the ridges (large clods of earth) is at least 12 cm.
  2. Plant the tubers to a depth of 8 cm from the top of the ridge.
  3. The distance between planted potatoes should not be less than 65 cm.

The scheme under the straw suggests:

  1. Laying out the sprouted root vegetables at a distance of 35 cm from each other.
  2. Cover them with a thick layer of hay or straw (at least 20 cm). The layer thickness is constantly maintained.

Pests do not like hay, so this method of growing is also a safe means of controlling them.

Growing under straw will protect you from pests

Stages of the hole planting scheme:

  1. Dig holes (holes) 10 cm deep. Maintain a distance of 35 cm between holes and 70 cm between rows.
  2. Add 25-300 g of ash into each cavity.


The Manifest potato variety is a mid-early variety. The productivity of the variety is high. From 165 to 350 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 hectare. In good years, you can harvest up to 410 quintals. The maximum yield is 460 centners. Keeping quality reaches 95%. Suitable for growing as part of a business.

You can see the shelf life indicators of other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameKeeping quality
Timo96%, but the tubers germinate early

In cool vegetable stores, fruits can be stored for up to six months. Commercial quality varies between 80-97%. The variety is highly resistant to mechanical damage. Can be transported over long distances.

Read about how to store potatoes in winter, in boxes and on the balcony, in the refrigerator and peeled, in additional materials on the site. And also about timing, temperature and possible problems.

Has a table purpose. It does not get soft during cooking. It has AB boilability type. Has excellent taste.

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